What to do to achieve the goal. How to achieve the goal? How to achieve your goals? Your back desires

So that timid moment came when you decided to ask the monumental question "how to achieve your goal?", Which potentially increased the number of successful people by one combat unit.

Today we will find the goals, if there are none, draw up a plan to achieve the goals and move in their direction. This post allows you to consolidate in practice the information from the introductory article on, we advise you to read it first. No, not for likes and followings, but so that you can follow the steps of this victorious guide skillfully.

A little background information before we start. Having goals in life, contrary to everyone's stupid opinion, is fun and wonderful. We call this "The Principle of the Game" (the name still needs to be worked on), where it's fun for you because you discover new things for yourself, you start to pass the levels faster and better, you get better and, in the end, you get the opportunity to win.

Goals guide, ennoble and help, it is still not clear why so many people deliberately deprived themselves of this cool tool, but oh well. The skill you learn here is truly priceless. They drove.

How to reach your goal in 7 steps

Step 1 - describing desires

And forget to think about how to achieve your goal, if you do not have an overflowing desire to achieve it.... Therefore, at the very initial step, you should understand what you most desire? Imagine your day of success. The very day when you will feel happy, loved, prosperous in all areas of your life.

Do not think that such an outcome of events is unlikely, just imagine what it is, this day of your unconditional victory in all respects. What things could contribute to this state? On the first sheet of a notebook, write down everything that comes to mind, for example: a loved one and family, a loved and worthy paid job, a healthy and thin body - write everything that you will have on that very day.

It is important here not to look at society and not impose on oneself generally accepted goals such as family, material wealth, fame and other things - these are all just average indicators among the population, but every person is unique, not all of us need the same... Think about what is right for you.

Step 2 - setting goals

Before thinking about how to achieve your goal, you should understand what exactly we are going to achieve? Therefore, departing a few lines from the records of the previous step, we continue to write: if in the first paragraph there was financial security, then now write how much money you need, for example: $ 50,000 in the account and monthly income of $ 1,500. If you want to lose weight, write the number in kilograms or centimeters. Specify each of your wishes from the previous step.

The goals should be listed in order from the most important to the most insignificant. That is, if $ 50,000 has the most significant impact on your success rate, then that goal should come first.

Step 3 - setting the deadline

Another important thing is the time frame. Lack of a deadline allows a person to do nothing all their life. and does not allow you to measure progress in your activities. If you want to lose weight, for example, by 5 kilograms, then write down the exact date by which you are going to achieve this.

So, for each goal from the previous step, add a plausible deadline... For global goals, let's say a deadline of five or even ten years is normal. It is already possible to work with such goals.

Step 4 - weeding out the left targets

Before reaching your goal, ask yourself "why?" Why do you need this or this, what does it give you, what's the point, what will it change ??? When is the answer to the question "why?" specific, justified, makes you happy and motivates in itself - such a goal can be achieved, and the rest should be removed from the list right away.

Check your goals for a challenge. A good goal kindles excitement in a person and puts in harsh conditions. from which it would be interesting to get out and unconditionally defeat the situation. There must be a challenge if we want to be motivated in the process of achieving what we want.

If suddenly you have reached this line, but you either have not yet appeared, or there is not a single goal left, it’s not scary. Go to now, and then start over.

Step 5 - creating a plan to achieve the goal

So, now the funniest hemorrhoids of this whole venture awaits you - you need to draw up a plan to achieve the goal. It is obligatory because no one can explain to you how to achieve any of your goals without having a specific plan of action... This is the same as wondering if you can become a magician without having hands.

A whole book can be written about making a plan for achieving a goal, but we will keep within nine points. By the method of trial and severe errors, a scheme was invented, which, in our opinion, is ideal in terms of the time cost / efficiency ratio. Gaining experience in setting goals, you may find your own more suitable scheme, but for a start, we will offer an option that we ourselves use.

Choosing a goal

If you have several goals, then choose the one that we want more than all the others. Desire is the main parameter of choice, because it denotes the degree of need for certain things for you.

Breaking down the goal into subgoals by year

If your goal is for a month or less, then skip, and if your goal is for no more than one year, then you are starting. This is where you start if your goal is longer than a year.

For clarity, we will describe drawing up a plan using the example of a goal of $ 50,000 with a deadline of five years, but you do the same for the goal you selected in the previous paragraph.

So, five years are five years, so the first thing to do is set aside a page for each year (pp. 2-6). Next, we divide the final goal into subgoals by year. In the first year you write that you are going to deposit, for example, 3,000, in the second - 5,000, in the third - 8,000, in the fourth - 13,000, and in the fifth - 21,000 dollars.

You may have noticed the dynamics here: over the years, the goal for the year becomes more and more significant - these are our personal preferences, it is easier for us to start small and build momentum in the process. But here everything depends on the goal and individual characteristics of the person, so it is not at all necessary to paint all your goals exponentially (although in most cases this will be a good decision).

Breaking the year down into months

Create a separate page for each month (pages 7-18) of the current year. We split the goal by months, for each month we write the amount of money that we are going to put aside.

At this stage, you can slowly remember what and in what month can await you. If a session or repair is scheduled for a certain month, for example, then this month you can save less money or not at all, but scatter this money over the next months. Correct right away if you remember something in order to cross out less.

Divide the month into weeks

The secret to steadily moving forward is to take the first step. The secret to the first step is to break down difficult, seemingly overwhelming tasks into simple and feasible ones, and start with the very first.

Mark Twain

Recording actions to achieve the goal

Then the current week, logically, can be divided into seven days, but this can be done in mind, and we will stop at the week. Now think about how you can reach your goal for this week. You know the result you want to get, you just have to write the most effective to achieve it action.

The actions can be different, depending on which one you think is most appropriate. These can be options like “ask for a raise” or “look for better paying jobs” or “improve your qualifications” or whatever you think is a good idea.

We detail actions by day

And although we do not break the week into days, often you still have to make notes that, for example, on the first two days of the week you will read a book for 2 hours a day, and for the last three days of the week you will write an article about setting goals. All your actions must be described so that later it would be clear whether you could perform them or not (in our example with a book, this is a given time of 2 hours).

We write out a plan to achieve the rest of the goals

You now have a mock plan and one detailed goal in it. But what if you still have goals that you also want with all your heart ?!

You must understand that goals must be achieved consistently... Therefore, you focus on achieving one single goal until it is achieved, and only then you start to engage in achieving another goal - this is the maximum productivity mode.

Are there any exceptions? It can be difficult mentally and physically to pursue the same goal all day long, so you can think of an element of switching for yourself and write in parallel with the first goal, some second goal from your initial list.

A good solution here would be to achieve a global goal, which is periodically (not too often) diluted with local goals (goals that take no more than one month to achieve).

The option with two parallel targets is especially good, when achieving a local goal can positively affect the achievement of your global goal, although it does not directly apply to her. For example, you play sports, and although it has nothing to do with your global goals, training raises morale and makes you feel like a masterpiece, and this in turn helps you survive in the great global mixes.

If your second goal is local (let's say it is designed for exactly a month) and you decided to fulfill it in parallel with the first goal, then find the current month in your notebook and write your goal in it, and then, according to the already known principle, divide the goal into weeks and outline your actions weekly (and days if necessary).

If your second goal is global, then you need to create a separate layout for it after your first layout. Its achievement will begin from the date on which the achievement of the previous global goal is scheduled.

We foreshadow your dumb question: "are all these waste of paper, time and energy really so necessary?" Well, how much do you want to achieve your goal?

Setting priorities

When you get to this line, you will have a plan of action for one or more goals for the next week. In the second step, we asked you to write a list of goals in order of importance. Now let's do the same thing, only for the current week.

You have a predetermined set of actions for the current week, just number them in the order in which you need to do them (this numbering can usually be kept in mind, but for clarity it will be better to number at first).

What is the beauty of this approach?

If you noticed we have made a plan here that requires a minimum amount of time and writing... The further from the current date you are in your plan, the less detailed it becomes. Nobody knows what will happen in a year or five years, therefore, we consider it senseless to describe such distant dates in detail.

Step 6 - working with the action plan

Great, now we know what to achieve, when to achieve, and most importantly, how to achieve our goal at all. It doesn't matter yet that your plan is approximate and there is no guarantee that you will actually get to what you want in this mode. To start, there is a plan, which means there is something to follow and from what to build on.

It is foolish to make plans for life without being the master of even tomorrow.

Lucius Annay Seneca

Step 7 - adjustments

Adjustments are simple: if the end goal is too difficult, you can make it more believable. But here it is important to set a limit. For example, the end goal can be adjusted just three times. The limit should not be large, because this is how you can live your whole life, spending all your time adjusting the final destination, until at one moment it is adjusted to your current position.

The action plan for the week should be such that you can complete at least 100% of your list.... Yes, 100% is the minimum, harsh Spartan conditions.

In addition to adjusting the final goal, you can adjust intermediate goals, change your actions or, for example, increase the number of working hours - here you have room for maneuver.

When adjusting your goals, remember to think about whether you really still want to achieve everything that you have planned for yourself. Track the level of your desire, if it is small and enthusiasm disappears somewhere, and you can no longer motivate yourself again, then you should think about setting new goals that can ignite you.

What to do if you can't set goals

Perhaps some of you have made it to the fifth step and found that you have nothing to work with. Do not worry, one day you will just sit on your butt in anticipation of a miracle, until suddenly you are overwhelmed with such an endless desire to achieve something that you, with your pants full of joy, again rush to look for recommendations on the topic "how to achieve your goal." No, we all perfectly understand that a day like this never comes... What, then, do you do with the goals?

What does it do? Even if you grossly missed your choice, you can only get this information by going through everything on your own experience.... Over time, you will form a holistic opinion about what you do not like at all, and in contrast, ideas will appear about things that can be very cool and interesting for you.


There are only 7 steps, and the question of how to achieve your goal seems to be settled. We believe that anyone who reads this is able to consistently make a plan to achieve their goals and stick to it until the bitter end.

Remember to have fun in the process and don't get too serious along the way. We believe in you, otherwise why would we then spend so much time and energy trying to create and convey this text to the masses ?! And we know firsthand about that.

Are you still here ?! Your goals will not achieve themselves. Productive work and greatest success!

"If the path leads to the goal, then it does not matter what its length" E. I. Markinovsky

Every day we are faced with the need to perform small and not very small tasks in life, obligatory things that we must do today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow for ourselves or someone close to us.

And besides these obligatory tasks and tasks, there are still many desires and dreams that I would like to fulfill. So, will you do your business today or in a week, whether you will achieve your dream in a month, a year, or never achieve it at all, depends on your dedication.

The ability to achieve your goal is the very real purposefulness.

They say that when there is a goal, then any wind will be fair. This means that you have a desire to achieve your goal and become successful. But you don't have a plan "How to achieve goals in life?"

  • Your chosen tasks and aspirations, dreams or goals should correspond to your true desires, include activities that are not only enjoyable, but also filled with inner meaning.
  • The realization of your goals must meet your emotional, intellectual, or physical needs. For example, needs that are aimed at developing your personality, professional growth, interpersonal relationships, financial well-being, health and recreation, etc.

  • To learn how to achieve your goals, you need to learn how to work on past mistakes. For example, if you devote a lot of attention and time to work, then you just need to balance work and leisure, set a goal for yourself and set aside time for your family or your favorite hobby, travel, etc.
  • Your dreams and desires should turn into goals and objectives!

In other words, your goal should be specific and specific. At this stage, you need not only to correctly formulate your goal - a dream, but also to determine the deadline for its implementation.

Try to be realistic here and not set yourself too high standards. Make yourself a small plan of the necessary tasks, the completion of which will lead you to achieve your main goal.

  • Maybe your goal is to communicate more with your friends. Or you want to devote more time to your hobbies.

Or do you want to do more meditation and yoga. All these desires seem small, but in fact they are quite worthy and deserve to be realized. Sometimes the little things bring the most joy!

May your goals be desired

Many psychologists advise that the goals we set for ourselves be clear, with noticeable intermediate results, correspond to your true interests and strengths, and have a clear time frame.

Your goals should be linked to your emotions.

For any goal you set for yourself, no matter how important, you must be sure that you passionately want to achieve it.

  • Keep a record of the achievement of your goals. It doesn't matter how serious a specific goal is.
  • Formulating goals in writing, describing the results of your work and possible difficulties along the way will allow you to always solve the assigned tasks.

Writing will increase your sense of responsibility for success. They will also make you take your own goals more seriously.

If you limit yourself to simply repeating your goal to yourself, without making further efforts to fix the process of achieving it, then you may soon lose the seriousness of its implementation, or even forget about it altogether.

  • To achieve what you want - avoid such vague wording as: "I want to have more money!" or "I want to be healthy!"

This formulation is more like a dream, and you need to transform it into a clear and specific goal, with a statement of objectives.

  • You want more money, then your tasks to achieve this goal may be as follows, "send your resume to job search sites, to companies in your city, etc.", "to find a part-time job", etc. etc.
  • If your goal is to learn to become better aware of yourself and your feelings, then your tasks may be as follows - spend more time with people who are pleasant to you, who understand you well, talk heart to heart, read books on psychology
  • Choose the goals that are most relevant to you
  • Don't set goals that reflect the benefits or values ​​of others.
    For example, if you become a doctor just because your parents wanted it, then you choose a goal that is relevant to them.
  • Try to formulate your goals based on what you want and what your own values ​​tell you.
  • Think about both large and small goals.

Unfortunately, big goals sometimes overwhelm us with their enormity and complexity. To achieve them often requires much more time and effort than in the case of small tactical goals.

Therefore, try to break down strategic goals into several achievable and realistic parts. As you pursue private goals, you will feel inspired and motivated to tackle small tasks with a larger goal in mind.

Every small success will bring you a sense of satisfaction and happiness.

  • Know how to find time to achieve your goals.

This is a must in order to be successful. Organize your time appropriately to get what you want when you need it most. But be realistic about your temporary needs in order to achieve your goals.

  • Reward yourself.

When you are successful in achieving your goal, evaluate your work correctly and reward yourself for your efforts.

The goal that is realistic is successful.

To get things done, don't set yourself too many tasks at the same time or too fast deadlines. Consider your abilities, skills and abilities in this or that activity.

Achieving your goals should only depend on you. When defining tasks, you must understand that all these tasks and actions to complete them will be performed only by you. Then you can seek support and understanding from others, but do not expect someone to do something for you to make your dream come true.

Your dream is in your hands and depends solely on your actions!

Last updated article 18.07.2018

How to achieve the goal - this question was asked by each of us. And this is understandable, because any person wants something, aspires to something, but does not always know how to do it correctly.

There is even such a personal quality - purposefulness. This is when a person knows how to achieve their goals. Is it good or bad, what do you think? For the most part, this quality is considered to be positive. Of course, if the goals are humane, if you do nothing to harm anyone. But even here, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Yes, you can achieve your goal, but you can put your mental and physical health on its altar. It seems that the person did everything to achieve the goal, walked towards it with leaps and bounds and even achieved what he wanted, only the result will be dubious.

And what am I leading all this to? In addition to the fact that it is important not only to achieve the set goal, you need to be able to do it correctly, having fun, and not sacrificing your health.

That is why it is necessary to be able to correctly set goals, initially develop a scheme of actions, to foresee all possible consequences and complications, so that as a result you do not have to "gnaw your elbows."

Where to begin?

I'll start with what the goal is.

The goal is what we want to achieve and on the way to which we take certain steps.

So, how to set a goal correctly and achieve it? In order for the goal to become realizable, it must be visualized, presented.

For example, I want to buy an apartment (I write the first thing that comes to my mind). Seemingly quite an adequate goal. But if I want an apartment in New York, in the center of Manhattan, with an area of ​​about 150 square meters, then it will be more a dream than a goal. Especially if I don't have even a hundredth of the money to purchase it.

An achievable goal is one that is comparable to your capabilities. Therefore, we return to buying an apartment again. If I set myself the goal of buying an apartment, then, based on my real capabilities, I must clearly imagine how many rooms an apartment should have (for example, 2), in which district of the city it should be located, what its approximate area will be, in what condition it is located (new building, secondary housing without renovation or, conversely, with euro renovation), etc. Based on all these parameters, one can imagine the approximate cost of such housing.

I'll go back to how to set goals and achieve them. As long as the goal is abstract (just to buy an apartment), the motivation for its implementation will not be very great. When you want something abstract, you want it at first, perhaps you even take some steps on the way to realization, but over time, all desire comes to naught. As a result, if such a goal is labor intensive, then the probability of achieving it is negligible.

What is written with a pen ...

It is important not only to imagine your goal, you need to fix it on paper. And not on some scrap, but so that you have the opportunity to constantly see your goal. You can even draw a picture or cut a picture of what you want from a magazine and attach it in a prominent place.

Until you describe the goal in detail, do not fix it on paper, it will be just a dream.

Even if, during the day, you will glide your eyes over the picture of your goal several times, you, whether you like it or not, will return to thoughts about it again and again. You will want to achieve your goal even more, and naturally, there will be more chances for a positive result.

I hope you have already begun to understand how to set goals and achieve them, where you need to start, then move on to the next stage.

Plan, timing and starting position

The goal is, of course, good. But if you do not have a clear plan for achieving it, it will not be easy. You need to make a plan of what you have to do, and how it is even possible to accomplish it. The more similar the plan is, the easier and clearer it will be, what and in what sequence should be done.

Remember, a big goal needs to be broken down into small subgoals.

Another important point is the deadlines. It is desirable that we set specific deadlines for ourselves (time X), so we will "move" better, and the plan is easier to draw up.

Don't forget about the starting point. After all, we can set the same goals, however, the possibilities and means for each are different. Who do you think it is easier for someone who has been actively teaching it for 2 years already, or for someone who has just started to learn German perfectly?

Since I have touched upon the topic of buying an apartment as an example, then I return to it again. For example, I decided that the estimated cost of an apartment would be about 36 thousand dollars. I plan to buy it in 3 years. Accordingly, in order to collect the planned amount of money, it will be necessary to set aside 12 thousand dollars per year or 1 thousand per month annually.

What are these calculations for? Agree, everyone is unlikely to be able to save 12 thousand dollars at once, but 1 thousand dollars a month is a much more achievable goal.

If the achievement of the goal should be delayed for a long period, then it is possible and necessary to set temporary goals. For example, in a year I should have set aside 12 thousand dollars, in 2 - 24, and in 3 - the whole amount. Here's a simple, but at the same time working scheme for how to achieve your goal.

In small steps, but every day

At school, each of us had to pass such a standard in physical education as running a long distance (for example, 2 or 5 kilometers). Remember those feelings that you experienced? Most of them immediately started running at a fast pace, trying to get ahead of their classmates, and very quickly "blown away", slowed down, and then barely walked in general.

Not everyone made it to the finish line, especially if the distance was significant. It was just that there was no strength, no desire, no motivation, everything was wasted at the start. But for those who immediately managed to ask the correct one, the probability of reaching the finish line was much higher.

So it is in achieving any goal. It is important not to drive with all your might, losing desires, opportunities, and strengths, it is important to constantly take small steps towards your goal. It's important to go and not give up.

Why did I choose buying an apartment as my goal? Because for most people it is unlikely that it will be possible to make such a large purchase in one month without making any effort. But gradually putting it off, sometimes giving up something that is not so necessary for you, it is quite possible to acquire your own home.

Remember: if you take small steps every day towards your goal, then after a while you will be able to achieve a lot.

I love one saying: a drop wears away a stone not by force, but by frequent falling. It is the same with the goal. If little by little, even if slowly, go to it, without giving up and without stopping, then you can achieve any goal. Yes, you have to work hard, yes, sometimes you will need to step on the throat of your laziness and resist, but it's worth it!

How to achieve a goal (psychology of success)

Each person has their own goal, some have it small, and some have a big one. But it is not so much the goal itself that is important as belief in oneself, in one's own capabilities.

How can any goal be achieved? Is it possible? I think yes. The most important thing is a feeling of self-confidence and a desire to move, develop in the direction of the set goal.

It is important to believe in what you are doing, what you want, to know that you will definitely succeed, no matter what.

When you have a goal, it’s best to share it with people who have faith in you, who will support you. Remind yourself constantly that you will succeed.

Obstacles on the way and fellow travelers

When you start walking towards your goal, it is very important not only to think over a plan in advance, make a list of necessary things to do, you need to predict what may interfere with the implementation of your goal. Of course, you shouldn't use your imagination too much, but it doesn't hurt to really assess the circumstances.

In almost every situation, you can find a person who will walk with you in the same direction, albeit not all the time, but only a certain section of the path. Do not neglect such people, ask for help and use it with gratitude.

By the way, if something does not work out for you, then you need to understand the reasons, and not give up the goal, start feeling sorry for yourself.

And if you go the other way?

Let's say you clearly defined what you want, visualized a goal, even made a plan of small steps. But somehow you don't really want to go, and the circumstances seem to be not quite in your favor. What to do in this case?
Psychologists recommend not only to imagine your path on the way to the goal, but also the oppositely directed path.

For example, if I now live in a rented apartment, I need to think about buying my apartment, but I will not do anything. What will change in a year - two - three?

Firstly, I will need to live somewhere. And you will need to rent a house. For example, for $ 500 a month. For a year it is 6,000 thousand, and for 6 years - 36 thousand dollars (again, the cost of an entire apartment). You can buy expensive things, eat in a restaurant, do not deny yourself anything, and instead live in a rented apartment in a year, and in two, and in five. Moreover, if now I have the opportunity to postpone for an apartment, then in 5 years this opportunity may not exist.

I presented a realistic option? Quite. Such thoughts will not only push you towards how to achieve your goal, but can also cause melancholy. Therefore, it is not worth overclocking in your imagination too much, but as a magic "pendel" this technique works well.

Do not spray

And if you want to here, and here, and there? How to achieve a goal in life, especially if the goals are a wagon and a small cart? This is where I want to disappoint you. It is unlikely to succeed everywhere and at once. If only simply because constantly being sprayed, you can simply go astray, get lost.

Indeed, in achieving the goal, not only the result is important, but also the path. However, hardly anyone wants to walk in the desert for 40 years. So you can lose all faith in yourself, and motivation will come to naught.

Yes, you can combine several goals, but only if they overlap, and if there are no more than 2-3 of them. And if you make a kilometer list, then no methods will work here. It is better to do everything in order: first to achieve one (at the same time, self-esteem will grow), then another, then the third.

It is not the goal itself that is important, but the path to it.

Achieving the set goal is, of course, good. Only after the top, to which you are walking, you can not see the path itself, the beauty that is at arm's length.

Career, success, material values ​​- this is all good, only in the pursuit of them you can miss all the best that was given to us.

To go and not give up, you need to be able to relax, be able to communicate with loved ones, with friends. If you do not pause, do not look for emotional and physical nourishment, you are unlikely to be able to achieve the desired heights, because you will run out of strength, there will be no motivation.

Only he will be able to fight to the end, who knows how to rest, who knows how to appreciate life and its every moment. Therefore, learn to stop periodically, not only in order to see the path that still needs to be conquered, but also to appreciate what you have already managed to do.

Appreciate the people who walk next to you, help you, be grateful. Remember, it is not the goal itself that is important - but the changes, improvements that will occur to you on the way to your goal.

»How to achieve your goal

Secret technologies for achieving success

How to achieve your goals.
Fundamentals of the Psychology of Success

It often happens in life that you need to do something important. You realize the importance of the cause, but you lack the desire and energy to work. As psychologists say, you have low motivation for activity. Motivation is closely related to other psychological processes: perception, thinking, attitude to oneself. By changing the perception of certain objects, forming a new style of thinking, we also develop a new attitude towards our activities. When a person begins to reason in a different way, he begins to act in a different way. By accustoming yourself to new thinking (perceiving yourself and your activity in a different way), you thereby change your motivation for activity. There are several technologies that can help you achieve high motivation with minimal effort.

Relive pleasant memories

University graduate Sergei decided to find himself a decent job. To begin with, he chose the easiest way to search - to find suitable job advertisements in the press and call the phone numbers indicated there. He also decided to call every recruiting agency he found in the telephone directory. Having prepared his resume, yesterday's student set to work. But very soon, after several unsuccessful calls, Sergei completely lost interest in the activity (since telephone conversations "did not stick"). There was depression, a feeling of helplessness, fear of new phone calls. He began to look for reasons and excuses not to call the phone number indicated in the announcement; every day he postponed calls to recruiting agencies "until tomorrow", and so on.

The following psychological technique can help Sergei. It's called "Bringing Back Fond Memories"

  1. Think back to the period in your life when you did something well. What exactly and why did you manage so easily then? Why can't you do something today?
  2. Think about a specific successful episode and try to relive it in detail. Then revive pleasant memories from other episodes. What were your feelings and impressions then? What prevents you from feeling similar feelings now?
  3. Try to evoke those feelings now and get carried away with something. Transfer these feelings from the past to the activities you need to do now. Link inspiration from past successes with your goals today.
  4. Write down your impressions, feelings, reasoning. Write a self-hypnosis text that you can reread and keep motivated in the future.

As soon as Sergey remembered his successes in the past (victory in the school Olympiad, academic success at the university, a good deal that recently brought a good income), it became easier for him. Melancholy and disappointment diminished, he felt a surge of energy, inspiration, self-confidence. Then he took a piece of paper and wrote down the following sayings:

No one is defeated until they admit they are defeated.
Belief in success, great desire, persistence are the ingredients of success.
I believe in myself.
I firmly know what I want to achieve.
I will not give up on the first failure.
I will turn failure into victory.
I will definitely succeed.
Readiness for success is the main secret of its achievement.
I will do whatever I have planned.
Success depends on my efforts and desire to achieve it.
Success comes to those who strive for it.
Nothing will affect my dream.

Change the attitude towards errors.

It is very important to have a positive (positive attitude) attitude towards possible mistakes. This keeps motivation at the proper level, encourages you to work on your shortcomings and weaknesses. Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken. Despite the banality of this saying, many people are terrified of possible failures. Most often, the reason lies in early childhood - overly harsh and authoritarian parents who severely punished the slightest childish prank and suppressed any child's initiative.

Over the years, children's fear of parents can transform into fear of punishment from higher authorities. Especially if you come across a boss "from childhood", very similar to the parents from childhood memories - cruel and authoritarian. Constantly fearing to make a mistake, such a person becomes passive, completely loses the creative initiative in his professional activity. At the same time, really active people make more mistakes, but they are much more likely to achieve success than passive people. It is no coincidence that many foreign companies financially reward their employees even for those creative ideas that "failed". This attitude keeps people highly motivated and willing to constantly experiment and think outside the box.

Mistakes and failures should not be scared; it is necessary to work on them, since they are very useful as material for self-improvement and an incentive to activity.

  1. Reflect and write down statements that express a positive attitude towards failures and mistakes and the prospect of overcoming them. You can use these sayings to keep you motivated.
  2. Carefully analyze the failure you have experienced recently (or once before). Consider ways to overcome them. Determine what skills and abilities you have are underdeveloped and need improvement. Reflect on the methods you will use to develop specific skills and abilities.
  3. Come up with a few motto options that would help you respond positively to your own failures and mistakes. For example: “Mistakes are great! I now know what to work on. "

Working on his mistakes, Sergei wrote:

  1. 1. Failures and mistakes are good science for someone who wants to develop. Lots of unsuccessful phone calls? This is no longer scary, because there is something to work on.
  2. 2. Bugs are good for my development. Now I know how to speak on the phone, how to build a conversation in order to effectively present myself to prospective employers. I also know what exactly I need to improve.
  3. Although the previous attempt was unsuccessful, it taught me a lot. In the future, I will not admit it. I am sure that having accumulated the experience of previous mistakes, I will definitely achieve success.
  4. I am fully prepared for the fact that out of 30 phone calls there will be only one successful one. And the sooner I score 30 failures, the sooner I will get to my success.

With renewed vigor, Sergei began to look for work. However, he never had to score 30 failures. Out of 24 phone calls, 6 turned out to be successful - in 6 places they became interested in them and were invited for an interview. Later, out of these six in 2 places, Sergei was offered to sign a contract. Another lucrative offer came from a recruiting agency, where he nevertheless turned. After some deliberation, he chose the most suitable option. So Sergey managed to overcome himself and won.

Create a situation of success.

Julia (a first-year student) has set herself the goal of mastering the English language perfectly. After studying for about a month, she dropped out. Realizing the need for systematic studies, she was no longer able to organize herself for daily work. She attributed the failure to her allegedly poor language skills, as well as insufficient willpower.

To perfectly learn a foreign language, you need to work long and hard, not one year. And in order to keep track of your achievements today, you need to find criteria by which you could determine even insignificant progress towards the goal, even subtle improvements. When the overall goal is not specified, when specific intermediate tasks are not scheduled, it is very difficult to fix the changes. Imagine a person studying English hard for a month. Quite a lot of effort has already been spent. Fatigue has accumulated. And the longed-for goal (knowledge of the language) is still far away. As a result, his hands become discouraged. After all, a person has set a goal for himself - to go 5000 km, and as soon as possible, but so far he has passed only 20. Against the background of this goal, his current achievements are more than modest. They are practically invisible, no progress is noticeable. As a result, the person experiences nothing but melancholy and disappointment.

But when he concentrates his attention not on the final goal, but on intermediate tasks, then it is a completely different matter. Then life becomes more fun and much easier to work. Let's say a person has set himself an intermediate goal - today you need to walk five kilometers. Five more tomorrow. The day after tomorrow - more. I walked 5 km today - well done, get some candy. The intermediate goal has been achieved. The next day I walked another 5 km - already twice well done, the day after tomorrow - already three times, etc. The sum of achievements and successes gradually accumulates. And along with it, self-esteem and desire to achieve more grow. And this positive baggage stimulates us to work further and not stop halfway.

Even a small success has a significant motivating influence, inspires activity. Therefore, it is very important to create a successful situation for yourself. If you have planned the stages of achieving the goal, then this may be the achievement of the first of them. Anything that you have planned and already accomplished can and should be experienced as a great success.

The "secret technology" of creating a situation of success can be as follows:

  1. A person is able to induce to activity not only others, but also himself. When there is no desire to work (but you realize the importance of the case), communication with yourself, a belief or a request addressed to yourself helps to overcome the difficulties of self-organization. Find the best motivation techniques that better suit your personality than others. Write a few self-inducements. What form they will be - sincere requests, peremptory orders, logical arguments, emotional appeals or rude curses - is up to you. Choose the best ones.
  2. Break your ultimate goal down into a number of specific milestones and realize the importance of achieving each of them. Set as many specific (and realistic) goals as possible and strive to achieve them. List the specific stages of achieving the goal.
  3. Plan how to achieve a specific goal (or a specific stage in achieving it). A goal should be chosen of medium difficulty, since achieving easy goals will not be experienced as success, and achieving too complex ones will take a lot of time and effort, and often it is simply impossible. What goal would you like to achieve?
  4. Define quantitative or qualitative indicators by which you could record even minor positive shifts in your work. For example, in sports, an improvement in results even by thousandths already stimulates the athlete, because it indicates progress. In language learning, such a criterion can be an increase in active vocabulary, etc.
  5. Make every effort to successfully complete the assigned task, to achieve at least one of your goals. Have you achieved this specific goal? What difficulties did you have to overcome?
  6. Do not forget to praise yourself for having achieved even a small amount of success (“What a fine fellow I am!”). The positive emotions associated with achieving success are very important. "Reward" yourself with something. What prize have you prepared for yourself?

And what about our Julia?

Later, getting down to business seriously, the girl began to convince and ask herself: “Julia, I ask you, stop messing around! Take your wits, you are capable and so clever! I beg you, work daily on your English! You know that only systematic training will bring results. You are a fine fellow and you can always find at least an hour for this important matter. You are a real beauty, and others will like you even more when you master English. "

She further developed a system of intermediate goals that allowed her to monitor her progress in learning English. Thus, the student was able to overcome her difficulties in self-organization and henceforth daily (and not episodically, as it was before) worked on improving the foreign language.

Continuing the topic :

© Material prepared by: Victor Bodalev, 2004

Every day the minds of the aborigines of the planet Earth generate millions of useful and interesting ideas, but 90% of them are never destined to become reality. They die at conception or at the stage of birth. Why it happens? Why do some people drown their creativity in the toilet while others make millions of American presidents from it? As strange as it may sound, the answer lies in just one phrase - lack of motivation and ability to achieve the set goals.

Simple secrets of success

Surely the title of this section reminded you of “cheap” blogging articles on the success and unlocking of the secret potentials of Shao Lin's monks. I warn you right away - this article is more down to earth. Tell me, buddy, have you ever tried to analyze your affairs / tasks? Why do some come easily, but when doing others there are problems and endless difficulties?

We live in a time of endless streams of information and in the event of misses, we just keep our backs straight and proudly move on. This is a good feature, but sooner or later, excesses begin to appear more and more often in the brain, and inevitably you begin to think about eternal topics about your knowledge and abilities. How to program in the boot sector of the brain a command to move towards success and understand why some tasks are easy, while others are not? You will find answers and advice from personal practice in this article.

Eh, how many interesting (or, to be more precise, missed deadlines) projects I once failed due to the lack of a clear sequence of actions ala the plan. After all, as it happens, you meet with the customer and get acquainted with his problem, the solution of which he is ready to entrust to you. Even at the stage of discussion, you understand that this is probably a trifling matter and you will be able to hit the jackpot in no time, without straining.

Everything seems to be cool: the timing is gorgeous, the superficial decision is spinning in my head - take it and do it. We shake hands, get an advance and go to work. Well, during the work, the fun begins. There seems to be a solution in my head, but in order to start implementing it, you need to perform a bunch of auxiliary and routine steps that were not taken into account at the stage of reflection. Resigned to this, you begin to perform the preparatory steps. And these devils become more and more with each time they step and the end of the edge is invisible to them. Motivation is gradually fading away, and the further development of the project resembles not an easy income with an elegant solution, but a game of barge haulers on the Volga with a fatal end.

Familiar situation? If you haven't been freelancing for the first time, then for sure your answer will be "yes". "Full-time" employees are usually not affected by this phenomenon, because in most cases, their salary does not depend on the amount of work performed, which means that you can pick your nose and carry out your duties slowly.

Well, the troubles have been identified, but how to deal with it? It turns out to be very simple. However, do not drool prematurely and hope that this solution will immediately solve all problems. They have yet to learn how to use and optimally adjust for themselves.

Well, now we call the name of the secret solution of the alchemist - "Planning". Before starting to solve any problem, it is imperative to draw up a detailed plan. No, not cloud castles in your head, but a real plan, written down on paper or in some text editor. Such a plan must necessarily contain:

  • Detailed description of the task... If you cannot formulate it in the form of several sentences, then how will you solve the problem without understanding its content? It is important to note here that the description should reflect the real essence, and not vague phrases like "Create a super visited site". Reading such a description, it's hard to imagine how the creation of a super-visited site differs from the development of a regular site. After all, the same technologies are at the heart of it, it's just that in the first case, a certain feature is planned (as an example), which will act as a magnet for visitors. Here it also needs to be described well.
  • The path to achieving the goal... The main task must be broken down into several sub-points using the Divide and Conquer method. It is important that each such point highlights one simple task, the solution of which will not take too much time. For example, for the task "Developing a super-visited site", you can define at least several points: the design concept, the choice of technologies for development, the creation of the application architecture, etc. Each of these points can also be broken down into sub-points, but here the main thing is not to get carried away and allow no more than 2-3 levels of nesting. Thus, you get a bunch of small, but quickly doable tasks.
  • Give each step a time estimate... When describing the next point of the plan, try to mentally estimate the time it will take to complete it. For example, you figured that it takes you about 6 hours to think over the design concept of a future project. Okay, write this number in front of the corresponding item. As a result, you will get a roughly correct idea of ​​the amount of time required to complete all the work. However, it is worth noting that this number cannot be considered the last resort, and even more so to promise the customer that it is during this time that the work will be completed.
  • Scheduling cases in writing greatly increases the chances of getting them done on time. First, you make a promise to yourself and you do it not in the depths of your consciousness, but on paper or in electronic form. Psychologists argue that such promises are given higher priority and the chances of successful completion. In addition, planning will allow you to determine both the time required to solve the problem and the amount of work, and on the basis of this it is easy to estimate the real cost of the project and draw up a package of supporting documents (terms of reference, documentation, etc.).


    You should also not think that written planning is especially suitable for work activities. This is not true. In the same way, you perfectly plan your own life and the goals that you want to achieve. Do you want to make a big purchase for which there is no money yet? Write a plan and analyze the actions that you need to perform in order to achieve a positive result. Note, you can predict your future without any charlatans of fortune-tellers. Isn't it great?

    It seems that the plan was drawn up, the work began, but one day bam, and everything stopped. You no longer want to follow the plan, move step by step towards the goal and carefully cross out completed tasks with a pen. Alas, unfortunately such a situation is more than possible, the loss of motivation can lie in wait for us anywhere, and even super correct plans are not a hindrance to her.

    Fortunately, there is a great and simple trick for such cases too. In any plan, there will be both routine items and those that arouse interest and banal curiosity. However, as often happens, such subtasks have the lowest priority, and therefore should only start at the very end. Here you can try and play. If the desire to work on routine tasks is completely absent, then you can try to tackle an interesting, but unimportant subtask. During its execution, you will surely light up with enthusiasm and enter a work rhythm, and there, under the noise of positive, you will easily and quickly switch to a routine.

    Do you think it sounds absurd? When I first heard about this technique, I too experienced a subtle and pungent taste of skepticism. Insight and real benefits were obtained after several practical tests.

    Together with my fellow developers, I am working on one very large project - a software package for automating the business processes of an insurance company. The development plan has a bunch of sub-points, and besides, for each individual block of the program there is a separate plan (that's right, with a bunch of sub-points). On such a scale, it is really difficult to do without it.

    So, when productivity starts to drop, we all try to switch and start performing tasks of little importance. For example, when we needed to implement a carriage and a small bogie of various time calculation algorithms, we caught a brake instead of enthusiasm. The work began to move extremely slowly, or rather not at all.

    Fortunately, the reporting period was approaching, and the issue had to be closed somehow. There was not much time for everything about everything, but we decided to try to postpone this stupid and tedious task and switch to developing a new interface. The work began to boil and as a result, by the reporting period, we released a new interface and at the same time added the algorithms for time calculations. We spent time on a secondary task, but this deviation charged us with a positive and in the end we did one more thing.


    A shift in focus can play a useful role in rebooting a tired process called motivation. There is no need to waste time, you need to focus on the more pleasant things (in this case, things mean "tasks") and start working on them. The success and positiveness gained in the course of work can easily charge you with enthusiasm for completing other tasks.

    Ever since childhood, moms and dads have tried to impress upon us what is good and what is bad. Do you remember how, after returning from the next yard football match, my mother, with frantic persistence, forced her to go to wash and change into home clothes, and not immediately run to the table. Oh, it was a wonderful time - do what you want, and if something happens, they will insure you and guide you in the right direction.

    Alas, then none of us could think about the importance and power of habits. After all, just think, if you instill good habits from childhood, then in the future they will help you achieve excellent results in work / family, etc. Well, for example, if you accustom yourself to read from childhood and read 2-3 books a month a month, then only one school can digest about 396 books (!). This is a solid amount of information that will have a positive effect on literacy and outlook.

    Many habits we form ourselves in childhood, while others, on the contrary, we acquire in the course of growing up. Here's an example for you again - the habit of living out of financial terms. It's funny to watch when people get into loans, buying themselves another new gadget, which essentially does not bring anything into the life of the buyer except for another portion of entertainment. Why buy yourself an iPhone 4S for 35K if you only need it for listening to music and surfing, and you yourself live in a rented apartment in a residential area? That's right, not why, but the desire still arises because of the constantly changing tenders for "matching fashion" and "cool". If this habit (the eternal pursuit of novelty) develops into a chronic one, then the future promises to constantly live in debt, and your own apartment, car will remain dreams.

    Just do not dwell on just one negative habit, given in the example. There are many of them: unhealthy lifestyles, personal relationships, etc. It is important to understand and clearly understand that negative habits will sooner or later bring negative consequences, and positive ones will be transformed into rewards and positives.

    Okay, the problem has been voiced, but what to do? How to deal with it? As always, you need to start small - with a pen and a piece of paper. Find a free hour or two in your schedule and try to write five (to begin with) your negative habits. It's important to be honest (after all, you do it all for yourself) and be honest with yourself. If you didn't manage to write all five, stop at what you have. Try to choose the most bad habit and start eliminating it. I don’t know which habit you’ll want to fight first, but I’ll tell you right away where to start - with drawing up a plan. See the very first tip for details.


    Habits greatly affect our lives. To achieve success and recognition, you need to study the skeletons in your closet and eradicate those who are the brake on life. If you have few negative habits, then this is not a reason to bypass this section. This means it's time to actively tackle the development of positive habits. Don't know where to start? Start with the easiest ones - reading books and playing sports. The first makes you smarter, and the second keeps your muscles in good shape and energizes you. Knowledge + good physical condition is one of the components of success.

    The stereotype of reclusiveness has long been established among IT people. Here I mean the way of life. It's no secret that computer geeks are trying to lead an uncommunicative lifestyle. Here, I would say, there is a kind of law - the steeper the geek, the fewer friends / girlfriends he has. We will not go into the jungle of interpersonal relationships, but look at the problem from the side of the topic of the article - achieving goals.

    Let's try to fantasize a little and remember the old saying - one is not a warrior in the field.

    Our ancestors understood the importance of widening the circle of connections and the benefits of "teamwork". Here I am exaggerating a little, and by the command you should not mean a crowd of peasants using an agile approach to sowing wheat. The main idea of ​​the idea is to get qualified help. Any person has his own baggage of knowledge and skills, and besides, he also has a circle of friends with the same set of properties (knowledge, skills, circle of friends). Why study any business yourself, if this requires serious labor and it is easier to ask for the help of a friend? I think the answer is unequivocal.

    There would not be many beautiful things in the world if every person tried to reinvent a new wheel over and over again. Let's not go far and remember the success story of Apple. Would the company have achieved such an overwhelming success if Steve Jobs had not met Steve Wozniak and other VIPs? I think no. Steve Jobs was a genius, a good showman, and great taste, but without Woz and the team, he would not have succeeded. However, this was proved by his own unsuccessful project Next.

    If you plan to achieve great success (no matter in what business), then you need to be sociable and try to expand your social circle. Each new person can influence your life and bring something new and useful to it. Perhaps this is how you will meet a future business partner or simply find a like-minded friend and together you can stir up a unique startup. There are a lot of positive options for the development of events, so there is reason to think.

    During the beginning of my career, I tried to glow as much as possible - I tried to take part in all kinds of conferences (held in my city) and hang out in specialized forums. Over the years of communication, my circle of acquaintances has grown steadily and many of them have changed their status from “virtual corefan” to a partner. We manage to cooperate in terms of freelancing and it is easier for me to choose my acquaintance as a performer than a little-known person from the exchange.

    While forming your circle of connections (I don’t put anything bureaucratic in this word), you should also not forget about the so-called toxic people. Such will surely come across on your way, or maybe they are already in your friend list. By toxic people, I mean the type of people who are supposedly always bad and they like to spray negativity from scratch. They prefer to whine and complain, assuring you of the lack of meaning in life and justice.

    Be sure that such conversations do not pass without a trace, and every time after such "communication" you yourself, perplexed, swallow a pill of negativity in which sooner or later you begin to believe yourself. If you noticed this, then it is better to immediately limit your communication with this person. He will not help you to move mountains, but he can easily spoil your conceit and self-confidence.


    Being alone is not only not fashionable, but also sad. You will not believe how many people around are ready to pick up an idea and offer you something useful. Of course, you should also show interest and be ready not only to receive, but also to give. Big-name brands and startups were rarely created alone. It always started with a crazy idea, a garage and a bunch of like-minded people who were not afraid to act and create things with a "wow" effect.

    My friend and I have been developing one project for novice developers for a long time. We have a forum and we often arrange discussions on interesting topics. Project participants share their ideas for startups, etc. After reading some of them, you involuntarily begin to think - "Why hasn't this pepper got rich yet?" I am speaking in all seriousness. People generate interesting and creative ideas, but that's where it ends. Either the author does not want to take on the project, or vice versa - he starts working, but then abandons it.

    After reading the literature on the topic, and at the same time looking at my own actions, I immediately discovered the problem and the way to solve it. I'll tell you in more detail. All people can be conditionally divided into two large groups - sprinters and marathon runners. This does not mean that some of our people run fast, but do short-distance races, while the second runs noticeably slower, but overcomes more serious distances. We are not talking about sports, but about motivation and algorithms that help you achieve your goals. In our case, the first (sprinters) can be characterized as creative people who are ready to quickly start fulfilling a short-term goal and achieve a positive result. Marathon runners are opposite. They do not have the creativity and ability to quickly rush to the goal. They need time to build up, think in detail and other things that are insignificant for a sprinter. However, unlike sprinters, marathoners are ready to "run" for a very long time, so a priori they show themselves from the most beautiful side in long-term projects.

    That is why many interesting projects die in the early stages without having time to spread their wings and catch the wave of popularity. The authors of the projects are in no hurry to think about finding partners, and just helpers. If a sprinter takes up the implementation of a cool project, but the project turns out to be not trivial, then he will surely throw it half way, and even come up with a bunch of excuses to justify himself. Although from the very beginning he can work hard and waste absolutely all of his time. Marathon runners are the opposite. They also know how to create new ideas, but it is very difficult for them to stir up and start doing the work.

    If you recognize yourself in one of these types of people, then do not rush to despair and discard your bold ideas. Reread the previous tip and start looking for the right people. Well, then it all depends on the situation. If you are a sprinter, then feel free to look for yourself a marathoner. Together you will surely achieve success and be able to support the project for a long time. Need a real-world example? No problem, let's take a look at Apple again. Steve Jobs is a sprinter, and Wozniak is a marathon runner. In Jobs's head, brilliant (and not so) ideas were constantly born and he was immediately ready to take on the implementation of them into reality, but only he did not bring all of them to their logical conclusion. Wozniak, on the contrary, was not particularly creative, but was a reliable long-distance runner. He followed the intended path and achieved the goal.


    In all my tips, I repeatedly refer to initial training. She's really important. The sooner you understand yourself, the less painful bumps you get on your head. If you had really cool ideas / goals that failed to be realized, then maybe it's not mystical failures that are to blame, but the wrongly chosen work style and team?

    The goal is achieved

    Many smart books have been written about the best ways to achieve goals, and you cannot list them all within the framework of one article. And you don't need it. I tried to give you the most key options that have already been repeatedly tested on myself. I hope they can help you. The main thing is to take them seriously and honestly look at your failures. Perhaps they could have been prevented in advance? In conclusion, I want to wish you good luck and success in improving yourself. Remember, nothing is impossible, and even the biggest journey begins with a small first step. Good luck!

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