Frequently asked children's questions. Why? The most interesting children's questions... Simple rules for parents why

Quiz “Why”

All quiz questions begin with the word “why” - you will find the answers below. The quiz questions are designed for upper elementary school students. For each correct answer in the quiz, the team receives 1 point.

1. Why does a hare roll head over heels down a hill?
2. Why is the hedgehog called a daredevil?
3. Why does a squirrel easily jump from branch to branch, from one tree to another?
4. Why are titmice friends with nuthatches?
5. Why can’t swifts be seen jumping on the ground or sitting on tree branches?
6. Why, thanks to forty, can a person learn order?
7. Why do people often call an owl a forest cat?
8. Why was the jackdaw called that?
9. Why are pilots grateful to frogs?
10. Why do snakes shed?
11. Why does the crow like to take ant “baths”?
12. Why do elephants have such huge ears?
13. Why do anteaters have no teeth?
14. Why do beavers build dams?
15. Why is the bunny teased with “oblique”?
16. Why did nature make the fox red and the tip of its tail white?
17. Why do wolves try to settle near water?
18. Why does the prey stick to the web, but the spider itself does not?
19. Why do hippos lie in the water for hours and do not come up to breathe?
20. Why do dragonflies always return to bodies of water?


1. The hind legs are shorter than the front ones. 2. Can eat a poisonous viper, as he is not sensitive to its poison. 3. Paws with sharp claws and a tail-rudder. 4. Nuthatches nobly share their food with titmice. 5. On the ground they are hampered by long wings and short legs. They cannot hold on to the branches because the hind toes are missing on their paws. 6. Magpie loves shiny objects and can drag them away. Therefore, you cannot leave jewelry, keys, or spoons anywhere. The bird might steal them. 7. Firstly, thanks to the head, similar to a cat. Secondly, because of the sharp claws. Thirdly, by silently approaching the prey. Fourthly, hearing and vision are equally well developed. Fifthly, “lovers” of mice. 8. For her special cry when flying: “Gall-ka!” 9. Based on the model of a frog's eye, scientists have designed an electronic device that ensures flight safety. 10. Old skin is narrow and small. 11. Cleans the feather cover from pests. 12. To better capture sounds and cool the body by waving them. 13. Unnecessarily, since they lick off food (termites and ants) with their sticky tongue. 14. To raise the water level, which will close the entrance to the hut. 15. The little bunny tries to see everything that is happening around him, and “squints” all over with his eyes. 16. So that fox cubs do not lose their mother in the dark. 17. Drink a lot of water. 18. He doesn't step on adhesive threads. 19. The nostrils are exposed to the surface of the water. 20. They lay eggs in the water.

Both great philosophers and ordinary people searched for it. But none of them has yet come to a final conclusion, because this problem does not have a single solution. There are as many philosophical schools as there are opinions, and maybe even more.

And yet some were able to find logical answers that could explain the existence of man.

How often do we think about and live?

The most carefree time is childhood. During this period, we all run around like crazy around our homesteads, pretending to be pirates, superheroes, robots. Thousands of amazing ideas may swarm in our heads, but there is not a single question about the meaning of life. And why?

And only after crossing the threshold of adolescence does a person begin to look for an answer to it. “Why does a person live? What is its purpose? What is the meaning of my life? - all these questions troubled the hearts of each of us. But some quickly threw them away, switching to more pressing problems, while others, on the contrary, spent their whole lives in search of undeniable truth.

Ancient philosophers and the meaning of life

Aristotle once said: “Knowledge of the soul is the main task of a philosopher, since this can give answers to many questions...” Moreover, he believed that any thinker should look for meaning in everything, since this search is an integral part of ourselves. He taught that it is not enough to accept things as they are, you also need to understand why they are needed in this world.

The German philosopher Georg Hegel was also puzzled by the question of why man lives in this world. He believed that such a desire to know oneself is inherent in us by nature and is our true Self. Moreover, he argued: if you understand what role is assigned to a person, then it will be possible to unravel the purpose of other phenomena of the universe.

Also, do not forget about Plato and his thoughts about why man lives on earth. He was sure: the search for one's destiny is the highest good for a person. Partly, it was in these searches that his meaning of life was hidden.

God's plan, or Why do people live on the plan?

You can’t talk about the meaning of life without touching on the topic of religion. After all, all existing beliefs have on this issue. Their sacred texts give clear instructions on how one should spend one's life and what is the highest good for a person.

So, let's look at the most common denominations.

  • Christianity. According to the New Testament, all people are born to live a righteous life, which will give them a place in heaven. Therefore, their meaning in life is to serve the Lord and also to be merciful to others.
  • Islam. Muslims are not too far removed from Christians; their faith is also based on serving God, only this time to Allah. In addition, every true Muslim must spread his faith and fight the “infidels” with all his might.
  • Buddhism. If you ask a Buddhist: “Why does a person live?”, he will most likely answer: “To become enlightened.” This is precisely the goal that all followers of Buddha pursue: to purify their minds and move to nirvana.
  • Hinduism. Everyone has a divine spark - Atman, thanks to which a person is reborn after death in a new body. And if he behaved well in this life, then at the next rebirth he will become happier or richer. The highest goal of existence is to break the circle of rebirth and indulge in oblivion, which gives pleasure and peace.

Scientific point of view on human purpose

Questioned the supremacy of the church. This was due to the fact that humanity received another version explaining the appearance of life on Earth. And if at first only a few agreed with this theory, then as science developed, its adherents became more and more numerous.

But how does science look at the issue we are discussing? Why does man live on earth? In general, everything is quite simple. Since man evolved from an animal, their goals are similar. What is the most important thing for every living organism? That's right, procreation.

That is, from a scientific point of view, the meaning of life lies in finding a reliable partner, reproducing offspring and caring for them in the future. After all, this is the only way to save a species from extinction and ensure a bright future.

Disadvantages of previous theories

Now we should talk about what shortcomings there are in these concepts. After all, both scientific and religious hypotheses are not capable of giving a comprehensive answer to the question: “Why do people live on earth?”

The disadvantage of scientific theory is that it highlights a general goal that is ideal for the entire species as a whole. But if we consider the problem on the scale of one individual, then the hypothesis loses its universality. After all, it turns out that those who are not able to have children are completely deprived of any meaning in life. And a healthy person is unlikely to like existing with the thought that his only purpose is to pass on his genes to his offspring.

The position of religious communities is also imperfect. After all, most religions place above the earthly. Moreover, if a person is an atheist or an agnostic, then his existence is devoid of any meaning. Many people do not like this kind of dogma, so over the years the foundations of the church begin to weaken. As a result, a person is again left alone with the question “why do people live on earth.”

How to find the truth?

So what now? What to do if the scientific point of view is not suitable, and the church point of view is too conservative? Where can I find the answer to such an important question?

In fact, there is simply no universal solution to the problem. Each person is an individual and therefore unique. Everyone must find their own path, their own meaning and their own values. This is the only way to find harmony within yourself.

However, it is not necessary to always follow one path. The beauty of life is that there are no set rules or boundaries. Everyone has the right to choose specific ideals for themselves, and if they seem false over time, they can always be replaced with new ones. For example, many people work half their lives to make a fortune. And when they achieve this, they understand that money is far from the main thing. Then they again begin to search for the meaning of existence, which can make them more beautiful.

The main thing is not to be afraid to think: “Why do I exist and what is my purpose?” After all, if there is a question, then there will definitely be an answer to it.

Why is the sky blue and the grass green? Why is the water wet? A child under the age of 10 asks about 300 questions a day, meticulous scientists have calculated. Parents answer some questions easily, almost without thinking, but some simply leave them scratching their heads - they can be so tricky and unexpected. Here are the most unusual children's questions that can not only surprise an adult, but also confuse him. As a bonus, under each question there is a detailed answer from a specialist in the relevant field. Read and take notes. What if today your child starts thinking about “how much the sky weighs”?

1 question. Why don't birds get electrocuted when they sit on wires?

Parent Answer #1: Because wires are only dangerous if you touch them and are on the ground at the same time. If the bird had held onto the wire with one paw and stood on the ground with the other, then it would have been electrocuted. Parent Answer #2: This can be compared to touching only one end of a battery with your tongue - in this case you will not feel a tingling sensation. However, if you touch both ends, this will definitely happen. So in the case of birds, they just touch one end of the conditional battery.
Answer from a physics expert. Electric shock involves the passage of electricity through the body. For this to happen, it is necessary for the bird to touch two wires at once with a difference in potential. However, it does not do this, since it sits on only one wire and there is no difference in voltage. Moreover, if a bird flaps its wing and touches a nearby cable, it will be shocked and die.

Question 2. Why does the Moon sometimes appear in the sky during the day?

Parent's response. In fact, the Moon lingers in the sky much more often than we can see. But because the sun shines too brightly, we simply do not notice its presence. For example, we will not be able to see a street lamp turned on during the day from afar, because it will be very light. At the same time, at night, the same lantern will be visible many meters away, since there is darkness all around.
Answer from an expert astronomer. When the Moon revolves around the Earth, part of the time it is on the same side as the Sun, and some of the time it is on the opposite side. So, when the Moon and the Sun are on the same side, the Earth’s satellite is visible during the day. At the same time, when the Moon and Sun are on opposite sides, this does not happen.

Question 3. How much does the sky weigh?

Parent Answer #1: About the same as 10 million elephants. Parent Answer #2: A piece of sky covering every 2.5 square meters of Earth weighs 6.5 kilograms. This means that the entire sky weighs more than 5 billion kilograms.
Parent Response #3: More than you think, son. The surface of the earth is 317 million square kilometers. Atmospheric pressure averages 6.6 kilograms per 2.5 square meters. So the sky weighs about 5.2 billion tons. Now go to sleep. Expert answer. The approximate weight may be about one millionth of the mass of the Earth - the equivalent of the weight of 570,000,000,000,000 adult Indian elephants.

Question 4. Why don't all the fish in the sea die when lightning strikes it?

Parent's response #1. Lightning spreads throughout the sea, so the current is not enough to kill the fish. Most likely, each living creature in the water receives only a small shock, which does not pose a danger. Parent Response #2: Imagine putting a drop of brightly colored soda into a teaspoon. In this case, you will be able to see it - the bright spot will be noticeable in such a small area. Now imagine that you place the same drop in a bathtub filled with water. The drop will simply disappear in a few seconds, and you will no longer be able to see it. So lightning is like a drop of colored soda. Once in the sea, it spreads quickly and becomes harmless, except where it hits.
Answer from a physics expert. When a living creature is killed by lightning, it means that the creature was in its path and the current passed through the body. Fortunately, lightning cannot harm everyone living in the sea. Only the unluckiest fish can become its victim. Sea water conducts electricity. As soon as lightning hits it, it immediately spreads in all directions. Many fish can receive a small electrical shock at this time. However, only the creature that ends up at the surface of the water in the place where lightning strikes can die. In this case, most likely, fish that are at least 30 centimeters from the surface will not be harmed.

Question 5. Why do I love pink?

Parent's response #1. Many people have a favorite color. They call him their favorite because he makes them happy, looking at him makes them feel good. Today you like the color pink, but later, when you grow up, perhaps your perception will change and you will like a different color. Parent Answer #2: Because he's handsome. You associate this color with a lot of pleasant things: flowers, rosy cheeks, certain foods.
Parent Answer No. 3: Favorite colors are usually associated with some things that please us and make us happy. So the color pink is most often associated with fun or sweets. Answer from an expert psychologist. Traditionally, it is believed that women are more attracted to shades of red, while men are more attracted to shades of blue. Some biologists believe that the tendency of the fairer sex towards pink is explained by the fact that in primitive times women often collected fruits of red shades, as a result of which they developed a special perception of this color. This same feature, according to some researchers, allows women to better distinguish between skin tones - for example, its redness - and therefore better read other people's emotions.

Question 6. What is time?

Parent's answer No. 1. Time is such a long string of beads, stretching and going into the distance. Each bead represents a moment in our life at which we experienced certain feelings: sadness or joy. Parent Answer No. 2. Time is a special concept that was invented by people to organize their lives and keep track of when certain events occur. For example, when person "A" wants to meet person "B", they choose the same time - they come to the meeting in the same year, the same month, the same day, the same hour . Time is a system that is measured in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Parent Answer No. 3: Everything in this world ages. The grass gets older, the table in the room gets older, the cheese in the refrigerator gets older, people and animals also get older... Time is a certain way to measure how old animals, people and everything around have aged. Answer from a physics expert. This is a very difficult question. Some scientists may call time a flow of causes and effects. Others would give a more detailed explanation in accordance with the general theory of relativity, but not all researchers accept this position.

Children ask questions very often. Their endless “why?” pour out on adults in a stormy stream, sometimes perplexing them. I offer answers to only some children's questions. And even if your baby hasn’t asked you this or that question, you can simply tell about interesting facts from the life of animals and insects, about the world around them and about themselves.

Theme: Animals

➢ Who are these animals?

Animals are creatures belonging to the animal kingdom from the simplest organisms such as sponges to humans. This is at least three quarters of all species of living beings on the globe! They differ from plants and other organisms in that they are able to move. Many plants feed through their roots. Animals have muscles. They help animals move in search of food or a partner for procreation. Muscles also help animals escape from enemies.

➢ What animals change color to white in winter?

Everyone knows that by winter the hare turns white. That's what they call him - the white hare. But he is not the only one preparing for winter in this way. The fur of the Arctic fox, ermine and weasel becomes white. Among the birds is a white partridge. But the polar bear and snowy owl are white all year round.

➢ Why are there a lot of rain blacks on the asphalt after rain?

Scientists cannot give an exact answer to this question. It is believed that the worms crawl out of the ground because their tunnel houses are flooded with water. And, although worms need moist soil, they will simply choke in water.

However, it is dangerous for them to remain on the surface for a long time. They may be crushed or simply dry out from the sun and die.

➢ Are there luminous animals?

Yes. And there are quite a few of them. Most luminous animals live in the seas and oceans. Jellyfish, coral polyps, cephalopods, nocturnal ciliates and many deep-sea fish glow in the dark. Among the inhabitants of land, the well-known fireflies glow.

➢ Why don’t some animals sleep at night?

Indeed, there are animals that sleep during the day and hunt at night. But not all of them are predators.

Nocturnally active animals are often found in deserts. Why? Because during the day in the desert it is unbearably hot, and all living creatures seem to die out. In fact, many sleep until nightfall and only come out of their hiding places when darkness falls.

Nocturnal animals have eyes adapted to darkness. So, cats and owls only need very weak light to see well. It's all about the special structure of the eyes.

There are also animals that don’t even need eyes. They navigate in space using sound location. These amazing animals are bats.

Not only hearing and vision, but also smell are of great importance for “nocturnal” animals. They track prey by smell

➢ Which animals change color quickly?

The chameleon instantly changes its color. There are no barriers for him in choosing a color. It can be brown or green, red or blue, depending on whether it needs to scare off an enemy, camouflage itself, or, conversely, attract attention. So, if a chameleon is courting a female, it can turn into all the colors of the rainbow at once.

Cephalopods are also not inferior to the chameleon. They are wonderfully camouflaged to match the color of the soil. Angry squid and octopus can turn red, black or burgundy in an instant, and cuttlefish easily dresses up in different colors, playing and bewitching them.

➢ Why don’t all animals have a protective coloring, and some even expose themselves at the moment of danger?

Animals that are well protected exhibit themselves. As a rule, they have a bright color, which “tells” other animals that it is better to avoid them. Such animals include the skunk. The porcupine can also be spotted from afar. Only young predators unfamiliar with them will try to attack them. But having had an unpleasant experience, they will remember it forever and will not repeat such an attempt.

➢ What animals are considered sacred in India?

The cow and the monkey are considered sacred in India. If cows do not cause much trouble to the residents of this country, then monkeys cause enormous damage to gardens and vegetable gardens.

➢ What animals help people when hunting?

Everyone knows that a hunter’s faithful assistant is a dog. Indeed, the cops find the bird by making a stand, scare it and lift it onto the wing. Hound dogs chase the beast towards the hunter. Greyhounds, on the contrary, catch up with the beast and stop it. Burrowing dogs climb into holes and drive the animal towards the hunter. Laikas drive the animal up a tree and, distracting it with barking, allow the hunter to approach unnoticed.

But the dog is not the only human assistant on the hunt. In some countries, people use fleet-footed cheetahs to hunt antelopes. Golden eagles and falcons have long been domesticated for bird hunting. Tamed ferrets are used to hunt rabbits in Australia. In China and Japan, cormorants help catch fish. Sometimes dolphins also help fishermen. Before all these animals and birds become assistants to hunters and fishermen, they are tamed by humans for a long time and persistently.

➢ Can animals grow a new paw or tail?

This process is called regeneration, or, in other words, restoration. You may be surprised, but it occurs at a certain level in all living beings. And among people too. We are able to replace old skin cells with new ones. Some species of flatworms can regenerate their head and tail, essentially creating a new worm from any part of their body. Hydra is an invertebrate animal that lives in fresh water and has a tubular body with several tentacles at one end and has an amazing ability to regenerate. From a tiny piece of this Animal a new Hydra can grow. Some insects are also capable of recovery. If they have not yet become adults and suddenly lose a paw, then after a while they grow a new one. Crustaceans such as crabs and lobsters often lose their claws, but they are unlikely to be upset by this because they will soon grow new ones. What can we say about the well-known lizards (though only about some of their species), capable of growing a new tail to replace the one that was torn off. Birds are able to grow not only new feathers, but sometimes even beaks. Mammals are not far behind them. So, a deer, for example, grows new antlers every year. But no matter how much one would like to, no mammal is capable of growing a new limb or tail.

➢ Why do deer have antlers?

The deer uses its beautiful antlers as weapons in tournaments. They also help him escape from his enemies.

Some people think that rhino horn can be used to make a rare medicine. So this amazing animal is dying at the hands of poachers.

➢ Why do walruses need tusks?

With the help of tusks, the walrus loosens the ocean bottom, like a rake, and then extracts the shellfish on which it feeds.

Topic: Insects

➢ Can insects hear with their feet?

Grasshoppers have such amazing abilities. The hearing organs are located on the shins of the front legs.

➢ What kind of load can ants and caterpillars lift?

Caterpillars can lift 25 times their own weight, while ants can lift 100 times their own weight!

➢ Are all ants useful?

Many types of ants are certainly beneficial. They fight forest pests. But there are also those who destroy crops. They are called fiery. And the Argentine ant settles in the walls and destroys a person’s home.

➢ Are there domestic insects?

Exist. And these are not spiders and cockroaches. Honey bees are considered domestic bees. Silkworms have also been domesticated by humans.

➢ Why do mosquito bites cause itching?

When a mosquito pierces a person's skin with its slender proboscis, it injects poisonous saliva. This is what causes the itching. Mosquito saliva also contains an anesthetic substance, so the mosquito bite does not begin to itch immediately, but only after the anesthesia wears off.

➢ How many legs do spiders have and how many do other insects have?

Spiders have eight legs, while other insects have six.

➢ Which insects have the same names as animals?

There is the rhinoceros beetle, the stag beetle and the elephant beetle. There is also a bear butterfly.

➢ Why do fireflies glow in the dark?

Fireflies really glow in the dark. Thus, they attract individuals of the opposite sex. Fireflies have an organ on their abdomen that converts a special biochemical into flashes of light. This ability to produce their own light in living beings is called bioluminescence.

➢ Why don’t spiders get caught in their web?

Spiders make two types of webs. Some are sticky and trap various insects. And others are not sticky. Spiders move along them. It happens that a spider gets caught in a sticky web, but gets out of it thanks to the fatty coating on its body.

➢ Why do butterflies fly from flower to flower?

If you watch butterflies, we will see that they constantly fly from flower to flower. They do this to feast on the sweet nectar, and sometimes pollen, that is inside the flowers. Nectar contains sugar. It provides butterflies with the necessary energy. And pollen contains protein, fat, vitamins and minerals (microelements).

Also, when a butterfly lands on a flower, pollen sticks to its abdomen. Flying from flower to flower, the insect transfers it to other flowers, thereby pollinating them. Pollen is tiny grains that, falling on another flower, fertilize it. Soon after this, seeds begin to form in the flower to which the butterfly brought pollen.

Topic: Reptiles

➢ How to distinguish a viper from a grass snake?

The snake's pupil is round, while the viper's is like a slit and is located vertically. These snakes also differ in color. A zigzag pattern is clearly visible on the back of the viper. Although there are also monochromatic vipers. But their main difference is that there are bright yellow spots on the sides of the head, while the viper does not have them.

➢ Can lizards hunt large animals?

They can. The largest lizard is the Komodo monitor lizard. He hunts deer and wild boar. First, he knocks them down with his powerful tail and only then uses his teeth.

➢ What are the benefits of frogs and toads?

Many frogs and toads destroy many harmful insects, thereby bringing great benefits.

Theme: Pisces

➢ Why do fish need a tail?

Probably everyone knows that fish need a tail in order to move forward. But in addition to this, the tail also serves as a rudder for fish.

There are several other interesting ways to use the tail that some fish enjoy using. Thus, the stingray uses its long tail to attack its victims and defend itself from enemies. And the seahorse attaches itself to aquatic plants using its tail.

➢ What do fish do in winter when the water freezes?

If the water in the reservoir does not freeze completely, then the fish survive the winter quite normally. They can survive even in very cold water in the same way that land animals, such as bears, who simply hibernate, survive the winter. Their life processes slow down, the need for food and oxygen is very weak. But, despite all this, for fish in winter conditions it is not so much the frost that is dangerous, but the fact that they can suffocate. Due to the ice crust on the surface of the water, oxygen from the air cannot dissolve in the water.

If the water in the reservoir freezes completely, that is, from the surface to the bottom, the fish cannot live. The exception is smelt, a fish that lives in Antarctica.

➢ Who is heavier - an elephant or a big shark?

It may seem strange, but the weight of a large shark is many times greater than the weight of a large elephant. An elephant weighs only 6 tons. But large whale sharks can be found weighing up to 30 tons!

➢ Is it true that fish can’t talk?

No, the saying “dumb as a fish” is not true. In fact, many species of fish communicate in their own language. They signal each other about danger, scare away enemies, and “talk nicely” during courtship during the mating season.

➢ Do fish use a fishing rod?

Some types of fish actually use a fishing rod. All of them are predators, and they need a fishing rod for the same thing as a person - to catch fish. One of these predators is called the angler fish. She has not even one, but three fishing rods. Monkfish also lures its prey with a fishing rod. And the conger eel even has a glowing tip of its fishing rod tail.

Theme: Birds

➢ Which birds do not fly?

As many people know, ostriches do not fly. Although these large birds have wings, they are not at all suitable for lifting their huge body into the air. But ostriches are not the only birds that cannot fly. Australian cassowary birds, New Zealand kiwis and penguins also do not fly.

➢ Do all birds hatch eggs?

No, not all. In our forests there lives one of the birds that does not care at all about hatching and feeding its chicks. This is a cuckoo. Honeyguides, some bowerbirds and widowbirds (weaverbirds) do the same.

➢ Can birds measure temperature?

One of the birds, although it does not hatch eggs, still cares about the temperature in the incubator nest. They measure the temperature... What do you think? Beak! These amazing birds are called Australian weed chickens.

➢ Which bird is not afraid to hatch chicks in winter?

Crossbills are not at all afraid of frost and boldly hatch their chicks in winter. These amazing birds live in our forests.

➢ Do birds give each other gifts?

Surprisingly, many birds actually give each other gifts. These gifts are varied and interesting. So, Adelie and Crownstap penguins give each other pebbles. A male tern presents his female with a fish.

➢ Which birds fly to us first in the spring?

The first to arrive to us in the spring are rooks, followed by starlings and larks.

➢ Who besides birds can fly?

Very, very many people can fly. Bats and insects do this remarkably well. But fish, the tree frog and the dragon lizard can also fly. Flying squirrels live in our forests. They are called flying squirrels.

Topic: Animal world record holders

➢ Is it true that the whale is the largest mammal currently living on Earth?

This is true. If you put a blue whale on its tail, it would be as tall as a nine-story building. Its weight is 150 tons and its length is 33 meters.

➢Which bird swims the fastest?

The best swimmer is a penguin. He can overtake a boat traveling at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

➢ Is it true that the giraffe is taller than all animals?

This is true. The giraffe is the tallest animal on Earth. His height reaches five meters.

➢ Which animal is the smartest?

Many scientists debate this issue. Several animals are considered the smartest. These include killer whales and many species of dolphins. Elephants and pigs are also considered very smart. Yet the most intelligent are the primates (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, baboons, gibbons and monkeys). They have large, complex brains, can communicate with each other, and they have developed certain language skills, they can learn some actions and use objects as tools (for example, digging up the ground with a stick or knocking fruits from trees with a stick).

➢ Who swims, runs and flies the fastest?

If we held a competition among birds, animals and fish, the swordfish, cheetah and needle-tailed swift would win. The cheetah runs at speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour. The swordfish swims at the same speed. And the needle-tailed swift flies at a speed of 160-170 kilometers per hour.

➢ Which animal lives the longest?

Famous long-livers are turtles. One of them, named Mariona, lived 152 years! Venus bivalves are not inferior to turtles in terms of life expectancy. They live about 150 years. There are long-livers among people too. The registered record is 122 years.

➢ Which animals have the biggest eyes?

The largest eyes are found in cephalopods such as octopuses. In the giant octopus they reach 30 centimeters in diameter.

➢ Who can go the longest without eating?

Ticks have become record holders in the matter of starvation. They can go without food for 7 years! Terrestrial turtles lag far behind ticks. But they can also survive without food for almost a year. Albatross is in third place. He will survive without food for 35 days.

Topic: The world around us

➢ Where does the wind come from?

Probably every child knows that the wind is just air. Indeed, the air that moves along the surface of the Earth is called wind. This may seem strange, but how the wind will be depends largely on the Sun. It starts near the equator. Here the Sun heats the air. It becomes lighter and rises. Cooler air moves in its place, and this happens again and again. Our Earth rotates around its axis. We add solar heat to this movement, and now this entire system of constantly moving air is already moving around the globe along the equator. This gives rise to winds in all parts of the globe.

➢ How old is the Earth?

According to scientists, our Earth is 4.5-5 billion years old. They came to this conclusion by studying rocks and stones that fall to our Earth from space, which are called meteorites.

➢ Why is there night and day on Earth?

The Earth does not only revolve around the Sun. It is still spinning around its axis, turning first one side or the other to the sun. A complete revolution occurs in 24 hours, or in one day. When the side where we live is turned towards the Sun, we have day, and when it is turned away from it, it is night. When it is day for us, it is night for people living on the opposite side of the Earth and vice versa.

➢ What is a cloud?

There is a lot of moisture on our planet. These are seas and oceans, rivers and lakes. When the Sun heats the Earth, moisture evaporates, that is, turns into steam. And steam, as you know, rises. When cooled, this vapor settles into very small droplets (condenses) on microscopic particles of dust and other substances floating in the air. When billions of these droplets accumulate, clouds form and remain suspended in the air.

Rain clouds are called clouds. The water droplets in them are very large and heavy. This is why the clouds are so dark, and sometimes even black. Gravity causes these drops to fall to Earth. And at this time it is raining.

When rain or snow falls from clouds to the ground, most of the moisture returns to the oceans, lakes and rivers. Then it evaporates again under the influence of the sun's heat, and the whole process is repeated again and again, and it is called the water cycle in nature.

➢ What is thunder?

Thunder is the sound of rapidly heating air exploding when lightning moves. Strong thunder may seem scary, but you should not be afraid of it, it is not dangerous at all. You may ask, why, if thunder and lightning occur at the same time, do we not see or hear them at the same time? The fact is that the light from a lightning flash reaches our eyes almost immediately. This happens because light waves travel at the speed of light - approximately 300,000 km/s. Sound reaches our ears much later, because sound waves travel much slower - 335 m/s.

If you want to know how far lightning struck, count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder and divide that number by five. You will find out how many kilometers were between you and the lightning.

If thunder follows almost immediately after a flash of lightning, know that the lightning struck very close. The longer the time between seeing lightning and hearing thunder, the further away the thunderstorm is from you.

➢ What is a rainbow and where does it come from?

A rainbow is an arc formed by the reflection of light by water droplets and the separation of white light into its component waves of different lengths. The rainbow is made up of seven colors that always appear in the same order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. To remember the order of the colors in the rainbow, learn a phrase in which the first letter of each word is the first letter of the name of the color: “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.”

A rainbow appears in the part of the sky opposite the Sun. And since the Sun should be closer to the horizon, it is best to observe it in the afternoon, towards evening. Rainbows appear when sunlight passes through water droplets and is then refracted, or bent, off their curved surface. The most beautiful and largest rainbow appears in the sky when it rains and the sun shines. But sometimes it can be seen in streams of water sprayed on lawns and in the fog near waterfalls.

➢ Can a hurricane transport a person from one place to another so that he remains safe and sound, like Ellie from the fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz”?

No, this is only possible in a fairy tale. It is unlikely that a person or any structure in which he or she has taken refuge can withstand the violent turbulence within a hurricane.

Hurricanes often lift objects or living things from the ground and carry them through the air many kilometers from where they were. But in the end they all fall to the ground. Only inanimate objects can survive such a “flight”. So, in 1979, it began to rain money in Oklahoma. The bills traveled over 200 miles and arrived from Texas.

➢ What is Indian summer and when does it occur?

Indian summer is a period of warm, dry weather that sometimes occurs in the fall. It is believed that real Indian summer is the period when warmth sets in after the first night frosts.

➢ Where do rivers come from?

If you go outside in the spring when the snow melts, you will see many streams. Where do you think they are going in such a hurry? Water in the spring (or in the summer during rainstorms) flows in large and small streams, which connect into larger streams, and those into rivers. Most rivers begin with rain or snow water flowing down from higher areas. But some begin from underground streams or from water formed by melting glaciers.

➢ Where do the waves come from?

Waves mainly appear from the wind that blows over the water. The stronger the wind, the higher the waves. Waves are generated by a “dispute” between wind and gravity. The wind pushes the water on the surface in front of it, and gravity forces it to remain in place, as if pushing it back. Under the influence of these two forces, the waves move up and down. Rippling water, although it looks like it is moving, in fact, except for moving up and down, remains in place. So, a seagull sitting on a wave will rise and fall with the wave, but will not move forward, towards the shore.

Subject: Tell me about me

➢ Why, when I stay in the sun for a long time, does my skin turn red and then brown?

The sun's radiation burns our skin and it turns red. The skin reacts in the same way to the touch of something hot, for example, an iron. With severe burns, scars can even form on the skin.

People with fair skin get sunburn more often. It's all about melanin, which is produced in special cells. People with fair skin have less of it. By darkening, the skin protects itself from damage by covering its deeper layers in shadow. The result is a tan. In people with dark skin, when they are in the sun, melanin is produced quickly and in large quantities, which means they tan quickly. But people with fair skin get burned in such cases; their body does not have time to protect itself. Fair-skinned people can get a nice, even tan without burning if they do it gradually, exposing themselves to the sun a little each time.

Scientists believe that the skin color of people around the globe is determined by where their ancestors once lived. In hot, sunny areas, dark skin developed as protection. In cooler places, where the sun was not as hot, people's skin became lighter.

➢ Why do old people have wrinkles all over their skin?

While people are young, their skin is very elastic. The older a person gets, the less elastic and thinner his skin becomes. Wrinkles appear in those places of the skin where it has been stretched. For example, from a smile. But many more wrinkles happen not from smiling, but because a person frowns. Try smiling first and then frowning while standing in front of a mirror. You will immediately see that a frowning face has many more wrinkles. Smoking and prolonged exposure to the sun contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. Both cause significant damage to the skin.

➢ Why do I shiver when I'm cold?

Our brain is the first to receive a signal that we are cold. Having received it, he, like the smartest computer, decides what measures to take to make the body warm, and includes a number of commands. Having received the desired command, our muscles begin to alternately contract and relax very quickly. In this case, a large amount of energy is spent and the heat necessary for the body is generated. You can warm up in another way. A person who moves actively will not freeze. In other words, when we are cold, our body begins to produce heat that will warm us up.

➢ Why does steam come out of my mouth in cold weather?

Sometimes we can make our own clouds! This happens in cold weather, when our breath is much warmer than the air outside. The water vapor contained in our breath mixes with the cold outside air and begins to condense, that is, it turns into tiny water droplets and hangs in the air like a small cloud.

➢ Why does the skin on my fingers and toes become wrinkled when I bathe for a long time?

Being in water for a long time causes your skin to expand. The outer layer of skin is the thickest on both the arms and legs. Why? Because these parts of the body wear out more than any other. After all, we wash our hands very often, and our feet are forced to carry us, walking tirelessly along the roads of life. During bathing, the fatty coating of the skin is washed away and there is nothing stopping the outer layer of skin from beginning to greedily absorb water. Having absorbed a significant amount of water, the skin on the fingers and toes expands. And when there is no more water under the skin, this expanded layer shrinks. But you probably already know that soon after you get out of the water, the wrinkles on your fingers and toes will disappear.

When discussing such an interesting life around, do not wait for the child to ask this or that question. Don't stop asking them yourself. About what? Yes about everything. Why do you think the sky is blue? Why doesn't the ball sink in water? Why are there stars and the moon in evening puddles? Our children are geniuses. Even at a very early age - even at one and a half years old - they have their own answer to everything. If they cannot answer, then, in any case, they will definitely think about it and draw their OWN CONCLUSION.

Light of knowledge

Proverbs of the peoples of your region about the power of reason, knowledge, and skillful hands.

Knowledge is more valuable than wealth.
Know-it-all is running, and Dunno is lying down.
If you gain knowledge, you will not lose it.
Know more, say less.
The bird is red with feathers, and man is with knowledge.
Don't be proud of your title, but be proud of your knowledge.
Knowledge is half the mind.
The more you learn, the stronger you will become.
Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage.
Hands can overcome one, knowledge can overcome thousands.
A rope is strong by twisting, and a man is strong by knowledge.
Be proud not of knowing the tops, but of knowing the roots.
The know-it-all understands everything perfectly, but the know-nothing only opens her mouth.
Knowledge is gained through hard work.
Knowledge does not put pressure on your shoulders.
He who has knowledge wins everywhere.
The eye will not be satisfied with sight, and man will not be satisfied with knowledge.
If you leave knowledge, you will fall behind.
Know a bird by its feathers, and a young man by his speech.
Know-nothing is running on the path, and Dunno is lying on the stove.
They push the know-it-all forward, but the know-nothing sits behind the stove.
Knowledge is better than wealth.
Knowledge is not only light, but also freedom.
Knowledge elevates a person, but ignorance degrades him.
Knowledge knows no boundaries.
Knowledge is not given without effort.
He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
People are drawn to knowledge like a plant to the sun.
The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.
Without knowledge you can't weave bast shoes.
He who has knowledge has power. (Belarusian proverb)
Strength is in knowledge, knowledge is in power. (Uzbek proverb)
Knowledge of the old is the strength of the young. (Azerbaijani proverb)
Knowledge is the support in life. (Mordovian proverb)
Strength is in knowledge. (Mordovian proverb)
Knowledge rejuvenates the heart of an old man. (Tajik proverb)
Strive not to conquer the world, but its knowledge. (Ossetian proverb)
Powerful is he who has mastered knowledge. (Tajik proverb)
He who knows leads thousands, and he who does not know goes to thousands. (Kyrgyz proverb)
Knowledge and power are the enemy's grave. (Georgian proverb)
They fight not with force, but with knowledge. (Georgian proverb)

He who has skillful hands eats honey.
The hands work, but the head feeds.
Skillful hands are assistants to science.
There is always a job for skillful hands.
Skillful hands will not go hungry.
There is no such thing as boredom when your hands are busy.
You can't buy golden hands with silver.
The craft does not ask for food or drink, but brings bread.
For skillful hands, work is everywhere.
Nothing escapes good hands.
With hard work you won't go anywhere.
As is the earner, so is the prey.
Hands are valued not by their sleeves, but by their deeds.
It's not expensive if it's red gold, but it's expensive if it's made of good craftsmanship.
Work for the hands, holiday for the soul.
A skillful man can catch fish with a chisel.
Skillful hands are not afraid of work.
There will be no boredom if your hands are busy.
Craft is respected everywhere.
A jack of all trades is never bored.
Golden man, golden hands.
A skillful hand hits for sure.
Don't learn by idleness, but learn by handicraft.
It's scary for the eyes, but your hands will do it.
People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the craft they have acquired.

The questions “how?”, “why?”, “why?” humanity owes most of the great discoveries. Make up and write down questions about what you would like to learn about in class at school.

1. How our planet appeared
2. Who lived on earth many millions of years ago.
3. Is there life on other planets?
4. Is it possible to travel in time?
5. Do wizards exist?
6. Is it possible to create an elixir of eternal life?
7. How to create a spaceship?
8. How is a person built inside?
9. How to bake a delicious cake?
10. How to learn to draw beautifully?
11. How did you study at school before?
12. In what battles did the Russian wars win?
13. Did epic heroes exist in real life?
14. How to learn to memorize a lot and easily?

Look at the corner of nature in the photo above. Tell us what you already know about this plant. Make up and write down questions about what else you would like to know about him. Try to find answers to your questions.
A coniferous plant is called Menzies's Pseudo-tsuga. In appearance it is very similar to blue spruce, but its winged cones distinguish it. In addition, the plant exceeds spruce in life expectancy by tens of times. This is an evergreen coniferous tree from the Pine family. Originates from the western regions of North America. Powerful, beautiful, reaching a height of 100 m with a trunk thickness of up to 4 m. It forms huge forests along the entire Pacific coast from British Columbia to California, in Montana, Colorado, Texas and New Mexico.
