Annunciation in prayer. Liturgy on Holy Saturday - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. What was burned before the Annunciation

It is better for you to give up active management of affairs and focus on yourself. At the right approach You can solve any problem if you get to the bottom of it. You don’t have to worry about finances—no significant expenses or risks are expected.

March will open up incredible prospects in the professional and personal spheres. Representatives of the earth sign will be able to realize the most daring plans and ideas, learn new skills and even change jobs. Any information will be grasped literally on the fly, but practice will be required to consolidate the result.

You should not feel sorry for yourself, since only moving forward will bring success. Career possible already at the beginning of the month thanks to the stable authority of Virgo. The promotion should not turn your head, since neglected daily tasks will turn into a mass of unresolved problems.

Particular attention should be paid to relationships with loved ones who need help and support from representatives of the earth sign. Any changes promise improvement, so there is no need to be afraid of them. There will be enough energy and strength to cope with all obstacles and achieve what you want.

However, it is advisable to get rid of excessive self-confidence in order to soberly assess your capabilities. An objective assessment has never hurt anyone, and correctly set priorities will help you save time and stay on track.

Virgo Woman: Horoscope for March 2019

The beginning of spring will bring not only pleasant surprises, but also serious challenges. The reason will be the inaction of the Virgo woman, who is accustomed to putting off solving problems until later. It is advisable to keep emotions under control, think through every action in advance, and never get personal in conversations.

Support may come from unexpected quarters, but in most cases, representatives of the earth sign will have to rely only on themselves. Love story, which begins with passion, risks ending with an unpleasant ending. Before starting a relationship, it is advisable to make sure of the sincerity of the chosen one.

It is not recommended to return to the object of departed love - March will provide a sufficient number of meetings and dates. It is better to avoid loans, and when shopping, be guided by the available amount.

May escalate chronic diseases, so oh correct mode and diet must be taken care of in advance. Available Additional income, which should not be abandoned immediately. Astrologers do not recommend self-medication, and at the first symptoms of the disease, consult a specialist. It is necessary to be vigilant in matters related to health.

Virgo Man: Horoscope for March 2019

Before a man born under earth sign, good prospects for strengthening partnerships are opening up. With the help of communication and useful contacts, acute problems can be solved. In some cases, it will be difficult to avoid conflicts, and Virgo’s barbs and criticism can aggravate the situation.

At work, we should not forget that not everyone is punctual and pedantic - and forgive those around us for their shortcomings. You should not rush when making decisions, especially if they relate to your personal life. The romance that has begun will certainly continue if the man becomes softer and more accommodating.

Changes related to career, moving or home improvement are possible. You need to be careful in your actions and words, and when communicating with loved ones, do not skimp on pleasant emotions. It is dangerous to sort things out in marriage, since a quarrel risks turning into divorce.

Men will forget about health, which is the main sign of good health. Expenses will be covered by income, but unexpected expenses are likely at the end of March. Disagreements with relatives will arise due to financial problems and paperwork, so you should not postpone the discussion of important issues.

It is not by chance that Virgos decide to take and change something big in their everyday existence. This thought will arise in you under the influence of powerful heavenly bodies, who will become your main patrons in March 2017. So, who will volunteer to help you and how will the influence of this or that planet manifest itself?

The first and main “mentor” for you, dear Virgos, will be Mercury. This planet is responsible not only for people’s financial success, but also for such qualities as activity, entrepreneurship, and thirst for innovation. Needless to say that at the beginning of this spring the listed traits will appear in abundance in your character? Yes, yes, it is precisely when you find yourself completely in the positive power of Mercury that you decide to start restructuring your usual way of life!

Also, in this difficult process you will be accompanied by the planet Saturn, which will endow your character with a tendency towards orderliness and accuracy. That is why, before you act, you will carefully consider your every step, which will be the key to the success of your bold ideas.

However, among the heavenly leaders there will be those to whom your March successes will seem premature. Thus, Mars, having united with the Moon, will try to somewhat slow down your reformative beginnings. More precisely, Mars and the Moon will make your behavior too hot-tempered and aggressive. This will manifest itself especially clearly in the third ten days of March (during this period you should be on alert, not letting your emotions get out of control for a minute).

March does not promise major changes for Virgos. Everything will be stable and calm. February passions will fade, life's dramas will be resolved, which will allow you to relax. In addition to happiness, expect a lot of free time and have fun. You will discover a world of new hobbies, take an exciting trip, want to play sports and develop in your favorite direction.

Your emotions will only be positive, internal state is stabilizing. You will understand that true happiness does not require enormous effort and lives next to you in the same apartment:

  • stable work;
  • good relatives;
  • morning hot coffee;
  • sun outside the window, etc.

You will enjoy life and the awakening of nature.

However, in relationships with friends, be prepared for ingratitude on their part.

Do not rely on reciprocity of help, otherwise long-term resentment and disappointment are inevitable. Don’t put pressure on people, try to defend your opinion, which has a right to exist.

Become less demanding, stop picturing a non-existent ideal of life in your imagination, and happiness will not keep you waiting.

Family relationships and personal life of Virgos in March 2017

You will strengthen your relationship with your partner because you will stop comparing him to everyone else. A rethinking of values ​​and climbing the spiritual ladder awaits you. True love does not require high income and Hollywood looks.

Love is selfless intimacy between you and your partner.

Having thought about and realized all these simple things, single Virgos may become very infatuated with a certain person working in sales.

You will notice him by chance while passing by the shopping aisles in the supermarket, and you will realize that he unconsciously attracts you.

If you have already found your soulmate, beware of misunderstandings with your partner this month. Be more tolerant of a person's shortcomings. You should not persistently prove your point of view; you will not be able to convince your partner.

In March, you may cause deep dissatisfaction with your partner. The stars recommend holding joint discussions and not closing yourself off from each other. Explain the reasons for your actions, assure your loved one of your sincere feelings. It is recommended to go out into nature or go to a restaurant. After a series of misunderstandings, relations will normalize and everything will fall into place.

The area of ​​work in March will take all your attention and distract you from family and friends. Try to give your best at work.

In March, beware of problems with work, which will either be too much or, conversely, not enough. The business situation will depend on other people. Beware of large outlays and unnecessary purchases, as you may fail when purchasing an expensive item.

March is favorable for business negotiations and agreements. You will be able to sign an important contract thanks to your smile, charm and creating a reliable image. Your prudence and slowness will solve many problems at work.

Starting a new business this month is a risky business.

If you have a great desire to open your own business, you will be hampered in every possible way by urgent tasks and failures in bureaucratic institutions.

Go back to the development stage and review the entire project again, as you may encounter inconsistencies and errors. Fix them and get ready to make your dreams come true in the coming months.

March is a time for scientific research and discovery. New ideas may appear that even reliable work colleagues should not throw around. Proposals for cooperation and joint business may arrive in mid-March.

Try to carefully study all the nuances and not get involved in adventurous projects that seem brilliant at first glance.

Virgo's health in March 2017

Your well-being will depend on your state of mind. Minor deviations in the functioning of the digestive tract, headaches and decreased appetite are a consequence of nervous fatigue. Don’t let this condition worry you too much, because over time normal functioning will get better. All diseases come from nerves. Try to bring yours nervous system in order.

When you are absorbed in work, try to spend your free time on relaxation and good sleep. Family and friends will understand your condition and will not distract you over trifles.

Try to eat less salty and smoked foods, as excess salt can lead to internal swelling. Such processes are quite difficult to notice, since they are not visible. But over time the situation may worsen, so accept everything necessary measures precautions.
