Mushroom growing business: there are risks and profits. Opening a home farm

Chickens love mashed milk. When cereal mixtures are moistened with dairy products such as whey or buttermilk, birds eat them with greater appetite. By the way, this applies not only to chickens, but also to all other species poultry. So for optimal fattening, you should add whey, buttermilk (cream left after churning butter) or cottage cheese to the mash.

For successful hatching of chicks in an incubator, several factors play an important role - temperature, humidity, air speed, air exchange in the incubator, and turning of the eggs. Their influence should be taken into account not separately, but collectively.

The question of what to feed a pregnant goat is extremely important. Ultimately, feeding a goat during the period of fetal formation and development determines both the health of the animal itself and the health of the future offspring. This is the case when a meager diet can lead not only to the weakening of the mother goat, but also to developmental delays, and even to the death of newborn goats.

Today, almost all residents rural areas raise poultry of one kind or another. One of fashion trends– having our own incubator. Someone is buying ready-made devices industrial production, someone makes an incubator with their own hands. An artificial hen is by no means a luxury, but a very practical thing that allows you to breed young animals all year round.

Ducks are very convenient for household use. They are not too capricious in care, they grow quickly, which allows them to be grown not only by residents of rural areas, but also by summer residents. By taking a few domestic ducks or mulards at the beginning of the summer season, by the end of the summer season you can get a ready-to-eat bird. If you are starting to raise ducks for the first time, the following few tips will help you not get confused when ducklings appear in the house.

What do we usually know about pigs? In the minds of most people, these are grunting, constantly lying in the mud, foul-smelling animals that are good only for cutlets and sausage. But in fact, behind the image we are used to, there are many amazing creatures hidden. We have compiled a list of fourteen interesting facts, which you may not know about piglets that are so familiar to us.

For several years now, there has been a buzz around such a phenomenon as mining, and the peak occurred in the spring of this year, due to an abnormal increase in prices for altcoins, which led to a shortage of equipment for mining cryptocurrencies. Prices for the first half of the year increased by more than 100%.

We present a series of articles in which we will try in simple words to highlight the intricacies of this area, so that any beginner can understand where to start and in which direction to move.

Let's first look at the types of mining. There are several types of destinations, which mainly depend on the scale.

This refers to large-scale data centers, which are usually aimed at mining the favorite among all cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin. These are areas of many thousands with a colossal amount of expensive equipment, amounting to thousands of units of computer equipment, consuming megawatts of energy.

Our continent's neighbors, of course the Chinese, have succeeded in this direction. They have entire neighborhoods and that's it various rooms are filled to capacity with ASICs (ASIC is a computer consisting of chips, circuits and coolers and was created for only one purpose - to mine Bitcoin - it cannot perform any other function) and the overall picture resembles one large server.

Those who follow the development of cryptocurrencies in the world know that China has long been a virtual monopolist in the development of this area. At the moment, their country is undergoing global changes in relation to cryptocurrencies, but this is a separate topic for discussion.

Other countries of the European continent also take an active part in the development of industrial mining and succeed in this, some by attracting investment, others by unlimited access to equipment. In some cases, manufacturers open subsidiary data centers at their own facilities, which leads to more short terms payback, since data centers are installed at the cost of equipment.

Also, in addition to ASIC miners, mining centers that produce mining on powerful gaming video cards are practiced on an industrial scale.

Household mining

Here we mean mining on gaming or specialized (Mining Edition - cards that are devoid of all unnecessary video outputs, branded packaging, 1-3 year warranties, etc., in order to reduce the cost) video cards.

On forums and chats, such miners are jokingly called “garage” or “balcony”. As practice shows, this definition was invented by exactly the same guys, it’s just that, as a rule, on the Internet it’s customary to make yourself look important by belittling your interlocutor and presenting yourself as an expert industrial scale. You just need to understand that “industrialists” will not waste their time on empty chatter on social networks and other discussion events.

After all, the mining process is not at all similar to what one might think at first glance - plug it in and money flows like a river, buy a ticket to Bali and that’s it, life is good. No!

Organizing mining - setting up, launching, monitoring and many nuances - is very difficult painstaking work, especially on a large scale. Now we are not talking about 2-3 cards on a desktop computer.

At home, it is possible to launch a farm from 30 to 100 or more cards, depending on your wallet, the area of ​​the room, the possibility of an outlet (how many watts the line can withstand) and ventilation/cooling (the operating temperature of the cards during overclocking is 55-65 degrees, in some cases it reaches up to 80).

There are enthusiasts and experimenters who run ASIC-based mining at home, but we personally do not see this as an advantage compared to mining on video cards.

Firstly the price. As a rule, everyone wants to buy cheaper. This is often taken advantage of by “shady” individuals who have launched their activities on the Internet, hiding their identities and, under fake nicknames, honestly offering good prices (relatively speaking) in comparison with official data. The S9 miner can be purchased from them along with a specialized power supply from 140,000 rubles and up to 220,000 per unit. The quality of this equipment will have to be determined after delivery. And this is usually a pig in a poke.

If you watch a video or photo of industrial mining on the Internet and imagine what share you will occupy with your one ASIC in this niche, then the question of the relevance of such a proposal will instinctively disappear.

Secondly energy consumption is high and the cost of it, even if you own 10 such devices, will have the lion's share in comparison with profitability, especially since at home the price tag for an outlet for law-abiding citizens is many times higher than industrial prices for electricity.

Third— this is the noise level from cooling coolers. It is very high and so high that your family members and neighbors will not approve of it, you can be sure of that. We believe that we have presented enough arguments in favor of mining on video cards in relation to ASIC miners.

I would also like to note the fact that for the price of one ASIC you can assemble a farm of 10-15 video cards. If the ASIC fails, you will have to repair it or replace it under warranty, and this is the time during which your income will be zero.

In turn, the failure of 1-3 video cards will only reduce your income, but will not stop it.

At the conclusion of the first part

We have analyzed the main types of mining without delving into the detailed component, since in the continuation of the section on mining in subsequent articles we will analyze the technical component in more detail and put emphasis on the household type of mining, talk about the choice of equipment, setup, software, pools, profitability and everything a novice miner will encounter.

Read the continuation of the article

Anyone who once lived in nature and ate homemade products dreams of returning “to the earth” again. And even those who have not lived, but only heard about it, also dream. And sometimes such a thought comes unexpectedly to the person himself. It would seem that you have your own business and wealth, but one day you realize that this is not that it is not enough. And only your own home, your own land, your own farm make life full, interesting and rich. And the work of a farmer now is not what it used to be. A variety of devices and new technologies turn work into pleasure. Today household, which once fed and took time and energy, also brings great joy. Where to start, what you will need for your mini-farm - let's understand this week's topic.


An apiary is a rare form of mini-farm. Meanwhile, even a small apiary of 5-10 hives fully meets the honey needs of a standard family and also allows you to sell the surplus. Where to begin? What should an apiary be like? How to keep bees? Let's figure it out together with experienced beekeepers.

Automation, Internet, GPS, mobile applications- all this helps to achieve good harvests, quality products and at the same time reduce costs and the burden on the environment. We offer an overview of advanced farming technologies.

Many people are starting to raise farm animals for "healthy" food: non-GMO produce, real meat, delicious butter, antibiotic-free eggs. But animal husbandry “for oneself” should not be an unprofitable activity! Let's learn to calculate profitability.

Summer residents begin to breed earthworms for various reasons. Some dream of fertilizing their beds with vermicompost, which is ten times more effective than compost. Others need worms for fishing or to feed chickens. Still others are engaged in livestock farming and plan to use the California worm to process accumulated manure. Let's learn the basics of vermicultivation.

When choosing the right duck breed, everything matters. The size of the plot, the presence of a body of water nearby, and even your relationship with your neighbors. Which ducks are best to breed in the country, and what is needed for this?

Many people, especially those over forty, have tried keeping pigeons. Some people do it just for the soul, and some people do it for the sake of delicious meat. We talk about meat breeds of pigeons.

5-10 hens will provide seven eggs. Based on experience FORUMHOUSE users, we will tell you which chickens to buy, what to feed, how to build a chicken coop and how to avoid irreparable mistakes.

And from here you will learn about common chicken diseases, their treatment and prevention.


A farmyard for an almost city dweller. The idea of ​​raising chickens and rabbits came to the minds of yesterday's townspeople - the Tverikin family - not by chance. What could be better than homemade meat and eggs from your own chickens? And so, in the most unfortunate corner of the site, on one hundred square meters, they created their own barnyard with their own hands.

Farming. Personal experience . Using the example of one personal subsidiary plot, we talk about the structure of the farm and its inhabitants: sheep, Vietnamese and Hungarian pigs, a goat and a calf. You will see how economically feasible it is now to engage in livestock farming for profit.

Breeding rabbits. Personal experience . Rabbits attract beginning farmers due to their ease of breeding and maintenance. However, if the conditions of detention are violated, mortality is often observed among animals. Forum member Pavel Tverikin shares his experience of breeding these animals.

Sparrowhawk device. Personal experience . When there are few quails, you can keep them in the very limited space: in the kitchen, on the balcony, in the pantry. But for a large number of birds it is better to build separate room. The main thing is to arrange everything correctly functional areas: brooders, cage batteries, feed storage, washing room. That’s exactly what Valentina Shevarenkova did. We invite you to take a tour of her sparrowhawk.

Chicken coop in a pine forest. With my own hands. According to the hero of this story, Roman, for him, chickens are not only delicious homemade eggs, but also a maximum of positive mood. He approached the construction of the chicken coop no less seriously than the construction of his house. Therefore, the chicken coop turned out to be not only warm and comfortable for the chickens, but also with designer things. Roman also shares his experience of choosing a breed and proper nutrition chickens for better egg production.

Forum thread:

The whole neighborhood is surprised at him: he holds a horse, but does not plow on it. For some reason, he cultivates swamps - instead of planting potatoes, and also keeps bees - although at a loss. And all because one day Aleksej2000 - an avid fisherman - realized that he did not have enough to be happy. And he bought his own land - to organize his own pond and start a farm - for his own joy and health.

Why do we come to this earth if not to fulfill the dream of our life? For Moon Fish, it all started with horses, with which she, “who grew up in an ordinary family in an industrial city, was seriously and incurably ill from childhood.” When the first dream came true, the second naturally came - “to exchange city life with a short summer season for permanent residence Outdoors". How the “girl with a scythe” started her household and what successes she has achieved - read in this topic.

Having discovered places of amazing beauty and rich in berries, mushrooms and fish, Mayjor and his family became captivated. Without thinking twice, we bought a house there and started a poultry house. In this thread, a forum member explains which chickens are best to keep, how to recover from a fire, how to care for birds, and much more.

Cold Vesna, a trainer-breiter, together with a young man - a dog handler - moved from Moscow to the countryside to “improve their health and live in freedom.” They had no experience in running a private household or growing crops, but they had strong love to nature. Therefore, “it was not difficult to settle into a new place.” Out of interest, the young people tried to grow flowers and vegetables, got several chickens and started raising quails. But the most important thing is that they have become closer to their dream - their own equestrian club and children's equestrian school.

Feeding children in the city during a crisis is not so easy. Whether it’s your own farm: a wet-nurse cow, poultry, piglets, your own garden and vegetable garden. And how many opportunities there are for the development and health of children! Another story about a dream come true to move to the village, which KendyEva realized with her family.

And in you will find even more inspiring stories about how to organize your own personal plot and how to make it profitable.

Farming is a popular type of business in rural areas. Nowadays there are farms in many populated areas. But the demand in the country for their products has not yet been satisfied. So a farm from scratch is still a promising business idea on which you can make good money. But on one condition - that the farming business will be well planned and competently organized. This article will tell you how to do this.

Chickens, bees, milk...? Choosing the type of farm

To become successful farmer, you first need to master the subtleties of conducting Agriculture and marketing of farm products. And, of course, collect decent start-up capital. If you already have all this, it’s time to create a business plan called “How to open your own farm from scratch.”

And the starting point is to determine the type of activity. There are several directions in which modern farms operate. This:

  1. Animal husbandry.
  2. Poultry farming.
  3. Beekeeping.
  4. Milk products.
  5. Growing vegetables, herbs and fruits.

There are many examples of very profitable businesses in every industry. That is, you can earn decent money in any of these areas. Often the choice of farm type is based on the personal preferences of the entrepreneur. Some things turn out to be closer and clearer, more to your liking, but some types of farming you immediately want to give up.

Having decided what you will produce, think about the scale on which it will be. Focus on 2 factors:

  1. Possibilities of your starting capital.
  2. Sales opportunities.

After all, the larger the volume of finished products, the more problems may arise with its sale. Especially at first. Immediately identify potential distribution points and methods available in your region.

Popular destinations

Cows are the most popular destination

Many peasant families today keep several heads of cattle. For them it's affordable option additional income for the sale of dairy products and meat. For some families this is the only source of income in rural areas.

The demand for these types of livestock products is consistently high. Perhaps you should also pay attention to this direction.

According to statistics, farm owners most often choose meat or dairy for their enterprise. There are more government requirements for milk production. And the costs for the dairy business will be higher than for the meat business.

The choice of cow breeds has many nuances. You need to carefully prepare for their purchase by studying as much information as possible. Learn more about the popular breeds in your area, carefully weighing the pros and cons of each. Keep in mind that there are meat breeds and there are dairy breeds. If funds are limited, you can buy heifers and keep them for 1-2 years. If there are 10 or more cows, a bull will be needed to fertilize them. For less quantity artificial will do fertilization.

We legalize your business: state registration

Officially, a farm from scratch begins with state registration of the enterprise.

Every farm owner is required to legitimize his business by opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most often, the first option is chosen as it is simpler and more profitable in terms of taxation.

If you plan to supply products to retail chains, first get the go-ahead from Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters. You will also need a land lease agreement.

Since in farms food products are produced, the owners must have documents confirming its decent quality. If we're talking about about meat production, it is necessary to obtain a veterinary examination.

Farm space

Choosing a location for a farm requires a careful and unhurried approach. It is worth searching for it in advance. Many offers today can be viewed without leaving home via the Internet. Specialized agencies are ready to provide assistance in this matter.

But there is no need to rush into concluding an agreement. It is important to get more information about yourself plot of land. There are moments that sellers or landlords are silent about. But local residents will willingly share what they know. So, if possible, visit the places you like in person and ask the local population.

When choosing a site, you should pay attention to such parameters as soil characteristics, pasture capacity, vegetation, availability and cost of storage.

You can buy land with everything you need to operate a farm. There are plots that are sold with sheds, fences and under.


The size of the room needed is different in each case. It depends on the scale of the young enterprise and the direction of its activities. There are several general requirements:

  1. Warmth and cleanliness in the room

In winter, you need to especially monitor the temperature. It is important that the room is at least 17 degrees Celsius and maintains normal humidity. And no drafts. This is not only inhumane to the animals, but also leads to loss of profit. The room also needs access to fresh air.

  1. Correct layout

On the farms different types she is different. For example, if you are raising poultry, you will need to install cages. In the case of cattle, stalls and feeders will be needed. Devices for cleaning manure will differ when raising different animals.

  1. Water

To raise animals you will need a lot of water every day. The premises should be provided with it in abundance.


This item of expenditure usually turns out to be the most expensive. It will require substantial investments - at least 2 million rubles. You can’t open a farm right away by purchasing everything you need. You will have to wait and allocate time for installation. It happens that this process takes several months.

For a cattle farm, you need to purchase fencing, drinking bowls, feeders, materials for stalls and mechanisms for removing manure. Immediately consider the need to prepare food for the winter. Of course, it’s easier to buy it, but it will cost more. To harvest on your own, you will need equipment (tractor, mower, trailers, loading and unloading devices, etc.).

For dairy business it is necessary to purchase milking equipment and select more spacious premises. After all, you will have to keep the calves somewhere, do the milking, supply the milk, and place the cows that are not being milked.

You shouldn’t buy everything at once, the best and the most expensive. It would be wiser to buy only what you need at first, and not what you want. Over time, you will gain experience and better understand what your farm is missing. Farms are often developed in stages over 5-10 years. To save money, farm equipment can be purchased at auctions.

Sales options

Before you open a farm from scratch, think about possible options sales

The farm can sell its products in two directions:

  1. Local markets.
  2. Trading networks.

Constantly think about the question: how to reduce the cost of production while maintaining the same quality of products? Inexpensive food products significantly increase the chances of gaining a strong foothold in the market.

Personnel: how to provide work for the whole family and neighbors

Farming is most often a family business

Often, the farm is run not only by its owner and organizer, but also by his entire family. Food production in our country is traditionally a family business, in which several generations are employed, as well as close and distant relatives of the family.

If you have a family, discuss this issue with them in advance. Of course, a family farm is more profitable than hired labor. Each employee has a personal interest in the success of the business and will work conscientiously. And there are savings on staff salaries. At first, after opening, this will be very useful.

If the farming business becomes a family affair, there is a greater chance of receiving preferential conditions from the state. Now there is government programs specifically for creating family farms. For example, to open such a farm, you can get a loan on preferential terms.

Expenses, investments, profits

Those who are just interested in how to open a farm should know one significant advantage of this business. It is promising because it constantly receives support from the state. Much is being done to increase the number domestic producers food products. They receive good incentives for development in the form of benefits, subsidies, free land, and financial resources for starting. Find out more about these programs. You may also be able to get help from the government.

In general, the initial costs will be something like this:

Table. Capital investments

On average, the farm receives income from 200 thousand to 2 million rubles per year. The payback period for the farm is from 1.5 to 3 years.

Nowadays food prices are rising. What benefits farmers? And those who pay due attention to this issue have no problems with sales. Moreover, there are no restrictions on access to the sales market for a national manufacturer. Domestic food products are in demand and are in constant demand. So the farming business is a great chance to earn money and contribute to the domestic economy.

Today, all over the world, such a branch of the national economy as farming is developing at a rapid pace. In almost any city or town there is a person involved in this business. Until recently, farming was declining significantly, but in last years it is again actively thriving and bringing huge profits to its owners.

It should be noted that farming allows you to sell such valuable products on the market as, for example, meat (pork, beef, poultry), milk and dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cream), eggs, offal (liver, kidneys), animal wool, fluff. Meat and milk are essential components of food, and therefore they will always be in demand, and this, in turn, guarantees profit for private entrepreneurs.

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Required documents and permits

Before you start work, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you need to do and what is most profitable. Currently, there are several types of farms: livestock, poultry, dairy, crop, bee farms and others. Each of them is profitable in some way. So, the first step towards opening a farm is choosing a location. This could be a large farming community or small house with a designated area.

It is not profitable to build a farm from scratch, since there is a lot of abandoned land that is not used by anyone. The easiest way would be to buy them back with the land. It will cost much less.

Secondly, you need to decide on the type, that is, what or who you will support. Thirdly, it is important to clearly define the scale of the farm. If this is crop production, you need to correctly calculate the required area for planting. If this is livestock farming, then the number of possible livestock is calculated, necessary equipment and room sizes. If you plan to sell products to various retail chains in the future, then you need to collect a whole list important documents, such as a lease or purchase agreement for land, permission from Rospotrebnadzor authorities, fire inspection for housekeeping. Among other things, you need to register as individual entrepreneur. All products must have quality and safety certificates, and veterinary examination of meat products is also required.

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Planning and purchasing of equipment

One of the most expensive, along with the purchase of feed (if it is livestock farm) there will be a purchase of equipment. If this is a large farm, then costs can reach 2-3 million rubles. Equipment can be found by asking neighboring farmers for information. The fact that this can take several months is also very important, because after purchasing it you also need to rationally arrange and install it. Next important point- This is the layout of the room itself. As mentioned above, the areas can be very different. If this is livestock or poultry farming, then the organization of stalls for livestock or cages for poultry will be mandatory. Individual feeders and devices for removing manure and garbage are also installed here.

The room should be warm both in winter and summer. Temperature in cold period should not be below 17 degrees. For this purpose it is used gas system heating, other options are possible. In addition, humidity must be maintained at a constant level. The presence of drafts reduces the productivity of animals, especially egg production. But, nevertheless, the room must be constantly ventilated. Lighting should be uniform.

Let's take a closer look at how to organize some types of farms.

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Pig farming

Pig farming is one of the most common and profitable areas of farming. An interesting fact is that pork is the second most popular meat after poultry, as it is cheaper than beef and has good taste. Its consumption accounts for 30% of all meat products. Pig farms are divided into 3 groups based on size. The first of them is large pig-breeding complexes, where the number of livestock is more than 12,000. The second ranges from 100 to 12,000 and the third is private land with less than 100 animals.

The advantage of raising pigs is that they grow very quickly, about 10 times faster than cattle. This makes them indispensable and very valuable in the market. In addition, they also gain weight quickly. By the age of 6 months, pigs with good feeding can weigh 100 kg and are ready for slaughter. Another advantage is that these animals are in full use and absorb all nutrients from the feed. Pigs are unpretentious in food and maintenance. They reproduce well. If there are 300-350 head of sows, there should be 15-10 boars, the rest are fattened for slaughter.

Equipment for this type of premises must be special. In most cases, pigs are fed dry food, so you need to purchase equipment for feeding it. The equipment includes: bunker, feed lines, dispensers. If individual nutrition takes place, then feeders are provided. It is very important to purchase drinking bowls for pigs, feed loaders, and machine equipment.

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Purchasing animals and necessary feed

You can buy piglets or pigs at the nearest livestock market. It is worth starting with 300-350 individuals, and purchasing queens and boars from different buyers in order to avoid inbreeding and reducing livestock productivity. Such a number of pigs will require a huge amount of feed. Over the course of a year, up to 35 tons of feed will be required, as well as approximately 300 kg of special additives. The latter is mandatory, since supplementary feeding contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the pig’s body, which may not be enough in the daily diet. Proper balanced nutrition will help rapid growth and the proper development of young animals and adults. You should also take feed purchasing points seriously. It is important that the supplier sells quality products, otherwise the profit may be zero.

As for the cost, the purchase of equipment will cost approximately 2-3 million rubles. Every month for payment wages personnel will need: 10-15 thousand for pig farmers and 20-25 veterinarians. But the most expensive will, of course, be food. After all, to purchase, for example, 15 kg of feed, you need to spend 120 rubles. The profitability of the project will be about 25%. Payback periods vary widely, on average 2-3 years.

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Poultry farming

Poultry has been the main product of the meat industry in recent years. The reasons for this are the low cost of meat on the market, high demand, and the ease of breeding poultry. Poultry, and mainly chicken, ranks first in terms of consumption, leaving behind pork and beef. Let's look at how to open a poultry farm from scratch. Unlike pig farming, such a business will not require expensive equipment and large areas for the premises. The business of raising chickens from scratch is considered very profitable, the profitability is 100%. Chickens are the main supplier of eggs and meat. The living conditions for them are especially simple: they require constant care and observation, which takes from 2 to 4 hours a day.

The birds are kept in chicken coops with individual or collective feeders, and a certain rule must be observed: all birds are fed at approximately the same time. Dry coma, chopped grass, cereal crops, bread and so on. Chickens should be fed until they are full. Finely chopped shells or gravel must be poured into the feeders so that the birds can replenish calcium deficiency. It is very important that the room where animals are kept is well heated and ventilated, but without drafts. You can buy chickens at the market, they are inexpensive. To complete a transaction, you will need documents on vaccinations, information about age, previous diseases, name of the breed, that is, a so-called passport.
