Anti-mite when you can eat cucumbers. Spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse. Environmental protection methods

Spider mites are considered one of the most harmful pests of vegetable gardens. It is capable of destroying absolutely all crops without exception, and in just 1-2 weeks it can destroy plants. It is often possible to detect spider mites on cucumbers. Regular spraying cannot cope with it, as it intertwines the affected area with a network. However, absolutely nothing is impossible, the main thing is to choose the best way and follow the right advice.

The cucumber mite is a small arachnid creature. The rate of their growth depends on the air temperature: the warmer it is, the more they multiply. In extreme heat or in the cool season, females do not feed. They migrate to protected corners and can move from greenhouse to greenhouse if the buildings are close.

  • Spider mite on cucumbers, it sucks out the contents of cucumber cells.
  • In addition, they infect the crop with infections, for example, gray rot microorganisms.

As a result, the plant loses its vigor and immunity to other pests and diseases.

Signs of defeat

Signs of damage include:

Fighting methods

Which method of controlling spider mites do you prefer?

Folk wayUse of drugs

Biological ones take into account attraction to own plot other pests, which is not always practical.


  • Akarin. Method of contact-intestinal exposure. Destroys all types of plant mites, safe for environment, is completely neutralized in the soil. The period of intense action is 4-8 hours. Plants are unsafe for humans for 3 days from the moment of final spraying.

  • Apollo. Acaricide that destroys larvae and eggs fruit pests. Sterilizes adults. It can be combined with other substances. It is neutral for insects and bees, and works selectively only against mites. The leaves of the affected plants are generously moistened with the substance of this drug.

Folk remedies

Before turning to “chemistry”, it is possible to try to influence pests folk recipes. At the initial stages, if plant infection has not started, these methods provide excellent results. There are plants that repel cucumber mites. They contain characteristic poisons. Most of all, infusions of them are used for preventive spraying. But it is impossible to exceed the dose, as this can spoil the plants. Below are a few recipes:

  • Marigold flowers, water. Fill 1/2 bucket of dried marigold flowers warm water and leave for 2 days. Add 40 g to the strained infusion laundry soap. Spray cucumber plantings in the evening.
  • Potato tops. Infuse 1.2 kilograms of fresh tops in a huge dose of warm water for 4 minutes. Generously moisten the affected plants with this substance.

  • Tomatoes, water. Pour 4 kg of tomato tops into 10 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes. Add 40 grams of laundry soap to the mixture. Dilute this concentrate half and half with water and treat the plants.
  • Medical alcohol (96%). Wet a piece of cotton wool with it and wipe the leaves of the plant - the tick will be destroyed (remember that it will not take eggs in this way). Ethanol has the ability to evaporate instantly; for this reason, the leaves of the plant should theoretically not be damaged.
  • Soap(economic is more correct, but anything else will do). If you have spider mites, the plant can be treated with regular soap:
  1. To do this, wipe all the leaves and branches with a soapy sponge. The more foam there is, the better.
  2. We also spray the soil with soapy water, but just a little bit, so as not to get on the roots and spoil the plant.
  3. Unfortunately, many gardeners act significantly and spill the entire earthen lump, and then are amazed that the plant has dried out after a week. Don’t repeat other people’s mistakes, there should be moderation in everything! So, after you soap the plant, take your time to wash off the foam. Wait 3-4 minutes - this will be enough.
  4. Soap products form a film on the leaves through which gas exchange does not occur, that is, the plant “does not breathe.” For this reason, leaving it in such soapy conditions overnight is dangerous. After the soap has been washed off, cover the plant with a bag for a day, without waiting for the water drops to dry. This will be a “double blow” for those ticks that remained alive after the soap. The high humidity under the bag will be unbearable for them and they will disappear.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

You can also sprinkle the plants with soapy water instead of wiping with a sponge. In some cases, this is exclusively correct solution, for example, if a large number of plants with small leaves are infected. It’s a pain to wipe each leaf, but you can spray it in a matter of minutes. By the way, as an alternative to soap, you can use any dishwashing detergent, for example, the same “Fairy”.

  • Garlic infusion. Take 2 heads of garlic and chop them finely. We put the purchased raw materials in a jar and fill it with 1 liter of water, cover with a lid. We put the jar in dark closet and leave for 5 days. After this time, spray the plant with the purchased infusion, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Onion peel infusion. Pour 100 grams of onion peel into 5 liters of water and leave for 4-5 days. After the infusion, we strain it and spray the affected plants.


It is easier to avoid it than to treat a disease. With spider mite damage to a cucumber, everything is the same, and the “disease” must be prevented with the help of preventive measures.

To prevent cucumbers or other plants on the site from becoming victims of this gluttonous and numerous insect, you should:

  1. Promptly weed the area with uncleaned vegetation.
  2. In the winter, be sure to thoroughly dig up the area, which will help eliminate numerous pests in the cold winter.
  3. If you plan to grow cucumbers in protected soil, then thermal or chemical treatment of wooden beams is necessary.
  4. A very good preventative effect is provided by attracting natural enemies of spider mites to the area.


Phytoseiulus - this mite is able to find and eliminate spider mites even at early stage plant damage. Among the folk remedies for preventing the spread of ticks, it is possible to recommend the use of ordinary dill in the beds. Plants are planted around the perimeter of the cucumber plot. Such a plant protection system can be used both in open ground, and in greenhouse conditions.

If cucumber plants were cultivated chemicals, then it is not recommended to use a plant that was grown on the site for food.


You can also watch a video where experienced gardener will tell you how you can fight spider mites.

Beautiful, and flowering plants cucumbers on your site may attract not only you, but also all sorts of pests that can destroy the entire crop in a matter of hours. For this reason, daily monitoring of the site is necessary in order to identify the pest at an early stage of plant damage, and the tips described in this article can help cope with this dangerous enemy.

Spider mites appear on cucumbers in a greenhouse more often than in open, unprotected beds. Inside greenhouses and greenhouses the most favorable conditions for its development and reproduction. Therefore we need to protect vegetable crop from the attack of a dangerous pest that can destroy the crop.

Spider mites on cucumbers are very difficult to notice. The size of this insect is about 1 mm. The color can be different: milky-whitish, yellowish-green, reddish-orange. After entering the greenhouse, the tick first approaches the bushes that have the largest and most succulent greenery. Sucking the juices from the plant cells, it leads to its drying out and death.

Is it possible to recognize the signs of a pest? The pest is most often localized on the inside of the leaf, since that is where the most nutrients are located. You can recognize mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse by appearance plants. Moving along the leaf, they leave gray-white spots, which over time turn into white stripes. The mite, destroying the cells and blood vessels of the plant, stops its growth. The cucumber leaf turns yellow and curls.

After 2-3 days, the female pests begin to lay eggs, the number reaches up to 400 pieces. And after 7-8 days the number of insects increases significantly. If you begin to see cobwebs on cucumbers in a greenhouse, then this is a sure sign of the appearance of a whole colony of insects.

Ticks develop their active activity if it is warm and dry. For the winter, the tick burrows into the leaves, into the remains of tops after harvesting, and hides in the corners of the greenhouse or in manure. Can be carried by gusts of wind. For the human body this is small insect cannot cause harm, but can destroy all cucumber beds. The insect, devastating the inside of the leaves, leads to a decrease in immunity.

Various diseases of cucumbers develop in the greenhouse. Their treatment begins with the complete destruction of pests.

Most often, the mite causes the development of gray rot. On the leaves there are large brown spots, and a gray coating appears on the fruits. You can treat rot in a greenhouse chemicals(Hom, Oxy), you can use biological products (Sodium Humate, Stimpo) or apply traditional methods(iodine or soda solution, composition with whey).

How to deal with spider mites on cucumbers

It's quite difficult to get rid of it. Sometimes, the methods that helped before cannot cope again. Therefore, answering the question of how to save the crop, it is easier to carry out preventive control methods.

Spider mites reduce the yield or lead to its complete loss. The taste of ripe fruits deteriorates and the shape becomes deformed. Cucumber beds where ticks have settled are more likely to get sick, which is why it is so important to know how to deal with them.

  1. Before sowing seeds, it is recommended to dig up the soil, as mites can overwinter in the surface layer of soil.
  2. It is best to choose cucumber varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests.
  3. When planting seedlings, it is recommended to alternate beds of cucumbers with tomato bushes. A tomato bed will protect against the rapid spread of the pest.
  4. Weed control is a must.
  5. The watering regime must be observed. Humidity prevents insects from breeding.
  6. It is useful to loosen the soil. The procedure that makes the plant strong is best carried out after watering. Loosening will allow better supply of oxygen and nutrients to the roots.
  7. It is necessary to apply fertilizers in a timely manner. This will increase disease resistance and resist pest invasions.
  8. They also fight pest infestations using mulching.
  9. Be sure to periodically inspect the plants. What to do if a spider mite is found on cucumbers? If found small quantity leaves with mites, they need to be torn off and burned, and the beds should be treated with any preventative agent.
  10. The tick loves asters, so this type of flower should not be planted with cucumber beds.

Measures to combat spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse consist of the following:

  • It is recommended to maintain high air humidity; for ticks, a humidity of about 80% is considered an unfavorable environment;
  • be sure to disinfect equipment and the entire structure;
  • It is recommended to replace in the fall, after harvesting. upper layer soil;
  • fertilizing the soil with phosphorus elements.

Prevention of spider mites is also carried out using folk formulations. The compositions will not only help protect plants from ticks, but will also help enrich the soil with nutrients.

To prevent spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse, you can use the tops or shoots of tomatoes. Pour the greens, put on the fire, bring to a boil and then cook for another 30 minutes. IN ready solution add 50 g of crushed laundry soap. Before watering or spraying, the resulting solution is diluted with water.

Popular chemicals

The fight against spider mites on cucumbers can be carried out with chemicals purchased in the store. There are proven and effective chemicals to treat cucumbers against spider mites.

The drug Fitoverm will help answer the question of how to combat spider mites on cucumbers. You need to add 10 ml of the drug to a bucket of water. The protective properties last for three weeks, but provided that there is no heavy rains. The only disadvantage is that the solution is addictive, so it cannot be used to remove pests several times a season.

Iskra-Bio is considered a safe drug against spider mites in a greenhouse. It is not addictive and can quickly destroy spider mites. The composition contains potassium components that help the damaged plant recover. After treatment with the solution, you can enjoy the cucumber within two days. 1 ml of the drug should be diluted in 1 liter of water.

Plant-Pin or Etisso sticks are used against spider mites . They are installed in the soil next to the cucumbers. During watering, substances that destroy insects begin to fall into the ground. Protection with drugs is provided for 1.5 months.

Karbofos is a highly effective remedy for controlling spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse. Can be used many times, but within a week interval. Be sure to spray not only the outside, but also inner part leaves. Take 40 g of the drug and dilute it in 10 liters of water.

Insecticide control methods are considered the most reliable, but caution must be exercised. When diluting drugs and using them, the instructions and safety rules must be strictly followed. Vapors from solutions can lead to poisoning of the body. Therefore, when treating beds with chemical solutions, you need to use personal protective equipment.

Treatment vegetable beds should be carried out in clear, dry weather, without wind or in the evening, but only if there is confidence that there will be no rain in the next hour. The last chemical treatment is carried out two weeks before the expected mass harvest. During this period, all toxic vapors will have time to disappear from the plant.

How to prepare the composition yourself

How to get rid of spider mites on cucumbers without chemical additives, using folk remedies? At home, you can independently prepare compositions for cucumber seedlings from natural and safe ingredients, following the recommendations of well-known recipes.

Onion peel-based remedies for spider mites on cucumbers help. It is filled with water and left to infuse for the whole day. The resulting solution can be sprayed on the green part of the vegetable crop.

To completely get rid of insect pests, use folk remedies with the inclusion of an alcohol solution. Often used against ticks ammonia. 30 ml of ammonia is diluted in a bucket of water. The resulting solution can be used to wipe the leaves of the plant and treat the greenhouse structure. You can spray the leaves on both sides. Ammonia is harmless to the plant and is perceived as a nitrogen fertilizer.

How to deal with cobwebs on cucumbers in a greenhouse

Dandelion or calendula will help. Calendula flowers in the amount of 400 g are poured with two liters of water and left to infuse for five days. Before use, the infusion is diluted with water. Dandelion leaves need to be poured with 10 liters of water and left to infuse for two hours.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse can be treated with yarrow infusion. You need to collect the yarrow and dry it. For 2 liters of boiling water you need to take 1 kg of dry grass. You should insist for two hours. After this, you need to dilute the resulting infusion with 10 liters of water and leave for another two days.

Garlic can remove spider mites for a long time. Chop garlic cloves (100 g) and pour boiling water (10 l) for 30 minutes. After infusion, you can use the composition for its intended purpose.

In hot, dry weather, you need to be extremely careful when planting cucumbers. In the heat, not only the number of ovaries is reduced, the leaves on the stems droop, but also such a malicious pest as the spider mite takes root. Due to its microscopic size, it is not immediately noticeable, so inspection of plants must be carried out carefully, looking under the leaves.

A tick is a very small insect, up to 1 mm in size. The color may be greenish, yellowish or dark brown. From a distance it looks like a small dot. While there are few ticks, they may not be noticed.

Settles on the underside of the leaf blade and lives in colonies. It feeds on plant sap by making holes in the leaves. In the process of life, it produces a lot of thin cobwebs, which can be seen on the petioles, stems and ovaries. Due to the numerous damages, the process of photosynthesis in the leaves is disrupted, it begins to turn yellow and dry out.

Females manage to lay eggs several times in a short period of life, so under favorable conditions the colonies grow rapidly.

Favorable conditions for ticks are dry air and heat. If the temperature stays above 25° and there is no rain, the pests become more active.

The eggs are stored in the soil, on dried plants, and on leaf litter.

Plants are damaged by adult insects, their larvae and nymphs. In addition, spider mites are carriers viral infections and spores of fungal diseases.

If cucumber beds affected by pests are left unattended, you can lose the entire harvest.

How to treat cucumbers against spider mites

To destroy spider mites on cucumbers, targeted pesticides - acaricides, or universal ones - insectoacaricides are suitable.

“Agravertin” – the mite dies 3-6 days after treatment, but it stops harming the plant earlier. After 10 hours it stops feeding on the juice from the leaves.

"Apollo" - kills eggs, larvae and nymphs of ticks. Adult females become sterilized and no longer produce offspring. It is enough to process the cucumbers once.

“Borneo” - adult insects become infertile, eggs and larvae die on the 3rd day after treatment. Can only be used once per season.

"Envidor" - destroys ticks at any stage of its development. The males that survive do not harm the plants, but are food for predatory insects. The drug is resistant to rain and adheres well to the plant.

“Kleschevit” - 7 hours after treatment, mites stop harming the plant, and after 3 days they die completely.

“Sunmite” – destroys ticks at any stage of development; it begins to act on them 15 minutes after spraying. Duration of action is up to 40 days. Can only be used once per season.

“Fitoverm” – ticks stop feeding after 15 hours, complete death occurs after a week. If after treatment there is precipitation or dew within a week, the treatment must be repeated. Best result when spraying at temperatures from +25°. The advantage is that cucumbers can be eaten within 3 days after processing.

"Flumite" - acts on ticks at any stage of development. Protection lasts up to 6 weeks. The drug destroys summer egg laying by penetrating through leaves; winter egg laying only through contact. Not dangerous for bees and predatory insects.

When treating cucumber plantings with the above preparations, you should thoroughly moisten all parts of the plants. These agents have a contact effect on ticks.

Folk remedies for fighting spider mites on cucumbers

In case of severe infestation, folk remedies are ineffective, so they should be used as soon as this pest is detected.

Before treatment, infected leaves are torn off, collected in a bucket and burned away from cucumber plantings. The remaining cobwebs must be collected with a soapy sponge. Only after this, folk remedies are used.

The most effective:

  • Garlic infusion. 50 grams of garlic are crushed through a press, pour in 0.5 liters of water and leave for 24 hours. The resulting solution is filtered, half is poured into a bucket of water. The treatment is carried out in the evening with no wind.
  • Cut the hot pepper into small pieces, add water and simmer over low heat for about an hour. For 50 grams of pepper you will need 0.5 liters of water. When it cools down, dilute 1/3 of the mixture in one bucket of water.
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide is diluted in water at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 3 liters of water. Spraying is carried out at intervals of 3-7 days. The higher the air temperature, the more often the treatment is carried out.
  • Tobacco dust - in dry form, it is sprayed onto plants moistened with water.

To each of these solutions add any liquid soap to ensure adhesion to the plant. If after spraying it rains within 5 hours, the treatment must be repeated. Folk remedies should be used regularly, every 7-10 days. There will be no result from a one-time struggle.

Since the tick does not like moisture, you can fight it cold water. This should be done early in the morning, while the plant has not yet warmed up under sun rays. Cold water from the well should be sprayed on the affected foliage and all parts of the cucumbers where the pest is found. It is best if a fine disperser is installed on the sprayer. You need to bring it as close to the leaves as possible so that the water dust does not have time to heat up.

If cold water gets on the ovaries, they may crumble. When fighting spider mites, this loss is not terrible. It is better to lose a few fruits than to lose the harvest completely.

How to deal with mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse

In a greenhouse, cucumbers are damaged by spider mites more often than under open air. This is facilitated by the fact that the temperature in the greenhouse rises quite high, but the humidity does not. These are the conditions that ticks love.

To avoid this, you need to increase the air humidity. You can place open containers of water between plantings. How larger area evaporation, the faster the air humidity will increase, so it is best to use basins and troughs.

It is recommended to spend it in a greenhouse foliar feeding cucumbers with superphosphate. This will repel pests and at the same time strengthen the plants. 40 grams of fertilizer (2 tablespoons with a small slide) are diluted in a bucket of water and moistened the leaves early in the morning or evening.

In case of severe damage to cucumber plantings, the fight is carried out in the same way as in open ground.


In measures to combat spider mites, prevention takes first place.

Crop rotation in the garden is important. It is not advisable to grow cucumbers for two years in a row in one place. It is best to alternate them with tomatoes or spicy herbs. If possible, you can leave the bed under black fallow for one season, periodically weeding out weeds and loosening the soil.

No dried leaves or roots should be left on the garden bed. After the harvest, everything is collected and burned. Before digging, the soil should be treated with acaricides that destroy egg clutches (Apollo, Borneo, Flumite). 3-4 days after treatment, the soil is dug up and left there for the winter.

When planting cucumbers, you should not thicken them. If dry, hot weather sets in, the frequency of watering should be increased. This will benefit the cucumbers, but will be detrimental to the mites.

Constantly inspect the beds. As soon as you notice the pest, start processing. During this period, the tick can be dealt with using folk remedies.


The common spider mite is a polyphagous pest that affects a wide range of host plants: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, onions, and flower crops. But one of his favorites is cucumber. The pest mainly affects the leaf apparatus, although damage to fruits, stems, and petioles can be observed.

The most favorable conditions for the development of the pest are created by dry, hot weather. In intense heat, the common spider mite affects some crops not only in the greenhouse, but also in the open ground.

Signs of spider mites on cucumbers

The main signs of spider mite infestation include:

  • the formation of light spots in the area where the petiole attaches to the leaf blade;
  • the appearance of a cobweb with reverse side leaf, usually this is a sign of an already strong mite infestation.

The damage begins from the lower tiers - if you carefully examine the plant from bottom to top, we will see damaged lower leaves. Gradually, the pest rises up, populates the upper tiers - leaves and fruits - and entangles everything with a cobweb.

Photo: spider mite on cucumbers

Measures to combat spider mites on cucumbers

Ordinary is considered very dangerous pest– if you don’t fight it, the loss of the crop can be up to 100%.

  • It is important to avoid common mistakes made by amateur vegetable growers when spraying the plant along the top.
  • You need to treat the underside of the leaf - where the pest is concentrated.
  • For treatments against spider mites, you can also use agrotechnical techniques that help in preventing the pest.
  • In any case, be comprehensive.

How to treat cucumbers against spider mites

When the first signs of damage appear, when only the lower leaves of the plant are damaged, treatment with biological preparations, in particular an insecticide, gives a very good effect Fitoverm .

  1. Spraying is best done in the morning or evening hours, when the sun is not very bright, and the biological product is more effective against the pest.
  2. It is advisable to repeat treatment with biological preparations 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

From very effective Aktellik – a special anti-tick drug. However, this toxic product is currently prohibited for use in the private gardening sector and can only be used in industrial greenhouses and plantations.

Prevention of spider mites on cucumbers

In addition to biological treatment, agrotechnical measures are also very important in the fight against spider mites and for prevention purposes:

Compliance with spatial isolation

  1. Usually, spider mites develop when spatial isolation is not observed , when in, for example, first onions for greens, and then cucumbers.
  2. Or, if they plant around the greenhouse flower beds, spider mites will probably be present on cucumber plants - the pest moves from the flowers to the vegetable.
  3. In addition, it should be grown separately from both flower crops and indoor plants.
  4. With such a neighborhood, a whole complex can form in addition to spider mites - this is thrips , And whitefly , and other pests.

Greenhouse treatment

Also enough an effective means of prevention is with iron or wood bases.

As a rule, lime with the addition of copper sulfate or bleach is used as a whitewash solution, which effectively destroys the wintering stages of spider mites.

Timely weeding

  • Cucumber plantings must be kept in perfectly clean condition.
  • Spider mites actively inhabit such common weeds, How woodlice (chickweed), white pigweed (quinoa), amaranth (amaranth).
  • The pest reserves on weeds, from which it then moves on to cultivated plants.

Soil replacement

The pest overwinters in the soil, so one of the preventive measures is changing the soil to a thickness of 5-8 cm , where the wintering stage of this pest is located.

Maintaining high humidity

Since ticks love dry, hot weather, it is necessary to provide the cucumber with high humidity .

  1. Spraying will be effective clean water, i.e. water by sprinkling - wet the entire surface of the plant.
  2. In addition to the general increase in mass, this technique has a detrimental effect on the tick, since the pest will have difficulty spreading over a wet surface.

The use of such simple agrotechnical measures in combination with preventive treatment with biological products, they will help get rid of spider mites, prevent the spread of the pest and save the cucumber harvest in the greenhouse.

Spider mites are pests that feed on sap from plant cells. Causes significant damage to garden crops, but suffers the most ornamental plants and vegetables grown in greenhouses: cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes. Although dealing with spider mites is not easy, there are many proven methods that give good results.

It is necessary to recognize a pest invasion as early as possible; the success of pest control directly depends on this. Having appeared on one leaf, within a week mites can infest all plantings.

IN initial stage damage to plants by their appearance, it can be assumed that the seedlings are affected by a fungal disease. But it soon becomes clear that it is spider mites that have settled on the cucumbers.

Signs of spider mites on cucumbers:

  1. On the back of cucumber leaves, small dots of silver, white or yellowish color appear, gradually merging into stripes that resemble stains on marble.
  2. A light cobweb is visible first on the leaves, and over time - on the petioles and internodes.
  3. Tangles of thin threads appear among the greenery, along which ticks move between the shoots.
  4. With a magnifying glass you can see tiny animals.

Over time, spider pests move from the lower tiers to the upper ones. The shoots turn yellow, wither and die. By sucking the juice from the leaves, pests deprive them of chlorophyll, and, consequently, the possibility of photosynthesis.

To protect their offspring, spider mites roll the cucumber leaves into a tube and entwine them with cobwebs. In such a cocoon, they are not afraid of any processing, since the web takes on moisture and chemicals.

Cucumbers weaken, grow poorly and can no longer resist the attacks of other pests. In addition, such bushes often suffer from gray rot. Complete destruction of plantings can occur as early as 2 weeks after the first appearance of spider mites on cucumbers.

What is a spider mite

In order to pick up effective ways To combat this pest, you need to know its nature. The spider mite is not an insect, but an arthropod of the arachnid class. Therefore, not all insecticides can destroy it.

The body is slightly elongated, convex at the top. Its larvae are greenish-brown in color. Adults are reddish-orange and range in size from 0.2 to 1 mm.

They live both in the greenhouse and on the street - for about a month from the moment of birth. But during this time they manage to produce huge offspring - up to 20 generations per year. Fertility depends on the climate in the region: where it is warm, the birth rate is accelerated, and where the spiderlings are cold, there is only one generation per year.

The female lays an average of 7 eggs per day, and begins to do this already on the third day of her life. Comfortable conditions for spider mites are warm (+23–33°C), humidity up to 80%, lack of ventilation and direct sunlight.

The pest overwinters in the ground, fallen leaves, bark cracks, and corners of the greenhouse. Moreover, some species are not afraid of frosts down to -28°C. In the spring it migrates to young weeds, and later to cultivated plants. The wind helps the mites fly from plant to plant on their webs.

Means for fighting

To remove these pests, you need to use products that say “acari” on the packaging (“acari” is Latin for “mite”).

Spider mites are resistant to insecticides and quickly get used to them. Therefore, control agents must be constantly changed and alternated with other compounds. This is done at least after three uses. Otherwise, they will not be able to be removed.

Ready-made drugs

If spider mites have managed to multiply on cucumbers, only ready-made preparations will help. Chemical and biological substances should not be used two weeks before harvest. Considering that cucumbers are constantly being picked, such treatments cannot be carried out during fruiting. These products are used strictly before the flowering period of cucumbers - until mid-June.

Acaricides—means that kill only ticks—and insectoacaricides—preparations against spiders and insects—help fight tick colonies. Acaricides act when they come into contact with a tick. Treatments are more effective during the development of a pest colony, because as individuals grow older, they become more resistant to the effects of drugs.

The following is used against mites on cucumbers:

  • "Karbofos";
  • "Envidor";
  • "Apollo"
  • "Anti-mite";
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Omite";
  • "Floramite";
  • "Flumite";
  • "Oberon".

It is good to use biological products: they are effective and less toxic. They do not act immediately, but after a few hours.

Destroy mites on cucumbers:

  • "Bitoxibacillin";
  • "Vertimek";
  • "Aktellik";
  • "Akarin";
  • "Iskra BIO";
  • "Agravertine".

The products remain effective for no longer than two weeks. After treatment with some of them, the fruits can be harvested within a few days.

Under the influence of drugs made from aversectin, pests die in less than a week. In addition, spider mites do not develop immunity to this substance. For humans and animals, such products are almost harmless. These are insectoacaricides:

  • "Aktofit";
  • "Kleschevit";
  • "Fitoverm".

The biological product “Dachnik” with a strong fir smell reliably repels spider pests from cucumber beds.

When choosing a preparation for processing cucumbers, you need to carefully read the manufacturer’s recommendations: some products are dangerous for beneficial insects, bees, fish and other animals. Such products cannot be mixed with each other.

Popular insecticides “Alatar” and “Aktara” treat plants affected by insects. Their use against arachnids is useless.


Predatory insects successfully fight mites on cucumbers. These are predators Amblyseius and Phytoseiulus, which feed on spider mites. Phytoseiulus also eats thrips and other pests. They can destroy a tick colony on cucumbers very quickly, but then they themselves die. You can buy them in flower shops.

Such biological method completely safe for people, animals, plants and beneficial insects. For prevention, you can place Amblyseius in a greenhouse every month. Phytoseiulus fights ticks better.

They also eat spider mites ladybugs. They will be lured to the cucumber beds by the smell herbs, growing nearby.

Folk remedies

If spider mites have just appeared on cucumbers, the plants need to be wiped soft cloth With warm solution laundry or tar soap.

While there are few ticks on cucumber plantings, treatment with folk remedies will help. Such treatments are very effective. Folk remedies can be used even after the period of flowering of cucumbers, since they are completely harmless to people and plants.

But most of the herbs do not destroy ticks, but drive them away from the beds, thus protecting cucumbers from pests.

Herbal infusions can be combined with ready-made means and with each other. They are used for spraying and cultivating the soil in beds with cucumbers. The recommended concentrations of herbal preparations must be observed, since burns may appear on the leaves or roots.

Basis of the product

Cooking method

Garlic Crushed cloves - 50 g, water - 0.5 l. Leave for 24 hours, strain. Spray the cucumbers and spill the soil under the bushes
Chopped garlic heads - 2 pcs., water - 1 l. Leave for 5 days, strain, dilute 2 times. Spray the plants
Onion Husk - 0.2 kg, water - 1 l. Leave for 12 hours
Onion and garlic Husk - 0.2 kg, water - bucket. Leave for 12 hours to 5 days
Potato tops Fresh herbs - 1.2 kg, warm water - a bucket. Leave for 4 hours
Tomato tops Fresh herbs - 4 kg, water - a bucket. Boil for 30 minutes. Add grated soap - 40 g. Add clean water 1:1
Hot peppers Pepper pods - 50 g, water - 0.5 l
Pepper pods - 100 g, water - 1 l. Boil for 2 hours. A bucket will require 150 g of decoction and grated soap - 50 g
Tobacco dust Sprinkle soaked cucumber leaves
Hydrogen peroxide 3% 1–2 tbsp. l. peroxide per 1 liter of water
Ammonia Ammonia - 1 tsp, water - 1 l
Alcohol 96% Spray cucumbers 3 times with a week break
Turpentine Place containers with turpentine next to the cucumber shoots. The bush can be covered with something for a while (no more than 5 hours)
Vinegar Essence - 2 tbsp. l., water - 8 l. Stir well and spray the seedlings

There are many herbs whose smell spider mites cannot tolerate. Such infusions and decoctions are easy to prepare and simple to use.

Treatment of cucumbers with folk remedies can be carried out twice a week.
The spider pest does not like moss and bark. These parts of the plants are heated or doused with boiling water, then dried. The raw materials are buried in the soil near the cucumber bushes.

How to process correctly

Cucumber plantings are sprayed when there is no wind or rain, otherwise the compounds will be washed off the leaves and will no longer harm the mites. This is done several times, since no more than 70% of the population dies in one treatment.

In addition, each new generation is born with already developed immunity to the drug that was used on the site. Therefore, a high concentration of drugs is required, which becomes unsafe for humans and plants.

Before spraying the plantings, be sure to remove all damaged leaves, and in case of severe damage, entire shoots. Infected parts of plants are burned. The leaves should be thoroughly moistened on both sides. After some time, additional treatment is carried out, even if the plantings look healthy.

After this, the cucumbers are fed with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, and the beds and slightly damaged leaves, if there are no mites on them, are sprinkled with ash. The substances that kill these pests are quite unstable, so they can disintegrate under sunlight. In this regard, spraying is carried out in the mornings or evenings.

In hot weather, more spider mite treatments are required. If the air temperature is about +20°C, 3 treatments are needed with an interval of 9 days. If the temperature is +30°C, the plants are sprayed more often - every 4 days and at least four times.

In the greenhouse

In addition to cucumber lashes, everything should be treated here: walls, roof, doors, and especially corners. After spraying the plants, the greenhouse must be tightly closed to Fresh air stopped going there. So it will be created in it high humidity, which spider mites are afraid of.

To combat spider mites on cucumbers, you can introduce the fungus Entomophthora Adjara in the greenhouse. Fungi penetrate pests, leading to their death.

Ultraviolet light is used as a means of combating spider mites. The plantings in the greenhouse are protected from the active sun, so pest colonies are irradiated with a special UV lamp once a week for 2 minutes. The number of colonies decreases, and cucumbers become stronger from such irradiation.

To maintain high humidity in greenhouses, large containers of water are placed.

In an open garden

Outdoors it is more difficult to achieve a humidity level (above 85%) that is not suitable for ticks. Therefore, after spraying, the cucumber bushes are covered with film for several hours.

Before precipitation, cucumbers growing outside should not be treated: chemicals in open ground can be washed away by rain.

Ready-made preparations for treating cucumbers in open beds should also be chosen that are firmly held on the leaves. For example, "Envidor" - effective remedy, wash-off resistant. But it is recommended to use it no later than 20 days before harvesting.

Precautions when spraying

All ready-made drugs and many herbs are poisonous. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow safety rules when carrying out work. Insecticides must be stored in a dry place at a temperature not lower than -15°C and not higher than +30°C. The room must be inaccessible to children and pets. The prepared solutions are not stored, but are used immediately.

Before work you need to wear:

  • gloves;
  • cloak;
  • glasses;
  • respirator (gauze bandage).

The nozzle of the sprayer should be quite long so that the mixture does not fall on the gardener.
During work you cannot:

  • drink;
  • There is;
  • smoke;
  • wipe your eyes.

If the substance gets into the mouth, skin or mucous membranes, you need to:

  • wash your mouth with soap;
  • rinse eyes with running water;
  • drink 4 glasses of water and induce vomiting;
  • take activated carbon;
  • consult a doctor.

After work it is important:

  • wash your hands thoroughly;
  • wash your face with soap;
  • rinse your mouth;
  • change clothes.

Toxic mixtures should be sprayed so that the splashes do not fall where they can cause harm: into water bodies, habitats of bees and other animals.

Varieties resistant to spider mites

If this voracious pest has been noticed in the garden, it is advisable to plant varieties on which it will not settle. But there are no cucumbers that are completely resistant to spider mites.

Less attractive to the pest are varieties and hybrids with thick, hard leaves covered with hairs. In some cucumbers, the underside of the leaves is loose and porous. Mites don't like this surface. Spider mites are less likely to settle on cucumbers that contain ascorbic acid.

Hybrids resist infection well. “Well done F1”, “F1 Athlete”, “Five Stars F1” performed better than others.

How to prevent spider mites

If in a greenhouse or on open garden bed With cucumbers there are conditions for the life of spider mites, they will return there again. We need to prevent this in advance.

Disinfection of country buildings, especially greenhouses and greenhouses, with sulfur bombs is mandatory, copper sulfate, caustic soda. This is done in autumn and spring. At the same time the soil is treated.

What to do to protect yourself from tick infestation:

  • buy high-quality processed seeds;
  • plant seedlings at a distance from each other in warm, loose soil;
  • place plants in the neighborhood that arachnids avoid;
  • weed the plantings;
  • constantly inspect the leaves of cucumbers - at least every three days;
  • After harvesting, you need to dig up the roots and burn them along with the foliage and stems.

For cucumbers, you need to create comfortable conditions and apply fertilizers on time. Then the plants will grow strong and be able to resist diseases and pests. If all recommendations are followed, the risk of spider mites is sharply reduced.
