Stars addicted to drugs before and after. Russian stars who should be treated for drug addiction

As you know, many stars suffered from drug addiction and their success in getting rid of it varied. Some have managed to give up drugs completely, others sometimes relapse, and some never stop using drugs at all. The list of celebrities who have ever used drugs is simply huge, but I will give only a few examples in this publication.

What shocked me most was the fact that Drew Barrymore took her first cigarette in her teeth at the age of 9, tried cocaine for the first time at 12, and already at the age of 13 she ended up in a rehabilitation clinic, where she was treated for drug addiction and alcoholism. Her transformation from a child star into an adult star was not easy, but she successfully dealt with her problems and returned to cinema.

Robert Downey Jr. was also an alcoholic and a drug addict, which is why his acting career went downhill, but he was lucky - he met his wife Susan, who helped him get rid of all his addictions and return to cinema. He tried marijuana at the age of 6, and in 1987 he underwent his first treatment in a rehabilitation clinic. It is known that from 1996-2001 Robert was in prison for drug use and possession.

Well, there’s probably no need to talk much about the next star and her problems with drugs, everyone is aware of Amy Winehouse’s problems - even those who have not heard her songs have most likely seen her not the most attractive photos on the Internet... In March of this year Winehouse announced that she has completely gotten rid of drug addiction and alcoholism and is ready to release a new album.

Robin Williams also appeared among the celebrities who had problems with drugs - although he had these problems back in the late 70s - and he used drugs and was an alcoholic, but again he met the right woman named Marsha (who later became his wife) and managed to quit, returning to the cinema and receiving an Oscar and a huge number of various awards.

It recently became known that Whitney Houston again turned to doctors for help to help her overcome her drug addiction. The first scandal erupted in 2000, when airport workers discovered marijuana in her possession. After that, she tried to recover from drug addiction with varying degrees of success.

Sir Elton John also had problems with drugs at one time - he used cocaine, which is why he also suffered from bulimia. In 1975, Elton John suffered a drug overdose, but it was not until the late 1980s that he recovered from drug addiction. After that, he began to officially talk about the fact that he had problems with drugs, and also began to help other people get rid of drug addiction.

Eminem's addiction began with Vicodin, because at first he young man there was not enough money for drugs, but with the development of his career and the corresponding increase in earnings, Eminem switched to drugs, but Vicodin and other painkillers still remained the main ones in his “diet.” The rapper admitted that Elton John helped him cope with his addiction. Eminem entered a rehabilitation clinic in 2005, and in 2008 he declared that he was completely “clean” and in 2009 returned to the musical Olympus with renewed vigor.

Another star known for her frequent visits to rehabilitation clinics is Lindsay Lohan. Oh, well, there are a lot of disagreements with the law and scandals here. Starting around 2005-2006, there have been reports that Lohan is continually being treated in rehabilitation clinics, either for alcoholism or drug addiction. Well, here we go - Lindsay Lohan and her problems are still one of the most popular topics for discussion.

Kelly Osbourne has overcome her drug addiction and now delights others with her wonderful and fresh appearance. Kelly admitted that she tried most drugs (except crack), but most often used Vicodin. Kelly became addicted to drugs when she became depressed, and in 2004 and 2005 she officially declared her addiction and went for treatment. She completed a second rehabilitation course in 2009. After getting rid of drug addiction, Kelly took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars” and began to actively engage in fitness, which helped her lose extra pounds and get her figure in perfect condition.

Kate Moss... The biggest scandal erupted in 2005, when photographs of Moss were made public in which she snorted cocaine. After this, Kate was at times involved in different stories with drugs, as a result, her addiction at one time gave a very interesting result - thanks to the cocaine scandals, her salary for the year increased by an average of 2 times...

Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994. There are many versions of what pushed him to such an act, one of which sounds like “frequent depression and drug abuse.” From the age of 16, he smoked marijuana and used drugs (cocaine and hallucinogenic drugs).

This list can be continued almost indefinitely, because there is also Naomi Campbell, Britney Spears and many, many others. It’s good that most celebrities find the strength to cope with their bad addictions, but on the other hand, why start?


We must pay tribute to the courage of these stars - not every person, especially a public one, will dare to openly talk about their mistakes. But artists like Vlad Topalov are ready not only to discuss their struggle with drug addiction, but also to help others get out.

Dana Borisova

The news about the TV presenter's drug addiction came as a shock to her fans. Borisova has never been known for her extravagant behavior or abrupt antics, at least in public. As it turned out, there are such devils in the still waters that a couple of months ago Dana’s celebrity friends decided to trick her into sending her to rehabilitation. Until recently, the TV presenter thought that she was participating in the filming of a reality show in Thailand. It turned out that Dana was waiting for a clinic on the island, conversations with a psychologist, yoga and a complete break from the outside world. During periods of calm, Borisova gets in touch and vows to “tie it up.” It happens that Dana panics, and then she secretly calls journalists and reports that she is being held by force. While Borisova's condition is unstable, she ex-husband threatens to take full custody of their nine-year-old daughter Polina.

Vlad Topalov

If Dana has yet to overcome her addiction, then her colleague Vlad Topalov has left the dark times behind. In 2009, the musician admitted that after the breakup of the duo Smash! I used drugs regularly for several years. 8 years after coming out, Vlad became a partner in a Moscow rehabilitation center to combat drug addiction, gambling, alcoholism, smoking and other addictions. According to the artist, he invested his own funds in the development of the clinic.


Who would have thought that the crazy and bright Shura, who the audience associated with the eternal carnival, would leave the stage due to serious health problems. For several years, the artist struggled with testicular cancer, undergoing chemotherapy and long rehabilitation. After treatment, the artist weighed 140 kilograms! At the same time, Shura struggled with drug addiction. “There were too many temptations in my life at that time. I was the number one star on the stage and used a lot of “bad” substances. “I myself realized that I needed to get checked,” Shura shared in an interview with “The doctor examined me from top to bottom and referred me to an oncologist.” The artist cites drug addiction as the cause of cancer: “I took drugs that completely killed my immune system. I no longer ate normal food, I constantly consumed it and went to parties where everyone smiles in your face, and you are slowly dying.” Now Shura’s life is a schedule, proper nutrition and healthy sleep.


After the final breakup with Aiza Anokhina two years ago, the rapper went downhill again. It is known that before the wedding with Isa, the artist was addicted to heroin, and periodically old demons attacked Guf throughout family life. As the rapper admitted, the love of his wife and the birth of his son helped him come to his senses, but, as it turned out, Guf was unable to leave drugs in the past. In September 2015, after a concert in Krasnoyarsk, the rapper and the Centr group were taken to a local drug treatment clinic and asked to take tests. The artist spent 6 days behind bars, serving an administrative sentence for using prohibited substances. A similar situation occurred in 2014 - then an examination showed that the artist used cocaine and hashish. However, Dolmatov himself took his arrests calmly. “Yes, I am Guf, the whole country knows that I smoke weed. This is bad, illegal, but I am not a systemic heroin addict and do not encourage anyone to use them,” Alexey said after his release from Krasnoyarsk prison. And yet, a year after his arrest, Guf went to Israel for rehabilitation. The artist was at a clinic called “Phoenix” near Tel Aviv. Dolmatov for a long time was under supervision and even visited the holy places of Jerusalem. The 37-year-old musician also attended group art therapy and psychodrama classes and met with a psychologist several times a week.

Leva "Bi-2"

While “Russian rap” is serving time for “weed,” “Russian rock” manages to settle the issue with coin. On May 17 at the Moscow Open Arena stadium, where Soccer game between the capital's "Spartak" and the Grozny "Terek", the police detained the lead singer of the group "Bi-2" Leva (Egor Bortnik), having found a "joint" in his possession. As eyewitnesses said, “an hour before the Spartak-Terek match, the musician tried to enter the VIP box. Didn't pass the test. They found a bag of something very similar to marijuana on him.” The artist was taken to the police station and was later given a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Stas Piekha

“He encountered this disgusting thing when he was little,” singer Edita Piekha says about her grandson. - In St. Petersburg they drugged him. I barely managed to pull him out of this environment. She sent him to Moscow to see his mother, and there he, fortunately, lost contact with these people. But I remembered for the rest of my life that drugs are scary. He grew up to be a decent person. I’m proud of him,” admitted Edita Stanislavovna last year. Following the famous grandmother, who decided to make revelations, the musician himself spoke up. “My parents were constantly not at home, there was a black hole inside and a lack of feeling that you were loved. Substances filled this hole,” said Stas. Moreover, during his use, Piekha suffered a heart attack three times and, by his own admission, “miraculously survived.”

Drugs have become the scourge of many celebrities. The love for prohibited substances affected not only the lifestyle of the stars, but also their work. Not all of the artists presented below completed their earthly journey due to addiction, but in many cases it was the catalyst for death.


Amy Winehouse

Some people are still haunted by the passing of soul diva Amy Winehouse, who died on July 23, 2011. The eccentric artist was found dead in her London apartment. The public suspected that we're talking about about an overdose, since the singer was treated for addiction more than once. The results of a toxicological examination showed that there were no illegal drugs in Amy's blood. The investigation reached a dead end, because this version was the main one.

The artist's death was classified as unexplained. Detectives suggested that Winehouse was killed by a sudden refusal of alcohol - shortly before the tragedy, she was treated in a specialized clinic, but this option was also dropped. Then the police began sinning on vodka, remembering that three bottles of the strong drink were found in the singer’s apartment.

At the end of 2012, they decided to resume the investigation: according to authorities, the coroner's assistant who conducted the inquiry did not have the appropriate qualifications. However, the re-examination became a formality, and therefore the British still do not know why Amy died.

Whitney Houston

Her death raises a lot of questions among ordinary people, since police sergeant Terry Nutall, who arrived at the scene of the discovery of the body, was noticed for indecent actions and spoiled the evidence. Former leader American special forces law enforcement filed a lawsuit against Nuttall, who was in the hotel room where Houston was found on the day of the singer’s death. The special forces did not touch the sheet with which the corpse was covered so as “not to destroy evidence from a possible crime scene,” and the police sergeant showed an unhealthy interest in the deceased. He threw away the sheet and began to examine the deceased, almost touching her.

As in the case of Amy, many believed that drugs killed Whitney, but here, too, the examination surprised everyone. The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, which conducted the investigation, released a statement according to which the singer died as a result of drowning. Atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use did their job. The examination showed that the 48-year-old performer was a chronic cocaine addict. Marijuana, a sedative, muscle relaxant and anti-allergenic drug, was also found in her blood. Such results did not please the star’s relatives, because shortly before her death, Whitney declared victory over drug addiction.

Private detective from Hollywood Paul Huebl was also dissatisfied with the work of the coroners and conducted his own investigation. He said that the singer was killed by the drug mafia because of a debt of 1.5 million dollars. According to Paul, he obtained a video recording of the killers of the legendary performer breaking into her room. Huebl emphasized that injuries on the body indicate that the singer tried to resist. True, the detective did not show this recording to anyone, so there is a version that he is not himself.

In turn, Beverly Hills law enforcement officials claim that Whitney’s death was not violent. "Based on the results of the investigation and the pathologist's report, we have come to the conclusion that the death was not the result of a crime. The case is closed," the police department dotted the i's.

Kurt Cobain

The Nirvana founder and frontman was found dead on April 8, 1994, in a greenhouse behind his Seattle home. The perpetrator injected a large dose of heroin, and then shot him in the head with a gun. Kurt joined “Club 27,” which brings together talented musicians who died at the age of 27, at the peak of their popularity (by the way, Amy Winehouse was also there). They say Cobain committed suicide because of drugs.

Heath Ledger

The cause of death of the actor from "Brokeback Mountain" was also considered drug addiction, but coroners found out that Ledger died from an accidental overdose medicines. Few people knew that Heath suffered from insomnia, and doctors also prescribed him sleeping pills, antidepressants and tranquilizers. A deadly mixture of six drugs took the artist’s life.

Marilyn Monroe

The Some Like It Hot star was found dead in her bed on August 5, 1962. Packages of medicines were found nearby. This is how the version about drug addiction Monroe. The main version of death was considered suicide. In addition, one of the former CIA employees stated that the state “ordered” the artist, but there was no confirmation of the information.

In 2015, experts announced the real reason death of Marilyn. According to them, the Hollywood actress was a victim of medical negligence. In the Autopsy documentary: The Last Hours of Marilyn Monroe claims that Hyman Engelberg prescribed her a "deadly cocktail of sleeping pills." The suicide version was also refuted by the fact that on the fateful night the star tried to call her loved ones.

Is it true that all the artists are on drugs, who provides the “stars” with doping and which of the artists buried half of their friends who suffered from addiction, as Day.Az reports with reference to “Segodnya”, the program “Rank with Ukraine” found out on the channel "Ukraine".

Nerves tense from taking heavy drugs and a sparkle in the eyes from a recently received high - this is the usual state of ex-member of the Smash group Vlad Topalov in 2007. This was the fourth year that Topalov did not go a day without a dose. He did not care about the tears of his beloved, the entreaties of his parents, and even the threats of producer Viktor Drobysh. A few months later, in an ambulance, Vlad recalled that ill-fated evening when one of his colleagues first treated him to a dose. Then Vlad thought: “It’s impossible to do otherwise on the stage: the whole show business is high.”

At the beginning of 2012, the art director of several fashionable Moscow bars, Rahman Neimark-Coen, died. A man choked to death in his bathtub due to a cocaine overdose. The death of an ordinary event organizer in show business has caused an unprecedented resonance. And all because Rahman not only loved drugs, but also knew where to get them. Accordingly, the entire show business crowd flocked to him like moths to a light for the “drug.” Rumor has it that he regular customers were: producer Yana Rudkovskaya, performers Dima Bilan and Sergei Lazarev, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, Vyacheslav Manucharov, Nikolai Baskov and other famous people.

Fortunately for the “stars,” Rahman had competitors. For example, Igor Logachev, in addition to organizing concerts of world pop stars, arranged leisure time for Russian VIPs and supplied them with cocaine. When he was detained in 2010, he admitted: “they don’t take anything from the stars.” “The purest Colombian cocaine is the drug that is in demand among representatives of this type of profession. Where else can they spend a lot of money?” - said Logachev.

The famous music critic Otar Kushanashvili “sat on powder” for several years. He says that it is thanks to him, and not the spiritual connection with the audience, that the artists smile so much from the stage. Naturally, they work 20 hours a day, and then they just go crazy.

This, according to him, happened with the famous singer Murat Nasyrov, who at the peak of his popularity jumped out of a window. “Murat Nasyrov committed suicide by using hard drugs. When I tried to talk about this on a popular talk show, I was quickly silenced. Well, of course, the man dressed in a concert costume, picked up a video camera and stood on the windowsill, and they tell us about search for Allah and an accident,” comments Kushanashvili.

This, Kushanashvili assures, lies the mystery of Igor Sorin’s death. He, according to him, also “sat on the needle” for a long time. Almost half of the artists, according to Kushanashvili, use hard drugs. “Let’s put it this way: 50 out of 100 people are on soft drugs - cocaine, pills. Another 49 are on hard drugs. If they had openly talked about this terrible statistics earlier, maybe we wouldn’t have cried at the graves of Murat Nasyrov, Leni Nerushenko, Igor Sorin ", says the music critic.

In addition to young people, almost all the old-timers of the stage are on doping, because the culture of drug use before going on stage arose in the early 90s. “I myself am no exception; I once almost died after an overdose. Even the old-time pop star Irina Allegrova, when asked directly if she used tranquilizers, answered: “Understand it as you want: it was all!” says Kushanashvili.

Shura only regretted that he had been “throwing away” for many years when a serious illness burst into his life. “There were so many drugs that the body could no longer cope with it. And it gave me this disease. But I am grateful to God that this happened. Because if there had been no cancer, I would not have learned this lesson. I would have just I died and that’s it,” says the singer.

Lolita Milyavskaya was once afraid for her life. He talks openly about his past. “I am a person who tried cocaine at the age of 41. I tried it for about a year and a half. I tried it not for a high, but because I needed strength for work. And “smart” people told me that it gives some strength and energy What has it come to? Completely destroyed nervous system, dysfunction of all internal organs. After that, I had to undergo treatment in China for two years to restore my organs,” the artist shares.

Musicians from the Ukrainian band Green Gray once buried four close friends. It all starts with weed, then cocaine, and when the maximum dose is no longer effective, the “heavy artillery” is used - intravenously. And so it is with many stars. Only a few who have a family or an incentive make it out.

Sky Ferreira

As soon as the titled model announced the release of her album, a couple of days later Ferreiro and her friend - DIIV member Zachery Cole Smith - detained by the police. The cops became suspicious of the stolen license plates on the Ford in which the couple was traveling. However, the problem turned out to be much more serious. When checking documents, ecstasy tablets and a bag with 42 doses of heroin were found in the car. The lovers were taken to the police station, but before the court's decision they were already released on bail. The situation is worsened by the fact that the car was listed as stolen, and when Skye was arrested, she tried to resist. They have already been charged on several counts, although in his Twitter, Zachery claims that they were framed.

Zac Efron

A good boy and a favorite of the entire female (and not only) half of America, the star of “High School Musical” has never had a reputation as a party animal and reveler. The other day, information appeared that shocked all fans of the well-behaved Efron. It turns out that for several years he abused alcohol, cocaine and ecstasy. But he found strength and underwent drug addiction treatment. Due to his addiction, the actor began to miss filming and already had to deal with the police. After five months of rehabilitation, he plunged back into work. Efron has already presented the film "Parkland", where he starred in leading role and is working on a new film, “Shatarpa”.

Courtney Love

The widow of Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain, singer Courtney Love is rightfully considered the most experienced drug addict in Hollywood. She has countless offenses to her name: she broke out the windows of her own home, destroyed furniture in hotels, started riots on board an airplane, attacked police officers - in general, everything as befits a rock star. Friends even gave her the nickname “black tornado,” implying constant trouble, and her other nickname, Coco, reflects her long history with cocaine. It is surprising that after litigation she almost always managed to get away with it. At the moment, Courtney has settled down and gone to work on a new album.

Elton John

It's hard to believe that one of Rolling Stone magazine's "greatest performers of our time," Sir Elton John, once suffered from drug addiction. The singer spoke about his addiction a few weeks after the death of Whitney Houston. The artist admitted that he used cocaine in immeasurable quantities and often brought himself to a dying state, but never considered himself a drug addict. After another seizure, he could get up and sniff the next line. A meeting with his current husband, Canadian designer and director David Furnish, helped him recover from his illness. Today the composer is ready to help anyone who wants to quit drugs.


The British singer, whose positive image never aroused suspicion, also suffered from addictions. Sting came to fame as a member of the rock band Police, which he left at the peak of its popularity in 1984. The ideal husband and caring father turned out to be a drug addict and a rake. His drunken antics increasingly came to light until a new girlfriend, Trudie Styler, forced him to recover from drug addiction. After a rehabilitation course, he decided to start a solo career and in the 90s he again became a star. Several years ago, in his blog on the Huffington Post, he made a statement in which he called on the government to legalize marijuana and use the proceeds from its sale to fight crime, poverty and global warming.

Lindsey Lohan

American actress Lindsay Lohan has repeatedly been imprisoned for drug use and possession. The star underwent treatment for addiction six times, and was even sentenced to 14 days in prison, but this did not stop the singer. In March of this year, she underwent another course at a special clinic due to a road accident. At the time of the incident, Lohan was already on probationary period for his previous offense of stealing jewelry. A month ago, on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Lindsay admitted that when she got into trouble because of her addiction to alcohol and kleptomania, she always subconsciously wanted to go to prison, since only imprisonment could stop and calm her down, at least for a while.


The artist never hid the fact that he was addicted to antidepressants, but until recently he preferred not to talk about this dark side of his biography. Slim Shady admitted to taking 60 Valium and 30 Vicodin capsules a day in the mid-2000s. At some point, the artist suffered a serious overdose, almost all of his organs failed and doctors had no hope of recovery. A month later, the singer began work. According to the artist, the main reason he did not allow himself to give up was a sense of responsibility for his own daughter Hayley, as well as his two adopted daughters Laney and Whitney.

Britney Spears

America's "Pop Princess" has always been predicted to have a bright future. This was the case until the singer met her husband, dancer Kevin Federline. The divorce from Kevin in 2007 unsettled the artist. After the court hearing, Britney suffered a series of mental breakdowns: she suddenly gained weight, left her career, started using drugs, alcohol, and even shaved her head. In 2008, Spears was hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic and declared incompetent, so custody of her two children was transferred to their father, Kevin.

Robert Downey Jr

In his youth, after several works in teen comedies, the actor played a desperate teenage drug addict in the film Less Than Zero. After which Downey began having problems with drugs in real life. After a series of high-profile scandals, he was fired from the studios where he was filming, and the court sentenced him to 16 months in prison for possession of cocaine, heroin and weapons. In addition, Robert had to undergo compulsory treatment. The actor said that his father, director Robert Downey Sr., who gave the boy at the age of 8 to try marijuana, was to blame for the addiction.

Lady Gaga

In 2011, the singer admitted to drug use, urging her fans not to follow her example. The artist used illegal substances, namely marijuana, to create new hits. Gaga explained that in her youth she wanted to be like her idols so much that she started taking drugs and miraculously survived. Having overcome her addiction, she began to engage in charity work, donating huge sums for the treatment of drug addicts.
