Signs in the transcription of the Russian language. Lecture phonetic transcription

Phonetic transcription

When studying the sound side of a language, to convey the sound of words, one has to resort to a special phonetic letter, based on the fact that a certain symbol conveys the same sound. This type of writing is called phonetic transcription.

Transcriptionspecial type a letter with the help of which spoken speech is recorded on paper.

The transcription is based on the alphabet of the language in which the speech is spoken. With the addition or change of individual letters. (For example, [ĵ] – from the Latin language (iota); [g] – from the Greek language (gamma)).

What is transcription used for?

1. To learn to hear your native speech and show the norms of literary pronunciation.

2. During training foreign language, especially if the spelling does not make it possible to judge the pronunciation. For example, in English.

3. Transcription is also needed where the writing system is complex and little known to the student, especially where graphics are not intended to convey sound. For example, in hieroglyphic writing.

4. Transcription is used to record unwritten language or dialect speech.

Phonetic writing does not coincide with spelling, because spelling does not reflect living sound processes occurring in the flow of speech, does not reflect changes in the sound system of the language, but rests on traditions. Phonetic transcription reflects changes in sounds that occur depending on position and environment.

Basic rules of transcription

1. Capital letters are not used in transcription.

2. Punctuation rules do not apply here; pauses are indicated by vertical lines: a short pause is indicated by one vertical line - /; phrases are separated from each other by two lines – //, indicating a long pause.

3. The transcribed sound, word, part of a word or segment of speech is enclosed in square brackets – .

4. In transcription, the text is written as it is pronounced.

5. Each transcription sign is used to indicate one sound.

6. In transcription, both are used diacritics signs (Greek diakritikos - distinctive), which are placed above, below or near the letters:

a) the emphasis is mandatory: the main thing is the sign acute―́, side sign graph ―̀ ;

b) a straight line above the letter [ш̅] indicates the length of the consonant;

c) the softness of a consonant is indicated by an apostrophe ՚ after the letter – [м՚];

d) function words pronounced together with the significant are connected chamber– [would be], [v◡l՚es];

e) the bow under the sign indicates the non-syllabic nature of the sound – [ṷ]

In some cases, when necessary, other diacritics are used: points(top right and left of the letter) to indicate the advancement of stressed vowels forward in the vicinity of soft consonants:

crumpled[m՚al], mother [mat՚], crush [m՚at՚];

sign^ to convey the closed, narrow sound of vowels between soft consonants : drank-[P՚ûl՚And].

7. In the transcription in the area of ​​consonants the letter ь Þ [ш̅٬] is not used, in the area of ​​vowels the letters e, е, ю, я are not used.

8. To indicate the sound [th], two signs are used - [ĵ], [ṷ]:

[ĵ] – a) at the beginning of a word: [ĵa], [ĵosh], [ĵel٬], [ĵuk];

b) before the stressed vowel: [в՚ĵу́н], [п՚ĵо́т], [с՚ĵе́л], [пÙĵу́], [мÙĵа́].

In other cases - [ṷ] (weak version of iota): [móṷ], [móṷкъ].

9. Vowel sounds, depending on their positions in a word, experience large changes in sound.

So, a) the vowel sounds [i], [ы], [у] in an unstressed position do not change qualitatively, they only sound shorter than under stress, and such changes are not indicated in transcription: [igly / iglá soapj soapÙvar p՚irÙg ՚i onion luga lugÙvoį].

B) Unstressed vowel sounds [a], [o], [e] change both quantitatively and qualitatively:

[۸] – unstressed vowel [a], [o] at the absolute beginning of a word and in the 1st

pre-stressed syllable after hard consonants:

[٨rbus/ ٨р՚ех/ n٨ra/ zh٨ra]

[ъ] – unstressed vowel [a], [o], [e] in the 2nd prestressed and

unstressed syllables after hard consonants:

[small pirÙhot kolkal zhelt՚izna tsalÙvat՚];

[ы е] – unstressed vowel in the 1st pre-stressed syllable in place of the sound [e] after hard consonants;

[zhy e l՚ez shi e lkatsi e pochʚk];

[and e] – unstressed vowels [e], [a] in the 1st pre-stressed syllable after soft consonants:

[With՚and e lo vњi e sna ch՚i e sy m՚i e s՚n՚ik];

[b] – unstressed vowels [e], [a] in the 2nd pre-stressed and post-stressed syllables after soft consonants:

[b՚ьр՚and e gа g՚nњi e ral ch՚sÙfsh̅՚ik d'at'l d'a'd'].

10. To designate voiced and voiceless consonants, their corresponding letters are used:

[bab dad]

11. To denote the sound [g], pronounced “without explosion” in some words, and when voicing the sound [x], [Υ] is used - “g fricative”

[bóΥъ sóΥ◡by bÙγаtyį (dialect)].

Nov 25

What are the rules phonetic transcription for students studying Russian in depth?

Phonetic transcription - 1) is a system of signs and rules for their combination, intended for recording pronunciation; 2) transcription is also called the writing of a word or text according to transcription rules.

The process of recording speech using transcription is called transcription.

Phonetic transcription is used to record spoken speech.

Phonetic transcription at school

1. Transcription is enclosed in square brackets.

2. In transcription, it is not customary to write capital letters and use punctuation marks when transcribing sentences. Pauses between segments of speech (usually coinciding with punctuation marks) are indicated by a double slash // (significant pause) or single / (shorter pause).

3. In words consisting of more than one syllable, emphasis is placed: [z’ima] - winter. If two words are combined with a single stress, they make up one phonetic word, which is written together or using a league: to the garden - [fsat], [f_sat].

4. The softness of a consonant sound is indicated by an apostrophe: [s’el] - sat.

5. Consonant sounds are written using all the corresponding letters, except ш and й.

Special superscript or subscript symbols can be placed next to the letter. They indicate some features of the sound, for example: o [n’] - an apostrophe denotes soft consonants: [n’obo] - palate;

The longitude of the sound is indicated by a superscript: [van¯a] - bath, [kas¯a] - cash register.

The letter u corresponds to the sound, which is conveyed by the sign [sh’] u[sh’]elye - gorge, [sh’]shetina - stubble.

The sounds [sh’], [th], [h] are always soft. Note. For sounds [й], [ч] it is not customary to indicate softness with an apostrophe, although in some textbooks it is indicated.

The sounds [zh], [sh], [ts] are always hard. Exceptions: soft [zh’] sounds in the words: jury - [zh’]yuri, Julien - [zh’]julien, Jules - [zh’]yul.

Letters ъ ( solid sign), ь (soft sign) do not indicate sounds, i.e. There are no such signs in the transcription for consonants: [razyom] - connector, [tr’ieugolnyy] - triangular.

6. Recording vowel sounds

Stressed vowels are transcribed using six symbols: and - [i] - [p'ir] pir, y- [s] - [ardor] ardor, u - [u] - [ray] ray, e - [e] - [ l"es] forest, o - [o] - [house] house, a- [a] - [garden] garden.

The letters e, e, ya, yu denote double sounds [ye], [yo], [ya], [yu]: [ya]bloko - apple, water[yo]m - pond, [yu]g - south, [ ye]l - spruce. Letter and after separator soft sign also denotes a double sound [yi]: voro [b’yi] - sparrows.

Unstressed vowels [i], [s], [a] are not necessarily used in place of similar letters - you should listen carefully to the pronunciation of the word: fashion[s]ler - fashion designer, d[a]ska - board, [i]kkusantsant - excursionist , [a] search - search.

Phonetic transcription in manuals for in-depth study Russian language.

1. Some textbooks use additional signs to indicate vowel sounds: [Λ], [ie], [ые], [ъ], [ь].

In place of the letters o, and in the first pre-stressed syllable and the absolute beginning of the word, the sound [Λ] is pronounced: [vΛda] - water, [Λna] - she.

In place of the letters e and i in unstressed syllables after soft consonants, a vowel is pronounced, middle between [i] and [e], but closer to [i], it is designated [ie] (called “i, inclined to e”): [l 'iesa] - forests, [r'ieb'ina] - mountain ash.

In place of the letter e after the hard hissing [zh], [sh], [ts] is pronounced [ye] (“s, inclined to e”): zh[ye]lat - wish, sh[ye]ptat - whisper, ts[ е]na - price. Exception: dance - dance.

The sound [ъ] (“er”) is pronounced after hard consonants in the first pre-stressed and post-stressed syllables and is denoted by the letters a (locomotive [pravos]), o (milk [m’lako]), e (yellowness [zhalt “izna]).

The sound [ь] (“er”) is pronounced after soft consonants in the first pre-stressed and post-stressed syllables and is denoted by the letters e (transition [p'r'ikhot]), i (ordinary [p'davoj]), and (hour [chsavoj]) .

2. Latin letter j denotes the consonant “yot” in transcription, which sounds in the words block - apple, vodom - pond, voro[b»ji] - sparrows, zyk - tongue, sara[j] - barn, ma[j]ka - T-shirt, cha [j]nik - teapot, etc.

Sample phonetic transcription for school.

[bal’shaya plosh’at’ / na_katoray raspalazhy’las’ tse’rkaf’ / was completely zan’ita dl’ i´nym’i r’idam’i t’il’e´k //]

A sample phonetic transcription for advanced students of the Russian language at school.

The large area on which the church was located was completely occupied by long rows of carts.

[bl’sháj flat’ / n’_kotórj r’sp’l’zhy’ls’ t’se’rk’f’ / was completely know’etá d’i´n’m’ r’iedam’i t’iel’e´k //]

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Phonetic transcription of Russian words

Development phonetics of the Russian language may be challenging task even for people for whom Russian is their native language, not to mention foreigners. Let's start with the fact that in dictionaries phonetic transcription of Russian words not specified. In addition, in Russian there is quite complex rules reading from big amount exceptions.

The pronunciation of Russian letters varies depending on the accent whether this letter is located or not (in case vowels), and also on what consonants surround this letter. The letter "a", for example, can have 5 pronunciation options!

With this online translator you can get phonetic transcription Russian text, written down either in Cyrillic letters, or symbols International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

Phonetic analysis of words online

The translator can be used to phonetic analysis of words online. To produce phonetic analysis of the word, you need:

  1. write down the word.
  2. put emphasis in a word (the translator knows how to do this).
  3. divide a word into syllables.
  4. write down the phonetic transcription of the word (a translator will also be useful here).
  5. Write all the letters of the word in a column.
  6. Write down to the right of each letter the sound that the letter represents.
  7. describe the sound: for vowels - stressed or unstressed, for consonants - hard or soft (paired/unpaired), voiceless or voiced (paired/unpaired).
  8. count letters and sounds in a word.

Let us produce, for example, phonetic analysis of the word "sun":

sun [suns e]

6 letters, 5 sounds.

Pay attention to the last sound of the word - in school practice it would be written as “e”. Professional linguists designate it as “y e”, because this unstressed vowel is pronounced as something between the sounds “y” and “e”.

Phonetic transcription will help foreigners learn the pronunciation of Russian words

Remember everything quickly rules for reading Russian It's quite difficult for foreigners. The translator will help people who are starting to study the “great and mighty” while they have not yet mastered rules for pronunciation of Russian words.

When used regularly in parallel with educational audio and video materials, phonetic transcription will allow them to improve pronunciation and listening skills in Russian.

Additional information about the translator

In the Russian language there are words that are spelled the same, but are read differently depending on where the stress falls in the word (compare: zamok - zamok). These words are called "homographs". The transcription of such words stands out green, For example:

If you hover your mouse over such a word or touch it on your mobile device, you will see all possible pronunciations.

The translator works on the basis of a dictionary containing information about stresses in Russian words. If the accent position is for of this word was not found in the dictionary, then instead of the transcription the word itself will be shown, surrounded by slashes: /extravagant/. You can improve the translator by indicating the stress positions in similar words. To do this, go to error correction mode .

When creating the translator, I used online resources from the list below, as well as Bulanin’s book "Phonetics of the modern Russian language".

Cyrillic transcription – updates from September 2016

As a result of the discussion, the following changes were made to the Cyrillic transcription:

If you feel that further changes are required, join the discussion !

Highlighting frequently occurring Russian words with color

A special option allows you highlight different colors the most common words in the Russian language. Depending on the frequency rating, words will be highlighted in the following colors:

1-1000 1001-2000 2001-3000 3001-4000 4001-5000

If you want to carry out a detailed analysis of your text and see detailed statistics, you can use online tool for frequency analysis of text in Russian .

Maximum length text (number of characters):

  • unregistered users – 50,
  • language pack "frequent user" – 10,000,
  • language package "polyglot" – 10,000.

Want to improve this tool? Go to error correction mode !

You might be interested phonetic converter of Russian subtitles. With it you can get the following result:

Transcription of Russian words - online resources

Updates to this word to transcription translator

  • Audio and video recordings of words have been added to French and Russian translators

    Updated in French and Russian translators. After you submit text to the site, you will see audio and video icons next to some words. Click on the audio icon to hear...


    Put emphasis on the word. If a word has two or more stresses, mark the secondary ones. For example: po-mo-lo-dé t,À woẁ -to-trá ns-port. In the transcription itself, stress must be placed.

    Determine the degree of reduction that is characteristic of the vowels in each unstressed syllable. Reduction of unstressed vowels is of I (not very strong) and II (very strong) degree.

The first degree of reduction is observed in the following cases: 1) in the first pre-stressed syllable (the syllable preceding the main or secondary stress), 2) in any other pre-stressed syllable, if it is open (i.e. begins with a vowel sound).

II degree of reduction is observed in all other cases - in particular, in all stressed syllables.

For example: By II -mo II -lo I -deoh, well II -mò -That II -trá ns-port II .

Now you can write the transcription.

    In the Russian tradition, transcription is written based on the Cyrillic alphabet.

Badges ъ And b are used only to denote reduced vowels of the II degree of reduction. Icon e never used in transcription.

The icons for consonants correspond to the usual letters of the Russian alphabet; letter th not used: the corresponding sound is indicated using a Latin icon j. Its softness is usually not indicated (a midlingual palatal sound cannot help but be soft), but we will indicate softness (for uniformity): .

To indicate a sound usually conveyed by a letter sch, [ш̅’] is used as standard, but we will use the usual icon sch: [sch'].

It is important to remember: the designation of softness in transcription is mandatory, even for always soft sounds[h'] and [sh']. This is important because the sound [h] may appear positionally in Russian speech - for example, in the word laugh it off due to the assimilation of [t] and [w], the hard [h] is pronounced. In the flow of speech, sounds that are not recognized by a native speaker of the Russian language can be pronounced: [γ] - voiced version [x], [dz] - voiced version [ts], [d'zh'] - voiced version [ch'].

In general: all processes of assimilation, dissimilation, deafening of sounds at the end of a word, simplification of consonant groups and other phonetic processes should be reflected in transcription.

The length of the sound of a consonant sound is conveyed using the bar: [n̅].

    There are 6 sounds under stress in the Russian language: [а́], [о́], [ы́], [е́], [и́], [у́]. In unstressed position, vowel phonemes in the Russian language are subject to quantitative (<ы>, <и>, <у>) and quality (<а>, <о>, <э>) reduction. To reflect this opposition, reduced sounds are used different icons, even if the real sound is the same. For example, sounding the same in literary language forests And fox are written differently in transcription: [l’i e sa] and [l’isa]. This is done because in some dialects the corresponding unstressed vowels are pronounced differently. Rare cases of pronunciation of unstressed [o] in borrowed words ( palazzo) and service ( But) words are written in accordance with real pronunciation. You should also listen carefully to how prepositions and particles sound in the flow of speech: they can either be included in one phonetic word with the main word form, or appear separately.

    In Russian literary language in the first degree of reduction there are 4 sounds: [а ъ], [и е ]=[и], [ы е]=[ы] and [у], and in the second degree of reduction – 3: [ъ]=[ы̯] , [b]=[i̯] and [у᷃].

    In an unstressed position, after soft consonants there can only be a front vowel or a rounded vowel ([i e ]=[i], [ь]=[и̯], [у] and [у᷃]), and after hard consonants - only a non-front vowel ( [a ъ], [ы е]=[ы], [ъ]=[ы̯], [у] and [у᷃]).

Under stress after hard

Under stress after soft

I degree of reduction of semi-solid

I degree of reduction of soft

II degree of reduction of semi-solid

II degree of reduction of soft

Wife [zhy e ná], tram [tra ъ mvaj’ch’ik].

§ 2. Oral, sounding speech, which is the object of the study of phonetics, differs from writing, which captures spoken speech in letter designations. The sound is pronounced and the letter is written.

The same letter can be used to convey different sounds; for example, in the word rose the letter o conveys the sound [o], and in the word mountain the same letter conveys the sound [ㆄ] (see § 25). On the other hand, the same sound can be conveyed by different letters. For example, the sound [t] at the end of a word is conveyed by the letters t and d: phonetically [cat] - orthographically cat and code; phonetically [roth] - orthographically gender and mouth. The number of letters in a word does not always correspond to the number of sounds. So, for example, the word mother has four letters, but three sounds: [m], [a˙], [t’]; the word hedgehog has two letters, but three sounds: [j], [˙о], [ш].

To convey spoken speech in writing, a special notation is used that is different from the orthographic one. This recording is called phonetic transcription. Phonetic transcription is a recording of speech sounds taking into account their positional changes in the speech stream (see § 23–32). The transcription uses the letters of the Russian alphabet, with the exception of [j], as well as the special sign [ㆄ], see § 4. Characteristic feature Phonetic transcription is the use of diacritics (superscript and subscript) marks. Transcribed words or individual parts thereof, as well as individual sounds, are enclosed in straight brackets. Stress is indicated in transcribed words.

§ 3. To write consonant sounds, the letters p, b, t, d, s, z, v, f, k, g, x, zh, sh, c, ch, l, m, n, p, j are used. In addition, the following diacritics are used: a comma at the top right of the letter (n’); horizontal bar above the letter (『); cap under the letter (〭); the bow above the letter combination (дㆀз), as well as the letters on the left above the line (ts; t’ch).

A comma at the top right of the letter denoting a consonant signifies the softness of the consonant; for example [p’]: [p’el], [s’]: [s’ate], [v’]: [v’e]ra.

A horizontal line above the letter denoting a consonant indicates the length of the consonant; for example [『]: wa[『]a (spelling bath), [〙]: [〙ыт] (spelling stitched), [〇]: [〇at] (spelling compressed).

The cap under the letters denoting the consonants [m], [n], [l], [r], means their deafening at the end of a word after voiceless consonants or before voiceless consonants; for example [〭]: drah[〭], [〬]: po[〬]k.

The bow above the letter combination means the continuously pronounced sound indicated by this combination; for example [dㆀz]: ote [dㆀzㆃb]y (spelling father would), [dㆀzh’]: do [dㆀzh’ㆃb]y (spelling daughter would).

The letter on the left above the line means a long shutter, that is, a delay in the articulation of a consonant before the explosion; for example [ts]: o|ts|epit.

The softness of the long shutter is indicated in the same way as the softness of the consonant; for example [t'ch]: o|t'ch|islit.

§ 4. To write vowel sounds, the letters a, o, y, i, ы, e, e, ъ, ь, as well as a special sign ㆄ are used. The letters ы, е are used to denote the sounds [ы], [е], which are pronounced in the stressed position after a solid consonant (including [ш], [ж], [ц]): [ту]л, [шыл]л ( spelling sewed), [zhy]l (spelling zhil), [tsy]pki; [de]ka, [she]rst, [zhe]rd, [tse]l. The letters ъ(ер), ь(ерь) are used to designate reduced (weakened) sounds (see § 26–27), pronounced in the second, third pre-stressed and post-stressed syllables: after a hard one - [ъ] (for example, l[ъ ]bovoy, according to ㆃs[ъ]du, spelling according to the garden), after the soft one - [b] (for example, [l'ь]sovod, according to ㆃ[l'ь]su). The sign ㆄ is used to indicate the sound [ㆄ], which is pronounced in the first pre-stressed syllable after a hard consonant or at the absolute beginning of a word in the second and third pre-stressed syllables: s[ㆄ]dy (spelling gardens), r[ㆄ]zit (spelling. strike), v[ㆄ]zit (spelling. carry), [ㆄ]ziatic (spelling.

Asiatic). In addition, the following diacritics are used to record vowel sounds: a dot at the top right of the letter (a˙); dot at the top left of the letter (˙a); two dots above the letter (ㆆ); cap above the letter (ê); a horizontal line under the letter (i), as well as the letters e and e at the top right of the letter (ie; е).

The dot at the top to the right of the letters a, o, u, e, s means a change in vowels in position before the soft consonant: [ra˙t'] (spelling army), [ko˙n'] (spelling horse), [ru˙ l'] (spelling rudder), [zhe˙]est (spelling tin), [ry˙s'] (spelling lynx).

The dot at the top left of the letters a, o, y means a change in vowels in position after a soft consonant: [р'˙а]са (spelling cassock), [l'˙ot] (spelling ice), [р'˙у] mka (spelling glass).

Two dots above the letters a, o, u mean a change in vowels in the position between soft consonants: [п'ㆆт'] (spelling five), [п'ㆊ]sik (spelling doggie), [л'ㆋ'] di (spelling people).

The cap is above the letters e, and means the closed nature of vowels in the position between soft consonants, as well as at the beginning of a word before a soft consonant: [п'êт'] (spelling sing), [с'㆏н']й (spelling blue) , [êt']i (spelling these), [㆏l']i (spelling or).

The horizontal line under the letters i, ы, у is used to indicate vowel sounds in an unstressed position: [i]gra, [ty]ly, t[u]da.

The letter e is at the top right of the letter and means the sound [ie], pronounced in the first pre-stressed syllable after a soft consonant: [p'ie]ti (spelling five), [n'ie]sti (spelling carry).

The letter e at the top to the right of the letter s means the sound [ые], pronounced in the first pre-stressed syllable after hissing and c, as well as in the second and third pre-stressed syllables at the absolute beginning of the word: sh[ые]sti (spelling six), zh[ые] stoky (spelling cruel), ts[ye]kidney (spelling chain), [ye]tazh (spelling floor), [ye]tazhi.

§ 5. When transcribing the text, additional signs are also used: an arc under the line between the words ([inㆃ house]); slash between syntagmas (/).

The bow under the line between the words means the continuous pronunciation of two words (independent and auxiliary) that make up a phonetic word (see § 137), for example [fㆃ s’t’iep’i].

A slash means a possible division of the text into syntagms (intonation-semantic segments; see § 154).

Example of transcribed text.

Near the wide steppe road, called the big road, a flock of sheep spent the night. Two shepherds guarded her. One, an old man of about eighty, toothless, with a trembling face, was lying on his stomach near the road, his elbows resting on the dusty leaves of the plantain; the other, a young guy with thick black eyebrows and no mustache, dressed in the kind used to make cheap bags, was lying on his back, with his hands under his head, and looking up at the sky, where the Milky Way stretched just above his face and the stars were dozing (A. P. Chekhov).

[уㆃ shyrokj s't'iepno˙j dㆄro˙g'i / nzyva˙jмъj bㆄl'shym shl'˙akhъm / njchieval ㆄtar ㆄv'ets / s't'r'iegl'i jiej ˙o two shepherds / 'ㆄdin / stㆄr'ik l'et vㆄs'm'㆏d'bs't'i / b'ie〈ubi˙j / z ㆃdrㆄzha˙〙'im l 'itsom / l'iezhal nj zhyvㆄt'e uㆃ samj dㆄro˙g'i / pъlㆄzhyf lokt'i nㆄㆃ dust˙l'ny˙j l'㆏s't'jъ padㆄrozhn 'ikk / other˙j / mъlㆄdo˙j pa˙r'n' zㆃ thick˙m'i black˙m'i brㆄv'ㆉm'i i b'iezusy˙j / ㆄd' ety˙j vㆃ r'iedno isㆃ kㆄtorv shj˙ut d'yeshovy˙j m'ieshk'i / l'iezhal nㆃ sp'ㆍn'e / pjlㆄzhyf ru˙k'i pㆄd ㆃ golvu / i gl'ied'el 〃'erh nㆄㆃ n'eb / gd'e nㆄdㆃ the most jievo face t'ienuls' ml'êchnyj put˙t' / and dr'iema˙l 'and z'v'˙zdy]
