Repairing holes with torn edges in the hull. Elimination of water leakage of the ship hull, ship repair technology, steering gear, classification of ships, transport ships, service and auxiliary ships, technical fleet ships and special ships, supply ships

§ 59. Elimination of emergency damage to the vessel.

After every even slight impact with the ground, other vessels or the pier, you should check the hull of the vessel and make sure that no water is entering it.

It should be remembered that reducing the flow of water into the hull through the hole can be achieved by stopping the vessel or reducing the speed.

If water appears inside the vessel, it should be pumped out and the cause of the leak eliminated. Inside wooden ships it is very common to small quantity there is water; its level must be systematically measured and be sure to pump out.

Water entering the hull through the side in the rain or during waves must be pumped out immediately: on small open boats and boats with a watering can (scoop), bucket or portable pump, and on larger boats - with sump pumps (pumps).

If there is a small amount of water in the boat, to completely dry the bottom, you can use a mop or rag, which collects the water and then squeezes it out.

If water quickly enters the hull of the boat, you need to set a course towards the shore, find the leak and take measures to repair the damage using the means available on the boat. Leak on a boat wooden case can be detected by placing your ear to different places internal lining: You can hear the sound of water running at the leak site. After identifying the cause of water inflow, the size of the hole or the place where the seam came apart, and space is freed up to seal the leak. A small hole or crack can be temporarily plugged with a gag made from rags, tow, felt, clothing, etc. The gag must match the size of the hole or crack. WITH inside the gag is pressed against a board, which can be strengthened with wedges or spacers. If the hole in the side is slightly below the waterline, then the load can be moved to the opposite side so that the hole is above the water. A hole in the bow can often be lifted out of the water by trimming to the stern. Actions to eliminate leaks must be timely and fast. If wood paneling is damaged in the above-water part near the waterline, you can repair the hole from the outside with a piece of plywood.

On large motor yachts and boats on long-distance amateur voyages there should be soft plaster and other emergency material, including tow. The soft patch consists of two layers of canvas, with felt laid between them. The patch is lined with lyctross; at the corners there are holes for threading tackle (sheets), with the help of which the patch is brought to the hole site. The plaster can be replaced with a tarpaulin or tarpaulin impregnated with drying oil. the right size. The patch is lowered to the hole site using the under-keel ends, which are attached to the lights of the lyctros (Fig. 133). The work is carried out in a place where the current is weak, or even better, where there is no current at all. A plaster is brought from the nose under the body to the site of the hole. The patch placed under the hole will be pressed against the hole by water pressure and the flow will stop. After this, the hole is sealed from the inside.

Rice. 133. A soft patch attached to a hole in the hull

Before setting sail on large boats and on some small vessels, it is recommended to prepare hard plasters - shields various sizes. The hard plaster shield is made of plywood covered with tarpaulin, under which a thick layer of tow is placed. A rigid patch is attached to the hole from the inside with a spacer, nails or wedges.

Rice. 134. Steering a boat in a rudder accident: A- stern oar; b- towing objects

If the steering rope is damaged, the boat is anchored or brought to shore to repair the damage. You can use a temporary tiller.

A broken tiller and rudder can be temporarily replaced (Fig. 134) with a stern oar, a board, towing a bucket on two cables, etc. A broken tiller can be set in motion, providing steering control of the vessel wrench. The speed of a vessel with a broken rudder or tiller must be reduced to such an extent that the vessel can be steered.

If it is impossible to eliminate the breakage and breakage of the rudder loops on wooden ships, then they are replaced with rope ones. To do this, a hole is made in the rudder through which a strong cable is passed, the ends of which are secured with nails and staples to the keel and sternpost (Fig. 135). The tension of the cable regulates the free rotation of the steering wheel and prevents excessive swinging. Broken poles, oars, rudder blades, and fastening parts are often connected with overhead tires, tied with wire or cable (Fig. 136).

If the ship is involved in an accident or may take on water, the crew and passengers must put on and secure life-saving devices. Such a measure should not be considered an element of cowardice or panic: this is dictated by common sense and the difficult situation in which the ship and its crew find themselves.

Air boxes installed on boats and boats, although they take up space, provide the vessel with buoyancy even during flooding.

Logs, empty barrels, cans, lifebuoys and other light objects tied to the sides of a boat or dinghy also provide buoyancy.

If, when filling with water or capsizing, the ship remains afloat, then while waiting for help, you need to grab the side of the boat and, saving strength, slowly, tow the ship to a shallow place, the shore, helping weakened comrades. If possible, you should use signals or any other way to attract attention. Usually, for some time after capsizing, there is a certain amount of air in the ship’s hull, which ensures unsinkability in the keel-up position. A ship equipped with special air boxes will float even if it fills with water. Each of the accident victims must have a rescue device and not swim away from the ship, even if the shore is close, and also not climb onto an overturned ship.

If a ship capsizes under sails, then first of all you need to remove them. It is impossible to keel the ship with sails. All ships are required to provide assistance to those in distress. The emergency vessel must be approached from the leeward side. You cannot approach under sail to provide assistance.

Unsinkability of the ship— its ability to withstand emergency damage leading to flooding of one or more compartments, while maintaining a sufficient reserve of buoyancy and stability.

The set of actions of the crew aimed at maintaining and restoring the buoyancy and stability of the vessel is understood as a struggle for its unsinkability.

The main document that must be followed to ensure the unsinkability of an undamaged ship is the Ship Stability Information for the captain. This document contains requirements for stability criteria, the maximum quantity and placement of cargo specifically for a given vessel, information about the vessel necessary for, and recommendations for maintaining stability.

Emergency landing information and stability of the vessel is the main document containing information about the emergency condition of the vessel in various cases of flooding.

At the beginning of the Information are given:

  • general information about the vessel;
  • layout diagrams of all watertight bulkheads;
  • diagrams of the location of all holes and drives for closing them;
  • systems used in the fight to make a ship unsinkable;
  • instructions necessary to maintain intact ship stability sufficient to withstand the most severe design damage.

The main part of the Information contains in tabular form the results of calculations of emergency landing and stability of the vessel with symmetrical and asymmetrical flooding of compartments for typical vessel loading options. For each option, the possible consequences of flooding and the necessary measures to preserve the vessel are indicated.

Floating workshop Antea

Preventing a ship from sinking

Timely detection of sea water entering the ship's hull is one of the main factors influencing success in the fight for unsinkability.

The death of a vessel from loss of buoyancy occurs over a long period (several hours, and sometimes even days), which makes it possible to carry out work to rescue the crew and passengers. If stability is lost, the vessel capsizes in a matter of minutes, which entails big number victims.

The reasons for the entry of water into the hull of a ship can be various: holes, fatigue cracks, rupture of skin seams, fistulas, violation of the tightness of outboard closures of ship systems and devices, pipeline leaks, etc.

The basis for control over the flow of water into the hull is regular measurements of the water level in the bilge wells of the compartments. On ships not equipped with water level sensors, the water level in the compartments is determined manually using a folding foot rod (or other manual measuring instrument, rice. 1) through special measuring tubes leading from the upper deck to the bilge wells.

Rice. 1 Tape measure for measuring liquid level

Bilge wells- These are recesses in the corners of the compartment for collecting water. The bilge wells contain water intakes for the drainage system.

If it is not possible to take measurements, control pumping of water from the bilge wells is carried out.

Under normal sailing conditions, the water level in the compartments is monitored at least once per shift. When sailing in stormy conditions, in ice and other special conditions When it is possible for water to enter the ship’s hull, measurements of water in the compartments should be made at least once an hour. The measurement results must be recorded in the ship's logbook.

Indirect signs of water entering the compartment may be:

  • the noise of water entering the compartment;
  • water filtration through leaks at the junction of the bulkhead with the longitudinal elements of the hull, pipelines, at places where cables are laid, etc.;
  • the noise of air squeezed out by water escaping through ventilation and measuring pipes, necks and other openings on the main deck;
  • sweating of the surfaces of the flooded compartment;
  • a dull sound when a metal object hits the surface of a flooded compartment.

Controlling the spread of water throughout the vessel

Each crew member, upon detecting signs of water ingress, is obliged to:

  1. Immediately inform the officer of the watch or the engineer on watch. The sooner a general ship alarm is declared, the sooner the crew will begin to fight for survivability, the greater the chances of minimizing damage from the accident.
  2. Without waiting for further instructions, clarify the location, size, and nature of the damage. If the damage is significant and the compartment is flooded, then this information is important for calculating the rate of flooding and selecting means to restore the watertightness of the hull.
  3. If possible, de-energize the compartment.

Gullkronan medical ship

If possible, then proceed to repair the damage to the housing, and if this is not possible, then leave the flooded compartment, sealing all its closures.

Water will flow into the damaged compartment until the pressures of the water columns inside and outside are equalized. If there are open holes in the main deck, the water level in the flooded compartment will eventually become equal to the emergency waterline.

Sealing all openings leading into the compartment will limit the escape of air, which will create air cushion and limit the flow of water.

Search for damage can be carried out different ways. The most complete picture of the damage can be obtained by lowering the diver. But this is not always possible, mainly due to weather conditions. You can feel the hole in the side with a long pole, making a cross bar. The hole in the area of ​​the cheekbone and bottom can be felt using the under-keel end, attaching some object to it in the middle part that would cling to the edges of the hole when dragged along the skin.

Removing water from adjacent compartments must be carried out, at a minimum, for two reasons:

  • The minimum buoyancy reserve of most ships is designed to flood one compartment. Additional water mass in adjacent compartments can lead to loss of buoyancy;
  • when a compartment is flooded, the ship partially loses stability due to the presence large area free surface of liquid cargo. If there is freely moving water in adjacent compartments, the ship may completely lose stability and capsize.

Container ship Sonderborg Strait

Bulkhead reinforcement must be done based on the considerations that during operation the strength of structures weakens both due to rusting of the metal and due to “fatigue.” When reinforcing bulkheads, the following rules must be observed:

  • reinforcements should be made to the elements of the set, and not to the sheathing;
  • To avoid damage to water tightness, it is prohibited to use jacks or supports to correct residual deformation when the bulkhead bulges.

Emergency supplies and materials

An emergency supply kit is a set of equipment and materials that is in constant readiness and is designed to combat the emergency flow of water into the vessel. Kit includes: patches different types, emergency equipment, emergency materials and tools. All items included in the emergency kit are marked in blue. The locations of emergency supplies are indicated on the deck and in the passages.

Damage to the ship's hull varies in size: small - up to 0.05 m2, medium up to 0.2 m2 and large - from 0.2 to 2 m2. Cracks, loose seams and small holes are usually repaired using wooden wedges and plugs.

Consists of sliding stops, emergency clamps, hook bolts, swivel head bolts, tow cushions and spigot mats. The design of the devices makes it possible to speed up work on eliminating emergency damage to the ship’s hull with high reliability (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Emergency equipment: 1 - emergency stop; 2 - emergency clamp; 3 - hook bolts; 4 - bolt with swivel head

Emergency materials:

  • pine boards - for making shields and plasters;
  • pine beams - for reinforcing decks, bulkheads and pressing panels;
  • pine and birch wedges - for sealing small cracks, crevices and wedging stops and panels;
  • pine plugs different diameters for sealing holes and portholes;
  • sand, cement and cement hardener - for installing cement boxes;
  • coarse wool felt, resin tow, canvas, rubber - for sealing shields and plasters;
  • construction staples, bolts and nuts different sizes, nails;
  • red lead and technical fat, etc.

Emergency tool— sets of rigging and metalworking tools: sledgehammer, hammer, rigging apron, punching chisel, pile, chisel, pliers, notches, rod drill.

Emergency patch— a device for temporarily sealing holes in the underwater part of a ship’s hull. Based on their design, plasters are divided into soft, hard and semi-rigid. The patch consists of several layers of canvas trimmed around steel mesh, wooden or steel frame.

Chain patch 3x3 or 4.5x4.5 m in size is included in the emergency supply of ships of an unlimited navigation area with a length of more than 150 m, except for tankers. It consists of a chainmail mesh made of galvanized metal rope with square cells and serves as the base of the plaster. The net-ka-chain mail is edged with a steel rope connected by benzels to the lyctros of the plaster. Two layers of waterproof canvas are applied to the base on each side, stitched right through the entire patch. The lyctros of the plaster is made of resin hemp rope with four drop-shaped thimbles embedded in the corners and four round thimbles in the middle of each side. The keel ends, sheets, guys and a control pin are attached to the thimbles. The patch has high strength and allows you to close large holes, ensuring a high sealing density.

Timber carrier Stepan Geyts

Lightweight patch 3x3 m in size, included in the emergency supply of vessels of unlimited navigation area with a length of 70-150 m or tankers, regardless of their length. Consists of two layers of waterproof canvas and a coarse felt pad between them (1). Diagonal through stitching is made along the entire plane of the patch at a distance of 200 mm from each other. The edges of the patch are trimmed with lyctros made of hemp resin rope (2). At the corners, thimbles for fastening the under-keel ends and guy ropes (4) are sealed into the lyktros with benzels (3). In the middle of the luff there is a krengel (5), to which a marked control pin is attached to determine the position of the patch along the side of the vessel. On one side of the plaster, at a distance of 0.5 m from each other, pockets are sewn for metal rods or pipes that give the plaster rigidity.

Stuffed patch 2x2 m in size is included in the emergency supply of ships of an unlimited navigation area with a length of 24-70 m. It consists of two layers of waterproof canvas and a stuffed mat applied over the entire plane with the pile facing out, edged with resin hemp lycrop with thimbles. The entire plane has end-to-end stitching with square dimensions of 400x400 mm.

Training patch 2x2 m in size is available on ships for training in patching. It differs from the stitched plaster in the absence of a stitched mat - only two layers of waterproof stitched canvas, edged with a lashing rope with thimbles. If necessary, it can be used as an additional combat patch.

Wooden hard plaster of two wooden shields with a mutually perpendicular arrangement of boards, between which a layer of canvas is laid. Along the perimeter of the inner shield there are cushions made of resin tow and canvas. The size does not exceed the size of one spatula.

Sealing a hole by applying a soft plaster - reliable way elimination, since the patch is pressed by hydrostatic water pressure. Disadvantages of this method:

  • stopping the ship;
  • loss of controllability;
  • turning the vessel with its log facing the wave, leading to flooding of the work area.

The emergency supplies necessary to apply a plaster to the hole are stored next to it in an emergency post or a special box.

Lighter carrier Castoro Otto

Under-knee ends. They are made from steel cables or rigging chain with a strength 10% higher than the strength of the lycrop plaster. The under-keel ends are attached to the lower corners of the patch, pass under the bottom of the vessel and go out onto the deck of the opposite side, and have thimbles at the ends.

Sheets. They are made from vegetable rope for all sheets, except for chain mail, for which the sheets are made from steel cable. There are thimbles woven into both ends of the sheet. The keel ends and sheets are attached to the plaster using rigging brackets.

Guys. They are made from vegetable and also from flexible steel cable. At the ends of the guys there should be thimbles for attaching with staples to the side luffs of the patch. The length of each guy is taken equal to twice the length of the sheet, but not less than half the length of the vessel. Guys are intended for stretching and aiming chainmail and lightweight patches at the hole.

Control line from vegetable tench is placed in the middle thimble of the lyktros using quick release coupling(hook-snore) and its length is equal to the length of the sheet. The control line is broken every 0.5 m from the center of the patch and marked like a lotline. For chainmail patches, the middle sheet with the indicated marking is used as a control pin. Hoists for patches have swivel hooks.

Caniface blocks. They are manufactured with swivel grips for fastening on the deck, eliminating the possibility of spontaneous laying out.

Placing the patch

Before applying the plaster, mark with chalk on the deck the boundaries of damage to the ship's hull that must be covered with the plaster. At the same time, they begin to insert the keel ends from the bow of the vessel (Fig. 3). Winding up the heel ends is one of the most labor-intensive operations and requires a lot of time. During winding, the keel ends are given some slack to avoid snagging on the underwater part of the hull. To reduce the likelihood of the keel ends getting caught on the side keels, it is recommended to secure two rigging shackles in their middle part at a distance greater than the width of the vessel. Around the superstructures, the pedestal ends are surrounded with the help of auxiliary conductors supplied in advance. After this, the undercut ends are drawn along the sides to the hole and placed on both sides of it.

If necessary (when installing soft patches on large holes, especially if they are at great depth), along with the keel ends, false frames are installed from the steel cables available on the ship (mooring lines, spare pendants, etc.), laid over the hole and tightly wrapped. The ends of the false frames on the deck are connected with screw lanyards and tightly wrapped.

Rice. 3 Placement of a soft plaster: 1 - pull; 2 - hoist; 3 - sheet; 4 — rope to the hoist (winch); 5 - undercut ends; 6 - patch; 7 - control pin; 8 — false frames

Simultaneously with the insertion of the under-keel ends, a plaster with all its equipment is brought to the site of damage. By the time the patch is installed, the vessel should not be moving. Using staples, the under-the-knee ends are attached to the thimbles in the lower corners of the patch (there are three on the chain mail patch, and two under-the-knuckle ends on all other types of plasters). The patch is unrolled and gradually lowered overboard, attaching the sheets and control pin to the luff. On the side luffs of the chainmail and lightweight patches, guy ropes are additionally attached. As the plaster is lowered, the underside ends are tightened from the opposite side. When the patch, according to the indications of the control pin, is lowered to a given depth, the sheets are secured, and the keel ends on the opposite side are tightly tightened with grip hoists or through rosin blocks, placed on closely spaced winches and tightened with their help. To protect the heel ends from damage when covering, it is recommended to place logs or boards under them at sharp bends.

For reliable fastening, the sheets must be stretched at an angle to the vertical of approximately 45°, the keel ends must be tightly wrapped perpendicular to the keel of the vessel. When setting chain mail and lightweight patches, the guys should be spread as far as possible from the patch to the bow and stern in order to bring the angle between the guy and the luff as close as possible to 90°, at which the luff will be most tightly pressed to on board the ship.

To close large holes, it is most advisable to use stronger chainmail or lightweight patches, and when using a chainmail patch, first install false frames, and when placing a lightweight patch on a hole in an area where the side of the ship does not have a longitudinal curvature, spacer tubes should be installed.

Ro-roller Hvítanes

On every warship, the emergency team of the survivability division should always have at its disposal required material and tools for sealing holes from the inside.

Rice. 3. Emergency bar. 1 - bar; 2-press screw; 3 - capping washer; 4 - bolt; 5 - stopper.

Emergency materials include the following items: wooden wedges, boards 5, 7.5 and 10 cm thick, beams for spacers, wooden boards, bags tightly filled with tow, felt, lead, drying oil and chalk powder for making liquid putty, which is used to soak felt and tow, cement in barrels, nails 4, 7.5, 10 and 15 cm, brackets for fastening wedges and beams and emergency strips (Fig. 3), specially made for this ship, and plugs (Fig. 4).

Fig.4 Wooden plugs for plugging holes.

Let us now consider the most typical cases of using the listed items when sealing holes:

1. Minor holes (holes from fragments and cracks of diverged grooves and joints of skins, both external and internal, are clogged with wooden wedges. Those surfaces of the wedges that will come into contact with the edges of the hole or joint crack are first generously lubricated with liquid red lead putty.

2. For holes of larger sizes, with torn inner edges, apply felt or a bag of tow, soaking them in a solution of liquid red lead putty. A wooden board made of boards is placed on top of the felt. The outer end of the stop, consisting of a log or block, is attached to the inner edge of the shield (Fig. 5), the opposite end of which is rested against the nearest reliable bulkhead, pillars or carlings. To more securely fasten the entire system, the stop at the inner end is tacked with wooden wedges, subsequently connecting both the wedges and the stops with iron brackets.

Rice. 5. A method of plugging holes from inside a ship using wooden shields, beams, and wedges.

The dimensions of the felt and shield are chosen so that they protrude approximately 25-30 cm beyond the edges of the hole.

3. When sealing large holes, with torn edges protruding strongly into the ship, a shield should not be used. In this case, a box is quickly knocked together from thick boards; the height of its walls should be slightly greater than the largest of the notches (after cutting them). Having laid felt and bags of tow soaked in putty on the bottom, the box is placed on the hole so that all the torn edges go inside it and rest against the felt and bags of tow. The box is reinforced on all sides with stops. The quality of this seal largely depends on the size and strength of the box itself. It is also necessary that the edges of the felt, after placing the box on the hole, protrude beyond its edges, thus forming, as it were, a gasket between the edges of the box and the surface of the side or bottom lining. Boxes are also recommended to be used to reinforce leaking or damaged necks and hatches.

4. When sealing holes in the bottom, as well as in the flooring of platforms, holds and intermediate decks, proceed in the same way. IN in this case the inner ends of the stops are attached to beams or carlings.

5. After installing the patch, when it is possible to finally drain the flooded room and there is no significant leakage through the hole, it is recommended to use quickly hardening cement for sealing, the solution of which is filled to the brim of the box, placed over the hole and secured in the manner described above.

A ship that has received a hole, regardless of the recruitment system, has an entire cell filled with cement.

The invention relates to emergency equipment for a ship to combat water in the event of a hole in the ship's hull. The method of sealing a hole in a ship's hull involves sealing the internal cavity of the compartment from external environment and equalization of external and internal pressure. After this, a patch with flexible edges is installed and its edges are attached to the edges of the hole. The aqueous medium is removed from the compartment by supplying a gaseous medium under pressure into the compartment with the pipe in the lower part of the compartment open. Next, the hole is forcefully sealed. An increase in the buoyancy of the vessel is achieved by stopping the leak through the hole when the vessel is moving.

The invention relates to emergency equipment for a ship to stop a leak in the ship's hull through a hole formed as a result of a collision with a foreign object, during an explosion or in contact with a reef, as well as as a result of the destruction of the hull due to a storm. In all cases, a roll occurs above the permissible level or a loss of stability occurs. To reduce the effect of changes in the position of the vessel, there are sealed bulkheads that separate adjacent rooms from the room with the hole ("Elementary textbook of physics" edited by Ladsberg, volume 1, pp. 352-353). Of course, the ship loses its seaworthiness. However, it is more dangerous when the compartment contains instruments or cargo that do not allow interaction with the aquatic environment, for example, the reactor compartment of a submarine or the compartment where the control part of the submarine and its functional units are located. In all cases, a flexible plaster is applied on the side of hydrostatic pressure or mats with force stops are applied from the internal cavity of the vessel. However, this method of repair is not always possible, because the submarine may be at considerable depth, and therefore the hydrostatic pressure will be significant, and the surface vessel may become entangled with the object of impact. Applying a patch to a large hole under the high-speed pressure of the aquatic environment is very difficult. And such cases took place in world practice, when the Titanic collided with an iceberg, the Admiral Nakhimov collided with a ship. There is a known method of installing a patch with flexible edges that cover the hole, placing a tube in the hole into which coolant is supplied (AS N 1188045, class B 63 C 7/14, 1984). This method can be used in the absence of a leak, because otherwise, heat will not be removed from the water mass due to its mobility. This method also cannot be used when the ship is moving, and this is important for warships of any purpose. Purpose technical solution is to eliminate these shortcomings, namely stopping the leak when the vessel is moving with the possibility of sealing the hole and placing all the elements of the compartment and cargo in the air, because Not every load can interact with the aquatic environment, just like control devices. The technical result is achieved by sealing the internal cavity of the compartment from the external environment with equalizing the internal pressure in the cavity with the external pressure, installing a flexible patch and fixing it on the hole along its edges and removing the aqueous medium through a pipe at the bottom point of the compartment with a valve supplying a gaseous medium under pressure into the compartment. Explanations for method 1. After a hole has formed, there can be two cases: the hole is located at the lowest point of the compartment. Then, after sealing the compartment of a surface vessel or an underwater vessel, the aquatic environment can be displaced by a gaseous environment under pressure completely and immediately through the hole and the pipe with the valve. The worst case is when the hole is formed at the waterline or at the top of the compartment of a submarine vessel. In this case, after sealing the compartment, it is necessary to equalize the external and internal pressure by the influx of water mass. This pressure can be significant for a submarine. After equalizing the pressure, rescuers in spacesuits enter the compartment through the airlocks, unroll the plaster that should be in each compartment, and attach it to inner surface body, blocking the hole. The fastening can be with adhesive compounds or, say, magnets if the body is ferromagnetic, or with technological hooks with a strap to press the edge. Any option is possible, because the patch bears no load and must only support the weight of the patch. Then the pipe with the valve at the bottom point of the compartment opens, and then a gas medium is supplied under pressure until the aqueous medium is completely displaced from the compartment. After this, the valve closes the pipe. If possible, the repair team places mats and shields on the hole, forming a forceful seal of the hole. In the latter case, you can relieve the pressure in the compartment to normal and put the compartment into operation. If forceful sealing is not possible, then the ship proceeds to the repair site. 2. The method is universal and can be used while the ship is moving. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of sealing technological methods, airlocks for transition to the compartment, spacesuits for the repair team and plaster in the compartments. 3. The method allows you to quickly and reliably stop the leak and close the hole while pumping out the water mass by squeezing it out with gas pressure. Thus, all the set goals that were formulated above are achieved with the ease of eliminating an emergency situation with little effort from the team.


A method of sealing a hole in a ship's hull, which includes installing a patch with flexible edges and attaching its edges to the edges of the hole, characterized in that the internal cavity of the compartment is sealed from the external environment and the external and internal pressure, install the patch, remove the aqueous medium from the compartment by supplying a gaseous medium under pressure into the compartment with the pipe open at the bottom point of the compartment, after which the hole is forcefully sealed.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to the field of operation of rigid tanks used for storing and transporting various liquids and gases, and is intended for repairing holes in these tanks when filled, and can also find application in sealing holes in ship hulls

The invention relates to transport emergency equipment, namely to structuring devices liquid substances with increased chemical activity and fluidity, for example, nitrogen-containing and hydrocarbon fuels, to prevent their spreading and ignition in the event of an accident with tankers, as well as with road and railway tanks

The invention relates to emergency equipment for stopping the leak of liquid substances with increased chemical activity and fluidity and can be used to seal holes in ship hulls and in railway and automobile tanks

The invention relates to water rescue equipment Vehicle, in particular for patches for sealing holes in the hull of a ship, and is intended for sealing objects under pressure, such as oil tanks, oil pipelines

Ship's salvage property. To eliminate water leakage of the hull and various damages, ships are provided with emergency equipment and materials.

The name and minimum quantity of salvage property are established by the standards of the Register of the Russian Federation, depending on the length and purpose of the vessel. The emergency supply includes: patches with rigging and equipment, plumbing and rigging tools, clamps, bolts, stops, staples, nuts, nails, canvas, felt, tow, cement, sand, wooden beams, wedges, plugs, etc. On passenger on ships and special-purpose vessels with a length of 70 m or more, as well as on ships made of fiberglass, the Rules of the Register of the Russian Federation provide for additional supplies. In addition, all modern large-capacity ships usually have light diving equipment and electric welding equipment.

Emergency supplies, other than diving equipment and bandages, must be painted blue: wooden crafts- fully; beams - from the ends and at the ends (at a length of 100-150 mm); metal objects- on non-working surfaces: covers of plasters, mats, coils of wire - in transverse stripes.

Containers for storing emergency supplies must also be painted blue (either completely or striped) and clearly labeled with the name of the material, its weight and permissible shelf life.

All specified supplies must be stored at emergency posts: in special rooms or in boxes. There must be at least two such posts on the ship, and one of them must be in the engine room (on ships with a length of 31 m or less, storage of emergency supplies is allowed only at one emergency post. Emergency posts must have clear inscriptions “Emergency post.” In addition In addition, signs for the location of emergency posts must be provided in the passages and on the decks.

Emergency equipment that has special markings may only be used for direct purpose: when fighting water, as well as during drills and exercises. Any emergency equipment that has been used up or has become out of order must be written off according to the act and replenished to normal as soon as possible.

At least once a month, commanders of emergency parties (groups) with the participation of the boatswain must check the availability and serviceability of emergency equipment. The results of the inspection are reported to the chief mate. A similar check of emergency property (simultaneously with a check of fire-fighting equipment and life-saving equipment) is conducted by a senior assistant once every 3 months. Which he reports to the captain and takes measures to eliminate deficiencies. All this is recorded in the ship's log.

Soft patches are the main means of temporarily sealing holes; they can take the form of the hull contours anywhere on the ship. On sea vessels, four types of soft plasters are used: chainmail, lightweight, stuffed and training.

Plasters are made from canvas waterproof impregnation or from other equivalent fabric; along the edge they are sheathed with lyktros (vegetable or synthetic) with four thimbles at the corners.

The sheets and guys of the chain mail patches are made from flexible steel cables, the control sheets are made from vegetable cables, and the undercut ends for all the patches are made from flexible steel cables or chains of the appropriate caliber.

The sheets and keel ends must be long enough to cover half of the ship's hull amidships and fasten on the upper deck, provided they are spaced from the vertical at an angle of 45

The control pin, designed to facilitate the installation of the patch on the hole, has, like a line, a breakdown every 0.5 m, counting from the center of the patch. The length of the control pin should be approximately equal to the length of the sheet.

Guys provided for chain mail and lightweight plasters serve as auxiliary equipment that facilitates a tighter fit of the patch to the hole. The length of each guy must be at least half the length of the vessel. The most durable of all soft patches is chain mail.

Plasters are applied to the hole as follows. First, using the numbering of the frames, mark the boundaries of the hole with chalk on the deck. Then the patch with the equipment is brought to the place of work. At the same time, they begin to wind the under-keel ends. At this point, the ship should not be moving. Depending on the location of the hole along the length of the vessel, the keel ends are brought in from the bow or stern and placed on both sides of the hole. If the under-keel ends are brought in from the stern, you should use weights attached to them, which will allow you to pass the under-keel end cleanly without touching the propellers and rudder.

Using staples, the heel ends are attached to the lower corners of the patch, and the sheets and control rod are attached to its upper luff. Then, on the opposite side, they begin to select the keel ends with hoists or winches, while simultaneously moving the sheets until the control rod shows that the patch has been lowered to the specified depth.

The sheets and keel ends, stretched at the required angle and selected tightly, are attached to bollards or cleats. The adherence of the patch to the damaged area is considered satisfactory if the ship's drainage systems are able to remove water from the flooded compartment.

A soft plaster allows you to quickly quickly seal cracks and small holes on ships, but it has a number of disadvantages:

Does not have the required strength;

Does not allow it to be started without the participation of a diver in cases where the hole is located near the zygomatic keel or has torn, bent outward edges;

Can be torn out of place when the ship moves.

If the hole is large (more than 0.5 m2), as the damaged compartment is drained under the pressure of sea water, the patch will be drawn into the hole. In this case, before installing the patch, you have to resort to inserting several steel under-the-keel ends running along the hull through the hole. These ends, called false frames, are tightened on the deck with the help of turnbuckles; they play the role of a frame that prevents the patch from being pulled into the body.

Maneuvering a damaged ship

If the ship receives any damage on the high seas, an important condition preventing his death is skillful maneuvering. As a result of damage, the ship may receive a large list, surface holes near the waterline, and as a result, as a rule, its stability decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid, especially at high speed, sharp shifts of the steering wheel, which cause additional heeling moments.

If the bow is damaged, causing water leakage in the hull, the forward movement of the vessel will increase the flow of water, and therefore create extra pressure on the aft bulkhead of the damaged compartment. In this situation, going forward before filling the hole is risky, especially if the hole is significant. If it is impossible to repair the hole, you should significantly reduce speed or even go in reverse (for example, on multi-rotor ships).

In the event of icing of a damaged ship, its stability and maneuverability are usually further deteriorated, so the crew must take measures to combat ice.

If the damaged ship has a significant list that cannot be reduced, then the captain is obliged to maneuver so that, in order to avoid capsizing, the elevated side of the ship is not to windward, especially when the wind reaches gale force or is squally. In stormy weather, changing the speed and course relative to the wave can significantly reduce the amplitude of rolling, avoid resonance, as well as possible loss of stability in following waves, most likely at wavelengths close to the length of the vessel.

If the damage sustained by the ship during navigation is so great that the crew cannot cope with the incoming water using the ship's means, it is most reasonable to ground the ship. If possible, you should choose a shore that has a gentle slope, sandy or other similar soil without stones. It is also desirable that there are no strong currents in the landing area. In general, it is better to run aground anywhere (if this does not threaten the obvious loss of the ship) than to attempt to reach a suitable shore and expose the ship to the risk of sinking at great depths.

When deciding whether to ground a damaged ship, one must take into account the risk of reduced stability if the ship touches the ground small area bottom, especially on hard ground in an area where the depths increase sharply from the shore. The support reaction that appears at this moment, applied to the bottom of the vessel at the point of contact with the ground, is the reason for the decrease in stability. A dangerous roll may not occur if the slope of the ground is close to the angle of roll or trim of the vessel, since the ship will land on the ground immediately with a significant part of the bottom, as well as when landing on soft ground: in this case, the tip of the ship does not rest on the ground, but crashes into him.

To prevent the ship from receiving further damage from impacts on the ground in stormy weather, it must be secured aground, for example, by bringing in anchors or additional flooding of compartments.

When all the damage has been repaired, they begin to pump out water from the flooded compartments. First of all, water must be completely removed from the compartments that have the greatest width. If this recommendation is neglected, as the vessel ascends, its stability may again deteriorate due to the presence of free surfaces.

Grounding is carried out, as a rule, by the bow, but in soft ground, landing by the stern with the release of both anchors at an angle to the coastline, possibly closer to straight, is not excluded. Despite the risk of damage to the rudder complex, this method is not without advantages: the bow of the ship, which is the most durable part of the hull, will absorb the shocks of the waves, and the minimum area will be exposed to the shocks; anchors can be used to secure a vessel aground, avoiding the very labor-intensive operation of delivering them. In addition, they can be used to facilitate the subsequent refloating of the vessel.

Self-test questions:

1. What applies to emergency equipment, materials and tools?

2. Marking of emergency equipment.

3. Plasters.

4. Sheets and guys.
