What are technical specifications for design. Necessary initial data for design

The initial data used in the design of construction projects or, for example, elements of industrial infrastructure, play a crucial role in the generation of documentation, which is used in the implementation of relevant projects. What are the features of their collection? In what types can the relevant information be presented?

What is the essence of the initial data for design?

Initial data for design is information reflected in documents that are drawn up with the participation of subjects of legal relations arising within the framework of the implementation of a particular project. As a rule, construction.

Thus, the main source in the interaction of partners who are implementing a project in which the construction or repair of a building or structure is carried out may be the contract signed by them. It can be supplemented by documents that record key initial data for design, for example, technical specifications. It usually records the customer’s wishes, conditions and various technical requirements.

The list of initial data for design can be clarified taking into account the characteristics of a particular project, as well as the conditions of its implementation. The collection of necessary information as part of the design can be carried out either directly by the customer or design organization, if provided for by agreement between them.

Formation of initial data

Within the framework of what algorithm can the necessary initial data for design be collected?

First of all, the specialist responsible for generating the information under consideration must become familiar with the specifics of the designed object. To do this, he may need active communications specifically with the customer. In the process of communication between these subjects, all types of necessary information must be exchanged that are needed to form project documentation.

Initial data for construction design are also collected during the interaction between the customer and the design organization regarding the acquisition by the obligated party of technical specifications for the facility. This condition is the most important from the point of view of developing high-quality project documentation.

Another key stage in collecting initial data is obtaining the necessary permits from regulatory authorities, if this, of course, is required based on the specifics of the implementation of a particular project. The developer of project documentation must also familiarize himself with information about what mineral resources are located in the area where the work is being carried out: the possession of this information may influence the formation of plans related to obtaining certain permits.

The design organization may need to familiarize itself in detail with the information that is recorded in state registers - such as, for example, the State Property Committee, as well as the Unified State Register. In many cases, familiarization precedes the stage in which the designer determines what design inputs should be collected when the organization fulfills its obligations under a specific contract.

The next important task of the designer is to agree on the location of the venue with the partner. construction work, places where the objects being built should be located.

Another important stage of the organization’s work is preparing a layout plan land plots based on the information reflected in the cadastral map.

It is worth noting that a specific list of initial data is collected based on the characteristics of a single enterprise, and the process of its formation can be characterized by big amount nuances.

Let's consider what a typical list of those initial data used in construction projects might be.

Typical list of initial data in construction: document details

The initial data for design in the construction industry can be represented, first of all, by the details of documents that serve as the basis for the development of documentation. For example:

Federal, regional, municipal or departmental program;

A regulatory legal act of an executive authority at the federal or regional level, a municipality;

A decision issued by the management of the developer.

In turn, it is also expected to prepare the initial data that must be obtained in order to prepare the project documentation itself.

Initial data for the preparation of project documentation

IN in this case we're talking about on the formation of the following sources:

Design assignments, if the documentation is prepared on the basis of an agreement;

Reporting documents based on the results of engineering work;

Title documents related to the facility under the capital construction project, if we are talking about it;

Urban planning plan of the site, which is submitted for the construction of a capital construction project, approved and also registered in the prescribed manner;

Documents related to the use of areas over which jurisdiction cannot be extended;

Technical conditions determined in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations;

Documents certifying the approval of deviations from the norms recorded in;

Documents on deviations from the established maximum values ​​of permitted construction of facilities, if necessary based on the specifics of a particular project;

Acts issued by the owner of the facility on its decommissioning, if required by the project implementation plan;

Decisions of the municipal body in the event that a corresponding sanction is expected;

Specific information functional purpose object, about the structure of production, features of manufactured products or services - as part of the implementation of a project at an industrial enterprise;

Data on the facility’s needs for certain types of fuel, gas, water, electricity;

Information about the design capacity that characterizes the object, if it has an industrial purpose;

Data on the areas that are expected to be used during the implementation of the construction project;

Information about what will be used during construction;

Size data Money, which must be sent to land owners in order to compensate them for possible losses;

Data on the use of various inventions and research results in the implementation of the project;

Justification of available opportunities for project implementation within individual stages;

Information on planned costs associated with the modernization of infrastructure located in the construction area;

Location diagrams of certain designed objects, determination of the boundaries of easements, if required during the implementation of the project.

This list of information is very impressive, but it cannot be considered exhaustive.

The initial data for design can also be supplemented by those contained in materials that approve:

Conclusion about the structure chemical composition groundwater, soil, concentration of pollutants in the area of ​​construction work;

Information about existing and projected water supply sources for the project, water protection zones, pressure in the water supply network, water quality, sewerage systems;

Justification of methods for laying heat supply infrastructure;

Pipeline data, connection method justification various elements infrastructure within the project, control systems for elevators, alarms, communication networks, television;

Data on the issuance of various permits by type, as well as fuel limits;

Justification for the formation of pipeline routes, as well as the boundaries of the protected area.

Initial data on technological solutions

There is other significant information regarding what is needed to implement the project. Thus, the initial data for design can be supplemented with information related to technological solutions within the framework of the project. Namely:

Reflecting facts about the production program, characteristics of production technologies, requirements for ensuring the functioning of business operations, information about the main resources that are used for the needs of the enterprise;

Including characteristics of the sources of supply of raw materials and materials to the company, if the construction of industrial facilities is carried out as part of the project;

Including justification of indicators, as well as characteristics of technological processes carried out at the enterprise;

Reflecting a description of the types of auxiliary equipment, transport, as well as various mechanisms.

What other parameters will need to be specified in the documentation? The collection of initial data for design can also be carried out in order to generate sources reflecting information about organizations participating in legal relations.

Initial data on participants in legal relations

So, as for the relevant documents, they should reflect the following data:

On the determination of the general contractor, as well as on the availability of equipment and human resources;

About the technological capabilities available to the relevant organization;

About the technical conditions for connecting objects to various engineering networks, communication infrastructure, the availability of roads in the construction area;

On determining the territories for the implementation of various technological needs of production.

Another one in which initial data may be required is those related to construction estimates.

Initial data on construction estimates

Building design inputs relevant to these sources may include:

Basic coefficients necessary for generating estimates, for example, temporary, planned winter, as well as invoices;

Delivery scheme various materials to the construction site.

The preparation of initial data for design can be carried out in other areas not directly related to construction. For example, in the area machining. Let's consider how the initial data of technological design can be generated when solving problems in this area.

Input data for machining

The information in question is most often recorded in the following main documents:

Drawings, technical specifications, reflecting the specifics of production, as well as acceptance of the product;

Drawings that reflect the original workpieces that are related to machining;

Production tasks for the release of a product, which can record the volume, as well as the timing of the release of the product.

When preparing the relevant documents, the subject of legal relations must take into account, first of all, the peculiarities of the organization of production.

Thus, collecting initial data for design may involve considering the characteristics industrial equipment, degree of security of the organization necessary tools, mechanisms, personnel. The work of specialists preparing the documents under consideration should be based on the provisions of regulations, reference books, various manuals, classifiers, standards related to the field of production in which the enterprise operates.

Industry specifics of determining initial data

There are also industry specifics in the formation of initial data. What could it be?

First of all, the need to follow the norms of various industry regulations. For example, there is a Regulation on initial data for design, approved by the Deputy Minister of Industry of the Russian Federation on January 30, 2002. This source of law regulates how initial data should be generated in order to design the output of products produced by enterprises in the field chemical industry.

Moreover, the jurisdiction of this regulatory act applies to all enterprises, regardless of the specific organizational and legal form of the business. The regulation on initial data for design, approved for chemical industry enterprises, establishes how the composition, procedure for development, design, approval process, and approval of relevant information should be determined.

Formation of initial data and regulatory regulation

It is noteworthy that the industry normative act- Regulations on initial data - includes norms according to which, when developing documentation, a competent specialist should also be guided by the provisions of federal regulations. For example, such as Federal Law No. 116-FZ, adopted on July 21, 1997, which regulates industrial safety issues.

The development of initial data, the design of documents that will reflect the information necessary for the implementation of certain projects must therefore be based on the provisions of regulations that may be adopted at different levels. Of course, not only regulatory sources at the level of federal laws or departmental legal acts, but also local norms reflected in internal corporate administrative documents can be taken into account.

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Every manager of any construction company knows that first of all, before starting any construction design, you must obtain permission for it, as well as collect all the special technical specifications, relating to the planned object and this site. And this is all because capital construction projects under construction have their own certain difficulties, due to their special complex structures, various engineering surveys, methods of construction design and subsequent operation.

All this, and much more, may have special technical conditions regarding construction safety.

That is why there is a need to obtain technical conditions that contain additional safety requirements, and they are called special technical conditions. Their development and mandatory approval is necessary for the preparation of design documents for capital construction projects in cases where there are no necessary requirements for construction safety and further reliability during its operation, as stated by the standards in technical documents.

There are still cases when such documents are needed, if it is impossible to comply with existing standards and requirements, in the process of designing some type of structure. Currently, the above-described characteristics of various requirements form a number of different STUs.

One of the main and important types of them are the requirements and standards, which are specified in the section on fire safety any buildings. This type of document makes it possible to establish specific safety requirements for each specific object, taking into account its features and design difficulties. Having such a document available greatly simplifies the stage of preparation, defense and submission of project documents on the way to passing various state examinations.

Specifications are very useful and necessary when solving various emerging problems. difficult questions and controversial situations. They can often arise in connection with disagreements, which, oddly enough, are contained in approved regulatory documents. In addition, such documents are very constructive for adopting the most optimal and effective solutions in matters of designing objects of varying complexity.

Development of technical specifications for construction and design is a complex and creative process. In 2007, the Moscow Department of Urban Development Policy developed and implemented the “Regulations on technical conditions for the design and construction of unique, high-rise and experimental capital construction projects in the city of Moscow.” This document is a supplement to building regulations, adopted by the Moscow government. Technical specifications for construction are a regulatory and technical document for the development of design documentation for a specific construction project. TU is significant component a package of documents necessary for the design and construction of a building.

Technical specifications for construction – from 8,000 rubles
Processing time: from 2 days!

Technical specifications for design and construction must contain safety requirements, which are developed only in strict accordance with the Regulations and legislation of the Russian Federation. This document must be approved by a federal authority. Technical specifications are being developed for only one construction project. Before preparing specifications for construction, the developer and the investor must agree on the terms of reference. It is the technical specifications that are the basis for the development of technical specifications for construction and design. The developed technical specifications document must contain one or more sections. Specifications always contain technological requirements. The requirements established by the technical specifications cannot contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and must comply with the latest developments and international construction experience. For technical specifications, a special procedure for registration is provided, from which one cannot deviate. The technical specifications contain an introductory part and main sections, the order of which should not be violated.

The main part of the specifications contains:

Purpose and characteristics of the construction site
Links to regulations and GOST R standards
Technical requirements containing explanations regarding each point in the construction of a building
Safety and environmental requirements

Once the document has been agreed upon, it is necessary to obtain approval from the responsible authority. Each technical specification is assigned its own individual number. The developer organization must have state accreditation to provide this type of service. Technological conditions for work and services can be ordered for execution, or can be purchased from the original holder. Technical conditions for work are drawn up depending on the complexity and volume of services provided within a period of one month or more. Technical specifications for the performance of work or technical specifications for a service can be ordered from our certification center, whose specialists have been practicing the development and execution of technical specifications for many years. You can contact us and get free consultation experienced employee. You will be satisfied with the fast and high-quality execution of your order.
