Visa to New Zealand paperwork. Getting a job in New Zealand

Many Russians, upon arriving in New Zealand, are disappointed with the local labor market, acutely feeling that they are not in demand.

Having heard from compatriots who have lived in New Zealand for five to ten years that “if you are not an IT specialist or a programmer, you will not find a job in New Zealand,” many lose faith... fold up their paws.
Let’s say right away that this is a wrong belief, which often undermines faith in one’s strengths and capabilities.
In order to raise your morale, we share in this article useful tips and links, real examples employment in New Zealand.


First of all, this article will be useful not for programmers (since it is much easier for them to find work compared to other professions), but for those whose professions are related to marketing, management, sales, working with clients, administrative work in the office, etc. d.

If you are a marketer or sales manager by profession, then upon arrival in Auckland, it will probably be very difficult for you to find a job in your specialty. Possibly from just one site You will be rejected for over a hundred different positions before you find a real job.

However, there is no need to despair! There are ways to get a job. One of successful paths shared Farrukh Salimetov, describing in detail all the main difficult moments. Having added a few details, we publish this version.

1. The first thing you need to do is completely redo your CV (called a CV in New Zealand). What we are used to portraying in Russia is completely unsuitable here.

TRAININGS FOR CV and reference letter writing.

To understand what a resume should look like in New Zealand, you need to attend special trainings, often organized for students and job seekers, free of charge.
If the training is not suitable for you, you can use this site:
It describes everything in detail on how to write a CV, and for the lazy, they can even write it from scratch, naturally for a monetary reward.


The second thing you need to get is local work experience. And then there’s the immediate dilemma of how to get local experience if you won’t be hired without it. You can get experience. We strongly advise you to start receiving it as soon as you enter New Zealand.
You can contact the management of the institute/school where you study and ask if they need volunteers (free workers) or an internship (free internship with subsequent employment).
You will work for free, but in return you will receive experience.
You can learn more about possible volunteer/internship programs here:


The best thing is to negotiate with your employer about part-time work, so that you spend five to ten hours a week on free work. This way, you will have work experience and will have time to study and look for a real job.


If English language You still don’t sound confident; most likely it will be easier for you to get a paid job in a cafe or store.
But this is only the way for the first six months, until you speak English more confidently. Next, we strongly advise you to look for a part-time job in your acquired specialty or so.
To do this, use job search sites:

Here you will find a lot of part-time jobs in any field and for students. Some college students manage to find several job options where the pay was $20-25 per hour and you will have to do not wash dishes, but learn something new. Additionally, experience in such work will provide additional advantages to your job.


After gaining local work experience, your chances of getting a real full-time job increase. However, you will most likely have to try a little more. There will probably still be refusals, and it will probably be difficult to pass the interview...Nevertheless, there is a very useful resource that will help you at this stage. This resource is called: Meetup . Specialists from various fields, including marketers and media people, gather here. It is one good way find a job - finding useful people.
Here you can find the one that suits you Meetup :
At one of the meetings, you can meet a potential employer or find out through those present at the meeting that someone is looking for an employee. This is how many job seekers found their first real job in New Zealand.
Why don't you try it too?


Further, even if you were invited for an interview, this does not mean that you have found a job. Passing an interview for a position found (and, as a rule, not one, but possibly five) is quite difficult. You need to come up with something creative to convince the employer of what exactly you will bring to the company fresh ideas, you will make an invaluable contribution and bring huge profits.
You definitely need to prepare for the interview by practicing for several weeks to go through it with your friends, teachers at school/institute (simply simulating a real interview).
Only as a result of these trainings will you sound natural, be able to improvise, and not answer questions in monosyllables like an idol. Also think about the questions you want to ask the employer. Questions should not be limited wages and work schedule. Come up with interesting questions and this will affect the impression you make.

If you can't, train on your own! For example, here:


Do not give up under any circumstances, try all options (communication with Russian-speaking compatriots, friendly relations with teachers at the institute/school, good relations with the agency that helped you fly to the country, Russian-speaking forums, how and others, support groups for Russian speakers on Facebook) and you will definitely succeed.

If you are a professional in any field of activity in which in your homeland you cannot develop and receive decent wages, then you should think about it on work in New Zealand.

Here foreigners can find prestigious jobs in the most different areas, and the quality of life in this country is at high level. So, what does the New Zealand labor market offer to residents of the CIS and what documents are needed to go to work in this state.

If you are interested in working in New Zealand, then you should know that there are several types of visas for foreigners.

A visa that assumes permanent employment and residence in the country, is intended for visiting specialists who have knowledge, education and appropriate qualifications in the direction in which they intend to work on the island.

There is also a visa that involves employment and accommodation, and it is suitable for those who want to live permanently in New Zealand. In order to obtain it, you need to prove your qualifications and desire to work in the chosen field.

There is also a visa option that involves the relocation of an employee by decision of the employer. Applying for this type of stay in New Zealand depends on the company that hires you. The employer needs to provide a number of documents regarding the hiring of a foreign employee.

Work in New Zealand is also possible for Russians on other visas. For example, a visa that involves accommodation after work.

The document is issued to those who was employed for a long period in New Zealand on a different type of work visa.

A one-year visa is provided to foreigners wishing to work in New Zealand, which suggests “work as leisure”.

It can be obtained by immigrants who have signed the document on the exchange of qualified specialists various fields of activity.

Seasonal work visa are provided to those who want to work on New Zealand plantations. By the way, working on a farm in New Zealand is very popular among Russians and Ukrainians.

It is important to know! By the standards of New Zealanders, the money that plantation workers receive is small, so New Zealanders are in no hurry to get a job on a farm, while immigrants from the CIS are happy to come to work on plantations, since for them it is a good option. Thus, it is more than possible for a Russian or Ukrainian to get a job on a farm.

Another type of work visa is short-term and issued for a specific period. For students this type of visa will be ideal solution earn extra money

Documents required for employment in New Zealand

Having decided on one type of visa or another, you need to understand exactly what package of documents you need to collect for employment in New Zealand. Finding a job in New Zealand is one question, but preparing papers is more meticulous process.

Basic list of documents includes:

  • passport;
  • an employment contract concluded with the employer;
  • payment receipt application review services.
  • a document certified by an accredited notary, which is proof that the applicant has no criminal record;
  • medical certificate.

It is important to know! The main condition for successful employment in New Zealand is knowledge of the English language. To confirm it, you will need a certificate of passing testing according to international system IELTS with an average score of at least 6.5 points.

Representatives of some professions for work in New Zealand must pass state registration , the procedure includes passing a professional exam. Currently these include:

  • lawyers;
  • teachers:
  • doctors and nurses;
  • veterinarians;
  • electricians and electricians.

Salary, how and where to look for vacancies in New Zealand

Of course, the first to find work in this country are those who have visa with permanent place residences A. If without it, it will be somewhat more difficult.

Before you ship to New Zealand definitely worth checking out local websites and forums about work with current offers.

If you are unable to find work in this state yourself, then you can contact the agency.

But the search without intermediaries will be successful if you know all the nuances. Main point– show a potential employer your seriousness, qualifications and intention to work responsibly.

Browsing jobs in New Zealand, stick to the main rules:

  • tell your employer O real experience work in your area;
  • improve your English level first;
  • make a good resume.

Attention! Be sure to read reviews from immigrants who have already worked for a New Zealand company. This will help you better understand what's what in the real labor market.

To date popular vacancies in New Zealand for Russians are concentrated around the following areas:

  • the science;
  • engineering;
  • Agriculture;
  • IT technologies;
  • medicine.

Of course, many are interested in the question “How much do immigrants from the CIS earn in New Zealand?” For 2017 the prices are as follows:

  • fitters, mechanics and engineers earn approximately 21 dollars;
  • IT specialists – up to 50 thousand $ per year;
  • drivers – up to $50 per hour;
  • teachers and nurses - about 18 $ per hour;
  • maintenance staff and gardeners – 7-10 $ per hour.

Finding a job in New Zealand is indeed possible. The main thing is to find a company that is ready to hire you, apply for a visa and then work conscientiously. High quality life and decent wages are the main aspects of the popularity of migration to this country.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch the video from which you will learn about all stages of the job search in New Zealand:

Business Times explores the pros and cons of seasonal work around the world: to find out more, we turned to the experiences of those who have tried working as a seasonal worker themselves. Today is the story of a Dutch woman, Isha, who traveled and worked in New Zealand.

My name is Isha, I came from the Netherlands to New Zealand to travel and work. When I first arrived, I realized that I wanted to travel to see the country first, so I traveled for two months and spent a lot of money. After these two wonderful months, I realized that I needed a job to earn my money back. Thus began my search for a job. At first I tried to find seasonal work in Nelson and Blenheim. Unfortunately, I was there at the wrong time: the season had not even started yet and most of the companies were on vacation. So after two weeks of unsuccessful job searching, I moved to Wellington to try to get a job as a hospital nurse. But that didn't work either. I was already quite tired from the intensive job search (more than a month of searching), and so I decided to go to a job placement office in Napier. This office was supposed to help me find seasonal work and also provide transportation there, which was good because I didn’t have a car.

I came with Jeannine, a German girl I met during my trip. We both hoped that we would find work very quickly. When we arrived at the office and registered, I was happier than anyone in the world because the office staff told us that they would be able to offer us a job in just two days. However, in reality this was not entirely true, because we were able to start working only after a week. Our job was to collect, select and trim capsicums. When I first heard about this, I laughed at how ironic it all was. In Holland I live in an area where big business for growing peppers. So I came to the other side of the world to do the same thing I could do next door to my home in Holland!

The employment office staff advised us to wear shirts with long sleeves and long trousers, sports shoes and sun caps. We also put a lot of sunscreen on ourselves because we were already a little sunburned a few days before. Note: always carry sunscreen with you, even if there is no sun in the morning, because the weather changes so quickly in New Zealand!

I took a small bottle of water with me, which I hoped to fill at the drinking fountain. When we first arrived at work, with three other people from the bureau, we signed a contract, which I thought was funny because I was expecting to have an interview with a supervisor or something like that. But in the end it turned out that we just had to sign the contract and show our documents. Another note: if this is your first day at work, take with you your passport, a copy of it, a copy of your visa, and your bank card number. Yes, in addition, there was nothing like an office either! And by the way, there was no drinking fountain, which meant I would soon run out of water. But okay, it wasn't all that bad, although you could say that by the end of the day I looked like one of those dried pepper pods. So take plenty of water with you.

I had never worked as a seasonal worker before, so the first day of work was quite difficult. We had to sit on plastic boxes placed on a cart and move around using our feet. If you only knew how old I felt at the end of that day! I couldn’t even sit straight because my back hurt terribly from sitting straight all day. Oh, yes - and also the sun, which was shining like never before, and the lack of water - the music in the player was the only support that helped me survive that day. Take your player with you to work, and make sure it is charged (in the last hours of the day, a player can be the most necessary thing).

The next day I was much better prepared. I wore a short-sleeved T-shirt because there was no reason to wear long sleeves, and I brought ten times as much water as the day before. Unfortunately, Janine did not go to work on the second day because her back hurt terribly.

When we arrived at the field, I was very surprised, because this time we had to pick big peppers! It was quite funny. The only downside is that I had to work with a small knife, and, of course, I hurt my finger. But overall the work was pleasant. Just move with your cart in front of you, collect peppers in plastic boxes, and try to be the fastest! It was even sad that after an hour the big pepper ran out. Now I had to attach all the plants to the support so that they would grow straight. It was easier on my back, but this time my arms hurt terribly because I had to walk around the plants and carry the ropes in my hands. But it doesn’t matter, in the first days the body just gets used to new job. So don't be afraid, it will get used to it eventually. We took 3 breaks a day, during which we simply walked a little next to the car. It’s very nice to relax a little like this and secretly eat a couple of berries from a neighboring field. Note: in addition to lunch, take with you something sweet, something fresh and salty. For example, I took muesli, apple, chips or nuts.

This is how my first working days went. I hope there was something useful for you. I think the first days at work are always the hardest because the body needs to get used to it. But after a couple of days of seasonal work, everything will be fine, you will get to know the people you work with and communicate with them while working. You can also listen to music and think about your personal life. In the end, seasonal work not as bad as it seems, and sometimes even very funny. Plus, you'll have a chance to lose weight! Working outside, in the summer, in nature, and although these days drag on very slowly, it seems to me that this interesting option earn some money!

Original text:

The most environmentally friendly place on the planet is undoubtedly New Zealand. Tourists from all over the world come to admire the beauty of pristine nature. But some, in addition to recreation, find attractive prospects in education or employment in this country. Whatever the purpose of your visit, you will need a visa to New Zealand in any case. You can arrange it yourself, but it is much easier to contact the specialists of our company. We will save you from unnecessary hassle, and you can calmly start planning your trip.

Types of visas to New Zealand

Depending on the purpose of the trip, the New Zealand visa may vary. It is issued at the embassy, ​​subject to certain documents. Their specific list depends on the type of visa and the specifics of your case.

Involves holidays in New Zealand. It is issued for one trip, for a period of no more than 1 month. To make it easier to obtain, you must have a travel voucher for your trip, although it is not mandatory to present it at the embassy.

A visitor visa is suitable for those who have relatives or friends living in New Zealand. All you need is a properly formatted invitation from them. This will be enough to justify the need for travel when meeting with a visa officer.

A transit visa is required to legally cross the borders of New Zealand when traveling to another country. When applying for this type, it is advisable to have a detailed itinerary for the entire trip, because it is sometimes required at the embassy.

A student visa to New Zealand serves to exercise the right to obtain. Ukrainians need to have a document confirming their enrollment in a university to apply for it. A study visa is valid for a year. It can be extended if you successfully complete the course and move on to the next one.

An employment or work visa to New Zealand is useful for employment in the country. It will be issued if there is a letter from the company and a contract. Work visas are usually issued for 180 days and can be extended if necessary.

A business or business visa is issued if the purpose of the visit is negotiations, meetings with foreign investors and partners, conferences, exhibitions and other work trips on behalf of your company. Also, with this type of permit, you can establish your own company abroad. This is an excellent environment for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. That is why business immigration to New Zealand has become very popular lately.

Crewing is an excellent earning opportunity for Ukrainians. You can visit different parts of the world while earning a decent income. To work you will need a maritime visa. If you want to get one to New Zealand, then, in addition to the main list of documents, you need to prepare a work contract, a sailor’s passport and a voyage itinerary. The registration will take several weeks, so you should not delay the process of contacting the embassy. A seafarer's visa can be issued urgently if there are compelling reasons.

Issued for a marriage in New Zealand with a citizen. After the ceremony, you can begin the immigration process into the country. If you have already managed to legalize your relationship with a New Zealander in Ukraine and want to visit him, you will need a wife visa. Upon arrival, you can begin to move to the country on a permanent basis.

Gives excellent chances of immigration to New Zealand. To apply for it, you only need to have close relatives among the citizens of this country. Most often, immigration of parents and children is carried out, but it is also possible to immigrate with more distant family members, in the presence of special circumstances. A parent visa is the most difficult to open, as it presupposes obtaining New Zealand citizenship in the future. You need to be patient before starting the paperwork process.

New Zealand is on the list of countries with a strict visa policy. It is quite difficult to obtain permission to visit. This is due to the government's fight against illegal immigration. But if you contact our specialists, you won’t have to worry. We have sufficient experience to ensure that you are perfectly prepared for your meeting with the visa officer. With us, your chances will be much higher than if you apply on your own.


Those citizens of Ukraine who want to visit this state for business purposes will have to obtain a business visa to New Zealand. This could be a meeting with a business partner, attending a conference, exhibition or any other similar event. The maximum duration of this type of visa is 9 months. Accordingly, during this time you will be able to organize all your affairs and even open your own business in the country (a New Zealand business visa gives a non-resident the right to open new organizations, enterprises or their branches in the country).

To obtain this entry permit, you will need to collect some documents. A business visa to New Zealand, for example, is issued if you have the following documents:

  • an invitation for a business visa (if you are heading to the country to meet a business partner or are going to attend a conference or exhibition);
  • a detailed business plan, documents confirming experience, as well as the validity of the benefits of your business for the country (required if you plan to open own business in New Zealand).

Of course, an invitation for a business visa is not the only document that you will be required to submit to the embassy. In addition to this, you will need documents such as a passport, an application form, documents confirming solvency, evidence of return to your home country after the expiration of the visa, etc. Collecting them all, and also making sure that they meet the requirements of the New Zealand embassy is a very difficult task. Therefore, it is almost impossible to do without the help of experienced specialists in this matter. And if you are looking for such professionals, then the Tour Partner company will be happy to help you with obtaining this type of visa.

Registration of a business visa to New Zealand with the help of our employees is a 100% guarantee and efficiency of the work. We can prepare a package of documents, send it to the New Zealand embassy located in the Russian Federation, and deliver the visa personally to you in just 14-20 days.


Applicants from Ukraine who want to get an education in New Zealand should first of all think not about entrance exams, but about how. After all, without receiving this permit or being denied a student visa, you will not be able to visit this state and, accordingly, will not begin your studies at the university.

In order to apply for a student visa, you will have to prepare not only basic documents, including an international passport, application form and copies of a civil passport, but also additional ones that will confirm the purpose of your trip. Such additional documents for a student visa it is:

  • certificate from the university;
  • copy of student ID;
  • student visa insurance;
  • completed form INZ1096 (for those who plan to stay in the country for six months);
  • INZ1007 and INZ1096 (for those who plan to stay in the country for more than a year);
  • a statement from the travel sponsor, which will confirm the availability of the necessary financial resources for the trip and must be certified by a notary (if necessary for insolvent students).

Obtaining a student visa to New Zealand is possible for 90, 180 days and a year. In addition to being a long-term student visa, it is also a multiple-entry visa. This means you will not need to extend your student visa.

With the help of the Tour-Partner company, obtaining a student visa will take up a minimum of your free time. Our specialists will be able to prepare required package documents and send it to the New Zealand embassy in just a few days, and you can receive a ready-made entry permit after two weeks. And all this for a very reasonable cost of a student visa to New Zealand.

You can find out how much a student visa costs, as well as ask other questions about this type of visa, by calling the contact phone number.


A work visa to New Zealand will be required for those Ukrainians who intend to travel to this state in order to. Obtaining a work visa can take up as much time as searching for a job. After all, if you need a work visa to New Zealand, then you will definitely have to prepare a lot of documents to submit to the embassy.

The most important documents for a work visa:

  • an invitation letter from the employer with the necessary information about the position;
  • copy and original work permit;
  • form INZ1096 (for workers who will stay in the state for 6 months);
  • INZ1007 and INZ1096 (for workers who will stay in the country for more than 12 months).

In addition to the above documents, you will also have to prepare others. Full list A visa specialist will advise you on the documents after reviewing your situation.

If you doubt your own abilities or do not quite understand how to get a work visa to New Zealand, then the Tour Partner company offers you its help! Our specialists will be able to please you with the efficiency of completing their work. After all, we can issue work visas for Ukrainians to this state in just 2-3 weeks! A affordable price work visa and the cost of our services will certainly please you even more.


If you are lucky and your relatives, friends or acquaintances live in New Zealand, then you can visit them at any time. The only thing you will need is a visit visa. Registration of this entry permit involves the collection and preparation for submission of an impressive package of documents. In addition to the main ones, you will also need to collect additional documents for a visitor visa, such as:

  • an invitation for a visitor visa from a New Zealand citizen or from a person who has permission to reside in this country;
  • documents for a guest visa confirming the availability of financial resources (certificate from work, bank account statement or sponsorship statement certified by a notary).

You can find out about all other documents at home page, by contact phone number of the Tour-Partner company or during consultation with our specialists.

Let us remind you that obtaining a visitor visa to New Zealand usually takes no more than 7 working days. But you will be able to open a guest visa and receive it in your hands within three weeks, since you will have to wait until the documents arrive from the embassy located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Also take into account the fact that in the autumn-winter period it is recommended to prepare documents for submission in advance, since at this time the New Zealand embassy receives too many applications from tourists and, accordingly, it will not be possible to obtain a visitor visa in 2-3 weeks.

In addition to registration, the Tour Partner company can offer you an extension of your guest visa if the previous one is about to expire.

Transit visa

Many Ukrainians often ask questions about whether they need a transit visa when making a layover in New Zealand, even if you do not leave the airport. A transit visa is needed both in this case and in the case of a short stop on the territory of this state. And to get a transit visa you will need to collect some documents in addition to the basic ones (foreign passport, civil passport and transit visa application form). The main documents for a transit visa are:

  • ready visa to a third country;
  • air tickets containing brief information about the transfer;
  • a receipt confirming the reservation of a hotel room in a third country;
  • approximate travel route (if necessary);
  • copy of the tour package (if available).

If you have already collected all the necessary documents, or if you need help with their preparation, and do not quite understand how to get a transit visa to New Zealand, then the specialists from the Tour-Partner company will be able to help you out! Registration of a transit visa with the help of our employees is carried out within 7 days from the date of application. You will be able to receive an entry permit after 2-3 weeks.

The cost of a transit visa to New Zealand will depend on the package of services that we offer to our clients. You can find out in more detail about how much a transit visa costs, as well as clarify other information of interest, by calling the contact phone number or directly when contacting the Tour-Partner company.

Seaman visa

Crewing is, of course, an excellent opportunity to earn money. But before working on a ship, it is necessary not only to obtain the appropriate qualifications and enter into a contract, but also to obtain a maritime visa. After all, it is impossible to cross the territory of New Zealand, even water, without it. When a sailor needs a visa, they contact the embassy. To do this, you not only need to register and pay the fee, but also prepare the following documents:

  • visa application form;
  • valid international passport;
  • seaman's passport;
  • agreement with a crewing company or vessel owner;
  • proposed sailing route;
  • several color photos.

All documents for a visa for seafarers to New Zealand must have a certified translation into English. It is worth noting that embassy staff may request any additional certificate if those presented are not enough to make a decision. A seafarer's visa to New Zealand can be issued in a few weeks.

The Tour Partner company in Kyiv offers comprehensive support when contacting the New Zealand Embassy. With us, getting a visa for a sailor will be much easier and faster. We will take care of preparing and sending all the documents, because the registration takes place in Moscow. Our specialists will draw up an impeccable package of papers, so you don’t have to give additional information, worry about refusal, and in general the process will not drag on for a long time. To find out more about what kind of visa seafarers get to New Zealand, how much it costs and why it’s better to contact specialists, use free consultation from the Tour Partner company at any convenient time.
