Venus in the zodiac signs: calculating compatibility and influence for women and men. Riddles and secrets of the planet Venus What the planet Venus is responsible for

Venus is the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty. The personification of femininity and harmony. Wise and beautiful, she could win any human heart. However, people were not always at her mercy; at times, she was seen in a completely different light. In astrology, Venus is the “sister” of the Earth. Its influence extends to the creative environment and the harmony of human relationships.

Many ancient peoples associated Venus as the patroness of love, family life and beauty. Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece, India - in the ancient treatises of these peoples there was their own Venus. She had a different name and appearance, but her spheres of influence did not change.

In astrological treatises, Venus is considered the primordially female planet. The writings of Ptolemy mention that it is a night planet. She patronizes Taurus and Libra. Its symbol is represented as a circle with a cross at the bottom. It is drawn in the same way as the mirror of a famous goddess was indicated in ancient times.

Astrologers have long come to the conclusion that the planet Venus is the representative of love, relationships between people, desire, beauty, aesthetics, life values ​​and social perception.

If a planet appears in the natal chart, then the person, to a greater or lesser extent, has such qualities as artistry, creativity, beauty, gentleness, harmony, and positive thinking. If Venus manifests itself in a negative configuration, then its bearer will be too sentimental, capricious, vicious and reckless.

Studying the influence of Venus, astrologers of different movements attributed to it the following characteristics:

  • In horary astrology, Venus is a good omen. Since the main principle of this astrological movement is to answer the question posed by calculating the position of the planets in a specific period of time, then if Venus “participates” in the calculations, the answer to the question will definitely be positive for the questioner.
  • In mundane astrology, Venus is believed to show the natural process of uniting nations into states. The planet is usually associated directly with social aspects (in particular pleasures), fashion trends, and idols. She is also credited with a connection with the economic institution of the state.
  • In electoral astrology, they are mainly concerned with calculating favorable dates for important events (mainly weddings). Since Venus rules the 7th house, which is associated with marriage, it should be in a favorable position at the time of marriage. That is, if the planet is in the horoscope houses of Aries, Virgo and Scorpio, then it is better to postpone the event, since Venus is weakened and can have the opposite effect on fate.

In astrobotany, Venus is believed to be the planet that rules flowers. It mainly includes lavender, jasmine, rose, violet lily and other plants that have a beautiful appearance, sweet aroma and a pleasant delicate shade.

Venus stones are amber, sapphire, cachalong, pearls, and sometimes diamonds are also used. Color – purple or white.

Arc aspects and the year of Venus

In conjunction with other planets, Venus shows how a person’s aesthetic, sexual and romantic needs will be realized. Planets that are connected to Venus are more harmonious than others, but Venus makes high demands on them: their aspects of influence must be perfect in everything. As for arc aspects, the position of the planet can tell a lot:

  • Quadrature. This placement of Venus challenges human feelings and passions. It is likely that the native (person) will have a problem in the aesthetic perception of the world and social self-expression. He may develop strange tastes and ethical standards that do not fit into the framework of any of the groups. Often people with this aspect tend to worry about unrequited love.
  • The opposition of the planet shows how much a person shows his feelings to others; there is often a problem in establishing relationships.
  • Trine and sextile. In this position, Venus is responsible for the free expression of love and hobbies. Sextile allows you to develop aesthetic tastes and improve. Gives a positive friendly attitude and social perspective. Trin simply patronizes those who are loved in society. They are often creative, charming and cheerful individuals.
  • Sesquiquadrat. At a low level of manifestation, a person tends to downplay the importance of important things, which in certain cases is tantamount to murder. People are capable of producing amazing ideas, but they die without receiving the attention they deserve. At a higher level, such people make outstanding scientists and masters of art.

Credit should also be given to the karmic manifestation of the influence of Venus at different levels:

  1. First level. Venus has a very weak influence. Aesthetic perception is underdeveloped; everything that such a person likes can simply be called “bad taste.” For such people, only what is useful is beautiful. The native does not capture such feelings as the collective spirit or the mood of the interlocutor at all, reacting exclusively to direct statements and orders. Emotions are quite raw, and love means nothing more than sexual attraction.
  2. Second level. Aesthetics is still not separated from conservative social norms, but individual emotional perception is becoming more evident. A person can tell exactly what is beautiful and what is not so beautiful. He is already adapting well in the social environment and understands well what is good. He is characterized by falling in love, which is often described in novels, he learns to understand himself and others, show his emotions and enjoy it.
  3. Third level. At this level, the energy of Venus allows a person to separate his personal worldview from social cliches. In the perception of the world around us, one can trace some freedom: a person looks at it the way it is accepted, and understands that he can perceive everything that happens in his own way. True, he is not yet entirely sure whether it is possible to do this, but, nevertheless, the awareness of such a possibility brings him pleasure. A person feels good around others and easily establishes social contacts. His inner world consists of ethical and aesthetic assessments. The manifestation of love is selfless if the planet is in a positive aspect.
  4. Fourth level. The properties that the planet has endowed a person of this level allow him to practically not depend on the ethical perception of others. The leading links in the life of the native are ethical and aesthetic egregors. A person makes high demands on himself (higher than those established in society), wants to live beautifully, and his ethical and aesthetic sympathies are so strong that they can become fashion.

Venus can manifest itself not only in the birth horoscope; sometimes there is a year that this planet patronizes. Although the period in which Venus revolves around the sun is only 255 days, which is significantly less than an “earthly year,” Vedic astrology has long provided information that Venus becomes the mistress of the year every seven years (2004, 2011, 2018... etc.). d.).

People born in these years are beautiful and will always be successful with the opposite sex. They are promoted by financial success and harmonization of all aspects of life. Throughout his life, a person will not need anything. People born this year pay great attention to a good rest, follow fashion and constantly improve their image, earning a good reputation.

If a person is not sufficiently developed, then Venus can manifest many vices in him. The main ones are: indecision, lust, laziness and inadequate communication.

In astrology, the period of retrograde planets is also designated. That is, when they begin to move in the opposite direction in the Zodiac. The last Venus retrograde took place in early spring 2017 (this cycle lasted about 40 days). During this period, astrologers advise people with Venus in their natal charts to rethink the significance of the things that surround them, and also to take a closer look at their surroundings. This will help determine their real value and significance.

Aspects of influence

The role of Venus is truly outstanding. Its influence directly indicates how a person has developed a sense of harmony, and harmony, as is known, has the ability to fill the world with creative energy. The influence of the planet can be traced at the following levels:

  • Health. Under Venus are the organs of vision, skin, pharynx and reproductive abilities. The diseases with which this planet is primarily associated are venereal diseases. Weakened kidney function and problems with reproduction may also occur.
  • Fate. Venus in external manifestation makes a person seek pleasure and strive for a luxurious life. Wealth and beautiful things surround such people. Luxury items and jewelry are not only stylish and elegant, but they are also true works of art - masterpieces created for collections. The sophistication and quality of objects is what interests Venus in the first place. The internal level makes a person strive for goodness, sincerity, purity and beauty.

Like every planet in the zodiac circle, Venus has a strong and weak manifestation. The abilities of strong Venus allow her to give a person the opportunity to love and be loved. The planet strengthens vitality and brings happiness. In contrast to her there is afflicted Venus. She focuses her influence on sensual pleasures. Even the energy that is responsible for artistic creativity manifests itself in the most primitive forms. These include the popularity of show business, loud music and love for everything ridiculous and flashy.

Venus also exhibits peculiarities of influence in the signs of the zodiac:

  • Aries. An interesting combination of sentimentality and aggressive behavior. Venus gives these people sensuality and impulsive expression of love. These are open enthusiasts who are always in the spotlight.
  • Calf. This is the sign whose planet according to the horoscope is Venus. People of this tandem are gentle and romantic, however, they are in no hurry to fall in love. The first unsuccessful relationship unsettles them for a long time and in the future they become more careful in choosing a partner. They are generous and friendly, always ready to help. They are always lucky in finance, they are endowed with artistic taste and are quite musical.
  • Twins. The temperament of this sign allows love to manifest itself only when there is intellectual harmony between partners. Although such people treat this feeling quite frivolously, because deep emotional return is a stone around the neck. These people have a wide range of interests, which makes them seem emotionally cold. Venus in this sign inclines its bearer towards serene flirting and careless spending.
  • Cancer. Venus makes people of this sign romantic and sensitive, and being loved is the most important goal in life for them. People with Venus in Cancer are devoted to family, their happiness is home.
  • A lion. These people are able to evoke positive emotions and tender feelings in others. And only people with Venus in Leo are able to put on a stunning performance on the theme “Do you love me?” The planet generously endowed them with artistry.
  • Virgo. They are very careful in love. They can break off relationships due to minor shortcomings. They always hide their feelings, but Venus rewarded them with the ability to sympathize and be faithful, as well as a rich imagination.
  • Scales. This position of the planet enhances the makings of an artist and designer. People are able to work in a team, they do not like everything rude, vulgar and repulsive. They love comfort and a luxurious life, wasting money is their thing.
  • Scorpion. Owners and jealous people give themselves completely to love. Venus in Scorpio guarantees that marriage will be based not only on feelings, but also on benefits. They have a rich imagination, which allows them to create original works of art.
  • Sagittarius. For them, love is just another adventure. Those with Venus in Sagittarius are sociable and imaginative, which allows them to attract others. They get along better with friends than with loved ones, since they are not so demanding.
  • Capricorn. They are careful in relationships, as well as in other areas of life. The planet gives them jealousy and a sense of ownership.
  • Aquarius. Kindness and cordiality are the main qualities that Venus endowed these people with. Adherents of platonic relationships, as there is less affection from them. They value personal freedom and, thanks to their innate charm, achieve large-scale goals. The planet brings fulfillment of desires and hopes, but only in the middle of life’s journey.
  • Fish. Devotion and sensitivity are qualities of Venus for this sign. In addition, this position of the planet makes people ready to make sacrifices for the sake of others. The planet indicates outstanding creative abilities.

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The planet Venus in astrology is responsible for harmony, beauty, love, marriage, partnership, relationships, choice, art, values ​​and money. Venus in astrology rules the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra, as well as the second and seventh houses.

The second most distant planet in the solar system, it is approximately equal in size to Earth. Also known as the morning and evening star, it is most clearly visible at dawn and dusk.

Venus in astrology is associated with love relationships and a sense of beauty. The Venus talisman is often used as a love talisman. Under its influence, you strive for harmonious relationships with others, to enjoy life, to express love, to give and receive, and to feel valued. Its position in the natal chart represents the object of our love - be it a person, an object or an idea, it is like a mirror of the soul. Moreover, the mirror is the astrological symbol of this planet.

Properties of Venus in astrology

Venus is the patroness of Taurus and Libra, she is responsible for making the right choice, making their outlook on life more stable. The more valuable something is to you, the more you are willing to give for it. How difficult or easy it is for us to give of ourselves depends on its location in the natal chart. Its connection with values ​​determines that in astrology the planet is also responsible for money and material wealth. As the ruler of the sign Taurus, which is closely associated with money, wealth and prosperity, her position in the natal chart shows how much a person has the ability to attract financial resources and manage them correctly.

Projecting Venus energy onto others will indicate an inability to love yourself and feel unworthy of love. It represents the qualities that you value in yourself and want others to value. In a woman's astrological chart, the position of the planet signifies the manifestation of love and eroticism. In a man's chart, this is the type of woman he is attracted to, as well as the feminine side of his soul. The influence of planetary energy brings harmony, a sense of intimacy, sensuality and the desire for love and relationships. It means the approval of others, which is necessary to love yourself.

The qualities of Venus are an important part of any close relationship. If you love, appreciate and enjoy the one you live for, then you can say that you have realized the potential of Venus. And if you are able to express its energy positively, you will attract people and circumstances that will enrich you and give you a sense of inner harmony.

Symbolism of Venus

Venus symbolizes the ability to love and enjoy life. The degree to which you feel important and give pleasure and joy to others is determined by this planet. People who do not have a positive connection with Venus feel alienated and undeserving of happiness. They don't value their body and don't feel loved or satisfied. And if you don’t know how to love and appreciate yourself, then you don’t know how to love and appreciate others.

The ancient Roman goddess of love, Venus, known in ancient Greek mythology as Aphrodite, personified the hidden forces of attraction, the desire to have a connection with another person, to establish close relationships, to live in peace and contentment with each other. Venus in astrology personifies the principle of love and attraction, the bringing together of people whose union means more than each of them individually. In matters of the heart, it symbolizes the desire to find something in common with a partner and the ability to see the best in each other. It symbolizes the principle of friendship and partnership. Any relationship that helps reveal abilities is sent by Venus. Its position in your natal chart shows how you express feelings towards others and the type of people you are attracted to.

Venus encourages relationships that help reveal individuality and find your own way of self-expression. But Venusian energy can also manifest itself negatively: in the desire to maintain peace at any cost, satisfying the needs of others to the detriment of oneself, avoiding conflict instead of entering into open confrontation. The goddess of love also has a dark side, it can manifest itself in jealousy, rivalry, vindictiveness, and the desire to captivate just for the sake of entertainment. Venus rarely gives something without the certainty that she will receive something of equal value in return.

The second planet in the solar system, planet Venus, was given the title of Earth's twin by astronomers. And for good reason. Most of its characteristics coincide with those on Earth: similar size, diameter, mass, density and even gravity. However, this is where the similarities end. Venus is one of the terrestrial planets in the solar system, with a characteristic cratered surface and a mass of piles of rocks. Most of the craters on Venus are of volcanic origin.

Astronomical characteristics of Venus

Interesting fact: the time it takes Venus to revolve around the Sun and its axis is almost equal. Their temporal value is 243 and 225 Earth days, respectively. The characteristics of Venus's atmosphere are not particularly attractive. It consists of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and clouds of sulfuric acid. Such an atmosphere denies the very possibility of the origin of life on the planet and negatively affects its weather.

There are no recorded facts confirming the existence of life on Venus. The very characteristics of its weather make it impossible to discover traces of life on the planet. The weather on Venus is dry and very hot: up to 480 degrees Celsius. Existence in such weather is impossible for all life forms known to scientists.

The planet Venus has no satellites and is not surrounded by rings. This is partly due to the high density of the atmosphere, partly due to the force of gravity. The probable satellites of Venus were most likely simply attracted to the planet and crashed onto its surface.

Another interesting fact: Venus has a retrograde type of rotation, which no other planet in our system has. This means that the Sun rises in the West there.

Venus in the zodiac signs

Astrological meaning of the planet: love and harmony

The planet Venus is considered unambiguously in astrology - it is considered the patron saint of love and beauty. She influences the sense of aesthetics, as a result of which children born under her auspices are distinguished by delicate taste. Venus is the patron of sculptors and artists. There is a certain amount of irony in this, because the patron of the planet was the goddess Aphrodite, whose beauty was glorified in paintings and sculptures.

Children for whom Venus acts as a patron are distinguished by musicality and good hearing.. It should be noted that children whose connection with Venus is disrupted may experience complex internal contradictions. As a result, hysteria, nervousness, and narcissism may appear. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of such children and give them more attention, which they so lack.

The planet Venus loves stones that are white or transparent, such as diamonds or zirconium. Such stones, with their soft color, can calm excessive passion and emotionality. The size of the jewelry should be small, the origin of the stones should be as natural as possible - only in this way will their connection with the energy of the Planet be revealed.

Venus has a particularly strong significance in astrology for women: the majority of girls born under its influence have a strong connection with planetary energy.

The characteristics of the planet Venus from the point of view of Vedic astrology can also present many interesting facts. The description of Venus in the Vedas is not very different from standard astrology. A brief description of Kama (as the third planet from the Sun is called in the Vedas) has a number of differences, however, in general, it is similar to standard astrology.

Despite the passion of those born under the influence of Kama, they make faithful, devoted companions, capable of truly loving. This interesting fact prompted many scientists from astrology to study it, but no one found a complete explanation. Probably the origin of this secret lies in the fact that only a person capable of sincere love is capable of fidelity.

If Venus is defeated, the atmosphere of comfort of such people is disrupted, their companions begin to cause them an acute feeling of dissatisfaction, and a lot of financial and personal problems arise. In case of such conflicts, Vedic astrology recommends the use of special meditations, mantras; wearing stones of transparent colors. It is recommended to make the amulet from a warm-colored metal, such as bronze or gold.

The description of Venus in medical astrology is quite detailed. A disruption in the perception of its energy can cause obesity, kidney disease, and disruption of the endocrine glands. Initially, symptoms manifest themselves through a feeling of acute injustice and emptiness.

If immediately after this the diameter of your waist begins to rapidly increase, think about where your connection with Venus could have been severed. However, disruption of communication with the planet can lead to a host of other complications, including disruption of venous blood circulation. It's sad, but true - a violation of harmony in your personal life and self-perception can cause serious illnesses.

Venus in the houses of the horoscope

Curious facts about Venus

Interesting facts told about the planet Venus often combine real information and fiction. Thus, from time to time, “canards” appear in the press that some astronomers saw the formation of rings of various diameters near Venus, and someone saw a new satellite of the planet in a passing asteroid. Assumptions about its composition also vary: what it consists of and whether it is possible to live there.

These and other mysteries haunt many space lovers. Perhaps the fact is that there is too little information about Venus, despite the fact that more than 98% of the planet’s surface has been explored. The composition of its soil and atmosphere, weather phenomena, physical properties are no longer mysteries... However, new mysteries appear with each piece of fresh information.

A group of American scientists made an interesting discovery: it turns out that the atmospheric pressure on Venus is exactly eighty-five times less than on Earth. This is due primarily to the composition of the planet’s atmosphere. It consists of a very dense mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. This composition of the atmosphere, coupled with unbearably high temperatures, does not yet give hope that the planet will ever be colonized.

However, new, interesting hypotheses arise every day, proposing methods for discovering the secrets of our Earth’s twin planet with a view to its subsequent development.

Video: Planet Venus

The planet Venus in astrology symbolizes beauty, love and harmony. She was named after the Roman goddess, who is identified with the Greek Aphrodite. This is the intercessor of Taurus and Libra. The ancient deity has many faces, therefore it reflects love in all its manifestations - from pure, platonic to earthly and physical.

Venus in a woman’s horoscope is responsible for

  • femininity;
  • emotionality;
  • relationships, marriage;
  • maternal instinct.

The planet enhances in women their innate qualities - sensitivity, tenderness, kindness. Venus in a man’s horoscope personifies the image of the woman he would like to see next to him.

Strong and weak Venus in the horoscope

The symbol of this planet is a mirror, like a reflection of the soul. A person with strong Venus energy loves himself (not to be confused with selfishness and pride), wants to develop his personality, live in harmony with the world, give love and joyfully accept it from others.

If you direct the energy of Venus only to the object of your adoration, then an energetic attachment is created, the person becomes dependent on loved ones and dear people. He does not see identity in himself, his self-esteem falls.

It happens that the unfortunate position of Venus (including the retrograde of the planet) in the horoscope makes its energy too weak. Because of this, a person develops character traits such as:

  • cold;
  • hardness of heart;
  • anger;
  • envy;
  • dissatisfaction;
  • pessimism.

The dark side of Venus awakens jealousy, a sense of possessiveness, as well as frivolity and the desire to captivate for fun.

It should be noted that the planet Venus in astrology traditionally personifies material values ​​and prosperity. But what is happening here is not greed and hoarding, but the desire to reach a decent standard of living, achieve spiritual satisfaction and surround oneself with beautiful things.

Love for art and everything beautiful arises in the soul due to the influence of this planet. Venus was considered the most beautiful among goddesses and mortal women, so the desire to preserve youth and be perfect is the result of a good connection with this planet.

Venusian energy is aimed at a positive perception of one’s personality and appearance, reasonable self-esteem and the development of good qualities in oneself. Naturally, if a person notices the beauty around him and understands his uniqueness.

If he has shortcomings, then he fights with them, and does not hate his own body. In addition, he wants people to understand and support him, and in return he gives the same warm attitude.

The bad energy of the planet Venus in the horoscope pushes a person to shamelessness and swagger. He plunges into idle laziness and carnal pleasures. The desire to assert oneself through one’s beauty and sexuality is another consequence of the whims of Venus.

Do you want to find out which aspects of life exactly in your horoscope Venus is responsible for or learn about your weaknesses and strengths? Book a consultation with an astrologer. I will definitely answer all your questions.

Thousands of people are born on earth who have similar character traits, motives of action and behavioral stereotypes. Astrologers explain this similarity without...

At the moment of human birth, celestial bodies occupy a certain place in relation to the Sun. The annual path of the Sun among the stars is conventionally divided into twelve equal parts, which are designated by certain symbols of the constellations close to them, called the signs of the Zodiac. Each zodiac sign has its own validity period:

Each zodiac sign is patronized by one or two planets: Aries - Mars, Taurus - Venus, Gemini - Mercury, Cancer - Moon, Leo - Sun, Virgo - Mercury, Libra - Venus, Scorpio - Mars and Pluto, Sagittarius - Jupiter, Capricorn - Saturn , Aquarius - Uranus and Saturn, Pisces - Jupiter and Neptune.

These planets give people certain character traits:

Sun (Leo) - active manifestation of oneself in the world around us, a strong creativity, a source of vitality, dignity, independence, authority, pride, independence, integrity, stability, generosity, artistry, the desire to patronize and help others, love of holidays, entertainment, luxury, the ability to quickly forget sorrows and prolong joy for a long time;

Moon (Cancer) - adaptability to the environment, passive maintenance of existence, strong imagination, tenderness, romanticism, poetry, dreaminess, melancholy, capriciousness, sensitivity, variability, instability, susceptibility, impressionability, sentimentality, lack of concentration, attachment to the hearth;

Mercury (Gemini, Virgo) - analytical thinking, constant movement, curiosity, prudence, receptivity to information, ability to speak languages, sociability, compliance, dispassion, cunning, dexterity, deceit, desire for compromise, developed eloquence;

Venus (Taurus, Libra) - sensuality, emotionality, harmony and beauty, love of comfort, sense of justice, friendliness and dislike of conflicts, sexuality, seriousness, elegance, charm, attractiveness, plasticity, reliability, strong creativity, a tendency to feel sorry for oneself, the ability to quickly get out of depression;

Mars (Aries, Scorpio) - desire for leadership, enthusiasm, courage, determination, inability to pretend, rejection of gossip and intrigue, self-confidence, intolerance, carefree, straightforwardness, perseverance, impulsiveness, excitability, hot temper, submission to passions;

Jupiter (Sagittarius, Pisces) - confidence, pride, determination, solidity, impressiveness, respectability, the ability to see the general without dwelling on details, self-esteem taking into account opinions, orientation in space, intolerance to competitors, the ability to direct and coordinate the actions of others, to see one’s own the place and place of others in the world around us, to perceive unfavorable moments and choose allies, to be guided by considerations of business and not by personal gain;

Saturn (Capricorn, Aquarius) - conservatism, adherence to habits, traditions, old friends, logical, concrete thinking based on experience, sense of duty, isolation, isolation, patience, lack of communication, determination, gloominess, pedantry, stability of existence, constancy, punctuality , concreteness, distrust, skepticism, poor adaptability to new things, hard work, differentiation between the personal and the collective, respect for elders and authorities, poor communication skills;

Uranus (to Aquarius) - intuitive thinking, superconsciousness, telepathic and supernormal mental abilities, desire for the new, original, love of freedom, independence, non-recognition of authorities, conventions, unyielding will, assertiveness, self-confidence, denial of the past, striving for the future, democracy, resistance to material things difficulties;

Neptune (Pisces) - developed subconscious, intuition, clairvoyance, musical and poetic abilities, a subtle sense of harmony, rhythm, religiosity, the ability to empathize, capriciousness, instability, desire for compromise, frequent melancholy, craving for utopias, mysticism, romance, daydreaming , desire for procreation, lack of integrity;

Pluto (to Scorpio) - activity, assertiveness, inner strength, great perseverance, collectivism, strength, concrete thinking, the desire to transform and destroy old forms, rejection of romance and sentimentality, the ability to organize mass movements.

Zodiac signs have the nature of four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. People born under the signs of the same element have similar temperaments and common physiological and mental characteristics:

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) - activity, autonomy, independence, integrity of perception and action, low susceptibility to external impulses;

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) - concreteness, practicality, slowness in perceiving new things, poor adaptability;

Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) - mobility, contact, the ability to quickly switch from one object to another, the desire to interact;

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - high receptivity, sensitivity, mental plasticity, constancy of habits, immersion in the inner world of experiences.

At all times, astrologers saw the universe in miniature in man. The signs of the Zodiac in Space correspond to certain organs and parts of the body: Aries - head, Taurus - neck, Gemini - arms, Cancer - chest, Leo - back, Virgo - stomach, Libra - lower back, Scorpio - genitals, Sagittarius - buttocks, thighs, Capricorn - knees, Aquarius - calves, Pisces - feet.

When studying the characteristics of people belonging to a particular zodiac sign, we must remember that a person born on one of the last three days of the period of a particular sign borrows the character traits of the next zodiac sign.

To correctly determine your zodiac sign, a person born on the first or last day of the sign period needs to know the exact time of his birth, latitude and longitude of his place of birth. Only in this case can one judge whether the Sun has already moved to another zodiac sign.
