Laying new tiles on old ones: surface preparation and installation process. Is it possible to put a new tile on top of the old one? Do they lay tiles?

In the process repair work with your own hands you have to deal with a lot complex issues, the correct answers to which will determine the quality and service life new finishes. One such question is, can you lay tile on tile? Let's see if we can use old tile as a basis for a new coating or is it better to dismantle it to avoid possible problems.

Features of preparation various types surfaces. How to rub seams. Criteria for choosing tile coverings and laying patterns for the floor.

How to remove old grout from tile joints

Quite often you have to deal with a situation where the condition of the old tile is quite satisfactory, but in order to use it as the basis for a new coating, it is necessary to replace the grout for the joints. It is quite possible to carry out this procedure, however, it requires attention and time. Let's look at how to remove grout from tile joints correctly.

In order to delete old grout There is a special tool called a seam ripper. It can be used to remove grout mechanically. By itself, it is a blade with a comfortable handle, but as an alternative, you can use a regular knife.

The blade of a knife or embroiderer must be passed on both sides at an angle and straight. When doing this, you need to be careful not to chip the edges of the tiles. It is worth noting that doing this “manually” will not work quickly, so you can use a drill with thin drill or an electric chisel.

Important! If, in the process of removing the old grout, the tiles also begin to crumble, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​laying another layer on top, even if there is new grout.

How to remove old grout from tile joints if it is silicone

Silicone grout also requires dismantling and replacement, especially if the room was not provided high-quality ventilation. Very often you have to deal with the fact that the seams are affected by mold, which is almost impossible to remove. Therefore, before laying new tiles over old tiles, you need to take care of the hygiene of the joints.

Removal silicone sealant carried out using sharp knife or a special scraper. After this, additional cleaning is carried out using a vacuum cleaner.

Helpful advice! Exist special means, allowing you to remove silicone faster and with less effort. Such compositions are applied using mounting gun, after which you must wait at least 24 hours. Then the seams are wiped with a rag or paper.

Is it possible to lay tiles on tiles on the floor: features of the work

Floor coverings, unlike wall coverings, are not subject to gravity. Therefore, in a sense, installation is easier. But in in this case another difficulty arises - the new coating will regularly be subjected to serious loads.

Before gluing tiles to the floor, you need to carry out an equally thorough check of each element of the lower layer. To do this, you can use the same hammer for tapping, but you can try another approach: an object with a flat base (a box works well), you need to smoothly drag it across the surface, carefully observing that not a single tile falls even a few millimeters. It can be difficult to do this in a small bathroom or toilet, but for larger rooms this is a very effective way.

In general, all recommendations that are provided in previous section, are also relevant when working with floors. It is only advisable to give preference to mineral compositions. Thus, the surface will be provided with greater elasticity, which will allow it to withstand heavy loads and temperature changes.

Helpful advice! Before you put it floor tiles on top of the old one ceramic coating, you don’t have to carry out as intensive preparatory work as in the case of the wall surface. But it’s still worth moistening the base before you start applying glue, as this will have a positive effect on adhesion.

Is it possible to make a self-leveling floor on old tiles?

As a basis for a new coating, you can also use a self-leveling floor, which is installed directly on the surface of the old tile. As in all previous cases, a mandatory procedure is a thorough check of the quality of fastening of the lower layer. All loosely fitting elements must be dismantled.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in cases where we are talking about working with a glossy surface, upper layer the coatings are removed to ensure the required level of adhesion between the solution and the tile. Filling and further work are carried out according to the standard algorithm.

Helpful advice! Laying a new layer of tile does not require a thick layer of self-leveling floor. Its thickness should not exceed 5 mm. The main thing is to distribute the composition evenly over the entire surface.

Taking into account the opinion of experts, we can say that installing a self-leveling floor on top of tiles is possible only in extreme cases. In this case, the area of ​​the room should be small, and the requirements for operational characteristics surfaces are minimal.

Is it possible to lay tiles on tiles outdoors?

Very interest Ask question that may arise - is it possible to lay a new layer of paving slabs on top of the old one. Of course, such a procedure is often unjustified, but still, in some cases, this technology is resorted to in the process of arrangement garden paths, terraces and summer areas.

As in the case of tiles laid on old flooring inside the house, the main criterion is the quality of fastening of the lower layer. You can check it using a pry bar or a strong knife. Using such tools, you should try to remove one of the elements.

Important! If the tile was able to be moved with a knife, but this required serious physical effort, then such a coating can be used as a base. If the tile comes off easily, this may later cause deformation of the top layer.

A new cushion is poured on top of the old layer of tiles, which should consist of three layers - loose soil, gravel, sand. In this case, compaction of each layer must be carried out separately. On top, according to standard technology, a new layer of paving slabs is laid.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to lay tiles on tiles on the floor in the bathroom or even on the walls is rather in the affirmative. Of course, during the work process you will have to follow many rules and recommendations, and the end result can almost always be unpredictable, but in principle, this is quite possible.

The article answers numerous questions that arise for those who decide to independently lay tiles during renovation.

Laying tiles yourself: answers to all questions

Ceramic tiles are a common option for finishing walls and floors in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. This material is practical, durable and easy to maintain.

Installation is a simple process. The main thing is to pay attention to surface preparation and the choice of adhesive mixture.

There are also several subtleties that, having become familiar with them, even a person who knows nothing about repairs can perform fastening of the material.

Is it possible to lay tiles on a wall with old tiles?

Laying work requires careful preparation of the base surface, which is cleaned as much as possible. old decoration. Laying on an old wall covering is always fraught with great risk, since the weight of the tiles and the weak adhesion caused by such “multi-layering” can cause the material to fall off. In exceptional cases, laying tiles on old tiles possible, but experienced specialists do not give guarantees regarding service life. In other words, it is better to refrain from this finishing option “at your own peril and risk,” especially on the walls.

Primary requirements

When tiling walls, the quality of work primarily depends on how well the base surface is prepared. Special requirements are placed on its evenness.

Why laying tiles on curved walls is undesirable

Ceramic tiles have limited flexural strength per square meter. m., which is why it is better to lay this material on smooth walls. In addition, uneven walls significantly increase the consumption of the adhesive mixture.

How to level the surface

After measuring the wall using a level, if irregularities up to 10-15 mm are detected, cement or gypsum mixtures are used for leveling. If the indicators are higher, drywall is used.

Rules for assessing wall evenness

Since high-quality masonry requires a flat surface, work begins with determining the evenness of the wall.

This can be done using:

  • slats or rules;
  • plumb line with a load;
  • construction bubble level;
  • laser level (level).

The most accurate and convenient way– use of a level.

What should be the angle

Particularly difficult is preparing the corners. After preparation and alignment, it should be exactly 90°, and the deviation along the line cannot exceed 1 mm.

Methods for laying on a smooth concrete wall

Laying tiles on a concrete wall has a number of special requirements on preparation.

Concrete is characterized by comparatively less adhesiveness than other materials that serve as the basis for cladding. Therefore, to improve the quality of adhesion and roughen the structure, use special type primer, which is called concrete contact.

But, cracks and irregularities can also be on concrete wall. If the differences in unevenness are more than 3 cm, it is necessary to plaster the walls in order to minimize glue consumption. In addition, if you do not plaster a surface with a difference in unevenness of more than 5 cm, there is a possibility that the tile will crumble over time. After this, the wall must be primed again.

There are several basic ways to lay tiles on a wall:

  1. Straight. Vertically located tile seams on the same line or with a half offset.
  2. Diagonally. This method is used when combining different colors, as well as for creating patterns. The marking is carried out taking into account the angle of inclination of the tiles, which inevitably increases the number of cut tiles, which is economically more costly.
  3. With offset. Most difficult option, in which the tiles are laid offset relative to the previous row.

How to lay large tiles yourself

When using tiles large sizes it is necessary to make the base surface as smooth as possible, otherwise the work will require a lot of time and more material consumption.

When fastening large tiles use glue with increased adhesion values ​​from 1 MPa. The room temperature should be between 20 - 25°.

When working with such material, it is extremely important to distribute the adhesive mixture as thoroughly as possible with a spatula “comb” in order to prevent the formation of air layers under the coating, which reduce adhesion to the base. It is recommended to “comb” the grout on large tiles in one direction, as this makes it easier to remove air from under the material. Laying is carried out immediately after applying the adhesive mixture, when the adhesion force is maximum.

Beginner's Guide

The process of laying ceramics on walls is not the most difficult type of repair work, which even “newbies” in renovation can easily cope with on their own.

How many rows can be laid on the wall at one time?

Provided that the glue is correctly selected and the use of a metal profile fixing the first row, as well as plastic crosses, the number of rows is not limited. Good glue sets in 15-30 minutes. After this time, there is no need to fear that the ranks will creep down.

How to properly lay tiles on the walls in the bathroom: laying corners on the wall

Laying walls at a junction, at a protruding corner, poses difficulties for many inexperienced craftsmen. Most often such places are located in the bathroom - communications are hidden behind them.

There are three main ways to work in these zones:

  1. Positioned at an angle of 90° . This is the simplest method in which the elements are placed at an angle of 90° to each other. In this case, one cut remains open and the use of grout is necessary, which makes the results less aesthetically pleasing than with other methods.
  2. Trimming edges. The tile sections are ground down with a grinder or with a tile cutter to 45°, after which they are combined with each other.
  3. Using Trims. Trims are special plastic profiles with a protruding part in the center, which are placed at the corners and covered with tiles.
  4. Using tiles in the shape of a corner. The easiest way. When using it, further installation is carried out from the edge of the corner tile.

How to start laying the first row: rules

Laying the first row is a crucial moment, since it is this that serves as a kind of guideline for all subsequent ones.

When working with the first row on the wall, marks are made along the upper cut of the tile located below all.

Using a level, these marks are connected into a straight line throughout the entire fastening area and secured to it. metallic profile or a rail that will keep the material from sliding to the bottom.

What you need to know to lay tiles evenly on a concrete wall

In order for the ceramics to lie flat on the concrete wall, you need to carefully measure the surface. If there are no pronounced differences, use concrete contact to provide additional roughness. Sometimes plastering is required.

Is it possible to lay tiles from top to bottom?

This method of laying is unacceptable, since there is no possibility of securing the fixing profile and the lower rows will slide under the weight of the upper ones.

How to quickly glue tiles

In such a matter as repairs, it is necessary to reduce haste to a minimum. But in the event that 1-2 tiles have fallen off, you can apply special kind quick-drying “liquid nails” glue.

How to fix tiles on a wall without glue: alternative options

There is no alternative to the adhesive mixture when laying tiles. All methods, in addition to the main one, are a compromise and can be used in exceptional cases.

Some experts fasten the tiles with self-tapping screws if they can hide the caps behind decorative elements or furniture.

Rules for laying tiles on a clay wall: how to lay and glue

Laying tiles on clay walls- an extremely complex and time-consuming process, since clay is a less durable base than hardened tile adhesive with the material.

Therefore, it is necessary to first cover the walls with moisture-resistant plasterboard, minimizing the gaps between it and the wall, or attach the tiles to a metal profile. Next, installation is carried out in the appropriate way, depending on the chosen option.

Laying tiles is an integral part of renovation work in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. Any homeowner can do it themselves, having first familiarized themselves with the rules and intricacies of this process. This will reduce costs and make repairs more economical. In addition, in this case the owner will be confident that the work was done conscientiously.

Useful video

Repair is in any case a very troublesome undertaking. And if it is assumed that a complete dismantling of the wall and floor cladding will be carried out, the expected volume of work can frighten even an experienced repairman, not to mention home handyman. Indeed, in this case, just getting rid of old materials will take more than one day of intensive work.

Therefore, novice builders are trying to find out whether it is possible to lay tiles on tiles and thereby save their energy and time. Let's try to figure it out together.

But, nevertheless, in some cases, it is better to preserve the old floor or wall covering and make it the basis for a new one. Why? Let's try to justify it.

Destruction of the old foundation during dismantling

Dismantling old tiles will most likely lead to the destruction of the base on which it is attached. Thus, when removing floor tiles, fragments of the screed will inevitably break off; the leveling plywood flooring will also become unusable, and when working with wall covering laid on drywall, the latter will most likely be damaged.

Thus, in addition to performing dismantling and installation work new tiles, you will have to re-equip the base, which is very labor-intensive, costly and will take a lot of time for the material to harden.

“Dirty” and costly preparatory work

No matter how hard you try, dismantling the old cladding cannot be done cleanly. The dust will be very strong, since you will have to work with a hammer drill. The amount of construction waste that will need to be removed is also large. In addition, the bathroom will have to be completely emptied of furniture and plumbing equipment.

Experienced craftsmen note that neighboring rooms can also be damaged by dust. Equipment and furniture in them should definitely be covered with polyethylene; if possible, it is worth protecting the decoration of the room, otherwise it may be seriously damaged.

Dismantling old tiles is a very labor-intensive undertaking. During its implementation, the old base on which the cladding lies will certainly be damaged and will have to be restored

“Contraindications” to preserving the old coating

As has already become clear, additional problems When dismantling, a multitude arises. To minimize them, you should try to leave the old cladding. However, this is not always possible. There are several cases when leaving tiles is strictly not recommended:

  • After finishing the expected floor level will be higher than in other rooms. The bathroom is one of the rooms where the risk of leaks is especially high, so it is recommended to make the floor level in the bathroom 3-5 cm lower. This is done so that in the event of an accident, water cannot flow out of the room. It is not recommended to break this rule.
  • Poor quality old cladding materials. This applies to both the glue and the tile itself. A cladding covered with a network of small cracks will not be a good base for a new coating. Fungus, indelible grease and dirt have already appeared in the cracks. Bad glue will not be able to reliably hold the tiles; they will break off and weaken the base of the new cladding.
  • The room is small in size. It should be taken into account that laying tiles on top of the old coating will reduce the size of an already small room.
  • Under the tiled covering are laid engineering Communication, and there are no inspection hatches. If you put a new cladding on top of such a base, in the event of an accident you will have to dismantle two layers of tiles, which is much more expensive and labor-intensive.
  • Uneven cladding or a clear slope that you want to level. When laying tiles, height differences of less than 4 mm are allowed for every 2 m of surface. If the difference is greater, you will have to dismantle the old coating.

SNiPs state that the base for the tile covering must be monolithic, rough and porous. All this does not correspond to the characteristics ceramic cladding, which is composed of individual, small-sized elements, and is also highly smooth.

Thus, it seems that it is absolutely impossible to lay new tiles on old ones. This is not entirely true. Let's consider the solidity of the coating. Properly laid on good glue quality tiles forms a solid monolithic base, quite suitable for laying another layer of cladding.

With the porosity of the material, everything is somewhat more complicated. The most significant advantage of building ceramics is its high density, which is combined with a minimum number of moisture-absorbing pores. The fewer pores on the surface of the tile, the better it is.

In any case, the absorption coefficient of the cladding is about 0.5%. This is negligible for the glue to penetrate inside the tile, adhere to it and hold the new ceramic element on itself. That is why, before starting work on installing a new tile, it is necessary to remove the glaze from the old one in order to open the pores of the ceramic and at the same time increase its roughness.

You can solve the problem in three different ways:

  • Cleaning old tiles using a grinder with a special attachment. As a result, the top layer of glaze is removed and the pores of the material are opened.
  • Formation of notches on the surface of the tile. This is done using a grinder with an abrasive disc. This way, cross-cuts can be applied to the ceramic, which improves the adhesion of the base.
  • Application of a special primer that improves the adhesion of the material. This can be any composition enriched with needle quartz or ordinary sand. Such solutions are produced by all manufacturers of building mixtures.

Experts note that best result can be achieved when all three methods described above are used in combination. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to do exactly this way.

The surface of ceramic tiles is very smooth and practically free of pores. It is impossible to glue the cladding to such a base, so it must be prepared in a special way

Installation procedure

The procedure is performed in several stages.

Stage #1: Strengthening the old coating

First of all, we need to understand how securely the old cladding holds up. To do this, we take a special hammer with a copper head; if you don’t have one, a small steel hammer will do, and gently tap it on the entire tile covering. We perform the operation very carefully, without missing a single element.

Tap the center of the part and the corners. The cavities under the cladding will make themselves felt with a ringing echo that will be heard from under the ceramics. You need to understand that the presence of such cavities indicates that the new coating laid on such a base will be destroyed.

We immediately dismantle the defective elements using a hammer and chisel. We fill the resulting cavities cement mortar and wait for it to completely harden. The curing time of the composition depends on the thickness of its layer. For example, a centimeter layer will completely harden in 7 days. We carefully clean the crumbling seams with a chisel and fill them with tile adhesive or cement mortar. We also wait for it to dry.

If, as a result of tapping the tile, it turns out that it does not adhere well to the base, the defective cladding must be removed. We use a chisel and a hammer for this.

Stage #2: Preparing the ceramic surface for installation

We start by cleaning the tiles. To do this, take a grinder and place it on it grinding wheel with medium grit, and get to work. We carefully process all ceramic surface. We remove the glaze from the tiles, and then make notches on the tile base that will improve the adhesion of the material.

Now we need to prepare the surface for priming. To do this, wash it thoroughly. At first clean water, washing off the dust, then use a soap solution. It will help remove grease and dirt.

If there are old stains or grease that is difficult to wash off on the base, add soda to the water. Rinse the ceramic surface thoroughly, rinsing it several times with clean water. After the ceramic has dried, we begin priming. We try to apply the solution evenly, carefully distributing it with a brush or roller.

We strictly follow the instructions and apply the amount of composition indicated therein. In order not to stain the structures connected to the floor, we cover them with polyethylene before work. We are waiting for the primer to dry. This will take 3 or 4 hours.

To prepare old tile coverings, special solutions are used, which include needle quartz or regular sand. They are produced packaged in hermetically sealed containers.

Stage #3: Marking the surface and installing stops

Before laying the tiles, it is necessary to mark and install stops on which the first row of cladding will rest. It is best to draw a diagram that will indicate all design features premises. On it we perform an approximate layout of the elements. It is advisable that the seams of the upper parts lie on solid tiles. To do this, you need to move the upper joints relative to the lower ones.

When laying tiles on a wall, we attach a stop for the first row of tiles at the bottom of the wall. It could be wooden slats or plastic corner. We take a plumb line and draw a line on the base perpendicular to the stop. It is necessary to control the verticality of the installation. If you plan to install tiles different color, you can mark the places where parts of a different tone will be glued.

We begin installation of floor tiles from the far corner of the room. We draw a line in the first row and mark the location of elements that differ from others in color or texture, which will form the pattern. We make sure that the entire piece is laid at the entrance to the room without trimming.

When making calculations, do not forget that it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the tile, but also the size of the gap between the elements.

It is easier to lay tiles on the wall if you install a special stop under the first row, on which the first row of cladding will rest. Otherwise, the elements will slide down and achieving even masonry will be much more difficult

Step #4: Laying the whole tile

The most difficult thing is to lay out the first row. We start by applying the solution. To do this, we use a special notched trowel, the height of the teeth is equal to the thickness of the glue layer.

We lean the prepared tile against the support, then carefully turn it over and lay it on the mortar. There is no need to press down the part too much. Better with light ones Use movements to slightly rotate the element around its axis. In this way it will be possible to achieve maximum adhesion. When laying tiles, you need to remember that it will be quite difficult to tear them off the surface.

It will only be possible to move the part slightly to the side, so we choose the place for installation as accurately as possible. Be sure to check the correct installation using a building level. If you need to deepen the tile a little, we do it with a rubber hammer.

We install plastic crosses in the corners of the part, which will help maintain the exact dimensions of the gaps. Another important point: the gaps should be kept as clean as possible. Do not press down the parts too hard so that the solution protrudes at the edges.

We place the tiles on a layer of mortar applied to the base with a notched trowel. Place the part in a light circular motion to ensure the best adhesion to the glue.

After gaining a little experience, you can try to apply the solution under several tiles at a time. Then, with quick but precise movements, we put the parts in place, turning them slightly at the same time. We distribute crosses into the gaps, lightly press down the cladding with a level, while checking that it is installed correctly.

Having laid the first row, we take a break to wait for the glue to dry completely. This will make it easier to lay the rest of the tiles. Important point: all excess mortar in areas intended for installation of cut tiles must be removed immediately. Otherwise, they will dry out, and before continuing work you will have to chip off the hardened glue, which will certainly affect the strength of the connection of the laid parts. We do the same before a break in work, remove the solution along the edge of the completed row.

Stage #5: Installation of cut tiles

The remaining areas of the base must be filled with tile fragments. They must be cut from solid parts. We do this using a glass cutter or tile cutter. We mark the part, not forgetting the size of the gaps.

We form a smooth edge of the element using a special machine with a diamond wheel or tile cutter-nippers. We install the prepared fragment on Right place similar to a whole tile.

Before cutting, the tiles must be accurately marked, taking into account the dimensions of the cladding and the size of the gaps

Stage #6: Grouting or jointing

The final stage consists of filling the tile joints with a special solution. Before starting work, you should wait until the glue on which the cladding was laid has completely dried. After this, carefully remove all the crosses from the gaps between the tiles. Now we clean the seams and the surface of the parts from dust and debris. It is best to use a vacuum cleaner for this purpose.

If we use an epoxy or silicone solution, we will cover the edges of the tiles with masking tape, which will prevent the mixture from getting on the tiles, since it is very difficult to remove it from there after drying.

Upon completion of laying the tiles, the joints between the tiles are filled with grout. Soft is used for work. rubber spatula

The grouting solution can be made on the basis epoxy resin, silicone or cement. They are almost similar in their characteristics, but differ in the method of preparation and use. Epoxy and silicone compounds are sold ready-to-use, packaged in an airtight container.

You must prepare the cement mortar yourself by diluting the dry mixture with water. Take a rubber spatula and apply a small amount of the prepared composition to the seam. Lightly press it deep into the joint. Then we remove the excess composition. To do this, place the spatula across the seam and run along it with slight pressure. At the same time, the seam deepens a little and is leveled. Having filled all the joints between the tiles in this way, leave them until completely dry.

We remove the remaining grout and masking tape. Clean and wash the coating.

Video instructions from masters

Thus, we can conclude that, despite the recommendations of SNiPs, it is quite possible to lay tiles on top of old tiles in a high-quality manner. However, doing this is not as easy as it might seem. It is very important to correctly assess the condition of the old coating and determine whether it can become the basis for laying new tiles. In addition, it is extremely important to carry out the preparatory work correctly. Only in this case can you count on a good result.

Repair is a troublesome task, taking a lot of effort, time and money. That is why many who do it themselves try to simplify their task as much as possible and often glue fresh wallpaper on top of old ones that have lost their appearance, or install new floor coverings on top of previously laid ones. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to update an apartment in this way and bring it into divine shape. Is it possible to use old tiles on the floor? A question that is relevant for those who are planning to update the floors in the bathroom or kitchen, but want to save time and money on dismantling the old covering.

Decorative beautiful ceramic tile– the material is very popular for arranging floors and walls in rooms such as the kitchen and bathroom. It is durable, lightweight, and does not lose its beautiful appearance for a long time. appearance. However, over time, the same surface, the appearance of which does not change, can become seriously boring. And if the design of the room is radically updated, then the old coating may simply not fit the new format. In these cases, there is nothing left to do but lay new tiles.

And this is where the question often arises: A Is it possible to update the coating without removing the old one?? After all, dismantling tiles is hard, troublesome work associated with the appearance of a large amount of debris. The main reasons why you want to keep the old coating, but cover it with a new one, are the following:

  • saving not only time, but also money;

  • the difficulty of removing old coating, which is often associated with the fact that you will have to remove the remains cement mixture– it was on this that ceramic tiles were previously laid in 90% of cases;
  • the need to level the base after removing the tiles in order to be able to lay a new ceramic coating;
  • formation of a large amount of garbage;
  • If you need to fill a new one, you will have to wait a very long time for it to dry.

As can be seen from everything written above, The question of preserving the old tile covering is really relevant.

Is it possible to leave the old coating?

There is no clear answer to this question. In general, many masters speak out against this method of saving, but no fewer people practice this particular method of updating flooring- without removing the old tile, they put a new one on it. But here it is important to soberly assess the styling possibilities.

So, for example, if the old surface is in excellent condition, smooth and neat, then it is quite possible to lay new tiles on it, provided that simple rules performing such work. However, if the floors are in terrible condition, some of the old tiles are missing or chipped, and voids are clearly felt under the coating, then you will not be able to get away with it. In such cases, you should never lay tiles on top of the old ones.

On a note! It is possible that due to the voids that may be under the old coating, cracks may appear on the new one over time due to some mechanical stress. You can identify the presence of voids by tapping the tiles with a rubber hammer.

If there are no voids, then the old tile may well act as an excellent durable and flat base for laying a new layer. Also, thanks to this “rough” floor, you don’t have to bother with waterproofing and other work - all this work was probably done when laying the previous layer. By the way, in certain cases (for example, if some communications pass under the tiles, and it is impossible to determine their location), removing the old coating becomes an almost impossible task.

You cannot lay new tiles on old ones if the latter adheres very poorly to the surface - the cement could simply crumble over time due to constant use of the floor. And it is not recommended to use this method if there is no desire to reduce the height of the ceilings - sometimes raising the floor level even by a couple of centimeters can interfere with the normal closing of doors, etc.

Important! In a bathroom or toilet, the floor level is usually lower than in other rooms of the house or apartment. This is done so that in case of flooding, water does not get into other rooms. It is necessary to leave the threshold!

In general, we can say that laying tiles on the surface of an old one may well take place. But only if it is possible to install a new coating without the risk of damaging it.

Table. Absolute contraindications to such work.

Loose tiles The new tile will not adhere to the surface of the old one.
Voids under tiles A fresh layer will quickly collapse and become unusable, since the tile underneath can fall through and break under the influence of the weight of a person walking on it.
Previous tiles were laid using poor adhesive If you know that previously laid tiles were installed using poor adhesive, then you should not put another layer on it. It may well be that soon the old tiles will begin to fall behind, which will entail damage to the outer layer of the new tiles.
Uneven floor If the old tile covering is obviously uneven, then laying new tiles cannot be done on top of the old one. The base must be perfectly level.
Old tiles covered with cracks Dirt accumulates in such cracks, and the old tile itself can no longer be a reliable and dense base for a new one.

If there are contraindications listed in the table above, dismantling the old coating is a mandatory measure. Otherwise, the new foundation will not last long.

Difficulties in carrying out work

Despite the fact that, in general, not having to remove old tiles will make life much easier for craftsmen, there are also pitfalls. So, for example, in order for a new tile layer to lay down well and efficiently, it is important to carry out certain preparatory measures.

First you should assess the condition of the previously laid coating. It must be of high quality, durable and reliable. Next, you need to eliminate as much as possible all existing irregularities, if possible.

It is also important to remember such a factor as adhesion. Often, ceramic tiles on the floor are glossy and smooth, which means that the adhesive will have poor adhesion to them. Such a surface will have to be matted, made rough, otherwise there is no question of quality work It simply cannot be. The adhesive is simply not able to securely attach to absolutely smooth surface. Thus, you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to create this very roughness by rubbing the surface with grinding machine, forming notches and applying primer.

On a note! Perfect option– use three methods of creating roughness at once. Then the adhesion of the glue and the new tile to the old will be maximum.

You can make notches on the tiles an ordinary grinder. They need to be placed approximately 1-2 cm apart from each other. In general, to achieve the desired result, it is enough to cover about 60% of the entire surface with notches. old surface. The work is dusty and must be done while wearing a respirator.

It is also recommended to degreasing, and also - Thorough cleaning of the surface from all kinds of stains(eg paint stains), debris. Vacuuming is recommended after cleaning the surface. Degreasing is important because over time, a fatty layer, invisible to the eye, forms on any surface. And fat negatively affects the adhesive ability of adhesive compositions. Degreasing is especially important for the joints between tiles. If fat is removed from the surface of the old tile during the creation of roughness, then it will not easily leave the seams.

Advice! To degrease floors, they can be washed with water containing small quantity caustic soda.

If there is crumbled grout between old tiles, it must be removed. Moreover, try to do this to the greatest possible depth. And when the old tile is prepared in this way, you can cover it with “Concrete Contact” to create a high-quality primer layer. Some craftsmen note that by covering the tiles with such a composition, you can do without creating roughness, but it is better not to neglect this measure if you want to get excellent result. Consumption of “Betonokontakt” is approximately 300 g/m2.

Glue selection

- also a kind of task for the master who decided to lay new tiles on top of the old ones. Not every composition that you can buy in the first store you come across is suitable here. So, when choosing an adhesive, it is important to pay attention to the recommendations for its use - it must be stated for which surfaces it is suitable.

Experts recommend taking Ceresit CM17 or Ivsil Profit as the best adhesive compositions for this type of work. Don't let it bother you that the second option adhesive composition designed for - in this case it will only be useful when carrying out work. And Ceresite is excellent for working on complex surfaces, which include old ceramic tiles.

It would seem, why put new tiles on old ones. However, there are times when this simply cannot be avoided: sometimes conditions require it construction site. It also happens that this approach turns out to be more budget-friendly.

Old tiles can still serve

Before deciding whether to dismantle the old one, think about whether it is advisable to remove the previous layer. Maybe the old cladding will save on preparatory work.

Justification of economic feasibility

If you cannot answer this question yourself, we offer you several significant “pros” of using old tiles:

  • reduction of terms;
  • savings on materials;
  • labor costs are reduced;
  • the amount of waste is reduced.

Contraindications for work

On the other hand, there are situations when it is impossible to do without dismantling the old coating. Let's name the main cases:

  • the surface on which work is to be done has a slope;
  • it is necessary to dismantle communications;
  • voids under the old layer;
  • the tiles are too thin and contain multiple cracks and chips;

Important! If the percentage of damaged coating is more than 10 - 15%, dismantling must be carried out without fail.

Is it possible to put tiles on tiles on the wall: technological nuances

Before you begin any preparatory work examine the condition of the tiles on which you plan to lay a new layer of tiles.

The procedure for assessing the condition of the old coating

Make sure there are no visible defects or chips. Examine the coating for voids and dips. Indeed, in the absence of strong adhesion to the base, the bottom layer may simply crumble.

Advice! The presence of voids can be checked by simply tapping with a fist or a rubber mallet.

Pay attention to the quality, cracks may indicate poor quality construction mixture, in addition, it is important to check for a slope; in this case, it will not be possible to lay it straight.

How to put new tiles on old wall tiles if the surface condition is considered satisfactory

And now from theory to practice. Let's look at the process step by step.

Roughening the old coating to ensure the desired level of adhesion

Before you start tiling, you should properly prepare the base:

Illustration Description of action
The first stage is degreasing the surface. You can simply take soap and water and give the tile floor a good scrub. If you accidentally stain the surface with glue or mortar You can clean the surface with a brush. In our case, we use a brush attachment on a drill. Special attention We pay attention to the seams.

Important! While working, do not forget to wear a mask and respirator!

Using this, we level out those surface elements that had to be removed. Let's use the rule. We apply concrete contact to the washed and pre-dried surface with old tiles to improve adhesion.

Installation using standard technology

Installation work should be performed in the following sequence:

Illustration Action Descriptions

After our concrete contact has dried, we can begin laying a new one. Check the level in advance to see if there are any slopes. The floor must be perfectly level. Apply medium-thick glue with a comb, trying to avoid gaps.

Place the tile and press it gently. If necessary, adjust the position. We remove the excess glue and place it in the place where the next tile will be laid. The arrow indicates the angle along which we remove excess glue.

We continue to work, checking ourselves on the level. We control the joints of the plates with limiters - crosses.

Is it possible to lay floor tiles on tiles: a professional answer to a pressing question

Professionals do not exclude the need for such implementation finishing works. As we noted above, this is significant, making it less expensive and dusty.

Assessment of the condition of the old coating

In addition to the above points that we talked about earlier, it is not advisable to lay it on old tiles in the following cases:

  • if your home is no different high ceilings, in this case, an extra layer can visually reduce the space;
  • sometimes there is a need to replace the old one.

Important! If the surface of the tile is smooth, its adhesive characteristics should be increased. You can clean the glossy surface with a special brush.

We suggest watching the video to understand in detail how to lay tiles on tiles:

Is it possible to lay tiles on old tiles on the street: let's figure it out together

Higher demands are placed on the performance characteristics of roofs laid outdoors. Only when the old foundation is strong enough can such work be carried out.

Checking the strength of the old coating

The first stage is checking a strong adhesion street tiles with the base, if it was not possible to move the tile with a stick or pry bar, then it can serve as the basis for a new coating.

How to lay paving slabs on the street if the strength of the old coating is not satisfactory

How to properly lay tiles on tiles outdoors? This process has its own characteristics.

Construction of a new cushion of soil, gravel and sand

It is important to ensure a tight compaction of the layer. The thickness of the “pillow” should not exceed that which was laid in the old layer. The composition of the mixture in the base may vary depending on the thickness of the tile and the load that will affect the surface.
