Test on how to find out which club to join. How to choose additional activities according to your child’s character

The choice of a club or section largely depends on the child’s temperament. Creative circles and sections choose mainlymelancholic people. These children grow up vulnerable and impressionable, they are prone to expressing deep feelings. Psychologists recommend taking such children to a trial lesson at the studio. visual arts or applied arts, to a music school (club), to rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating classes.

If the family growsphlegmatic person , he can be enrolled in a technical or computer club, sports sections (cycling or horse riding, swimming, Athletics or gymnastics, tennis). These areas of activity are most suitable for phlegmatic people: they require prudence, logical and spatial thinking, the ability to analyze the situation and look for a way out of any, even seemingly hopeless, situation.

To kid -sanguine you will probably like to study in a drama club, photography studio or foreign language. It is in these areas that the activity, mobility and friendliness of a sanguine person will find proper use. Sanguine people have a passion for leadership in their blood; they like to be the center of the company, pose, act, revealing their nature from different sides.

Cholerics active sections are suitable, for example, shooting, speed skating, short-distance swimming, fencing, horse riding, sports dancing, etc. The mobility and impulsiveness characteristic of them will contribute to achieving success in these areas of activity.

To find out what type of temperament a child has, you need to contact a psychologist or social teacher at school.

Questionnaire “Which club suits me”

On each line, choose and circle the activity that you enjoy most.

    A) To play football,B) To draw the pictures,IN) Study the history of your city,

G) Conduct radio broadcasts.

    A) Play table tennisB) Perform on stageIN) Study terrain orientation,G) Write articles for the school newspaper.

    A) Go swimming,B) Weave beads, embroider,IN) Explore countries of the worldG) Edit the school newspaper.

    A) Play volleyball, pioneer ball,B) Sing,IN) Study the rules of conduct in the forest during hiking trips,G) Study professions.

    A) Play basketball,B) Dance,IN) Study the nature of the forest,

G) Study holidays and traditions.

    A) Skate,B) Play in playsIN) Study the architecture (monuments) of St. Petersburg,G) Write scripts for school radio programs.

    A) Do athleticsB) Design and model clothes,

IN) Study the traditions of the peoples of the world,G) Take photographs, shoot videos.

Count the number of answers.

If you have more answersA) The physical education and sports direction suits you. At our school you can choose clubs and sections in this area: swimming, football, volleyball, General Physical training, basketball, badminton, table tennis.

If you have more answersB) The artistic direction suits you. At our school you can choose clubs and sections in this area: “The Art of Dance”, Rhythmoplasty, “Musical Literacy” - vocal studio, “Octava” - variety studio, theater studio “DOM”, “Magic Brush”, “Fashion House” Valentina", Creative Group"Holiday"

If you have more answersIN) A tourism and local history destination suits you. At our school you can choose clubs and sections in this area: Travel club“Compass”, “History of Izhora Land”, “Travelers Club”, orienteering.

If you have more answersG) suits you socially pedagogical direction. At our school you can choose clubs and sections in this area: “School Radio”.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with an analysis of what, in your opinion, your son or daughter has abilities, inclinations, and what interests them. It is not necessary for a child to have a talent for anything. Since in most cases we pursue the goal of organizing the child’s leisure time, emotional release from the stress accumulated during the day, sometimes it is advisable to choose a type of activity for which the child has no ability, but has a desire to engage in it. The exception is sections for which you must initially have certain abilities and skills. If the child does not have them, then they will not take him, no matter how great his desire. Naturally, if you want a child to achieve significant success in a particular area, he should do something for which, firstly, he has the ability and, secondly, what, given these abilities, is interesting to him.

Wise parents think not only about what is interesting to the child, but also about what will be useful to him in life. In particular, in this regard, girls should have their own selection of clubs and sections, and boys should have their own, boyish set.

Ask your child's opinion. Perhaps he already has some kind of circle in mind that he would like to go to. Or maybe he doesn't know anything about it at all. Then you will have to explain why he needs it and talk about possible options, offering the most attractive one to choose from. You should not enroll your child in the section without consulting. Of course, children are not always able to correctly assess the situation and make an informed decision. Sometimes they feel like they don't want anything at all. Sometimes, on the contrary, as in Agnia Barto’s poem, “drama club, photo club, and I also want to sing...” Sometimes a child chooses something that is completely beyond his capabilities, just because a classmate is studying there, who he wants to be like. But still, taking a child against his will to where he does not want is not worth it: it will not bring pleasure to either you or your child.

What kind of sport you want to do is discussed. But the fact that you play sports is not discussed. This is a must in our family.

If your son or daughter insists on their own and does not agree with your arguments, then it is possible for you to give in. Choosing a club is not as important as choosing a school. In the worst case, the child will soon leave the circle he was so eager to join. It will be useful for him life experience: next time he will evaluate himself more critically and listen more carefully to the advice of his parents. If the child did not cope with what he strived for, you should not say: “Yeah, I told you, but you didn’t listen!” It’s better to calmly, without reproach, discuss with him the reasons for the failure.

It is advisable to ask where the child’s friends at school and around the yard study. He will be more comfortable if extracurricular activities take place within his usual social circle.

If a child does not have good relationships with peers, then perhaps communication on neutral territory will help improve them. However, be careful, if a child has clearly negative relationships with classmates, you should not enroll him in the same section where his “enemies” study. The conflict will “move” along with him to new team, and visiting the circle will become not a pleasure for the child, but a punishment. It's better to start from scratch. What if the child is luckier in the new team?

The proximity of the circle to home and school is also an important factor. After all, the child will either have to go there alone or accompanied by an adult. A visit to the most beautiful club on the other side of the city is unlikely good idea. The journey will take too much time and will be very tiring for the child.

WITH practical point Of course, the price that such development and entertainment of the child will cost you also matters. Choose a club that you can actually pay for. Most likely, if you choose something incredibly expensive, you will begin to demand reciprocal sacrifices from your child: so that he doesn’t miss classes, so that he tries his best, so that there are tangible results. Otherwise, what are you literally giving your last money for?! But in fact, classes should bring joy to your child and you. In addition, the high price does not always correspond to the quality of the classes.

If you have roughly decided on the section (or sections) where you want to send your child, go on a reconnaissance mission to the area. When you come to the club, talk to the teacher, the leader of the circle. Consult with parents of children who are already studying there. If possible, ask the children themselves for their opinions. Look around to see if the club is cozy and if it has everything you need for classes. Be sure to find out what else you will have to bring for your child’s activities, what kind of clothing is accepted.

If you liked everything and the conditions suit you, attend a trial lesson with your child. As a rule, it is free. After the lesson, find out whether he liked the leader, the other children, and the lessons themselves. And if you liked it, then you can safely sign up.

Parents who have enrolled their child in the section experience new problem: There are more things to do, but the number of hours in the day is still the same. It is necessary to organize your son or daughter’s time in a new way in order to get everything done.

  • The time and day of the week should be chosen taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. For example, if after school he is very tired or cannot do his homework without your supervision, then it is more advisable to attend the section after school, and do homework in the evening, when the child has rested or when mom and dad come home from work. Classes can be on weekdays or only on weekends. The last option should be chosen if there is no one to take the child to the club during the week, and he cannot get there himself, or if the child has a very heavy workload at school.
  • The frequency and duration of classes depend on many factors: the child’s performance, workload at school, the complexity and tediousness of classes in the section, the ability of parents to accompany the child. The only thing general rule, which should be kept in mind: classes should not turn into punishment for your family.
  • How many clubs can a child attend? The answer is simple: as much as the child has enough time, energy and desire, and you have the money.
  • If classes in the section are not more important for you than studying (and as a rule, this is the case), then it is obvious that the child’s hobby should not harm educational process. The task of parents is to organize the child’s time in such a way that he can do everything. In this case, it is advisable that all compulsory work, and then entertainment. Such a rule may be one of the points of the agreement between you and the child.

It is advisable to involve the child himself in developing the daily plan. The likelihood that he will follow a daily routine that he seems to have developed himself, rather than being forced to obey, is higher. When drawing up a daily plan, offer your child alternatives and choices. In the end, he will be the one who will have to live according to this plan.

Make it clear to the child that the circle is a pleasure for him, which, in principle, he can lose if he behaves badly. Explaining this to the child clearly and categorically once, at the very beginning, is correct and simply obligatory, but it is not worth mentioning this for every little thing: use this agreement only in important cases.

Get rid of illusions in advance. The child is still quite small and is not able to bear full responsibility for himself. His interests are unstable. This means that even in the best case scenario, you will have to be aware of when and what activities your child has, what he should prepare at home, and what he should bring with him. You need to know this not in order to do everything for the child, but in order to insure him. If he forgets, remind him. More than once or twice you will have to persuade your child to go to classes, even to his most favorite club. However, you should only do this if you are really sure that your child’s reluctance to go to the class is due to a momentary mood, and is not a persistent reluctance to study there at all.

Remember that you are taking care of the physical, mental, creative, social development your child. Are the difficulties you face so great compared to your goal?

As the child grows up, every parent is faced with the issue of his diversified development. Nowadays, there are studios, clubs and sections for every taste and budget. How to do optimal choice taking into account the age, hobbies and inclinations of a particular person, psychologist Maria Efimova told AiF.ru.

The time has come

Natalya Kozhina, AiF.ru: Maria, at what age should a child be introduced to clubs and sections?

Maria Efimova: Psychologists recommend age 5-6 years. This optimal time, when the child is ready to learn, listen to the adult and repeat “as it should.” Until then, allow your child to self-realize his creative aspirations: draw something of his own, sing, make up stories.

— How to understand what your child likes and direct his efforts in the right direction in time?

- IN early age The child's interests are just beginning to emerge, so asking what he likes and what he doesn't will not solve the problem. Most children enjoy doing a wide variety of activities. A more obvious inclination towards any direction appears only in adolescence.

Until then, the correct approach would be: try to develop your child in all directions. Let him try modeling, dancing, some kind of sport, playing musical instruments, and sewing soft toy, and drawing. Such diversity will help to understand his inclinations. Observe your child while playing - perhaps you will notice a pronounced ability for something special.

Imagine a list in front of you: windsurfing, wakeboarding, scrapbooking (manual design of photo albums - ed..) - and they are trying to find out from you which of the above you like best? But you just don’t know what these words mean! It is the understanding of what stands behind each concept that will help provide the answer. Therefore, in order to understand your child’s inclinations, you must first introduce him to different types activities and allow them to participate.

— What to do if the child does not want to do anything at all?

— To answer this question, it is necessary to find out why this happens. Perhaps the child simply does not know what might be interesting to him there, or he does not have experience communicating in a team. In any case, forcing your child to go where you think is necessary is a mistake that traumatizes his psyche.

It should be remembered that there are socially active children and those who feel comfortable in a familiar environment, surrounded by familiar people. In order not to apply mental development the child is in irreparable harm, you should not force him out “in public” or involve him in games or activities. The socialization process should be gentle and gradual. You can agree to come to the studio and see what the children are doing, and if the child is interested, take part. Perhaps it is important for the baby that his mother is nearby during classes, and not sitting in the corridor.

The main postulate: visiting a circle should bring pleasure to the child!

I do not want and I will not

— A standard situation for many children: a child at first gets excited about something, and after a few lessons says that he doesn’t like going to the chosen section. Is it worth persuading him to stay there?

- Firstly, it’s worth figuring out why the child changed his mind. Talk to him about this in a calm atmosphere, find out what the reason is: something isn’t working out, you don’t like the head of the circle, are other children bullying you, or are the classes themselves sluggish? It may well turn out that your baby is ahead of the main group in development, and the proposed tasks are not difficult enough to arouse interest - therefore, he begins to get bored.

The child has school age be sure to ask which circle or section he would like to go to, do not just write down his choice. Remember, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to be creative. You shouldn’t force your child to attend any studio just because “all our friends go there” or “it’s prestigious.”

Having found out the reason, parents must either resolve the problem or choose another place for classes. If a child is categorically against continuing to study, then you should not force him. It is better to agree with him about attending the last class in order to finally understand whether you will go there or should you look for another club.

“It happens that a child really wants to do, for example, ballet, but teachers are sure that he does not have the ability for this. Is it necessary to follow the lead of specialists to avoid further disappointments?

— On the one hand, having talent is a direct path to achieving significant success in your chosen field. Naturally, if you want your child to reach heights, he should do what he is not only passionate about, but also has a predisposition for. In addition, if there are no abilities, then your child is unlikely to be accepted into prestigious schools and studios, no matter how great the desire. But this applies only to those sections where it is initially necessary to have certain skills.

On the other hand, the story of the famous Caruso, who was told as a child by his singing teacher that he had no voice. And only his mother’s faith in his talent helped the boy to believe in himself and continue his studies. She said, “Don't listen to anyone. You sing like the most beautiful nightingale in the world. I know that for sure!”

Parental support is very important for a child. If he wants to dance, let him dance, even if he lacks flexibility. Yes, it’s not a fact that he will become a famous dancer, but at least he will be happy - and this is much more important!

— What is the optimal number of circles and sections?

- There can be as many of them as the child has enough time, energy and desire, and you have the money. The main thing is not to lose contact with him. An overloaded child becomes lethargic, sleepy, and loses initiative and interest in life. Be sure to monitor your baby’s condition and mood. How alert and active is he, does he have enough time to play? An alarm bell is if teachers complain that the child is sleeping in class, or you notice that he refuses to play even at home because he is too tired and wants to rest.

Yes, the comprehensive development of a child is good and correct. But it must go hand in hand with taking care of his physical and psychological health!

Do you know what your child is capable of? Can you guess his hidden talents and preferences? Sometimes it takes years to find answers to these questions. At the same time, children attend many clubs, a lot of effort and money are spent on tutors, but there is no interest in the child’s eyes in the chosen field. Why is this happening? The answer is simple: because the child’s abilities were not tested. A preliminary assessment of capabilities helps determine:

  1. Which class is better to send your child to (mathematics or humanities);
  2. What circles will he be interested in attending?
  3. Efforts to develop what talents need to be made;
  4. In which field of activity will it be easier for him to achieve success?

Knowledge and skills are NOT talent.

First of all, it should be taken into account that the child’s abilities largely depend on the talent inherent in nature. Some are interested in music, some are delighted with sports sections, and others want to prove themselves in the literary field. So a child with intrapersonal intelligence will not feel “at ease” in a circus club or art school.

Diagnosing a child’s abilities helps to preliminarily assess what is best for him to do in free time and what clubs to attend. All this helps to avoid conflicts in the family, bring parents and child closer together (since the child feels understood and appreciated) and develop already developed talents.

The determination of a child’s abilities should be carried out by specialists who have not only knowledge, but also experience in this field.

A child psychologist told us what abilities a child should develop first and where to send the baby if there are two superpowers

Modern parents try to take their child to all kinds of activities from a tender age. But often, contrary to expectations, an apathetic child grows up with an excellent student complex and poor health due to overwork.

  • How a child sees the world in the first year of life. Video

How many circles are optimal? Which one should you focus on first if your child shows promise in several areas?

“There are eight main areas of development. As a rule, a person - in particular a child - is talented in one or two of them, says Valeria Zagar, child psychologist, school teacher early development. — These can be identified using a test (see below. — Author). Answer the questions “yes” (1 point) or “no” (0 points).

The highest number of statements in a particular area indicates clear ability in that area. If there is a difference of two or more points between two areas with the maximum number of statements, then the smaller of them cannot be considered a peak. If there are still two peaks, then there are two options. First: this year you send your child to the section that will develop the most peak sphere, and the next year you add a section along the second peak. The second option: you enroll your child in a circle where he will be able to demonstrate abilities from two peak spheres at the same time (see table. - Author).

  • Ukrainian women told why they leave maternity leave early

Take the test again every year and change the circles if your peak inclinations change. Please note: at any age there should be no more than two sections. And up to three years of age, classes are possible only if they take place in a playful and creative form.”

Musical talents (M)

1. Likes to go to places where music is played, asks to play music videos and songs.

2. He immediately remembers the melody, and when it sounds, he begins to move to the beat.

3. Sings with emotion, expressing his mood, which is why the same song comes out differently.

4. Sings melodies that he composed himself.

5. Away, where there is musical instrument, the first thing he does is run to him to play. Asks to enable musical instrument simulators on the PC.

Technical Ability (T)

1. Does not ignore any machines and mechanisms.

2. If his machine or his mother’s mixer is broken, he wants to repair it himself, runs for a screwdriver and asks permission to take it apart and “fix it.”

3. Disassembles old toys, takes parts from them and tries to assemble a new “apparatus”.

4. Schematically draws devices, drawing their details.

5. Looks with interest at pictures of cars or devices in magazines and asks for an explanation of how this or that mechanism works.

Scientific interest (N)

1. Perceives abstract concepts and easily combines objects into groups based on characteristics.

2. Can clearly express his own thought, and in order to remember someone else’s, displays it schematically.

3. Draws conclusions and finds his own explanations for various situations and phenomena.

4. Likes to collect different collections and design.

5. If his inventions are ridiculed or they fail, the child does not give up and does not lose interest in other “inventions.”

Artistic talent (A)

1. If he cannot express his thoughts in words, he begins to actively gesticulate, show with movements, he is good at playing to the public.

2. If he retells someone’s words, he imitates intonation and voice.

3. He likes to perform at matinees, and at home he recites poems and sings songs in front of the “spectators.”

4. Likes to imitate.

5. Appreciates beautiful clothes and notices new clothes from friends.

Intellectual Gift (I)

1. Easily remembers long poems.

2. Asks thoughtful and thorough questions.

3. Complains that among his peers he is uninterested, bored and prefers to communicate with older children.

4. Calculating, has a sense of self-esteem.

5. Observant, notices any changes and reacts to them emotionally.

Athletic Agility (c)

1. He is not afraid to fall and get a bruise, and is distinguished among his peers by his courage.

2. Everything comes easy sport games, and in order to learn to roller skate or play football, it is enough to explain the rules to him once.

3. On the street he is interested in even just running, but at home he jumps, despite the late hour.

4. Even after active activities, the child does not complain of fatigue and is ready to continue running indefinitely.

5. He watches sports with passion and may already have a favorite athlete.

Literary talent (L)

1. When retelling the situation, the child adheres to storyline, does not lose the main idea and does not switch to another topic, even if he is interrupted.

2. Telling real story, the child embellishes it, adding his own details.

3. Likes to use emotional words in his conversation. For example, when talking about a younger brother, a child calls him a baby or a toddler.

4. His drawings are always humanized: when drawing the sun, he will add his mouth and eyes, and he will depict the neighbor’s dog in boots and a hat.

5. Likes to write poetry or make up stories about his life.

Artistic genius (X)

1. He doesn’t like to tell, but to draw or sculpt his emotions.

2. His drawings are not stereotyped: new characters and objects constantly appear that he has not drawn before.

3. Likes to look at paintings, gazes at landscapes. And sunrise, sunset, rainbows cause delight in a child.

4. In his free time, he picks up paints, plasticine, pencils or makes appliqués.

5. Loves to create home decoration, decorate clothes and is offended if his papier-mâché vase or beaded brooch is not used.

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