Temperature standards in residential premises. What comfortable temperature should be in the apartment?

At the end of the Indian summer, on the eve of the onset of cold weather, we begin to impatiently think about how to preserve such fragile and precious warmth in our homes. The cold outside, the uncomfortable microclimate at home due to the lack of heating, the rapidly decreasing daylight hours - these and many other factors become the causes of frequent colds and lack of sleep. Many negative phenomena for our well-being are associated with the usual discrepancy between the air temperature outside and the temperature in living quarters and at work. We try, by looking at the thermometer inside the apartment, to remember what the normal temperature should be in a city apartment when the heating season begins.

A fairly low temperature in a house or apartment in the absence of heat outside is a frequent and familiar phenomenon to us, especially in the off-season. This situation is largely explained by poor thermal efficiency apartment buildings, which were built back in Soviet times and make up the lion's share of the housing stock in almost all settlements. The issue of saving energy resources was not as pressing then as it is now.

What are the standards for heating in an apartment that exist today? What numbers do we have to rely on today, in what conditions should we live in our apartments? We will try to find an objective answer to these questions.

In theory, according to scientific calculations over many years, the temperature in our apartments should be at around 20-25 0 Celsius. From a medical point of view, it is generally accepted that each person has his own temperature threshold for comfort. Some people like it when the apartment is only +16-18 0 C, another likes it when the apartment is hot and the thermometer shows 23-25 ​​0 C. In order to achieve a comfortable temperature regime inside the apartment, you need to take into account many factors, including how clean technical and technological, as well as social and everyday.

One of the aspects that has a decisive impact on temperature standards inside residential premises is the sick building syndrome. Bad condition engineering communications, unsatisfactory condition of technological premises and basic structural elements buildings can cause a decrease in the level of comfort in an apartment building.

The figure shows the effect achieved by insulating the external walls of a living space.

Important! In order to make your home comfortable, to create a cozy microclimate inside each room, you need to take care of normal operation heating systems in the house, provide for yourself additional sources heating In order to achieve maximum effect, you need to prepare your apartment accordingly for the onset of cold weather. External insulation of panels, insulation of window and doorways- measures that increase the thermal efficiency of the apartment by 20-25%.

If we talk about factors that influence the temperature in your home, you need to consider the following:

  • climatic features of the area in which you live;
  • the intensity of the seasons;
  • age and personal preferences of apartment residents.

The normal temperature in a living room varies in each region of our country. For the northern regions, SanPiN (sanitary rules and regulations) are the same, for middle zone and southern regions are completely different. The climate is always different and this applies not only to air temperature, but also to the level of humidity in a given area and atmospheric pressure. For example, for more humid southern regions, temperature standards are higher.

The temperature in the apartment is influenced by seasonality. For the middle zone of our country, optimal temperature in a living room in winter it is 19-22 0 C, in summer – 22-25 0 C. Despite the fact that the difference does not seem significant, even small changes in temperature affect the condition of our body.

The main task of regulating temperature in residential premises is to create a comfort zone for the inhabitants of a city apartment. Human preferences do not always satisfy the correct, from a medical point of view, temperature regime. Overheated, dry air, as well as excessively cool air in a living room, can negatively affect our condition.

For those families who have Small child, the temperature in the apartment in winter should be stable. Optimal temperature regime for any room in this situation 20-23 0 C. In summer, these standards should be within the same limits. The main reason for this temperature balance is that young children, especially infants, do not naturally self-regulate their body temperature. The child either quickly overheats in a hot room, or quickly cools down in a cool room.

Important! Large differences in temperature balance in different rooms should not be allowed.

Temperature standards in the apartment are established by the Rules for the provision of utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011.

On a note: These standards set a lower temperature limit of +18 0 C, while not a word is said about the upper limit. We choose the upper level of acceptable temperature ourselves, focusing on our own preferences and feelings.

We study the existing temperature standards for our apartment

Why is it cold in our apartment? The real reasons There may be several such problems; not only a poor heating network is the main reason for insufficiently comfortable indoor temperatures in winter time. A cool microclimate in an apartment may arise due to the following aspects:

  • discrepancy between the temperature and pressure of the coolant at the entrance to the house and the calculated parameters;
  • poor passage of utilities in the house;
  • differences in SNiPs, according to which in different years construction of residential apartment buildings was carried out, and utility lines were laid.

In the table you can see the temperature parameters that are approved by the current SNiP 2.1.2 1002-00.

Normal temperature in the apartment

Type of premisest air, CResulting t, CHumidity, %Air movement, m/s
Autumn winter period
Living room18-24 17-23 60 0,2
The same parameters in regions with the coldest five-day days

(-31 0 C and below)

20-24 19-23 60 0,2
Kitchen18-26 17-25 n/n*0,2
Bathroom18-26 17-25 n/n0,2
Bathroom, combined toilet18-26 17-26 n/n0,2
Area16-22 15-21 60 0,2
Flight of stairs, lobby14-20 13-19 n/n0,2
Storerooms, mezzanines12-22 11-21 n/nn/n

Evaluating the information obtained from the table, we can draw the following conclusion.

In an ordinary city apartment, in ordinary rooms, the minimum temperature threshold in winter is set at 18 0 C. Corner rooms should be heated somewhat better. The temperature in them should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius. For the bathroom the highest parameter is +25 0 C.

To create such a temperature regime in an apartment, heating standards in a city apartment assume the temperature of the radiators district heating at a level: not less than 35 0 C and not more than 95 0 C. B ideal The batteries in the apartment should have a temperature within 50-70 0 C.

Important! At night, minor temperature fluctuations are allowed due to a sharp drop in ambient air temperature.

SanPiN establishes a time frame during which an apartment may not be heated in winter - no more than 24 hours a month, while a one-time absence of heat in the radiators should not exceed 16 hours in a row.

The official opinion of experts regarding temperature standards for housing facilities that exist today can be seen by watching the proposed video.

The standards that we considered are the starting point for residents of apartment buildings. Based on them, it is being developed best option heating in the apartment, normal operation of residential buildings and premises is maintained. If any of the specified parameters does not correspond to the norm, you can safely contact management company, to the organization - supplier of heat resources, to the housing office or to the housing inspection.

The influence of environmental factors on the temperature in the apartment

Climate Features

Personal needs of a person

Standard temperatures for rooms

The dependence of health on the temperature in the apartment



Temperature stabilization

With the onset of sharp changes in temperature outside the window and the onset of the cold season, as well as batteries operating at full capacity, of course, residents of apartment buildings are concerned about the permissible value of sanitary standards for the air temperature in their living quarters, which is optimal for living. After all, humidity plays a very important role in a comfortable microclimate in an apartment, and most importantly, temperature; comfortable well-being largely depends on it. For each person this mode has eigenvalue, but there are established temperature parameters for residential premises, the lower and upper limits of which range from + 20 to +25 degrees Celsius.

The influence of environmental factors on the temperature in the apartment

There are some environmental factors that influence the temperature in the apartment. Among them are:

  • Certain room features
  • Period of alternation of seasons
  • Some features of the territorial climate of the area

Climate Features

The established temperature standards depend mainly on the climate of the area and factors such as air humidity environment And Atmosphere pressure. Temperature conditions in apartments may differ depending on the location of the house, or more precisely, on the region in which it is located.

The temperature in residential premises also changes along with the change of season outside the window. The lower and upper limits of the established modes have different meaning in summer and winter seasons.

The peculiarity of the European climate is that the difference between the winter and summer seasons is only 3 degrees Celsius, that is + 25 in summer season and +22 in winter. It might seem like a small difference, but it makes a significant difference with constant exposure.

Personal needs of a person

A comfortable living room temperature also depends on a person’s personal needs and preferences. So for one, the main proverb in life is: “The heat of the bones does not ache.” At the same time, he will close the windows, and in summer time won't even think about buying an air conditioner. The second one will simply find it impossible to fall asleep in stuffy room without opening the window before going to bed, thereby ventilating the room and lowering the air temperature.

Perhaps the most important factor for a fixed temperature in a room is living in it infant. Here, the preferences of adults should not influence the recommended temperature (approximately + 22 degrees Celsius), because infants do not have proper thermoregulation of their own body and, depending on temperature changes, can easily catch a cold or overheat

Standard temperatures for rooms

Each room has its own set temperature:

Bedroom. Deeper, more comfortable sleep largely depends on cooler air. Thus, the temperature in the bedroom should be approximately +18 degrees.

Kitchen. Due to availability kitchen appliances and heating devices in this room, the average temperature should be about +18 degrees.

Bathroom. This room requires a person to stay for a long time without clothes and high humidity. In order to feel most comfortable in the bathroom, the air temperature should not be less than +25 degrees.

Children's room. You should maintain a certain temperature when there are children in the room. For infants it is about +24 degrees, and for older children a temperature of + 22 degrees would be appropriate.

In other rooms, the temperature can range from +19 to +21 degrees.

For a less noticeable temperature difference honey different rooms without harm to human health, these values ​​should fluctuate within plus or minus 2 degrees.

The dependence of health on the temperature in the apartment

Failure to comply with temperature standards with the maximum deviation from them can lead to unwanted health problems in the form of hypothermia or overheating of the body, as well as fainting and heart problems.


Attention! If the room temperature is too high, the human body undergoes serious changes that can lead to irreversible consequences

At elevated ambient temperatures in the room and insufficient air humidity, favorable conditions for the spread of pathogenic bacteria increase. The result is the spread viral infections and constant illnesses of people living in the apartment. Also because elevated temperature and, as a rule, profuse sweating, the water balance in the human body is disturbed.


It would seem that the process of hypothermia is possible only for the winter season. But as practice shows, hypothermia of the body often occurs in the hot summer, when the air conditioner in the apartment is set to too low a temperature.

Hypothermia is dangerous for both small children and adults. Thus, interruptions in heating can play a cruel joke on people living in an apartment, bringing with it consequences in the form of inflammation of the nerves and colds.

Therefore, it is extremely important to adhere to the established temperature standards for the apartment.

Temperature stabilization

According to modern established sanitary standards, the temperature in residential premises should in no case differ from the upper and lower limits, which are + 18 - + 25 degrees, depending on the purpose of the room. How to create a comfortable microclimate for living in an apartment?

Currently, to create the optimal temperature, there are apartment heating radiators (batteries). Various types of heating are used for additional heating. heating devices which are intended for home use. Their choice is quite large and everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

In the summer, to avoid overheating and prevent too high temperatures in the apartment, there are home fans and air conditioners.

You can also always simply open or close windows or vents.

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You can't stop living comfortably. Many people want it, but not everyone succeeds. It's not about convenient layout, availability of good furniture, large area. Often the feeling of comfort depends on the microclimate in the room. What is the normal temperature in the apartment? regulatory documents? What temperature should the apartment be in terms of comfort? How can it be measured and adjusted? These are the questions owners often ask themselves. square meters in multi-storey buildings.

The number +18 o C is often mentioned in conversations. What is this number, where did it come from, and is it the same everywhere? GOST R 51617-2000 and SanPiN clearly define what the humidity and air temperature in rooms should be at different times of the year.

Room temperature +18 o C is a very average indicator. All people are different.

The Republic of Belarus has established its own standards for the level of heat in the house.

It is not entirely correct and correct to talk about some average figure. This temperature is far from comfortable for most people living in apartment buildings.

If we consider each individual separately, then one wants to turn on the heater in the spring, while another needs to open the window in the frosty winter to create the required level of heat.

What are the dangers of high and low room temperatures?

The human body does not tolerate extreme values ​​of any parameters, be it air pressure and humidity, the presence of oxygen in it, or its purity. This fully applies to temperature. Excessive increases or decreases in room temperature are extremely poorly tolerated by young children and the elderly.

Hot doesn't mean good

High temperature in the house often leads to a decrease in air humidity in the room, which has an adverse effect on human health:

  • promotes the development of pathogenic microbes and ensures their spread;
  • leads to drying of the mucous surface of the nasopharynx and an increased likelihood of microbes entering the body;
  • moisture is removed from the circulatory system, which causes blood to thicken, the load on the heart increases, blood pressure rises - as a result, the risk of stroke increases;
  • There is an increased secretion of sweat, which disrupts the body's water balance.

It's cold too

It is difficult to call the optimal temperature in an apartment the one at which a person begins to feel the urge to crawl under the covers or dress warmly. Low digital climate indicators for a long time negatively affect the health and mental state of residents. Excessive heat loss occurs, which is fraught with the development of colds, viral and respiratory diseases.

Before the heating season, you can use economical quartz heaters. The high melting point of quartz sand allows for strong heating of the panel.

What determines the temperature in a living room?

The following factors influence the quantitative indicators of air temperature:

  • specific coefficient of heat loss through the building envelope (how much heat is lost through the ceiling, walls, windows, floor);
  • placement of an apartment in a building by height (on the first and top floors temperature changes are more significant than those in the middle);
  • the presence of a large number of external walls (corner living space);
  • quality and quantity of air exchange;
  • temperature and speed of the coolant in the heating system;
  • number and condition of heating system radiators.

Each of these factors can be influenced to achieve a favorable air temperature in the apartment.

Change at your discretion

In the absence of individual apartment heating or a house boiler room, it is hardly possible to influence the quality parameters of the coolant, so you should pay attention to other factors that influence the temperature.

When choosing an apartment to buy, evaluate its location in order to reduce heat loss in winter and overheating in summer period. Install windows made using new technologies. Increase the number of radiators by installing thermostats or taps on each of them. Insulate the enclosing structures.

We measure correctly

Not everyone knows how to correctly measure the temperature in a living room. From compliance a certain order measurement depends not only on the accuracy of the measurement, but also on the possibility of filing a claim against the heating supply organization to reduce heating payments.

The following conditions must be met:

  • measure the temperature in the apartment in cloudy weather, since on a sunny day additional heating of the air occurs through windows and building structures;
  • Before determining the temperature, ensure that the room is completely sealed (close windows, doors leading to common corridors or staircases, check that there are no cracks in them);
  • measure the temperature in at least two rooms (with the exception of one-room apartments);
  • The temperature should be measured at a distance of half a meter from outer wall and 60 cm from the floor.

In case of recording the readings below minimum temperature established by regulatory documents, report this to the emergency dispatch service of the heat supply organization. When normal functioning systems (there are no accidents), an emergency team arrives at the scene. She is required to draw up a temperature measurement report. Temperature is measured using a registered and verified device that has the appropriate certificates and documents.

The inspection report is drawn up in at least two copies, one of which remains with the owner of the living space.

The act specifies:

  • date and time of its preparation;
  • address of the residential premises indicating its characteristics;
  • information characterizing measuring device(make, model, information about certification and verification);
  • recorded air temperature values;
  • signatures of commission members.

For reference, a sample act can be downloaded on the websites of management companies, housing construction cooperatives, and homeowners' associations.

Studying the norms

After replenishing the knowledge base, it’s time to answer the question: “What should be the air temperature in different rooms apartments?

Living spaces

TO living rooms include premises used for rest and sleep:

  • living rooms;
  • halls;
  • bedrooms;
  • children's.

This includes the premises of home libraries, work rooms, rooms with hunting trophies. In most of these rooms, a person is either in a state of rest or inactive. In this regard, the normal temperature is 18 - 20 o C, with the optimal temperature for humans being 20 - 22 o C (in summer - 20 - 28 and 22 - 25 o C, respectively). In buildings located in northern latitudes, the quantitative indicator is 1 - 2 degrees higher.


In food preparation rooms, a large amount of equipment is installed that generates heat during its operation:

  • gas and electric stoves;
  • household appliances for cooking;
  • dishwashers and washing machines.

To create a comfortable working area range extension provided permissible temperature from 18 to 26 o C.


This room does not provide for permanent or long-term presence of people in it. Therefore, heat costs are expected to be much lower than in residential premises. Comfortable and acceptable values ​​are comparable to kitchen temperatures.

Bathroom, combined toilet

In this room the human body comes into contact with water. At the same time, the heat transfer of the body sharply increases. Installed indoors high humidity. In order to prevent diseases of residents, mold formation, destruction of finishing and building materials, the standards provide for more heat than in other rooms. A comfortable temperature is set at 24 – 26 o C, but it can be lowered to 18 o C.

I don’t have any standards for storage rooms for things, winter supplies, and tools. special requirements. Temperature reduction to 12 o C is allowed. Upper threshold permissible temperature 22 o C.

The big picture

For convenience and systematization of what has been said, the digital data is included in the table. Air humidity and the speed of its movement have a direct impact on the sensations experienced by a person from a particular temperature. Changing these parameters leads to the fact that human sensations of the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere can differ significantly from those measured by instruments.

Temperature standards for living

Name of premises Air temperature, °C Relative humidity, % Air speed, m/s
comfortable let's say comfortable let's say comfortable let's say
Cold season
Living room 20-22 18-24 45-30 60 0,15 0,2
The same, in the areas of the coldest five-day period

(-31°C and below)

21 -23 20-24 45-30 60 0,15 0,2
Kitchen 19-21 18-26 N/N N/N 0,15 0,2
Toilet 19-21 18-26 N/N N/N 0,15 0,2
Bathroom, combined toilet 24-26 18-26 N/N N/N 0,15 0,2
Inter-apartment corridor 18-20 16-22 45-30 60 0,15 0,2
Lobby, staircase 16- 18 14-20 N/N N/N 0,2 0,3
16- 18 12-22 N/N N/N N/N N/N
Warm period of the year
Living room 22-25 20-28 60-30 65 0,2 0,3

In most apartments, doors to rooms, with the exception of the bathroom, toilet, and pantry, do not close. Using tabular information, you can determine what air temperature should be in the apartment. We find that with a relative humidity of 60% and an air speed of 0.2 m/s, the comfortable temperature in the apartment is 21.6 o C.

Each of us has different ideas about the comfort of home. Knowing what the temperature in the apartment should be will allow you to present justified claims to the supplying organization and receive a recalculation within 0.15% of the tariff for each hour of air temperature below normal.

It is quite difficult to create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere in a living space when sanitary standards regarding temperature are not met. It does not matter whether they are too low or, conversely, too high. Too high a temperature also negatively affects the health and well-being of residents, harming the apartment and financial well-being due to excessive energy consumption. However, referring to SNIP (sanitary norms and rules), you should not immediately run with a complaint to the management company, since the temperature in the apartment or other residential premises depends not only on them. Norms are also not constant, since they depend on the time of year, climatic features of the region, characteristics of housing, age characteristics and personal perceptions of citizens.

By measuring the temperature in the apartment yourself and comparing them with sanitary standards(SNIP), it is necessary to take into account all factors, including the fact that corner rooms have slightly different requirements. Conditions will be completely different for northern and southern, dry and wet regions, since natural aspects play main role in establishing SNIP standards.

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Seasonal indicators and human factor

Quite rarely, summer and winter temperature norms, according to SNIP, coincide with the indicators. Because on the territory Russian Federation The climate is quite varied and sometimes quite harsh, this is not at all the case when you can look at the requirements in other countries.

Sanitary norms and rules (SNIP) are aimed at ensuring favorable conditions for the population to live in apartments or other residential premises, but they do not include the individual preferences and feelings of each person. So, for example, someone is very comfortable when the temperature in the apartment reaches 22 degrees, but for others 19 degrees is too hot.

In fact, it is rather inappropriate to focus on such minor details, since the task of SNIP is to ensure that the optimal temperature is natural for human body and influenced everyone equally. What is meant here is not personal perceptions, but physiological reactions.

Temperature standards are observed more closely with reference to the individual characteristics of a person in social institutions, in particular medical and educational ones. So, for example, it is reliably known that women are more thermophilic, and in rooms for children the temperature should be maintained within 20-23 degrees.

Regulated indicators

All residential premises must have their own heat standards, which do not allow climatic conditions to negatively affect the health of the population. Based on this, SNIP establishes the following:

To measure the indicators correctly, measurements must be taken several times a day for several days, placing the thermometer at a height of 1-1.5 m from the floor and at approximately the same distance from the external wall.

Influencing factors

It should be noted that, despite different standards for rooms with different purposes, in general the heat indicators in the apartment should not be too different. Such an imbalance will create an uncomfortable environment that will negatively affect not only the psychological state of citizens, but also their health. The difference in indicators should not fluctuate by more than 2-3 marks.

Taking into account the sanitary rules (SNIP), you can notice that they do not establish an upper maximum heat index, but there is a lower one, and it is 18 degrees. Depending on the season, human factors and other features that affect the temperature conditions in the apartment, each person can regulate them independently at will (open windows, install heaters and air conditioners, etc.).

If the temperature in an apartment or other residential premises does not comply with SNIP standards and the owner wants to establish and eliminate the cause, he will need to submit a corresponding application and call specialists to the house. Despite the fact that the applicant will have his own records of heat measurements, re-recording the fact will not be superfluous. In addition, to receive real result, you need to know some nuances that affect the values.

During bad winter weather, you often experience discomfort when staying in an apartment due to the obvious insufficient heating of the room. In this case, it becomes necessary to find a way out of the situation by contacting the services responsible for maintaining optimal temperature conditions in residential premises.

This point becomes especially relevant if children or people with health problems live in the apartment. And the first question that arises when dealing with such a problem is what the temperature in the room should be. In order to correctly navigate the situation and make an adequate decision, it is necessary to rely on existing regulations.

What does the temperature in the apartment depend on?

The air temperature in the room depends not only on the influence of the human factor, but also on external weather conditions.

Climate influence

In different regions, external temperatures may vary significantly. Accordingly, the requirements for room heating standards in the southern and northern regions in the autumn-winter period will vary significantly.

Depends on the season

In the summer season in high-rise buildings room temperature practically never low if we're talking about about mid-latitudes and southern regions. On the contrary, on some days its indicator may exceed optimal level, which should be within limits not exceeding 25 degrees.

At night, the temperature in the house is slightly lower than during the day.

In winter, without heating, living spaces would be too cold, making them impossible to live in. IN cold period have to rely on the work of public utilities. Temperature standards should not be lower than 19 degrees for any region.

Comfortable temperature in the apartment

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The feeling of comfort in a room is associated with the absence of overheating and hypothermia. At normal temperature, a person should not feel the need to use warm clothes when staying in an apartment, but too high temperatures are also unacceptable.

The concept of a comfortable temperature in an apartment is determined not only by subjective sensations, but also by established hygiene standards. We will look at them below.

What temperature should the room be in winter - the norm?

The optimal air temperature in an apartment in winter should be designed for a safe stay indoors for people of all ages and varying health conditions.

According to accepted sanitary and hygienic parameters, the temperature norm in winter should be between 19 and 21 degrees.

There are established standards for individual rooms of a residential premises.

How many degrees there should be in the house depends on which part of the apartment we are talking about.

It is customary to adhere to the following indicators:

Kitchen - recommended temperature - 19 - 21 degrees, maximum - 26 degrees, bathroom - 24 and 26, respectively, bedroom, living room - 20 and 24, corridor - 18 and 22. If it is necessary to check the compliance of these indicators with standard parameters, measurements should be taken in a place where there are no drafts and the battery is not located close.

Hypothermia, symptoms and consequences

When the body is overcooled indoors, a feeling of chills occurs. Increased drowsiness may develop and performance may decrease. There is a desire to wrap yourself up and put on warm clothes. Young children and the elderly become hypothermic the fastest.

The consequences of hypothermia can be colds, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Constantly low room temperature can adversely affect human health!

Overheating of the body, symptoms and consequences

Overheating of the body can occur when the temperature in the room exceeds the 25-degree mark. If you stay in a very hot room all the time, you may experience symptoms of heat stroke - nausea, dizziness, fainting.

Like hypothermia, children and the elderly are more susceptible to overheating. Overheating can cause serious problems with cardiovascular system, constant severe drowsiness, irritability, decreased immunity.

What to do if the temperature in the apartment in winter is below normal

If in winter the temperature in the room does not reach the established norm, you must contact the utility service with a request to take temperature measurements in the room.

If a violation of temperature standards is confirmed, the problem must be corrected. If utility services refuse to resolve this issue, you should contact higher authorities.
