Incentive payments for young professionals. Payments to young professionals. Payments for housing and preferential mortgages

In Russia, there has long been a shortage of young personnel for certain industries, associated with the low prestige of the profession and not the highest salaries.

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To fill the youth deficit, the government is using incentive payments, which are also called lifting payments, their use should hypothetically attract specialists to work.

To receive such funds, the specialist must comply with certain conditions related to training, since he did not have an official place of work.

At the same time, there is a reservation related to the source of funding for training, because the specialist must be capable and demonstrate good results.

Main criteria for obtaining status

In the term “young specialist”, the most important part is that it indicates age, which presupposes a certain level.

But besides this, there are other criteria that give the right to be considered a young specialist and qualify for a motivational payment:

  • the person graduated from an educational institution that has valid accreditation from the state. Moreover, it must have the status of a secondary or higher educational institution;
  • training was carried out in a full-time (full-time) department, and was financed by the state;
  • the specialist has received a state diploma, which confirms his knowledge and skills;
  • employment is carried out within a year after graduation;
  • work in the acquired specialty is the first, the same is considered when finding employment based on a referral from an institution;
  • an institution financed from the state budget was chosen for the work.

If at least one of these conditions is not met, then the person is not entitled to receive social benefits. The same applies to graduates with an inappropriate age who have met all the conditions related to training and employment - for them, receiving benefits will also be impossible.

At the same time, to obtain the status of a young specialist, no additional documents are needed; only an identity card with the indicated year of birth and an education diploma with a certificate from the educational institution are sufficient.

The specifics of obtaining the status and its use are stipulated in regional legislation; for example, in Moscow teachers are valued, but they must begin work no later than 3 months after the issuance of the diploma.

Even if a teacher under 35 years of age does not have a special education, but he works in a school or other educational institution, having any other diploma, he will still be a young specialist.

In St. Petersburg, the conditions are similar, but the age is lower - at the level of 30 years, the same requirements are in Saratov, which is stipulated in local legal acts.

Until what age is it valid?

In some cases, the concept of young is reduced to 30 years, for example, in mortgage lending, but in most cases the value of 35 years is accepted. In addition to payment, people with this status may well count on other benefits related to the labor process.

So, if employment is carried out in the first year after receiving a diploma, then specialists do not go through a probationary period, but only in the case of work in the acquired specialty.

If a graduate has graduated from a higher or secondary specialized institution with honors, then he may well count on an additional payment to his salary.

Amount of lifting payments

The amount of incentive “lift” payments is negotiated separately in each region. In cities, only teachers can receive such benefits, while doctors must go to rural areas.

A young specialist in the field of pedagogy who finds his first job in Moscow will receive a salary increase of 40% of the standard rate.

Those graduates who have a diploma with honors, the so-called “red”, can count on 50% of the rate. But these amounts will be paid only for the first three years.

The Russian capital also provides for an additional payment of 15% of the rate, which is necessary to compensate for half the price of a public transport pass.

If a young employee has more than one rate, for example, two or one and a half, then the additional payment will still be calculated based on the size of one rate. The law does not provide for an increase in amounts with additional load.

St. Petersburg does not provide its young teachers with monthly salary bonuses, however, it replaces them with one-time payments at the beginning of work.

The base unit means the base for calculating wages in St. Petersburg for employees of the public sector, and in 2019 it is 11,138 rubles. An ordinary graduate will immediately receive 66,828 rubles, while an honors graduate will receive 89,104 rubles.

In addition to a one-time payment, teachers in St. Petersburg who have not reached 30 years of age are monthly compensated for the cost of public transport in the amount of half of its cost.

Doctors receive a guaranteed 1,000,000 rubles at the federal level, and some regions establish additional payments.

For example, in the Pskov region, a specialist who went to a village under the “Zemsky Doctor” program can receive another 100,000 rubles if it is a doctor’s position, and nurses and paramedics will receive 30,000 rubles.

Conditions for issuance in areas of activity

In different fields of activity, there are different conditions for receiving motivational payments, and at the moment the most problematic are medical specialties and pedagogical ones.

In any case, money must be requested at the first place of work, where a diploma of education is provided, but provided that no more than a year has passed and the person will work according to the level of qualification and profession obtained.

The employment process involves not only the formation of an employment contract, but also an employment order. It must be presented to the new employee for review and signature, and the main nuances of the work, as well as information about the person, are also stipulated there.

Until the order is signed by the employee, it is not considered to have entered into force. After employment, the employee writes to the manager a statement of desire to receive lifting equipment. Application form is available.

There is no need to provide additional documents, since all the papers have already been submitted when applying for a job. After checking the application and its signature, the boss creates an order for the payment of motivational funds to the young specialist. It, like other orders, must be provided for review.

If he is satisfied with everything in the document, then he signs and the funds are paid either to a salary bank card or in cash through the cash register. This does not apply to the federal amount; it is transferred purely to the card.

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For doctors

Unlike specialists in the teaching field, young doctors can count on more severe conditions for receiving payments, because benefits will be provided only if strict conditions are met.

The healthcare professional must:

  • be under 35 years of age;
  • live and be employed in rural areas after graduation;
  • enter into an employment agreement for a period of no less than 5 years.

If these conditions are met, then the young doctor receives a million rubles under the “Zemsky Doctor” program, which requires a concluded agreement with the authorities at the place of work.

Payments are provided to medical employees who have appropriate education and wish to work in their profile.

The five-year term of the contract is fundamental when receiving benefits, and if a person quits early, he will be required to return the funds for the unworked period.

In addition, young doctors can also receive a place to live, a plot of land for construction, or compensate for part of the mortgage loan.

A million rubles can be spent only on the purchase or renovation of housing, since the assistance is targeted, and if the state pays off part of the mortgage, then the rest is financed from the Zemsky Doctor program.

For teachers

For a teacher, the specifics of providing motivational payments are specified in regional legislation and may differ significantly.

Federal and regional authorities implement various assistance programs and provide benefits to young teachers. Their goal is to stimulate the employment of graduates of educational institutions at all levels. Let’s consider what kind of social support measures young professionals can count on today. They are regulated by the Federal Law “On Education”.

Who is a young specialist

At the legislative level, the concept of a young specialist is not fixed. The only legal act that contains the characteristics of the concept of “young specialist” is the Labor Code. From the meaning of Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it can be determined that he is a person who has received secondary vocational education or higher education; the program in which he studied had to undergo state accreditation. Such a specialist must begin work within one year from the date of graduation from the educational institution. There is no other concept enshrined in modern legislation at the federal level.

Regional authorities agree that a person is considered a young specialist only for the first three years of his professional activity after receiving education.

This period does not include such periods of time as:

  • military service;
  • maternity leave;
  • full-time postgraduate studies;
  • internship or additional education.
A number of regional programs to help young teachers also limit the age of participants. The upper limit is 35 years, in some regions - 30 years. After this, even if the young specialist meets all other criteria, he will not be able to take part in a number of government programs.

Work-related benefits for teachers

A young teacher, compared to many other specialists, is in a more advantageous position.

According to labor legislation, teaching staff have a shortened working week of 36 hours. Moreover, the number of working hours per week may differ depending on the position held by the teacher. For example, speech therapists have a 20-hour work week, and music directors have a 24-hour work week.

Working hours, in addition to teaching work, include educational work, individual work with students, organizational work, and other work provided for by the individual plan.

As for the duration of the working day, it is not fixed and can vary depending on the characteristics of the educational process in a particular school.

Teachers are also entitled to extended leave. Its duration ranges from 42 to 56 days. Due to the nature of the work, it is provided not throughout the year, but in the summer. However, by agreement with the head of the school, part of the vacation can be taken at other times, during the holidays. Or receive compensation in the form of cash payments for part of the vacation exceeding the standard 28 days.

Within one year from the date of graduation, a young specialist can be hired without a probationary period. This privilege is regulated by Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The Law “On Education” provides for another benefit that should be classified as a young specialist’s privileges - the possibility of priority receipt of residential premises for use under a social tenancy agreement. Young teachers working in rural areas have the right to receive compensation for expenses for living quarters, heating and lighting.

The above-mentioned benefits and privileges are provided to young professionals within the framework of federal legislation. But regional authorities can establish additional measures of state support to attract graduates to teaching.

Let's consider the salary structure of a young specialist teacher in 2019-2020.

Its basic part depends on the size of the load (rate), teaching experience, qualifications and level of education. It is clear that for a young specialist who has just received a diploma, it will not be large. However, there are a number of ways to increase the total amount due to the incentive portion.

It includes additional payments:

  • for great leadership;
  • for combining several items;
  • for the operating mode (for example, in two shifts);
  • for fulfilling a social burden;
  • for work in special classes, etc.

In addition, part-time work is also possible for a teacher. But the total number of classroom hours should not exceed 30.

Teachers, including young ones, can participate in the implementation of various paid services at their school. This will also increase wages.

Social benefits for young professionals

Each region provides its own benefits for young professionals. You can find out more information on the official portals of government authorities.

As a rule, support for young teachers is provided in the following forms:

  • lifting payments;
  • benefits when applying for a mortgage;
  • assistance in providing housing.


Lifting payments are financial assistance to young teachers who go to work at school during the first year after it. An important criterion is employment in a state educational institution. Employees of private schools are not entitled to raise payments.

The exact amount depends on the region. As a rule, it is higher in rural areas than in cities. This should encourage graduates to find employment in rural schools. You can check the size of the lifts at your local administration.

There is no need to account for where these funds were spent.

So, for example, in Moscow, upon starting a job, a young teacher receives a one-time payment of 20,000 rubles, a 50% discount on a ticket for any ground public transport, as well as a salary increase during the first three years of work of 40-50%, in depending on the diploma with which the specialist graduated from the educational institution. (Decree of the Moscow Government 172-PP dated March 23, 2004).

In St. Petersburg, upon employment, a young specialist receives a one-time payment in the amount of 6 to 8 basic units, the amount of which is set annually. They can also count on compensation for travel costs by any type of transport in the amount of 50% and the opportunity to receive education in the field of management (Law of St. Petersburg “On Social Support Measures...” dated 09.11.2011).

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At the federal level, there is no provision for subsidizing young workers in the education sector; banks do not have similar loan products. Preferential mortgages are only possible if they are subsidized by the regions.

Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own characteristics of providing financial support to young teachers. Regional budget authorities independently determine the amount of subsidies, the mechanism for their provision and the requirements for program participants to receive assistance.

For example, in Moscow there is a social mortgage program designed specifically for young specialists in the education and healthcare systems. The first payment under the program for an apartment or house in the amount of 50% of the cost is made by the regional government. The amount of the mortgage principal is also subsidized by the regional budget. The specialist will pay only the accrued interest at his own expense.


A number of regions are ready to help young professional teachers and provide them with housing. Most often, a house or service apartment is provided in rural areas. As long as the teacher works in his position, he has the right to use it.

Sometimes such housing is provided with the right to subsequently purchase it at a reduced price.

In the city, a nonresident specialist will receive a place in a dormitory, which he can occupy while working in his specialty. A number of regions offer loans and subsidies to aspiring teachers for the purchase of an apartment or land plot for individual housing construction, as well as the purchase of housing from the municipal fund. The price of such housing is significantly lower than the market price.

The law allows regions to establish and implement social assistance programs for young professionals themselves.

For example, in the Rostov region, the Southern Federal University became in the summer of 2019 a platform for a new social project, which for the first time is being implemented jointly with the education department of Rostov-on-Don. In the Don capital, young teaching professionals will now be able to apply for official housing and the right to a preferential mortgage.

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Last changes

The previously existing program “Sustainable Development of Rural Territories for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020”, within the framework of which state support was provided for young specialists in rural areas, became invalid on January 1, 2018 on the basis of a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 2017 year N 1544. Its main objectives were to provide young professionals with comfortable housing; to promote the creation of high-tech jobs in the countryside.

Currently, a new program is being developed: “Zemstvo Teacher”, which is planned to be launched in 2020.

After graduating from a higher educational institution, former students are faced with the problem of finding employment in their specialty. Nobody needs even graduates with honors. Most employers do not want to hire young specialists without work experience. This problem has become larger. In order to solve this problem and attract young personnel to enterprises, plants, factories and companies, the state has created special programs for young graduates.

The payment of allowances to a young specialist, as well as who has the right to financial assistance, will be discussed in this article.

Who is considered a young specialist?

Young specialists are students who have completed a full course of secondary specialized or higher education. They must undergo full-time training at the expense of the state budget. This status is assigned for a year from the date of receipt of the diploma.

The graduate is sent to work according to assignment, i.e., in accordance with the law. He is hired immediately for a permanent job, without an internship. All conditions must be met to obtain the status of “young specialist”. This is the Labor Code, lifting payments Art. 70 of the Law of the Russian Federation regulates the relationship between an employer and a young employee.

Responsibilities of the employer and young employee

When employing a young specialist, the employer must pay benefits in the amount of 3 tariff rates of the 1st category, as well as pay wages in the amount of at least 80% of the average monthly salary. If the employee does not have a place to live, then the employer is obliged to provide living space from the corporate temporary housing fund. An employee without experience has the right to ask the employer for financial assistance at the birth of a child, marriage, and is also entitled to child care benefits.

After concluding an employment contract, the graduate is required to work in the company for 2 years. If he decides to quit, he will have to pay back compensation to the state for his education and training on the job. It is possible to dismiss a specialist without experience in Labor Labor Code only if the organization is liquidated, or due to the specialist’s health condition, which does not allow him to perform work duties.

But in most cases, companies cannot provide a specialist without experience with a full social package. The graduates themselves, upon completion of their studies, try to get a job on their own, so they do not receive the “Young Specialist” status.

What payments can a young specialist receive?

Such employees are financially supported by the state. State social benefits are divided into two categories:

  1. By law, a lump sum payment must be paid at the end of the employment contract. If an employee writes a resignation letter himself, he will have to return social money to the state budget.
  2. The payment of allowances to young specialists has been accrued since 2012 to those employees who graduated from an educational institution in 2011 and in the following years.

Payment of allowances to a young specialist

On June 22, 2012, the state adopted Resolution No. 821 on incentive payments for material support of young and inexperienced employees. Payment of allowances to a young specialist must be accrued within the first month from the date of signing the employment contract. The amount of financial assistance depends on the specialty and position. If a graduate moves to another city or village, payments will be canceled.

The goal of such a project is to attract young, energetic and full of ideas graduates to work in their specialty. Also an additional benefit and social assistance is a social program for the purchase of housing. To obtain living space, you must work in one organization for more than 5 years and need an apartment.

How should an order be drawn up to pay allowances to a young specialist (sample)

Calculation of lifting payments is carried out on the basis of an order. The employer must draw it up independently and notify the employee. The employee needs to sign the order only after reviewing it. An application, a copy of the diploma and a copy of the work book (the date of registration for work is noted in it), certified by a notary, is attached to the order. Documents for calculating financial assistance:

  1. An order drawn up by the employer. It approves Appendix 1 “On the procedure and conditions for additional payments to an employee without work experience,” as well as Appendix 2. At the end of the order, the date and signature of the head of the department are placed.
  2. The order is supported by Appendix 1 “On the procedure and conditions for additional payments to an employee without work experience.” Contains general provisions, appointment procedure and amount of payments.
  3. Appendix 2 to the order is an application for financial assistance written by a young employee.

Cash payment to teachers

Payment of allowances to young specialists - teachers, is carried out under certain conditions. Criteria for receiving financial assistance:

  • the teacher must be no older than 35 years;
  • immediately after graduation, the graduate is required to get a job;
  • the employment contract must be signed for 3 years or more;
  • Experience in your specialty is required to obtain a preferential mortgage.

The size of the allowance depends on the city and on the size of the scholarship that the student received during his studies. Teachers without experience can receive three types of social assistance:

  1. One-time payment. Its amount ranges from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Increase in salary. In the capital, the increase is equal to 40% of the basic rate, and for graduates with honors - 50%.
  3. Mortgage on preferential terms. A certain part of the mortgage is paid by the state.

All support benefits are tax-free. To obtain housing on preferential terms, it is necessary to add a certificate to the general set of documents that confirms the need for an apartment. The only disadvantage of subsidized housing is the payment of a down payment of 30% of the total price of the living space.

Cash payments to doctors

The payment of allowances to young medical specialists may vary. This category of specialists has federal support. Increasing payments to young specialist doctors reach 1 million rubles. subject to a number of conditions:

  • higher medical education;
  • age up to 50 years;
  • moving to a village with employment for 5 years or more.

A one-time payment is due only to doctors who have completed their internship. Lifting payments to young specialist nurses and paramedics are not paid. They are not eligible to participate in the Zemsky Doctor program. The main goal of the Zemsky Doctor program is an incentive payment for medical specialists who work in rural areas.

Financial assistance is paid by the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF). Within 3 days, the MHIF generates a payment. In 2016, 60% was paid by the federal budget and 40% by the regional budget.

To receive financial assistance, a physician must send the required set of documents to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. List of required documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate of higher education;
  • certificate confirming completion of residency;
  • a certificate confirming work in a medical institution;
  • a statement that was concluded with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to have not only original documents, but also copies certified by a notary.

Cash assistance to agricultural workers

Due to the low standard of living, today there are few specialists who want to work in villages. Increasing payments to young agricultural specialists are an encouragement and attraction of young workers into the agricultural sector. The amount of payments is determined by the specialty and region.

From 2002 to 2020 There is a program to improve the standard of living of residents of villages and villages. In accordance with it, citizens will receive subsidies.

A program has been created for young professionals that provides assistance in purchasing housing in the village. You can use this program only once. Young professionals are given a subsidy in the form of a preferential loan, where the interest rate is 5% per year. The employee needs to contribute about 30% of his funding, since the subsidy amount is no more than 70%.

To participate in the Young Professionals Housing program, participants must meet certain criteria. Program conditions:

  • not older than 35 years;
  • live permanently in the village;
  • have a document confirming the need for an apartment or house;
  • you need to have a certificate confirming the availability of funds in the amount of 30% of the cost of housing;
  • diploma of completion of secondary or higher education;
  • have a document confirming employment upon completion of training within 3 months;
  • have worked in the organization for more than 3 years.

Amount of lump sum payments in 2017

There are no changes in 2017 regarding raise payments for budget employees. The amounts of all financial benefits are established at the federal or regional level and are not subject to indexation. They can increase only due to an increase in the worker’s salary itself.

Payments to young employees are calculated once a year for 3 years. In Novosibirsk, Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod, the first payment is 40 thousand rubles, the second - 35 thousand rubles, and the third - 30 thousand rubles. In large cities, St. Petersburg and Moscow, the amount of accruals is much larger, since the standard of living and average earnings are higher.

The government of the Russian Federation and local municipal authorities are interested in ensuring that graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions are employed. To achieve this goal, introduced benefits for young professionals both from the state and from the authorities of local city and village administrations.

In this article we will look at what benefits are provided for young professionals, what is needed to obtain them and how to obtain the status of a young specialist to receive benefits.

Who is considered a young specialist according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article 70 introduces a ban on employers establishing probationary periods for graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, which they graduated less than a year ago. This is the only benefit for young specialists established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, federal-level legislation does not in any way regulate benefits for young specialists, and even the very definition of “young specialist” status is not spelled out either in the Labor Code or in other federal-level laws.

However, in regional legislation, benefits for young professionals are presented more widely, and the main criteria for receiving such benefits are highlighted there. The criteria, that is, for determining the status of a young specialist, include the following:

  1. The age of a specialist is up to 35 years in most regions and up to 30 years in some;
  2. Compulsory education received in an educational institution with state accreditation through the full-time education system. To receive benefits, specialists with primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher education, that is, lyceums, vocational schools, technical schools, institutes and universities, are allowed. In addition, some regions have adopted an additional condition for receiving benefits - training on a budgetary basis;
  3. Employment is required immediately after receiving a diploma in public sector enterprises.

Since benefits for young specialists are left to the regional authorities, the benefits themselves, one-time payments and other social support measures at state-owned enterprises are mainly determined by intradepartmental industry agreements. In the non-state sphere, support for young specialists is carried out independently by enterprises on the basis of internal regulations.

Thus, in many cases, support for specialists is provided at enterprises independently, so it is better to find out all the information about support measures when applying for employment; in particular, this information should be published in the collective labor agreement of the enterprise. There is also often a document such as the “Regulations on the status of a young specialist”, which specifies the conditions for graduates to receive benefits, their working conditions, the amount of payments and the conditions for receiving them.

Age limit for young specialist status

Depending on the region of employment, the age limit at which an employee still has the right to enjoy benefits as a young specialist is set to 30 or 35 years. The status of a young specialist is assigned once and is valid for up to 3 years from the date of assignment.

However, there are exceptions in which the status of a young specialist is extended to 6 years. It could be:

  • When studying in graduate school or postgraduate study on a full-time basis;
  • While in
  • While on compulsory military service.

Social support for young professionals

Mostly measures to support young professionals are established by regional authorities by internal legislative acts. If you look at it, all social support comes down to providing young professionals with the following guarantees:

  • Guaranteed one-time payment for initial employment after graduation;
  • Compensation for using public transport;
  • Providing young professionals with corporate housing or providing subsidies for the purchase of an apartment (as an option, providing a loan for the purchase of an apartment or house on preferential terms);
  • Reimbursement of expenses for maintaining children in kindergartens (in whole or in part);
  • Providing an interest-free loan for starting a business.

The highest percentage of benefits received are among young professionals employed in the public sector of healthcare and education.

Thus, in the Decree of the Moscow Government “On measures to provide teaching staff to educational institutions in Moscow” No. 172-PP dated March 23, 2004. criteria have been established according to which the status of a young specialist and, accordingly, priority in receiving benefits is given to specialists who meet the following conditions:

  1. Availability of higher pedagogical or secondary vocational education;
  2. Age not older than 35 years;
  3. Start of professional teaching activity no later than 3 months after graduation.

At the same time, the main thing here is age and work in pedagogy. For example, a school teacher under the age of 35 has every reason to be considered a young specialist and enjoy all the benefits provided, regardless of the fact that his diploma may have nothing to do with pedagogy.

It is interesting that for St. Petersburg, the age limit established by the Law of St. Petersburg “On measures of social support for employees of state educational institutions” No. 107-27 of April 3, 2007, is only 30 years. The same age limit is established for young specialists in the city of Saratov, in accordance with the Law of the Saratov Region No. 96-ZSO “On social support for young specialists of public sector institutions of the Saratov Region” dated August 3, 2011.

As we can see, measures for social support for teachers are published in the form of city or regional laws. Therefore, the situation with support for young specialists in a particular region can be clarified by the education department of your region of work.

For young healthcare professionals, the situation is not so encouraging: benefits for young doctors are provided by the state only when they move to work in rural areas. Then, according to Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation,” young specialist doctors are entitled to benefits if they meet the following criteria:

  • Employment and living in rural areas;
  • Age up to 35 years;
  • An employment contract concluded for a period of 5 years.

Benefits and payments for young specialists in the field of education and pedagogy

As we have already mentioned, for specialists in the field of education, the status and benefits for university graduates starting their careers are established not by federal, but by regional legislation. For Moscow and St. Petersburg this process goes like this:

Benefits and payments to young specialists in pedagogy and education in Moscow:

A young specialist in education in Moscow receives a one-time cash payment, and in addition to it, a salary increase in the amount of 40% of his rate. Graduates receive a 50% bonus, also for three years from the date of first employment.

Muscovites also receive compensation for 50% of the cost of travel on public transport in the amount of 15% of the rate.

However, the additional burden is not taken into account in calculating additional payments. When working one and a half or two times, the teacher will receive additional payments only for one.

Benefits and payments to young specialists in pedagogy and education in St. Petersburg:

In St. Petersburg, the situation is different: salary supplements are not provided in the northern capital, however, upon employment, specialists have the right to one-time payments in the amount of:

  • 6 basic rate units for all specialists who have graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions with a state diploma;
  • 8 basic rate units for excellent students who graduated with honors.

Transport costs are reimbursed at the rate of 50% for any public transport, except taxis, for all young professionals under 30 years of age during the first three years of work.

To receive the required payment, you must submit an application to the Department of Education of St. Petersburg or the social security authority.

Social support for young healthcare professionals

Social support for young doctors is established at the federal level, but only for doctors working in rural areas. Federal Law No. 326-FZ determines payments for doctors who moved to work in rural areas in the amount of up to 1 million rubles under the all-Russian social program “Zemsky Doctor”. To receive payment, a necessary condition is to conclude an agreement with the local administration at the place of work in a rural area.

A prerequisite for obtaining allowances is a higher medical education and work in the specialty in rural areas for at least 5 years. If the contract is terminated before the expiration of 5 years, part of the amount received is returned. To support young doctors, the state also undertakes to provide them with housing, either by providing an apartment or a house to live in, or by providing a plot of land for building a house, or by compensating part of the loan or the loan amount for the purchase of an apartment (house).

A million lifting rubles are not taxed, since they are earmarked specifically for this purpose. This money can be spent either on reimbursing part of the loan from the state for the purchase of housing or on repaying a mortgage loan with funds under the Zemsky Doctor program.

Regional initiatives for social protection of medical workers

To attract specialists to work in rural areas, regional authorities are establishing additional measures. For example, in the Pskov region, measures to support not only doctors with higher education, but also specialists with secondary education are legislatively enshrined. For them, additional lump-sum payments are established in the amount of:

After graduating from an educational institution, graduates are faced with the problem of finding a suitable job in their specialty. Typically, large companies, enterprises and firms prefer to hire specialists with experience. Because of this, young specialists look for other jobs and get jobs outside their specialty.

To motivate graduates to work in their specialty, they need assistance in finding employment. For help and incentive, the state began to award allowances to young specialists. Who is entitled to receive additional funds (lifting), what are the benefits, and how can you apply for government assistance - all this and much more is described in this article.

Who is considered a young specialist?

In Russia, at the federal level, the rights of a young specialist are regulated only by the regulatory legal act of Art. 70 TK. According to this act, an employer cannot accept graduates for internships. The young specialist is immediately admitted to the staff without a probationary period.

The definition of “young specialist” is not defined in the Labor Code, nor is it in other laws. Only a regulatory legal act helps to identify the criteria for this status:

  • the age of the candidate must be no more than thirty-five years;
  • higher or secondary vocational education, which was received as a full-time patient in an accredited institution;
  • getting a job within three months after receiving the diploma.

Benefits for young professionals and one-time payments are established and regulated by industry agreements by the relevant departments. At non-state enterprises, social support occurs on the basis of the regulations of this institution. Therefore, when applying for a job and signing an agreement, you must carefully read the collective agreement of the enterprise. All conditions for young specialists to receive benefits are spelled out there.

young specialist

Up to what age can young specialists apply for lifting allowances? Depending on the region, the age of an employee without work experience should be up to 30 - 35 years. This status is issued once and is fixed for three years after signing the employment contract. There are cases when the status can be increased to six years:

  • if the employee is on maternity leave;
  • when there was an urgent call for service;
  • if the employee is studying full-time in graduate school.

Conditions for receiving social assistance for teachers

Assistance to young professionals and payment of allowances in the field of education depends on the place of work and position. One-time payments are the same throughout the country. Basic conditions for receiving it:

  • the age of the applicant is no more than 30-35 years;
  • availability of a diploma that was obtained by an institution with state accreditation;
  • signing an employment contract within three months after receiving the diploma.

Types of payments

How much allowance can young professionals receive, and what types of financial assistance are there? Amounts of money can be paid in the following forms:

  1. One-time payment. Issued once during recruitment. Its size ranges from 20 thousand to 100 thousand. For teachers in the capital, assistance is established in the amount of one hundred thousand rubles, and for teachers from St. Petersburg this assistance is equal to 50 thousand rubles.
  2. A surcharge is added to Such assistance is calculated as a percentage of the salary. In the capital, the percentage coefficient is 40%, and for specialists with honors - 50%.
  3. Issuance of preferential mortgages. Assistance to young professionals in purchasing housing is thirty percent of the total amount.

To receive it, you must write an application and take it to the territorial social protection authority at the place of employment.

Young specialist in education. Its benefits and payments based on the example of two cities

A young specialist in education receives social money, the amount is different in each city. For example, the situation with charges in two cities will be considered:

1. Moscow. In addition to a one-time cash payment, the teacher is given a bonus of 40% of the working rate or 50% for a specialist with honors, for 3 years of work. Also in the capital, a young teacher receives 15% compensation for travel expenses. If a teacher works at one and a half times the rate, then he will receive only one additional payment.

2. St. Petersburg. There are no salary bonuses provided here, but teachers have the right to a one-time payment. Amounts of payments in basic units (for 2015, 1 basic unit equals 8 thousand 432 rubles):

  • specialists who have a state diploma receive 6 basic units;
  • graduates who graduate with honors receive 8 basic units.

Also, for 3 years, they provide compensation for travel in the amount of 50% of the costs every month. To receive social assistance, you must write an application and submit it to the social protection authority of St. Petersburg.

Types of financial assistance in rural areas

A young specialist in a rural area can count on financial assistance under a special program. In 2017, the “Young Specialist in Rural” program continued its work. Its main goals: to attract graduates of educational institutions to the agricultural sector. As an incentive, raise money is awarded to young specialists. There are certain conditions for candidates:

  • age should not exceed thirty-five years;
  • higher education or obtaining it soon;
  • lack of living space;
  • if the housing does not meet housing standards;
  • the candidate must live in a village or be willing to move there.

Lifting allowances are awarded to young specialists if they meet all the criteria. The amount of financial assistance depends on the region. To receive the amount of money, the employee undertakes to work in a rural institution for at least 5 years. If an employee has worked for less than 5 years and has written a letter of resignation, he must return monetary assistance to the state for the years not worked.

In addition to the allowance, a young specialist in the countryside can receive mortgage benefits. Also in some regions additional payments are awarded.

Mortgage benefits in 2017

After completing their studies, young doctors, teachers and other specialists cannot afford to borrow money or buy housing with their own money. For motivation, the state not only issues allowances to young professionals, but also offers mortgage benefits. This program is called “Mortgage for Young Professionals”. In 2017, the state is issuing money to provide housing for former students. Mortgage benefits can be issued:

  • according to the federal program “Housing”;
  • according to the regional program for which the municipality is responsible;
  • under a corporate program that attracts employees to long-term work.

As part of the programs, a special certificate is issued. It allows you to receive certain types of support:

  • at the time of purchase of housing, thirty percent of the total cost is paid;
  • the candidate receives a low mortgage rate;
  • makes it possible to make a down payment of 10% from the subsidy funds.

If an employee moves to a rural area, he is provided with housing and given a plot for construction.

Who can take advantage of mortgage benefits?

Only employees who have recently completed their training are eligible to participate in the program. Main candidate criteria:

  • age no more than thirty-five years, for a researcher - no more than forty years;
  • no more than 12 months have passed since receiving the diploma;
  • the applicant was a full-time student;
  • initial employment in a specialty in a budget organization.

There are also special conditions for each position. To receive housing benefits, a teacher must have at least 1 year of work experience. A researcher needs at least 5 years of work experience in a scientific institution. Doctors are given benefits when moving to a rural area and signing an employment contract for 5 years.
