Modern energy efficient recessed embankment and underground house. Comfortable life underground: a review of amazing underground houses Underground housing

Very rarely, underground houses are built according to one design. In fact, those who want to live in a unique home must know that an underground house is an easy way to build your home. An individual project is made depending on the type of soil, climate zone, landscape and the wishes of the future owner. An underground house can be completely or partially buried in the ground. Why do people choose such houses?

Underground house and its advantages.

Firstly, these houses are warm, they maintain room temperature while using less fuel for heating. The construction of a house often occurs using materials that can be found directly at the construction site, which will reduce transport costs by 3-4 times. Labor costs are also lower because less concrete, brick, or other materials are used during construction. Last but not least, underground homes have proven fire safety, hurricane and earthquake resistance.

Underground houses are an unusual and attractive phenomenon.

Despite the many benefits they offer, underground homes have several disadvantages. This type of house would not be suitable for areas where earthquakes occur frequently unless the design includes a massive structure with shock absorbers. Such houses are not built in areas where there is ground movement. Some people feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic while underground. A house underground does not provide a panoramic view of the street. When building such houses, it is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation. If not properly managed, indoor oxygen levels will decrease as occupants inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

In this article we will look at an example of building a house in the ground. We will talk about the main pros and cons of such a structure and see how it differs from the ground one. An interesting point in such a house is that the landscape outside the window will correspond to the landscape of the above-ground house thanks to a system of mirrors. Thanks to this, there is a complete feeling of life on earth.

Let's start with the pros:

1). No need for a house façade.

2). In winter, an underground house retains the greatest amount of heat than an above-ground one. This reduces gas and electricity costs.

3). In summer, this house will be cooler than above ground and we may not install an air conditioning system.

4). The very structure of the house is a protection against thieves, because the only way to get into the house is through the entrance.

5). Having windows (with mirrors) in the design, you will be able to observe the world around you, but they will no longer be able to look through your windows. Thanks to this you will feel comfortable.

6). Your house is located underground and almost the entire plot is free for landscape design ideas. For example, you can create a beautiful garden.

7). Such a house is not afraid of news of an approaching tornado or heavy rain.

Cons of this house:

1). The most difficult thing in this house is organizing the sewage system. To do this, it is necessary to install a pump system so that wastewater flows into the wells.

2). In such a house it is necessary to install electric generators in case of a power outage. For example, the same wastewater pumps will turn off.

3). Russians like to show off their wealth with beautiful facades of their houses. With an underground house, it turns out that there is no house at all, and you climb home into a dugout.

Let's consider the main points of building such a house.

The first step will naturally be digging a pit. The pit for this project will be deep and special safety precautions must be observed. The most dangerous thing is the collapse of the pit walls. In order to avoid this problem, you need to dig a pit at an angle on four sides.

After the foundation pit, monolithic construction begins. The next steps will be installation of the slab, installation of formwork under the walls and subsequently under the monolithic ceiling.

In this type of construction we save money. For such a house you only need concrete and reinforcement and you don’t need to think about the beauty of the facade and an expensive roof. Having made the building, we remove the formwork and coat it with bitumen mastic. After which, we fill it in, not forgetting about the entrance group. You also need to remember to drain the water before entering the building.

The only thing that can be done beautifully for others is the entrance group. It can be lined with rubble or other material.

Let's consider a window system. When pouring the walls, we leave an opening for the window in the place where it should be according to the project. From the inside of the wall, under the window, we cast a platform the width of the window, and the length should be determined in advance depending on the height of the window and the inclination of 45 degrees. When tilted, the edge of the mirror should coincide with the top edge of the window.

A red brick pipe is laid out from the site. We install the pipe for the height from which you want to observe the site. A mirror is mounted oppositely at the top of the pipe.

Once the installation of the pipe is complete, you can begin to decorate the above-ground part with stone to blend with the landscape.

At Forum-Grad we are collecting our own collection of amazing houses! And today we want to show you extraordinary underground dwellings, magnificent and daring residences, some of them are hotels. Indeed, there is nothing better than a cozy abode, which is the main part landscape design. A large percentage of today's buildings are created using environmentally friendly materials and energy sources. It's definitely fascinating to see how the architects and interior designers worked together to create this innovative retreat! What do you think the finishing of an underground house should look like? Does it have to fit into the landscape or stand out? Should the houses be hidden underground, or boast windows that look out onto the countryside? Look at the images below and you can answer all these questions.

Villa Vals, Switzerland

We start with the Swiss Villa Vals, this project is built into the alpine slopes of Vals. SeARCH and CMA collaborated on this amazing home, the design of which shows a sincere respect for nature. The façade of the house is made of Valser quartzite, mined from a nearby deposit (photo from SeARCH Architecture and Urban Planning).

Underground Retreat

The dwelling has a stone courtyard with a natural hot spring for bathing. This is the ideal place to enjoy the breathtaking views in comfort.

The interior floors of the house look like concrete boxes nested inside each other. On the ground floor there is a living room, kitchen and bedroom, which is also a library. Dutch decor master Thomas Eyck also had a hand in the development of this project. Furniture, textiles and ceramics were created this way famous interior designers, like Hella Jongerius and Studio Job .

silty area of ​​the Swiss underground house

The elongated table and artistic lighting in this home's dining space look great.

Bunk and double beds on podiums and raised baths are just a few of the features in the villa's four bedrooms. Light streams through modern windows draw attention to nature and beautiful views outside.

How is Villa Vals environmentally friendly? This secluded location is thermally insulated and uses hydroelectric power thanks to a nearby reservoir. Below you can see the villa at night. Looks amazing, doesn't it?

Bolton Eco House in England

Now we're heading to north-west England to see this amazing structure - original house Bolton Eco House. Called the “house of the future,” this dwelling is built into the slope of the Pieniny Mountain. It is a picturesque building with a grass roof. The house was designed in close collaboration between client Bolton Council and CABE (photo from MAKE Architects).

This four-bedroom, one-story home is designed with an emphasis on energy efficiency. It is produced through features such as a ground source heat pump, photovoltaic panels and wind turbines that generate a renewable energy source. In the photographs below you can see the interior of the house. Pay attention to the contrast of dark walls and white ceiling.

The external facade of the house has floor-to-ceiling windows through which you can enjoy the picturesque green landscape. Contemporary furniture creates a chic look, while rectangular pots filled with herbs add a cozy and comfortable feel.

Bella Vista Hotel in Italy

For some vacationers, the availability of strawberries and champagne is important in the service. Others prefer modern eco-friendly homes, especially if they have stunning designs! The Klima Hotel in Bolzano (Italy), created by architect and designer Matteo Thun, consists of 11 rooms on a hillside. We can see this in the photo below.

A sustainable heating and cooling system is one of the highlights of these homes. They look absolutely gorgeous in the snow and are very cozy.

Eco-friendly underground hotel

At night, the slope is enlivened by the lighting of the apartments. It looks simply incredible!

Welsh Hobbit House

What can a man create when he has little more than a chainsaw, a hammer and a chisel? Build a Hobbit House! Designed and built by Simon Dale along with his family and friends, this cozy house in the forest amazes with its appearance. Although the house is not technically located underground, it was dug into the side of a hill and has a true Hobbit style, don't you think?

In the photo we see a cozy living space. Wooden details create warmth, and various light sources create a golden glow.

Malator in Wales

Also known as Teletubby House, Malator is built on the slope of Wales' St. Bride. The house looks out from it like a mirrored perch. A metal chimney extends through the grassy roof. This house was commissioned by politician Bob Marshall-Andrews and his wife Jill ( from Architectural Digest).

Let's look at the interior decoration. Bright yellow cabinets and shelving are the focal point of the kitchen. The goal of the interior design was to create grandeur in the space using bold colors. The kitchen utensils are very carefully selected, so the overall impression is simply wonderful ( from 4Balls).

Hidden Poolhouse in Lebanon

Another example of a hidden home is the Poolhouse in Lebanon. When building the hotel, the designers relied on nature itself to organize individual elements of the landscape. You'll love how the structure shown below fits neatly into your grass lawn. Pay attention to the surrounding rocks - these treasures had a significant influence on the formation of the project (from Francis Landscapes).

Underground Garage

We end the story with an underground structure that is not a house. This is a garage designed by Peter Kunz Architektur! A series of cases carefully stores and protects every valuable vehicle.

Would you live in an underground dwelling? Such projects are truly innovative and also quite cozy. How about staying in an underground hotel for your vacation? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment.


What do you associate with the phrase “underground house”? Many of us imagine an ordinary dugout, which, by the way, is the cradle of humanity. With the advent of fashion for environmental solutions, underground houses have acquired a completely different meaning. Today, such a home is not just a damp room with little light, but a technological and very environmentally friendly solution. And such a house can cost more than a penthouse in the center of New York.

A striking example is the underground house from Make Architects, which was built for the famous British football player. The area of ​​this house is 8000 sq. m. feet, and the main idea of ​​construction is to create a home that consumes a minimum of energy and is an example of a house made from environmentally friendly materials. The energy generators here are a wind turbine and special photo panels, and a pump is responsible for heating. An underground house has a number of advantages:

  • Minimum heating and air conditioning costs. Dry soil, just like brick, conducts heat well. In the underground house it will not be hot in the summer (there is certainly no need for air conditioning), and in the winter it will not be cold, since the temperature does not drop below +6 degrees.
  • Weather protection. Such a house is not afraid of a tornado, fire, or hurricane. The only thing that can be damaged is wind turbines or solar panels placed on the surface.
  • Preservation of the natural landscape. After construction, the landscape will remain virtually unchanged, and you can even grow flowers, vegetables and herbs above the house.
  • Minimum operating costs. If an ordinary house needs periodic painting and roof repairs, then an underground one will save money on such regular work.

What’s also interesting is that underground houses have good sound insulation. They can be built even in densely populated cities. For example, in one of the districts of Tokyo there is such a house.

  • 1 Is it possible to build it yourself - requirements for the site
  • 2 The most interesting underground dwellings in the world

Is it possible to build it yourself - site requirements

Yes, an underground house has a number of advantages, but it will not be possible to build it on every site. Since soil conditions and landscape features will matter. What are the requirements for the territory?

  • Relief. The best place for an underground house is a sloping area or hill. The simplest solution is to build the house directly into the sloping part of the landscape. Such areas are also good because the water will drain almost instantly, without having time to saturate the ground. But it will not be possible to build a house in ravines - it will be constantly flooded. The orientation of the slope also matters. It is best if it is the southern side, and for countries with hot climates - the eastern side.
  • Priming. Underground dwellings should be built if the soil is of the type sand, loam or sandy loam. Such mixtures can be called “natural water filters”, and they dry quite quickly. By the way, loams are also suitable for above-ground diking. The embankment is carried out with soil that is dug from the pit. But the most unfavorable soil is clay.
  • Ground water level. In the place where the house will be built, there must be a low water level, since it is impossible to lower the dwelling below the “wet” level. Areas located near water bodies are also not suitable - it will be difficult and very expensive to deal with high humidity, and living in such conditions is also harmful to health.

It is also worth saying that there are several types of underground structures - bunded, traditional (dugout) and built into the hill. The main advantage of a bunded house is that it can be built on almost any suitable site, since the building itself will be covered with soil on all sides, but will be located above the zero level. The bunded house can be attached to a hill and buried a little, and the size will depend on your capabilities - you can even build a two-story penthouse. You can create a built-in house if there is a hill nearby. In this case, you can build an underground house like a tunnel or carry out excavation. An important point will be the installation of floors.

The most interesting underground dwellings in the world

Our ancestors were the first to build houses underground. But modern buildings are an example of not only beauty, but also energy saving. And the most famous buildings you are probably familiar with are the hobbit houses from the film The Lord of the Rings. You can see them live. They are located in New Zealand, where the film was filmed. These buildings are a striking example of a classic underground house, where only the front door is visible to the prying eye.

  • Bella Vista Hotel is the world's first eco-hotel built in Italy. The project consists of 11 separate houses that are succinctly integrated into the landscape of the region. They were built on a hillside and are an example of a landslide structure.
  • House Estate Lättenstrasse is a complex of underground houses that was built in Switzerland. It consists of 9 buildings, each of which has several bedrooms. The peculiarity of the complex is that all the houses are located around the lake (artificial) and seem almost invisible due to the fact that the top is completely planted with greenery.
  • Malator is an “invisible house” that can only be found by those who know its exact coordinates. It was built on the coast of England and is compact. The building is almost completely buried in the ground, but has panoramic windows on both sides, which allow you to enjoy the landscape.

The underground house is far from a surprising new product. There are more than a dozen such buildings in the world. And these are just those that came under the guns of journalists. And almost anyone can build their own house. The main thing is to comply with the requirements for the site and study the features of the construction and connection of generators.

In our understanding, a modern underground house is a room underground with the strength of a modern bunker and all the amenities of a modern cottage. But the choice always remains with the client, you can order an underground room with all the amenities, or, on the contrary, choose a real bomb shelter, but if you need reliable protection for years to come, then of course you need both. The main difficulty of such a house will be in its construction itself, since this is not an easy task and requires certain skills and careful elaboration of the plan. The appearance of such houses underground is a small mound or a kind of hole, which allows them to fit perfectly into the natural landscape. Today, this type of house (often called *fox holes*) is in quite good demand and this is due not only to the desire to live in nature, but also to the fact that the construction and use of such a house has economic benefits in comparison with other types of houses. Building an underground house is an affordable option, and also guarantees (subject to all construction standards) an environmentally friendly environment inside your home. If we talk about the temperatures inside an underground house, it is worth noting that the earth itself conducts heat poorly, but at the same time accumulates it well. All changes in temperature outside pass very slowly in the soil itself, that is, heat comes to depth with a long delay. The temperature of an underground house will depend on both the type of soil and the climatic location. Temperatures will be approximately as follows: in winter it is from 5 to 10 degrees, and in summer from 15 to 20 degrees.

What are the requirements for the construction site?

Speaking about the construction of an underground house, it is immediately worth noting that this cannot be realized everywhere due to the characteristics of the soil. Therefore, next we will talk about what the terrain, soil, groundwater level, and so on should be like, in order to have an idea of ​​what the site should be like for building an underground house.

  • What should the relief be like? The best site for construction will be a site that has differences in height, that is, with slopes or hills. A site with such a relief will allow you to choose a place for construction where you will not have to invest heavily in earthworks. During construction, a kind of floor will appear on the elephant, further deepening and expanding of which will make it possible to arrange a room underground. If construction will be carried out on an area with hills, then the house will be built into a horizontal surface, which will ensure the formation of natural walls. Due to this, most underground houses are built on hilly areas. It is important to know. You should not build an underground house in a low area, as water from the surface formed as a result of rain, snow and other sources will flow there, and the soil will be wet, which will negatively affect your house.
  • What is the best orientation for the terrain? The best option would be to choose a location oriented to the south, which will provide you with more solar heat. Choosing the north side will be wrong, since although it will save you from excessive heat in the summer, it will be unacceptable in terms of ecology and hygiene, since the house will need sunlight. If your site is located in latitudes with a constantly or mostly hot climate, then choosing an eastern orientation of the house would be a good idea.
  • What kind of soil should be on the site? If your site has soil that allows water to pass through well, then this is the best site option. Such soil is: sand, loam and other types of soil. Due to better water permeability, such soil dries quickly and makes it possible to make natural or artificial embankment. If we talk about which soil is less suitable for building an underground house, then it is clay. It allows water to pass through very poorly and gets washed away. But it can be used as some kind of additional waterproofing of the load-bearing parts of the house underground. On top, a fertile layer of soil is used for waterproofing.
  • What climate is best for a site with an underground house? There is only one rule here: the drier the climate and the surrounding area, the better for an underground house. If the climate is humid and you still decide to build an underground house on such a site, then you will need to better organize ventilation and constantly monitor the condition of the entire structure of the house. Therefore, such a choice will not be the best and will bring a lot of problems and extra costs.
  • What should the water level in the ground be? The lower the groundwater is, the better for the site. This will give you the opportunity to build an underground house lower in the terrain itself. Construction below the groundwater level is strictly prohibited. It is also necessary to make sure that there is no underground water flowing on the site in order to avoid water entering your home. Of course, thanks to new technologies, it is possible to protect your home from water penetration, but this will require huge costs.

What are the benefits of building and living in an underground house?

In the old days, living in an underground house was considered the lot of poor people, since the construction of a dugout did not require large expenses and was, so to speak, a budget solution. Now all the necessary technologies have been developed that allow you not only to quickly and cheaply build a house underground, but to organize in it everything you need for a comfortable stay. But with the use of all these benefits, the cost of such housing has increased and has become not much less than a house on the surface, and sometimes even more expensive. Construction can be made less expensive through proper use of the terrain. This is what we will talk about:

  • Energy saving. Due to the fact that the soil does not transmit heat well (and the thicker the soil layer, the worse the heat passes through), a certain temperature balance is maintained in the house, that is, there are no temperature fluctuations. In the same winter, the heat remains in the house and does not leave, and in the summer you will not need to use additional equipment to reduce temperatures, since they will be acceptable, which will allow you to save on energy savings.
  • Excellent isolation from external sounds. Considering that the soil layer does not transmit external noise of various frequencies well, you will be able to enjoy silence in the house and you will not have to install additional sound insulation.
  • It doesn't take much effort to build. This is due to the fact that for an underground house there will be no need to carry out work on the facade and roof, which will further reduce your construction costs. In addition, you will not have to invest in maintaining the integrity of the house for many decades, provided that the construction was carried out in accordance with all standards and high-quality waterproofing was installed.
  • Protection from external factors. An underground house will be almost completely protected from weather events such as hurricanes and small earthquakes. Also, in the event of a fire on the surface, your home will not be in danger. Among other things, the house can be used as a bomb shelter. In general, the construction of an underground house, in comparison with others, is quite profitable if you take into account all the nuances and build in the right places. So, in some cases, the best option is to build in the ground, and sometimes it is better to build it on the surface and embankment it. What types of underground houses are there?

The most basic types of such houses are: underground and bunded, which are protected by earth. An underground house can be considered a house that is entirely submerged under a layer of earth or partially. Embanked houses are usually located either above the ground or are not completely buried in the soil, and the entire part of the house that is above the ground is covered with a layer of soil so that it smoothly blends into the surface of your site.

Options for the construction of underground houses

All of these underground houses are unique and have their own characteristics, but there are several main options for constructing such houses:

Bunker, bomb shelter

Such a house can be built on any terrain; the only problem during its construction may be the presence of underground layers of water. But again, this will depend on the depth at which the house is being built. Such a house can be called an underground bunker, because in 95% of cases at great depths it is bunkers that are ordered from us. The only difference between a bunker and a house at depth is the thickness and technology of wall construction.


Such a house can be built on any terrain, from ordinary flat to a site with hills. Usually the house is partially submerged in the ground, and its upper part is covered with earth. A typical construction of a bunded house involves building an extension onto a mound, which will serve as part of the walls, and the remaining walls are subjected to further bunding. With such construction there are practically no restrictions; you can build a house with several floors or with a large number of rooms. You can also arrange windows in two or three cardinal directions at once. Bund construction is quite economical due to less excavation work.


This type of underground house is the most common and typical. Its construction is carried out on flat areas or on areas with some slope, and in some cases there is the possibility of an extension to a mound. The house is built so that only the roof is visible on the surface, which is covered with a layer of soil. The entrances and exits are arranged in the wall from the end side, in front of which it is necessary to dig a small hole with steps down and make a canopy. Windows are installed on the front end walls or in the roof so that they look like some kind of lanterns from which light comes. The disadvantage of a dugout is that it will not be possible to build more than one floor, otherwise it will not be an underground house, but an ordinary one with a basement. The construction itself consists of digging a large pit, on all sides of which walls and roof supports are built. After this, the entire structure is blocked and covered with soil.

House on a slope

The dimensions and height of such a house are determined by such parameters as the steepness and direction of the slope. That is, the steeper the slope, the more floors you can build. Lighting is organized in such a way that it extends as far as possible. Before starting the construction of a house, it is necessary to remove a certain part of the slope, after which the necessary structure is built and subsequently the previous appearance of the site is restored. If there is a hilltop on your site, you can organize some passages with exits in opposite directions, which will make it possible to improve ventilation and lighting.

What rules must be followed when building a house underground?

  • Use for construction a material that has good moisture resistance, for example: ceramics, reinforced concrete or wood after special treatments.
  • Be sure to waterproof the entire building.
  • The embankment must be carried out using the same soil that was removed during the excavation process. And filling the house is done with the help of brought soil, which will require a lot.
  • For a house, a finely jagged foundation is installed underground, the dimensions of which will be based on the characteristics of the house.
  • The walls of the house can be made of various materials: wood, brick, concrete blocks, or completely poured from concrete.
  • The roof structure is made in the form of a system of rafters. If the walls are made of brick or concrete, then the ceiling is vaulted to increase strength.
  • If the layer of earth, which is the natural protection of the house, is less than one meter, then it is necessary to perform additional thermal insulation and waterproofing.
  • To remove water from the surface of the walls and reduce pressure, it will be necessary to perform drainage around the entire perimeter of the house.

What type of waterproofing should I choose?

The choice of waterproofing will be determined by the selected material for the construction of an underground house, the level of moisture in the soil of your site and mechanical factors:

— If the construction of the house was carried out without stone, then the waterproofing can be rolled, plaster or coated. If concrete was used, then it is best to use waterproofing, which penetrates into the thickness of the concrete and blocks the passage of water.

— When the soil on the site is dry enough, you can simply paint the surface of the house with several layers of bitumen. It is better to use roll waterproofing if the humidity is high and the number of layers of the roll will depend on the strength of the water pressure.

— If the house was built on a slope, then it is best to use plaster waterproofing, since it will not move and slide off the walls, unlike bitumen and similar materials.
