Modern gadgets that make life easier. Kitchen devices that will make life easier for any housewife Devices that will make life easier in the countryside

A lot of modern devices can significantly make the lives of ordinary people easier. In fact, many of the most modern gadgets are just improved versions of familiar things. However, all this does not make them worse. Anyway, let's see new review.

1. Toothbrush

A toothbrush that monitors whether you are brushing your teeth correctly and provides some recommendations through a special application on your smartphone. Besides, in mobile application The Kolibree toothbrush comes with a number of games that will make brushing your teeth fun for children. This high-tech device also sends a reminder if the owner forgets to brush his teeth, and monitors the general condition of the oral cavity.

2. Chopsticks

Super development from the Chinese corporation Baidu - Kuaisou smart chopsticks. These sticks are remarkable in that they can be used to determine the composition of cooked food, the temperature of the dish, the presence of harmful substances, the pH level and the number of calories. The owner of the chopsticks can view all the data about the dish or product of interest in a special application for a smartphone.

3. Bath

An excellent development of a Brazilian company - a fully automated Smart Hydro bath. You can control the miracle of the bathroom using a smartphone, laptop, tablet, verbal commands, and even through a regular landline phone. The bathtub is capable of filling itself at a specified time, adjusting the amount and temperature of water, and adding foam and balm. After water procedures, the drain and disinfection function starts.

4. Toilet

Satis toilet, synchronized with mobile phone, through which you can raise, lower or heat the seat, activate the bidet, flush, clean or play music through the built-in speakers.

5. Irrigation system

A smart irrigation system will be a wonderful assistant to all owners of private houses and cottages. The Greenbox irrigation system is controlled via any device with access to the Internet, which allows owners land plots water remotely and not worry about your plants while you’re away. The device also takes into account the weather forecast, indicators environment and feedback from others in your area to create the most accurate watering schedule.

6. Cat feeder

Bistro intelligent feeder will provide for your pets required quantity food and water while the owners are away. The device is equipped with scales, keeps a food history and is able to distinguish the physiognomies of animals so that all pets will be well-fed and satisfied.

7. Water leak recorder

Inattentive neighbors, burst pipes, cracks in the walls - all this can lead to a flood and seriously damage property and appearance apartments. Wally's sensor network is designed to monitor and record indoor air humidity and temperature. The device notifies owners via SMS about a water leak or any other emergency situation.

8. Sleep tracker

This adorable little ball is actually a smart sleep tracker. The device is designed to monitor noise levels, lighting, temperature, humidity and air purity in the bedroom. The tracker transfers all this data to a special application on the smartphone so that the owner of the gadget can regulate and improve the quality of rest.

9. Piggy bank

A charming piggy bank in the shape of a funny pig will allow you to turn jingling coins into a tidy bag over time. The piggy bank is synchronized with the application on your smartphone and allows you to control your current balance. Also, the piggy accountant can be given a specific financial goal, the achievement of which the piggy bank will notify in the application.

10. Thermometer

A smart thermometer that, in addition to temperature, also measures pressure and keeps a digital treatment log. All data is recorded in a special application, which can be used to mark medications and their schedule.

11. Alarm clock

The Flying Alarm Clock, equipped with a propeller, is capable of not only waking up, but also getting any sleepy person out of bed. Unusual watch consist of two parts: a plastic case with an electronic dial and a propeller, which at a set time detaches from the case and begins to fly around the room. You can turn off the alarm only by putting the propeller back in place, and to do this you will definitely have to get out of bed.

12. Clock

Over the years, every gardener has a whole arsenal of different tools. Therefore, the question inevitably arises of how to properly ensure the storage of all this wealth. And this is a considerable wealth - shovels and flat cutters various types, rakes and scythes, hoes and pitchforks - and this is not all in a single copy. And to this is added an abundance of small tools in the form of pruners, rippers, and various spatulas.

In today’s article, we intend to offer you several ideas on how you can conveniently arrange and save gardening tools by creating several simple but convenient devices for this. We do not want to burden you with our verbosity, since the photos below comprehensively show what these devices consist of. Moreover, these photos will allow anyone home handyman You can easily build something similar for yourself.

To give the article some structure, we will divide storage devices according to the orientation of the tools installed in them.

Horizontal Storage Accessories

Horizontal storage of garden tools can be provided using structures resembling a wall bars.

Tool storage in the form of a wall bars

Another version of the "buffet wall"

The composition of these devices is elementary simple: bars with recesses, fixed to the wall, provide retention of tools and unhindered access to them. Comfortable? Undoubtedly! But there is also a drawback: there may not be even a piece of free space left on the wall.

However, the possibility horizontal storage it is not limited to this. Why not fix such a “storage” directly under the ceiling, as shown in the following photo:

Storage device garden tools under the ceiling

By storing gardening tools under the ceiling, precious space is saved, which is within the immediate reach of the gardener and householder.

Vertical storage

Device for vertical storage inventory looks much simpler. Its installation location is also a wall.

Tubes for vertical storage of instruments

Another option for vertical storage in tubes

Vertical hanging storage

Shelf for vertical hanging of large equipment

A device for vertical storage can also be installed outside a barn, bathhouse or other building located on a personal plot.

Vertical storage of tools on external wall building

As you can see, the mounting options are quite numerous: the instruments can be suspended or placed in tubes.

The advantages and disadvantages of this method are similar to the previously described “buffet wall”: all the tools are in sight, they are easy to get and place, but they take up quite a lot of space on the wall.

Storage for tools in the form of boxes

Such storage facilities are more economical because they take up significantly less space. Boxes can be used to store garden tools various designs having various compartments inside.

Box with sections for storing tools

Box with drilled holes

The disadvantage of such designs is that it is difficult to access the tools located in the middle. In order to get them, you have to take them out of the box. big number neighboring ones.

So, above we talked about large instruments. But the gardeners’ arsenal is far from limited to them.

Devices for storing small equipment

To conveniently store small equipment such as pruners, baking powder, spatulas and similar tools, you can build shelves like this:

Suspension option for small tools

But you don’t have to complicate your life and simply stick these tools into a container filled with sand soaked vegetable oil. It is plant-based, not machine-based, to avoid the possibility of the latter being introduced into the cultivated soil.

Hose storage device

When thinking about inventory storage, don't forget about watering hoses. It is not recommended to hang them on thin holders. Under their own weight, they can sag, forming a kink, making their further use difficult. An example of a device for storing hoses would be this:

It is better to store hoses so that they do not become kinked.

An old saucepan or bucket, attached to the wall with its bottom, can be a convenient support for hanging a hose, and its internal cavity can act as a kind of shelf for putting all sorts of small things on it.

How much does it cost to arrange storage facilities for inventory?

It costs very little. To create such storage facilities, you can use lumber or offcuts that you already have, or purchase them from construction market. Any home craftsman knows that the cost of unprocessed lumber is very low; they are even purchased individually.

We will be glad if you tell us how you organize the storage of garden tools. You can leave your comments below.

In the video attached below you can see how to create a simple storage unit for equipment in the form of a “wall bar”.


Today in the world you can find almost any thing that, one way or another, makes some kind of work easier.

If you want to speed up the cleaning or cooking process, for example, then you will definitely like the inventions described below.

Here is just a small part of the unusual gadgets at first glance that can greatly help in your daily affairs:

New useful gadgets for the home

1. USB charging cables with glowing cords.

This cable will not only help charge your phone or tablet, but will also let you know when charging is complete.

2. BiKN tracking device

This gadget helps you find your keys if you forget where you put them. It can also help you find your phone. Just attach this invention to your most used items and you will never lose them.

3. Shower Notepad

If you remember something important while you were in the bathroom, you can immediately write it down without fear that the paper will get wet.

4. Smart plug

If pasta, for example, constantly falls off the fork, then this invention will solve your problem.

5. A light bulb the size of a credit card

This light bulb is small enough to fit in your wallet. To light it, just turn the switch - it's very useful invention for emergencies.

6. Remote controlled mop

Make your housework easier by using this invention. This mop can be given to a child who will not only play, but also do cleaning.

7. Useful Broom Groomer Scoop

This dustpan has rubber teeth that make it easier to remove debris stuck on the broom.

8. A rug for those who want to know what cutlery, where it should be according to the rules of etiquette.

9. Robe with towel

Often in the kitchen you need to wipe your hands after doing something.

This invention includes a robe that protects clothes from getting dirty, and a towel that allows you to dry your hands at any time without distraction. The towel can be unfastened, because it attaches with a zipper.

Kitchen gadgets

10. Magisso - pie serving device

This invention not only helps you conveniently cut a pie or cake, but also carefully place it on a plate.

11. Greenery scissors

These scissors will significantly reduce the time it takes to cut greens. Five blades will cut any greens quickly, evenly and accurately.

12. Pizza cutters

You don't have to suffer for long - just cut an even piece of pizza without anything falling off it.

13. Convenient cutting of bananas

Using this invention, you can quickly make a fruit salad and simply cut the banana into convenient small pieces.

14. Pineapple knife

Not only will you be able to quickly get all the pineapple pulp, but you can also cut it.

15. Compact juicer

Simply insert this device into a lemon or lime and spray lemon juice dish.

16. Strawberry tail remover

This invention will be especially useful for those who use a lot of strawberries for various desserts. It will save a lot of time.

17. A device for quickly cleaning corn.

18. Garlic crusher

It’s very simple, and most importantly, it quickly cuts the garlic into small pieces.

19. Device for spiral cutting of vegetables

Children will especially like this invention - they will not only be able to cut vegetables themselves, but they will also enjoy eating them, since the vegetables will take on an interesting shape.

20. Tongs for convenient cutting of meat

Simply take any piece of meat with tongs and cut it evenly into small pieces.

Unfortunately, many of us know how difficult it is to care for a disabled or elderly person who is no longer able to cope independently. Such care requires not only patience, endurance, kindness, but a lot of strength. Nowadays, more and more devices and devices are appearing that will help create conditions in an apartment or house that are as comfortable as possible for the elderly and people with disabilities. disabilities.

Bathing a person with disabilities in a regular bath is, of course, inconvenient. For such cases, they created a special bathtub with a side door. It’s convenient, you don’t need to put a person over the high side, there are handrails to hold on to. The door closes hermetically, and the system controls the overflow of water. Selected models equipped with hydromassage

For wheelchair users, a seat was invented that can be controlled mechanically or have electric drive. He moved, moved to the bathroom, and took a bath. With the help of such a seat, a person with disabilities can do this independently

The only disadvantage of the devices we presented is the high price.

A more affordable and simpler option is a bath seat, which is placed on the sides and allows you to carry out hygiene procedures with great comfort. In this case, you will also need a step, which can be bought or replaced with an ordinary low and fairly wide bench attached to the bathtub

In general, all plumbing in the bathroom should be adapted for a person with limited mobility. The toilet is no exception, as is the sink. Handrails on the sides of the toilet will help a person move from a wheelchair independently. The sink should be installed lower than usual so that it can be used while sitting. Handrails can be stationary, folding or rotating

Lifting a lying person out of bed is simply physically difficult. In this case, a special lift will come to the rescue, which can be moved around the house if necessary.

In this case, a regular sports corner for apartments was used as a device to help a person with disabilities get out of bed. Wall bars, rings - a person will be able to pull himself up and transfer to a wheelchair or use a portable toilet with grab bars

If a person with limited mobility lives in a house with two floors, he usually has to be content with only the first floor, because the stairs turn into a difficult obstacle. However, lifting electric mechanism with a comfortable chair solves this problem. Again, the only disadvantage is the high cost of such a system.

Showers are considered for people with limited mobility the best option than a bath. It is necessary to take care of a seat under the shower and a reliable handrail nearby. In addition, it is desirable that the shower stall has no steps or sides at all.

A shower stall without a tray with a wide door can be accessed directly by a stroller. In this case there is no need for a seat

For a bedridden person, it would be advisable to purchase a special bed that will make both his position and his care easier. The backrest is raised, the base is orthopedic, it avoids diaper rash, there is a stand with a handle, so a separate lift is not really needed

If we are talking about arranging a kitchen for a wheelchair user, then the main obstacle will be base cabinets, preventing you from approaching work surface. It's not that difficult to get rid of them, just like making sure that the microwave and hob were in the accessible area

It seems like these are little things, but for people with musculoskeletal disorders and the elderly, even eating turns into a challenge. A special set of dishes will help them eat on their own. In addition to spoons with such devices that fit on the hand, there are cutlery with wider, non-slip handles. For people with Alzheimer's disease, it is recommended to choose the handles of spoons and forks, as well as unbreakable red plates, which helps them better distinguish objects

Modern wheelchair with electrical system controls, lifting seat and many other devices - a very convenient thing, but, unfortunately, it costs a lot

A smart home system is quite expensive, but you can use it separate elements. A person with limited mobility should have at hand not only a remote control for the TV, but also for the air conditioner, as well as for controlling blinds and curtains. You can now also close or open a window remotely; there are special systems for this

Convenience in everyday life makes our life easier, and if for some, working in the kitchen is a burden, then with such devices and designer arrangements, the legs themselves will run to the kitchen :)) There is always little space in the kitchen for kitchen utensils, so many often come up with all sorts of options, as many as possible rationally use furniture for your needs. Not to mention the bulk products themselves, jars, flasks, spices and bulky things, for example, baking trays, lids and frying pans, all these numerous things should lie comfortably, only then will the kitchen be desirable to us. I have been collecting all these ideas from the Internet for a long time, it’s time to share with you :)) Enjoy your viewing :))

1.Fruit bowl for tea set.

2. Every housewife’s dream is a pantry.

3. Soft corner under the window.

4.Original use of the corner.The door goes up.

5.Very competent zoning, but I would not place a sink in the built-in island-bar.

6. It’s really not new, but it’s convenient :))

7. Yum-yum:)) My husband is already puzzled (to put it mildly):))) Well, can you really lose sight of this convenient option additional storage? :))

8. An empty tissue box is used as a container for bags.

9.For wine collectors, there are many options for placing an original wine cellar in an apartment setting.

10. Super idea!!!

11. And this is absolutely incomparable!!! Proper use of corners in furniture with rotating device for all kinds of our spices :))

12. A pull-out table in the kitchen helps solve the problem of small spaces.

13. Here's a great idea for placing baking pans. A very convenient device. thanks to which you don’t have to rattle and, like Vitsin, pull out the lowest “pot” :))

14.Convenient arrangement of pans is still applicable only for a large kitchen.

15. A towel in the kitchen always ruins everything designer look:)) And in this version, both it and a paper towel are always at hand, only you need to drill a couple of holes on the back wall for ventilation.

16.Soft corner with retractable drawers :) Usually this storage is made with the top part raised, but this is not convenient!

17. Another option for a storage room.

18. Dedicated to cooks!!!:)

19. Corner in the pantry.

20. Columns can also be customized to suit yourself :)

21. This idea is good for an island :) Built-in bread bin. But I keep the bread in the refrigerator in a special compartment. This way it lasts longer :))

22. Another option for connecting the storage to the refrigerator. This time, cleaning supplies are given pride of place.

23. A very original device for covering a hood and masking all kinds of spices that should be on hand.

24. The doors of this cabinet are recessed into the walls.

25. Wine storage :) And if you make it not so deep, then such a device can be used under designer placement mugs, which you probably all have a lot of in your kitchen :) If you’re somewhere on vacation, many people bring a souvenir in the form of a mug. Here's an idea for your collection :))

26.If space allows, then in the kitchen or in the hallway you can disguise a laundry corner :)

27.Oh, it’s like being in a store! Surely this can only be used in the home, when such a convenient pantry is thought out in advance.\

28. Garbage compartment. Super!

29. What do you think this is? :) I won’t bore you - these are measuring containers :)) How good they are! :)

30. And here is the storage for baking sheets. Only household members can “fat” like this :))

31.Also original version spices at hand, or rather “under your feet” :))

32. Great idea for cutting boards and use of angle.

33. Even such a tiny space of depth can be very much adapted to your spices, and not only that, did you notice the hooks at the top? :))

34. Here’s an idea for storing fruit. This is very convenient devices. They always take up a lot of space on our countertops and bar counter. Today I’ll go to a construction store with a garden section and buy it there suitable option pots for flowers on the street. I think we will adapt it for this purpose :)))

35. This option is not entirely convenient, since in order to get into the lower compartment, you need to slide the upper one, but if you place rarely used items in the lower compartment, then everything is great :) But the external facade of the kitchen is not damaged :)

36. I already talked about these rotary devices, but now it is used for the corner of furniture, and there in the pantry.

37. Wine cellar. It’s true that it’s not entirely convenient and you probably can’t hold the bottles like that, but if you make a more dense grid, then everything will improve.

38.Soft corner option.

39. I already posted this option, but I couldn’t resist showing it one more time, it’s too painful original solution using a corner in the kitchen.

40. For those who have little space in the kitchen, this option of shelves with their favorite jars can decorate the kitchen in a designer way.

41. This is not in the kitchen, but it applies to it too.

42.At the same time, I placed miniatures in offices, which can also be adapted for home.

43. This is an option for a smooth transition from the kitchen to the living room.

44.Also applicable for the kitchen:))

45.An option for using a corner. You can attach a corner door :)

46.Placing pot lids.

47. Pantry with pull-out shelves.

48. Eco kitchen. I can imagine how big the house itself is :)

49.Also possible variant soft corner. I hope the windows are sealed :))

50.This retractable ironing board can also be installed in the kitchen.
