Syringe for cockroaches: rules of use and evaluation of effectiveness. Dohlox cockroach gel and traps are a reliable remedy for mustachioed scourge From reviews of Regent

Cockroach gel is considered the safest and most effective insecticidal product. It is rightfully considered the most successful invention of modern developers.

Advantages and disadvantages of insecticidal gels

Gels against cockroaches have many advantages:

  • High efficiency - if an aerosol is capable of destroying only those cockroaches that fall under the gun, the dust will lie for days and wait for insects, then with the gel everything is different. Here the result is one hundred percent! Moreover, the processing does not have to be repeated;
  • Safety - insecticidal pastes have a low degree of toxicity (the amount of poison is 2% of the total mass), are odorless, do not dissolve in the air and contain a special bitter substance designed to prevent animals and children from eating the gel;
  • Economical. The drug is applied in small drops, so one package is more than enough for an apartment of 45 square meters. m., but only under the condition of minor infestation. Otherwise, the amount of the product will have to be increased;
  • Availability - most gels are reasonably priced and can be found in any hardware store.

As for the shortcomings, there will be very few of them. These are not even disadvantages, but small nuances:

  • Gels do not act immediately - the extinction of insects occurs gradually;
  • The larvae also do not die during disinfection - this will happen only after they are born.

Composition of gels

Cockroach pastes contain several substances:

1. Insecticidal substance. The best brands contain the following insecticides:

  • Fipronil;
  • Diphlobenzuron
  • Hydramethylnon;
  • Chlorpyrifos;
  • Diazinon;
  • Deltamethrin;
  • Cypermethrin.

Some brands contain 2-3 chemicals, which immediately increases the effectiveness of the drug. But do not forget that two- or three-component gels are characterized by a greater degree of toxicity.

2. Fat base - prevents the product from drying out quickly, keeps the gel in working condition for several months, and allows you to accurately dose portions.

3. Attractants – attract insects with an appetizing aroma. These substances are distributed throughout the colony and lead to its death within 7 days.

How to use the drug?

There are two main ways to apply paste against domestic insects.

Method 1. Squeeze small drops of the product from a syringe and place them where the cockroaches run - on back walls furniture, plumbing, skirting boards, door jambs, sewerage and ventilation pipes. The distance between droplets is 5-10 cm, the size of one drop should not exceed 5 mm.

The consumption of the product depends on the degree of infestation and the size of the room.

When using insecticidal gels, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • If insect control occurs regularly, the product is changed each time. Each new product will need to contain different insecticides.
  • During disinsection, block all access to water for insects - this will significantly increase the speed of getting rid of uninvited guests.
  • To be safe, combine the gel with any other drug. The main thing is that its composition is completely different.
  • The paste must be applied with rubber gloves - they will not allow the poison to get on the skin of your hands.

  • If poison gets on the mucous membranes, they should be rinsed well. If the gel gets into your mouth, rinse it with water and drink activated charcoal.
Advice! Active ingredients insect repellent pastes are highly sensitive to sun rays and bright light, so you only need to store the tube closed and at the temperature indicated on the package.

List of the best brands

We offer a list modern drugs, which will allow you to choose the best gel against cockroaches.

a great warrior


“Global gel” for cockroaches is one of the most reliable and widespread remedies. The form of its release is a 75 ml tube with a sharp tip, providing convenient and economical application. The paste has a subtle chocolate aroma and is light Brown color. It is provided by cocoa butter, which acts as a fat base. Globall is complex component composition, therefore it has quite high price– from 150 to 200 rub. The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos, which acts remotely (that is, it is carried by the legs of insects over long distances). According to German manufacturer, the product is absolutely safe. In addition, it contains bitterness. But even if some amount of paste gets into the stomach, it will not cause severe poisoning.

Globol cockroach gel is the most effective means against insects

Advice! Since the tube is large enough, the drug will probably remain. Do not rush to throw it away, but close the lid tightly - Globol can be stored for a long time without fear that it will lose its properties.



"Raptor" is a popular enteric contact gel with a light aroma of vanilla and apricot. Packaged in soft tubes with a thin spout (volume – 75 g). One tube is enough for disinfestation of 40 square meters. m. area. The gel is freely available and costs very little - up to 130 rubles. The manufacturer guarantees at least 8 months of active work. It can be easily removed without leaving any traces.

Svetlana: “I bought Raptor in a nearby store, but I couldn’t even think that it would give such an amazing result! Before this, for many years we fought against cockroaches with the most by different means, but none of them were able to help us. At first the insects disappeared, but after a couple of weeks they returned again. Only with the use of Raptor we were able to forget about this terrible problem. This the best remedy against cockroaches - I recommend it to everyone!”

Clean house

“Clean House” is considered a universal drug, as it allows you to get rid of all known species domestic insects. Available in packages of 20 and 35 g. Large packaging is designed for disinfestation of 25 square meters. m. with low contamination and 50 sq. m with a significant number of individuals. The first victims appear on the 3rd day after application.

Tatyana: “When the neighbors started poisoning cockroaches, I also bought Clean House gel - I didn’t want them to move into my apartment. But I didn’t have time to use it in time, so the insects still crawled into all the cracks. Then I urgently anointed the baseboards, ventilation and furniture. True, the product is quite liquid, so instead of a dotted line I ended up with solid stripes. But the effect came very quickly, and this is the main thing. The cockroaches disappeared literally after 2 weeks. And what is also very important, we didn’t even have to leave the apartment during the processing.”


"Absolut" is an effective paste based on chlorpyrifos. This the best option for disinfection large area. A tube of 125 grams is enough to treat 150 square meters. m. Results can be seen already on the second day. Complete destruction of the population will occur within one month. The cost of the gel is about 130 rubles.

Lisa: “Personally, I was attracted to Absolute by its price. The product is absolutely inexpensive and accessible to most. In terms of efficiency, this best drug, which I have ever used. After using it, I no longer noticed a single Prussian. Now I recommend it to everyone!”


Vera: “In the war against cockroaches, we managed to try almost everything famous brands– the walls of the apartment were covered with Mashenka’s writings, and the floor was strewn with crumbs boric acid. Having bought Dohlox, we no longer hoped for results, but this gel worked just fine! They drew it in a dotted line and began to wait. Just a couple of days later the insects began to disappear - there were fewer and fewer of them. Now we regularly use this product for prevention. Thanks to Dohloks, there have been no cockroaches in our apartment for 5 years.”


Gel "Brownie" is one of the most affordable drugs. Its main substance is fipronil. For disinfection of 50 sq. m. you will need 1 syringe with a volume of 30 grams. The product contains insect bait and a special bitterness. The active period is about 2 months. The first results can be seen within a day. The only drawback This gel “Proshka Domovoy” is believed to allow cockroaches to quickly become accustomed to its components.

Victoria: “A child brought us cockroaches from summer camp. At first we didn’t even notice them, since we live in a private house and have never encountered anything like this before. Friends advised me to buy a syringe with Domova gel. We used it only once - that was enough. The cockroaches disappeared and have not appeared since then.”


"Combat" - excellent remedy company "Henkel", in which the bait is goose liver. Even its high price – about 150 rubles – did not prevent its enormous popularity among buyers. “Combat” contains hydramethylnon, a non-addictive insecticidal substance. It is this that ensures the mass destruction of insects. This product is non-toxic for animals and people.

Irina: “We live in a hostel for young families. The residents there are very different, some are not the cleanest, so it is incredibly difficult to get rid of cockroaches. We tried everything, but there was no significant improvement! It seems that the cockroaches have disappeared, but they come back again. At the market they recommended Combat - they said that with it we would forget about insects forever. And so it happened! The good news is that this tool is very easy to use. We applied it to pieces of paper and laid it out along the baseboards. Every morning they found dead cockroaches, and then they disappeared completely. Try Combat for yourself!


An effective new product on the insecticide market. A 20 gram tube allows you to get rid of insects over an area of ​​60 square meters. m. The main active ingredient is hydromethylnon, a powerful insecticide that kills not only cockroaches, but also ants. Cleanbait has a toxicity level of 4 (the lowest). The first victims can be noticed 2 days after its application. The residual effect lasts 1.5-2 months.

Gel against cockroaches Cleanbait is also destructive for other crawling insects, such as ants

Margarita: “I am very afraid of cockroaches, because they are carriers of various infections. As soon as these mustachioed insects began to walk across the kitchen floor, I immediately rushed to the market to buy the best remedy. They advised me to take Cleanbait. I want to say that this gel literally saved my nerve cells. Dead cockroaches kept falling out after him! Now I'm sure they won't appear again.

Fas and Kapkan

The preparations “Fas gel” and “Kapkan” are almost identical. These are beige or cream-colored jelly-like products containing 2 enteric-contact insecticides each - cypermethrin and diazinon. Both paralyze the nervous system of insects (both adults and larvae) and ensure complete destruction of cockroaches. A tube with a volume of 75 grams is designed for 90 square meters. m. The residual validity period is 2 months. Cost - about 30 rubles.

Daria: “When cockroaches appeared in the apartment, at first I didn’t pay much attention to them. But their numbers began to increase rapidly, so I had to go to the store. First I took a chalk - nothing helped, although I sprayed it all over the apartment. The second time the seller recommended Kapkan gel. The process went faster with him. We used about a third of the package, but that was enough. My choice is only Kapkan.”

destructive force

Lethal force paste contains the insecticide fiproil. One syringe with a volume of 75 grams is enough for double disinfection of a room of 40 square meters. m. The residual effect lasts up to 10 months. The death of cockroaches occurs approximately 3 times after contact with the gel. At the same time, he manages to introduce poison into the nest and infect the others, thereby starting a chain reaction. The product has neither color nor odor.

Ekaterina: “We came to the dacha in the summer, and there were a lot of cockroaches there! We racked our brains for a long time about how to get rid of them. We decided to go with the most powerful product – Lethal Force gel. And we never regretted our choice! The power is truly lethal. After using this product, not a single cockroach appeared in the dacha. I recommend him to everyone."


Yuri: “Legion is new, but very good remedy. It was recommended to me by a friend who works at the SES. This gel helped remove cockroaches in just a couple of days without leaving the apartment. I applied it, waited, and swept away the dead insects. There is no need to do anything else. Thanks to the developers for such a powerful tool!”


This drug is quite difficult to wash off from the surface. To avoid stains, apply it to inconspicuous areas.

We are sure this detailed review and drug reviews will help you make a choice.

Good day, dear friends. Trick question: what quality of insecticide, besides its effectiveness, is your priority? Personally for me main role Convenience and ease of use play a role.

So in today’s article I decided to review the most convenient, in my opinion, means. If you don't know how to use a cockroach syringe yet, welcome to this blog.
I will tell you about the most popular and effective means, which come in a syringe. You will learn everything about their composition, the duration of the preventive effect and other features. Let's discuss the benefits of these tools, and at the same time how to use them correctly to achieve the best result.

What is a cockroach syringe?

As you understand, the syringe itself is nothing more than a convenient package. The whole secret of effectiveness is in the substance that is inside this very syringe. Most often, gel insecticides are placed in such packages, which directly fight cockroaches.

The composition of the gel depends on the brand of the drug - we will discuss all this below, but for now I will tell you why I give my preference to the syringe when choosing an insect repellent:

  • Convenient packaging eliminates leakage, spillage or any other misunderstanding during disinfestation.
  • The thin long spout helps me get into the most secluded nooks and crannies of my kitchen.
  • Thanks to the pump, the product is dosed very evenly and economically - you will not miss those areas that need to be treated, and you will not fill with gel those that do not need to be treated.
  • Pets have no chance of eating the poison unless they are able to swallow the syringe whole.
  • The use of a syringe does not require the use of special personal protective equipment.
  • The sealed packaging prevents the release of toxic fumes, so the product can be stored anywhere (but not in the refrigerator, of course).
  • If you have not used up all the gel, you can safely store it until the expiration date - the design of the syringe does not allow the product inside to dry out.

As for the shortcomings, they can only be found in individual products, but we will discuss this below. I propose to take a closer look at the main brands of insecticides produced in syringes.

Trap Sturm gel paste

The main component of the product is diazonin. It is an enteric insecticide that kills arthropods through a nerve agent. The volume of the syringe is 30 ml, it is enough to treat 50 square meters.
After 2-6 weeks, not a trace of the poison will remain - under the influence of oxygen and ultraviolet radiation it breaks down into harmless elements. In addition to the poison itself, “Trap Sturm-gel-paste” contains:

  • gelling agent;
  • stabilizer;
  • preservative;
  • food attractant.

Reading on the topic: Great Warrior against cockroaches instructions for use

Thanks to this composition, the gel does not dry out and remains effective for a month. This means that re-processing is not necessary. The manufacturer promises complete extermination of the colony after 3 days and a preventive effect for up to 6 weeks.


Transparent gel with a light brown tint, which is available in a 20 ml syringe. The main component is chlorpyrifos, an enteric poison from the group of pesticides. Once in the body of a cockroach, chlorpyrifos blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, as a result of which the insect dies from paralysis and suffocation.

With one package you can treat 30 square meters, so it’s better to buy several at once. Moreover, a special fatty base protects the gel from drying out, and a preservative preserves the activity of the poison.

“Absolute” can save you not only from cockroaches, but also from woodlice, silverfish and ants, including garden ants. The product remains effective for 4-6 weeks, after which it should be removed. For prevention purposes, you can periodically lay out substrates with a drop of poison in especially secluded corners.


This product stands out from its analogues due to its composition, namely its bait. While other preparations contain artificial flavors, the manufacturers of Global gel use natural honey and chocolate. I don’t know how practical this is, but there’s no arguing about the effectiveness of the syringe. The fatty base and preservatives will keep the formula active for 2 months.

Brownie Proshka

Thick gel paste white or beige colour based on fipronil. Once in the body of a cockroach, fipronil blocks the production of an enzyme necessary for normal operation nerve endings. As a result, the insect loses the ability to breathe and dies from lack of oxygen in vital organs.
Fipronil is popular with insecticide manufacturers, and here's the secret.

One individual does not die instantly after contact with the poison, but lives for several more hours. During this time, she manages to infect a dozen healthy Prussians, which provokes the extinction of the entire colony along the chain.
“Brownie Proshka” will destroy nasty arthropods in 1-3 days and will protect your home from repeated invasion for about another month - that’s how long the gel remains effective.

Clean house

A thick transparent gel based on chlorpyrifos that will protect your home from cockroaches and ants. Due to its consistency, the product remains quietly even on vertical surfaces, so if necessary, you can treat them too - for example, tiles in the bathroom or the backs of paintings.
Complete destruction of the colony occurs in 3-5 days, the preventive effect lasts 2-2.5 months. But it is not main secret"Clean House"

Reading on the topic: Fas from cockroaches Cheap reliable remedy

You probably noticed that I am writing about the duration of the preventive effect of each drug from the perspective of the need for re-treatment. The apartment really needs to be sprayed twice to kill the newly hatched nymphs.

But with the “Clean House” gel, you can allow yourself to relax and not have to repeat the disinfestation procedure. Its peculiarity is the concentration of chlorpyrifos - due to the increased content of poison, the drug even affects oothecae, destroying unborn larvae.

True, this feature leaves an imprint and not the process of using the gel. To protect your skin from an allergic reaction or chemical burn, you will have to wear rubber gloves. And make sure that children or pets do not try to eat the poisonous substance.


Another drug based on fipronil. The action of this component is interesting not only for its delayed effect. You may know that cockroaches are prone to necrophagy, that is, to eating dead fellows. So the Prussian, who died from fipronil, himself becomes poison and kills those individuals who decide to feast on his remains.

“Dohlox” is produced in a syringe weighing 30 g. One package will be enough if there are few insects in the apartment or they have just appeared. If the Prussians multiplied and became so insolent that they began to move from the kitchen into living rooms This means that the amount of the drug needs to be significantly increased.

As for preventive action, “Dohloks” can boast of 2 months of protection of your apartment from the invasion of Prussians. Be sure to wear rubber gloves during processing to protect your skin from chemical burns. The concentration of fipronil, although not too high, is still sufficient to cause serious irritation.

Combat Roach Killing Gel

Very effective drug based on pyrethroid poisons, which comes in a black plastic syringe weighing 30 g. Calculation required quantity The product depends on the number of insects, but on average one tube is enough for 50 square meters. “Kombat” is loved because it is non-toxic and will not harm people and their pets, while completely destroying the entire colony of arthropods.

In addition to the poison itself, the gel contains a food attractant to attract insects, a fatty base that prevents drying, and a special substance, hydramethylnon, which prevents cockroaches from developing resistance to the poison. This means that the drug remains equally effective even during prolonged disinfestation (this happens when the apartment is highly infested).

The fatty base does not allow the gel to dry out, so it remains effective for 3 months - as you can see, it is still the absolute leader in the duration of the preventive effect on our list. This means that you will not have to re-treat the apartment, since the newly hatched nymphs will be killed by the same gel as their parents.

The chemical industry produces a large number of cockroach preparations that help destroy pests in a short time. The toxic substances contained in the products paralyze the functioning of all systems, and the arthropod dies. The syringe for cockroaches is popular; it is a new development, but has already gained preference among people. The drug does not have toxic elements, therefore it is approved for use in residential premises.

Cockroach repellent in syringe form contains a gel-like substance inside the tube that is a bait for pests. Its peculiarity is that it contains aromatic components that attract insects to the poisonous drug. After eating the gel, poison enters the beetle’s body and its effect begins after a short period of time. Bitterness is often found among the elements; it is added so that a person or animal does not get poisoned if the drug gets inside the body.

Cockroach gel in a syringe consists of:

  • Base (presented in the form of fat, it retains consistency after application, retains moisture, promotes the activity of the drug for several months);
  • Poison (presented in the form of a certain type of insecticide, the content is only 2%, this amount is due to the fact that when ingested, the individual manages to reach its relatives, infect them, and only then get poisoned);
  • Dyes (color the gel in different colors, most often brown, it attracts arthropods, they are happy to find the bait).

Insecticides are distributed in such a way that some enter through the digestive tract, paralyzing the intestines, while some penetrate through the chitinous cover, thereby affecting the nervous system.

How the syringe works:

  • The cockroach eats the bait and carries a small part of it on its legs;
  • After a short period of time, the poisoned beetle dies and is eaten by other relatives;
  • Poisonous particles enter their body, paralysis of the systems begins;
  • Other individuals die.

It turns out that the poison gives a chain reaction. One beetle helps infect others, resulting in the death of an entire population.

Types of poisonous gels in syringes

Gel in the form of a syringe against cockroaches is produced by different manufacturers. They contain insecticides that differ in properties and effectiveness.

Popular means:

  • Zindan chops.
    It has a white and red package, the volume of the drug is 30 ml. It is characterized by a sweetish aroma and contains 25% chocolate. It is highly efficient.
  • Absolute.
    It contains a strong poison - chlorpyrifos, which has a paralytic effect. Destroys adults and larvae. Volume 125 ml.
  • Battalion commander
    Contains two types of insecticides - fipronil and hydramethylnon, due to this the development of immunity to the drug in arthropods is reduced. Enters the body through the digestive tract and chitinous membrane.
  • Dohlox.
    The active element is fipronil, safe for humans. When used, it does not emit toxic or harmful substances; the use of the syringe is permitted in children's institutions.
  • Clean house.
    The poisonous substance, chlorpyrifos, has a paralytic effect on the organ systems of the insect. Destroys cockroaches and all types of ants. It does not have a strong odor when used.
  • Storm.
    It is considered a real cockroach trap. Contains two insecticides - diazinon and cypermethrin, which have different chemical natures. They enter the body through the digestive tract and chitinous cover, and act differently, thereby enhancing the effect.
  • Global
    The active substance is chlorpyrifos. It has a sweet smell and attracts insects with chocolate flavoring. Controls pests over an area of ​​50 square meters. m. Characterized by intestinal action.
  • Brownie Proshka.
    A popular gel in a syringe for cockroaches, the poisonous substance is fipronil. It deals with individuals quickly and destroys the entire population of beetles. Affects the intestines, paralyzes the nervous system.

Advantages and disadvantages of gels

A syringe for killing cockroaches has the following advantages:

  • The packaging ensures convenient use due to the sharp tip, which is shaped like a cone or cylinder. Thanks to this, application of the drug is possible in hard-to-reach places.
  • Economical use, the substance is applied not in a continuous stripe, but in a targeted manner. This prevents the drug from leaking out.
  • The active poisonous component lasts 2 weeks and destroys all relatives who have settled in the living space.
  • Does not leave marks on the surface, does not damage furniture, fabrics and delicate interior items.
  • Sold at hardware stores;
  • Low cost.

Gels have a large number of positive aspects, unlike other drugs. But despite this, there are still some disadvantages:

  • The effectiveness of cockroach gels allows it to be used in small populations;
  • The drug does not give immediate results; the toxic component takes time to act;
  • Not all products destroy arthropod larvae.

The description of the gel-like preparation in the form of a syringe indicates that for greater effect it is better to supplement it with other insecticidal agents.

Rules for treating premises with cockroach repellent in a syringe

The gel in the syringe must be used correctly to achieve good results:

  • Clean the room, remove all crumbs and food debris;
  • Close the windows, make sure that there is no access of air masses into the room;
  • Make sure that there is no access to water, as well as open sources, since moisture is the main factor that creates comfortable conditions for pests.
  • The drug must first be applied to hard-to-reach places, in crevices, joints of surfaces, closed surfaces of furniture;
  • Treat all areas in the kitchen, paying special attention to areas under the sink, in the trash can area, on table legs, and ventilation ducts.
  • Insect attacks should also be carried out in the bathroom, around the toilet, pipes, and in places where moisture accumulates.

The glue is applied pointwise, the distance between the drops is 2–3 cm. The distance can be reduced if there are a small number of individuals in the room. In areas of large accumulation, application should be in the form of thin strips.

- insecticide in a syringe. There are many reasons for its popularity. It contains a special toxic gel, which is inexpensive, economical in use, easy to apply and safer than its analogues.

How does he work?

There is a special gel inside the syringe. Which is both bait and poison. The product can be easily applied to all necessary surfaces (plinths, ventilation shafts, sockets). The preparations contain insecticidal poison. It enters the insect's body through the chitinous cover and kills it. Cockroaches also transfer poison to nesting sites, where it comes into contact with the larvae, which leads to the death of the offspring.

Benefits from other means:

  • Aerosol.

Sprayed through the air and onto surfaces with which people come into contact. Failure to follow safety precautions when spraying may result in poisoning of humans and pets. The gel does not spray, does not fall on unwanted surfaces, and therefore is safer.

  • Lures and traps.

Both products are good because they are economical. Cockroaches will eat just enough poison to cause poisoning. However, baits are not as versatile as gels. In some places they simply cannot be installed.

  • Powders.

As in the case of aerosol, it is not so safe. Scatterings of white powder are easily spread across the floor from any blow of wind. The poison easily moves throughout the entire area of ​​the room. In this case, there is a serious risk of poisoning your pets and small children.

  • Liquid product.

Apply through a spray bottle. This is not the most economical way consumption of the substance. In addition, the procedure will have to be repeated regularly to achieve the desired result. Not the most convenient product to use.

When purchasing any DIY baiting products, always pay attention to the expiration date.

Stale goods may lose their poisonous properties, and then disinfestation will become a kind of “vaccination” for insects. Good ability adaptation of cockroaches may cause them to become immune to the poison used.

How to use the syringe?

When using a syringe, take care of safety. Use rubber gloves when applying the product and when removing it from surfaces. Do not store the gel near food or medicine. Make sure the packaging is sealed.

General Benefits of Cockroach Repellent

  • Availability and low cost.

The drug can be purchased at almost any hardware store. Cost 100-200 rubles.

  • Ease of use.

The cockroach syringe contains a gel that is convenient to apply to any surface.

  • Economy.

The gel can be applied in doses, unlike an aerosol.

  • Safety.

Apply a little product to hard to reach places and be sure that neither children nor pets will get poisoned.

Products under the brands “Global”, “Raptor” and “Absolute” contain a strong poison – chlorpyrifos. Once in the intestines of an insect, it causes paralysis nervous system. The product is easily transmitted to the larvae of cockroaches that hide in the nest, which causes a chain reaction and allows you to destroy 100% of the population.

The Dohloks, Kombat and Domovoy brands contain fipronil or hydramethylnon insecticides. Poisons act not only through the intestines, but also when they enter the body of an insect. It also causes paralysis of the nervous system.

Fas gel contains two poisons at once: diazinon and cypermethrin. Considering the resistance of insects to poison and their rapid addiction, you can combine gels and achieve successful baiting.

In attempts to get rid of uninvited guests, everything is used, but it is hard to deny the usefulness of the gel against cockroaches.

The gel itself is a means familiar to modern times. Previously, of course, it was crayons, spools and other extremely poisonous devices. Now the gel rightfully takes its place of honor among.

How does cockroach gel work?

Very simple. you apply cockroach gel onto the surface where an insect is expected to appear, after which you leave the applied substance. The insecticides in the gel kill cockroaches, and the sticky and pliable structure allows you to coat all the cracks, all the holes and all the most dangerous places, through which cockroaches are likely to enter the apartment. Coverage area depends on application. You can very tightly outline the sewerage, ventilation and everything in general: then you will have no other options for getting in except getting into trouble and, therefore, later dying from poison.

IN The composition of the gel against cockroaches includes contact or intestinal insecticide that skillfully copes with any type of cockroaches. Often, chemicals of varying concentrations can be found in the composition (check out the composition on back side packaging). This way, the “fatty substance” that is lathered on helps the gel not to dry out, spread easily and stay in place very well. for a long time. Undoubtedly, some of the preparations also contain a taste bait, which cockroaches are easily attracted to. By the way, check the concentration and presence of such bait. If it is not there, then it is worth capturing a much larger space during processing, applying the gel in strips. With its presence (bait), you can limit yourself to spot application, which saves substance.

Why is cockroach gel so effective?

There are many reasons for this:

  • Coating: It’s easier to treat everything with gel problem areas and not give cockroaches room to maneuver.
  • Contagiousness: a cockroach that has been trapped will return to the nest and bring poison with it. The cockroaches will be poisoned in a chain until they all die.
  • Preservation: The gel remains effective for a very long time due to its properties; it does not slip or erode.

Important! Still, the effectiveness of the gel against cockroaches is exaggerated by many. You are unlikely to get rid of them if the colony has already grown. It is best to call specialists who.

How long does the gel last?

The manufacturer himself often writes about this, but if we take average values, then at least 1-2 months. All this time, the gel will act as a long-acting toxic substance, that is, killing cockroaches methodically and gradually.

What are the advantages in relation to other means?

As mentioned above: convenience, coverage and long-term effect. Also, compared to aerosol and powder anti-cockroach medications, the gel is often much less toxic. It can be applied to the back of the kitchen, behind cabinets, refrigerators, etc., where neither children nor your cats and dogs can reach. This is usually the main benefit to look for when evaluating cockroach repellents.

How to use cockroach gel?

Often the packaging resembles a syringe-shaped device or, in fact, the syringe itself. The instructions clearly state that the gel should be carefully squeezed onto the surface, being careful not to touch it yourself. In rare cases, it is recommended to do this with rubber gloves if you have an allergy or some kind of intolerance. The gel covers all possible places where cockroaches will appear, but so that you and your family do not come into contact with it at all.

Important! With rare exceptions, colonies do not die out immediately after the first application and the effect acts slowly over time. In 1-2 weeks, the cockroaches will weaken and no longer appear in the same concentration, but you should not relax. Buy another drug from a different company and a different composition to consolidate the result. Cockroaches sometimes become accustomed to poisons, so they should be alternated from time to time.
