Wave slate sheet dimensions weight. How much does slate weigh? Application in construction

Slate is an inexpensive construction product and has good performance parameters. The work associated with its installation on the roof is complicated by the significant weight of the material. This circumstance should be taken into account when drawing up the design and construction of the rafter system.

Assortment of slate and its weight

This roofing material is made from a mixture consisting of Portland cement, asbestos and purified water. Slate is used not only for laying on the roof, but also for cladding walls.

During the manufacturing process, all components are mixed in appropriate proportions, then poured into molds and left until final hardening. Ready material It is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation, does not ignite and is not dangerous due to temperature changes.

There are two types of slate:

  1. Wave. IN in this case sheets of roofing material have rectangular shape and thanks to the molding process they have a wavy profile. Such slate is laid on roof slopes, since it drains water well due to the presence of gutters. Manufacturers strongly recommend laying it provided that the roof slope is at least 12 degrees. Taking into account how much one sheet of slate of this type weighs, installation must be done on a reinforced sheathing.
  2. Flat. Compared to wave material, it does not have a characteristic relief. Also, the sizes of flat slate differ. Flat slate is made from asbestos cement in the shape of a square or rectangle. It is usually used for the construction of fences, wall cladding and for the purpose of insulating areas that come into contact with elements of heating equipment and chimneys. Apply flat slate as a covering when the roof slope exceeds 25 degrees. For flat sheets mechanical strength more, and resistance to liquids and low temperatures is higher. It also doesn’t hurt to know what sizes of flat slate sheets are available on the market.

How much does a slate sheet weigh?

Depending on the type of material and size, the weight of a slate sheet ranges from 23 to 39 kilograms. This means that per square area of ​​the roof structure there is a load of 9-17 kilograms - this does not take into account the insulation.

To install a slate covering, you need to decide on the mass roofing pie when calculating the foundation and rafter system for a house. Without the required safety margin, the roof structure will warp and eventually collapse.

Number of waves on the sheet

When arranging roofs, the wave type of product is in demand. Manufacturers make wave slate - sheet sizes and weight vary. It is used both for small-sized buildings in private housing construction, and for the construction of industrial buildings with a large area.

Slate is sold with the following types of profile:

  • standard;
  • unified;
  • strengthened.

As for consumers, it will be easier for them to use another classification, which is based on the number of combs on one product:

  1. 5-wave material. It appeared on the building materials market recently. He hasn't found it yet effective application. The parameters of the 5-wave sheet are similar to the dimensions of the 8-wave sheet, but since the ridge width is larger, the useful area of ​​this coating is 1.6 m². This means that the overlap takes up 20% of its surface area.
  2. 6-wave. In this case, the size and weight of the slate is 1125x1750 centimeters and 26-35 kilograms, respectively. The thickness of the sheet is 6-7.5 millimeters, and the distance between the waves is 20 centimeters. 6-wave slate has a reinforced profile and is therefore laid on roofs in regions with significant wind loads. They also cover large industrial buildings.
  3. 7-wave. The dimensions and weight of the slate sheet are as follows: 850x1750 centimeters and 23 kilograms with a thickness of 5.8 millimeters. Because of small area This 7-wave traditional coating and light weight are often used in private small-sized housing construction.
  4. 8-wave. The sheet parameters of this type of slate are 1130x1750 centimeters, and the thickness is 5.2 and 5.8 millimeters. Depending on the thickness, the weight of the slate is 23-32 kilograms. Due to its impressive dimensions, it is used in the industrial sector.

Slate is a durable coating - it is used for at least 20-30 years, it is not flammable and can withstand temperatures from -50 to +80 degrees. Flaw of this material– splitting of the sheet as a result of a point impact. This feature should be taken into account when transporting, laying and storing asbestos-cement products.

Features of installing slate on the roof

Knowing how much a sheet of slate weighs allows you to decide on the design of the roof rafter system on which this material will be mounted. Significant weight - main feature carrying out roofing works with coatings made from asbestos cement.

To eliminate operational problems slate roof, professionals advise:

  1. Be sure to develop a project and make the necessary calculations. The roof in this case places a significant load on truss structure and the foundation of the building, so before installation, everything needs to be calculated.
  2. Calculate options. Slate is an inexpensive product, but the significant mass of the slate sheet requires strengthening the base of the house and the roof frame. A large number of concrete mortar and use quality wood are not cheap, so sometimes it makes sense to install lighter and expensive coating, such as corrugated sheeting or soft roofing.
  3. Don't forget about overlap. Due to inexperience, some craftsmen, when calculating building materials for arranging a slate roof, forget to take this nuance into account.

When purchasing, you should carefully evaluate the external condition of the slate so that the coating is used no less than the period stated by the manufacturers.

At the beginning of construction, purchasing building materials in a store or market, knowledgeable people always wonder how much the sheet of slate they are planning to purchase weighs. The inhabitants shrug their shoulders in bewilderment - what difference does it make, how much it weighs, the main thing is that the material is of high quality. Of course, and this is important, but the mass of the block may be needed when calculating the rafter system during the construction of buildings and structures.

It turns out that weight is one of the important technical characteristics of slate slabs, including if we're talking about about the wave sheet. These and other properties different types We suggest discussing slate right now.

Characteristics of wave products

Roofs on a private house cannot be built without corrugated slate, and this is not surprising, because thanks to the large size of the blocks, the material is easy to install, quite practical to use and relatively inexpensive. The main thing is to be careful when transporting products, they can crack and break during delivery, even in disassembled form.

The weight of a wave slate sheet depends on the quality of the mass, which is prepared from asbestos, Portland cement and liquid. Asbestos fibers must be thin; this provides a reinforcement function that has a beneficial effect on the impact strength and strength of the finished fabric.

Wave slate is manufactured in the following designs:

  • with a regular profile;
  • with reinforced;
  • with a unified profile.

The difference between slate is that it can be different sizes. The regular profile is the smallest, the reinforced profile is characterized by large slate sheets.

Now a few words about the profile, the blocks of which are found in 2 varieties:

  • 40/150 mm – 8-wave, weighing 26.1 kg, 7-wave, weighing 23.2 kg;
  • 54/200 mm – 5 kg with a thickness of 7.5 mm, 26 kg with a thickness of 6 mm.

What do the indicators indicated through the fraction mean? The first determines the height of the wave-like shape, while the second allows you to navigate the size of the slate wave.

Like any other building material, wave slate is subject to standardization, all this is specified in GOST, according to which the size of the wave sheet varies within the following limits:

  • length reaches 1750 mm;
  • the width ranges from 980 mm, if we are talking about 8 waves, to 1130 mm, if the slate consists of 7 waves.

Modern manufacturers today are allowed to produce slate in accordance with their own specifications, developed and accepted at factories by design engineers with specialized education. Therefore, do not be surprised if the indicated weight according to GOST differs greatly from the weight of the material that you see in the store.

To prevent slate from deteriorating less, it should be coated special means, this must be done in any case along the edges and seams. The composition may contain pigment; if desired, it is time to choose a transparent coating. Houses with roofs painted in brown and red shades look very stylish. The paint will improve the frost resistance characteristics and increase the service life of the roof by 2 times, at least that’s what experienced builders say.

What is good about wave slate?

We have already written briefly about why consumers prefer wave slate. During the application process, additional advantages are also noted:

  • the sheets do not burn, so they cannot cause a fire in extreme heat;
  • perfectly tolerate sudden temperature changes and harsh climatic conditions in winter;
  • the blocks have good strength and strength, so they can withstand large snow accumulations and lumps;
  • block the noise of rain and hail.

Many consumers believe that the high weight of wave slate is a bad indicator, but in fact its quality depends entirely on other factors:

  • pay attention to the labeling and manufacturer; before purchasing, it is better to read reviews on the Internet;
  • the percentage presence of asbestos and fine grain, a good level of grinding is the key to the fact that wave slate will last longer;
  • the uniform layer of asbestos placement can only be traced during the production cycle;
  • compliance with technology is also a matter of responsibility and cleanliness of the manufacturer, so be guided by manufacturers who are always well-known, and be wary of newcomers to the construction market.

What is wavy slate material afraid of? Point loads, so if you hit the canvas sharply, it will most likely crack. This often happens during the installation process, so be extremely careful; it is recommended to build special bridges to move from one area to another.

Features of flat asbestos-cement slate

If you need to equip a building envelope, it is better to choose a flat sheet of slate products. You've probably seen high fences, consisting of several blocks. At the production stage flat devices can be processed by pressing, although you can do without it.

If not so long ago slate was considered the traditional and most popular roofing material, today it is a rather rare roofing option for new buildings. Asbestos-cement slate is found infrequently and is mainly found in utility rooms, garages and other outbuildings. At new facilities it was replaced by modern, more reliable, beautiful and durable roofing materials. But old buildings are still in most cases covered with asbestos-cement slate. Such buildings have been in operation for many years, and therefore there is a need complete replacement roofs.

Before making the final decision to dismantle your old slate roof, you should weigh the pros and cons. The fact is that replacing a roof is a rather expensive construction project. During its implementation, unforeseen problems may arise, which further increase the estimated cost of repairs. When should old slate be removed?

  1. Critical physical wear and tear. Externally, the slate sheets do not have significant damage and look quite normal, but due to natural aging, the strength of the slate decreases significantly, it becomes very fragile, in some cases the sheets are easily broken off by hand. Such coating may suffer significant damage at any time during heavy rain. As a result, water gets not only into the attic, but also into living rooms. The ceilings and walls will have to be repaired interior spaces, and this greatly increases repair costs. Conclusion - you shouldn’t expect big problems, it is much more profitable to replace the old slate in a timely manner.

  2. A large number of mechanical damages. Doesn't mean through holes in coverings after hail - in such cases, replacement of slate is mandatory. There are situations when technological errors are made during the installation of a rafter system. Bearing nodes structures do not have sufficient strength and stability; when loads increase, they change their geometry and spatial position. As a result, large cracks appear on the slate sheets. If they are located on the upper ridges, there are no big problems, leaks are almost invisible and do not pose a problem for attic spaces. But cracks can also be located on the lower waves, and here when it rains a lot of water flows, it will definitely fall on rafter system. As practice shows, it is useless to repair such cracks. There is only one way out - depending on the degree of damage, replace several sheets of slate or the entire roof.

  3. Unsatisfactory appearance. On slate roofs Mosses and lichens can grow, which significantly worsens the appearance of the structure. There are ways mechanical cleaning coatings using electric cylindrical grinders, but experienced builders strongly do not recommend doing such work. Firstly, it is very difficult and time-consuming, and the effect is unpredictable. Secondly, there are risks of damage roofing.

Depending on the condition of the slate and the qualifications of the craftsmen, the old coating can be reused or it has to be taken to a landfill for disposal of construction waste. For transportation, you should know approximately the total weight; this value is determined taking into account the mass square meter slate during disassembly.

Prices for different types of slate

How to determine the weight of 1 m2 slate during disassembly

The technical parameters of slate sheets depend on the specific type and production technology of the material. Taking into account geometric shape There are two types of leaves.

Wave slate

Used as roofing and facing material, has a rectangular shape. The number of waves is from five to eight, their height and thickness varies.

Wave slate is installed on slopes with a slope of at least 12°. The material is produced on automatic lines from a special mass; depending on the characteristics of the molds, it can have a different number of waves. How more waves– the higher the bending strength parameters, this allows you to reduce the thickness of the slate while maintaining the original technical data. There are 5, 6, 7 and 8 wave asbestos-cement slate sheets. Currently, five- and six-wave slates are almost never produced; most companies have switched to the production of eight-wave slates; seven-wave slates are rarely seen.

Technical characteristics of standard slate grades

Slate has regulated marking requirements; inscriptions are applied to the outer wave on the front side. For example, the marking 1750 × 1130 × 5.2 mm, 40/150 means that the sheet has a length of 1750 mm, a width of 1130 mm and a thickness of 5.2 mm. Wave height 40 mm, distance between crests 150 mm.

Table. Covering weight depending on the type of slate.

Slate brandStandard weight of one sheetWeight per square meter of coverage
7-wave 1750×1130×5.2 mm, 40/150 ordinary (VO)18.5 kg≈9.5 kg
7-wave 1750×1130×5.8 mm, 40/150 amplified (VU)23 kg≈11.8 kg
8-wave 1750×1130×5.8 mm, 40/150 ordinary (VO)26 kg≈13.3 kg
8-wave 1750×1130×6.0 mm, 54/200, unified (UV)30 kg≈15.1 kg
8-wave 1750×1130×7.5 mm, 54/200, reinforced (VU)35 kg≈17.9 kg

Words such as “slate” or asbestos cement sheets are familiar to many firsthand. Today, although this is an old-generation roofing material, it still does not lose its leading position in the construction market. It is easy to use, inexpensive and durable.

How many people have ever wondered how much 1 m2 of slate weighs? Of course, this is not so important for people far from construction; it’s a different matter for professionals or amateur developers who intend to cover the roof with these materials. The weight of the slate is of particular importance for them, since, for example, the calculation of the rafter system depends on it.

How much it weighs is also important because its installation is done manually, that is, it requires physical effort, and considerable effort. The weight of the sheet must also be known when organizing the transportation of building materials in order to select transport with the appropriate carrying capacity.

Material characteristics and dimensions

Today, the most common material is one that contains asbestos and cement mixed with water. The components are in the ratio of 85 to 11 and to 4. There are wave and flat ACLs, each of which has its own modifications:

  • – pressed and unpressed;
  • – reinforced, conventional and unified.

They also differ in their dimensions, which, in addition to length and width, include wave parameters such as height and pitch, which determine the profile of the sheet. There are two of them - 40 by 150 and 54 by 200 mm. By the number of waves they are, say, .

Another option for slate is bitumen, in which synthetic fibers and a plasticizer are added to the bitumen base. The mass is baked at high temperature, then it is molded under pressure. The resulting sheets are similar to asbestos-cement sheets only in shape. As for the characteristics of the materials, they differ greatly, for example, bitumen weighs much less, say, for one sheet of 2 m2 it is only 6.5 to 7 kg. This environmentally friendly material, easy to install, chemically neutral, resistant to the formation of fungus, mold and others.

The most common among the available types is bitumen, etc., but asbestos-cement has become the most popular. The weight of the slate is determined primarily by the dimensions and thickness of the profile.

Weight of sheet 7 wave, 8, 6

ACL can be transported to the construction site using small-sized transport. It is obvious that its load capacity is strictly limited, so it is understandable why it is so important to have an idea of ​​how much 1 sheet of material weighs.

Considering the large assortment of ACLs, let’s determine the parameters of the main varieties, in particular, how much 7-wave, 8-wave and 6-wave slate weigh. This parameter provides an answer to such important questions for construction as whether the structure will be able to support the entire mass of the coating, or whether it will cause excessive shrinkage.

A certain confusion in the state of things is brought about by the fact that sheets manufactured by different manufacturers according to their own specifications may have some variation in length and width. Naturally, this must necessarily affect the final weight of the product.

Therefore, we will consider profiles made according to the requirements of state standard 30340-95. In suburban construction, 7-8-wave profiles of standard size 40 by 150 are mainly used. As indicated in GOST, their thickness can take two values ​​- 5.8 and 5.2 mm. In the first case, the mass is:

  • eight-wave product is equal to 26.1 kg;
  • seven-wave – 23.2 kg.

A thickness reduction of just 0.6 mm lightens the profiles by approximately 4–4.5 kg.

It is performed with an overlap of one or two waves by the adjacent sheet, which reduces usable area. It is its value that is used when calculating the number of profiles required to cover a given roof.
When making calculations, you can use the following hint: to cover 100 m2, you need 64 eight-wave profiles or 75 seven-wave profiles.

Let's calculate the load exerted by a roof covering made of corrugated material per 1 m2. For an eight-wave profile, the number of sheets (64) is multiplied by the weight of each of them (26.1 kg), after which the result (1670 kg) is divided by 100. As a result, we obtain that the eight-wave profile affects 1 m 2 of roofing structure with a load of 16, 7 kg. For a seven-wave one, this value is 17.4 kg.

Heavy load required more floors, therefore, for buildings with a light foundation, eight-wave material is used, since it acts on the walls and foundation with less force.

When developing a roof project, the load created by natural phenomena, say, snowfall.
The weight of products of standard size 50 by 200 (six-wave profile) is determined by its thickness: at 6 mm it is 26 kg, and at 7.5–35.

The mass of this roofing material, in addition to its size and thickness, also depends on factors such as the composition and structure of the profile, say, the degree of grinding of raw materials at the stage of molding the product. Many homeowners today prefer painted material - it is more practical and more weather-resistant, not to mention the expressiveness of the roof. So, priming and painting also leads to a certain increase in the weight of the profiles.

Increases the load from the asbestos-cement profile and increases humidity. This fact is also taken into account in GOST standards - calculations related to the mass of these products are performed taking into account a humidity of 12%.

How much does 10 mm, 8 mm flat slate weigh?

Widely used in various fields I also received flat slate. The weight of the sheet in this case is determined not only by its dimensions, but also by whether it is pressed or unpressed. If an unpressed flat ACL weighs 18–104 kg, then a pressed one weighs 20–162 kg.

This material is often used as roofing. They cover both small buildings and fairly large objects, mainly in the economic sector. This is mainly due to the weight of the product, which is calculated at an average of 12 kg per 1 m2 (the minimum value is 10 and the maximum is 14 kg). Parameters are selected depending on the project and construction needs.

Do you know what the weight of 8 wave slate is? But this information is very important for carrying out calculations, for example, of the rafter system during the construction of buildings. As you might have guessed, our article will focus on roofing material such as slate, its types, technical characteristics and, in particular, its weight.

The word "" came to us from German language, where previously this was the name given to roofing slate tiles, mined by splitting special rocks.

When equipping modern roofs, slate is practically not used, while the “name” is firmly fixed on asbestos-cement roofing materials wavy shape, as well as behind sheets of alternative materials of a similar shape, and therefore is now quite a common occurrence.

Characteristics of asbestos-cement wave slate

Such slate is one of the most used materials in roofing, and has been for decades. And this is not surprising, since it is practical, inexpensive and very convenient to install.

Parameters of reinforced profile slate sheet

Wave slate – weight 1 sq.m. the roofing weight of which is 10-14 kg (depending on the thickness of the product), is made from a mixture consisting of asbestos, Portland cement and water.

At the same time, thin asbestos fibers, which are evenly distributed in Portland cement, act as a reinforcing mesh, significantly increasing the impact strength and strength of the material.

The following types of wave slate modifications are produced:

  • With a normal profile.
  • With reinforced profile.
  • With a unified profile.

Such sheets differ from each other in their sizes: the smallest of them are slate sheets with an ordinary profile, the largest are with a reinforced profile.

As for the profile itself, there are two types of sheets: 40/150 and 54/200, with the first number indicating the height of the wave, and the second the pitch of the slate wave, indicated in mm.

According to GOST standards, the dimensions of corrugated slate are determined as follows:

  • their length is 1750 mm;
  • The width, depending on the number of sheet waves, can be:
  1. 980 mm for slate in 8 waves;
  2. 1125 mm for slate in 6 waves;
  3. 1130 mm for slate in 7 waves.
  • the thickness for a 40/150 profile should be 5.8 mm, for a 54/200 profile - 6 mm or 7.5 mm.
  • The ordinary wave of the overlapping sheet, depending on the type of slate sheet profile, is produced with a height of 40 or 54 mm, while the overlapping one is 32 or 45 mm, respectively.

If you take a standard 8-wave slate sheet, its weight, depending on the thickness, will be from 23 to 26 kg.

Regarding the mechanical characteristics of this material, they are largely determined by factors such as:

  • asbestos content;
  • uniform placement in cement;
  • grinding fineness and others.

Advice! Remember that if you choose asbestos-cement slate for your roofing, the weight of the sheet should serve as a guide for choosing elements of the rafter system of one thickness or another.

In order to improve durability as well as decorative properties, slate is painted with phosphate or silicate paints using various types of pigments.

Often, wave asbestos-cement slate is painted blue, red-brown, brick-red, yellow and other colors. Paint applied to slate protects the material from destruction, reduces its water-absorbing properties and increases frost resistance.

At the same time, the durability of slate sheets coated with protective coating increases by 1.5-2 times.

Characteristics of flat asbestos-cement slate

Painted slate has great durability and attractive appearance

Compared to wave slate, flat roofing sheet has somewhat similar properties, but still has some differences.

Such sheets are made in two ways: with and without pressing.

At the same time, the weight of flat slate produced using pressing will be significantly higher than without it, however specifications pressed sheet will be significantly higher.

For example, pressed slate can withstand at least 50 freezing cycles, while an unpressed sheet is almost 2 times less.

And even after the specified number After freezing cycles, the sheets remain quite strong, losing only about 10% in reliability from their original value.

The rather high strength parameters of flat slate are impressive: depending on the manufacturer, the sheet can withstand a bending force of 20-50 MPa, and a compressive force of 90-130 MPa.

However, the main advantage of flat finishing material serves the versatility of its use.

Flat slate - the weight that allows the construction of a roofing base without additional reinforcing elements, is applicable not only as a roofing covering.

It can serve as both external and internal cladding of buildings, as partitions between rooms, and is in great demand in the agricultural sector and livestock farming.

The versatility of using flat slate is due not least to the high practicality and low cost of the material.

Flat slate is resistant to aggressive environments and can be in contact with open ground, fireproof, relatively easy to process.

If we take into account the weight, flat slate is a completely acceptable material in this regard, both for covering the roof and for use in other areas.

Characteristics of wave bitumen slate

Flat slate: the weight of the covering allows the use of a roof truss system without additional reinforcement

Wave bitumen euro slate or simply ondulin is a more modern product from a technical point of view than asbestos-cement slate sheet.

These types of coatings are completely different from each other, and the only things that remain in common between them are, perhaps, their shape, relatively low cost and purpose.

How much does slate weigh using bitumen? With a sheet area of ​​approximately 2 sq.m. its weight is only approximately 6.5 kg, which is simply phenomenal by roofing standards.

Most types of bitumen corrugated sheets are produced as follows:

  • The fiber-bitumen mass, which includes bitumen, synthetic and plant fibers, dyes and plasticizers, is pressed at high temperatures. In this case, the final density of the material is achieved quite low, which largely determines the low weight of the slate sheet.
  • Pressing is performed in several stages in a certain sequence, which results in a multilayer sheet structure, which gives the material high strength and resistance to mechanical stress. In this mixture, bitumen serves as a waterproofing agent, while organic matter gives rigidity to the sheets.
  • Bitumen impregnation is carried out in vacuum chambers also in several stages, after which the sheets are painted.

Euroslate has many advantages, including:

  • Flexibility and ease of processing even. The material is quite easy to cut hand hacksaw or a jigsaw.
  • Durability, which varies from 10 to 30 years among different manufacturers.

Advice! With all the advantages of wave bitumen slate (ondulin), it is still not recommended for use in areas with a hot summer climate, since under significant thermal loads the bitumen softens slightly, due to which the sheet temporarily loses its declared rigidity and, accordingly, overall strength.

According to the painting method, bitumen sheets are divided into 2 types - glossy and matte. Matte sheets are painted acrylic paint, while they feel rough to the touch.

Glossy sheets look more beautiful and brighter due to the addition of silicone to the paint, which provides this same gloss and shine. Sheets with a glossy finish are more expensive and are less able to retain snow and dirt.

In addition to the above mentioned slate options, wavy slates have recently appeared on the market. roofing sheets made from plastic (PVC). They are currently used mainly for covering gazebos, terraces, all kinds of canopies and greenhouses.

Plastic slate is quite lightweight, easy to process and install, and has many other advantages. However, this is new to construction market, therefore, so far few people decide to build more serious roofing structures from it.

So, we found out what slate is, learned about some of its varieties, found out why and how much a sheet of slate of one type or another weighs.

Let's hope that this information will subsequently help you more clearly and quickly decide on the choice of slate for covering the roof of your own home.
