Scenario of the autumn ball in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Scenario of the autumn holiday for children of the senior and preparatory group "Autumn ball in the Vegetable Kingdom

Scenario of the autumn holiday in speech therapy preparatory group together with parents

Target: Generalization of children's knowledge about autumn and its signs through theatrical activities. Create a holiday atmosphere.
Tasks: To promote the development of musical and aesthetic taste and feelings in children; to educate and develop in children a sense of patriotism and respect for their homeland; to instill love for native nature and its beauty; to continue to develop in children a sense of collectivism and a friendly attitude towards each other.
Adults: Leading - Storyteller, Tsar, Fairy.
Children: Autumn, 1 Messenger, 2 Messenger, Herald, September, October, November.
Materials and equipment: Costumes for the Fairy, the Tsar, the Storyteller, Autumn, the Messengers, the Herald, for the months of September, October, November; leaflets (according to the number of children), a decree (for the king), tickets for competitions with parents, easels, whatman paper, pencils or felt-tip pens, an eraser, poems "on the contrary", a table for gifts, a throne for the Tsar, gifts from September, October, November, rose (for the Princess of Autumn, musical instruments for parents.

The course of the holiday

Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our Autumn Ball! Because Autumn is an amazing time! She exudes tender sadness, sadness. Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. But there are two autumns. One - joyful, lavishly dressed, golden, rich in harvest and love her for her generosity. And the other - invisible by itself, in patches of falling leaves, sad, with a quiet cry of light rain, this is late autumn. And she is good in her experiences of something solemn and majestic.

CHILDREN ENTRANCE. "The Cranes Are Flying" Mus. and sl. A. Evdotieva
(children sing to the verse, dance to play)
1 reb
Autumn us to your ball
Today invited
So that no one is late
Autumn asked.
2 reb
And here we are, the hall sparkles,
Warmly warmed faces
It's time to open the ball for us
And spin in the dance.
3 reb
But where is Autumn?
Has she forgotten the way to us?
With business, maybe alone,
A little delayed?
Let's call Autumn
Let's sing a song about Falling leaves

SONG "Leaf Fall" Music. A Evdotieva
take their seats
How beautiful in autumn in the forest. Autumn has been here with her bright colors. Birches and maples she covered with lemon yellowness. The aspen leaves were reddened like ripe apples. And the mighty hundred-year-old oak - the hero dressed in forged copper armor. Great picture. Just a real autumn fairy tale.
Namig now I will retire, I will turn into a good Storyteller. And you sit quietly and invite a fairy tale to visit!

Goes backstage, puts on elements of the Storyteller's costume

And here I am, good Storyteller.
In some kingdom
In the Berendey State
Once upon a time there was a tsar-father, in an important matter - well done.
And his country is magical,
And the water in its rivers is healing,
And the people of the craftsman,
Everyone with hands, with a head ...
And the king had four children.
Three are daughters and the fourth is a son.
And they were called like this: Spring, Autumn,
Yes, Winter, and my son's name was ...
Yes, son - Summer! Guessed!
Spring is red, oh yes cheerful,
Summer is working from dawn
Winter has been harsh.
But it happened - it was fun!
But with autumn - trouble!
It's cold with her sometimes
It's rainy, it's fog
That girl jumps in the field.
That cries for two weeks,
And not that longing will find -
So he doesn't get out of bed.
So the poor king-father!
Ended up with her...

King (sings). Oh, my poor, you are a daughter.
Look how skinny the figure is!
What, what shall I feed you?
Autumn (also sings). I want nothing!

King (singing).
Oh you, my poor miserable one,
Eat, baby, an exotic egg!
Maybe you should see a doctor?
Autumn (sings). I want nothing!
King (sings).
To fix your mood
Why don't we put on a show now?
Do you want a ball, I'll pump it for you?
Autumn (sings). Well, I guess I do!
King (claps his hands)
2 messengers run
Hey, daring messengers,
I send you everywhere!
Break it down now
Our royal decree!
Reading Decree
So, I read my Decree
Good people about love mandate!
Anyone who knows my daughter
Urgently go to my house,
Be in the palace now!
Yes, take with you:
One hundred verses and hymns,
Jokes, dances or cookies...
And still here it would be necessary
What is from the fairy garden.
Who could please...
If only my daughter would be happy!
Who will flatter Autumn
Who will please her -
Will be engaged at once.
Planted on half the kingdom!
Well, hurry up, friends, on the road!
Hands over the decree to the Messengers, they retire with a bow.
And the messengers rushed here
All the way, all the way!
But I command...
I invite Fairy to visit
The Fairy enters and bows.
Hello, our father, the King
Almighty Sovereign!
That's it, my smart one.
I know you for a long time
I want to tell you
Hours, well, for five ...
Collect all the townspeople -
Hold the Olympics
Choose the smartest
The most dexterous, finally
To invite everyone to the palace!
Give them tasks
And give me a ticket to the ball
Only to those who know a lot
Who can draw
Sing, dance or dance!
Polka with turns (music by Chichkov)
The tsar hands over tickets on which are written "Art competition", "Vocal competition", "Poetry competition" and leaves. And the Fairy rushes to the audience and distributes tickets to willing parents.
I ask you to come to me, who has it written on the ticket "Art Competition".
Two (three) Participants go out
Autumn - great time for painting landscapes. And whether our participants can draw, now we will find out. You need to draw an autumn landscape with your children in a certain time. And who will do better, our viewers will determine. You can start!
(two easels, two drawing paper, markers, pencils, eraser)
Fairy: While our members are drawing, I bring to your attention a wonderful song for inspiration

SONG "Multi-colored leaves" (Music by A Evdotieva)

Storyteller: So let's see what you got.

"Artists" showcase their masterpieces. Children to participating parents, give
pre-prepared autumn gifts

Fairy: The next music competition. Who has it on the ticket "Vocal Competition" I ask you to come to me.
Participants of the vocal competition from 3-6 people come out
- Do you have a good musical ear and voice?
Now we will check it. You have the lyrics in your hands. Your task is to artistically, musically perform it. Your children will help you. You start singing the chorus, and the children continue the chorus.

Perform the song "Antoshka"
(children to participating parents give pre-prepared autumn gifts)

Fairy: The next poetry competition, whoever has it written on the ticket "Poetry Competition"
I will give you leaflets, on them are written several poems about Autumn "back to front". Your task is to compose quickly and correctly poetic lines about autumn, and then read it expressively. Is the assignment clear? So let's get started, your kids can help you.
Storyteller: In the meantime, our participants are preparing, I invite you children to play.
GAME "Autumn walked through the garden"
Fairy: So, the participants of the poetry competition are ready, I invite you to come to me.
Participants of the poetry competition come out and read poems
(see at the end of the script)
(children to participating parents give pre-prepared autumn gifts)

Fairy: Thanks to all the participants, I think that our friendship won, you all received wonderful gifts from your children, made by their hands, so they will be dear to you. Applause.
The day is drawing to a close
Everyone did a good job
They sang songs, had fun ....
Fairy with children said goodbye
And gradually withdrew.

The fairy leaves. The Tsar comes out with Autumn (daughter) and goes to the window
It's a day, another one goes by.
The Tsar Father comes to the window...
(The king looks out the window.)
Daughter, honey, look -
Seemed to be far away?
I see the cloud is dusty
The falcon rider flies
And behind him, that a flock of birds,
Lots of chariots!
That's joy at last!
I'll order the palace cleared.
Claps his hands. Messengers run in, bring the throne
and put a table with a beautiful tablecloth for gifts.

1 Messengers:
Venerable king-father!
The prince who arrived at the palace
2 Messengers:
Asks you to let him in
To serve the princess!
Well, daughter, ready
Meet a remote guest?
(She nods her head regally.)
Open the royal doors!
And please let the guests in!
(The messengers disperse. The herald enters, beats the staff on the floor and announces.)
Prince September ... With his retinue (2 people) and gifts of the harvest
Enter September
On a clear September morning
Villages thresh bread
I like your daughter
Sovereign, accept me.
Herald. Prince October! .... With his retinue (2 people) and gifts (leaves, flowers, ekibans)
Enter October
I am an autumn month, I am delirious with you.
You have become forever my destiny.
With a prayer, I ask you to accept the gifts
This beautiful autumn season.
Herald. Prince November! ... With his retinue (2 people) and gifts ...
Enter November
Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less
Hastened to the ball all over the world
There is no cuter than your daughter.
(Each prince takes the place of an honored guest at the throne of the King)
Well, princess, the guests are assembled,
The party will start soon.
Welcome your guests.
Meekly, affectionately meet.
And where is the Fairy - I do not see
Invite her too!
Fairy enters
to the princess
Well, the heart - everything was silent?
Nothing suggested?
Don't rush to answer
Show me a hint.
(The king gives the princess a rose. She gets up and goes to the princes. The princes straighten up to meet her. One bows - makes a curtsey. The other bows to the ground. The third kneels ... The princess hands one of them a rose.) Applause
Autumn, young maiden,
Giving a rose tremulously,
All blushed,
The prince also blushed. (walk around the circle)
Father with a father's eye
I watched everything randomly.
Respecting daughter's choice,
Wait and delay not wanting
Fulfilling your decree
He ordered to betrothed at once! (stop in the middle)
Tsar(claps his hands, the herald runs in in the hands of a scroll. This is a map of the kingdom.)
I want to keep my word.
Daughter with the prince - to marry.
On half the kingdom - plant!
Please, give me the kingdom!
The herald delivers the scroll. The Tsar rises from his throne and approaches Autumn and the Prince
I bless your union.
I entrust to live in harmony
And I give you half the kingdom!
(gives scroll)
storyteller (addressing the audience).
The case is drawing to a close
Here is the ball - as in every fairy tale.
Who helped the princess
Please join us for the ball.
All around kids get up
Disassemble tools
Let's have fun playing
Finish the autumn ball!!
Parents go out and take any musical instruments and accompany, and the children dance
The holiday is over, the children go around the hall to the music


1. autumn is walking in our park,
autumn gives gifts to everyone:
pink apron - aspen,
red beads - rowanberry,
yellow umbrella - poplars,
autumn gives us fruits.

Tidoh yneso in the mixed park
kutraf yyvozor - ekniso,
ysub eynsark - eknibyar,
kitnoz yytlezh - squishy,
ytkurf neso tirad man. the autumn garden,
by the path
aspen pops
in the palms.
that's why
That week
her palms

Good luck menneso
at ikzhorod,
aniso teapolch
in ikshodal.
tov umechop
an yot eleden
her ikshodal

3. rain, rain, drip yes drip!
you wouldn't drip on dads,
you would not drip on moms -
it would be better to come to us:
dads - damp, moms - dirty,
you and I are great!

Kidjod, kidjod, pack hell pack!
yt en lapak yb an pap,
yt en lapak yb an mam-
lidohirp yb eschul k man:
mapap-orys, mam-onzyarg,
man with yuobot-onsarkerpsar!

The autumn ball in kindergarten is the final event that completes the study of the theme "Autumn". The purpose of the holiday is to demonstrate the effectiveness of educational and educational work with kids, to unite children in a team, to form an aesthetic, musical taste among pupils.

Preparatory work

The preparation of the autumn ball requires preliminary activities aimed at familiarizing children with the seasons of the year, natural phenomena, and the main features that characterize autumn. With the guys you can have conversations, excursions to nature, organize watching cartoons. Children's immersion autumn theme also includes reading fiction on the

It will be useful to collect natural material. Collected acorns, chestnuts can later be used to create crafts for the autumn ball by children, which will be pleasant surprises for invited guests and parents.

In preliminary classes with children, you can prepare drawings illustrating autumn, which will be used to decorate the hall for the festive event.

Autumn ball preparation plan

In preparation for the autumn ball, the teacher must draw up an indicative plan of action. Recommended plan:

  1. Script writing.
  2. Choice of actors.
  3. Choice of musical accompaniment.
  4. Dance staging.
  5. Crafts for the autumn ball.
  6. Conducting rehearsals.
  7. Selection of inventory, paraphernalia.
  8. Hall decoration.
  9. Select the date and time of the event.
  10. Invitation of guests.

Holiday script

Carrying out this type of activities in preschool institutions involves painstaking preliminary training by the teaching staff. The most important stage is writing the scenario of the holiday. Given the theme of the event, you can choose a magical forest, park, field, castle as the venue for the ball, which will add entertainment to the holiday. The characters in the production may be the seasons of the year, natural phenomena, animals, vegetables and fruits. The scenario should take into account the characteristics of children of a certain group, which will determine good choice actors.

The content of the script will be poems, riddles, sports competitions, games, quizzes. Each of these elements requires special attention.

The role of poems in preparing the ball

The tone of the holiday will be set by a greeting for the autumn ball. There are several options for such a greeting: it can come from the mouth of the host (educator), or the greeting is prepared by children. The presentation for the autumn ball can be both in prose and in verse. In any case, children and guests will be interested. But a poetic greeting to the autumn ball will contribute to the lyrical mood, which should be characteristic of such an event.

The selection of poems by the teacher should take into account the age characteristics of the children of the group, their articulation skills.

We offer teachers a choice of several poems that can be used in preparing the script for such a holiday as an autumn ball in kindergarten.

1. Autumn treasure

Falling off the coin...

There's a treasure under your feet!

This autumn is golden

Gives leaves, not counting

Gives golden leaves

to you and us

And everyone in a row.

(I. Pivovarova)

2. Naughty rain

Rain, rain, you listen:

Don't walk barefoot through the puddles.

Autumn roams the roads

He wears cold in a knapsack,

You will turn white - you will become snow -

You won't melt until April.

(T. Koneva)

There are many options for poems on the theme of autumn, but those chosen by the teacher for the autumn ball in a preschool institution must meet the following criteria:

  • ease of learning;
  • brevity;
  • imagery.

Riddles on the theme of autumn

To activate cognitive activity children at the holiday are encouraged to use such an interactive form of communication as riddles. They can be on a variety of topics: natural phenomena, vegetables, fruits, berries, trees, bushes, their fruits, animals. We offer several riddles for the choice of a teacher:

1.The forest is divided

blue sky,

This time of year is...


2. He walks and we run

He will catch up anyway!

We hurry to hide in the house,

Will knock on our window,

And on the roof thump thump!

No, we won't let you in, dear friend!


3. Flying, not a bird

A howl, not a beast.


Songs for the autumn ball

Writing a script is a crucial stage that should take place in the interaction of a teacher, methodologist and musical director of a preschool institution.

Interaction with the music director will allow you to prepare a colorful and musical event, which will definitely affect the effectiveness and entertainment. The most important components of such a holiday will be songs and dances, the effectiveness of which largely depends on the choice of music. in this process will become, as we have said, the music director of the preschool.

The use of songs will unite a group of children, fill the holiday with a special atmosphere of unity.

We offer the following songs to choose from, reflecting the autumn theme: “Autumn knocked on our door” (lyrics by T. Capital, music by I. Smirnova), “Oh, what an autumn” (Z. Root), “Mushrooms” (lyrics by A. Kuznetsova, music T. Popatenko), “Hello, Autumn” (words by V. Maslov, music by Y. Slonov), “Rain” (Y. Verizhnikov).

Dance for the autumn ball

A special place in the preparation of the holiday is occupied by the production of dances. This process is complex and involves the selection of appropriate musical accompaniment for dancing. Considering the format of the autumn ball, the best musical compositions for it can be: “Autumn Song” (P.I. Tchaikovsky), “Autumn Song” (S.G. Nasaulenko),

The very process of staging dances should involve children in the festive atmosphere of the holiday, develop coordination of movements, plasticity. The dance for the autumn ball should take into account the theme of the holiday, which determines the choice of its composition, participants, and their costumes. Waltz, polka, round dance will correspond to the autumn ball in form.

The professional skill of the music director is manifested in the ability to choose the right piece of music, to highlight significant rhythmic components that will allow the formation of choreographic elements. Thus, the music director combines the musical component with the choreographic one.

Games at the autumn ball

A children's autumn ball would not be complete without the use of a game component. Competitions will be of great interest to children. The name of the team for the autumn ball: "Perky peppercorns", "Naughty pumpkins", "Smart onions", "Mix of vegetables", "Vinaigret", "Compote". The game will activate the audience, attract guests and parents. Games can be varied. We offer several options for teachers to choose from:

    Relay "Harvest": we divide the children into 2 teams. The goal of the game is to collect the decomposed models (models) of vegetables one by one and put them in the basket. The winner is the team that collected the most large quantity vegetables for the time allotted for the game.

    Game "Find a Pair": we divide the children into 2 teams. The goal of the game is to pick up paired leaves from a common pile and name them. The winner is the team whose members have collected the most pairs and named them correctly.

    Game "Collect mushrooms": we divide the children into 2 teams. The goal of the game is to collect the decomposed models (models) of mushrooms one by one, naming them, and put them in the basket. The winner is the team that has collected the most mushrooms and named them correctly in the time allotted for the game.

Costume design of the autumn ball

The children's autumn ball must be costumed, which is previously reported to the parents of the children. This fact also affects the festive atmosphere of the event. For the purpose of children, you can hold a competition such as the "Autumn Fashion Theater", during which children will be able to move around and demonstrate their costumes.

Not last place in holding such an event as an autumn ball in a kindergarten, it takes The aesthetic side of the issue will depend on the level of creativity of the teachers involved in its conduct. Holiday decor elements can be natural materials previously collected by children on walks, their drawings on the theme of autumn. The educator is recommended to prepare attributes that characterize the scene. If the action takes place in the forest, it is necessary to provide for the presence of images of forest vegetation, if in the park, then you also need to prepare the appropriate props. The colorfully designed name of the event is welcome.

We create an autumn ball with our own hands

A bright point in the event should be gifts prepared by children for parents and guests. Such gifts can be crafts made from natural material, applications, drawings. This will leave the holiday in the memory of children and adults.

So, completing the topic of the autumn ball in a preschool institution, it should be noted that the festive events in the garden are the result daily work with kids. It involves a high percentage of creativity. In addition, without a constant craving for self-education and improving one's professional competence the teacher will not be able to achieve high results in working with children. The children's environment is the most effective test of professionalism.

A demonstration of abilities (both children and teachers) will be a holiday in a preschool institution. Autumn ball in kindergarten will be held on high level thanks to the professionalism of the educator, his creativity, enthusiastic immersion in the material, knowledge age features guys, successful correctional and educational activities.

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 7 "Smile" Sakhalin region, city of Kholmsk.


King Tomato, Queen Tomato, Crow, Autumn.


Prince Tomato, Scarecrow garden.

To the music, the children of the preparatory group enter, go around the hall in pairs and sit down.

Children enter in pairs senior group, turn to the audience.

1 child:

Why are there so many colors of red, red, gold?

2. This autumn knocked softly on the door to you and me.

3. In autumn, we are very happy how beautiful her outfit is.

4. Yes, everyone is happy to admire autumn nature.

5. So let's glorify and praise autumn together

6. Sing a lot of wonderful songs and speak in verse.

A song is being performed "Autumn"

7. Oh, how mischievous leaves are spinning in the rain.

We will dress warmly and go for a walk in the yard.

8. We will circle with them, dance like them

Ah, the dancers are tired, they sank along the ground.

Children Art. gr. Performing a couples dance "Drip-drip" then sit down.

The boys of the preparatory group come out to the music, the girls run up to

boys and get into pairs.

1. Crying, crying autumn with a little rain

Drops crystal drops

And a little old maple is sad,

He. probably summer remembers.

2. Friends will not understand me in any way,

Why do I love autumn so much?

As a girlfriend of autumn I whisper

I want to tell you my secrets.

3. Leaf. yellow leaf,

You fly faster.

Let the wind blow you.

I run with you in a race,

I will be until the wind stops.

4. Give your rowan berries

There is no more beautiful than your beads in the world

And in return, take this song

There is no sadness in it in any verse.

5. Friends will not understand me in any way,

Why do I love autumn so much?

As a girlfriend of autumn I whisper

I want to tell you my secrets.

Children of the preparatory group perform a dance "Autumn Jive" , sit down.

Music sounds, King Tomato and Queen Tomato appear.


My dear Tomato Queen, how beautiful you are today! How does your dress suit you?


Dear King Tomato. And don't even think about sucking up. We'll have a ball

There have been no holidays in our vegetable kingdom for a long time. It's autumn now. The most beautiful

and our favorite time of the year. I know you prefer to sit in silence, but

it is harmful for our little son, Prince Pomidorka, to be bored alone. By the way, where is our


I don't know, haven't seen him since morning. Prince, where are you?


Where are you my boy, respond!

(Prince Pomodorka appears from behind the carriage)



Where have you been, son, your mother and I have already begun to worry.


I've been trying to reconcile the vegetables all morning.


How. Are they fighting again?


Well, of course! they are arguing over who is the boss.

What a kindergarten! Yes, see for yourself.

(Children of the preparatory group come out in hats of vegetables, they swear among themselves)


Quiet! Calmly explain what the dispute is?

polka dots (funny):

Very cute, stylish boy

Tailcoat green from a pod oh, what a beauty!

Beet (important):

Well, think about your tailcoat

Everyone knows beetroot anyway!

For salads - decoration

And in borscht I'm overeating.

Cabbage (interrupting):

Please be humble

After all, cabbage is the most important

I'm salted, I'm fried

They stew me, they boil me

So I'm the tastiest

So I'm the most important!

Cucumber (fervently):

By the way, I'm more important:

Well, ask people.

I'm good fresh

Salty is also in demand!


It's time to end the fight

After all, it's me!

Without me, the okroshka is empty,

Without a radish, it's just sad.

Carrot (coquettishly):

Have you forgotten about me?

Vitamins is me!

Animals adore me, people respect me.

I am useful and tasty

Carrots are the most important!

At least people cry from me

They don't hide me away.

I enter every dish,

Onions are everywhere, everything is good.


What are you arguing, friends?

I am the most important of all.

Even children know this.

There is no better potato in the world!


Stop arguing, I'm the most important, all the healthier and tastier!


Yes, it's time to intervene and resolve your dispute. Dear vegetables, you are all useful and good

each in his own way.

I propose to reconcile.

(vegetables shake hands)

And in honor of your reconciliation, we arrange a ball in our vegetable kingdom.


Long live our glorious tomato king!

Fanfare sounds.


How do we start our holiday?


Well, waltz, of course.

(Performed by Waltz preparatory group).


How beautifully these lovely children dance!


King, our dear prince is also talented. Now he will sing us a poem


Son. Don't embarrass your parents.

Well, then dance.


I am not good at,

May I call my friends?

Guys, come out, show me a dance with a cane.

Queen to king:

You need to send your child to kindergarten immediately. Everything will be taught there.

(Dance with a cane is performed by the boys of the older group)


What good fellows I also danced beautifully in my youth.

But let's change the genre. Who can sing? I want to hear a good song. Who is in my

kingdom sings?

(Singing a song "Autumn ran merrily along the path" preparatory group)


Oh, how wonderfully they sang, well, they pleased!

Dear queen. And who are these beautiful girls in yellow sundresses?


These are our guests - rowan berries.

Girls, come out, show yourself!

(Dance "POCK" senior girls).

The king and queen applaud. Music sounds, a CROW appears with a suitcase.


Karrrrr! Ugliness. They are dancing and having fun. They don't care about the poor

unfortunate crow. Karrr!

What cruelty! Karrr! Well, pay attention to the poor bird. Ask anyone

anything, what happened?

Children: what happened?

Crow: What bad kids. They don't even know that I have a grief in a crow!

Queen: Stop screaming and explain what happened?

King: Yes, explain calmly?

Crow: Explain. They flew away. But I stayed. They left without me.

Queen: Who flew where? Guys. Can you guess what the crow is talking about? Who

Children answer:

flew away migratory birds winter in warmer climes.

Crow: Here, here. And I mean, I can't fly that well. Yes I am, yes I have the most

beautiful wings, here!


Lady Crow. Stop croaking already, oh, sorry. scream.


Here. That's how everyone tries to offend. Everyone doesn't like my voice. That is OK. Now

I will pinch your rowan berries. You will know me!

(Tries to pinch the rowan girls)


Leave our ball immediately


And I won't think.


Take your suitcase and leave the premises.


Yeah. just picked it up and flew away.

The song sounds "Scarecrow in the Garden" A garden scarecrow appears - a child of Art.

Children Art. groups

Undressed scarecrow

Good clothes:

satin trousers,

Gunny jacket.

  • straw hat

Looks great

With bright patches -

Very pretty.

Old gray scarf

The wind develops.

Who dressed up the scarecrow?

And nobody knows.

Scarecrow flaunts

Looking around

Fly up to the crows

Close does not order.


In the garden I stand and carefully look

So that the birds do not fly, our crops are not pecked.

Everyone sing a song game "Scarecrow in the Garden" At the end, the scarecrow catches up with the children and the crow.


I won't leave it like this to you, I'll complain. (takes suitcase and runs away)

King and queen.

You are our savior!


Let's all say thank you to our savior!

The kids say thank you.


We are ready to fulfill your every wish.


I really want to play in an ensemble on some kind of instrument.


Well, I think the guys will help us with this.

(Orchestra of the senior group. The child playing the role of the Scarecrow plays the cymbals).


Our dear friend, I ask you to stay on our holiday.

It's time for beautiful poetry. Who will read poetry to us?

(reading poetry)


Oh, how beautiful was our ball!

But mom, dad, I'm tired.

The guys are tired too

They sang and danced


Our prince spoke in verse! I always knew he was talented.

Queen: What a beautiful ball. I think it's time to show up here

autumn beauties.

Autumn release:

I am golden autumn. lined with leaves,

I decorate the whole earth and make people happy.

I am a golden autumn, I am a harvest

They call me with love the queen of all rains.

I dream of making friends and spinning in a dance

No wonder I put on my best outfit.

It is woven from leaves of raindrops and flowers

Everyone is happy to admire them today.

Take the leaves and get up in a round dance.

round dance "A Conversation with Autumn" 2 groups


You return the autumn leaves,

Collect them carefully in a basket

(The older group puts the leaves in a basket).

Soon November will knock on the window, the last leaves will be blown away by the wind

Snow-white winter will come next and bring another holiday after itself.


Thanks to autumn, we will say that it comes to us every year

And gives generous gifts; that the garden and the garden are ripening.


We will say thank you in autumn for the beauty of our native fields

For the forest that is painted with gold and the song of white cranes.

Everyone sing a song "Autumn" .


Thank you all for a wonderful ball. I must definitely feed the kids.

(King brings mushroom)


What a wonderful mushroom, it is not small, it is large.

I'll look under the hat, where are the gifts?

(a toy frog sits under the hat)


Get acquainted. This is my friend the green frog.

She is such a sweet tooth!

Where he recognizes sweets, he jumps for joy. She ate it all.

Autumn: this is a joke for the guys, frogs don't eat sweets!

The leaves that I put in the basket

I immediately turned into sweet gifts.

Distribution of gifts.

The holiday is over.

The autumn ball can be part of a system of activities aimed at the ethical and environmental education of the child, and the development of creativity and motivation for learning in children. Before holding the Autumn Ball, it is necessary, if this is the first Autumn Ball in the life of children, to introduce them to the history and traditions of balls, to learn several dances that can be performed at the Autumn Ball, for example, polka, waltz, waru-vara, Krakowiak, Russian square dance, Russian lyric - optional.

Before the Autumn Ball, children, together with the teacher, can pick up beautiful autumn leaves on a walk in the park and learn how to make an autumn bouquet out of them. The leaves will be useful both for decorating the ballroom and for the competition during the Autumn Ball itself.

Of course, the Autumn ball in the kindergarten will not completely repeat the real balls of the XIX century, but it is quite possible to hold a stylized ball on the theme of "Autumn", creating the atmosphere of a ballroom.

Ball move

In the hall, on the stage - Autumn and the hosts of the ball - September, October, November in the appropriate costumes of autumn coloring with recognizable stylistic elements of autumn.

Solemn dance music sounds.


“Come into the ballroom, friends!”
We can't do without a ball,
After all, autumn has come!
We ask you all to the ball!

Children dressed in ball gowns and ceremonial costumes enter the hall in pairs, dance step and sit on chairs.


- Foliage is flying outside the windows,
And words fall from my lips
That the summer has flown by
Ripe and rowan bunch,
Rains are waiting for us cold flurry ...


But don't be sad!
Ball today!


- Autumn gives us beauty,
Rays of autumn warmth,
We will keep summer in our hearts
In dreams to meet us with him!


- We will remember the summer, friends,
After all, joy cannot be forgotten!


Autumn has come to us today!
Don't run home
After all, autumn is also so beautiful,
There are many clear days in it,
We call her golden
And we love autumn!


— I brought gifts with me.
The weather, which is not hot at all,
autumn leaves beauty
And harvest deliciousness
Transparency of air and light,
Which in the summer is definitely not.
After all, autumn is a wonderful time!
Do you agree with me, kids?


— Poets glorified autumn!
Do you know poetry? Let's ask!

Children go on stage and tell pre-prepared poems about autumn by different poets.


- But we will remember the summer,
Let's not forget about him, beautiful.
Tell autumn about summer
Children with their beautiful dance!

Pre-prepared children perform with a dance about summer. This can be, for example, a jive dance in appropriate costumes, if there are children in the group doing ballroom dancing, or some kind of summer themed dance, invented and staged by the music director.

November: - Tell me, how do we know that autumn has come?

September: - I'll check the calendar.

October: What if there is no calendar? Children, by what signs can you find out that autumn has come?

The children answer.

November: - Yes, I also love it when autumn rains dance in the sky and yellow, red, golden leaves swirl .... Children, can you imagine that you are raindrops and show them dancing?

Children dance the signs of autumn, which the host calls: leaves, raindrops, wind, migratory birds, depicting them in a dance to the appropriate music. These could be, for example, the following works:

  • T. Snezhina "Comic song about autumn";
  • L. Paly, B. Budar "Song about autumn";
  • O. Polyakova, V. Orlov "Autumn paths";
  • music S. Sosnina, sl. V. Semernina "Geese, geese";
  • S. Nasaulenko. "Autumn has come";
  • A. Weiner "Rain in the palms";
  • Y. Chichkov "Cranes";
  • M. Krasen, M. Ivensen “Leaves are falling, falling”, etc.

You can also use the corresponding fragments from P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons".

September: - Autumn is very beautiful time of the year. I just want to capture it as a keepsake in order to admire this colorful splendor and luxury on long winter evenings!

October: We can do it right now! We will split into two teams and make a panel about autumn from the elements of autumn that are on our tables!

Children create autumn panels on paper sheets colorful leaves, dried flowers, acorns and so on. You can use a stapler, glue, tape, pencils and felt-tip pens.


- Guests came to the ball today!
We will ask them to introduce themselves!

Birch, Ryabinka, Maple and Oak come in.


- We came from autumn forest,
We brought gifts with us.


- Bright autumn is just wonderful
Any bush can look like.


We will share beauty with you
From beautiful autumn forests.


- After all, beautiful in the style of autumn
This fall, everyone is ready to become!

October: Our guests brought gifts from the autumn forest to the ball. With their help, we can become just as beautiful and bright in autumn. Now each of you will be able to make yourself a decoration from autumn gifts. Dear parents, you can help your children in their autumn creativity! A jury of our guests will evaluate your decorations and choose the King and Queen of our autumn ball!

Children together with their parents make decorations from rowan berries, acorns, dried autumn flowers and leaves. Children wear jewelry. The jury evaluates everyone and chooses the King and Queen of the Autumn Ball.


- So we met with you, children!
Let's meet, let's be friends
And hopefully in the autumn months
We will have a lot of fun!


- Perform the final dance
I invite you today!
Let under our ballroom vaults
Our Autumn waltz will spread!

Children dance the Autumn Waltz.

Ball ends.

ON A NOTE. Children's costumes low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" -

Municipal budgetary educational institution

general developmental type with priority implementation of activities

on the cognitive and speech direction of development of children


Holiday "Autumn Ball"

in the senior preschool group



Art. Eorlykskaya

2014-2015 academic year year


(Children with autumn leaves to the music enter the music room)

Presenter: - Today in our hall, we have gathered you, friends,
So that on our autumn holiday, children's laughter would ring.
So that friendship does not end, so that the music sounds,
So that there would be enough songs and jokes for everyone!

Child reads: The sun is tired

You are warming up!

Yellow and scarlet

Sheets are spinning.

In the rustle and in the rustle

Heaps on the paths

The motley ones are lying.

Leading: - Who will say, who knows when it happens?

Children: - In autumn!

Reading poetry:

Summer is ending
Summer is ending
And the sun don't shine
And hiding somewhere.

And the rain is a first grader,
A little shy
In oblique line
Lining the window.

The leaves were flooded with sunshine.

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Poured, weighed down,

Run and fly

Rustled through the bushes

They jumped over the branches.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And look sadly Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow Grass in the meadows,
Only Ozim turns green in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling..

Noisy water
fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warm climes.

All the trees flew around, Only spruces turn green,

The forests have become bare. Day and night it rains,

Mud and puddles at the gate.

The field is black and white

It rains, then it snows.

And it got colder

Ice bound the waters of the rivers.

The aspen chills, shivers in the wind...

Give Aspen the coat and boots.

It is necessary to warm up Poor aspen.

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
I gently brushed through the leaves with a brush.
The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed
In autumn purple. Only green oak
Autumn consoles: - Do not regret the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

Cranes fly south.
Hello, hello autumn!
Come to the holiday with us
Very, very please.

Here we are a joyful holiday
We meet merrily
Come, we are waiting for you
Autumn is golden...

In a gold-coloured dress

Autumn came to us in the hall,

Like a beautiful queen

Opening ball.

Children: - Autumn, autumn! Please visit!

(Sounds out for Autumn, which

appears with a bouquet of autumn leaves.)

Autumn: - Hello children!

Children:- Hello, autumn!

Autumn:- In a golden carriage with a playful horse,

Autumn galloped through the forests and fields.

The good sorceress changed everything:

The Earth was painted with bright yellow color.

From the sky, a sleepy month is surprised at a miracle,

Everything around sparkles, everything shimmers.

(Dance is performed + song: “Sorceress Autumn”)

(Tomato appears)

Tomato:- Hello, autumn!

Autumn:- Hello, who are you?

Tomato:- Don't you recognize me?

Hello children! I am the biggest Red Tomato.

I know everything in the world.

Autumn:- Can not be!

Tomato:- I even know what you're thinking right now.

Autumn: - About what?

Tomato:- You think you are the most beautiful time of the year.

Autumn:- You guessed it, Red Tomato. Just look at what beauties have grown in the beds!

(Music sounds. Vegetables appear: Cabbage and Carrots.)

Cabbage:- I am curly and lush,

And emerald green.

Not in the garden, gentlemen,

I'm more beautiful, oh yes!

Carrot:- Well, you turned down, mademoiselle!

I am the queen of all lands!

After all, everyone knows that I am beautiful,

The most beautiful of all is my braid.

Cabbage:- Just think, the scythe sticks out!

Carrots sit in the ground all their lives,

And if all the beauty is in the tops,

I don't know, sir...

Carrot:- Cabbage, I'm the most beautiful of all!

Success belongs to me

Gardeners always...

Cabbage:- What, right, nonsense!

The most beautiful of all, of course, I am!

Carrot: - No, I am! Cabbage: - No, I am!

Carrot:- No, me! Cabbage: - No, I am!

Tomato:- Good, ladies, good!

Truth is not a scandal.

To resolve a heated argument

I am a dark red tomato

I suggest you show

Enter this podium

And fair to hold

Our super beauty contest.

Whoever wins gets flowers!

Carrots and cabbage alternately, then walk along the catwalk together to the music.

Leading: Senior Tomato appreciated Carrots and cabbage, and gives them bouquets of flowers. Applause. ( Pomodoro gives Carrots and Cabbage bouquets each.)

Autumn: - Model show is over.

But who is the current champion?

One thing I can tell you:

Everyone showed the importance, to become,

All endowed with beauty

And different dishes are needed.

Success was natural:

I congratulate everyone on the victory!

Autumn: - The ball is in full swing! Songs, laughter!

Music is calling us all!

(The song is performed: “Autumn, very good”)

Autumn: - Do you like to play?

Children: - Yes!

Autumn: - I suggest you play autumn games.

1. An attraction is being held "Gather the Leaves"

2. Contest "Give it to another"
Two equal teams of adults and children, on a signal, begin to pass the carrot to each other from hand to hand, without missing a single participant. The team where the carrot came to the finish line first will win.

Reading poetry:

Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Lost somewhere summer.
Autumn is coming, autumn is coming.
The wind dropped the maple leaves.
New carpet underfoot
Yellow-pink - maple.

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!

Our garden has become quiet.

And birches and aspens

Boring stand.

The ducks gathered and flew on a long journey.
A bear makes a lair under the roots of an old spruce.
The hare dressed in white fur, it became warm for the bunny.
The squirrel carries a whole month in reserve mushrooms in the hollow.
Nutcracker cleverly hides nuts in old moss for the winter.
Capercaillie pinch needles ...
Northern bullfinches came to us to spend the winter.

Leaves swirl over the path.
The forest is transparent and crimson...
It's good to roam with a basket
Along the edges and glades!

We go and under our feet
A rustle of gold is heard.
Smells like wet mushrooms
Smells like forest freshness.

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring, Puddles at the porch ...,

stunted rowan

Wet under the window;

Looks village

Gray spot.

That you are early to visit. Autumn has come to us?

The heart also asks for light and warmth!

Leading: I have riddles. You have to give correct answers. Listen carefully.

1. Brothers are sitting on a stump. All - freckled rascals.
These friendly guys are called ... (honey mushrooms) 2. They walk in red-haired berets, they bring autumn to the forest in the summer.
Very friendly sisters - golden ... (chanterelles) 3. Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest,
Grew motley, like Parsley, poisonous ... (fly agaric)

Leading:- Since the mushroom topic has gone ...

Then we will sing funny lines about forest mushrooms.

(Mushroom ditties are performed)

1. On a stump at the gate

All mushroom people are dancing.

Family fun again -

There are probably twenty-five of them.

2. Boletus in the morning

Was going to visit

Squirrels dragged off the hat -

He stayed at home.

3. Like red chanterelles

Three sisters showed up.

It would be good for a boy -

Red handsome.

4. Russula dressed up

In colorful dresses.

Look at us

What beauties we are!

5. Fly agaric ran home,

Lost all the peas.

And the wife's answer was strict:

Didn't let me on the threshold.

6. Aspen leaf on the hat

Very much a fungus to the face.

Boletus from the hill

It can be seen even a mile away.

7. On the edge of the river

The mushroom pickers got lost.

Cunning mushrooms

They play hide and seek with them.

All: - So we sang the lines for you

And we put an end to this!

Autumn: (holds a galosh in his hand)- Who lost the galosh, children? Did someone leave her here? Yes, admire, another galosh, and also, what a pity, from the right foot.

Host: I don't have a couple, so what!

I'll run in one shoe.

Well, who, answer, brothers.

Do you also want to run?

(The attraction "Running in galoshes" is being held)

Autumn: - It is known that in autumn there are many gloomy, rainy days. (Singing a song : "Cloud")

Autumn: - Rain, rain

All day

Drumming on glass.

All the earth, all the earth

Wet from water.

But I will give you an umbrella

And don't be afraid of the rain!

(The attraction "Whose couple will run away from the rain faster under an umbrella" is held.)

Leading: - It's good to ride in a galosh,

It's good to run with an umbrella,

It's such a good day

All of the leaves are golden.

Through the dense alleys of the park

We will pass without haste

Let her dance in a bright dress

Autumn is your farewell waltz!

Children dance "Polka"

You will always find something interesting, useful, fun, although the sun is less and less outside the window, the birds fly away, and we say goodbye to summer. I feel so good and cheerful at your holiday, but it's time for me to move on through the fields and meadows.

(Children go to a group where a "sweet table" is waiting for them)

That I decided to give you a gift and spend

"Autumn lottery" with prizes and gifts.

(Autumn and Tomato hold a lottery)

Autumn lottery

1. Not sewn, not cut,

And all in scars;

Without counting clothes

And all without fasteners (cabbage)

2. As in our garden

Riddles have grown.

Juicy and round

Here are the big ones

green in summer,

They turn red in autumn. (tomatoes)

3. And in this garden

Bitter riddles.

Ignatka is sitting in the garden

All in patches

Who will touch him

He will pay. (onion)

4. And in this garden

Thick riddles.

green caftan,

And the heart, like a red carpet,

Tastes like sugar, sweet

It looks like a ball. (watermelon)

5. Green at the top

red below,

It has grown into the ground. (beet)

6. Round side, yellow side,

Sits on the garden bed.

Vrpos into the ground firmly.

Who is this? ... (turnip)

7. Both green and thick

A bush has grown in the garden.

Dig a little:

Under a bush ... (potato)

8. Golden head

Big and heavy.

golden head

Lie down to rest.

The head is big

Only the neck is thin. (pumpkin)

nine . No arms, no legs

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles. (wind)

11. Everything around is golden,

And it shines from the sky.

And suddenly the rain suddenly -

So it has come ... (autumn)

Autumn: - I realized that you know and love autumn.

You won't be bored this time of the year.

You will always find something interesting, useful, fun, although the sun is less and less outside the window, the birds fly away, and we say goodbye to summer.

Leading: - Our holiday is over. We invite everyone

to the table, taste the gifts of autumn.

(Children go to a group where they are waiting for a treat).
