The most accurate horoscope for November Libra. Love horoscope for the sign Libra for November. Health and leisure

Libra has done a good job and can count on decent dividends in November 2017. And they will definitely be there!
According to the Libra horoscope, November 2017, despite the gloominess and bad reputation of its weather, from the point of view of the cosmos this year is a completely harmless month. For you, it marks travel, movement, some concern about your financial situation and at the same time a suddenly increased interest in religion or philosophy. These are the topics that, at first glance, have little in common, will pop up in your mind in November.
In the second half of November 2017, it would be nice for Libra to go on a trip. Or at least at home, under a warm blanket and with a cup of delicious drink, immerse yourself in reading a mysterious and fascinating story that will take you on long journeys with its pages.
Libra will have a lot vital energy, which will increase the desire for self-expression. I'll have to accept independent decisions in many areas of life, but eternal fluctuations can hinder you.
In November 2017, the usual pattern of behavior will not allow Libra to successfully develop partnerships, because the influence of other people and circumstances will be great. At work and in relationships with colleagues, this will lead to an ambivalent situation that will put you in a position dependent on the team.
The ability to find the necessary information and communicate with any interlocutor will make Libra successful in contacts. The circle of contacts will grow, giving the opportunity to those involved in mediation or commercial activities, establish profitable business cooperation.

Favorable days in November 2017: 9, 19, 20, 24, 25.
Unfavorable days in November 2017: 2, 6, 10, 17, 18.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra - Love, family
According to the Libra horoscope for November 2017, the style of communication or area of ​​interest, the friendly environment will change. By responding to the attention of people of the opposite sex, or attracting the attention of other people, you will create an atmosphere of beauty and harmony around you. There will be a desire to change something in your appearance or try a different model of behavior with others. Don't be afraid to experiment, study yourself and your capabilities. Approach everything creatively, with an open mind, maintaining subtlety in expressing feelings and delicacy in actions.
In November 2017, Virgo has long-awaited peace and tranquility in her personal life. The storms have subsided and, it seems, this time for a long time. In one version, this is associated with a break in relations, divorce, and in the other, with a final showdown and its consequence - reconciliation. It should be noted that the last option is possible only for very few couples, but the first is more than likely. But, as they say, it is what it is.
In any case, while everything is calm, enjoy life and don’t think about anything. If you are left alone, it won’t be for long - already in November 2017 there is a chance to start a fun affair, albeit for a short time.
If you are looking for your soul mate, then this month a mysterious image will help you attract attention and win his (her) heart. For women - magnetic makeup and a mysterious outfit. On a date, do not reveal all your cards at once, be laconic in order to kindle unbridled interest and the desire to unravel all your secrets.
In the love sphere in November 2017, Libra’s temperament increases, because two planets related to this topic are not indifferent to you. Therefore, you should not restrain your impulses, enjoy intimacy, because it has a beneficial effect on relationships.
Relations with relatives are still strengthening; in case of problems between you and your other half, the influence of relatives will be very useful.
Many Libras will remember old friends or a former passion living in another city or another country, and for this occasion they will go on a trip.
In the second half of November 2017, pressure on Libra from close people will increase. Difficulties will arise in personal affairs and relationships with children. Differences in views and opinions, endless household chores will give rise to dissatisfaction with family life. Solving housing or property issues will affect the stability of your financial situation, requiring a certain investment of funds. There may be troubles due to events in the life of a brother or sister, repairs or problems with neighbors.

Libra Horoscope for November 2017 - Health
According to the November 2017 horoscope, Libra needs to take care of the throat and upper respiratory tract, because cold weather is coming and you can easily catch a cold. Therefore, dress warmly for the season.
It is also worth paying attention to the genital area. If you have sedentary work, try to get up every 40 minutes and do a light warm-up, squats. This is necessary to ensure that blood does not stagnate in the pelvis and that inflammatory processes do not occur. It would not be amiss to remind you of the importance of protection during intimate contacts.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra - Money, finances
Libra's financial situation will improve significantly in November 2017; one might even say that you will rise to another level. financial level and you will stay there for a very long time.
An opportunity to earn money will appear or another way of generating income will arise. You may get carried away with expensive purchases, jewelry, or you may acquire something that you have been saving up for for a long time. Try to budget wisely, and not from your selfish motives or momentary desires. You must be confident in the future and your financial security.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra - Work, business
According to the horoscope for November 2017, Libra will have a very successful and eventful period. You will be able to manage everything: work fruitfully and help your colleagues, gaining additional authority from them.
Libra's career continues to gain momentum, which means that you will not only have to work hard, but also take responsibility in many matters. And most importantly, you will finally get the opportunity to express your best qualities and you can accept everything important decisions absolutely independently, without looking back at anyone.
Libra entrepreneurs and bosses will be able to get rid of hostile partners, and this will immediately affect their affairs, especially financial ones.
Successful deals are on the agenda, good income, which now you can not share with anyone.
Relations with colleagues from other cities or countries are generally developing well, successful negotiations, trips, and active joint activities are possible.
Complex issues related to the division of land and real estate are also a thing of the past, one way or another you will get what you want. And even if not everything, what you earn will stay with you.
A Libra employee may receive a promotion in November 2017 with a corresponding increase in salary. And even if you have to stay in the same place, your salary will still be increased.
At work, you need to maintain a high degree of concentration and productivity. It’s good if you systematically and methodically move towards your goals and achieve them. For which your boss will praise you and maybe even reward you with a bonus. You are worthy to be a role model, so don’t blush or be embarrassed if by the end of the month you are singled out among others.
November 2017 is quite active for Libra, don’t be afraid to take risks and go all-in. If you individual entrepreneur, then dialogue with government officials this month could go surprisingly well.
Diplomacy and assessment of the current situation will make it possible to find a way out without compromising your financial situation. If you are interested in psychology and believe that you will be able to find mutual language in a team, choosing an individual approach for each person, try your hand in this direction.
Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

Libra horoscope for November 2017

General horoscope for Libra for November 2017

Most representatives of the Libra zodiac sign will be active and energetic in November 2017. An excellent period to take decisive action, both in the personal and professional spheres of life. Many Libras will feel a craving for spiritual knowledge and/or philosophy. Don't suppress your inner impulses.

Now you will probably gain wisdom and be able to look at many things that worry you with pleasant calm, and finally stop getting upset over trifles. The second half of the month is a great period for travel. If such an opportunity arises, the stars strongly recommend not to miss it.

Libra work and finance horoscope for November 2017

When deciding professional tasks Representatives of the zodiac sign Libra are recommended to be as attentive and concentrated as possible. November 2017 will provide many chances to increase the productivity of your activities (and at the same time, probably, your earnings). But for this you will have to put in a lot of effort, which, it is worth noting, will soon be fully rewarded.

Libra's financial situation can be improved by establishing contacts with new business partners. If possible, look for new connections. It is the professional relationships that have begun now that promise to have a positive impact on your wallet in the near future. The advantage is that now your diplomatic skills will be at their best, so coming to an agreement with this or that person will not be a particular problem. Take advantage of the current situation.

Love horoscope and Libra family for November 2017

Representatives of this zodiac sign who are in a relationship are advised by the stars to show their feelings more openly (at least when you are alone with your chosen one). Surely, your other half will really like this behavior, and he will fully reward you with reciprocity on his part. But for those Libras who are still single, the stars, on the contrary, advise them to be more mysterious: if you like someone, do not reveal all your cards at once. Play a little, act, so to speak, in halftones.

Already married Libras in mid-autumn will need to “throw” a lot of worries onto their shoulders and act as a kind of locomotive, pulling the family forward. The mood of your family will depend on your mood. If problems arise, the main thing is not to panic.

Libra health horoscope for November 2017

In November 2017, the health of representatives of the zodiac sign Libra will be normal. But the horoscope recommends that you pay special attention to the condition of your throat and upper respiratory tract. Try to avoid consuming cold foods and drinks, and protect these areas as much as possible - don't forget to wrap yourself in a scarf when going outside. Also, as the astrological forecast warns, discomfort may occur in the back area, directly in the spine. Don’t be lazy to do extra exercises (especially if you have a sedentary job and a sedentary lifestyle).

Favorable and unfavorable days for November 2017 Libra

Favorable days for Libra November 2017 - November 3, November 8, November 11, November 16, November 21, November 27, November 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Libra November 2017 – November 5, November 20, November 28, 2017.

In the last month of autumn, the love atmosphere noticeably revives. November 2017 does not promise to be calm, because fiery Mars is passing through your sign. Moreover, this planet opposes the explosive Uranus in the house of the Libra partner. Thus, a concentration of planetary energies is created, even overload, and circumstances in love can develop unpredictably.

During this period, you are characterized by harshness and unnecessary frankness. On the other hand, your significant other may also behave unreasonably. To neutralize unwanted tendencies, it is better to work together with your lover to implement some common plans.

Instead of sorting things out, focus on constructive activities so that excess energy is put to use. This is exactly what the planet of love, Venus, in the house of money, Libra, hints at. Provided there is coordination of actions, profit will come, but if there is no agreement, quarrels will occur over money or loss.

For lonely representatives of your sign, fate may send someone special in November 2017. However, the stars warn that the love story that began at this time, although it will be bright and exciting, will bring anxiety in the future.

Career and financial horoscope for Libra for November 2017

This is a very active time for work and business, because Mars, the planet of action, is located in Libra. November 2017 promises success and achievements, this may also apply to professional activity, and study. In addition, labor productivity increases, which will have a positive impact on income levels. You are driven by the desire to defend your interests, despite obstacles.

At the same time, the period is quite controversial. You are truly capable of achieving significant progress in your career, but this requires a lot of effort. You should pay attention to using your strength constructively and not being scattered over trifles. Difficult situations, competition and even conflicts are possible. Typically, representatives of your sign strive to maintain harmony, but in November 2017 this is not easy. To emerge victorious, you need to carefully weigh all your options.

Although you are happy with your career, you will focus more on finances and look for new ways to increase your earnings. The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are in Libra's house of money, so there is a powerful wave of energy flowing into the financial sphere of life. The month will be generous, with higher than usual profits expected.

But regardless of the situation, now is not the time to take risks with your money. Carefully consider the likely consequences of your financial decisions. If in doubt, seek advice from trusted people to ensure you make the right choice.


Calmness, balance and smooth relationships with people will have a beneficial effect on the health of Libra. The perception of beauty is of particular importance; visiting concerts or exhibitions will have a beneficial effect on your internal state, and, consequently, on well-being. Caution should be exercised, since the influence of Mars carries the risk of injury and damage when using sharp objects and equipment.

Keep your main goals in mind! Resist the urge to do many things at once.

Representatives of Libra are so confused in themselves that they no longer know what to strive for. Quite a difficult time awaits them ahead, andNovember horoscope for Libraclaims that representatives of the sign will have to prove a lot to the people around them so that it becomes easy and simple for them. In autumn November zodiac sign will be especially concerned about his own material well-being. At some point, representatives of the sign will receive an ideal offer for them, which can dramatically improve their financial situation. But it is strictly forbidden to tell everyone about such luck, since there are a lot of ill-wishers around who are eager for someone else’s wrong step. If Libra has debt obligations, then the stars recommend saying goodbye to them. Of course, giving up wealth and stable well-being is not at all easy, but what is in debt must definitely return back to its “owner.”

Representatives of the star sign are advised to always remain calm. Perhaps something is very disturbing to their soul, so they are always cautious and inconsistent. The time has come to set your own priorities according to your personal places, and clearly highlight for yourself what is definitely more necessary and important. It will not be easy for representatives of the zodiac to make such a choice, because they are accustomed to fluctuating from side to side.

It is recommended to exercise caution and attentiveness when communicating, be it with colleagues, family partners, or ordinary comrades. Perhaps someone close to them is trying to deceive Libra, and then, taking advantage of the latter’s negative position, rise higher. This certainly cannot be allowed; it is for this very reason that you need to take a closer look at your own surroundings. If the matter concerns professionalism, then no one should be allowed to take the official place of Libra. The latter need to immediately “get rid” of people who are negative for them, of course, if any are identified.

Near the end of the specified month general position representative of the zodiac will improve. With slow steps, Libra will begin to achieve previously set goals. There is no need to rush in such a matter; only consistency and responsibility will achieve the highest good. At this stage of life, a person from whom the latter did not at all expect such actions may come to help the representative of the zodiac. Here it is important to carefully consider the future consequences of such support, and if the stranger dreams of getting his own benefit, then Libra should categorically refuse the help he offers.

Health horoscope for Libra confidently states that autumn period carries the risk of serious injury, so it is important to reduce travel to a minimum. Even planned romantic trips are now recommended to be postponed to a more convenient and also favorable time. And if Libra gets behind the wheel of their own or company car, then they must strictly follow all the necessary and mandatory safety measures.

Horoscope for November 2018 for the Libra woman

At the head of this month, women will see their financial status. Ladies always prefer to have fairly strong ground under their feet, and the latest expenses will lead to the fact that the latter’s wallet will sharply “lose weight.” Decisions regarding their own material well-being will push back problems that relate to the romantic sphere of their lives. Libra's lover may be sharply disappointed by this behavior of his woman, which risks renewed quarrels and minor discord in the family hearth.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to force women to do something that is not at all interesting to them, so it is necessary to provide her with a real opportunity to deal with her emerging problems, and then actively demand something specific from her.

G oroscope for November 2018 for a Libra man

As for Libra men, on the contrary, they will want manifestations of romance and sincere love. At the same time, the latter will want their lovers to prove their sincerity own feelings, and they themselves only enjoyed this magnificent spectacle. The craving for flirting can lead family men almost to the point of madness, if they do not “suppress” such feelings in themselves, then they risk becoming traitors, whom it will be quite difficult for their wives to forgive. Lonely Libras can do whatever they want; there are no special restrictions for them now.

Love horoscope for November 2018 for Libra

If the heart and soul of the representatives of the zodiac are open to sincere feelings, then the autumn month will be memorable and magnificent for them.Love horoscope for Libra for November 2018 claims that this moment in life can become fateful, especially for lonely representatives of the sign. They can begin an active search for their soulmate, but the main thing is to believe that luck and success will always accompany them.

For family Libras, the time is also wonderful and unforgettable. Right now you can try to get rid of the negative qualities of your own character and begin your family life again, but in completely different tones.

Health horoscope for November 2018 for Libra

The bright representatives of the star constellation are not distinguished by excellent health. With the onset of frosty and fickle November, Libra may begin to suffer from respiratory diseases. The tip of the month is to always dress appropriately for the weather and to healthy image your life, which will help strengthen your body’s defense system.

The month will become quite dangerous, so it is recommended to postpone all travel. In your free minutes, it would be nice to start looking for new recipes that will actively help you make real life richer and richer. It is ideal if Libra decides to cleanse the body using the right folk remedies.

Financial horoscope for November 2018 for Libra

Once the representatives of the zodiac understand what they are capable of, they will immediately discover their potentials. In fact, Libras are excellent workers, but a sense of laziness often destroys the path that leads to professional heights. November is great for turning your plans into reality, of course, if they relate to real professional activities. If Libra dreams of unattainable heights, then they will have to work hard to achieve what they want.

As he assures, from the financial side the situation is now positive. If representatives of the zodiac learn to manage their own finances, then they will be able not only to live with dignity, but also to accumulate considerable wealth.

The love horoscope for November 2017 does not advise Libra to indulge in self-criticism and seclusion. If not everything goes according to plan in your personal life, then act on your intuition. In love, everything cannot work out exactly and correctly. In November 2017, Libra needs to be more careful and picky with intimate relationships. Otherwise, you will have more problems than you might think. You may have a love affair with Aquarius and Gemini, but avoid Pisces. The main thing is not to lose your head.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Libra women advises being active and proactive in order to create a strong relationship with the man of your dreams. Share your thoughts and plans with your friends less so that they don’t suffer from envy. If Libra invites the man they like on a date in November 2017, then disaster will not happen. By the way, he has been waiting for the first step from you for a long time.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Libra men recommends being patient if he wants to keep his chosen one. She is a Lady with character, but that is exactly why you love her. If in November 2017 Libra organizes a trip to nature or a camp site, this will have a remarkable effect on strengthening the relationship with his partner.

Libra family in November 2017

The horoscope predicts numerous showdowns and showdowns with your spouse. It's all your fault, your constant busyness with work. In general, do not be surprised that your significant other moved away and began to treat you coolly in November 2017. With teenage children, Libra needs to be stricter, and not indulge their desires, whims and “poke” pocket money. In November, try to devote more time to loved ones, as well as travel out of town or visit friends. At least that's what weekends are for.

Horoscope for Libra for November 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Libra for November 2017

Love horoscope for the month of November for other zodiac signs:
