The most cost-effective low-cost industrial equipment as a business. What business is relevant now and what is in demand. The most profitable business ideas with minimal investment

The main goal and at the same time the expected result of trading and production activities is to make a profit at the least amount of costs, that is, the business, first of all, must be profitable.

Crisis conditions for the existence of an enterprise are no exception, which implies a certain test of strength while maintaining at least a minimum amount of income.

Determining the customer base and sales region

First you need to find out for whom will it be profitable to produce the product?, and where the production will be located. Successful business is to a large extent related to the characteristics of the target audience for the sale of a particular product or service, as well as the regional characteristics of the market.

Potential buyers may include the following segments of the population: poor, middle class, elite. Accordingly, the products produced belong to the economy class, middle segment or are expensive. The production of goods for each social niche can be profitable in its own way: expensive goods benefit from high markups, while goods in the middle or economy segment have a high turnover. However, if we are talking about a crisis period of economic development, then the population gives preference to inexpensive products of everyday demand, as well as cheap mass-produced goods, often to the detriment of quality.

Region, in which the manufactured goods will be sold, must provide a suitable trading niche to the maximum. Thus, in a large city or metropolis, competition among manufacturers can be very high, but goods will always be in demand due to the large number of potential buyers. In a small city or town, it is better to find an area that is not yet occupied, having first thoroughly studied the needs of the local market.

Possible areas of production for small and medium-sized businesses

Main areas of production of commercial interest to small and medium-sized businesses will be:

  • Construction;
  • Agriculture;
  • Light industry;
  • Recycling;
  • Food industry;
  • Public catering, etc.

At home It will be most profitable to produce goods that do not require a complex production process or expensive materials. Basic business ideas for women: tailoring, embroidery and knitting, production of soap, creams and candles self made, production of designer jewelry, etc. The most promising occupations for men at home: production of home decor and interior items, exquisite wicker furniture, production of decorative tiles, etc. For residents rural areas Growing vegetables, fruits, raising poultry (, etc.) in your own backyard is ideal.

In crisis conditions New approaches to doing business are needed. As demand for some goods fell by almost half, many businesses were forced to either close or change operations. It became obvious that it is now more profitable to produce your own products than to resell goods, mainly of imported origin. Despite the fact that organizing your own production requires more effort than trading activities, it is also expected to be significant. In addition, in some industries, for example, in agriculture, you can expect to receive. However, it is important to remember that business risks during a crisis also acquire unprecedented proportions.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

What are the benefits of doing business in manufacturing?

Even during a crisis, people continue to build various buildings and renovate premises. That's why, production of building materials and related products is an almost win-win idea. This area is traditionally characterized by both high consumer demand and an increased competitive environment. To always stay in the black, you should choose the optimal combination of “price and quality” in the production of finished products and subsequent sales.

New technologies focus the production sector on high-quality, environmentally friendly, energy-saving materials. Thus, despite the still high popularity of installing plastic windows and doors, the demand for window frames and doors made of natural wood continues to increase.

Low-cost and profitable is the production of cinder blocks and foam blocks, polystyrene foam, wooden pallets, paving slabs, parquet board, chain-link mesh, nails, screws, construction tools, wallpaper, dry building mixtures, water-based paints.

It is quite possible to organize mini-production in a garage. Purchasing high-quality used equipment, as well as local raw materials, often from waste, does not require large investments.

Household products

Household goods are necessary for the population in any economic situation.

These are those everyday things without which it is impossible to imagine any modern house or apartment. As a rule, reasonable prices are set for such products for reasons of accessibility, but due to increased turnover, their sale will bring a stable income to the entrepreneur.

Within this area it is possible organize production various things made of plastic: furniture, household items, dishes, packaging. The production line is expensive, however, to purchase it you can buy it or get the equipment at. Plastic recycling will also become promising.

Other personal hygiene items (paper napkins and towels, soap, shampoos, gels, creams, detergents, washcloths, household chemicals, etc.) are always in demand. Here you will also have to spend money on purchasing equipment, but raw materials can be purchased at very competitive prices, for example, for toilet paper– organize the purchase of waste paper from the population.

A successful option for small and medium-sized businesses in the regions can be furniture manufacture economy class to order. To do this, you need to organize your own workshop, hire a small staff of craftsmen and make cabinet furniture from fiberboard, chipboard and other economical materials. Raw materials for furniture production will be cheap waste from wood processing enterprises.

The production process of pallets is discussed in the following video:

Profitable products for agriculture

In the field Agriculture There may be many options for the successful development of a business, especially since this is where you can hope to receive government subsidies, grants, and support from the state on the basis of various programs. Besides, lending rates for agricultural development are among the lowest.

Many agricultural producers are interested in installing greenhouses and purchasing various types of greenhouses all year round. gardening tools. Assembly greenhouses can be made of wood or polycarbonate, and metal, wood, and plastic are suitable for garden tools. Such production can be organized even in your own garage.

Eco-friendly products farms are in high demand. Their production does not require expensive equipment or materials; just the right technology and organization, as well as everyday work, are enough. The population’s demand for healthy, high-quality food will only increase every year; establishments are also interested in locally produced agricultural products Catering.

The technology for growing raspberries is discussed in the following video:

On your own personal plot within the power grow vegetables, fruits, seedlings, herbs, mushrooms, flowers, raise poultry (chickens, ducks, etc.). As a rule, the production of such products does not require large investments.

Other ideas for opening your own production at a profit:

Many entrepreneurs are interested in choosing a profitable, win-win business model for organizing their own production under any economic conditions. Her choice will depend on the characteristics of the production sector, the purchasing power of the target audience, the sales region and the starting capabilities of the business project.

A business idea for the production of belts is discussed in the following video:

It would seem that the plant is an unaffordable undertaking for a small business. The word “factory” is associated with huge workshops, bulky machines, and hundreds of production personnel. Such giants, built, for the most part, during the times Soviet Union, in dynamic market conditions they often turn out to be unprofitable - such a farm is not easy to maintain, and modernization requires decent cash injections.

In many industries, mini-factories can provide good competition. Organize own production using them is possible even for a novice entrepreneur. A mini-factory is like a miniature plant, but it has a number of undoubted advantages.

Advantages of compact production equipment complexes

  • Mobility. The production complex is quite simple to assemble and takes small space, therefore, it can be located in a rented area and, if necessary, “move” to another location.
  • Economical. You save not only on the price of equipment, but also on labor costs - a mini-plant does not require highly qualified work force(this paragraph does not apply to repair and maintenance work).
  • High efficiency. It is achieved by using technologies and resources different from those used in our usual enterprises.
  • Environmental friendliness. Technologies for processing industrial and household waste and the use of recyclable materials are actively used. An important point that can be used for marketing purposes.
  • Possibility of exclusive production. Exclusive products are gaining more and more popularity, and their prices are significantly higher than mass-produced goods.

What kind of mini-factories for small businesses are there?

The growing variety of mini-factories for small businesses can be roughly divided by industry:

The assortment is not limited to the above list; it only reflects the most popular in terms of investment and return on investment. If you wish, you can purchase, for example, a woodworking complex or a plant for the production of hardware products - the choice on the market for such complexes is now very large.

In the selection process, the entrepreneur is faced with the question: which equipment has the best price-quality ratio?

A dozen years ago in Russia, preference was given to Western-made machinery and equipment, which was mostly used. Currently, small businesses increasingly trust Chinese manufacturers - the quality of their products is constantly growing, and prices remain quite reasonable.

Review of popular equipment sets from China

The following mini-factories from China are popular among domestic entrepreneurs:

  • Brick production. The main raw materials are clay or waste from other industries (metallurgical, mining, etc.), Portland cement and water. If necessary, pigment is used for coloring, and for manufacturing hollow brick sawdust required.
  • Mini milk processing plant capable of processing from 300 to 20,000 kg of milk per day: cow, goat, camel, mare. With the help of such a complex it is possible to pour milk into packaging and obtain different kinds dairy and fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, butter, cheeses, koumiss, etc.
  • For the production of foam blocks. In this case there is no need to use high technology, the production of foam blocks is quite cheap. An excellent option for entrepreneurs developing or planning to start a construction business, because... You can organize the production of foam blocks using a mini-factory directly on the construction site. At the same time, you not only save on building materials, but you can also independently control the quality of the products. Such a plant pays for itself quite quickly.
  • Waste recycling. It will require obtaining a license for waste processing, as well as permission from the fire and sanitary services. The advantage of such a plant is that its environmental significance can help in obtaining, for example, a grant for small businesses. Similar programs for entrepreneurs are held in many regions of the country.
  • Mini feed mill. It will be of particular interest to farmers interested in developing their own farms and reducing the costs of purchasing and delivering feed. Focused on the production of the following products:
    • complete feed for animals or poultry;
    • feed concentrates;
    • balancing feed additives.
  • For the production of toilet paper. Waste paper is used as a raw material, which gives this process a socially significant orientation. An entrepreneur can receive tax breaks and subsidies from the government. In addition, such products will always be in demand, which means that if the business is organized correctly, there will be no problems with sales.


The price of the production complex consists of the cost of the equipment itself, delivery costs, customs and other documentation, plus taxes, etc.

In order not to overpay, it is recommended to carefully study all offers and weigh all costs, because... the cost varies significantly. To a large extent, the price depends on the completeness of the plant, the quantity and productivity of equipment.

For example, a mini-factory from China for the production of standard porous bricks, with a capacity of 10,000 units of standard bricks per 8-hour shift, will cost 20-25 thousand dollars. A complex that produces 10 times more products per shift and is also capable of producing paving slabs will cost about $130,000.

Prices for modules for the production of foam concrete and foam blocks start from 100,000 and reach 2 million rubles. For quite low price you can buy such a mini concrete plant Russian production.

The cost of complexes for the production and processing of food products also varies significantly. Having at your disposal the amount of 1 million rubles, you can organize production (we are talking about mini-factories with relatively low productivity):

  • mayonnaise, ketchup, other sauces,
  • preserved fish,
  • juices, nectars, purees,
  • pizza,
  • dried mushrooms,
  • brines and marinades;
  • crispy potatoes and chips,
  • vegetable oil, etc.

Milk and meat processing lines will cost much more - the price starts from 2 million rubles and reaches 20-30 million.

For a relatively small amount - approximately 500,000 rubles. You can purchase a mini-canning factory or a small brewery.

Prices for mini waste processing plants depend on the type of raw materials used. A module for processing tires into crumb rubber can be purchased for 1.5 million rubles, and for processing PET and PVC waste it will cost about 10 million rubles. And again, it all depends on the quantity and performance of the equipment.

You can increase employee engagement using a system of key performance indicators (KPIs):

How to choose and buy a mini-factory for your business

You can choose to purchase kits for small production via the Internet, since there are many offers today. You can purchase domestic or imported equipment.

When ordering from abroad, it will be more convenient to purchase through an intermediary company, which will take care of the hassle of delivery and documentation, and also, if necessary, carry out installation. Of course, providing such services will increase the purchase price, but will significantly save your time and nerves.

Before purchasing equipment, monitor the market for the products you want to produce; you may need to consider several areas. Take the time to study the proposals in detail various companies for the sale of industrial complexes, compare prices and conditions.

Try to take into account all costs as much as possible and do not skimp on the quality of equipment. And then your mini-factory will not only make a profit, but can also become an excellent launching pad for a big business.

Video: mini-factory for the production of original bricks in Lego style

Manufacturing business is profitable idea For entrepreneurial activity. Even a beginner who does not have large sums for investment.

Although manufacturing business often requires large capital investments; this business is not only profitable, but also allows it to be realized profitably.

And this is often much more important for many entrepreneurs than the amount of revenue.

After all, the trading business is based on final stage someone's production.

That is, no matter how skillfully you trade, your name is unlikely to go down in business history.

But at the same time, you need to start from customer demand first of all when selecting ideas for the manufacture of goods and products for sale.

Demand will influence the set price, production volumes and, in fact, the fact itself: is the chosen business idea worth implementing?

Although this business Indeed, it usually requires substantial investments; to organize a mini-production, 300-500 thousand rubles are enough (sometimes even less than this).

Below we will look at several examples from each “price niche”.

Mini business ideas for production with investments up to 300 thousand

Mini production is a great idea for a novice entrepreneur who has the zeal, time, ideas, but does not have the funds for a more serious startup.

If you fit that description, up your nose.

Don’t think that with a capital of less than 300,000 you can only weave beaded bracelets or make homemade soap.

With such a contribution, you can also become the owner of a normal, serious manufacturing business.

What kind of production can you open for 300 thousand rubles: making keys

Capital investments: from 60,000 rubles.

A great manufacturing business idea for a budding entrepreneur.

Indeed, despite the simplicity of implementation, it has significant advantages:

  • there are practically zero risks in the field;
  • the amount of investment in the business is small;
  • It is profitable to run such a production business - the profitability level reaches 500%;
  • The cost of ready-made keys is high, and the cost of blanks is low.

To work in this area, certain specific skills are still needed.

But they are not as difficult to understand for the average person as many people think.

A novice entrepreneur can master them himself without any problems.

Step-by-step instructions for the process of organizing a key production business look like this:

  1. Complete the necessary documents: individual entrepreneur, current account, Federal Tax Service.
  2. Find a small one outlet for rent (2-4 m2 is enough).
    It is important that it is located in crowded areas.
  3. Buy equipment and consumables for business key production.

What will the 60 thousand rubles of capital investment be spent on?

Business expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:From 60,000 rub.
Preparation of documents, permits2 000
Rent trading place, renovation and decor15 000
Minimum equipment set15 000
Set of hooks (from 50 pieces)1 000
Stock of blanks for future keys10 000
Unexpected expenses12 000
Tax payments5 000

Business ideas for fresh juice production

Capital investment: 60,000 rub.

Business payback: from 3 months

Juice is a product that is now available on the shelves of any store, in any flavor variations.

But buyers are no longer satisfied that only the name remains of the juice in the drinks sold.

Popularization healthy image life has led to an increase in demand for fresh, completely natural juices.

Therefore, the idea of ​​a business for its production is relevant, profitable and at the same time requires small investments.

If you choose a good place to rent (a shopping center or a recreation park) for your mini business producing freshly squeezed juice, producing fresh juice will be very profitable.

With an average sales level of 10-20 l/day, revenue will be at least 30 thousand rubles.

And this is just from one point!

What kind of production can you open with 500 thousand rubles or more?

“Money itself is only a means of exchange; its existence is impossible without the production of goods and people who know how to produce. Money gives weight and form to the basic principle that people who wish to deal with each other must communicate through exchange, giving one value for another.
In the hands of slackers and beggars, begging with tears for the fruits of your labor, or bandits who take them from you by force, money loses its meaning and ceases to be a means of exchange.
Money became possible thanks to people who knew how to produce.”
Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged

As you can already see, with even up to 300 thousand you can open your own mini business production, which will operate and develop profitably.

Of course, if you have a large capital - from 500,000 - the number of business ideas increases.

How to open your own breakfast cereal production?

Capital investment: 700,000 rub.

Business payback: from 9 months

Once upon a time, breakfast cereals were exclusively an attribute of prosperous foreign countries.

But already in the 90s they began to come into use among Russians and at the moment they have firmly taken their place.

Moreover, if we compare consumption volumes with Western ones, it becomes obvious that this niche will still develop.

While the average Russian consumes 300-500 g of breakfast cereal per year, for a European the volume increases to 4 kg.

Also, the fact that the implementation of this idea is profitable is indicated by an increase of 25-30% annually.

And this is a serious indicator!

There are two reasons for the growing popularity of the muesli and cereal business:

  1. The popularity of leading a healthy lifestyle is growing (and ready-made breakfasts are considered a healthy and worthy diet).
  2. The average income of the population is gradually increasing.

However, the level of competition is currently at a moderate level.

And to enter this niche you need an investment of up to 1,000,000 rubles.

Business expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:700,000 rub.
Renting territory for production
(for mini production 150 m2 is enough,
and to accommodate a universal line – from 300 m2)
280 000
(mixture tank, vibrating sieve,
dryer, conveyor, rolling equipment,
extruder, separator, etc.)
250 000
Loading conveyor75 000
Public utilities
(electricity, water)
50 000
Payment to employees
(manager, technologist,
4 production workers)
80 000
Purchasing containers for packaging the product
(boxes, bags)
35 000
Advertising campaign30 000

Of course, you won’t be able to compete with well-known manufacturers at the national level right away.

But it is not necessary to do this, because at the regional level you can get ahead of them due to a more favorable price or active internal advertising.

With a well-drafted business plan and business management, the idea will pay off in no more than 9 months.

How to open a production facility with an investment of 1 million rubles or more?

Business production ideas for entrepreneurs with such large sums of money to invest are almost limitless.

IN in this case we can already talk not only about a mini factory, but also a full-fledged complex for the production of products.

An entrepreneur may not sell it to third-party sellers, but sell it himself, which will be even more profitable.

Candle making business

Capital investment: RUB 1,000,000.

Business payback: 12-14 months

Business candle production is an idea that is always relevant and in demand.

Even during general electrification, people buy and will continue to buy both ordinary table candles and decorative ones, including mini gift sets.

At the same time, starting such a business is quite simple.

Approximate cost items are shown in the table:

Business expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:From 1,000,000 rub.
Forms for filling
(if you are opening a manual production)
Depends on the type.
For example, to make egg-shaped candles you need a mold that costs 35,000.
Foundry machine
(with different shapes)
The machine itself will cost 355,000 rubles.
And the cost of the molds varies depending on the material used:
plastic – from 1600,
aluminum – 16,000-30,000 (with and without cooling),
with radiators – from 22,000.
In general, you will need to purchase molds in the amount of 120,000.
Tank for kindling candle mixtureFrom 34,000
Wick weaving machineFrom 160,000
Installation and configuration of equipment20 000
Purchase of raw materials for candle production490 000
Unaccounted expenses10 000

Opening a business producing various candles is not difficult even for a novice entrepreneur.

At the same time, the average monthly revenue of the plant when producing 22 work shifts/8 hours will be at least 290,000.

So if a businessman purchases high-quality raw materials and equipment that he can use 100%, the investment will fully pay off in 12-14 months.

How to start your own neon sign production?

Capital investment: RUB 1,500,000.

Business payback: up to 12 months

Neon signs appeared on the Russian advertising market relatively recently, but are already highly popular and in demand.

World experience shows that the level of demand will continue to grow.

All this does good idea open a business producing neon signs.

Clients buy neon illuminated signs not only to attract customers, but also to emphasize the solid or, conversely, entertaining status of the establishment.

After all, everyone understands perfectly well that the cost of ordering such advertising is much higher than on conventional paper media.

And at the same time, Russian people have a strong emotional association with the lights of Las Vegas or New York.

The list of potential clients of neon advertising manufacturers is large:

For implementation, you can contact potential clients directly, which takes time, but allows you to increase revenue.

Or you can use the services of intermediaries.

Opening a sign manufacturing plant will require significant capital investment.

The mini configuration option will cost you 300-500 thousand. A full set of equipment - no less than 800,000.

But in addition to purchasing equipment, an entrepreneur must also invest in renting a suitable territory, purchasing Supplies for production, payment of employees.

Therefore, if you have less than 1,500,000 capital, it is better to choose another business idea for implementation.

Production and sale of neon signs is profitable business, which on average pays off in less than a year of work.

For those who are interested in this business idea,

How does the process of making neon signs work?

Manufacturing business- This is a profitable and interesting idea for entrepreneurial activity.

As you already understood, even a beginner who does not have large sums to invest in the project can do it.

The main thing is to choose a suitable idea, draw up a well-thought-out business plan with calculations and make efforts to implement your plan.

Then the business will definitely be successful!

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Business involving participation in trade chains “we buy imported goods and sell to our compatriots” ceases to be profitable. There are many reasons for this, from geopolitical to economic. For Russian production of any scale today the green light is on. How to navigate among the opportunities that have opened up, what can a small business bet on?


The time of intermediaries is running out

From the very beginning of economic freedoms in Russia and until recently, domestic small businesses preferred the sphere of trade and services. Often the business model was elementary: we buy abroad, sell at home. Low competition and huge opportunities for choice ensured high profitability of projects.

* - with annual revenue up to 1 billion rubles. (2014 criteria)

The crisis, sanctions, high dollar and weak ruble dictate new rules of the game: competition in trade and services increases, demand narrows, and profitability falls. The most significant decrease in revenue for the 1st half of 2015 was recorded in wholesale and retail trade, and in cargo transportation. For small businesses, the time has come to adapt to market changes: today the trend is production and implementation of innovative projects. This is where there are many free/low-competition niches. Let's figure out what is profitable for small businesses to produce in Russia now.

Assessment of the current situation by SME industry for the first half of 2015

* - index of the current situation - expert assessment of the state of affairs over the past period
Source: “Pulse of Small Business” study, Alfa-Bank, June 2015

Production prospects: where to look for profit

Today, imported products are available in any Russian stores: food, sports, children's, household, electrical and other goods. Often, the “made in Russia” label hides a product assembled from foreign components. A small business can launch a successful production of any of these products. The main thing is to identify which product, what quality and price will be in demand.

When deciding on production, it is worth taking into account the sentiments/preferences of consumers in the B2B and B2C sectors. Russians - individuals buy less and save more. The direction of using free money has changed.

What are Russians willing to spend on?

Russian enterprises are focused on purchasing goods/services that allow them to maintain/increase sales while reducing costs, i.e. they are looking for inexpensive ways to increase the efficiency of business processes and reduce product costs. For example, by replacing imported components with Russian ones.

What is profitable to produce during a crisis by industry?

1 Furniture: junkyard chic

Italian cuisines become an unaffordable luxury for many. It's time to offer our compatriots high-quality, eco-friendly furniture made in Russia. Our consumer now counts money, is sophisticated in the practicality of furniture and has tried Ikea.

Therefore, a successful furniture business idea should be:

  • cheap to produce, competitive in price;
  • fresh and original, using design solutions;
  • environmentally friendly, using recycling ideas.

Furniture made from pallets (wooden construction pallets) meets these requirements. It can be a country house, garden, intended for offices and creating residential interiors in country, loft or industrial style. In this case, it is not necessary to disassemble the pallets; they are used as modules, constructing original models. The secret is in proper processing. Pallets are a cheap and rewarding “construction” material.

An important nuance. Furniture should look stylish and functional, not clumsy. Professional designers should participate in the development of models.

2 Pet products: cheaper and healthier

According to VTsIOM, 76% of Russians have pets. We are third in the world in terms of the number of pets per capita after the USA and China. What is it profitable for small businesses to produce in Russia for their smaller brothers?

The Russian animal feed market is growing despite the crisis. In the most profitable segment of the market - food for cats and dogs - today there are two leaders: Mars and Nestle (joint share - 86%). They can and should be squeezed out by domestic producers. The main thing is to choose the right niche.

It is believed that Russians do not skimp on pets even when they themselves have nothing to eat. In reality, people switch their animals to economy-class feed, preferring the healthiest options available.

Healthy food for cats and dogs - minced meat and bones with vitamin and mineral supplements. Such food is used by specialized nurseries and is sought after by knowledgeable cat and dog owners. The production of “natural cutlets” for animals in Russia is carried out by a few small producers. The niche is not very competitive.

To produce natural food for cats and dogs, you do not need an expensive production line; everything can be organized in a minimal area with small investments.

To launch a full production cycle you will need the following equipment:

  • cutting table for meat products;
  • meat grinder and minced meat mixer;
  • molding machine/scales;
  • blast freezing machine and “hot” table for packaging;
  • freezer.

The cost of natural food is lower than that of industrial “drying”, even if it is produced from mechanically separated meat, which is used in the production of sausages. The business model is simple. The main limitation of sales is that at the point of sale there must be refrigeration equipment.

3 Construction and finishing materials: money out of thin air

The building materials market is shrinking. According to a study by RD Construction analysts, a drop in production for January-July 2015 compared to the second half of 2014 was recorded for cement, ready-mixed concrete, reinforced concrete products, red ceramic brick: -12, -30, -15, -1.5% respectively. This is how the reduction in the pace of mass housing construction has backfired on building materials - the demand for housing is falling.

The main product of recycling old tires, crumb rubber, is used in the production of:

  • rubber tiles/paving stones;
  • coverings for sports grounds and fitness rooms;
  • wall finishing materials;
  • innovative road surfaces;
  • accessories for cars (mats, mud flaps, etc.).

The cost of technological lines for “grinding” tires into rubber crumb depends on productivity, the degree of automation of the process, the quality and size of the output fraction. But in general, we are talking about costs of 1 - 12 million rubles. In addition to Chinese equipment options, there are also Russian ones: the plants of Vtorrezina Ecoprom LLC, Alfa-SPK LLC and others offer lines of their own design. It is better to prefer domestic equipment - both the quality of the product and the reliability of the machines are higher.

It is more profitable to produce goods with high added value, i.e. crumb rubber issue tiles and coverings. The last two products are cold or hot molded from crumbs, polyurethane glue and dye. The cost of equipment starts from 2 million rubles.

The payback period for a mini-plant for the production of rubber tiles is from 6 months. The indicator is excellent, but the investment required to start will be significant. There is a more economical entry option: many manufacturers (EcoStep, Masterfiber, etc.) offer to start a franchise business. From 500 thousand rubles.

4 Tourism goods: my native country is wide

The growth of major world currencies and rising labor costs in China have a beneficial effect on the domestic light industry market. In 2015 the share Russian manufacturers in this industry has grown to 24% and continues to increase. What should a startup focus on?

Russians save money on vacation trips abroad. Most have to be content with local flavor and sponsor domestic tourism. They need equipment.

  • mid-priced tourist clothing and equipment;
  • budget tents (up to 5,000 rubles);
  • fishing products of the low- and mid-price segment (up to 3,000 rubles).

The production of backpacks, ventilated caps/hats, windproof caps, gloves, “encephalitis”, thermal underwear, sweaters is a profitable business. You can choose a very narrow niche and start producing mobile baths or thermal bag.

It is not necessary to develop innovative boating raincoats or life jackets. It is enough to make practical and functional products a la the “Expedition” clothing range. But at reasonable prices.

5 Automotive equipment: Thule from Tula

What is profitable to produce in Russia for cars, where there is a free niche? Comparing our popular Swedish plastic autoboxes of the Thule brand with analogues is the same as pitting a Rolex against a regular watch. The Thule buyer primarily pays for style and branding. Moreover, from a production point of view, luggage boxes are the simplest products. Thule prices in Europe range from $400-970. The price, which is inhumane at the current dollar exchange rate already at the place of production, in Russian retail stores turns into an amazing one: premium solutions cost 60,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The average price segment of the car box market in Russia (10,000 - 20,000 rubles) is now under the radar of Polish, Czech, Italian and Chinese manufacturers. Special attention products from the Middle Kingdom deserve: they are widely represented, but the quality is objectively low. Time to make car racks in Russia. Domestic manufacturers boxes for cars exist as a class, but are counted on one hand (brands ATLANT, VetlaN, LUX). Moreover, some have a meager assortment, others specialize in “luggage systems made from European components” (read: depend on exchange rate fluctuations), and still others have poor quality.

During a crisis, mini-production of universal luggage boxes (for all brands of cars) made of high-quality plastic with a reliable opening/locking system in low and medium price categories is profitable.

To do this you will need:

  • vacuum forming equipment (Russian - from 350 thousand rubles);
  • Press forms;
  • raw material - ABS plastic.

Soft car boxes made of polyester, PVC and other plastic polymers are cheaper to produce. But this is already clothing industry and a completely different story.

Business idea No. 1 - Production of car covers

Investments up to 50,000 rubles.

: you purchase the necessary equipment, find patterns for car covers and begin to look for buyers who are interested in such products. You make the cover individually for each car, having previously discussed all the details with the customer.​

Business idea No. 2 - Furniture production

Investments are about 500,000 rubles.

The essence of the project – opening of a production workshop modern models frame and upholstered furniture according to individual parameters.​

Business idea No. 3 - Production of frameless furniture

Investments - from 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project - opening manufacturing enterprise on the development and sewing of models of frameless modern furniture.​

Stylish and non-standard poufs, voluminous armchairs with soft padding and bright design decorate youth and children's rooms, game rooms. The possibility of creating an original product makes such a business project popular and interesting.
Implementation of the idea
To implement the idea, you need to find suppliers quality materials, attract to work experienced designers. In addition, expense items include:

  • rental of premises for production;
  • purchase of professional equipment for sewing;
  • staff maintenance.
At the first stage, it is better to sell frameless furniture through the developed store website and enter into contracts with large furniture centers and showrooms.
According to experienced entrepreneurs, such a project can reach self-sufficiency within three months. With an average cost of one chair with filling of 1000 rubles, its retail price starts at 2500 rubles with a minimal design. Increased profits will come from working with individual sketches and orders from design bureaus.​

Business idea No. 4 - Making wicker furniture​

Initial investment of funds is up to 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
This “creative” business idea is to open a private workshop for making beautiful and unusual furniture from natural wicker.​

Business idea No. 5 - Production of colored crushed stone

The essence of the idea is as follows : you buy ordinary crushed stone, repaint it, pack it in small bags and find points of sale for the finished product.​

Colored crushed stone is very widely used in landscape design. It is painted in different colors small particles of marble or granite. The paint has unique properties due to which the color does not change over time. You can start such a business with a minimum set of tools, but you will have to hire several workers. These may be people without any education, which can reduce costs.
Implementation of the idea
To implement a business idea, you need to officially register your activities and find a room for drying the material. After this, purchase granite or marble crushed stone, acrylic paint and the necessary set of tools and equipment (concrete mixer, screen). Next, you can look for points of sale of finished products.
Producing colored crushed stone is quite profitable. The average price per ton of ordinary crushed stone is 2,000 rubles, and a bag weighing 20-25 kg of colored crushed stone costs 300 rubles.​

Business idea No. 6 - Workshop for the production of wild stone tiles

Investments from 50,000 rub. up to 100,000 rub.

The essence of the idea is as follows : you find sandstone deposits, set up its extraction, and transport it to the workshop. After this, all that remains is to process the wild stone and find a buyer or a point of sale for the finished product.​

Business Idea No. 7 - Manufacturing tombstones

The amount of starting investments is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
The basis of this commercial project is the opening of an enterprise for the production of tombstones and related paraphernalia from artificial stone, concrete or other materials. This service is always in demand, but is characterized by a high degree of competition in the market for the provision of such funeral services.​

Implementation of the idea
Such a business can be set up in a small space such as a garage or located outside the city near burial sites. This will help reduce rental costs and reduce production costs. Additional costs to get started:

  • purchase of special equipment and tools for work and installation;
  • purchasing molds for pouring mixtures;
  • purchase of a machine for complex engraving;
  • solving problems with delivering the finished monument to the installation site.
The cost of a complete set of tombstones with engraving is from 20,000 rubles. Sales price – 40,000 rubles with a 100% markup. This makes it possible to develop production, purchase non-standard forms and improve skills. You can increase your competitiveness by offering exclusive monuments and steles, high quality and durability of ritual products.​

Business idea No. 8 - Penoizol production workshop

Investments from 460,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project - organization of the production process, which involves the production of penoizol, its sale to consumers and wholesale buyers.​

The new building material is steadily gaining popularity due to its high thermal conductivity and insulating qualities. Considering the low cost of penoizol and the constant demand for it among builders of various projects, such a workshop will quickly pay for itself and become good remedy capital investments for the coming years.
Implementation of the idea
To open a business you will need:

  • small production premises;
  • special equipment;
  • raw materials for production;
  • vehicle for transport services.
Penoizol can be sold through wholesale intermediaries, retail or by concluding a contract with construction hypermarkets. Simple technology allows you to deliver equipment directly to the client at the construction site and work on any territory. With the low cost of penoizol and a trade margin of 70-80%, you can completely reach the breakeven threshold within six months from the start of work. This material is most relevant in the warm season.​

Business idea No. 9 - Making cinder blocks

Investments from 200,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - organization of the production process for the production of cinder blocks for sale for construction purposes.​

This material is widely used in the construction of residential buildings, industrial facilities, walls and outbuildings. The location of such a workshop near large cities or transport hubs will allow reaching standing orders from wholesale buyers, construction crews, developers.
Implementation of the idea
For implementation, a small team of 3-4 employees, premises with convenient access roads are sufficient. The main costs fall on the following items:

  • rent industrial premises, warehouse;
  • purchase of necessary equipment for production;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • wage costs.
The largest percentage of profits occurs in the warm months, when most construction projects are being built. If the workshop is fully loaded every day, you can get 350 high-quality cinder blocks every day at a cost of 38 rubles per block. With a market price of 60 rubles, it can be calculated that the daily income is 7,700 rubles. At this rate of production, in just two months it is possible to recoup the purchase of equipment and basic costs. IN winter period savings can be achieved by producing products in stock.​

Important! This production is not subject to mandatory certification.

Business idea No. 10 - Production of expanded clay blocks

Investments - 250,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - opening a production workshop for the production of expanded clay blocks, its sale to contractors and consumers.​

Modern and light look building material is popular in the arrangement of residential premises and buildings, construction outbuildings. The relevance is due to stable demand in the off-season and a high degree of profitability.
Implementation of the idea
To implement the production process, it is necessary to find a large utility room with good transport links and a warehouse for finished products. Most of the financial costs:

  • purchase of special equipment for production (concrete mixers, vibrating tables);
  • rent of a platform for drying blocks;
  • utilities for the maintenance of the workshop.
Additional costs - payment of transport for the delivery of raw materials, wage workshop and warehouse workers.
A full work shift produces 1,000 good-quality expanded clay blocks at an average cost of 20 rubles. A trading margin of 50% will give a daily profit from one shift of 10,000 rubles. By increasing the number of hours of work, you can recoup all investments in the project in a few months.​

Business idea No. 11 - Production of gas and foam concrete

Minimum investment – ​​540,000 rubles .​

The essence of the business idea – equipment for a mini-plant for the production of gas or foam concrete with subsequent sale to construction organizations.​

New types of material are successfully replacing the usual concrete due to their practicality and low price. It is increasingly used for the construction of buildings for any purpose. The relevance of the project is due to the constant demand for gas and foam concrete and the simple process of its production.
Implementation of the idea
To open such a mini-production, the future owner must:

  • select a production facility that has a warehouse and convenient transport routes;
  • purchase equipment for manufacturing products;
  • train employees;
  • purchase raw materials from suppliers.
A small plant can produce 10 cubic meters per shift. quality building material. With equal volumes of foam and aerated concrete, the monthly turnover can reach 650,000 rubles. Net income after deducting all direct and indirect expenses is 200,000 rubles. If such production and sales volumes are maintained, the mini-plant will be able to achieve self-sufficiency within six months.​

Business idea No. 12 - Production of polystyrene concrete

The initial investment amount is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
The basis is the opening of production facilities for the production of polystyrene concrete for the purpose of subsequent sale to consumers.​

Business idea No. 13 - Production of artificial marble

Minimum investment – ​​1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea – opening of a small production workshop for the production of artificial marble of different colors.​

This type of design material is in high demand among companies that are engaged in decorating premises, manufacturing kitchen sets or original piece products. The relevance of the business is due to the low cost and ease of manufacturing artificial stone.
Implementation of the idea
Organize manufacturing process better in a specially rented area. It must have connected communications and convenient access roads for shipment finished material. A full production cycle will require a minimum number of personnel, special equipment and tools for grinding.
Having a spectacular appearance, artificial marble has a low cost. The average level of profitability of such enterprises is in the range of 40–50%. Monthly turnover increases significantly during the warm season and can exceed 200,000 rubles. High demand for artificial marble and stable sales volumes of finished products allow you to fully recoup the invested amount in 6-10 months.​

Business idea No. 14 - Production of neon signs​

Investments from 500,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 15 - Manufacturing of metal doors

Investments from 500,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - opening a production workshop for the production of metal doors of various models and types, their subsequent implementation and installation at the request of the customer.​

Business idea No. 16 - Antifreeze production

Investments - 300,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project - opening an enterprise that will produce various chemical fluids for car maintenance.​

The relevance of the business does not require special analysis of the market and target audience. Despite the crisis, the number of cars is only growing, and many owners are trying to reduce the cost of servicing them by using domestic products. By producing antifreeze, car shampoos and other high-quality goods, you can quickly acquire worthy wholesale customers with large orders.
Implementation of the idea
Production is not technologically complex, but requires investments associated with its opening:

  • rent of a large premises, warehouse;
  • hiring staff (no more than 4 people);
  • purchasing or leasing equipment;
  • purchase of packaging materials;
  • purchase of a certain number of reagents.
Such a business can be expanded through the introduction of popular types of products similar in composition to antifreeze. In addition to the main wholesale buyers, it is necessary to offer services to enterprise auto shops, salons or retail stores. This will ensure constant capacity utilization and will allow for self-sufficiency in approximately a year.​

Business idea No. 17 - Organization of production for sewing workwear

Investments - from 200,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea -organization of a complete process of development, implementation and tailoring of original and classic models of workwear for personnel of various institutions.​

Business idea No. 18 - Mirror production

The approximate investment is up to 200,000 rubles.

Mirror making is a new type of project for small businesses that is gaining momentum. Companies engaged in the production of modern furniture, interesting renovations of premises and office design are constantly showing interest in such a product. Demand generates the production of decorative mirrors and special tiles with a similar effect.
Implementation of the idea
The manufacturing process may seem complicated at first glance, but it will require a small list of costs, including:

  • rental of premises for a workshop;
  • purchase of special furniture, cutting table;
  • purchasing an initial set of materials and reagents;
  • costs of transporting products to the customer.
Partial production of some types of furniture for the work process yourself can bring good savings. Under such minimal conditions, one shift can produce at least 20 m2 of high-quality mirror at a cost of 1 meter of 1000 rubles. Considering that the market price for such a product starts from 1,500 rubles, it is not difficult to calculate a daily profit of 10,000 rubles. If production is constantly busy with orders, it is possible to achieve self-sufficiency within a quarter.​

Business idea No. 19 - Production of eurofence

Minimum investment – ​​700,000 rubles.

The essence of the project - production various models modern European fence based on an equipped production workshop.​

Business idea No. 20 - Production of metal-plastic windows

The minimum investment is 450,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
The basis of the new project is a business idea for equipping a fully equipped workshop for the production of door and window blocks from metal-plastic, their installation at the request of the customer.​

Business idea No. 21 - Production of metal tiles​

The amount of investment is 2,650,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
The main essence of this business project is the opening of a technologically equipped enterprise for the production of modern metal tiles.​

Business idea No. 22 - Vinyl siding production

Estimated investments are over 1.5 million rubles.

The essence of the project
The basis of the new business project is the opening of an equipped enterprise for the production of colored PVC siding and its sale to wholesale customers.​

Business idea No. 23 - Production of forged products​

The initial investment amount is 350,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
The basis of this production idea is the opening of a fully equipped workshop for the production of standard and exclusive products according to customer orders.​

Unique types of wrought iron gates, fence sections or window bars are increasingly decorating private housing projects. There is a growing demand for hand-forged furniture frames and interesting products that designers use to complement interiors. There is little competition for such non-standard things, but the demand in cities with a population of millions is high, so there is room for development for young enterprises.
Implementation of the idea
When preparing to open a new production facility, you must:

  • rent comfortable room for a forge with proper ventilation;
  • purchase a complete set specialized equipment and tools;
  • equip an office for working with clients;
  • launch a website or online store to familiarize yourself with the assortment.
It is of great importance to attract a real designer to develop new products. This will help you occupy a high level in the market and create a circle of regular customers among design bureaus and furniture workshops. One meter of the finished product is sold at a price of 3,000 rubles, with its cost of 1,000 rubles. Completed projects of private forges show high level payback and income up to 400,000 rubles per month, which quickly covers all investments.​

Business idea No. 24 - Production of figurines for the garden plot

Estimated expenses – 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
This creative business project represents the organization of an enterprise or production workshop original jewelry for garden plots made of plaster, concrete or plastic.​

Business idea No. 25 - Making wooden toys

The starting capital amount is 400,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
This original business idea is to open a workshop or mini-shop for the production of original children's toys made of natural wood. You can start such a business in a small town.​

Business idea No. 26 - Organizing your own winery

Initial investment of funds – from 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
Before opening a “drinking” business, it is necessary to thoroughly study the legislation in this area. The essence of the project is to organize a private winery and produce homemade quality wines. A good basis can be the use of family recipes and original herbal tinctures. Such products will be in demand among regular customers, restaurants and entertainment venues.​

Implementation of the idea
It is better to open your own winery close to the vineyards in order to independently control the selection of raw materials. Ideal option It will be possible to break down your own land, but this requires a large investment of capital and personal time. At the initial stage it is better to get by manual labor. With this method, the largest investment will require the purchase of barrels and grape raw materials.
When the turnover increases, you can invest profits in automatic systems cleaning and filtration, powerful press. Many entrepreneurs consider making several types of jam according to home recipes as an additional income. If the cost of one liter of homemade wine is 50-80 rubles, you can offer it to consumers at a price of 300 rubles or more. This will make the project profitable and will help develop it in the future.​

Business idea No. 27 - Opening your own brewery

The initial investment is 250,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
The basis for the “hop” project is the opening of an equipped private brewery to produce several of its own types of beer. This type of mini-factory can be located in a small room such as a garage. The high demand for this type of low-alcohol drink will not leave the entrepreneur without profit even in the cold season. Especially if you produce your own delicious varieties high quality.​

Business idea No. 28 - Production and packaging of honey

The essence of the project
This version of the business idea involves setting up a large apiary and organizing a bottling and packaging line for sweet products. Interest in proper nutrition and recipes traditional medicine makes such a business project very profitable and relevant.​

Implementation of the idea
Such apiaries and a mini-packing plant should be set up in an environmentally friendly area. Perfect fit suburban areas and dachas. To get started, you need to solve several practical issues:

  • arrange an apiary in compliance with all requirements, place bee colonies;
  • purchase equipment for packaging honey;
  • solve the issue of selling products and find wholesale buyers.
The first year of work can begin with the placement of ten families of bees, which will bring at least 500 kg of honey and related products. At an average price of 500 rubles, this will give a profit of 250,000 rubles per season. Packaging in small portions in convenient containers will double its cost. Additional volumes can be increased by purchasing honey for packaging from neighboring farms, selling other beekeeping products (propolis, wax or bee bread) to consumers. Despite the seasonality, such a project quickly pays for itself and brings a high percentage of income.

Business idea No. 29 - Production of breakfast cereals​

Preliminary investments – 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - development and arrangement of production facilities for the production of a variety of breakfast cereals, their wholesale sales.​

These products are in constant demand among consumers who strive to maintain correct mode nutrition. The relevance of the idea is due to the constant growth of the breakfast cereal market (up to 10% per year) and moderate competition.
Implementation of the idea
To implement the project, a production facility will be required to accommodate a workshop and a small warehouse for storing finished products. The bulk of financial investments will be distributed between the following expense items:

  • purchase of special equipment;
  • purchasing raw materials for breakfast cereals;
  • staff salaries;
  • payment of rent for the premises.
One kilogram of a nutritious breakfast produced costs 30 rubles, taking into account all the costs of its production. Assuming a five-day working week and a product sales price of 50 rubles per kilogram, the total amount of working profit can be 830,000 rubles. With stable capacity utilization, such a business project can fully pay for itself in 9–10 months.​

Business idea No. 30 - Production of clean drinking water

The initial investment amount is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
Such a business involves opening and equipping production facilities for purifying and bottling water into special containers. Such drinking water accounts for up to 30% of all consumed among the population. It is purchased in stores in different quantities and used for preparing food and drinks. The main consumers are catering establishments, institutions (kindergartens, schools, offices) and ordinary families.​

The essence of the project
This business project is a large workshop for the production of standard and modern models of sleds for children.​

Business idea No. 34 - Manufacturing of cabins for construction projects​

The initial investment amount is 150,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
The basis of the commercial idea is the creation of a small enterprise for the production of cabins of any size and configuration according to the customer’s measurements.​

This is a popular business due to the noticeable growth in construction projects. Many enterprises use cabins to house staff, guards or a field kitchen for workers. Considering the ease of manufacture and the demand for the product, you can implement an excellent business project at low cost.
Implementation of the idea
The production of cabins from rolled metal does not require special equipment and technologies. Main production issues:

  • renting a small workshop space for assembling new cabins and storing materials;
  • purchase of several sets of tools for workers;
  • purchase of the first batch of materials for change houses.
Several workers assemble one cabin in three days. Its cost starts from 30,000 rubles and directly depends on the filling of the room and the equipment. The selling price is at least 50,000 rubles. By collecting 10 of these cabins per month, you can count on a minimum net profit of 200,000 rubles. The introduction of new models for arranging a retail outlet will expand the circle of customers.​

Business idea No. 35 - Production of compound feed

The amount of initial capital is 2,300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project
The basis production project– opening a small enterprise producing several types of feed for households and farms.​

The development of the agro-industrial public sector and private complexes increases the demand for this type of product necessary for livestock farming. There is moderate competition in the feed production market and there is the possibility of introducing new enterprises.
Implementation of the idea
Opening a mini-factory requires significant financial costs on the part of the owner for the purchase of a special line, its installation and configuration. In the absence of large initial investments, a low-power project can be implemented to home production. In addition, the entrepreneur must:

  • rent premises for equipment and a warehouse for finished feed;
  • arrange access roads for trucks;
  • conclude agreements for the supply of high-quality raw materials;
  • work through client base through working with farms and livestock breeders.
With proper marketing, in a year the feed mill will fully pay for itself and make a net profit. The profitability of such mini-factories varies in the range of 20–24% with incomplete capacity utilization.​


In conclusion, I would like to ask you to add more business ideas for profitable production in the comments, because we are not able to cover all areas. So we will make this collection of ideas even larger.

We are also waiting for your questions, if you have any!​
