Cement consumption per 1 m3 of solution. How much cement per cube of mortar, sand consumption. Mortar for brick or block masonry

In one cube of solution (in 1 m3 of solution) there are 2000 - 2200 kilograms (kg).

One kilogram of solution contains 0.0005 - 0.00045 cubic meters.

To convert kilograms (kg) to cubes and vice versa, use .

How is the calculation made:

The calculation is made using a simple physical formula: Mass = Density * Volume.

The density of the solution depends on the type of solution and ranges from 2000 to 2200 kg/m3.


1) If you need to determine the mass of a solution, then multiply the density of the solution by its volume.

2) If you need to determine the volume of a solution, then divide the mass of the solution by its density.


Theoretical and practical concepts on the conversion of one unit of measurement to another are based on centuries of experience in scientific research of mankind in applied fields of knowledge.

Mass is a characteristic of a body, which is a measure of gravitational interaction with other bodies.

Volume is the amount of space occupied by a body or substance.

Density is physical quantity, defined as the ratio of body mass to the volume occupied by this body.


This page provides the simplest answer to the question how many kilograms (kg) are in a cube (m3) of solution and vice versa. One cube of solution is equal to 2000 - 2200 kilograms (kg). One kilogram of solution is equal to 0.0005 - 0.00045 cubic meters.

3999 09/18/2019 6 min.

Cement is a building material that has a wide range of applications. It can be used when pouring foundations, manufacturing building materials and dry mixtures. But when choosing this product, it is very important to know its consumption. It will not be possible to determine it so easily, because this parameter is influenced by various factors, which will be discussed below.

Required amount

Concrete is the most popular material from the entire range that is used in construction. It is based on crushed stone, and an aqueous solution of cement and sand acts as a binder. To calculate the required amount of concrete per m3, you should know for what purpose it will be used. On average, consumption per 1 m3 of concrete will be 240-320 kg. This greatly simplifies the calculation if the area is large. But here everything depends on the brand of concrete.

If you would like to receive the material High Quality, which can serve you for a long time, you must strictly adhere to the established proportions during the preparation of the composition. The amount of cement used affects the workability of concrete. For this reason, during the preparation of concrete, it is necessary to ensure the accuracy of laying the ingredients as follows:

  • cement – ​​up to 1 kg;
  • sand – up to 3 kg;
  • crushed stone – up to 5 kg.

If all the specified proportions are met, then you will receive a high-quality product that will have high strength, rigidity and ductility.

The video shows cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of solution:

If a large error is allowed, for example, in the direction of decreasing volume, the binder component will not be able to hold the filler, resulting in concrete under the influence of external negative factors will become unusable in a very short period of time.

The consumption for pouring 1m3 of material also depends on what brand concrete mixture you will receive. And this depends on the purposes for which the concrete will be used. In the field of domestic low-rise construction, the following grades of concrete are most often used:

The grade used to obtain the material should always be 2 times the grade of the resulting concrete.

Required amount binder material per 1 m3 of concrete - this is reference data, which can be found in the following table.

Table 1 – Cost to receive various brands concrete

To make the preparation process more convenient, you need to buy cement in bags of 50 kg. With this measurement solution, it will be possible to easily obtain a concrete mixture. For example, to obtain 1 m3 of the most popular M200 concrete, you need to take 4 bags and 41 kg of M300 or M400 cement.

Quantity per brick laying

The quality of the masonry is determined not only by the characteristics of the brick, but also by the mixture used. This composition can be prepared according to various recipes; we will consider only the most popular ones:

  1. Based on sand and cement. This product is characterized by high strength indicators, however, when preparing it, it is very important to accurately observe the proportions. Even if you deviate a little from the proportions, cracks will form on the brickwork.
  2. Lime based mortar. The resulting solution is characterized by high plasticity, but it can be used for external masonry unacceptable, as it is simply washed away by rain.
  3. Mixed type of solution, which involves the use of both cement and lime. Thanks to this combination, it is possible to obtain a durable and plastic composition.
  4. Cement-based mortar with added plasticizers. Thanks to the introduction of additional components, it becomes possible to improve the quality of the solution, give it strength, ductility, and most importantly, it is very easy to apply.

If you are going to finish the facade, you can use various colored pigments in the solution. Then the seams and the masonry itself will have a spectacular appearance.

When making mortar for bricklaying, the same requirements are always met: stir thoroughly so that the mixture does not contain lumps. As a result, you should get a solution of a homogeneous structure. To achieve this effect, you must first mix the dry ingredients and then add the liquid. It is not worth preparing the mixture in large quantities, since under the influence of air it begins to set quickly.

For masonry load-bearing walls it is necessary to use cement, the grade of which is higher than in the construction of self-supporting structures. Proportions are determined taking into account what brand of cement is used. Let's look at all this with an example:

  1. For binder material M500, it is worth using the proportion in which cement relates to sand as 1:4.
  2. For M300, a proportion of 1:2.5 is applicable.
  3. For M400 – 1:3.

Of course, you don’t have to waste your time preparing the solution, but go to a store where all these products are presented in finished form. In this case, information about consumption will be present on the packaging.

During self-cooking The mixture needs to use cement, the grade of hardness of which is 2 times higher than the grade of hardness of the resulting product. If you need to get a mixture of grade M100, then the cement must be grade M200 or higher.

Cement makes the material durable and resistant to stress; compared to sand, its particles are much smaller in size; thanks to this property, it holds together all the components of the manufactured composition and prevents it from crumbling after drying. The consumption of cement per cube of mortar depends entirely on the purpose of its use. So, for example, for the foundation you will need large quantity binder than for bricklaying.

In order for the base, screed or other structure to be strong and durable, you need to correctly calculate and knead the mixture. Some builders, due to inexperience, may pour too much cement per cubic meter, believing that this will make the structure as strong and monolithic as possible. But eventually, after drying, the solution will begin to crumble and crumble. Cement is the most expensive component, therefore, due to an increase in its volume, monetary costs also increase unjustifiably.

The consumption of Portland cement is affected by the amount of fillers - sand and crushed stone. They are the ones who influence the volume. Cement particles are very small in size, so when it is added it does not increase the amount of composition, since it is evenly distributed in the gaps between the grains of sand and crushed stone. The optimal proportion is considered to be three parts of Portland cement in one cubic meter of solution. The ratio may vary depending on the brand of binder and its shelf life. More information about the composition and characteristics of solutions can be found in the article about.

To build structures that will withstand heavy loads, a composition of increased strength is required. These include concrete grades from M300. To create screed or plastering, M100 or M150 is sufficient. To make cinder concrete blocks, you can use M50.

Mixture for bricklaying and how to calculate the number of bags per cube of mortar

For mixing, you do not need a large filler, since its task is to reliably fasten the bricks together, because of this, the consumption of sand and cement increases. To determine the size of the proportions of all components, it should be taken into account that there is one cube of sand in 1 m3. Cement does not increase this volume, since it is evenly distributed between the grains of sand.

A standard ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 is used, that is, to make one cube you will need 0.33 or 0.25 m3 of Portland cement. When determining the total amount of composition, take into account that for 4-5 m3 of brick wall, 1 m3 of mixture is taken.

To find out how many bags of cement to buy for one cube of mortar, use the following calculations:

  • If components are used for mixing in proportions of 1:4, then 4 parts of sand are added to 1 part of Portland cement, which means that in 1 cubic meter there will be 250 liters of binder powder, and the rest of the volume will be filled.
  • To convert cubic meters to kilograms, you need to know bulk density material. For cement it is about 1.4 kg/l; 250 liters will contain 350 kg of binder - 1.4*250=350 kg.
  • Portland cement is most often purchased in 50 kg bags, which means in this case 350/50 = 7 bags are purchased. But since any building material must be taken with a reserve, it is recommended to buy 8 bags or 7 of 50 kg and one of 25 kg.

Calculations for screeds, foundations and mixtures different brands

To find out how many cubic meters of screed solution you need, you should calculate its volume. To do this, multiply the width by the height and length. So, for example, if a screed measuring 6x6x0.05 m is being installed, then its volume is equal to: 6*6*0.05=1.8 m3. That is, this is exactly the amount of solution that will be needed to make it. To create screeds, the components are mixed in proportions of 1:3. Cement will account for a third of the total volume. If it is necessary to mix 1.8 m3, then 1.8/3 = 0.6 m3 of Portland cement is added. Since one cube contains 1400 kg of cement, 0.6 m3 contains 1400 * 0.6 = 840 kg. This means that to build a screed measuring 6x6 and 5 cm thick, you will need to purchase at least 17 bags of binding powder - 840/50 = 17.

To calculate the construction of a foundation or screeds, you can use the indicators specified in SNiP. According to them, when using Portland cement M500 for flooring, you will need 460 kg per 1 m3, M400 - 575 kg per cubic meter. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the components; even a slight deviation to the side can lead to serious consequences: under the load from the weight of the house, the weak foundation will begin to crack.

If cement is used that has previously been unpacked and stored for more than two months, its proportion for any composition is increased. The strength of Portland cement decreases over time due to the fact that it reacts with moisture from the air. Therefore, to calculate proportions, the grade is underestimated by exactly 100. That is, whether the cement was M500, then because long-term storage it will have to be considered as M400.

The brand of binder powder is selected based on the planned load and operating conditions. Once it is determined, the amount of cement for mixing the concrete mixture is calculated. Its volume directly depends on the required strength of the structure. If you need M50 grade concrete, then for one meter of cubic mortar you will need 310 kg of M300 or 230 kg of M400; for the production of M100 you can already use 250 kg of M500 binder powder, M200 - 355 kg of M500.

The higher the strength grade of Portland cement, the smaller the amount required for mixing the solution, since it has better technical characteristics.

The proportion of cement powder increases not only due to long-term storage and a decrease in strength grade, but also due to excess impurities in the filler. If the sand is contaminated with clay, it is recommended to pour 10-20% more cement than the calculated result.

You cannot pour too much crushed stone when making a mortar for a foundation or screed; the stones will not be able to be sufficiently fixed in the concrete, since there will not be enough for them cement mixture and sand. Because of this, the crushed stone will begin to crumble. If there is an excess of sand, the consumption of Portland cement will be reduced, but the strength of the structure will also decrease.

In concrete, cement is the compound that binds all its components. The technical characteristics of the solution depend on its quantity and quality - strength, frost resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance. As part of the mixture, the price for it is the highest, so the issue of cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of concrete is acute - too much, the profitability of construction will decrease, cracks will appear after hardening, too little - the required technical and operational characteristics will not be achieved.

The main requirement for concrete is to achieve the required strength after hardening. Based on this, in accordance with construction standards describing the quality of components, their ratio and technical characteristics are selected. This is done taking into account the strength grade of the composition; the recommended ratio of ingredients is indicated in specialized reference books. To calculate how much cement will be contained in 1 m³ of concrete, the following factors are taken into account:

  • brand, density, required setting time;
  • plasticity of the solution and its mobility;
  • type of sand, fraction, presence of impurities, the proportion of which does not exceed 15%, otherwise this filler is subjected to pre-treatment - sifting or washing;
  • fraction, type and other technical characteristics of crushed stone - flakiness, density, contamination, if it exceeds the norm, the crushed stone is cleaned;
  • the presence of additional components that improve characteristics - hardeners or plasticizers.

During production it is taken into account directly. It should be twice the grade of the composition made from it - for the M200 solution, take the M400 composition. The higher the brand, the less it will be needed to prepare the mixture of the required class.

Drawing up proportions

To calculate the amount of cement spent on a cube of concrete, you need to know the brand of the mixture; in addition, the brand of the binder used is also taken into account. The proportional ratio of the components is indicated in special tables. In construction, M400-M500 are more often used, and the proportion is calculated in mass parts.

Concrete gradeProportion by mass C/P/Shch
100 1/4.6/7
150 1/3.5/5.7
200 1/2.8/4.8
250 1/2.1/3.9
300 1/1.9/3.7
400 1/1.2/2.7
450 1/1.1/2.5
Concrete gradeProportion by mass C/P/Shch
100 1/5.8/8.1
150 1/4.5/6.6
200 1/3.5/5.6
250 1/2.6/4.5
300 1/2.4/4.3
400 1/1.6/3.2
450 1/1.4/2.9

This means that to prepare M300 concrete from M400 cement you will need to take 10 kg of cement, 19 kg of sand, 37 kg of crushed stone. The result will be 66 kg finished material. The average density of the mixture is 2200 kg/m³, so the mass of the binder component consumed is 2200/66*10≈330 kg. Such calculations have already been compiled into special tables to facilitate the work of designers and builders.

When calculating the amount of solution, take into account that the volume yield is less than the total volume of all components due to compaction during mixing. The most popular fraction of crushed stone is 20 mm, it provides the required strength and is affordable. The amount of added water required to prepare 1 cube of the mixture is determined during the manufacturing process, since it depends on the moisture content of the sand used and technical parameters mixtures.

How much cement is needed for 1 cubic meter of concrete mixture?

If to get the necessary technical characteristics you need to know the proportions of sand and crushed stone, then in order to calculate construction costs you need to calculate the cost of cement per 1 cubic meter of concrete. This data has been calculated and tabulated.

Concrete gradeWeight of cement, kg
100 166
150 205
200 241
250 313
300 329
400 417
450 469

This will help determine the rate of consumption, as well as the quantity after calculating the entire volume of material required for construction. The quantity and cost of fillers are calculated using tables with their proportions for different brands. Similar reference data have been developed for M500; if necessary, this indicator is calculated using figures for the proportions of the components for preparing the mixture.

To deliver the required amount of water, it is taken into account that it depends on the moisture absorption of sand and other components, but on average it is recommended to store up to 200 liters per 1 m³ of concrete. The water must be clean, without salts and organic additives that can reduce the quality even if all proportions are fully observed.

Problems often arise when making solutions. Cement of a lower grade is brought to the site than is required for the manufacture of a composition of a certain strength class. To achieve the desired effect, its amount increases by 15%. 10% more fine-grained sand is added and this will not affect the quality.

Most often, cement is offered in 50 kg paper bags. This is a convenient container that allows you to quickly calculate its volume to complete the planned work. To do this, calculate how many bags of cement are contained in 1 cube of concrete. To obtain this volume, M300 will require 329/50 = 6.58 bags or 6 bags and 29 kg. This value is multiplied by the volume of solution that is poured. If you need to make a 40 m³ monolith from M300, then you will need 40·6.58=263.2≈264 bags or 13.2 tons. In this case, the quality of the mixture will correspond to the declared parameters, subject to the manufacturing technology.

A correctly calculated amount of cement per cubic meter of mixture will allow achieving the required technical and performance characteristics. We must not forget about the quality of fillers and water. They must comply with the declared parameters and not contain foreign inclusions or impurities. This will help to pre-calculate the financial component and optimize construction costs. When purchasing, it is better to opt for quality brands 400 or 500, since you will need fewer of them at a similar price.

IN modern construction use Various types cement-sand mixtures, which differ in the proportions of the components. Most often, cement is used as a binding component for the preparation of mortars. It is clear that in 1 m3 of masonry mortar brick wall and 1 m3 of concrete, the ratio of components cannot be the same, since these two building mixtures designed for completely different different types works

Table of cement consumption per 1m3 of solution.

Beginners naively believe that they can easily determine required amount components of the solution “by eye”. And they pay later.

In order to do it correctly, you don’t need a lot of expensive tools. It is enough to have:

Concrete composition table.

  • concrete mixer;
  • scales (preferably electronic, but not required);
  • container for measuring volume (usually a 10-liter bucket is used for these purposes);
  • calculator.

Depending on type construction work the proportions of the prepared mixture are determined, i.e. the amount of cement, sand, water, aggregate and, if necessary, special additives in it.

Calculation of the amount of cement

When calculating the number of components in m3 of laying mixture, inexperienced builders often make the same mistake. They think that if the mixture is prepared in a ratio of 1:3, then in a m3 of the prepared mixture sand will account for 3 parts of the volume, and cement – ​​1 part. But the fact is that cement, since it is much smaller than sand, only fills the voids between the grains of sand.

In other words, in the above example, m3 of laying mixture contains 1 m3 of sand and 1/3 m3 of cement.

Scheme for preparing a concrete mixture.

This is a construction paradox. This happens because a cubic meter is a unit of volume, and not of weight. Even more: water, which makes up 0.5 to 0.7 mass of cement in the mixture, depending on the required density of the mixture and the moisture content of the sand, does not change this ratio in any way. The resulting volume will still be equal to the volume of sand. Water and cement will only fill the free space between the grains of sand, but will not increase their volume.

Typically the ratio of components is 1:3 or 1:4. Using this example, you can calculate how many ingredients are needed to prepare building mixture.

What do we know? Firstly, a cubic meter is 1000 liters. Secondly, a construction bag of cement weighs 50 kg. And thirdly, a bag of cement holds 36 liters. Now it’s enough to make a simple calculation: 1 liter of cement = 50 kg / 36 liters = 1.4 kg.

In order to prepare 1:3, you need a cube of sand and 1/3 of a cube or 333 liters of cement;

We multiply 333 liters by 1.4 kg/l and end up with 466 kg or 9.32 bags per 1m3 of laying mortar.

Scheme for determining plasticity concrete mortar.

To properly prepare the mortar for plastering works, use different proportions of its components. These proportions are determined by the further use of plaster. When preparing the mixture, it is better to first mix its dry ingredients, and only then gradually pour water into it, bringing it to the desired thickness. To obtain high-quality plaster for sealing joints, take 450 kg of cement per 1 m3 of sand, and the diameter of the sand grains should not exceed 1.25 mm. To make the plaster plastic, lime paste should be added to the solution.

If you need to unstitch the seams brickwork, the composition of a cube of plaster will consist of 350 kg of cement and 35 kg of lime per cube of sand. To obtain plaster for working with a stone plinth, the proportions of the components will be as follows: 140 kg of cement and 50 kg of lime per cube of sand.

Material consumption rates

Ideally, a building stone should consist of various stones, i.e. different sizes, “packed” as tightly as possible so that there is as little empty space between them as possible, and this empty space, in turn, must be filled with a cement-sand mixture. This type of concrete will be the most durable, and besides, to prepare it you will need to prepare a minimum amount of mortar.

Scheme of fillers for cement mortar.

The main component of concrete is crushed stone. Suffice it to say that in a cube of concrete 0.80 m3 is crushed stone, and the rest is a mixture mixed with water, which fills the voids between the crushed stone, linking individual pebbles into a single monolith. Only the rules of arithmetic do not apply here, since such a mixture in 1 m3 of concrete solution will not be 0.20 m3, but much more - depending on the fraction of crushed stone, from 0.45 to 0.6 m3.

For concrete mix, it is very important which brand you use. Strictly speaking, the consumption of components can be different even for the same brand and depends on what parts the solution will be used for making. The ratio can be from 1:2 for the most critical components (foundation, beams, floors, etc.) to 1:5 for paths, blind areas and other structures that do not experience heavy loads on their surfaces. But still the most popular one that satisfies most of the requirements for private and country house construction– is 1:3 or 1:4.

  • consumption for M100: cement – ​​220 kg, sand – 0.6 m3, crushed stone – 0.8 m3;
  • consumption for M200 and M250: sand – 0.5 m3, crushed stone – 0.8 m3, cement, respectively, 280 and 330 kg;
  • consumption for M300: cement – ​​380 kg, sand – 0.45 m3, crushed stone – 0.8 m3.

But this is an expense for ideal concrete, which is almost impossible to do. It is better, taking into account all the features in preparing the brand of concrete you need, to calculate everything yourself, especially since there is nothing complicated about it. The method of such calculation is described below.

Method for calculating cement in m3

To determine how much cement is needed to prepare m3 of concrete solution in your concrete mixer, it is better to do this: when making the first batch, the components must be added to the concrete mixer gradually and at the same time keep careful records of how much has been added. To determine the volume poured, use ordinary 10-liter buckets, and for water - a liter mug, since it is the water that must be measured especially carefully. Pouring an extra glass of water can easily cause the concrete to leak. But returning it to its normal state by adding components by eye is not so easy.

To prevent this from happening, you must try to immediately determine the ratio of the components. For example, the yield of ready-made concrete in a concrete mixer is 10 buckets (100 l). We need a cement to sand ratio of 1:4. First, you need to fill the concrete mixer with 2 buckets of crushed stone and add 5 liters of water. Then we put 3.5 buckets of sand and 9 liters of cement into a concrete mixer. Mix all the ingredients until they turn into a homogeneous thick mass. If necessary, add water little by little to the solution being prepared, but it must be done with an accuracy of up to 100 g. record how much water was added.

Now we add the mixture until we get the thickness we need, and then we begin to add crushed stone to this solution. Add it until there is enough solution for lubrication. In our case, the total amount of crushed stone poured into the concrete mixer will be from 6 to 8 buckets, depending on the fraction. I just want to remind you that when adding crushed stone, you need to add 100-200 grams as needed. water. And the main thing is not to forget to write down what and how much you added to the concrete mixer.

When the solution is ready, we have all the necessary data to analyze how much water and other components we added to it. If the concrete is prepared correctly, then there should be slightly less water per bucket of cement poured in (9-9.5 liters). In this case, the ratio by weight will be as follows: for 10 kg of cement 6.5-7 liters of water. If this is the ratio in your solution, then the concrete will be of high quality.

As an example, we took a concrete mixer with a finished concrete output of 100 liters. Now, in order to find out how much of each of its components will be in 1 m3 of concrete, we need to multiply our final figures by 10 (1000 liters cubed divided by 100 liters of concrete mixer volume = 10). If the yield of finished concrete is different, using this example you can easily make your calculation by replacing the volume of the concrete mixer in it.
