At what temperature do a bedbug and its eggs die? What temperature is detrimental to bedbugs and their larvae? Exposure to high and low temperatures: which is more effective in killing insects? Bed bugs are dying

There are always bedbugs in the house a big problem, but they do not tolerate temperature changes well than
can be used to get rid of them

Comfortable and unfavorable conditions

For comfortable life and active reproduction of pests, the thermometer indicator varies within +15...40°C. The temperature at which bedbugs die should go beyond these limits as much as possible. Not a single individual has a chance at temperatures above +55°C, and even a short-term temperature difference leads to the death of hemipterans.

At the same time, in an environment where indicators are at maximum level, insect metabolism becomes more intense. They begin to eat abundantly, and the life cycle is significantly shortened. Adult bedbugs have a hard time withstanding periods of starvation. If you treat them with boiling water, you can remove the entire colony. But it’s worth considering that you won’t be able to get rid of larvae using this method., because their shell is very dense.

This video covers 5 effective ways to get rid of bedbugs:

Bed bugs, like cockroaches, easily adapt to any changes in their environment. They can go without food for more than a year and a half. During this period, individuals are in hibernation. As soon as the smell of fresh blood appears nearby, the insect instantly emerges from the state of suspended animation.

There is a scientific scale that reflects the attitude of hemiptera to change environment. It contains the following data:

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to freeze bedbugs out of your home. The method of combating adults and their larvae using cold is as follows:

Critically high temperatures

You can also use a curtain steamer to combat larvae. It produces a temperature at which bed bug eggs die. Using this device will not harm the furniture or interior (unlike freezing the apartment). The disadvantage of this method is that its implementation requires the purchase of additional equipment.

Desperate owners in the fight against bed bugs are even ready to resort to the use of natural remedies. They warm clothes, furniture and other items in the sun for a long time during the hot season. This technique is ineffective, because objects in the sun cannot heat up to a level critical for bedbugs.

No matter how opportunistic bedbugs may be, humans will always come up with a deadly trick. His arsenal may include household irons and steam generators, as well as professional chemicals High Quality. Clothes and bed linen can be washed in a machine at a bedbug killing temperature of +60°C. P Arazites can damage furniture upholstery and mattresses by waste products. It is impossible to save soft things; it is better to throw them away.

does not have a thermoregulation system, that is, they are not able to warm or cool their own body. Their vital activity largely depends on the ambient temperature.

Bed bugs

They are the most ancient inhabitants on the planet. Today their lives proceed at their usual pace, as they did many centuries ago. This indicates their excellent adaptability to the environment.

According to scientists, the most the best option for the development of insects is 20-35°C Celsius.

Therefore, they love to live close to people, settling in their houses, which maintain a fertile environment for them. Naturally, the question arises at what temperature do they die? bed bugs and their larvae?

For larvae and eggs the figures are slightly higher:

  1. At +48°C they remain viable for a little longer than an hour.
  2. When the air drops to +45°C, the clutch of eggs will die only after 7 hours.
  3. For the destruction of larvae, +55 °C is considered ideal.

A lower air index has a detrimental effect on the life of small bloodsuckers:

  1. +14°C – the female stops laying eggs.
  2. +10°C – the embryo freezes, the development of eggs is suspended.
  3. +5°C – the insect colony falls into a half-asleep state.

Destruction with hot air

Knowing about the vulnerability of bed bloodsuckers to extreme heat, people successfully use this method to combat them, using different options:

Destruction using a steam generator

This mechanism produces steam, the temperature reaching +90 °C instantly kills unpleasant tenants. Another advantage of this device is that the steam coming from it has a low humidity level, only about 5%, which is very important when processing objects that are afraid of dampness: parquet, furniture and other similar objects.

There are a number of differences between a steam cleaner and a steam generator, but both mechanisms are ideal for exterminating insects, especially their eggs. The device is set to the desired mode; ten seconds of steam exposure at +70-80 °C is enough to kill insects.

First of all, you should treat places where there is a concentration of insects, gradually moving on to treating things: bed linen, clothes, soft toys.

Destruction of bedbugs with steam

When using a steam generator/steam cleaner, you should not forget about safety:

The question often arises: at what temperature do bed bugs die during washing? The effectiveness of this method largely depends on the duration of the procedure itself. For example, if you soak the laundry in water for 10 minutes and then hang it out to dry, it is unlikely that all the insects will die.

Machine wash for 30 minutes warm water+40°C will also not give any effective results. Therefore, in order to destroy these living creatures, certain rules must be followed.


  1. Pour water into the container as soon as it boils.
  2. Immerse laundry in it for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Cover the basin with oilcloth or film, thereby maintaining the high temperature of the water.
  4. Then add powder and start washing.

Machine washable

To kill bedbugs when machine washing, the water must be at least +60°C

  1. The water must be at least +60°C.
  2. The best option is at least +95°C.
  3. The duration of washing is at least 60 minutes.
  4. After drying, be sure to iron the items with a hot iron and steam.
  5. Carefully handle seams and folds.
  6. When boiling laundry, insects and larvae die instantly.

Destruction by frost

Therefore, although freezing is used, it is not considered effective compared to heat treatment, which has a more effective result.

This method is most suitable for the northern regions of the country. However, not all rooms can be freeze-treated. This option is acceptable for non-residential buildings: garages, sheds, chicken coops, country houses. Residential buildings with running water and heating system, the walls are wallpapered or plastered and may suffer from extreme cold. For example, pipes may burst, plumbing may fail, or wallpaper may fall off.

To avoid breakage household appliances, TV, computer, stereo and other devices should be wrapped up or taken to another room.

Frost has a detrimental effect on the general condition of bedbugs

Sub-zero bed bug survival temperature, like the positive one, it also affects them differently:

As practice shows, the simultaneous combination of several of the above methods can help you get rid of unwanted tenants. For example, washing in strong hot water, with further ironing, with a maximally heated iron with the “steam” function turned on. Good result gives a combination of cold and the use of a steam generator.

In contact with

Destruction of bedbugs by freezing the room will only help if you live in the northern regions, where the temperature in winter often hovers around twenty to twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Important! This procedure must be carried out in rooms where there are no water supply or electricity systems, since low temperatures will have a detrimental effect on their condition and can even completely damage them.

But if you still want to get rid of bedbugs by frost, then you can simply open a window or vent at fairly low temperatures. Most of them will die that same day.

Safety rules for freezing

Even though bedbugs can't tolerate high temperatures, but in an attempt to destroy annoying neighbors, you shouldn’t forget about your own home. Below are the basic rules that must be followed to kill bedbugs without harming your home:

  • First of all, close all risers in the house and drain the water from the pipes. This will provide them with at least a little protection, because frozen water has a strong internal pressure and can simply rupture the pipes from the inside. Especially if your houses are plastic pipes. They need Special attention, because they are afraid not only of frozen water, but also of just frost;
  • Remove all food from the house that is not refrigerated. This could be bread, some fruit or sweets. After planned freezing, they will no longer be suitable for food and will become moldy very quickly after they thaw;
  • You also need to take out houseplants, because they freeze out first. All tropical flowers, vines and other plants must be taken to another heated room for the duration of freezing. And after the procedure, do not bring it in immediately, let the room warm up;
  • Do not delay freezing, so as not to spoil the wallpaper, pores and plaster, as well as parquet. For bedbugs to die, just a couple of hours at a temperature of twenty degrees is enough, and at ten to fifteen - about five to six hours. During this time, much in the house will not have time to suffer. A longer period will do harm;
  • Try to warm up the room smoothly, without sudden changes in temperature, so that the condensation has time to dry. In this case, the risk of mold growth is low.

There are simpler and more reliable ways than freezing

Before you freeze out your apartment or house in an attempt to kill bedbugs, think several times whether it’s worth it. You will undoubtedly defeat bedbugs, but won’t your furniture in particular and the whole house as a whole suffer? In most cases, it is much more practical to call specialists or spray chemicals yourself. Repairing a property can cost much more than a can of insecticide or calling an exterminator.

To a large extent, the viability of bedbugs depends on thermal exposure. Knowing at what temperature bedbugs die, you can successfully fight them. Temperature treatment is the oldest, safest method.

Linen bug

The microclimate of the room is very important for bedbugs. In a well-heated house located in Siberia, insects will be as comfortable as in a dacha located on the shores of the southern sea.

Many years of experience have made it possible to accurately determine at what temperature bedbugs die.

  • They tolerate very hot microclimates worst of all. If the temperature is more than + 50 °C, the bug survives for less than 5 minutes. At 45 °C it can last for half an hour.
  • Insect eggs are covered with a thermal protective layer, thanks to which they remain viable at +50 °C for 24 hours.
  • Bedbugs tolerate low temperatures more easily. At a frost of 10 °C, they temporarily reduce activity, freeze, and enter a state of suspended animation.
  • When the temperature drops another 5-7 °C, bedbugs can remain viable for up to 4 days.
  • If the frost reaches 20 ° C, the insects will die within a few hours.
  • Eggs tolerate low temperatures better. At -20 °C they can survive for 2 days, after which they die.

Knowing the temperature at which bedbugs die allows you to safely do without chemicals.

Linen bug

Practical use of low temperatures

Frost has a detrimental effect not only on bedbugs, but also on the communication systems of an apartment or house.

In residential premises it can be placed in freezer not very big things. It is advisable to keep them there for a week.

In a private home, you can take sofas and armchairs out into the cold. Freezing the entire apartment is problematic. Walls, wallpaper, and water pipes may be damaged.

It's easy to get rid of bedbugs in winter summer houses, garages, extensions. This is an important event.

If you get rid of insects in buildings on local area, the possibility of accidentally getting them with shoes and clothes into living quarters will be excluded.

Application of high temperatures

The sensitivity of bedbugs to heat provides great opportunities for pest control.

There are several practical methods:

The effectiveness of the thermal gun has been proven. Such installations are used in the manufacture of suspended ceilings.

It is advisable to take heat gun for rent, warm up the room to +60 °C, maintain the temperature for 30 minutes. Knowing at what temperature bedbugs die, you can be sure of their complete disappearance after such treatment.

Steam cleaners and any steam generators are perfect for disinfestation. The method allows you to process upholstered furniture, cracks, folds, all places where bedbugs accumulate. The temperature of the evaporating water approaches +100 °C. The insects will die instantly.

Experienced people wrap the generator nozzle with cloth. Otherwise, the intense, focused stream of steam can blow live or dead insects throughout the apartment. Pay attention to the set humidity. Large values ​​will damage wallpaper and furniture. Insects will definitely die at 5% humidity. Wherein home interior will not be harmed. Particularly convenient are generators with attachments that allow you to treat all the secluded areas of the apartment. Information about the temperature at which they die convinces of the inevitable disappearance of all individuals for a long time.

Washing machine

Anything that can be washed can be loaded into washing machine, turning it on to maximum mode.

Treatment at + 90 °C during one wash cycle will not leave insects a chance to survive.

Ironing things

In many cases, you can get rid of bedbugs by carefully ironing things with a hot iron.

Particular attention should be paid to folds, seams, and places where zippers are attached. The iron should be set to maximum temperature. Ironing problem areas must be done on both sides.

Boiling water

An old proven method of killing insects is to pour boiling water over all cracks and baseboards.

After treatment with boiling water, bedbugs have no way to survive. The inconvenience is that not all household items can be treated this way.

Intense sunlight

In the summer, owners of adjacent plots have the opportunity to use intensive sunlight. On the hottest day, take all things, furniture, pillows, rugs, blankets out into the sun.

At what temperature bed bugs die is known. The sun's rays are guaranteed to kill insects. You can repeat the procedure over 2-3 days.


A variety of methods to combat insects allows everyone to choose the most suitable method. The effect of extreme temperatures has been tested by many. The method is economical and does not cause consequences for humans. The choice is yours.

It causes a lot of inconvenience. They feed on the blood of humans and domestic animals and leave painful bite marks. The climatic comfort zone of parasites is as close as possible to that of humans, which greatly complicates the problem of getting rid of them. Nature has not endowed them with absolute resistance, and therefore knowledge of the temperature at which bedbugs die has made it possible to effective fight with them.

Dependence of life cycle on ambient temperature

The most favorable range for insect life is within the range of +20° - +25°C. This is standard room temperature. In such conditions they can live and develop for a year. The time it takes for a larva to mature and become an adult is 1.5 months.

On a note!

A decrease in temperature level is more easily tolerated, although in this case the ripening time increases significantly and the ability to:

  • after the thermometer drops below +20°C, the insect becomes less mobile and reduces its diet;
  • at +15°C and below, female bedbugs stop laying eggs;
  • the embryo will stop developing at +10°C;
  • at temperatures below +5°C, bedbugs and bedbugs fall into a state of suspended animation.

Application of high temperatures

To freeze effectively, these conditions must persist for a long time. Below is the exposure time and the temperature at which bedbugs die:

  • 48 hours at minus 20°C;
  • 80 hours at minus 16°C.


In the northern regions, to freeze bedbugs, residents just need to open the windows and doors in the house and leave for at least 2 hours.

You can destroy bedbugs using the method of exposure to critical temperatures either independently or with the help of specialized services. Before making the final choice of a method, you need to familiarize yourself with its positive and negative sides.

Advantages of the temperature method:

In contrast to the advantages, the disadvantages of the method should also be taken into account:

  • The high cost of special equipment that will provide the required temperatures.
  • Material damage. Too cold and hot air will negatively affect the decoration of the building and interior items.
  • Favorite: bed, mattresses, baseboard. Therefore, difficulties arise when working with dense fabrics, hard to reach places. The steam flow may not be enough to completely.

Thus, knowledge at what temperature bedbugs die is extremely necessary for high-quality getting rid of bedbugs using the temperature method. It is also necessary to evaluate the capabilities of the equipment used and the existing operating conditions. Getting rid of adult individuals cannot be a full guarantee of victory over pests, therefore the chosen method must have the same effectiveness in combating bedbugs in any phase life cycle. You can trust specialized services that use safe insecticides and, if necessary, temperature effects.
