Presentation for the lesson (middle group) on the topic: Presentation of the theme day "World Thank You Day". Presentation of international "thank you" day

Happy Holiday - Thank You Day!

I can’t count all the thanks,

From kind sunny smiles

Evil and revenge have huddled in a corner.

Thank you! let it sound everywhere

All over the Planet good sign,

Thank you - a small miracle,

A charge of warmth in your hands!

Say it like a spell

And you will feel how suddenly

Wishing you goodness and happiness,

A new friend will give you!


January 11th is a day on which it is customary to be polite and remember good manners more often. On this day one of the international holidays, which is called World Thank You Day. People say the word “thank you” every day. of different ages, gender, nationality, religion and even upbringing. But few people know that the expression of gratitude in the form of the word “thank you” originated in the Russian language many centuries ago.


Etymologists believe that during pagan times, in the everyday life of our ancestors, words of gratitude sounded like “thank you” or “thank you,” but with the advent of Christianity, our ancestors replaced them with a word that today sounds like “thank you.” Initially, the modern “thank you” meant a shortened version of the expression “God bless!” Our ancestors put into this expression something much more than just gratitude. It meant not just the gratitude of the interlocutor for the service you provided, but said that he was expressing a feeling of gratitude to life. Subsequently, the expression was shortened, and the familiar “thank you” was born, which heads the list of words in the rules of good manners.


Interesting fact in the history of this word is that some experts claim that “thank you” arose back in the days of paganism and is derived not from the expression “God save!”, but from “Save Bai.” Bai was one of the pagan gods. However, such speculation is rejected by most etymologists, and the origin of the word is attributed to the 16th century.

Politeness is more than just good manners!

Our grandmothers taught our mothers, our mothers teach us that "Thank you" And "Please"- these are the main words with which a person expresses his gratitude, politeness and good upbringing. But is it really so important to say "Thank you"? Word "Thank you", according to psychologists, is truly magical. Hearing it, a person experiences emotions similar to those that arise in children when they are affectionately stroked on the head. Having received verbal gratitude, a person subconsciously tunes in to the positive.


    Today, people are so immersed in their worries, problems and everyday bustle that they sometimes simply forget to say words to each other such as “good afternoon”, “thank you”, “please”, etc. Modern people- these are materialists brought up on phrases like “thank you, it doesn’t gurgle” or “you can’t put it in your pocket.” This means that today it’s unlikely that anyone will do you a favor or do a kind deed for “thank you.” Is this approach to life correct? Probably not. Indeed, in pursuit of material good, we completely forget about the spiritual world. And for every person, the spiritual world is expressed in friends who come not for material goods and material gratitude.


    After all, you must admit that sitting on a bag of gold alone, you are unlikely to want to laugh with happiness. It is doubly pleasant to share happiness with your friends, and therefore say words of gratitude to others more often. Did someone shake your hand when you got off public transport? Say, "Thank you." Did they help you carry a heavy bag? Say “Thank you” again. After all good words It’s always nice to hear and they are the ones who make people kinder, but only when you say them sincerely.


  • When you wake up on January 11th, remember that kindness will save the world, smile and give words of gratitude to your loved ones, relatives, friends and people around you. And most importantly, give your “thank you” on this day and on other days of the year!

How can you celebrate "thank you" day at school?

On this day, it is imperative to organize an event for children, the purpose of which is to instill politeness.

On this day you can arrange a quest game. A group (or two groups) of children are given envelopes with a route (stops are indicated in it) and boxes (baskets, bags, etc.) in which they will need to put all the “thank yous” found. You should look for “thank you” at the stops indicated on the route. The team that reaches the finish line first will win. The game is played in the school building after school or on the street.

What “mysteries” might there be? For example, one of the stops is some room in which there is no one. The guys look around carefully and understand that they need to find something. As a result, somewhere on the windowsill behind the curtain they find a sign with the inscription “Mercy” and put it in their basket, after which they move on.

At one of the stops, for example, a teacher or a high school student may be waiting for them with an empty glass in their hands. He doesn’t say anything, but the children must figure out that they need to fill the glass with water, that is, help the person. When this is done, he will give the guys, for example, a badge with the word “thank you.”

At another stop, the student asks the guys to help him solve the problem (here it is advisable to prepare an entertaining riddle problem). When the guys solve it, the student will thank them and give them, for example, a ribbon with the word “thank you” painted on it.

To ensure that the quest does not last very long, but at the same time does not end too quickly, you need to come up with about 10 riddles, that is, include 10 stops in the route.

Tasks can be not only search-intellectual (assemble puzzles, solve riddles, etc.), but also sports.

At the end of the route, the organizers check that all the hidden “thank yous” are collected in the basket and award the winning team a prize. The second team that reaches the finish line later should also be rewarded. After this, you can invite the guys to tea and a disco.

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