Rules for using a quartz lamp. Benefits and harms to humans from radiation from a quartz lamp. How to use a quartz lamp at home to your advantage How does quartz treatment affect a person

Recently, quartz coating of residential premises has become very popular, and for this reason, the previously little-known UV lamp is now in great demand, which is not surprising. The population of our country is increasingly monitoring their well-being and the health of their loved ones. After all, it has long been known that ordinary cleaning will not rid the room of all harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Of course, a quartz lamp does not give a 100% result, but it still brings the room closer to sterility.

Due to the widespread use of quartz lamps in apartments, many opponents of such a procedure have appeared. Some say that the room is also cleaned of beneficial microorganisms, while others claim that such irradiation is generally harmful to human health.

Of course, there are always supporters and opponents of something new. This cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out whether quartz lamps are really dangerous or whether they are exposed to such radiation more benefit rather than harm. And how to use such devices and correctly carry out the disinfection procedure at home in order to improve the health of yourself and your loved ones.

Quartz UV lamp

Functions of quartz

During operation, a quartz lamp emits a large amount of ultraviolet radiation, which has a disinfecting effect, destroying viruses. With its help, it is possible to sterilize both indoor air and the things in them.

At home, housewives are gradually beginning to abandon sterilization of canning jars by boiling and frying in the oven, increasingly preferring ultraviolet radiation, which is not surprising. After all, it is known that not all microbes are afraid of high temperatures. For some, such procedures even help in reproduction.

Of course, quartz lamps come in different varieties, and each type should be used correctly to avoid negative consequences. For example, open-type quartz lamps can only be turned on when there are no people or animals in the room, because during operation they emit a very large amount of ozone, and its excess is extremely harmful to health.

Types of quartz lamps

According to their performance characteristics, quartz lamps can be divided into three types:

  1. Open type - it is also called ordinary. In addition to ultraviolet radiation, it emits a large amount of ozone. It is mainly used for disinfecting medical premises in the absence of people. You cannot be in its rays; it is the most powerful of all types. Kills more bacteria in less time.
  2. Bactericidal is essentially the same as quartz, but the glass of its flask is made of a different material, which allows much less ozone to pass through, which means it is less harmful to the human body.
  3. Ozone-free bactericidal lamp (amalgam) - the most suitable option for an apartment. It has a special coating on the flask that does not allow ozone to pass out. Widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Usually it comes with various attachments for disinfecting the nasal and ear cavities.

The UV lamp destroys the DNA of bacteria and viruses, thereby killing them

But what all these lamps have in common is the ultraviolet radiation emitted during their operation, and therefore they cannot be used without special protective glasses, since it is very harmful to the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Of course, in any case, before purchasing such a device for personal use, you need to consult a doctor, since its use is strictly not recommended for various tumors, high blood pressure, or individual intolerance. In this case, more harm will be done to health than good. And in other cases, it is necessary to use a quartz lamp with caution.

Quartzing at home

Quartzization at home can be done using any type of lamp, but still an ordinary open-type quartz lamp has its own characteristics that are different from others. It is necessary to clear the room of people, pets, and plants. It is advisable to turn it on from another room altogether (for which it is appropriate to use a regular extension cord), when closed door, for about 20–30 minutes. Then, turning off the device, trying not to inhale ozone-saturated air, open the window and thoroughly ventilate the room.

If irradiation of one or more rooms is required, then it can only be done when UV lamp will cool down.

And one more thing - you should not touch the lamp with your hands, because during operation it has a very high temperature and if there are traces of sweat and fat on the bulb, it will simply burst, and the mercury vapor in it will be distributed throughout the room. If it does happen that the lamp is touched, it is necessary to gently but thoroughly wipe it with a dry soft cloth so that no traces are left on the tube. Surely many people know that a halogen lamp behaves the same way.

Human exposure to ultraviolet radiation

For such exposure, as already mentioned, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary. In addition, only low-power devices are allowed to be used for this purpose. The use of special safety glasses is also mandatory.

It is advisable to cover your skin with suntan cream - it will protect it from exposure to ultraviolet rays. The lamp, heated for 6–7 minutes, is brought to the right areas body at a distance of at least 55–60 cm and for a time of no more than 40 seconds. This procedure cannot be performed more often than once a day. The duration of the ultraviolet irradiation course is 5–6 days. Every day it is possible to increase the duration, but not more than by 30 seconds.

When the procedure is carried out correctly, the skin feels warm. Do not hold the lamp near a person - this can cause burns.

Usually such a procedure is carried out in the evening, since after it it is under no circumstances recommended to go out Fresh air. Therefore, it is better to provide the irradiated person with peace for at least one hour. Drafts after skin irradiation are also contraindicated.

Application option for UV lamp

UV lamp designs

Such devices are available as table-top, floor-mounted or wall-mounted. In private houses or apartments large area will be the most acceptable floor lamps. They are quite enough to disinfect a large room and, moreover, they are very convenient, because they can be moved to any place without much effort.

The mounted version is, of course, only stationary devices. They are installed in a specific room and are usually not moved. Their popularity is low, and therefore the range available for sale is limited.

The most popular, of course, are tabletop devices. These are precisely the ones that are used for local irradiation of individual areas of the skin or organs of hearing and smell.

By the way, combined devices have recently appeared on sale, i.e., those with the ability to operate in both quartz and bactericidal modes. Switching of such lamps is automatic. They are relatively small and very convenient to use.

Where and how to buy a quartz lamp correctly

When purchasing such a device, you should mainly pay attention to the manufacturer. Today, devices made in Belarus are considered to be of the highest quality. You also need to check with the seller whether there is a warranty for this product.

The lamp must include a spare tube and safety glasses, and the tabletop version also has various attachments for the organs of hearing, smell and throat.

Under no circumstances should you purchase such ultraviolet lamps via the Internet or in small general stores. And, of course, before use you must read the instructions for use.

Is it still beneficial or harmful?

At the right approach to the choice of such a device, as well as its use at home, a quartz ultraviolet lamp will only bring health benefits. The main thing is not to forget how to use it and not to neglect safety precautions. After all, ultraviolet light, which kills bacteria and viruses, will provide prevention, and in small doses, treatment viral diseases. And ozone, which is so harmful in large quantities, in small amounts, promotes the production of vitamin D in the body, and also helps general rejuvenation and improvement of well-being.

Quartzization is the process of treating (disinfecting) premises, objects, and the human body with ultraviolet radiation from a quartz or bactericidal lamp. The use of the term “quartzization” is incorrect (paradox), because the lamp bulb consists of quartz glass, and during operation, quartz crystals are not sprayed throughout the room. Quartz glass only transmits ultraviolet radiation, which is impossible with ordinary silicate glass. It also means inactivation in the air and on surfaces of all infectious microorganisms - such as viruses, bacteria, mold, fungi, yeast, spores, etc. This is achieved by absorbing a dose of ultraviolet radiation by microbial DNA molecules and leads to their immediate death.

Quartzization can be divided into groups:

  • Quartzization of air and surfaces in the room.
  • Quartzization of objects, sterilization of medical instruments.
  • General quartzing – the entire human body.
  • Local (local) quartzization - individual areas of the body (ear, nose, throat, skin).


As a result of quartzization, the air is enriched with ozone, which, in turn, also disinfects the air. Ozone is poisonous, so after quartz treatment the room should be ventilated. Quartz treatment is widely used in medical institutions, and has now become popular for use at home.

The quartzing method is based on the disinfecting effect of ultraviolet radiation. For residential premises, powerful quartz lamps are used, the whole procedure takes about 30-40 minutes. Under the influence of the emitted ultraviolet rays, harmful microorganisms present in the room are effectively killed. If quartzing is used at home, then such a procedure helps to completely disinfect a living space and make all things and objects in it practically sterile. That is, everything that comes under the influence of ultraviolet rays emanating from a quartz lamp is completely disinfected and destroyed from the presence of harmful factors and pathogens.

The benefits of quartzing

The main purpose of a quartz lamp is to disinfect a room from harmful factors and painful microorganisms. The lamps have a positive antibacterial effect.

  • A quartz lamp is an excellent preventive method against the attack of influenza and cold viruses. If there is a person infected with a respiratory disease in a living room, then regular quartzing will help prevent illness in other household members.
  • Quartz treatment at home is actively used for such human diseases as prolonged runny nose, adenoids, and chronic bronchitis. Conditioned positive action method in that with regular quartz treatment procedures, the complete destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and harmful bacteria, which are the causative agents and activators of these diseases, occurs. The main assistant in the treatment of otitis and inflammation of the ears is a quartz lamp. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, harmful microorganisms that activate the inflammatory process are destroyed.
  • It has been noticed that the rays from a quartz lamp have a beneficial effect in the treatment of many skin diseases. It is useful to carry out regular quartz treatment of a living space for skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, skin rashes, and acne.
  • Many dentists advise the use of quartz treatment for all those who suffer from toothache. Maximum effect the procedure bears if toothache caused by the activity of stomatitis. It is good to use apartment quartz for people suffering from inflammatory processes as a result of the development of osteochondrosis and other joint diseases.
  • It is recommended to carry out regular quartz treatment in a living room occupied by a person who has recently undergone a complex operation or injury. It has been proven that ultraviolet rays emitted from the quartz llama have restorative functions and have a beneficial effect on the condition of damaged joints, cartilage and ligaments.
  • Pediatricians advise carrying out constant quartzing of the house in which children live. It has been proven that this method of disinfecting a room is a reliable prevention of the development of rickets.
  • For all those patients in whose body an inflammatory process occurs, quartz treatment will help more effectively and quickly get rid of the underlying disease.

Harm and contraindications

All the above facts prove that quartzing can not only be carried out in apartments and residential buildings, but also necessary. But even such a useful procedure has its contraindications.

The main harm to the human body in the process of quartzing can be caused when the lamps are used for other purposes or the quartzing method is carried out inappropriately. Most modern quartz lamps assume the possibility of people being in a room that is being disinfected. But, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is still recommended to leave the room at the time of quartzing.

Quartz treatment also has some contraindications for humans:

  • Individual intolerance. The emitted ultraviolet rays have a certain effect on sensitive people, so in some cases a person may experience an allergic reaction to the quartzization process. To protect yourself from the negative effects of quartz treatment, the procedure must be started with the most minimal doses and with extreme caution. If there are physical changes in general health (the appearance of a rash, runny nose, headache), the quartz treatment procedure at home is prohibited.
  • There is an unproven opinion that the quartzing procedure can become an activator for the development of cancerous tumors, so people who have a predisposition to tumors should not undergo quartzing.
  • For some people, quartzing at home leads to an increase in blood pressure. It is recommended that all those people who have certain problems with blood vessels refrain from carrying out such a procedure. In any case, before you start quartzing at home, you should consult a doctor. Only after an approving decision received from a specialist can you begin to carry out a useful procedure.

Quartz lamps

These devices are regularly used to purify the air and surfaces. Quartz lamp for home use, differs significantly from products used in hospitals. Home appliances are usually medium in size. The device can be used not only for disinfecting rooms in the house, but also for irradiation human body. The operating principle of a quartz device lies in the ultraviolet light that it emits. Waves of UV rays negatively affect germs and bacteria. It must be remembered that during the processing process, a quartz lamp emits a large amount of ozone, which is very dangerous for humans. Therefore, it is recommended to handle the lamp very carefully.

How to choose the right lamp?

Quartz lamps are divided into several types:

  • Standard quartz lamp. This classic version. Since a quartz lamp produces ozone into the air during operation, it is necessary to ventilate the room after using it, and during the process of quartzing the room there should be no people in it. Without special glasses, it is strictly forbidden to look at a quartz lamp during operation, because its radiation is very dangerous for the eyes. When purchasing a device, special glasses must be included.
  • Germicidal lamp. It is also called a quartz bactericidal lamp; its bulb is made not of quartz glass, but of uviol glass. It does not emit such a huge amount of ozone as a regular quartz device. But, even despite the absence of quartz, this lamp acts in the same way as a quartz lamp, destroying all bacteria.
  • Ozone-free quartz lamp. The bulb of this lamp is made of quartz glass, coated with titanium dioxide; titanium does not allow ozone to leak into the air in large quantities. These quartz devices have general rules use and operating principles.

How to use a quartz lamp correctly?

Quartzization of a living space is justified if there are a large number of people in the house or you often suffer from colds. In such cases, a quartz lamp will protect the space for you and your loved ones. Before quartzing, you need to leave the room, close the door behind you, and turn on the irradiators. During an irradiation session, a light sign reading “Do not enter, ultraviolet irradiation in progress!” should be turned on at the entrance to this room! (you need to turn it on manually or combine the electrical circuit for turning on the light display and the irradiator). If there is no information board, front door a sign with a similar warning must be posted. At the end of irradiation, turn off the irradiator and the light display.

The procedure for quartzing a room

  1. Clear the room of all living things, including flowers.
  2. When turning the lamp on and off, wear safety glasses and try to stay in the room as little as possible. You can use a timer to turn the lamp on and off on a schedule when there are no people in the room.
  3. Turn on the lamp and leave for 30 minutes
  4. After every 30 minutes of continuous operation, the irradiator must be turned off until the lamp cools completely.

The most important thing to consider when working with a quartz lamp is that being in a room that is quartzing requires only safety glasses. It is prohibited to touch the surface of the lamp; if there is an accidental touch to the surface of the lamp, the area of ​​contact must be treated with an alcohol solution. The instructions for each quartz lamp describe the recommended room treatment time. But it is necessary to start quartzing with minimal parameters in order to check a person’s individual tolerance to quartzing.

When carrying out quartz treatment at home, the following important points must be taken into account:

  • It is prohibited to disinfect living quarters when the patient’s body temperature is elevated;
  • if a person’s skin is dry, then before the quartz treatment procedure it is necessary to consult a dermatologist;
  • You should absolutely not use a quartz lamp to tan your body;
  • It is not recommended to leave animals and plants in the room where quartzing is carried out;
  • comply with the requirements fire safety in room.

Features of quartzing premises in the presence of people

To disinfect air in the presence of people, ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators are used - recirculators, in which the sources of UV radiation are completely closed, and air is pumped through the space irradiated by the lamps using fans. The operating principle of such irradiators is similar to the quartz devices described above, and the performance depends not only on the power of the radiation sources, but also on the performance of the fan.

The main property of quartz lamps is the propagation of ultraviolet radiation. They have long been used by medical institutions for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Modern manufacturers present a number of models that can be used even at home. Quartz lamps for home use will help get rid of the lack of vitamin D in the body, and also disinfect the indoor air. But before you start using such devices, you definitely need to study the rules of quartzing.

Features of quartz lamps

In the production of quartz UV lamps for home use, several types of materials are used that are necessary for the manufacture of glass. Devices are divided into several groups:

  • quartz;
  • amalgam;
  • bactericidal.

Enclosed in a quartz flask, it is capable of creating very powerful radiation. When the device operates, a lot of ozone is generated, which has an antimicrobial effect. But too high a concentration of this substance is toxic and can negatively affect the human respiratory system.

When bactericidal and amalgam emitters operate, no ozone is released. They are preferable to use when quartzing at home.

Types of quartz lamps

According to the radiation intensity of quartz lamps, they are divided into:

  • Open type— the devices destroy all bacteria and viruses that can live in the air and on objects in the room. When exposed to these sources, it is not recommended for a person to be in the irradiation zone. It is necessary to exclude the presence of plants and domestic animals. The use of such lamps is allowed in cases where powerful disinfection is needed. This is the main feature of this type of quartz lamps for home use. For children, it is better to choose weaker models so as not to harm the body.
  • Closed type quartz lamps are bactericidal devices. The lamps in them are completely enclosed and do not cause harm to animals, plants and people in the room. The action of irradiators is carried out exclusively in gentle modes; their use is considered preferable for the home. The spectrum of harmful radiation in devices is negligible or absent altogether. The devices can also be used to scare away harmful insects. But it is not recommended to use the irradiator too often. Quartz lamps closed type for home use can cause harm to the body if you neglect the recommendations of specialists and doctors.
  • Closed portable quartz sources. They are used during the disinfection of air and all surfaces (both visible and hidden). Used for prevention in case of illness of a family member. The device will promote rapid recovery and prevent further spread of infection.

Before purchasing a quartz UV lamp for home use, you need to familiarize yourself with the effects of the device on the body and the rules for operating the emitters. It would also be useful to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the most popular models that can be found on sale.

How do quartz disinfection lamps work?

In the design of mercury-quartz lamps, the base is a sealed bulb made of glass. It is filled with mercury mass. When it passes through mercury electricity, UV radiation begins to form, it has an antimicrobial effect on the body and the air environment. Moreover, disinfection begins immediately after connecting the device to the network. Please note that a quartz lamp for home use can also be used for medicinal purposes. For the nose and throat it turns out the best medicine- disinfection of the body is carried out perfectly.

When the device operates, the main effect is that the entire air space is disinfected using ultraviolet radiation. And when quartz glass is used in devices, all radiation generated by mercury, including ozone, is transmitted. But you need to pay attention to the fact that it is dangerous for living organisms. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in the absence of animals, plants and people in the room. After the procedure is completed, the room must be ventilated.

UV radiation of the bactericidal type is used as a very effective remedy reducing the likelihood of the spread of infection, preventing disease, and also as an excellent method of combating most pathogens. With the help of bactericidal radiation, it is possible to achieve an increase in the level of activity of the human body’s defenses, the functioning of the respiratory system is normalized, blood clotting is improved, and the myocardium is better supplied with oxygen. Quartz lamps for home use are excellent for treating psoriasis. True, you need to go through at least a dozen sessions.

Please note that lamps can be quartz and bactericidal. The latter has a protective layer on the glass flask; it prevents the appearance of large amounts of ozone, which can have a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, bactericidal lamps are safer to use, but it is still not recommended to be in the room while they are working. And the most important thing during operation is to not allow the glass flask to break. Otherwise, mercury vapor will come out of it, which is harmful to health.

The benefits of the quartz procedure

When rooms are treated with ultraviolet rays, the air is purified from viruses, bacteria and various microbes. After the procedure, the concentration of ozone in the air increases, this helps improve the functioning of the immune system, and also allows for the synthesis of vitamin D in the body. In order to properly carry out quartzing at home, you need to know what specific benefits and harm this process can bring.

The advantages of quartzing rooms include:

  • prevention of various viral infections, such as influenza and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • significantly reducing the risk of further spread of infection to healthy people;
  • has a therapeutic effect on otitis media;
  • relief of symptoms of bronchitis, inflammation of the adenoids and sinusitis;
  • prevention and treatment of skin diseases: acne, eczema, psoriasis;
  • prevention of gum diseases, significant relief of toothache;
  • prevention of joint inflammation, treatment of osteochondrosis;
  • prevention of rickets in children.

Harm during quartz treatment

If the instructions for using the lamp are not followed, the device may have harmful effects. If the lamp is used incorrectly for cosmetic procedures You may get a burn to your eyes. Factors associated with undesirable or cautious use of lamps include:

  • individual intolerance - quartz treatment should be used with caution, but it is better to completely abandon this type of procedure;
  • skin hypersensitivity to UV rays;
  • heat bodies;
  • oncological diseases - the risk of accelerating the growth of a malignant tumor increases;
  • high blood pressure - if you have this disease, it is not recommended to use quartz lamps.

Before you start using quartz lamps, you need to carefully read all the rules for using this device. It is recommended to visit a doctor and consult with him to find out if you have any contraindications for use.

How to use a lamp for quartzing

When purchasing a quartz lamp for household use You need to carefully read the instructions that come with it. There are rules for using these devices when disinfecting premises. Compliance with these rules is mandatory. It is recommended to use a lamp in an apartment when a large number of guests come, or if your body is susceptible to infectious or cold-related illnesses.

Now let's look at the basic rules that must be followed when quartzing premises:

  • prepare the device and carrying case in advance;
  • It is recommended to connect the electrical appliance to the network in next room so that it is possible to turn off the device without visiting the room being treated;
  • Before you start processing, you need to remove all animals, people, and houseplants;
  • after the device is connected, make sure that the lamp is functioning normally;
  • You can only turn on the lamp with special glasses. You should not be in the room when the lamp is on. To automatically turn on/off the device, you can use a timer. It needs to be configured for the required time period;
  • UV treatment time does not exceed 30 minutes. After this time, the device must be turned off and allowed to cool completely (this will take approximately 40 minutes);
  • You can enter the room at least an hour after turning off the lamp;
  • be sure to ventilate all rooms after the quartz treatment procedure.

After you have learned all the basic precautions and guidelines correct operation lamps, we can conclude that it is prohibited to be in the room during the procedure.

How to irradiate a person with a quartz lamp

In order for quartz treatment to bring maximum benefits, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of the skin. Everyone's reaction to ultraviolet radiation is different. It all depends on many parameters: individual sensitivity, age, condition of the body, type of epidermis, time of year, etc. If a person has dry skin, then redness and cracks may appear. In this case, it is not recommended to use quartz treatment.

You also do not need to use this treatment method if you have recently suffered a serious illness or surgery. Quartz treatment is carried out with great caution when treating children - an incorrectly selected dosage of rays causes enormous harm to the body. Before starting any procedures, consult your doctor. Follow these recommendations:

  1. Irradiation should be carried out only with special protective glasses.
  2. Place a thick cloth on those areas of the skin that do not need to be treated.
  3. The procedure must begin 5 minutes after the device is turned on.
  4. There should be at least 50 cm from the surface of the skin to the lamp.
  5. Before starting the procedure, be sure to lubricate the skin evenly cosmetic oils or cream.
  6. To begin with, you need to be irradiated for no more than 30 seconds. Further, the duration of the sessions can be increased by adding 30 seconds. The maximum time of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin is 3 minutes.
  7. Doctors do not recommend using quartz treatment as a source of tanning.

There are groups of people who have individual intolerance to ultraviolet radiation. When exposed, a headache may occur. Ultraviolet light is a strong irritant nervous system. In this case, it is possible to disinfect the premises, but treatment is prohibited.

Design features of quartz lamps

Before choosing a quartz lamp for home use, you need to familiarize yourself with what manufacturers offer. There are three types of device execution:

  1. Mounted.
  2. Tabletop.
  3. Floor-standing.

For large rooms, it is recommended to use floor structures. Such devices have quite high power, it is enough to carry out disinfection in large rooms. Their dimensions are average, so they can be called mobile. At least there will be no problems with transferring from one room to another.

Hanging quartz lamps are stationary. Depending on the preferences of the home owner, they can be mounted on the ceiling or wall. It should be noted that ceiling fixtures have low popularity, so they the lineup very limited. Wall-mounted units have become very popular: they have an attractive design and look good in any interior.

U desktop models relatively high power, they are often used in everyday life. The dimensions are compact, which allows you to move the device to any room. They are mainly used for local irradiation and local disinfection.

You can’t ignore models that have a built-in bactericidal lamp. The bottom line is that two lamps (fluorescent and bactericidal) work alternately. The design contains a switch - it automatically regulates the operation of two lamps. The lamps are small in size, so they can be installed almost anywhere.

Please note that a stable voltage is required to power the lamps. Sudden voltage surges shorten the life of the lamp. The service life is also affected by the frequency of switching on/off, humidity, and the presence of dust. Experts recommend installing voltage stabilizers to power quartz lamps.

What kind of lamps should I buy?

Before purchasing, carefully study the models of quartz lamps for home use. This will allow you to decide what type of device you need. Yes, you need to pay attention to the opinion of specialists in stores, but the doctor will have the deciding vote. If he prohibits the use of a quartz lamp, then you need to listen to him.

All manufacturers of quartz lamps have websites where you can special labor purchase the model you are interested in. You can contact intermediary stores. And it should be noted that a quartz lamp for home use in St. Petersburg will be delivered literally on the day of order. But check out the range of products, compare prices and features. This way you can not only find the most suitable quartz lamp, but also save significantly on your purchase. You just might be wasting money if you buy a lamp that doesn't suit your space.

Depending on your needs, you can use both portable and stationary lamps. Oversized devices can be taken with you on a trip or to work to disinfect the office. And you should definitely study reviews of quartz lamps for home use. You can read about the models that are available for sale both on the websites of online stores and on the official resources of manufacturers.

The quartzing method is based on the disinfecting effect of ultraviolet radiation. For residential premises, powerful quartz lamps are used, the whole procedure takes about 30-40 minutes.

Quartz lamps are known to everyone for their disinfecting properties. These devices are regularly used to purify the air and surfaces. A quartz lamp for home use is significantly different from products used in hospitals.

Home appliances are usually medium in size. The device can be used not only to disinfect rooms in the house, but also to irradiate the human body.

The operating principle of a quartz device lies in the ultraviolet light that it emits. Waves of UV rays negatively affect germs and bacteria. It must be remembered that during the processing process, a quartz lamp emits a large amount of ozone, which is very dangerous for humans. Therefore, it is recommended to handle the lamp very carefully.

  1. It is used for complete quartzization of premises - disinfection of surfaces and indoor air to prevent diseases that can be transmitted by airborne droplets.
  2. Quartzing of the human body is irradiation with ultraviolet rays for the treatment of inflammation of the ear, nose, throat, as well as skin diseases. This procedure is very effective if all requirements and indications of specialists are met.

Quartz lamps are divided into several types

Standard quartz lamp. This is a classic option. Since a quartz lamp produces ozone into the air during operation, it is necessary to ventilate the room after using it, and during the process of quartzing the room there should be no people in it.

Without special glasses, it is strictly forbidden to look at a quartz lamp during operation, because its radiation is very dangerous for the eyes. When purchasing a device, special glasses must be included.

Germicidal lamp. It is also called a quartz bactericidal lamp; its bulb is made not of quartz glass, but of uviol glass. It does not emit such a huge amount of ozone as a regular quartz device.

But, even despite the absence of quartz, this lamp acts in the same way as a quartz lamp, destroying all bacteria.

Ozone-free quartz lamp. The bulb of this lamp is made of quartz glass, coated with titanium dioxide; titanium does not allow ozone to leak into the air in large quantities.

These quartz devices have general rules of use and operating principles.

First of all, you need to protect your eyes from the light of a quartz lamp; you should wear special safety glasses. It is strictly forbidden to touch the quartz glass tube lamps. If you accidentally touch it, the lamp should be wiped with a soft, lint-free cloth with a few drops of alcohol solution.

Proper quartzing of surfaces and indoor air

Quartzization of premises is justified if there are a huge number of people in them every day, or family members suffer from colds. In these cases, a quartz lamp can protect the space next to you.

The correct procedure for quartzing premises

  1. The room is cleared of all living things, including flowers.
  2. When turning the lamp off and on, be sure to wear safety glasses and try to leave the room as quickly as possible.
  3. The quartz lamp is turned on and left for thirty minutes.
  4. After thirty minutes of continuous operation, the lamp must be turned off for 15 minutes until it cools completely.

When using a quartz lamp for a long time, you may smell ozone. Ozone, just like UV rays, destroys all bacteria. After quartzing, it is best to thoroughly ventilate the room.

Ozone has a fungicidal and bactericidal effect on all types of pathogenic microflora: bacteria, viruses, spores, etc. Residual ozone actively sterilizes surfaces. After contact with contaminating microbiological and chemicals, ozone turns into oxygen.

If you plan to use a quartz lamp to quartz the body, then first be sure to consult with your doctor regarding contraindications and the dosage required for you.

You can achieve positive results if you follow all the doctor’s instructions exactly. Each person's skin is differently sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

This final result directly depends on the general condition of the body, age, skin type, thickness of the epidermis and time of year, because susceptibility increases in the spring and decreases in the fall, since the whole summer is spent under the sun.

If you have dry and sensitive skin, which easily becomes covered with cracks, there are dilated blood vessels, you should completely abandon the quartz lamp.

Since UV rays are biologically active, if used incorrectly, a quartz irradiator can cause serious harm to your health. Irradiation of a child or adult with quartz lamps must be carried out strictly as prescribed by the attending physician and with precise dosage instructions.

Terms of use

  1. Wear safety glasses, they are included in the kit. Carefully cover all areas that are not subject to irradiation with towels.
  2. Irradiation of a person must be carried out five minutes after the quartz lamp has ignited, since given time its optimal operating mode is established.
  3. Not less than fifty centimeters from the irradiated skin a quartz lamp should be located.
  4. Before irradiation, apply sunscreen or oil to the skin. Grind the cream or butter evenly.
  5. The duration of the irradiation session must be gradually increased, starting from thirty seconds and ending with three minutes. Each subsequent exposure should be increased by thirty seconds or one minute.
  6. The number of irradiations of one area of ​​the skin should not be more than five times a day.
  7. It is recommended to observe the irradiation time, because increasing the session can cause drying of the skin and cause severe pigmentation.
  8. After the end of the irradiation session, the quartz lamp is completely turned off and left to cool for forty minutes.

  • Do not irradiate with a quartz lamp if elevated temperature body and after a serious illness.
  • Carry out quartz treatment without the consent of the doctor.
  • Quartz lamps should not be used for tanning, as they are not designed for that.
  • Indoor plants and animals should not remain in the irradiation zone of the quartz lamp.
  • When working with a quartz lamp, you must follow fire safety rules.

Contraindications to the use of irradiation with a quartz lamp

  1. Kidney failure.
  2. Serious endocrine system disorders.
  3. Cardiovascular failure.
  4. A variety of malignant and benign tumors.
  5. Hypertrichosis.
  6. Dilated superficial blood vessels.
  7. Open form of tuberculosis.
  8. Tendency to heavy bleeding.
  9. Chronic or acute inflammatory processes in the acute stage.
  10. Hypertensive diseases of the second and third stages.
  11. Peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach in the acute stage.
  12. Systemic blood disease.
  13. Atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries and coronary vessels.

As well as increased sensitivity to UV rays.

These are chronic, acute diseases of the joints, bronchitis, adenoids, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, acute respiratory diseases of the tonsils, various respiratory diseases.

Inflammation of the throat, nose, ear, rhinitis, sore throat, etc. Diseases of the skin, peripheral nervous system, wounds, significant deficiency of vitamin D. Prevention of rickets, bone tuberculosis, trophic bedsores and ulcers.

The use of UV bactericidal radiation is an effective preventive sanitary and anti-epidemic agent aimed at suppressing microorganisms in the air and on surfaces. This remedy is one of the means that guarantees a significant reduction in infectious diseases.

Phototherapy is the use of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation for the prevention of treatment of various skin diseases. Three thousand years ago, the Greeks first resorted to treatment sunlight, Modern phototherapy began to be used in 1923 to treat psoriasis, when mercury-quartz lamps began to be used.

Ultraviolet radiation carries the highest energy. This radiation is significantly more chemically active than all other parts of the light spectrum.

UV irradiation maximizes the activity of all protective mechanisms, normalizes skin coagulation processes, has a desensitizing effect, and significantly improves lipid metabolism.

Under the influence of UV rays, it significantly improves the function of external respiration, greatly increases the activity of the adrenal cortex, increases the access of the myocardium to oxygen, and significantly increases its contractility.

The use of ultraviolet rays with the correct dose and proper control guarantees a high therapeutic effect for most diseases. It consists of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, restorative and immunostimulating effects.

Ultraviolet radiation significantly promotes the epithelization of wound surfaces, as well as the regeneration of bone and nerve tissue.

Be healthy and do not neglect the instructions of specialists!
