Benefits and harms of beets: use in cooking, cosmetology, folk medicine. The benefits and harms of beets for human health, contraindications for consumption. Which is healthier: boiled or raw beets?

Pleasant taste, medicinal properties and affordability have made beets an indispensable product for preparing not only everyday, but also holiday dishes. However, even experienced housewives may not know how important it is to take into account both the benefits and harms of beets, since excessive infatuation with the vegetable can cause illness.

Is it true that such a popular root vegetable is a health hazard? Let’s try to figure it out.

The nutritional and medicinal value of beets was discovered by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean several millennia BC.

Initially, the plant was eaten in its wild form, but over time, cultivated forms of the root vegetable were developed. By the beginning of the 11th century, beets appeared on the territory Kievan Rus and gradually became widespread throughout the world.

The beneficial effects of beets on the body were noted by ancient gourmets. However, scientific confirmation of the unique properties of the vegetable was obtained only in our time.

The medicinal potential of beets is due to the presence of valuable substances and elements in its composition:

  • vitamins - group B, (folic and pantothenic acid, niacin), natural antioxidants and antiseptics A and C, PP (niacin equivalent), K (phylloquinone);
  • minerals - iodine, iron, calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, cobalt, rubidium, cesium, chlorine, phosphorus, boron, vanadium, silicon, quartz;
  • fiber and organic acids - citric, oleanolic, malic, lactic, tartaric, oxalic;
  • carotenoids;
  • flavonoids.

In addition, 100 g of beets contains 8.8 g of carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, fructose, pectin), 1.5 g of proteins (betaine, lysine, arginine, valine, histidine), 0.1 g of fat and 40 kilocalories.

Health benefits and harms

The biochemical potential of beets allows the vegetable to be successfully used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of a huge number of ailments. The healing power of the root vegetable is expressed in its healing effect on all systems of the human body.

Gastrointestinal organs. Thanks to fiber and organic acids, metabolic processes are normalized, stomach function and digestion are improved, peristalsis is enhanced and even chronic constipation is eliminated. Pectin substances suppress the activity of putrefactive microorganisms, helping to normalize microflora and natural cleansing of the intestines.

Metabolism. Betaine in beets is a lipotropic substance that provides a natural level of lipid and cholesterol metabolism. Lipotropics have the ability to regulate cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as stimulate the removal of fats from liver cells, preventing fatty infiltration of the organ and the formation of cholesterol stones in the bile ducts.

Vessels and heart. A large amount of magnesium helps strengthen the heart muscle, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and reduces the risk of hypertension.

Immunity. Vitamin C and provitamin beta-carotene enhance the protective potential and resist the development of tumor processes.

Hematopoiesis. B vitamins, iron, copper, phosphorus and cobalt improve hematopoiesis, increase hemoglobin and the quality of blood composition, strengthen capillary walls, dissolve blood clots, purify the blood, improve heart function, and prevent the development of anemia and leukemia.

Musculoskeletal system. The presence of quartz in beets is the key to the strength and functionality of bone and cartilage tissue, as well as arteries and epidermis.

Brain and vision. Beetroot nitrates stimulate blood circulation, improving nutrition and function of the brain and corneal cells. In addition, zinc in beets strengthens the retina, preventing its detachment.

General health. Beetroot strengthens nervous system, stabilizes mental and emotional background, fights depression. Folic acid promotes cell regeneration, rejuvenates tissues.

Thyroid. Job endocrine system supports iodine in the root crop.

In addition, beets provide a urinary effect, normalize kidney function, remove toxins, help prevent the development of rickets in children, are used to treat scurvy, and also have a tonic effect in case of hangover.

Both scientists and representatives of official medicine are confident that the benefits of beets for human health are exceptional, and there are no other vegetables in nature that can fully replace root vegetables in the diet.

Contraindications to eating beets

Despite the powerful healing potential of the root vegetable, its use is not always justified from a medical point of view. Especially in large quantities.

Eating beets is contraindicated if:

  • exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer. Patients with high stomach acidity should be wary of dishes containing root vegetables;
  • kidney dysfunction and urolithiasis. Oxalic acid root vegetables promote crystallization of liquid and provoke exacerbations in the urinary system;
  • low pressure. Buryak causes a drop in blood pressure, causing hypotension;
  • osteoporosis, since the root vegetable slows down the absorption of calcium by the body;
  • diarrhea and chronic indigestion. By enhancing intestinal motility, beet stimulates an additional laxative effect and worsens general well-being;
  • proneness to allergies. With individual sensitivity to elements in the root vegetable, an allergic reaction may develop - skin rashes, swelling of the nasopharynx, enlarged lymph nodes;
  • rheumatoid arthritis and gout. It is not recommended to drink freshly squeezed vegetable juice - its effect causes an exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the joints.

Sick diabetes mellitus it is necessary to limit the consumption of beets - this is due to the large amount of sugars in the vegetable. Portions within 100 g are considered optimal.

In general, possible harm from eating beets is minimized, since the root vegetable is used in Not large quantities and for preparing dishes consumed no more than once or twice a week.

Useful properties for women and men

A distinctive feature of the healing potential of beets lies in its ability to restore male strength and restore women's health.

Studies have shown that the substances contained in beets are extremely beneficial for the female body. The root vegetable contains folic acid and valine, which have the ability to stabilize hormonal levels. Therefore, the use of beets is appropriate for any manifestations of hormonal imbalance - with premenstrual syndrome, or during menopause.

But the root vegetable is especially useful for expectant mothers. Thanks to the regular consumption of beets by pregnant women, the fetus receives the minerals and amino acids necessary for development, which contributes to its development and provides correct formation and bone growth. And iron reserves in beets reduce the risk of developing fetal hypoxia.

In addition, beet improves the functionality of the genitourinary and digestive systems who experience increased stress during pregnancy.

Many women use the beneficial properties of beets for weight loss. In addition to the fact that dishes based on root vegetables stimulate metabolic processes and accelerate the breakdown of fats, beetroot diets provide satiety without increasing caloric content and overloading the stomach.

Benefits of beets for men's health

Along with its general strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the male body, beets are distinguished by their ability to restore male strength. The body of many men is weakened by the effects of nicotine and alcohol, which often affects potency.

Regular consumption of beets allows not only to neutralize the harmful effects of toxins, but also to restore erection and libido.

Moreover, substances in the root vegetable effectively combat the formation of atypical cells, suppressing their growth and development. Thus, beets prevent the occurrence of tumor processes in prostate adenoma, a disease that affects most men over the age of 50.

What are the benefits and harms of beet juice?

By consuming freshly squeezed beet juice, we saturate the body with the maximum amount of beneficial substances contained in the vegetable, with the exception of fiber. However, it should be remembered that the concentration of trace elements in a glass of juice is several times higher than the norm obtained with a serving of any root vegetable dish.

Moreover, beet juice contains compounds that can aggressively affect internal organs.

Therefore, when treating with juice, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules to avoid an overdose of the active components of beets:

  • Before use, the juice must sit for three hours. During this time, the most aggressive compounds will partially evaporate and decompose;
  • the maximum permissible volume of a drink per day cannot exceed 600 ml, and a single dose - 125 ml;
  • The root vegetable for making juice should be at room temperature;
  • optimal healing effect provides a drink drunk 15 minutes before meals in small sips;
  • start reception beet juice It's better with small portions. And having made sure that there is no side effects, the volume of a single serving can be increased;
  • It is not recommended to consume beet juice along with sour foods or products made from yeast dough.

Nutritionists believe that the therapeutic effect of beet juice can be enhanced if you use sweet vegetables and fruits - apples, celery or carrots - to prepare the drink.

What is healthier: boiled or raw beets?

Beets are one of those vegetables that are able to retain maximum beneficial properties even after heat treatment. The answer to the question whether boiled beets are healthy is clear - heating, boiling and baking the root vegetable does not affect either the mineral content or the amount of amino acids.

However, raw beets have an intense irritant effect on the intestinal mucosa, so patients with digestive tract problems should be very careful about consuming fresh vegetables.

Some nutritionists claim that boiled beets are healthier than fresh ones. This is not entirely true. Indeed, during cooking, some of the vitamins contained in the root vegetable are destroyed - C, B5 and B9 (that is, ascorbic, pantothenic and folic acid). Also, during prolonged heat treatment, beets lose most of their nitrates and fiber.

On the other hand, coarse fiber can injure the tissues of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and intestines during gastritis or peptic ulcers.

The beneficial substances of beets are better absorbed if they are taken in boiled form. Therefore for dietary nutrition It is recommended to use only boiled beets.

Application in cosmetology

In the old days, girls used beets to enhance the color of their cheeks. Nowadays, the properties of the root vegetable have found application not only in decorative, but also in the medicinal direction of cosmetology.

As part of masks or compresses, beets do an excellent job of healing wounds, acne, ulcers, cracks and swelling. And beetroot juice is drunk to improve complexion.

To nourish oily skin, add chicken yolk to the mask; to eliminate inflammation, apply a mask of raw beets and grated potatoes to the face. It is recommended to wash off beet masks with milk diluted half with water.

To moisturize the skin, use the following mixture: two teaspoons of beet juice, honey and strong black tea are boiled in a water bath and, after cooling, applied thin layer on the face. After a quarter of an hour, wash off warm water and moisturize with cream.

In addition, beetroot masks help strengthen hair follicles, eliminate dandruff and restore healthy strength and shine to your hair.

Culinary healthy recipes from root vegetables

Regular use of beets in cooking brings health and well-being to the whole family. Borscht, beetroot soup, okroshka and botvinya are prepared from the root vegetable, as well as various snacks and vitamin-rich salads.

A portion of grated boiled beets with the addition of apple and vegetable oil- an excellent alternative to dinner for those who want not only to lose weight, but also improve their well-being.

Steam cutlets, puddings and casseroles - best opportunity diversify the diet of patients with pancreatitis.

For liver diseases, a decoction of the root vegetable is useful. To do this, finely chopped beets are boiled until the broth thickens completely. Take three times a day, two large sips before meals.

Almost full spectrum valuable properties beets are preserved in pickled beets. To do this, peeled and coarsely chopped root vegetables are placed in a three-liter sterilized jar, horseradish and cherry leaves are added, a few black peppercorns and a pinch of cinnamon and marinade is poured over.

Preparation of the marinade: two liters of water, 100 g of coarse salt and 100 g of sugar are brought to a boil and cooled.

Beets, filled with brine and covered with gauze, are kept at room temperature for two days, and then put in the cold for five days. When serving, season with vegetable oil.

Dishes made from beets and beet leaves were valued in the aristocratic society of pre-revolutionary Russia. But in our time, the popularity of the vegetable has reached its true apogee. The main thing to remember is that excess consumption always causes harm to the body, even when it comes to such an impeccable root vegetable as beets.

Beet - herbaceous plant amaranth family. The beneficial properties of this root vegetable were first learned in Russia in the 10th century. He came to us from Greece. At first, beets were known exclusively medicinal properties leaves. Then people began to eat the root vegetable. In Europe, the vegetable became popular primarily as a cure for the plague. The plant ripens in late summer and early autumn - August and September. Its unpretentiousness during cultivation and long-term storage make it possible to recognize the root vegetable as one of the most common, accessible and healthy products nutrition.

Chemical composition

The most famous are three varieties of vegetables: table beet, fodder beet and sugar beet. The root vegetable is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

Among them:

  • vitamins C, B, A, E, PP;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper.

Table beets are a dietary product. Its energy value, with a huge wealth of substances beneficial to the human body, is 43 kcal per 100 g of product.

Healing properties

The red sweet vegetable has long been known folk medicine. Both the root vegetable itself and the leaves of the plant have been used for centuries in the treatment of diseases of the liver, blood vessels, and helped cleanse the blood and intestines. Nowadays, official medicine recognizes positive properties beets that affect human health and immunity.

The root vegetable has the following beneficial properties:

  • dilates blood vessels, reducing high blood pressure;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • cleanses blood vessels and capillaries, promoting the removal of cholesterol;
  • has a laxative effect, so it is indispensable for constipation;
  • cleanses the intestines of toxins;
  • relieves swelling, removing excess fluid from the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases performance;
  • slows down the growth of malignant tumors.

This is far from full list healing properties product. In addition to traditional medicine, beets are used in cosmetology, dietetics, and cooking. However, the root vegetable has a number of contraindications.


In some cases, eating vegetables can be harmful:

  1. 1. Diabetes mellitus. The root vegetable contains a lot of sugar, so it should not be included in the menu for this disease.
  2. 2. Low blood pressure (hypotension). Due to the fact that the product dilates blood vessels, reducing blood pressure, hypotensive patients should use it with caution.
  3. 3. Urolithiasis. Despite the fact that there are many recipes based on beet juice aimed at removing kidney stones and Bladder, doctors advise caution regarding such recommendations.
  4. 4. Chronic diarrhea. The vegetable has a strong laxative effect, so people suffering from diarrhea should not include it in their diet.
  5. 5. Allergy or individual intolerance to beets.

The named conditions are contraindications to the use of the product.


Beets can be eaten both raw and boiled. It is believed that the second option is healthier: thanks to heat treatment, the root crop is freed from harmful nitrates.

It is especially worth noting the usefulness of the juice, which acts as a laxative - it instantly “triggers” the cleansing of the body from toxins. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend using it if there are no contraindications.

In dietetics

Beets often become a diet staple. It is recommended to eat it boiled or steamed. It not only promotes weight loss, but also, thanks to the large amount of fiber contained in the red vegetable, cleanses the intestines of toxins and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

The root vegetable helps increase performance, gives vigor and energy, providing the body with the microelements necessary for health.

Basic rules of the beetroot diet:

  • It is recommended to eat no more than 1.5 kilograms of vegetables per day - it is rich in sugar, an excess of which is undesirable;
  • it is necessary to include meat, fish, and other vegetables in the diet;
  • you should drink at least 2 liters of still water;
  • exclude alcohol.

This diet should not exceed one week. During this time you can lose from 3 to 5 kg excess weight.

In cosmetology

Using natural masks with beets improves the condition of the skin and gets rid of many problems. Among them:

  • dryness;
  • dull color;
  • oily skin areas;
  • pimples, blackheads.

One of the recipes for a face mask using a vegetable:

  1. 1. Boil the beets.
  2. 2. Grate or mix in a blender.
  3. 3. Add a little honey.
  4. 4. Mix well.
  5. 5. Put the mask on your face for 15 minutes.
  6. 6. Rinse off with warm water.

Thanks to this mask, the skin will be enriched with nutrients, dryness and irritation will disappear, and the complexion will significantly improve. It is recommended to apply it once every two weeks.

In folk medicine

Beets, especially freshly squeezed juice, provide invaluable assistance in the fight against menstrual pain and help to survive the difficult menopause. Doctors advise drinking beet juice for these conditions, one or two tablespoons three times a day before meals.

During pregnancy, beets become one of the main products that support a woman’s health. If future mom suffers from constipation, then recipes for dishes with beets will help get rid of a delicate intestinal problem. The vegetable has a diuretic effect, so regular consumption of the vegetable during edema will relieve pregnant women from excess liquid in organism.

Besides physical health, the root vegetable is able to fight the manifestations of depression and the effects of stress. Beets contain large amounts of iodine, which promotes healthy functioning thyroid gland and female hormones, which improves mental state.

Taking into account the ability of beets to stop the growth of malignant cells, doctors advise men suffering from prostate adenoma to regularly eat the vegetable. This insidious disease is one of the most common in people over 60 years of age. To prevent and maintain prostate health, experts advise middle-aged and older men to regularly eat beets.

Beetroot juice saves you from the effects of a hangover. Thanks to the presence of magnesium, it regulates the state of nervous excitability after excessive libations, relieves a hypertensive crisis, and cleanses blood vessels. It is recommended to drink fresh beet juice along with carrot juice after waking up in the morning.

The red root vegetable is rich in pantothenic acid and vitamins B and E, which stimulate the pituitary gland of the brain, which is responsible for sexual desire. When sexual interest declines, doctors pay attention to the benefits of drinking a glass of beet juice on an empty stomach. Thanks to its regular use, male sexual strength will remain intact. long years.

In cooking

Beets are used in preparing first courses, salads, and side dishes. One of the simplest and healthy recipes, which uses a vegetable, is a salad with garlic and walnuts.

Ingredients in the dish:

  • red beets small size– 3-4 pieces;
  • a handful of peeled walnuts – 100 g;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • mayonnaise (one tablespoon).


  1. 1. Boil the beets until tender.
  2. 2. Peel and cut into pieces.
  3. 3. Grate on a coarse grater.
  4. 4. Chop the nuts with a knife.
  5. 5. Finely chop or grate the garlic.
  6. 6. Mix all ingredients.
  7. 7. Add mayonnaise.

Young children really like beet puree. To do this, you need to boil the root vegetable, peel it, cut it into small pieces and beat them with a blender. Beetroot puree can be given to children from one year of age, but children under five years old are allowed to eat no more than two teaspoons per day.

The healthy root vegetable is also easy to prepare for the winter. Preservation is carried out both with and without sterilization of jars. You can make pickled, stewed beets, as well as a dressing for borscht, using other vegetables with it - carrots, tomatoes, peppers.

Many people underestimate the beneficial qualities of beets. The usual first and second courses, salads, and all kinds of snacks are prepared based on the root vegetable. The vegetable is also valued by people who lead healthy image life. Beets are rich in vitamins and microelements. The product fights many ailments, main feature root vegetable is that it is useful in any form.

Chemical composition of beets

It doesn’t matter whether the vegetable is boiled or raw. Thanks to microelements, the functioning of all parts of the body is normalized. internal organs. Root vegetables include:

  • groups of vitamins B, P, PP;
  • iodinated compounds;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • manganese;
  • cesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acids.

Mineral components help the body in the fight against various diseases of the cardiovascular and skeletal systems. The root vegetable also has a preventive effect against serious ailments.

Amino acids fight early aging. The components cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Amino acids perfectly remove harmful substances from organs. Folic acid supplies the circulatory system with essential molecules.

The benefits of boiled beets

  1. Enzymes help the body resist various viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Also, the chemical component of the root vegetable rejuvenates the body at the cellular level.
  2. Experts strongly recommend consuming the vegetable for people who are most often exposed to enormous stress and anxiety. Beets have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve tension and calm.
  3. Also the product is an excellent remedy cleansing the body as a whole. IN modern world The environment leaves much to be desired. Therefore, beets are able to remove accumulated toxins. In addition, the root vegetable strengthens the circulatory system, making the walls of capillaries more elastic.
  4. Experts insist that women during menstruation consume boiled root vegetables. The product actively restores blood loss on women's days. Hemoglobin also increases in the body. The process occurs due to the high iron content in beets. The vegetable actively resists anemia.
  5. It is recommended that the stronger sex consume the prepared vegetable. The root vegetable helps improve potency and sexual attraction to women.
  6. Beets also normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The vegetable removes toxins from the intestines, as a result, all pathogenic bacteria in the stomach die. The product produces a slight laxative effect.
  7. If you are diagnosed with gastritis, beets will help cope with the disease. In case of inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, the vegetable should be consumed only in boiled form. The root vegetable eliminates digestive disorders and gradually regenerates stomach tissue.

Beets are considered a useful and effective product in the fight against pancreatitis. The root vegetable corrects metabolic processes throughout the body and has diuretic and laxative properties.

In addition, beets rid the intestines of toxins, absorb and remove poisons from its walls.

It is forbidden to eat boiled root vegetables if you have an acute form of the disease. The fiber contained is poorly absorbed by the inflamed organ. The raw product is contraindicated in any quantities.

On initial stages pancreatitis, boiled beets can be consumed every morning, 90-110 grams, gradually increasing the amount in the absence of side effects.

The benefits of beets for weight loss

Boiled beets are loved by individuals who are actively trying to lose extra pounds and maintain their current figure. Vegetables are low-calorie foods.

The root vegetable enriches cells with nutrients, maintains metabolism at the proper level, so the feeling of fullness remains for a long time.

It's not difficult to compose proper diet with boiled beets, as a result the functioning of the whole organism will improve. Your metabolism and digestion processes are normalized. Thus, old fat layers will disappear.

The benefits of beets during breastfeeding

  1. At the moment, there is no definite answer as to whether boiled beets can be consumed by nursing mothers. Experts say that red vegetables are contraindicated for women during lactation.
  2. The fact is that the vegetable can provoke individual intolerance in the baby. Beets are a unique root crop. Despite its color, the vegetable is considered hypoallergenic. Therefore, it is recommended to include the boiled product in the diet.
  3. Thanks to many useful qualities, beets will saturate the body of a nursing girl with all essential microelements. Next, some of the vitamins and minerals will be transferred to the baby along with the milk.

Benefits of beet juice

  • reduces blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • restores and cleanses the liver of toxins;
  • removes stones from the kidneys and gall bladder;
  • has powerful anti-inflammatory properties;
  • resists the formation of oncological pathologies;
  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol, leaving good cholesterol;
  • normalizes the girl’s condition during menstruation;
  • Helps the body resist viruses.

  • increases sexual activity;
  • improves liver function;
  • improves performance;
  • reduces homocysteine ​​content;
  • relieves premenstrual syndrome;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • regenerates abrasions and wounds;
  • improves vision;
  • suppresses rotting processes in the intestines;
  • eliminates inflammation.

Harm from boiled beets

  1. It is not recommended to eat boiled root vegetables if you have high stomach acidity or acute gastritis. The vitamin C content has a detrimental effect on inflamed mucous membranes.
  2. Do not overuse the vegetable if you suffer from calcium deficiency. The root vegetable flushes the mineral component from the body and does not allow it to be absorbed.
  3. People suffering from diabetes are not allowed to consume the vegetable. Almost everyone knows that sweet sand is obtained from beets. Consider this fact.
  4. You can use the root vegetable with extreme caution if you have urolithiasis. If you neglect the permissible daily intake of vegetables, you will only harm your health.
  5. It is forbidden to include boiled beets in the menu for people who have problems such as chronic diarrhea or diarrhea. The vegetable has laxative properties that will only worsen your condition.

Beets have a lot of beneficial properties on the body. It doesn’t matter in what form the root vegetable is consumed. Contraindications to consuming the vegetable are minimal. If you comply daily norm, the product will bring enormous benefits to the body. Try drinking beet juice with various fresh vegetables and fruits. Make sure you are not allergic to any ingredients.

Video: how to cook beets correctly

This unique vegetable is equally useful both raw and boiled or baked. Beets have low calorie content, which is important for women. 100 g of raw beets – 43 kcal, boiled – approximately 49 kcal. And one can talk endlessly about the benefits of beets for the health of a woman’s body.

Reference! Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, manganese, sulfur, boron, chlorine, copper - almost all the minerals necessary for the body are contained in the red root vegetable.

The complex of vitamins and minerals contained in the red vegetable helps maintain immunity. Beets contain more niacin than any other vegetable. This is an invaluable help for the heart.

The root vegetable is also beneficial for the intestines - dietary fiber helps relieve constipation. The digestive enzyme betaine stimulates liver function. Nitrates improve blood flow. And zinc prevents retinal detachment and is extremely beneficial for women's skin. The drying properties of beets have led to its widespread use in cosmetology. The red root vegetable is used to treat dandruff and care for oily skin and hair.

Replacing one meal a day with boiled beets helps you completely safely get rid of four kilograms in a month.

More details about chemical composition Find out the calorie content and benefits of beets.

Health benefits and harms of root vegetables


Not only can red root vegetables be eaten unprocessed, but they are also beneficial. Exactly in its raw form, beets are used as effective remedy for constipation, has a diuretic effect and relieves swelling. Raw vegetable effective for dermatitis and skin rashes, as it removes toxins and waste.

Important! Those who suffer from osteoporosis, diabetes, gastritis and urolithiasis should refrain from eating the root vegetable in its raw form. Beets inhibit the absorption of calcium, which means that if you have increased bone fragility or fractures, you should also not overuse this vegetable.

Gnawing on a vegetable is not the best convenient way consumption. But beets are grated and seasoned with butter, sour cream, mustard, etc. - This is an excellent vitamin salad. In its raw form, the red vegetable goes perfectly with apples and carrots.

You can read more information about the benefits of raw beets in.


Raw and boiled beets are equally beneficial for the body.. Even after processing, the root crop retains all valuable elements. For the purpose of losing weight, it is best to consume not a raw product, but a processed one.

What are the benefits of boiled vegetables? Dishes made from boiled beets improve physical state women before and during menstruation, normalize intestinal function. A mild laxative effect will help normalize stool.

More details about useful and harmful properties boiled beets, as well as the chemical composition and calorie content of the product can be found in, and more information about which beets are healthier - boiled or raw.

Freshly squeezed beet juice

Let's consider how freshly squeezed beet juice is beneficial for the female body. The recommended daily dose of juice is no more than 600 ml. Drink gradually, without drinking in one gulp. The main thing is not to abuse it. In large quantities, it can cause nausea, headaches, or stomach upset.

Beetroot will bring maximum benefit to the body, but diluted with the juice of other vegetables and fruits. It is better to drink the freshly squeezed product before meals, in small sips. You should not combine the use of beet juice and yeast dough.

Thanks to beneficial properties Beetroot juice is effective for colds. It is also useful for cancer.

Attention! Fresh restores healthy intestinal microflora, removes toxins, improves complexion and skin condition. Freshly squeezed juice of the root vegetable is also used in cosmetology - it lightens freckles and age spots, gives shine and strength to hair, and fights dandruff.

You can learn more about the benefits and harms of beets.


This unique root vegetable has virtually no contraindications. Only individual intolerance in the form of an allergic reaction to some component. The red vegetable is beneficial for both pregnant and nursing mothers. It is not recommended for diabetics, as well as people with urolithiasis, osteoporosis, or high stomach acidity, to consume beets.

How much beets does a woman need to eat to benefit? Moderation is the most important rule when consuming any product. With the right dosage, even poison can turn into medicine. 1-2 properly prepared red root vegetables or one glass of juice will bring maximum benefits to the female body.

How to use the product?

For medicinal purposes

Anemia, anemia

In what form should beets be consumed for anemia?:

  • Beetroot juice promotes the formation of blood cells and improves blood. A mixture of beet and carrot juices is very useful.
  • Mix equal amounts of honey and freshly prepared beet juice. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.
  • Mix equal amounts of beetroot and carrot juices, as well as honey. Drink twice a day.

Cleansing blood from cholesterol

The following beet products are suitable for cleaning the circulatory system::

  1. Mix freshly prepared juices of red vegetables, black radishes and carrots in equal proportions.
  2. Pour the mixture into clay pot, coat and simmer for three hours over low heat in the oven.
  3. Pour the resulting product into dark bottles.
  4. Drink one tablespoon three times a day. Store in a cool, dark place.

For disease prevention

Drinking half a glass of freshly squeezed beet juice every day three times a day can perfectly cleanse the blood of toxins and the walls of blood vessels. How to use beets for preventive purposes:

  1. Boil 1 kg of clean beets in 3 liters of water, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. Dip into the broth in which the vegetable was cooked and cook for another half hour.
  3. Then strain and divide into 4 parts.
  4. Take 1 part of the prepared medicine every 4 hours.

For cosmetic purposes

Nourishing mask for oily skin

To prepare nourishing mask, need to:

  1. Boil the beets, peel them and grate them on a fine grater.
  2. Then mix a tablespoon of the resulting puree with a raw chicken egg yolk.
  3. Immediately apply to cleansed facial skin and leave for half an hour.
  4. After 5-10 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Anti-inflammatory mask for problem skin

To prepare a mask for skin inflammation, you need:

  1. Mix freshly squeezed juice from raw beets with gruel from grated raw potatoes.
  2. Add a little flour to get the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Then rinse with warm water.

Important! Beets contain a strong dye. Women with pale and sensitive skin It is necessary to use the vegetable with caution for cosmetic purposes.


Recipe for a moisturizing mask with beet juice

  1. Grind two tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
  2. Then add two teaspoons of honey, one teaspoon of strong black tea and mineral water without gas and two teaspoons of freshly squeezed beet juice.
  3. Heat the resulting mixture in a steam bath for 20 minutes, cool and apply to the face.
  4. After 20-25 minutes, rinse with water and apply moisturizer.

Acne lotion

Acne lotion recipe:

  1. We use the water in which the beets were boiled.
  2. To half a liter of broth add one tablespoon of wine or apple cider vinegar, pour into a dark glass container and store in a dark place.
  3. Wipe your face with the resulting lotion.

Hair strengthener

A strengthening hair mask is prepared and applied as follows::

  1. Grate raw beets and onions in equal quantities on a fine grater.
  2. Add a couple of tablespoons of burdock oil to the resulting mixture.
  3. The oil must first be heated in a water bath.
  4. Apply the mask over the entire length of your hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel.
  5. After 40 minutes, wash your hair.
  6. It is advisable to apply the mask once every one and a half to two weeks.

For dandruff

Anti-dandruff remedy with beets:

  1. Apply a paste of finely grated raw beets onto your head.
  2. Put on a shower cap, wrap your head with a towel and leave for an hour.
  3. Then wash off.

Attention! To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to apply this mask twice a week for three months.


Beetroot is the queen of vegetables, it has no equal. This simple root vegetable provides the female body with all essential vitamins and microelements. The red vegetable is effective for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. This is a real lifesaver on critical days for the female body.

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