Why plastic windows are cold: reasons, what to do? Why are the window sills of plastic windows cold? Why is there a cold window sill near a plastic window?

– I installed new “breathable” double-glazed windows.

- Well, how?

“Yesterday, in 20-degree frost, they inhaled and exhaled so much that my cat was frozen to the radiator.

A life anecdote, isn't it? Many consumers face the problem of draughts coming from slopes or blowing from under the sill of a plastic window. The causes of the defect must be clarified and definitely corrected, otherwise in the cold season the street will be heated, not the living space.

Causes of drafts

You won’t have to figure out why it’s blowing if the warranty period has not yet expired after installing the double-glazed window. You just need to contact a company whose specialists will fix everything for free.

If the warranty has expired, you will have to solve the problem yourself. It is possible to follow the path of least resistance: block the flow of cold air with some kind of barrier (blanket, books).

Even a small gap can be the cause of blowing

However, this is a temporary measure. It is not the consequences that need to be eliminated, but the causes. They are different:

  1. Defect due to violation of plastic window production technology.
  2. Low-quality materials, as well as materials that do not suit our climate. So, the profile is under the influence low temperatures loses its strength. In this case, even a small crack leads to blowing.
  3. Seal wear.
  4. Incorrect installation of the window structure.
  5. Subsidence of the polyurethane foam or the use of low-quality adhesive-sealant.
  6. Warping of the glass unit due to shrinkage of the house.

Having discovered one or more causes of blowing, you need to begin to act depending on the nature of the defect. You can eliminate it in several ways:

  • Remove the gap using sealant;
  • Close the cracks with a profile;
  • Insulate the window sill.

Cover with sealant

This method is suitable if the gap between the window sill and the window frame is not very large. In addition, compared to other methods of combating drafts, this is the cheapest.

Defects are eliminated using a transparent sealant. Before using it, the gap should be cleaned of dust and dirt, degreased, and dried.

The gap between the frame and the window sill must be cleaned of dirt

Then, using the tube nozzle, apply the maximum possible amount of the substance until it is completely filled.

For the easiest way to eliminate a defect, use a sealant

For getting beautiful seam, run the edge of a 10-ruble coin along it. Do this in a continuous motion to avoid crooked seams.

The advantage of this method is that all the work takes a matter of minutes. Disadvantage: fragility. After two years, the sealant begins to peel off and darken.

Closing the gap with a profile

This method is based on creating additional protection sealed seam using a plastic profile.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Transparent silicone sealant;
  • Stationery knife, sharp scissors;
  • Plastic profile in internal corner configuration.

Armed with everything you need, get to work.

Algorithm of actions

  1. First measure and cut the profile to length window frame with a margin of 2–3 cm.
  2. Then cut off its perforated part so that there is a distance of about 1 cm from the curved plate, and from the bend right angle– 2 mm.

    The profile cutting line must be sharpened

  3. By using stationery knife sharpen the cutting line by scraping off the corners on both sides. This is done so that this part of the profile easily fits into the crevice, thereby creating a barrier for air entering the room.
  4. Make holes in the lower corners of the window with a depth of one to one and a half centimeters.

    Holes must be made in the lower corners of the window

  5. Clean the joint between the frame and the window sill from debris, wash, degrease, and wipe dry.

    The joint between the frame and the window sill must be clean and free of grease.

  6. Seal the gap by filling it with caulk.

    The gap is sealed with sealant

  7. Apply an even layer of sealant into the holes made and onto the joint.
  8. Apply thin layer sealant onto the profile, insert one end into the hole, and insert the pointed edge of the cutting line into the slot.

    The profile is installed in the joint between the window and the window sill

  9. This way the entire profile is adjusted. Its opposite edge is inserted into the second hole.
  10. Press the corner tightly and hold for several minutes for better fixation.
  11. Sealant that has squeezed out can be carefully removed after hardening.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is labor-intensive and time-consuming. However, the result is impressive: a beautiful, durable corner in place of the black gap.

Now you know exactly what to do when it blows between the window sill and the plastic window. But sometimes this knowledge is not enough, since the source of the draft may be under the windowsill. A completely different method will be used here.

Let's start with insulation

Insulating the window sill of plastic windows will provide additional thermal insulation and eliminate blowing. The materials used are polyurethane foam and acrylic sealant. If you find a gap between the window sill and the wall, you cannot do without dismantling it.


Arm yourself with a hammer, hammer drill, chisel, hacksaw, knife. Dismantling can be done in two ways.

Method No. 1

First of all, remove the wallpaper. Then, using a chisel and hammer, beat off the plaster under the window and in places where there is a junction between the side parts of the window sill and the slopes.

Cut off the mounting foam and carefully pull the canvas towards you, tilting it down a little.

To insulate the window sill you will need to dismantle it

Method No. 2

Using this method, you will not need to beat off the plaster. Run a long-bladed knife under the window sill and cut away the foam and sealant near the slopes. The blade should not come into contact with the plastic. After getting rid of the fastening elements, pull out the canvas.

Clean after dismantling work surface remove debris with a broom or vacuum cleaner. This will allow you to see all the cracks through which cold air entered.

Polyurethane foam is used to fill cracks

Fill all cracks with foam. And if there are significant deformations, use silicone sealant.


After completing all the necessary procedures, you can install the window sill. To do this, apply polyurethane foam along the perimeter of the front side, as well as along the diagonals of the product. Lay the canvas on the work surface.

To ensure that the canvas adheres to the base, lightly press it and hold for a few minutes. Use a spirit level to make sure everything is level.

The correct installation of the window sill is checked using a level

For better fixation, place something heavy (for example, books) on the windowsill, as it may warp as a result of foam expansion.

More reliable insulation performed through the use of sealant. It is applied to every area where there is a joint.

The final stage in the installation is plastering the slopes. It is made from cement mortar, and from a regular dry mixture.

By insulating a plastic window in this way, you will forever forget about the cold window sill and drafts in the house.

Lack of drafts is the cause of condensation

When you start fighting against the blowing of double-glazed windows, everything turns out like in medicine: you treat one thing, but you cripple the other. It’s the same here: as soon as the blowing stops, condensation appears on the glass.

The tightness of the PVC window can cause condensation on the glass

The reasons for this are:

  • Lack of air circulation;
  • Increased humidity in the house;
  • Wide sill that prevents leakage from the radiator warm air on glass;
  • Low indoor temperatures;
  • Poor quality installation.

To avoid this trouble, you need to ventilate the rooms more often, clear the window of everything unnecessary, and change the radiator.

  1. Be responsible when choosing a company that installs double-glazed windows.
  2. Contact a professional for annual preventative care.
  3. Do not violate the operating rules.

By observing these simple rules, you may never encounter a problem when the wind blows from under the sill of a plastic window.

Modern plastic windows prevent cold air, noise and dust from entering the house, and also retain heat indoors. At correct installation they reliably protect the house from external influences.

But sometimes windows lose positive properties, and noise and drafts penetrate the house. I recently talked about why double-glazed windows allow sounds and sounds to pass through.

Today we’ll talk about thermal insulation and find out why windows let the cold in.

Where is it blowing from? Three weak points of the window

To understand why windows let cold in, you need to identify the places through which drafts pass. The window has three vulnerable positions:

  • accessories;
  • the place where the frame meets the window sill;
  • the gap between the side slope and the frame.

If cold air enters through a loose clamp, look for the cause in the locking elements around the perimeter of the window. To avoid this problem, some companies (including Kaleva) offer an expanded set of fittings with an increased number of locking points.

Another reason for drafts is insufficient pressure of the seal to the sash. In winter, the plastic shrinks in volume and the seal may dry out. This affects the tightness of the sash rebate to the frame and prevents the fittings from functioning correctly.

Often in this case it is possible. For example, if the hinges sag and the sash moves. If the problem is with the seal, it can be replaced. However, in both cases, it is better to contact specialists.

If there is air blowing in the area where the frame adjoins the window sill or in the gap between the side slope and the frame, then most likely it is due to poor-quality installation. Make sure that specialists have used enough polyurethane foam and special mounting tapes(in accordance with GOST). Otherwise, the structure will settle and drafts will appear.

The main thing is to notice the result of such unscrupulous work during the warranty period. The installation company will be required to correct this defect and either reinstall the window completely or re-seal the seams.

The windows let the cold in. What to do?

Let's summarize. Most often, windows allow cold to pass through for two reasons: poor performance of the fittings or unscrupulous installation. To solve problems in both cases, it is better to contact specialists. What they can do:

  • adjust or replace fittings;
  • re-seal the seams;
  • completely reinstall the window if the installation was performed poorly the first time.

You can solve some problems yourself. For example, adjust window fittings. Before calling specialists, we also advise you to rinse rubber compressor. It is possible that dust and street dirt reduced its tightness and the window began to let in cold air.

Do not forget that thermal insulation and cold transmission also depend on the design. Pay attention to our Kaleva Deco, It saves 69% more heat than usual.

Have you ever experienced that your windows let in the cold? If yes, how did you solve this problem? Tell your stories in the comments and on our blog so you don't miss out. interesting articles about quality windows.


What to do if winter is just around the corner, and plastic windows let in cold and draft? Need to replace windows urgently? Recall Soviet experience and cover it with paper? To begin with, read our material about how to insulate plastic windows for the winter.

Why don't plastic windows keep heat in?

Plastic windows are created in such a way as to retain heat in the room and keep out the cold from the street - they are airtight, durable and, if installed correctly, function successfully. Properly manufactured and installed plastic windows retain heat well and also protect against sounds and odors. The main reasons why plastic windows allow cold to pass through are: “looseness” of mechanisms, the appearance of cracks not provided for by the design and wear of rubber gaskets. This can happen either due to the fault of the technician who installed your window, or simply over time: the rubber dries out, the plastic becomes deformed due to temperature changes. The cause of window deformation and the appearance of cracks may also be shrinkage of the wall surface or the window system itself under the influence of external factors.

How to insulate plastic windows?

Insulate plastic windows It is necessary not when snow has already fallen, but in the warm season, while there are still no frosts.

First, let's figure out what plastic windows are made of. This includes double-glazed windows, PVC profiles, seals and fittings. The frame for the window block is slopes. The cause of “smuggling” cold can be any of these components.

The profile rarely causes drafts: it is durable and quite elastic, which allows it to retain its shape as much as possible and not form cracks. The double-glazed window itself will also not cause problems - the problems are caused by its leakage.

One of the reasons for the loss of window sealing is improper finishing of the slopes. Insulate window slopes quite easy, for this you need to fill with polyurethane foam or foam thermal insulation materials opening between frame and wall. Reinforce the insulation with insulating material on the inside and outside.

When windows or walls shrink, the structure becomes uneven, causing the window to warp, and it starts to blow. In this case, you need to adjust the fittings responsible for pressing the window sash. This adjustment is carried out using eccentrics, which, when turning the hand, go beyond special pressure pads, which are located along the perimeter of the frame. In order to press the sash more tightly to the frame, you need to rotate the eccentric clockwise. Look at the mark on the eccentric: in the position when it is directed towards the street, the sash pressure is weakened; if it is directed towards the seal, the pressure is strengthened. Some eccentrics need to be turned using pliers or a wrench.

Available clamping mechanism on the hinge side as well. It can be adjusted using a hexagon. We look at the tongue located on the sash: if it is pushed in strongly, then the pressure is tight. To loosen the clamp, you need to pull out the tongue by rotating the hexagon counterclockwise (if the hinges are located on the left, if they are on the right, rotate the hexagon clockwise).

About once every 5 years, the seals in plastic windows need to be changed - they lose their elasticity and become a cause of cold. To insulate plastic windows, The seal needs to be replaced. To do this, remove the clogged glazing bead, take out the double-glazed window and replace the seal - remove the old one and install a new one. It can be fixed using special glue. We put the glass back and put the glazing bead back. Attention: the glazing bead is a very fragile element; under no circumstances should it be broken! If you break it, the glass unit cannot be installed, so be careful.

Sometimes the reason for the cold in the apartment is not the windows, but the balcony. Read about how to turn it into another room, a greenhouse - in a word, into a habitable zone - in our material.

It is generally accepted that replacing traditional wooden frame on a modern PVC profile immediately eliminates drafts, ice formation, and freezing. However, after the onset of cold weather, many begin to notice that something is wrong: it is still blowing from the plastic windows. Why does this happen? And most importantly, how to eliminate this shortcoming?

Installation quality

The first thing that comes to mind is the carelessness of the installers. Indeed, the dishonesty of installers who did not bother to carefully adjust the frame, poorly foamed the joints or made other technological errors very often becomes the cause of subsequent heat losses. But sometimes we ourselves try to save money by choosing a cheap but low-quality profile. Or we choose a single-chamber double-glazed window, which does not cope with its task of retaining heat in Russian winters. Yes, and a lot depends on the accessories.


The reason that cold air blows from plastic windows is unreliable fittings. It is she who is responsible for the loose fit of the sashes when locked. Sometimes it is enough to replace low-quality fittings, and the problem will be resolved. Sometimes replacement is not required. You just need to adjust the existing system.

Now they produce designs that are designed for two modes: winter and summer. The first option is characterized by a tighter clamping of the valves. If your technician has not explained to you all the adjustment features, you will have to deal with this issue yourself.

First of all, inspect the doors around the perimeter. You will find round or oval elements called "trunnions". These parts are responsible for the pressure. The trunnions must be simultaneously moved to the maximum position, moving in a clockwise direction. The operation must be performed. For the procedure you will need pliers or a screwdriver (this depends solely on the type of fittings). Be sure to turn all the trunnions. Otherwise you will break the structure.

Some manufacturers have taken care of automating this process. Their fittings are equipped with a special roller on which the ring is located. By rotating it, we can easily change modes from summer to winter and back. IN winter version the handle begins to work tighter, the connection of the sashes is stronger, and the problem of blowing from a plastic window disappears in the blink of an eye.

Let's take care of the compaction

To eliminate drafts, take care of a good seal for the profile in advance. Otherwise, low-quality rubber will simply crack with the onset of severe cold weather. And a completely good seal can become completely unusable over time.

Therefore, if you notice that it is blowing through plastic windows, immediately check the condition of the rubber cord. And if you find any defects, change it immediately. This procedure is simple. It is quite possible to cope with it on your own. Or just call a specialist to your home.

When choosing new gaskets, take a closer look at those available on sale. They have excellent thermal insulation characteristics. And one more thing: before gluing the new gasket, do not forget to thoroughly wash the profile from dirt.

The quality of the seal is also influenced by such an inconspicuous structural element as the glazing bead. It ensures that the glass adheres tightly to the profile. The bead also needs to be replaced. In addition to such a drastic measure, you can try filling the gaps between the frame and the glass unit with silicone. Or resort to an effective “grandmother’s” remedy - paste over the gaps with thick tape.

From all the cracks

Why does it blow from plastic windows even when the seal is in order, the glazing bead is not bad, and the fittings lock the sashes tighter than ever? In such a situation, it is necessary to check whether drafts are coming from the side of the slopes. The fact is that the space between the wall and window design, according to technology, is foamed with polyurethane foam. A special polyurethane composition is introduced into the gap using a gun or a bottle with a tube, where it quite rapidly increases in volume and hardens. The excess is then removed with a knife.

If you add little foam, this leads to the formation of voids. And this is the direct reason why it blows from plastic windows.

The assembly seam does not last forever. After five or eight years, the foam begins to slowly collapse. It becomes necessary to remove the slopes, buy cans of polyurethane foam and refill the gaps with the compound. After this, return the slopes to their place.

Blowing from under plastic windows

Sometimes similar gaps appear under the window sill. Again, this is either a consequence of saving foam at the installation stage of the structure, or simply wear and tear. In any case, it is necessary to disassemble the window sill and restore the tightness.

As a preventative measure, it would not hurt to take additional measures to insulate the space under the windowsill. Just buy a sealant and carefully apply it along the seam between the PVC structure and the wall.

To polyurethane foam does not deteriorate too quickly under the influence of humidity, it is necessary to provide it with protection. Silicone does a good job of this. vapor barrier film. They protect the wall from dampness and prevent fungi and mold from developing.

Check the hinges

Sometimes you can find that it is blowing from the hinges of plastic windows. Why is this happening? You'll have to explore to find the answer. outside frames Look for additional holes. This will most likely be technological gaps for attaching a mosquito net to a window. They are not needed in winter, so we close them until summer.

We hope you have now received the necessary clarification about why it blows from plastic windows. And like any problem, it is better to prevent this trouble in advance. Choose a company to install PVC structures meticulously, and choose profiles and fittings no less meticulously. Monitor the quality of installation. Don't forget to inquire about window warranty service. This will make it easier and cheaper to eliminate detected defects. Also, follow the rules for using plastic window systems, monitor the condition of the seal, and eliminate any problems that arise in a timely manner.

This question really worries many people now!

We answer in detail:

This is a normal situation! Glass cannot be warm, it is not a heater, it does not heat up itself, and heat loss through it occurs constantly (up to 25% of all heat loss in the house). And there is no escape from this!

From the physics course we know that any material has a coefficient of resistance to heat transfer.

Heat losses in the house mainly depend on:

1. Temperature differences in the house and outside (the greater the difference, the higher the losses),

2. Thermal insulation properties of walls, windows, ceilings, coatings or, as they say, enclosing structures.

So, the main task is to maximize the coefficient of resistance of glass in plastic windows and reduce heat loss.

To do this, they first came up with a double-glazed window, with a different number of cameras http://www.plastika-okon.ru/glasspackets.php. It is clear that in this case, heat loss has become less due to the number of glasses, their thickness and the air gap between them.

But this is not the limit!

The next step was the use of one of the glasses with a selective coating (i-glass) in the double-glazed unit, capable of reflecting heat waves into the room and at the same time transmitting solar radiation from outside thermal radiation. However, its use in sealed plastic windows often leads to discomfort in summer. Solar radiation penetrates the house, and most of it remains indoors, you understand what happens. http://www.plastika-okon.ru/news/item/205.php

And then progress gave us multifunctional glass, currently one of the most advanced inventions in the window industry.

It works in two directions. Its inner layer reflects heat back into the room, and its outer layer reflects solar radiation back to the street, which creates an optimal indoor microclimate.

And now attention, a few good advice to improve thermal comfort conditions in your home
(what if you haven’t installed a heating package yet or, scary to think, you still haven’t replaced the old ones that have dried out? wooden windows to brand new plastic ones).

1 Raise the temperature inner surface windows by blowing warm air through the glass unit.

We create rising jets of warm air - we drill holes in the window sill board, insert convection grilles into the holes. Heated air rises, this allows you to increase the temperature of the glass and reduces the influence of cold air entering through the window

2. We insulate the wall located under the window outside heating device. On top of the thermal insulation we make a screen of shiny aluminum foil, reflecting the heat emitted by the battery into the room. Nice and warm.

3. We hang blinds on the windows. Yes, yes, they also have a heat transfer resistance coefficient.
