Remodel an old barn. How to turn an old garden house into a “candy” for pennies. Interior design for Josephine's family home

Many people dream of owning their own home, but not everyone has the opportunity to buy their dream home. But you can do everything, or almost everything, if you wish.

How to make a house on your own from scrap materials?

Here we will look at the example of an American couple, of course this is not Russia, the climate is not the same, the standard of living is not the same, but still, a lot can be learned from the experience of our American neighbors.

A young couple from Portland (Oregon, America) were able to prove by their own example that this is possible.

They remodeled an old barn and assembled their home literally piece by piece. What did they end up with? We decided to take a look at the results of their labors!

Young enthusiasts

Small house interior

Newlyweds Michael and Jenny had long dreamed of owning their own home, but they were sorely lacking in funds to buy it. The only thing we managed to purchase for a small amount of money was an old dilapidated barn and a small piece of land. The young people still had some money left. It was decided to spend it on restoring the house and decorating the interior.

Everything you have at hand

Small kitchen interior

The couple received the barn not empty, but filled with old boxes and boards. They were used to restore and strengthen the facade of the house, as well as partial interior decoration. Interestingly, Michael and Jenny were lucky with the wood; they got teak and cedar boards. This wood was also useful for creating furniture, which the owners of the house made with their own hands, which allowed them to significantly save money. The rest of the interior items were purchased at flea markets and family sales.

Michael and Jenny made a lot of things in the house with their own hands.

Furniture made from old boards and boxes

View of the living room from above

Local area

The equipment was bought at a junk store

Smart storage in a small interior

Cozy zoning

Despite the fact that the area of ​​the house is only 35 square meters, zoning was well organized in it. The kitchen was separated with a bar counter. The living room was not cluttered with furniture; there is only a sofa, which was moved with the owners from the old interior, as well as homemade table and a stool. The second floor was completely dedicated to the bedroom. It turned out to be relatively spacious and well organized.

Living area

Small bedroom interior

Tiny bathroom

The tiny shared bathroom, in which they did not abandon the standard bath, deserves special attention. The entire space of the room was done in white. To save space, the plumbing fixtures were selected in non-standard sizes. This also influenced the visual perception of the small interior.

Those who live in the south of our country can easily do the same. By the way, temperatures in Portland can drop to -20.

Well, we, residents of snow-covered regions and frosts of -40, of course need a barn with at least a foundation and a stove, and old boards will not be enough for insulation, but the point is not even that, but the fact that everything here is made with our own hands from waste material and only 35 square meters, people have created a spacious and maximum comfortable space, this can be done with us.

Cozy country interior for pennies!


My sister and I came up with the idea of ​​purchasing a small summer cottage when we were 22 and 25 years old, respectively. We are both passionate about decorating and we wanted to bring to life different interesting ideas, and also have a place where you can simply relax from the bustle of the city and enjoy being close to nature.

The place was not chosen by chance - overlooking an ancient pine forest, on the other side of which our grandparents once lived and with which our happy childhood is therefore associated.

View of the pine forest from the attic

Buying a house

The plots in this SNT are small - only 3 acres, but we were primarily interested not in the vegetable garden, but in the house. Therefore, we immediately rejected proposals with plots turned into one continuous bed.

... And finally, luck smiled on us - I responded to an ad written by hand Old man- his old friend was selling a plot of land with a house. When we saw him (the house, not the man) - it was love at first sight! A plank house with an attic and an overgrown garden! We asked for the owner's phone number and immediately agreed on the purchase without haggling on the price (and it turned out to be much lower than we expected!). So we became his happy owners.

Transfiguration. Start

The house was made with love, but it was already very “neglected”. We wanted to breathe into it new life, having made repairs and without spending large sums. We initially decided that this would be a “budget” renovation, and wanted to prove that beautiful and cozy does not mean expensive.

This is what the house looked like at the time of purchase and the start of cleaning: old wallpaper yellowed from time and stains on the roof, an old bed and gray chairs:

Spring bed USSR

The wall opposite the bed (let’s call this place so that it’s convenient to compare later 😉)

This is what the house looked like from the outside

I won’t show even more scary places on the ceiling - so as not to scare you))

Paragraph 1

So, my sister and I started the renovation by cleaning.

We raked out and sorted the trash that was stored in the shelves and “cabinets” - these were old clothes, jars, bottles, etc. We swept up trash, dirt, dust, and of course mouse poop everywhere (tying up our respiratory organs with scarves and wearing masks just in case). Some of the trash was taken to a landfill, some was used for rags, some was sent for washing, and some was left for use or decoration.

We immediately called this place “tea room” - because here, as you can see, small table with a couple of chairs for tea drinking and a gorgeous view from the window (topmost photo of the post)

Point 2

We washed everything with bleach water!

Literally EVERYTHING: floors, walls, ceilings and even furniture.

Point 3

Started painting old furniture in more “cheerful” colors. For example, it was decided to make the bed white.

Acrylic paint was used. And for painting window frames We used cheap alkyd enamel.

Painting the bed

The chairs are in lavender!

The paint emphasized the structure of the wood

Gradually, a unique “concept” for this mini-room developed - and we called it “lavender tea room”.

I decided to paint one of the doors here like this:

I write in English “lavender tea room”

By the way, we called the main room in the attic “ blue bedroom" It was decided to use a warm, joyful shade of sky blue and, of course, white for combination (association with white clouds in a blue sky).

Point 4

The plywood on the ceiling in places where there were leaks was replaced with new

Point 5

They tore off old wallpaper from the walls and some paper from the ceiling. We washed the walls again with chlorine, dried them and started wallpapering.

The wallpaper for the main wall of the bedroom was white with a blue flower

“Feodosia” - 200 rub./roll

Blue wallpaper (for combination) - 80 RUR/roll

Wallpaper for the ceiling - free (we found old ones in the barn and pasted them on the wrong side)

View from the bedroom to the tea room

Let's roll it into new wallpaper..

Let's continue...

It’s not easy to paste over the ceiling - your hands get numb, but then your hand gets full)

Meanwhile, the walls in the tea room are covered with the remnants of wallpaper stored at home (pink), and the lilac ones were bought for 70 rubles per roll in the store. The “cabinet” door is painted pink.

I'm at the teahouse

Well, you’re probably tired of looking at phone photos of our “flops” and you want to see what came of it all?

We specially arranged a “photo shoot” of the resulting interior using a camera:

Lavender tea room


And now the blue bedroom.

The photos are arranged as if we were turning to the right:

Blue bedroom


Table by the window

Shelves and suitcase for storing linen (decorated by hand)

Sofa opposite the bed

View from the bedroom to the tea room

blue bedroom

And the outside of the house now looks like this (we painted it mint and pink - we tinted it ourselves).

They painted with rollers, using a folding ladder, and leaned out of the windows to paint where the ladder didn’t reach:

House in autumn:

And here my sister Lyalya and I are in the garden near the house. The peony bush has not yet bloomed, but has already grown - we made a “holder” for it from an old chair with a hole in the seat (which we simply tore off), found in the attic of my grandmother’s village.

My story ends, but the story of the house's transformation does not. The plans are to “furnish” the first floor. We will definitely share the result with you!

We are slowly organizing the garden: we dream of a lawn, flowers, a fence and garden furniture.

Thanks everyone for your attention! We hope that we have inspired at least someone else to be creative and create))

Today we have not an ordinary homemade project, but a very complex project: we will look at how to reconstruct a country barn yourself.

In the summer of 2014, we got around to remodeling the barn at the dacha. It was built in 1998 by a team of Ukrainians in one day - they started in the morning and slept in it in the evening. The foundation, which was not buried, was made earlier. Unfortunately, I didn’t take a photo of it in its entirety and only started taking pictures when I had already taken half of it apart.

The barn was made of edged boards 2.5 cm overlap. The supporting (existing) posts are strong, the boards of the wall set are not rotten. He stands close to the fence back wall. The front wall was smooth and did not touch the pine. When remodeling the barn, it was planned to increase the internal volume by removing half of the front wall without affecting the pine and improving the appearance. The photo shows the added foundation.

New racks made of boards 150 x 50 mm with self-tapping screws. After installing the racks, purlins were made for the facade and the ceiling beams were extended, supported by the purlin.

The diagonal sheathing also played the role of oblique connections. At the same time, the door and openings were formed.

To the finishing inner and outer skin I made a workbench with a vice and a work area. The workshop area turned out to be about 11 sq.m.

"Beautiful Vacation home“Welcomes everyone! Do you think it’s possible to turn an old barn, which has been abandoned for a long time, not just into a living space, but into a home that you won’t want to leave and that you’re not ashamed to show off to your guests? Yes, this can happen. A selection of photographs will prove this to you.

The old barn does not at all give the impression of a cozy and glamorous family nest. But this is only at first glance. You will be surprised to know that miracles happen in life from time to time.

Look how amazingly stylish old barns can become, with a professional hand designer turned into residential buildings. They are all unique and each of them has its own beautiful story. We have selected the most worthwhile ones. Enjoy!

Impressive project

We're going to start with this amazing house. The owner designed the premises as residential with the possibility of holding various events in it. The structure, which previously housed a utility room, now includes a workshop that also serves as a kitchen, an apartment with bunk bed and a bathroom.

The transformation took place with the help simple materials and regular flowers. In the end it turned out original house, which has its own flavor.

Interior design for Josephine's family home

This glamorous family mansion also used to be old building, which served as a habitat for animals. It is located in a wonderful picturesque place. Inside, its design and decor are simple but beautiful. The house has a concrete floor and open wooden beams, giving character. A glass chandelier adds glamor and sophistication to the space. The result is an eclectic style image, where all its details are cozy, modern and harmoniously combined.

400 m2 became a magnificent home

Here is another beautiful family estate that hides an amazing secret. It was originally a barn, but over time it became moldy and aged in places. Now it is a beautiful and cozy family home with an area of ​​about 400 m2. To implement all the ideas of the project, it was slightly expanded. Now it will be difficult to find a more comfortable family home.

An old structure has been transformed into a modern and multifunctional living space

Located in Norfolk (UK), this building, originally a barn, has been converted to a designer's design. Many changes have been made to it. According to the plan, the building should have looked more open and airy than it was before.

To give the room some originality, some of the features inherent in the barn were retained. For example, wooden beams remained intact. Everything else was replaced with new ones. Polished concrete floors and plywood furniture interact beautifully and create a beautiful look in today's style.

Spectacular transformations in Quinta

In fact, this is a current model designed by Dutch architects. The main idea in choosing a building to convert it into a residence was to create a room that would organically fit into the surrounding local color. At the same time, it was necessary to create a modern living space. As you can see, the idea was a success and found its embodiment.

An abandoned barn turned into a family home

Located in the province of Caceres, this old barn was for a long time abandoned until it was discovered by the current owners. They turned to architectural firm Abaton for help transforming the barn into a family home.

The house ended up being unusual, with its own charm and rich history. The walls were made of stone, which gave it character. The exterior has been preserved almost in its original form, but the interior has been transformed into housing that has the features of our era. A beautiful estate where the whole family lives, surrounded by a magnificent natural landscape.

The barn has been converted into a modern structure with a swimming pool

This extraordinary accommodation has also been converted from a former barn. There is a strong contrast between the interior and exterior. The main reason that appearance remained virtually unchanged; the architects wanted to organically integrate it into the surrounding terrain.

From the outside, the structure looks like a traditional agricultural building, but its interior is surprisingly modern and suitable for comfortable living. Two new wings were added to the structure, one of which housed a swimming pool.

An old barn turned into an eco-house

When you are thinking of turning an old building into a modern family mansion, you are taking a responsible step towards the surrounding nature and taking care of its safety. After all, you are actually trying to revive an old building and reuse it instead of building a new one.

This barn went even further and took care not only of the environment, but also of aesthetics. It has been transformed into a beautiful green estate with rustic charm. The house is located on Bainbridge Island in Washington. The architect created modern and environmentally friendly housing with its characteristic features.

Renovated former bank

This building previously housed a bank that stood in Leesburg (USA, Virginia), on the banks of the Potomac River. Its owners initially wanted to demolish the building, but after they were refused, they decided to renovate and reuse the structure. The barn still has great potential despite its advanced age.

Irreversible transformations of a 200-year-old structure

Another example of how outdated buildings can find new life after reconstruction. The two-hundred-year-old barn, located in Fonsdorf, Austria, was old and abandoned until the current owners decided to revive it. The architects managed to completely renovate it and turn it into a stunning living space.

Spectacular transformations

The last project we are going to present to you today is a truly amazing transformation of a building located in Zutphen (Netherlands). The barn became a family residence according to a project developed in 2004.

The architects created a new, expanded living space. It contains a large kitchen, office and guest area. The structure was not completely demolished and converted. Only some of its elements have been replaced with modern ones.


IN country house design even outbuildings can be not just a shed, but a real work of art. I bring to your attention interesting ideas for utility sheds, houses for equipment and workshops. All these structures can be made for your dacha with your own hands and decorated to your liking.

Utility units may also have no windows to prevent easy theft of tools if your site is located in a not very quiet place.

The wall of the shed can be decorated with painted plastic plates, screwed with self-tapping screws. The northern wall of my dacha is decorated this way; I painted them myself.

Your workshop may also have a small porch where you can sit and take a break from country affairs and worries.

The classic design of a cute utility unit, decorated with hanging flowers, as well as tub and tray compositions.

The octagonal guest house can be used both as a workshop and as a utility unit.

A utility block combined with a garage. Even a shed can have a beautiful front garden with flower beds.

A stylish guest house made of foam blocks can also serve as your workshop.

Here's another one nice idea household unit of a passionate summer resident. The doors, as I like, are glazed to the floor.

A wonderful idea for a utility room combined with a guest house.

The idea of ​​imitating windows with trays of flowers will liven up the plain walls of a barn.

A pleasant composition of a shed and a pergola with a resting place.

A classic barn in a country house or private yard.

Still, it’s nice that there are people who create from ordinary, familiar buildings, also beautiful solutions landscape design.

It would seem like a barn, but here is a porch, here are flowers - and it’s a completely different feeling! Some kind of joy...

If you paint the shed in light shades, the area will immediately become more cheerful.

Old instruments can be hung on the walls, decorated in a rural country style.

A neat guest house, covered with shingles.

A beautiful idea for a shed at the dacha - a flower bed and trays of flowers, a path made of stone slabs, leading to the building.

Tall barn with pitched roof and windows for light under the ceiling.

An original utility unit for storing equipment in the country.

Workshop idea on summer cottage— I can imagine that an artist creates his masterpieces here!

Natural roof in Scandinavian style— in Norway you can find turf on old houses. Well, here the designer’s idea was to plant a flowering lawn.

Some ideas are so good that they can even become the basis of a small country house, not a utility block.

In the photo - a completely working option for summer house on a plot of 6 acres.

Wenge-colored barn - stylish solution in color!

Stone utility block on an English estate - the structure is more than one century old, and there are many more centuries to come!

A simple idea for a shed for storing equipment in a summer cottage.

Beautiful frame barn, covered with plywood.

A squat utility block is a design idea for your dacha.

An original solution is to imitate shutters on a window.

You can make such outbuildings with your own hands in a week, thereby giving you a place where you can store your tools. But don't turn the room into a storage room!

The idea of ​​designing an approach to outbuildings in the country.

It would also be nice to provide a canopy over the door so that in the rain you can open the door without standing under falling drops of water.

An unusual solution for entrance group allowed us to create an additional door.

A solid barn built in Western style.

The idea of ​​a utility block is a square-shaped workshop.

The idea of ​​a utility room with an asymmetrical roof.

Household with a beautiful front door on massive hinges.

Unusual utility block with walls made of wood cuts. I have already come across a similar solution several times, I wonder how labor-intensive and reliable it is?

With this, let me say goodbye to you today, see you tomorrow! Follow the updates, share ideas with your friends, get inspired and create unique beauty in your area!
