Fines for late passport replacement. Fine for expired passport

Don't have time to replace your expired ID? The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for financial sanctions of up to 5 thousand rubles for living on an invalid document.

To date, there are three ways to obtain a new passport. The application can be submitted directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, through the MFC, or electronically on the Unified Government Services Portal.

Regulatory rationale

The basic certificate identifying a citizen of our country within its territorial boundaries is a passport. All Russian citizens over 14 years of age must have this document.

The conditions for the use, issuance and replacement of a certificate are regulated by the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 07/08/1997 No. 828:

  • forms are made according to a single sample;
  • Russian language is used;
  • if the registration procedure is carried out within one of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to produce inserts with the image of the coat of arms of the entity and the entry of the citizen’s personal data on official language subject;
  • the stamp standard, letterhead, photographs and protective equipment necessary for issuing a certificate are established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Information to be included includes: full name, gender, date and place of birth;
  • records of a certain nature are added to the document - about registration at the place of stay and about deregistration from it, about the attitude of an adult citizen to military service, about marriage and divorce, about children, a passport issued earlier, about the production of a basic certificate confirming the identity of outside the Russian Federation;
  • at the initiative of the owner of the certificate, it is allowed to enter information about the blood group and Rh factor, about the TIN, and to certify information about the child with the seal and signature of an authorized person;
  • data that does not relate to those listed above is prohibited from being added to the passport, and violation of this rule entails the document being declared invalid.

Age for obtaining a new citizen's certificate:

Control over the implementation of existing norms is entrusted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Sanctions are established for violations in accordance with the law.

How to get a passport?

For registration, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • collect papers;
  • transfer them to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or the MFC;
  • receive a ready-made certificate at the place of application.

Package of documents

List approved regulations, includes:

  • Application for replacement of passport 1P;
  • birth certificate;
  • confirmation of stable legal ties with the Russian Federation, if this fact needs to be proven;
  • two portrait images of the passport holder;
  • receipt for payment of the mandatory fee in the amount of 300 rubles.

Where can I get a receipt?

A form with details will be issued at the representative office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, the payment can be obtained on the website of guvm.mvd.rf. To do this, on the start page you need to select the “receipts” button.

You will need to enter the following data in the form provided:

  • region;
  • area;
  • locality;
  • type of transfer;
  • address;
  • purpose of payment.

After this, the receipt can be printed in PDF format or sent to your email.

Photo requirements

The image format and other conditions are established by the Regulations:

  • black and white or color;
  • quantity – 2 pieces;
  • size 35 by 45 mm;
  • strictly full face;
  • headwear is permissible only for religious reasons, and the face must remain uncovered;
  • if the subject constantly wears glasses, then their presence in the photo is mandatory; the use of tinted glasses is not permitted.

Application procedure

The documents and photographs required for a passport can be submitted in person to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at your place of residence or to an employee of the multifunctional center. In addition, documents may be transferred to in electronic format through the Single Portal.


In this case, the papers are submitted to a specialized multifunctional organization.

Its main advantages are territorial accessibility due to an extensive network of branches and comprehensive solutions to issues.

An official of the center sends the submitted papers to the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within three days after contact. The issued ID is returned to the MFC, where the owner will receive it.

On State Services

The most convenient resource for submitting an application is the Unified Portal:

  • documents are transmitted electronically;
  • then a time is set for a visit to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Passport registration begins after submitting the originals of all necessary papers.


If the application is sent to the place of residence, then the period for issuing the certificate is 10 days, otherwise you will have to wait a month.

Fine for an expired Russian passport

If for one reason the certificate is considered invalid, the citizen whose identity it confirms is obliged to 30 days contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to issue a new certificate.

Violations of the circulation period include:

  • living without a main document;
  • using an expired passport.

The penalty is administrative in nature.

The amount of sanctions is given in the table:

Territory Fine (thousand rubles)
Moscow and St. Petersburg 3–5
Other regions 2–3

How to replace a passport?

In some cases, it is necessary to obtain a new certificate confirming the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The reasons may be different, the main condition is that they must comply with the standards approved by law. For example, at 20 or 45 years old - this is reaching the age determined by the Regulations.

In addition, there are other reasons:

  • change of personal data (full name, date and place of birth);
  • wear or damage to the form;
  • inability to mark;
  • error detection;
  • radical transformation of appearance;
  • gender change.

If these circumstances occur, 30 days are given to apply for a new passport. During the period of the procedure, a citizen has the right to request a temporary certificate, which is drawn up according to the model established by regulations.

The replacement procedure is similar to obtaining a new document and at the same time has its own nuances.

Required papers

To the list compiled for the initial receipt of the certificate, you will need to add:

  • application (until December 31, 2017, it is allowed to use forms of the abolished FMS);
  • passport in hand;
  • documents confirming the existence of grounds for replacement;
  • military ID, marriage certificate, birth certificate (for making appropriate marks);
  • check to cover the fee.

How to pay the fee?

The cost of replacing a passport is:

  • 1.5 thousand rubles if it has become unusable or lost;
  • 300 in any other situation, for example, when at 20 you need to get new document.

Funds can be deposited:

  • at any Sberbank office;
  • via an online application;
  • at ATMs and terminals;
  • in your personal account on the State Services portal.

Supreme Court practice

According to Article 19.15 of the Administrative Code, if a citizen of the Russian Federation is required to have a passport, then the presence of such a subject at the place of residence or registration without a valid ID of the designated type will entail a fine.

Question 1

Is being without a passport considered an offense if another document is present:

  • birth certificate;
  • an official document confirming the identity of a citizen outside Russia;
  • officer's ID;
  • military ID of a contract soldier;
  • certificate of release from prison.

According to Art. 10 of Federal Law No. 63-FZ of May 31, 2002, the basic document indicating citizenship is a passport. Other types of evidence that allow establishing the legal connection between the subject and the state have not been defined at the moment.

In accordance with the Passport Regulations, all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14 and reside in the country are required to obtain such a document.

Exceptions include:

  • military conscripts, for whom issue and replacement are carried out at the place of residence after completion of service;
  • persons who have lost their document and received a temporary certificate.

Guided by the Code of Administrative Offences, we can conclude that administrative responsibility begins after a citizen reaches the age of sixteen. Thus, sanctions apply to all persons who have a stable legal connection with the Russian Federation, who are over 16 and do not belong to the groups listed above.

Question 2

Is it possible to hold a citizen accountable for an expired passport if the statute of limitations had expired at the time this fact was discovered?

A decision in an administrative case cannot be made if more than two months have passed since the commission of the offense.

The illegal action continues until the conditions associated with the onset of liability are eliminated:

  • obtaining or replacing a passport;
  • detention by authorized officers of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The Plenum of the Supreme Court established that failure to fulfill duties for a certain period is called a continuing offense. The offense in question belongs to the same type. According to Part 1 of Art. 4.5 of the Code in this case, the calculation begins from the day the fact of non-compliance with the law is revealed.

That is, when making a decision on possible sanctions against a citizen, it should be taken into account that the countdown of the two-month period begins from the moment the circumstances of the unlawful act were revealed.

Question 3

The passport was not promptly replaced upon reaching the age specified in the Regulations. Can a citizen be considered to be living on an invalid document if he has a different identity document?

Regulatory acts of the Russian Federation establish the procedure and deadlines for obtaining a new document confirming the identity of the owner. However, if the allotted period is missed, then the passport is no longer valid, which means it should be considered invalid. According to Part 1 of Art. 19.15 of the Administrative Code, a citizen will be held accountable regardless of whether he has other evidence.

Execution of the resolution

For citizens who violate the provisions of the Code, a monetary penalty in the form of an administrative fine has been established.

The coverage procedure includes several points:

  • payment is made by the guilty person in full;
  • term - 60 days from the moment the decision comes into force;
  • if a minor has no income, then the funds must be provided by his legal representative;
  • the amount is paid by transfer to a credit institution using a bank payment service;
  • after paying off the fine, the financial institution is obliged to send the data to the State Information System.

The website of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has implemented a convenient service with which a passport can be easily checked for compliance with the list of invalid ones. It is enough to enter the number and series of the document to receive a response in real time.

So, with regard to the fine for an expired passport, we can conclude that the legislation does indeed provide for sanctions. At the same time, we should not forget that we are primarily talking about residence on a certificate, which for a number of reasons requires replacement, or is lost altogether.

Citizen identity documents are issued by all countries of the world. Russian passports have the peculiarity that within the country one document is used - an internal passport, and abroad another - a foreign passport. A foreign passport, depending on its type, is issued for 5 or 10 years and requires replacement upon expiration or when there are no more blank pages for border crossing marks and visas. In this article we will look at the question of when an internal identity card must be replaced, and what the fine is for an expired passport in Russia.

A passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, not intended for foreign travel, is often called internal. The name is unofficial, but very accurately reflects reality. This document is intended to verify the identity of a citizen within Russian state. A number of other important notes are added to the passport that are not included in the foreign passport. This is information about registration (registration), marriage and children of a citizen.

All Russian citizens over the age of 14 are required to obtain a passport, otherwise this will be a violation of the passport regime and will entail punishment. Of course, no one will be punished for not having a passport at the age of 14, and there is no need to run for it right on your birthday. But the state has established certain deadlines for completing all necessary procedures for obtaining and exchanging the document.

Yes, in some cases your passport needs to be replaced, including after its expiration date. Responsibility for an expired passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation exists, and violators will not be able to avoid it.

Reasons for exchange

Replacement of a citizen’s internal passport Russian Federation is carried out on the following grounds:

  • Damage to a document. Passports may wear out due to prolonged use. In addition, the document may fall into water and become wet, it may be accidentally spilled with coloring or adhesive substances, and the passport may be burnt. In general, there are many ways to damage a document. It is important to remember one thing - a Russian citizen is obliged to take care of his identity card, and there is a fine for damaging it. In 2017, the amount of this penalty ranges from 100 to 300 rubles (Article 19.16 of the Administrative Code).
  • Change of passport data. If the owner of the document has changed his last name, first name or patronymic, date or place of birth, gender, or has radically changed his appearance, for example, had plastic surgery, the passport must be replaced.
  • Replacement upon reaching a certain age. Russians receive their first passport at the age of 14. It's no secret that age-related changes noticeably change their appearance. In order for the photograph to match the appearance of the passport holder, two mandatory replacements of the document are provided: upon reaching the age of 20 and 45 years.

We will soon tell you what will happen if you do not change your passport. Now let’s focus on the fact that from the moment one of the events described above occurs, the passport becomes invalid, and, therefore, the owner of such a document actually does not have an identity card: from the point of view of the law, the invalidity of a passport is equivalent to its absence.

What is the deadline for replacement?

Most readers are interested in the question of how long a passport can be expired, and now we will answer it. Formally, there is no such thing as an expired passport: you either have an identity document or you do not have such a document.

You can talk about delay only at the end of a certain validity period; similar grounds arise when you reach the age of 20 and 45 years. However, in this case, your passport is invalid and formally you simply do not have it. We talk about delay only because many citizens at the everyday level use this very term.

Let us answer the question of when a passport is considered expired: immediately after the occurrence of an event that requires its replacement. You spilled compote on your passport or dropped it into the river - right at that moment it became invalid. When a Russian is between 20 and 45 years old, this moment occurs at 00.00 hours of the next day.

The answer to the question of what to do if your passport is expired is elementary - the passport needs to be changed. Contact the appropriate authorities and submit Required documents, pay the state fee and fine and receive a new document proving your identity.

The state understands that it is impossible to instantly apply for a document, and therefore a deadline has been set for its replacement.

You must submit documents to receive a new passport within 30 days from the date of the event requiring its replacement.

Until you receive a new document, you will not formally have a passport. Using an existing expired document, for example, it is impossible to receive a parcel. However, if you promptly contacted the department of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, you will not face any liability.

Let us immediately answer the question of how much it costs to change an expired passport: the cost of the service consists of several payments. This is a state fee, a fine for violations and minor expenses for photographing and making copies of documents. The state fee for replacing or obtaining a passport upon reaching the age of 14, 20 and 45 years in 20017 is 300 rubles, if the document is damaged or lost - 1,500 rubles plus a fine of 100 to 300 rubles for its damage (this fine can replace an oral reprimand).

Amount of fine for late replacement

Many people are interested in what the fine is for an expired passport at 20 years old or upon reaching the age of 45 years, but the size of the fine does not depend on these circumstances. There are other circumstances that mitigate or aggravate guilt. Depending on them, the official who will make the decision can punish the citizen within the limits established by law.

The amount of the fine, if the passport is expired by 1 year, 1 day or five years, is within the same legal limits. Naturally, when determining the specific amount of payment, these terms will be taken into account, but in comparison with the thirty days allotted for replacement, even one year is already a long time. True, a couple of days of delay may turn out to be unpunished.

The maximum fine for untimely change of passport after marriage in 2017 is calculated according to top bar Articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses for living without identification documents. It is under this article of the code that any of the above violations are punished.

Art. 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for living without such documents in the form of a fine of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles. If a similar violation is recorded in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the fine increases to 3,000–5,000 rubles.

Mitigating and aggravating circumstances

Mitigating circumstances for administrative violations, Part 1 of Art. 4.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has provided quite a lot. They are considered:

  • repentance,
  • cessation of the illegal act,
  • commission of a violation by a woman in a state of pregnancy or a minor, as well as in a state of passion due to the prevailing circumstances.

In addition, the following are taken into account:

  • voluntary notification by the violator of the violation,
  • preventing them from the grave consequences of the violation,
  • eliminating the violation before receiving an order,
  • voluntary compensation for harm caused.

In our case, only the continuation of the violation, despite the warning received, can be considered aggravating circumstances (paragraph 1 of Article 4.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Are there ways to avoid paying a fine?

The violator will most likely not be able to avoid a fine for overstaying his passport. Sooner or later, when a valid document is needed, he will personally go to law enforcement agencies to replace it and bring there evidence of his guilt in the form of an invalid passport. Officials involved in registration will immediately issue a protocol and punishment in the form of a fine.

You can try to change an expired passport without a fine if the established replacement period has been exceeded by several days. In this case, you can refer to Art. 2.9 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This article gives officials the right, if the offense is minor, to limit themselves to a verbal reprimand instead of applying the full rigor of the law. However, the decision about whether to do this is made by the official, not you.

Thus, there is no answer to the question of how to avoid paying a fine for a passport. You can ask not to be fined, sometimes they can meet you halfway, but they are not obliged to do this. The inevitability of punishment for violations of the law is the cornerstone of the rule of law, and it is this circumstance, and not the amount of the fine itself, that forces the state to establish penalties for violating the law.

Methods of paying a fine

You can pay a fine for late receipt of a passport at the age of 14 at almost any bank branch. In addition, most payment terminals or online banking allow you to do this. The main thing when using any of these methods is to correctly indicate the details used to make the payment. You can find out this information at the local branch of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The same answer can be given to the question of where to pay the fine for an expired passport at the age of 45 and in all other cases when you have committed an administrative offense in the field of passport regime.

Punishment for defaulters

In addition to restrictions such as a ban on traveling abroad, more severe penalties are applied to persistent defaulters, such as: administrative arrest for up to 15 days, community service for up to 52 hours, and a second fine of double size.

MFC - obtaining and replacing a passport for free: Video

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a fine for an expired passport - a special measure that acts as an incentive for citizens of the Russian Federation who need to replace the document. The article contains information about what punishment faces in case of overdue passport and other issues that could lead to the initiation of a case of an administrative offense.

A Russian passport is a document that allows you to establish the identity of a citizen on the territory of Russia. Every citizen of Russia must have the document. This is established by the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, approved by Government Decree No. 828 of 07/08/1997.

The short form of this provision is stated in the passport - on its last pages. If you carefully study the extracts from the document, you can read that it is mandatory to change your passport upon reaching 20 and 45 years of age. At the same time, the passport does not contain any mention of the amount of the fine for an expired document, or of other penalties for untimely replacement.

Article 19.15 “Residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation without an identification document of a citizen (passport)” of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation determines the fine for an expired document.

The sanction for violation is a fine of 2000–3000 rubles. Installed for residents of St. Petersburg and Moscow large sum– 3000–5000 rubles.

The amount of the fine for an expired passport at 20 and at 45 years

First, you need to understand what an expired passport is. The provision of the code determines the need for citizens to replace their passports at 20 and 45 years of age.

A citizen will have to pay a fine only if he/she has not submitted documents within 30 days after reaching 20 or 45 years of age at the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS).

The specified period refers only to the deadline for submitting documents. The production of the passport itself will require a certain amount of time:

  • When applying to the Federal Migration Service at your place of residence – 10 days;
  • When applying to a territorial authority located in another region (not the one in which you are registered) - 2 months.

How to avoid a fine for an expired passport

Article 19.15 clearly states that a citizen must have a passport, and if he lives without it or has an expired document, then an administrative penalty may be imposed on him - a fine.

You should start by determining who should have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - all citizens who live in Russia.

Next moment- Which passport is invalid? This is a document containing marks not defined by the “Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation”.

For violation of this provision, a sanction is provided - a fine, the amount of which is from 2000 to 3000 rubles. For those who live in Moscow or St. Petersburg - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. There are no other options. The amount of the fine is established by officials of the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Circumstances affecting the amount of late fees

Code of Administrative Offenses - Article 4.2 defines circumstances that mitigate guilt and can completely eliminate the need to pay a fine:

  • When an offense is committed by a pregnant woman or a woman with minor children;
  • The offender is a minor;
  • The offense was committed at a time of great emotional distress or as a result of severe life situation;
  • The offender fulfilled all legal requirements;
  • Citizen's remorse;
  • The violation was committed with the assistance of internal affairs bodies.

The presented list is open - when a judge considers an administrative offense, he may recognize other circumstances.

Article 4.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses also defines aggravating circumstances that lead to an increase in the fine for overstaying a passport:

  • Cases where minors were involved in committing a violation;
  • An entire muscle group was involved in the offense;
  • The offense was committed repeatedly;
  • The offense was committed while intoxicated.

Exemption from payment of fine

It's possible! Article 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses determines that when a minor administrative offense is committed, a judge or other official has the right to grant exemption from administrative liability by making an oral reprimand to the violator.

There is one more important circumstance that should not be ignored: if, after issuing a new passport, the UVM authorities discovered a delay, but 2 months have already passed from that moment, then they no longer have the right to impose an administrative penalty - the statute of limitations for bringing to justice liability defined in Article 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses has expired.

Consequences of non-compliance with the decision

After the decision to impose a fine has entered into force, 60 days are given to pay it. If the deadline is missed, then, according to the provisions of the article, a fine of 2 times the amount may be imposed, or the violator may be sent to correctional labor - up to 50 hours, or another penalty may be established - administrative arrest for up to 15 days.
