Do-it-yourself Buleryan stove from a profile pipe. Do-it-yourself Buleryan oven: what materials and tools are needed? Video: Buleryan and garage heating

The Buleryan stove, or as it is also called “breneran”, appeared among heating devices a long time ago. Canadian lumberjacks came up with this homemade stove to quickly heat the most frozen room. Initially, it was created with my own hands for use in suburban housing, where there were no heating systems, but today it is considered one of the most popular heating installations, because it works on any solid fuel. The exception is coal.

The cost of industrial samples of the Buleryan stove is quite high and depends on the size of the firebox. Despite the not entirely simple configuration, it is quite possible to create a Buleryan stove with your own hands.

Advantages of a DIY oven:

  • simplicity of design and operation;
  • use of any solid fuel except coal;
  • Efficiency reaches 80%;
  • fast heating and long-term maintenance of the achieved temperature.
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Principle of operation

The operation is based on the principle of forced convection. This is a kind of hybrid of a wood-burning stove and a regular potbelly stove. A series of pipes curved at the top and bottom encircles the combustion chamber. The cold air entering the lower openings is very quickly heated by the firebox to about 100 degrees. The products of fuel combustion enter the secondary combustion chamber using convection pipes. This is where the final combustion of the incoming gas mixture occurs.

The heated air, under the influence of convection forces, is pushed into the upper openings of the curved pipes and enters the room, quickly heating it. The air is not pumped into anything, but the heating device can warm up several cubic meters of air in a minute and can heat even a small two-storey house.

First, the furnace itself heats up quickly. During this phase, fuel is added frequently, but when the stove warms up, fuel replenishment only needs to be done twice a day. A very high temperature provides an efficiency of about 80. It is possible to use Buleryan with a water heating circuit. Using simple control devices, the oven can be adjusted to two operating modes.

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Before you start making the installation of the Buleryan stove with your own hands, you need to study its structure. The stove is a solid metal structure consisting of a combustion chamber that wraps around several metal pipes. At the front of the heating unit there is a door designed for loading fuel. There is also an air regulation device here. With its help, you can change the combustion mode in the combustion chamber, where the recombustion chamber is located. A pipe is led from it under the chimney to remove combustion products.

A design feature is curved pipes connected to the firebox.

In order to increase heat transfer efficiency, you can perform following works:

  • thorough thermal insulation of the chimney;
  • equipment in the blower heating unit;
  • arrangement of an ash pit for fuel combustion waste;
  • assembly of a double back wall or a two-layer body.

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Using these drawings of the Buleryan stove, you can make a unit with your own hands small sizes for heating greenhouses and garages. To manufacture a unit for the purpose of heating large areas, for example, a house, the volume of the furnace and the number of convection pipes must be increased by one and a half to two times.

The sequence of manufacturing a homemade Buleryan type stove

To make a stove with your own hands, you need the following materials:

  • pipes with outer d 50-60 mm;
  • sheet metal 2 mm thick;
  • sheet metal with a thickness of 3 mm;
  • metal pipe d 100-110 mm.

To carry out work on the manufacture of a heating unit, in addition to the usual tools, you will need a welding machine and a pipe bender.

Do-it-yourself Buleryan installation sequence:

  • installation of convection pipes;
  • case manufacturing;
  • installation of rear and front walls;
  • making a firebox door;
  • grinding and polishing seams.

Preparation and installation of convection pipes

Eight identical blanks approximately 1.2 m long are cut from a pipe d 50-60 mm. Having bent them with a pipe bender at an angle of about 900, they begin welding. The radius of curvature and shape of all pipes must be the same. The pipes must be welded symmetrically. The outlet part of the pipes goes outside during installation.

Rice. 4 Installation of convection pipes
and pallet

Case manufacturing

When assembling the circuit, the pipes are initially fastened with spot tacks on a sheet blank cut out in advance according to the drawing, bent at an angle of about 1600 and installed horizontally between the pipes. Its thickness should be over 2.5 mm.

This is the future pan of the combustion chamber where the fuel will burn. To make cleaning easier, it is better not to bend it, as mentioned earlier, but to weld it in two parts at an angle to each other. Both options are acceptable.

To facilitate installation and fitting of parts, it is better to first make patterns from cardboard, and then begin preparing parts from sheet iron.

It is important that symmetry was maintained from the very beginning of the installation of the circuit. There should be no distortions or situations where some part is misaligned.

Having installed the sheet blanks of the upper part of the combustion chamber, it is well boiled along the contour.

Eight parts of the sheet steel housing, manufactured in accordance with the drawing, are point-fixed to installed pipes. This is the future frame of the heating unit.

Installation of rear and front walls

The most important thing in a homemade stove made according to the Buleryan type is dimensional accuracy and correct production front door. The efficiency of the unit directly depends on the tightness of its fit.

The back and front walls of the future furnace can most accurately be made from metal using a template. By attaching the cardboard to the side and tracing around the perimeter with a pencil, you will get the exact dimensions of the walls.

Then the back wall of the stove, in which there is an already cut hole for the chimney pipe, is installed on the seat and is also grabbed.

After this, the chimney pipe is welded into the hole. For it, a pipe blank d 100-110 mm with a wall thickness of 3-5 mm is used. The height of the chimney must be more than 3 m. To do this, it is necessary to correctly calculate the height from the umbrella above the chimney to the ridge of the roof.

Making the fuel chamber door

A hole is cut out in the front part of the structure through which fuel will be loaded. Its diameter is approximately 50% of the diameter of the furnace itself.

The optimal option for its location: the center of the hole is below the axis of the structure. A ring of sheet metal, to which the oven door will adjoin. The width of the ring is about 40 mm.

After this you should check assembled circuit for stability and, if necessary, make adjustments to the system. Then you can weld all the joints and gaps between the parts.

The firebox door is cut out of sheet metal with a thickness of at least 2.5 mm. At the bottom of the door there is a pipe with a damper. It is used to regulate the level of fuel combustion.

The door is hung on hinges welded to the front wall. Loops can be either industrial standard or self-made from metal residues. Next, a lock is welded to lock the door, which usually looks like two coaxial holes that are secured with a pin. Now you can clean up the welds and grind them.

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Legs for the furnace are made from the remaining metal and welded to the body of the structure.

You can use an old heating boiler as walls for the stove. This option is convenient because much less welding work is required.

To increase operating efficiency by increasing traction, the entire installation must be located at a distance of at least 0.3 m from the floor surface. You can also connect air ducts to the outlet openings of convectors.

Disadvantages of the stove

The disadvantage of a Buleryan type stove is that it is quite problematic to warm up rooms separated by walls. This problem is eliminated with the help of air ducts. For good heat transfer, heating air ducts to adjacent rooms are enclosed in special corrugated pipes.

Another disadvantage is the rapid cooling of air in a heated room after complete combustion of fuel. The dimensions of the heating unit are of paramount importance.

The larger the volume of the combustion chamber, the faster the room warms up:

  • firebox volume 40 l – heating rate 4.5 m3/min;
  • firebox volume 50 l – heating rate 9.0 m3/min;
  • firebox volume 100 l – heating rate 18.0 m3/min.

You need to remember the basic criteria for safe operation of the stove. When Buleryan is located in a residential area, the distance to the walls should be at least half a meter.

Usually the heating complex is located on a small podium made of non-flammable material. It is best if it is a welded structure.

If the chimney is poorly insulated, the stove will smoke. The same will happen when tar accumulates on the walls of the chimney. Therefore, it should be cleaned at least once a year.

In front of the firebox, a metal sheet is laid out on the floor, which will protect the room from fire in the event of burning fuel or a spark. Soon after starting work, Buleryan becomes very hot and if you carelessly touch the surface of the case, you can get burned. Therefore, it is better to install a stove of this type not in the living room or hall, but in the utility room.

The leadership in the manufacture of the Buleryan stove, or as it is also called, Breneran, belongs to Canadian heating engineers, who were tasked with developing an effective small-sized design for heating temporary housing for teams of lumberjacks. The technical specifications were embodied in a solid fuel unit, vaguely reminiscent of the familiar potbelly stove. Due to the improved combustion chamber and the use of forced convection, specialists were able to increase efficiency and reduce the time required to warm up the coldest room. Today, such solid fuel stoves are mass-produced, and the model range of any manufacturer includes up to a dozen units that differ from each other both in power and design. Since factory-made products often have a completely unaffordable price, we recommend making buleryan with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Canadian stove

The specifics of using the Buleryan stove initially required compliance with several mandatory requirements, which subsequently made the unit famous throughout the world. The design of the heating device had to ensure:

  1. Mobility. Since cutting down trees involves constant movement through the forest, the logger’s stove is constantly transported from one place to another, and from transport to room is carried by hand.
  2. Compactness. The unit must have a configuration and dimensions that make it possible to install the device in small temporary buildings.
  3. Safety. Since the operation of a buleryan involves installing a heating device directly in a residential area, its design must exclude the possibility of carbon monoxide leakage. This was made possible due to the sealed working chamber and the decision in favor of a single-door design. Another important plus is that the configuration of the body prevents the body of the furnace from accidentally touching the hot metal.
  4. Performance. Using forced convection makes it possible to warm up a room in record time. This condition is met thanks to a system of channels that accelerate air exchange.
  5. Opportunity long work. Configuration working area and the design of the blower allows the buleryan to work for several hours on one load of fuel, and firewood, bark, wood chips, shavings, etc. can be used as fuel.
    It is not recommended to heat the stove with coal, since due to the high combustion temperature of this fuel, the metal of the body overheats and becomes deformed. As a result, the geometry of the device is distorted, the combustion door does not close, and cracks in the places of welded joints.

    It is quite easy to circumvent the manufacturers' ban on the use of high-temperature fuel. To do this, it is enough to equip the lower part of the heat exchangers with a manifold and supply air using any blower. Accelerating heat transfer will reduce the temperature of the buleryan to a safe level.

  6. Simplicity and reliability. When developing the design of the solid fuel unit, engineers took into account that it would be operated in places remote from civilization. To manufacture or repair a Canadian potbelly stove, no special equipment or expensive materials are required, and for a beginner to operate the stove, a little instruction is sufficient.

As you can see, the advantages of Buleryan were incorporated into the design at the design stage. Perhaps the developers had no idea that their brainchild would become so popular and would be used both in everyday life and in production. Of course, like any other design, a convection oven of this type is not without some disadvantages. First of all, the unit achieves its declared performance only when using absolutely dry firewood. When the fuel humidity is more than 10%, the released water vapor prevents the flow of air and reduces the combustion intensity, which leads to a decrease in efficiency. In addition, like any potbelly stove, the Buleryan does not retain heat at all - it is enough for the fuel to burn out and the temperature in the room begins to drop.

The disadvantages of the design include the fact that the operation of the stove assumes a gas-generating mode of operation, in which the wood smolders more than it burns. This process is accompanied by increased smoke formation, which leads to the release of harmful substances and tar deposits in the smoke channel. Often the outer part of the chimney and nearby areas of the roof are covered with an oily substance, which does not add any attractiveness to the picture. It is also important that when installing a stove, additional requirements are put forward for thermal insulation and the height of the chimney, otherwise the efficiency of its operation will be reduced.

As you can see, the unit is not without its shortcomings, which both the developers and the owners honestly point out. Nevertheless, the numerous advantages of Buleryan have made this heater one of the most popular units on the market of compact solid fuel equipment.

Varieties with photos and geography of use of buleryan

In order to understand the difference between buleryan, breneran, buller, Butakov oven and other types of convection ovens, let’s take a closer look at all the nuances. First of all, we note that “Buleryan” is a brand of the German company Bulerjan, which produces super-potbelly stoves. Ovens of this type are often called the shorter word buller. “Breneran” are the same units, but produced by domestic factories under license. The furnace developed in Russia by Professor Butakov is very similar in operating principle to the original design, but has some differences:

  • recessed convection heat exchangers;
  • cubic body shape instead of cylindrical;
  • the use of an ash pan and grate;
  • flat platform at the top of the cabinet for heating food.

In fact, the use of a grate in a gas-generating unit is unnecessary, since intensive burning of wood is expected only in the first minutes after ignition. In addition, its purpose is unclear, given that it is located below the level of the blower. There are also doubts about the effectiveness of the platform for installing a pot or kettle. When entering operating mode, the temperature of the buleryan rarely reaches even 75 ° C, so it will take a lot of time to warm up the food.

Although heating device originally developed as a furnace with air heat exchanger, some craftsmen loop convection channels by connecting them to a water heating system. The resulting aquabuller, of course, has the right to exist, but the feasibility of such a solution is questionable. Firstly, the heat capacity of air is 800 times less than that of water, so a furnace designed for convection will operate with reduced efficiency under liquid heat exchange conditions. Secondly, even if we take Breneran as a long-burning unit, this is also irrational, since there are more suitable specialized designs of solid fuel boilers that use pyrolysis. Despite this, aquabullers have found their place in the line of units, which are a modernized buleryan.

To retain heat from a potbelly stove longer, owners use various heat-storing devices that are installed on convection pipes. In addition, buleryans are often wrapped in brickwork, creating a kind of fireplace with holes for warm air to escape on the sides. This option looks good in a country house. According to the owners, the symbiosis of the buller with brick stove allows you to keep the room warm for up to 8 hours, which is quite enough for comfortable living in the winter.

Despite the fact that the calorific furnace was originally developed for domestic use, currently buleryan is widely used in all areas of economic activity:

  • for heating dachas and country houses, including wooden ones;
  • in production workshops;
  • for heating utility rooms;
  • in garages and workshops;
  • in baths and saunas;
  • to maintain the required temperature in greenhouses;
  • as heating units for country cafes and restaurants;
  • for heating administrative buildings in rural areas, etc.

The classic buleryan stove is not suitable for heating tents.

When installing a buleryan, be sure to take into account the power and dimensions of the heating unit, since this determines whether the device can evenly heat the entire room. It is equally important to choose the right place to install the Canadian stove, equip the chimney according to all the rules and ensure its regular maintenance.

Design features and principle of operation

When developing Brenaran, Canadian specialists used the long-known design of a long-burning convection boiler, called a calorific furnace. Thanks to the increase in the combustion door, it became possible to load not only chopped logs, but also parts of rhizomes, as well as large logs. The new form of the blower - in the form of a pipe embedded in the loading hatch - made it possible to abandon the two-door design. To regulate the amount of air required for fuel combustion, a throttle was installed inside the blower - a round rotary valve. The external throttle control lever allows, if necessary, to reduce or increase the air flow, thereby controlling the power of the buleryan.

The furnace of the heating unit is metal cylinder, on both sides of which tubular metal heat exchangers, bent in the form of elbows, are embedded at equal intervals. Due to the fact that two-thirds of the diameter of the pipes are recessed into the body of the stove and are located in the combustion zone, the air receives up to 70% of the heat that is released when burning wood. The remaining kilocalories heat the body of the stove and are subsequently also spent on heating the room. Thanks to this distribution, the body of the buleryan usually heats up to only 60–65 °C, while the air that leaves the convection channels has a temperature of more than 100 °C. It must be said that it is the high heating rate that ensures the active suction of cold air masses in the lower part of the tubular heat exchangers and their release from the upper openings of the heater.

The combustion space inside the device is divided into three chambers. A metal under or removable grate is installed in the lower part of the furnace at a height of up to ¼ of the body diameter. You can do without these elements, but with them it will be easier to light the stove and remove ash. Under the arch of the firebox, at the same distance from the body as underneath, a perforated metal sheet is welded, which does not reach the loading hatch a quarter of the length of the buleryan. The upper chamber is designed for afterburning volatile compounds that are released when the unit operates in gas generator mode.

The combustion products are removed through a hole located in the afterburner chamber, on the side of the rear wall of the unit. A damper with a 90-degree sector cut out is mounted at the beginning of the smoke channel. In addition, around the damper (a metal plate that regulates chimney draft) there is a gap of at least 10–15% of the chimney diameter. This design makes it possible to set the correct draft and at the same time does not allow carbon monoxide to enter the room, even if the smoke channel is completely blocked during intense gas formation.

A horizontal section of the chimney, designed to reduce the temperature of combustion products, extends from the outlet opening, and then an elbow is installed that directs the pipe vertically. Here, “real” units manufactured by Bulerjan are equipped with a device for pyrolysis combustion of gases, called an economizer. The chimney must be high enough to obtain high-quality draft and insulated so as not to allow the combustion products to cool too much. If this requirement is not met, as well as when using fuel with a high moisture content, the temperature in the afterburning chamber will be reduced, as a result of which the content of tar and other unsafe carbon compounds in the flue gases will increase.

Drawings and diagrams of buleryan for making it yourself

Despite the fact that manufacturers keep the exact parameters and drawings of the convection ovens they produce secret, taking dimensions from the finished product is not difficult. Thanks to passionate people, today we have an almost complete set of design documentation. It must be said that when making a buleryan it is important to observe the ratio of the sizes of all parts of the unit, so you can adapt the drawings presented below as an example to your conditions.

Drawing of the buleryan door

What you need to make a Breneran type convection oven

In order to get a truly reliable and durable heating unit, it is made of thick metal. The best material considered to be heat-resistant boiler steel, which can be purchased at specialized offices. Before starting work, prepare:

  • rolled steel sheets with a thickness of at least 5 mm, size 1000x2000 mm;
  • sheet of heat-resistant steel 6 mm thick, 400 mm wide and 700 mm long;
  • a small piece of steel sheet 3–4 mm thick for making valves;
  • steel pipe Ø110 mm - 4 meters;
  • round thick-walled pipe Ø57 mm or profile metal pipe with a thickness of 4 mm and dimensions of at least 60x60 mm - more than 10 m;
  • steel tube Ø15 mm - 40 cm;
  • rings for the door, cut from a pipe Ø350 mm;
  • powerful loops for fastening the loading hatch;
  • handle with a locking mechanism for the door;
  • pieces of steel rod Ø8 mm for the manufacture of air and smoke damper levers;
  • asbestos cord.

Often, zealous owners use cylinders or metal barrels to make furnace parts, but the materials from which they are made are not always suitable for the needs that they are going to satisfy with the help of such a homemade product.

Tools and devices that will be needed in the process of making a Canadian stove:

  • powerful pipe bender;
  • welding machine;
  • angle grinder (grinder);
  • cutting and cleaning discs;
  • electric drill and set of drills for working on metal;
  • hammer;
  • roulette.

If possible, then open it metal sheet It is better to do it with a gas cutter or other special equipment. Firstly, this will save more than one cutting disc for an angle grinder, and secondly, after the gas cutter, the round body parts will only require a little grinding of the edges. If you use an angle grinder, you will need to put a lot of effort into turning the polygons cut out with it into circles.

Instructions for making a stove

When starting to build a calorific furnace, it is better to carry out the work step by step. This way, you will be able to avoid mistakes and miscalculations that may lead to the dismantling of welded parts and the need to remake ready-made components. Our instructions are written step by step and take into account the experience of manufacturing the unit by more than one craftsman, therefore, using the presented algorithm, you will be able to do the work not only quickly, but also efficiently.

  1. The pipe intended for the manufacture of convection heat exchangers is cut into identical pieces 120–140 cm long (at least eight sections should be obtained), which are bent at an angle of 75–80 degrees using a pipe bending device. In this case, the radius of curvature should be 22–23 cm, and the discrepancy in the geometry of the parts should not exceed several millimeters.
  2. WITH inside In the two resulting blanks, slots are made into which sections of 20-centimeter pipes Ø15 mm are installed at a slight angle to the heat exchangers so that at least 15 cm remains outside. After this, all the cracks are carefully sealed by welding. During installation, this pair of pipes is installed at the door, since they will provide air injection into the combustion zone.
  3. The pipes are laid one on top of the other, alternately oriented in opposite directions. To make the structure stable, slats are used, the thickness of which is equal to the diameter of the pipes.

    In some cases, an assembly frame is mounted and each heat exchanger is welded. It is important that the protruding parts of the pipes are the same length. The result should be a furnace frame that consists of at least 4 heat exchangers installed on each side in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, the depth of the buleryan will be about 50 cm.

  4. The parts of the furnace frame are welded together, after which the lower partition of the firebox is cut out from a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 5 mm. In order to reduce the time for fitting a metal part, a template is made from thick cardboard, and then its contours are transferred to the rolled metal.
  5. The partition is installed in place, after which the places where it adjoins the convection pipes are welded with a continuous seam.
  6. The gaps between the heat exchangers are also covered with steel strips, with each panel pre-fitted using a separate template.
  7. The joints between the furnace body and the pipes are welded with a continuous seam, after which the slag is removed and the quality of the weld is checked.
  8. Two similar shaped elements are cut out of a steel sheet, which will form the front and back walls of the furnace. To avoid time-consuming adjustments, during the work process they use the same method of obtaining the exact configuration of parts using cardboard templates.
  9. A Ø110 mm hole is cut out in the rear wall for installing a chimney, while in the front wall there is an opening Ø350 mm for installing a loading door.
  10. A T-shaped structure is made from two sections of 110 mm pipe, designed to remove combustion products and collect condensate. Its lower part is covered with a round steel flange, which is secured using M8 threaded studs welded to the pipe. To remove condensate, a threaded pipe Ø15 mm is cut into the flange, onto which a 1/2˝ ball valve is installed.
  11. A round valve with a diameter of 90–95 mm is made from a steel plate 4 mm thick, in which a rectangular sector is cut out. By bending a piece of Ø8 mm rod at an angle of 90°, a gate axis with a rotary lever is formed.
  12. Using an electric drill with a Ø8.5 mm drill, install the rod in the center of the smoke channel, after which the damper itself is welded to it. After this, the T-shaped chimney assembly is mounted by welding on the rear wall of the stove.
  13. A blower is made in a similar way. To do this, take a 100 mm piece of pipe Ø60 mm into which a throttle is installed. Unlike a damper, the air damper must fit exactly internal size channel and cover it without gaps. To fix the throttle in the desired position, it is equipped with a spring mechanism.
  14. A 40 mm wide ring cut from a 350 mm steel pipe is welded into the window of the front panel of the case.
  15. A front door with a diameter of 370 mm is cut out of sheet metal. In the lower third of the part, an opening is made into which the blower is welded.
  16. In order to ensure a tight fit of the door to the combustion window, a gas seal is installed on it. This unit is made from two steel strips 4 mm wide or pipe sections Ø350 mm, for which they are cut crosswise. After this, a part 50 mm long is cut from the circumference of one part, and this section is welded to the other. One of the rings should fit freely into the loading opening, while the other should be installed on top of it with a small gap. The parts are welded to the door, ensuring precise centering of all elements. After this, the gap between the rings is filled with asbestos cord packing - it will serve as a sealing element of the structure.
  17. To prevent the door from heating up during operation of the furnace, a reflective screen made of sheet metal is mounted on it on the firebox side. In this case, it is important to ensure an air gap of at least 3 mm and free access of air from the blower to the combustion zone.
  18. Hinges and a locking mechanism are welded to the loading hatch. By the way, a tight door seal can be achieved by installing an eccentric bolt, the design of which is illustrated below.
  19. The front wall of the buleryan is welded in the same way as the rear panel, after which a hatch and a fixing device bracket are mounted on it.
  20. To supply additional air to the afterburning zone, the front wall of the furnace body is equipped with injection device. Making this unit is not difficult, and its design can be seen in the bottom photo.
  21. Legs and stands are welded to the bottom of the potbelly stove in the front and rear parts so that the distance from the edge of the heat exchangers to the floor is at least 200 mm.
  22. Buleryan is connected to the chimney, after which the heating unit is ignited and tested.

It is important to maintain precision and accuracy in your work, so it is better to take several measurements each time, work slowly, clean the welds and metal edges abrasive wheel, etc. Don’t forget about safety precautions. It is best to work in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area, be sure to use protective clothing, safety glasses and gloves.

After testing and installing the unit in a permanent place, its body is painted with a special heat-resistant paint. This will add aesthetics to the potbelly stove and protect the metal from corrosion.

Refinement and modernization of the heating device

The design of the Canadian stove is designed to heat one room, since walls and partitions create a barrier to heated air flows. The installation of a metal unit in residential premises greatly affects the aesthetic value of the interior, and the need to throw firewood in the middle of the night so as not to freeze in the morning can hardly be called comfortable operation. Numerous owners of calorific furnaces are trying to solve these and other disadvantages of buleryan. And, I must say, not without success.

Distributing heat throughout the rooms of the house

In order to heat the whole house with buleryan, and not just one room, corrugated pipes are connected to the heat exchangers of the unit, which are led through the wall of the room, and the opening is ennobled with the help of a decorative grille. Of course, the ideal option is when this type of heating is considered at the building design stage. Then special channels are provided in the walls of all rooms to supply warm air. Nevertheless, even in a house built a long time ago, such a scheme can be implemented if you install a calorific furnace in the basement and run air ducts through the floor of each room on the floor. This fulfills the requirement for heat supply at the lower level and ensures ease of maintenance of the unit.

Air heating of every room in the building will require a slight improvement in the design of the buller. First of all, this concerns the air supply - natural inflow will not be enough, therefore, on the bottom side of the unit, collectors are installed on each row of heat exchangers, which will ensure the distribution of air coming from duct fans. The same collectors are installed at the outlet of each group of air ducts. They will mix air masses coming from parts of the unit with different temperatures. Insulated corrugated pipes are connected to the output manifold, through which heat will be distributed to each room. Since the air temperature at the outlet of the heater reaches 120 °C, when laying pipes through ceilings and partitions, the conditions provided for the installation of chimneys must be observed.

Improving the appearance of the unit using brick or stone masonry

If you cover the Canadian unit with brick, you can simultaneously solve several problems:

  • increase the aesthetic value of the stove in the interior;
  • ensure safety during operation of the unit;
  • increase the thermal capacity of the structure.

A buleryan stylized as a fireplace or Russian stove looks especially advantageous, and if in addition to this the front door is equipped with tempered heat-resistant glass, then such a unit can create a unique atmosphere of comfort and homely warmth, while also performing the main function of heating square meters.

If you decide to decorate the Buleryan yourself using bricks, for example, for a bath room, then keep in mind that if the height of the loading hatch is less than 40 cm from the floor, it will be inconvenient to heat the stove, and in addition, the design of the structure will suffer. The masonry should be as close as possible to the furnace body, and the gaps between the brick and the furnace must be filled with broken bricks, which are laid on the mortar. Remember - the masonry will play a role thermal battery, therefore, how long the oven will remain warm depends on its solidity. We remind you that during operation you must ensure that the inlet and outlet openings of the heat exchangers are outside the “fireplace” and that no construction waste gets into the pipes. It is best to cover the heat exchange channels with a rag at this time.

Converting a potbelly stove for liquid fuel

Although the Breneran was originally designed as a wood stove, it can be converted to work on diesel fuel or using cheaper fuel - used motor oil. Of course, this heating method is not suitable for a living space, but it is suitable for long-term heating of a garage or utility room.

To transfer Buleryan for testing you will need:

  • place an oil container on a slight elevation;
  • stretch the supply hose liquid fuel to the unit;
  • cut a hole in the combustion door for the tube to which the fuel supply control valve is connected.

When using used oil, it is important to ensure good traction and correctly regulate the fuel supply. Sometimes, instead of a homemade dropper, a factory burner specially designed for this type of fuel is installed on the hatch. Unlike a home-made device, an industrial nozzle ensures more complete combustion of waste.

Water circuit installation

As noted earlier, inquisitive minds have more than once modified the classic Buleryan to work in a liquid heating system. At the early stages, DIYers tried to loop all the heat exchangers into one circuit. The result was a coil, through which water circulated thanks to the use centrifugal pump. Later, a scheme was proposed that was similar to the previously described design for upgrading the unit to distribute air flow throughout all rooms in the house. The upper and lower sections of the heat exchangers were welded into cylindrical collectors, connecting the lower element to the return line, and the upper element to the supply pipeline. Thus, it became possible to install the unit not only in heating systems with forced supply of coolant, but also when using natural circulation of liquid. By the way, the disadvantage of buleryan, associated with the impossibility of working on high-temperature fuel such as coal, is eliminated by itself - thanks to its high heat capacity, water does an excellent job of cooling the walls of the unit.

As for making buleryan “from scratch,” the process is even simpler. Instead of making a frame from heat exchanger pipes, the body of the furnace is made entirely of sheet steel, resulting in a unit of the correct cylindrical shape. On top, the structure is wrapped in another cylinder, which serves as a water jacket. Since the lower part of the potbelly stove heats up weakly, the stove must be moved downwards relative to the casing. In order to make the most of all the heat, some craftsmen manage to install a water circuit at the exit of the smoke channel. In the photographs you can see all the nuances of the described metamorphoses.

If we take into account that in the vertical channel at the output of the buleryan there should be pyrolysis combustion exhaust gases, cooling this section of the chimney contradicts the very principle of operation of the stove, and therefore is hardly correct.

Correct operation and maintenance of the oven

For quick kindling stoves use finely chopped dry firewood, under which paper or cardboard is placed. After the wood is ignited, the main portion of fuel is added to the buleryan. It must be said that thick logs up to 40 cm long are ideal for this unit - they will give off heat for several hours. You should not warm up the stove for more than 20–30 minutes with the damper fully open - Breneran is designed to smolder fuel, so a large fire will simply carry the lion's share of the thermal energy into the chimney. In addition, a red-hot stove may warp or one of the welds may come apart.

After the wood has completely ignited, the stove is switched to gasification mode, for which the gate and throttle are closed. The operation of the unit in gas generator mode is indicated by a small flame under the roof of the fuel chamber, which accompanies the combustion process of the released gases.

The efficiency of the unit depends on how dry the firewood is. Therefore, it is recommended to dry the fuel before loading. By the way, for this you can use the heat of the melted stove itself if you place another armful of firewood on the heat exchange pipes.

Smoke filling the room when a potbelly stove is lit indicates one of the following errors:

  • insufficient chimney height. Excellent traction characteristics will be provided by a pipe with a height of at least 5 m, and its upper cut must be located above the roof;
  • the gate valve is closed;
  • deposits of condensate and soot narrowed the smoke channel so much that normal removal of combustion products became impossible. They need to be removed.

Contamination of the furnace during operation is manifested not only in deterioration of draft. Deposits on the gate prevent its normal closure, and a layer of soot on the internal surfaces of the heating unit significantly impairs heat transfer.

In order to clean buleryan, several methods are used, one of which involves burning out resins and soot. Experts do not recommend burning the unit, since this involves heating the stove and chimney to too high a temperature. In addition, the process is often accompanied by uncontrolled ignition and the release of burning residues onto the roof.

It is best to clean the buller and chimney using ancient methods using metal brushes and scrapers. Dirt and oily deposits are removed from the chimney by first removing the flange at its bottom. Inner surface The combustion chamber can be brought into proper shape using a small paint spatula or chisel.

Remember that if regular use of the buleryan requires cleaning the chimney more than twice a year, it means that the optimal operating mode of the stove has not been achieved. For efficient work The unit experiments with the position of the dampers, determining the position in which the fuel will burn completely.

Design and operating features of the heating system (video)

Difficulties in the manufacture of the Buleryan stove may arise not because of the structural complexity of the unit, but due to the lack of necessary skills when working with welding and plumbing equipment. Nevertheless, you should not despair prematurely - you can do some of the work yourself, and entrust the most complex and critical stages to professionals. Even despite the additional costs, the cost of a home-made air heater can be reduced by two or more times compared to factory products.

Externally, the Buleryan stove resembles a potbelly stove with a fancy design. But the efficiency of this device is much higher, and the scope of application is wider.

Models industrial production are quite popular, but by making a Buleryan stove with your own hands, you can provide heat for a garage, outbuilding, or even small house. Agree, the idea is interesting, and the savings on purchasing a new unit are quite noticeable.

In the prepared article you will find all the necessary information for constructing a heating unit. We will tell you how the Buleryan stove works and works, describe what materials and tools will be needed during the work, and also provide step by step instructions for making homemade products.

In addition, the article provides practical tips on arranging a chimney and maintaining a heating installation. By following our recommendations, you can organize efficient and safe heating of a small room.

The operating principle of the Buleryan is ingenious in its own way. It combines the operating features of a long-burning furnace and convection of air masses through special tubes. These elements allow you to immediately visually distinguish the Buleryan stove from other devices of this type. The combustion chamber is designed in such a way that the fuel burns slowly.

The highlight of the design is the air tubes. They are integrated into the combustion chamber body and form part of it. The upper and lower sections of these tubes remain open.

If desired side walls The body of the Buleryan stove can be made double by welding another sheet of metal on top to reduce heat loss

Cold air enters the air ducts from below, heats up quickly enough and exits through the upper openings into the room. Convection is carried out constantly, so gradually all the air in the room warms up well and quickly to a comfortable level.

Using tubes as the body of the device has another undoubted advantage: constant air circulation does not allow the surface to heat up to a dangerous level. As a result, it is much more difficult to get burned by touching the Buleryan stove than by contact with the surface of a potbelly stove.

In this way, you can heat not only air, but also water. To do this, you will have to connect the Buleryan stove to a heat exchanger through which it will pass.

Announcement: The article will help you understand the difficulties of making Buleryan with your own hands from various materials: profile or round pipe, gas cylinder, metal sheets. It also discusses the basic rules for operating long-term combustion furnaces.


Construction of the future stove

The Buleryan stove, also called the Breneran stove, is a solid fuel heating system that is simple to implement: it can be assembled by anyone who is familiar with metal material and knows its basic properties. Of course, working with iron requires a certain amount of care, unlike wood and concrete materials.

This type of stove involves a gas-generating type of wood combustion, that is, combustion products emit pyrolysis, which is sent to the afterburning chamber and, together with secondary air, is completely burned out. The final combustion product is sent through the chimney into the open air, leaving behind condensation.

The design of the Buleryan stove consists of several parts:

  • The combustion chamber is the most spacious part of the stove, it works as the main combustion chamber for wood, which is placed on convection pipes;
  • Afterburner chamber - a sheet of iron that separates the upper quarter from the general chamber; combustion products burn out in this part;
  • Pipe convector is a part of a device made of several curved pipes that are in direct contact with combustion products (wood, coal, gases);
  • Solid fuel loading door - with the help of this part of the structure it is possible to load firewood, it also regulates the amount of oxygen supplied into the system;
  • The chimney is the part of the furnace responsible for collecting condensate and leaving the final combustion products outside the system.
  • Injectors - tubes responsible for supplying secondary air;

Such a simple design of this heating system made the Buleryan stove very popular among manufacturing enthusiasts various designs with your own hands. The simple principle of operation, ease of manufacture and efficiency of the system also contributed to the widespread use of this furnace.

Manufacturing options

Today, two options for manufacturing the Buleryan stove are known, based on the materials they are made from: from profile and curved pipes or from a gas cylinder. Each type of system has its own efficiency and varies in implementation complexity:

  1. From profile pipe. The Buleryan system made from a profile pipe is a simple design that provides efficient heating small rooms: garage, greenhouse, barn or small gym. The stove is easy to manufacture and can be made by any welder from scrap materials.
  2. From a gas cylinder. Due to the fact that almost every private yard has an old gas cylinder, this type of stove is made quite often. Perfect solution for a country house or garage, and thanks to the shape of the cylinder, it becomes possible to implement interesting design ideas.

The Buleryan stove is easy to make with your own hands, no matter what type you decide to make yourself. The choice depends on the capabilities of the master, the availability of material and the skills of the owner.

Buleryan from a profile pipe

For the manufacture of the structure, profile pipes measuring 6 by 4 centimeters are suitable; it is with this diameter that they are installed round pipes in the original oven. The thickness of the metal in the pipes is at least 3 mm. A larger diameter will require copious amounts of firewood to heat the room and will cause a decrease in the efficiency of the heating system. To make the frame, you can use iron sheets 5 mm thick. The method of manufacturing a structure from a profile is completely identical to manufacturing the same system from round pipes.

Scheme and drawing

When welding a heating system, you can either bend or weld from blanks, the main thing is to observe general structure oven so that it works correctly. Below is a diagram of the Buleryan furnace in a section made of round metal pipes, instead of which you can use profile.

This type of design involves the use of curved blanks, which simplifies the assembly of the whole system, but complicates the manufacture of the blanks themselves, since not every owner is able to bend profile pipes.


To make a Buleryan stove, the following materials are required:

  • Profile pipes measuring 60x40 mm, metal thickness 3 mm, 7 pieces;
  • Sheets of iron 5 mm thick for covering the skeleton of the structure;
  • Iron sheet for the partition in front of the chimney, 3-6 mm thick;
  • The pipe section for the chimney is at least 120 mm;
  • Metal materials for the door, front wall, back wall (sheets, handle, round pipe);

You can additionally add various details to the external part of the system to visually give the stove a more aesthetic appearance.


For successful and convenient work you need the following tools:

  • Grinder and metal wheels;
  • Welding machine;
  • Measuring instruments – square, tape measure, ruler;
  • Pipe bender - if necessary;
  • Marker for marking.

Step-by-step instruction

Design example

For a clear understanding, you can watch this video, which tells you step by step how to make Buleryan with your own hands, with the indicated dimensions of all its parts:

An excellent DIY design is demonstrated in this video:

Do not forget that the structures must be installed at a height of at least 15 centimeters from the floor, for effective air circulation and increased efficiency.

Buleryan from a gas cylinder

You can simplify the manufacturing process if you use an old gas cylinder as the main combustion chamber:

Gas cylinder construction

If you understand the meaning of the operation of a long-burning fuel stove, then in the manufacture of buleryans you can use not only a cylinder, but also other available materials for the production of metal structures.

Scheme and drawing, dimensions

Essentially, a homemade Buleryan stove from a gas cylinder is made in the same way as a long-term combustion stove from iron sheets, but the difference is that the main combustion chamber is already ready and does not need to be made from scratch.

The drawing above shows the design diagram in detail, indicating all dimensions. Take them into account in order to properly make a Buleryan stove with your own hands.


In addition to the gas cylinder, you will need round or profile pipes with a diameter of 80 mm and a sheet of iron to make a door 5 mm thick.


To manufacture a structure from a gas cylinder, you will need the same list of tools as in the case of assembling a structure from sheets and profiles:

  • Welding machine and electrodes;
  • Grinder or grinder, metal discs;
  • Measuring tools – tape measure, ruler, corner;
  • Pipe bender;

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Using an iron sheet, a suitable blank is cut out and a baffle is welded on to create a second combustion chamber.
  2. Then a hole is made for a pipe with a diameter of 120 mm and a chimney with that diameter is welded.
  3. On top of the cylinder, which is now the combustion chamber, blanks of round or profile pipes are welded, in which the air is heated.
  4. Then the hinges are welded and the oven door is installed.

Improvement and modernization

Homemade Buleryan is not attractive appearance, so it can spoil the atmosphere in the room. Often, in order to correct this problem, the structure is refined and modernized by welding designer parts or various forged elements onto the skeleton.

The main thing to understand is that high-quality air circulation is very important in the operation of this system, so all openings must be open:

If the heating system is installed in a garage or greenhouse, then it is not necessary to improve it, it will not spoil the aesthetic appearance, and efficiency can be lost if the furnace is unnecessarily modernized.

Distributing heat throughout the rooms of the house

The use of Buleryan in multi-room buildings is ineffective because it is not capable of heating large areas. Most often, such systems are used in greenhouses, garages and sheds. But some owners install this stove in their dachas, using wiring warm air in several rooms in the house. In this case, the same wiring system is used as when installing a fireplace:

You should remember about the quality of ventilation in this case; it is best to install the warm air distribution by a specialist in this field.

Improved appearance

Undoubtedly the best way To improve and give an aesthetic appearance to Buleryan stoves, brick or stone masonry is used. The main thing is to leave all the holes open, both for the entry of cold and the exit of hot air.

All stove channels are hidden

You can decorate the interior using bricks and a stove without embedding the structure itself inside the masonry, as was done in this solution:

Brick wall

IN European countries this stove is used as a decorative element, which can also be done in the case of homemade design by building it into a fireplace or surrounding a heating system brickwork as in the photo below:

Buleryan under the fireplace

Converting a potbelly stove for liquid fuel

Breneran is a converted potbelly stove, a stove with pipes welded on top to heat the air in the room. The alteration occurs in the same way as the production of Buleryan, which is described in this article above.

Water circuit installation

In order to increase the efficiency of the heating system, a water kennel is welded inside the solid fuel stove, which, when heating the water inside, allows heating the radiators installed in the room. This type of firebox is very popular in rural areas, as they are long-burning solid fuel boilers. The disadvantage of such boilers is that the pipes inside which the water liquid is heated take away some of the energy and reduce the efficiency of the furnace, but if you need to heat a large number of rooms, then this will be more effective solution problems than heating them with warm air.

In order to correctly install the water circuit, it is best to call a specialist or buy ready-made system, into which you can then install a water heating system yourself. Since the correct functioning of this type of heating requires a structure made taking into account certain tilt factors, the installation of a pump and a condensate outlet is necessary, it is best to entrust the installation of the water circuit to a professional.

But if you still decide to implement this heating system yourself, then below is the correct diagram of a water heating circuit:

Operating rules

Despite the simplicity of execution, you need to heat the Buleryan stove using certain knowledge and rules:

  • For ignition, it is necessary to use exclusively dry and solid fuel, wood chips, pressed cardboard, and small boards.
  • Do not clean out the coal and ash formed after ignition; their layer will protect the metal bottom from burning out;
  • The main fuel loading occurs after most of the ignition has burned out, namely 2/3 of the total initially loaded fuel;
  • You should not use wet firewood and coniferous wood - they will cause plaque to form on the walls of the stove and chimney, reducing the efficiency of the heating system;
  • Experts do not recommend using coke and coal, as they burn too quickly and do not allow the air to warm up enough;
  • Maximum efficiency is achieved through a closed damper and blower: convection processes in this case begin to work more efficiently;

If all these operating rules are taken into account, the outer casing will not heat up to high temperatures, and the air leaving the pipes will reach its maximum temperature in less time.


The heating system of the building using a long-term combustion furnace, called Buleryan, involves saving fuel while providing high-quality heating of the air inside the building. Such stoves are very effective in country houses, garages, greenhouses and agricultural buildings. They are quite safe to use. But the main advantage of these heating systems can be considered that the manufacture of a Buleryan stove is possible at home, without the use of complex technologies and expensive materials.

What will you make buleryan from?

Profile pipeGas cylinder

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In the world of autonomous heating, not the last place is occupied by such a useful device as the Buleryan stove, also known as Breneran. Roughly speaking, it consists of a firebox, to which a series of bent tubes are connected. This design allows you to burn wood and other types of solid fuels with very high efficiency. The cost of industrial models starts at two hundred dollars and increases depending on the size of the firebox. Although the design of such a stove is somewhat more complicated than that of a conventional potbelly stove, many craftsmen have managed to make a buleryan with their own hands.

How does this design work?

Buleryan can be called a very successful hybrid of a potbelly stove and wood stove long burning. The device operates using the principle of forced convection. A series of curved tubes are connected to the firebox at the top and bottom. Cold air enters the lower openings, which quickly heats up since the pipes are in direct contact with the firebox. Hot air enters the rooms through the upper openings. Its temperature is so high that it allows you to heat not only one specific room, but even two-story house. There is also the possibility of combining the Buleryan stove with a water heating circuit. At the same time, the surface of the device itself remains not too hot and does not pose a danger to others.

Thanks to a number of simple adjustment devices, the oven can operate in two modes. First, the stove heats up quickly, and then the resulting heat is distributed evenly throughout the room. At the second stage, the oven switches to slow burning mode. In the beginning, fuel needs to be added quite often, but once the stove warms up, the firebox can be loaded only twice a day, i.e. every 12 hours.

Firewood burns in the firebox, and the products of this process flow through convection pipes into the secondary combustion chamber. Here the gas-air mixture is burned at very high temperatures, which provides the device with an efficiency of around 80%. Next, the hot air is distributed throughout the room through convection pipes.

The process of operation of the Buleryan furnace is clearly presented in the video:

Diagram of the classic "Buleryan"

To successfully make such a stove yourself, you should first study its structure. This is an all-metal structure consisting of a firebox and a number of bent metal tubes adjacent to it. There is a door in front through which fuel is loaded, as well as a power control device with which you can change combustion modes. A secondary combustion chamber is equipped in the firebox and a pipe is installed under the chimney.

This diagram shows in detail the structure of the Buleryan furnace. Main distinctive feature designs - a series of curved hollow tubes that are connected to a two-chamber firebox

To increase the efficiency of using the Buleryan stove, it is recommended to carefully insulate the chimney, for example, with a layer mineral wool thickness of at least 3 mm.

Of course, you will need a blower through which the air necessary for combustion of the fuel will enter the firebox. You can arrange a small ash pit, although the process of slow burning produces almost no waste. The double rear wall makes the device even more efficient. Some models use a two-layer casing for this.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

To make a Buleryan oven with your own hands, you need to stock up metal pipes with an outer diameter of about 50-60 mm, as well as sheet metal. To endure high temperature combustion, it is recommended to use steel sheets with a thickness of 4-6 mm. In addition to a welding machine and a standard set of tools, you will also need a pipe bender.

  1. Manufacturing of bent pipe sections.
  2. Manufacturing of a device for smoke removal and condensate collection.
  3. Manufacturing of dampers for vent and outlet.
  4. Making a door for the combustion chamber.
  5. Weld a frame of bent pipes and install a partition in it.
  6. Welding metal sheets in the space between pipes.
  7. Installation of a door with a lock.
  8. Manufacturing and welding of metal legs.

Eight identical sections, about 1.2 m long, should be cut from the pipe. Using a pipe bender, they are bent with a radius of 225 mm and placed in a checkerboard pattern.

To make the hollow pipes needed for the furnace, you need to prepare eight pieces of pipe, each 1.2 meters long, and bend them to a radius of 225 mm using a pipe bender

To remove smoke, as well as accumulated moisture, a T-shaped device is made, through which the smoke will go up into the pipe, and the moisture will flow down. To remove moisture, a special tap is installed below. The moisture removal valve should be opened only for these purposes and then closed so as not to impair traction.

Left: The T-shaped furnace smoke exhaust device is designed not only to remove smoke, but also to collect condensation.
Right: The condensate drain valve is located at the bottom of the smoke exhaust and condensate collection device. It should be opened only when necessary, so as not to impair traction.

To remove smoke from the stove, a special damper is made, which is also used to regulate draft.

The damper for regulating the power of the stove is made with a special hole that allows you to change the draft, but does not allow you to completely block the chimney

For the blower, which is located on the front door, you should make a blind damper. To ensure that the flaps are securely fixed in correct position, a spring is used.

The flap for the blower, which is located on the front door, must be made blind. This will ensure maximum efficiency of the stove in slow burning mode

The most difficult element of a homemade Buleryan is, perhaps, the front door. It should close almost hermetically. The better the door fits to the stove, the more efficiently Buleryan works.

Two rings are made from a large diameter pipe, which fit almost tightly into one another. To do this, cut two 40 mm pieces from a pipe with a diameter of 350 mm. One of the segments is cut and unfolded. After this, the front side of the stove is made using a ring of smaller diameter.

In the front wall of the furnace it is necessary to make round hole, to which a metal ring is welded. This element is necessary to ensure that the door closes as tightly as possible.

The second ring is used when installing the door; it is welded to a circle of sheet metal.

Two metal rings, the diameter of which is slightly different, are welded along the edge of the oven door. They are sealed with a special gasket made of asbestos cord

Then another ring is welded onto the door, which should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the ring placed on the front side of the stove. A sealing asbestos cord is placed in the gap formed between the door rings and the damper is mounted.

To complete the installation of the front oven door, it is necessary to weld the blower pipe with a damper to it. The damper is equipped with a spring for a tighter fit

Now we should return to the bent pipes. It is necessary to make holes in the first two pipes and weld injection tubes into them. These are small metal elements with a diameter of 14-15 mm and a length of about 150 mm. They are necessary to ensure the connection of the convection elements with the firebox.

Special injectors should be inserted into the first two hollow pipes of the furnace, which will ensure air contact with the combustion chamber

A stove frame with a partition is made from pipes. For the partition, it is recommended to use sheet steel at least 6 mm thick.

For the furnace partition, steel 6 mm thick is used. To avoid having to “guess” with the dimensions, first make cardboard patterns

After this, the gaps between the pipes should be closed with strips of sheet metal, and the back wall should be welded, thus forming the furnace body.

The furnace body is formed from pieces of metal, which are welded in the space between the hollow pipes. Cardboard patterns are also useful for making them.

In order to accurately cut out the elements of the partition, back wall and strip of metal, it is recommended to first make cardboard patterns.

It is recommended to make a special lock for the door. It is an eccentric that secures a metal loop located on the wall of the stove. With further scrolling, this device ensures the tightest possible fit of the door to the stove. To make such a device, you will need to perform a number of turning and milling operations.

Making a lock for an oven door is not easy. Inexperienced craftsmen should seek help from a professional turner or milling machine

All that remains is to make the hinges and hang the door, as well as cut, bend and weld the legs of the stove.

Furnace legs can be made from suitable thin tubes, giving them the required form using a pipe bender or available tools

The manufacturing process of Buleryan can hardly be called simple; an ordinary potbelly stove is much easier to make. But ease of use and high efficiency fully justify the time and effort spent.
