Distinctive features of a literary language. Literary language: its features and functions. Language norm, its role in the formation and functioning of a literary language

One of the signs of a literary language is its processing. “The first who perfectly understood this was Pushkin,” wrote A. M. Gorky, “he was the first to show how to use the speech material of the people, how to process it.”

The reformist nature of A. S. Pushkin’s work is recognized by everyone. He believed that any word is acceptable if it expresses the concept accurately, figuratively, and conveys the meaning. Folk speech is especially rich in this regard. Acquaintance with his works shows how creatively and originally Pushkin included colloquial words in poetic speech, gradually diversifying and complicating their functions. Alexandrov D.N. Rhetoric: Textbook for universities. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2000

And in the future, Russian writers and poets took part in enriching the literary language. Krylov, Griboyedov, Gogol, Turgenev, Saltykov-Shchedrin, L. Tolstoy, Chekhov did especially a lot. Politicians, scientists, cultural and artistic figures, journalists, radio and television workers participate in the processing of the Russian literary language and its improvement.

“All material - and especially language,” A.M. rightly noted. Gorky requires a careful selection of all the best that is in him - clear, precise, colorful, sonorous, and - further loving development of this best.” This is what language processing is all about.

Another distinctive feature of the literary language is the presence of written and oral forms, as well as two varieties - book and colloquial speech.

Thanks to the written form, the accumulative function of the language, its continuity, and tradition are realized. The existence of functional-style spheres of the literary language, that is, book and colloquial speech, allows it to be a means of expressing national culture (fiction, journalism, theater, cinema, television, radio). There is constant interaction and interpenetration between these two varieties. As a result, not only does the literary language itself become richer and more diverse, but also the possibilities for its use increase.

A sign of a literary language is the presence of functional styles. Depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved during communication, various linguistic means are selected and unique varieties of a single literary language, functional styles, are formed.

The term functional style emphasizes that varieties of literary language are distinguished on the basis of the function (role) that the language performs in each specific case.

Scientific works, textbooks, reports are written in a scientific style; memos, financial reports, orders, instructions are drawn up in an official business style; articles in newspapers, speeches by journalists on radio and television are mainly written in newspaper-journalistic style; in any informal setting, when everyday topics are discussed, impressions of the past day are shared, a conversational everyday style is used.

The multifunctionality of the literary language led to the emergence of variable units at all levels: phonetic, word-formation, lexical, phraseological, morphological, syntactic. In this regard, there is a desire to differentiate the use of variants, to endow them with shades of meaning and stylistic coloring, which leads to an enrichment of the synonymy of the Russian language.

The variability of linguistic units, the richness and diversity of lexical-phraseological and grammatical synonymy distinguishes the literary language and is its characteristic.

The most important feature of a literary language is its normativity. Norm is a uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences); rules for the use of speech means in a certain period of development of the literary language.

Standards exist for both oral and written speech. For example, accentological (stress) and orthoepic (pronunciation) norms relate to oral speech; Orthographic (spelling) and punctuation norms are characteristic of written speech. Word formation, lexical, morphological, syntactic norms must be observed in oral and written speech. Zaretskaya E.N. Rhetoric: Theory and practice of speech communication. - M.: Delo, 2001

All of the listed features constitute a feature of the literary language as the highest form of the national Russian language.

Any common language exists in 4 main forms, one of which is normative, the rest are non-normative. The main form of the national language is the literary language. A literary language is an exemplary, standardized and codified form of the national language, which has a rich lexical fund and a developed system of styles.

Signs of a literary language:

Normalization is a relatively stable way of expression, reflecting the historical patterns of language development, based on the language system, enshrined in the best examples of literature and preferred by the educated part of society. Literary language allows for the phenomenon of norm variation (though in different eras of the development of a literary language, the amplitude of variations in variations varies).

codification (fixation of normative units in dictionaries, reference books, grammars),

rich vocabulary,

the presence of functional styles, each of which has special features,

compulsory for all native speakers to learn and use,

widespread use for communication in all spheres of public life (education and science, politics, office work, media, culture, etc.),

the presence of rich fiction in this language,

relative stability of vocabulary,

consumption throughout all territories of the nation.

The main task of the literary language is to unite the nation and preserve its cultural heritage.

Functions of literary language

The modern Russian literary language is multifunctional, i.e. it performs the functions of the everyday language of literate people, the language of science, journalism, public administration, the language of culture, literature, education, the media, etc. However, in certain situations the functions of the literary language may be limited (for example, it may function mainly in written speech, while territorial dialects are used in oral speech). Literary language is used in various spheres of social and individual human activity. Literary language differs from the language of fiction, but at the same time it seems to be formed from it. The main feature of the language of fiction is that it performs a great aesthetic function, which is capable of influencing the reader with the help of figurative content specially organized according to language. This also includes the function of communication, which is implemented in dialogues and polylogues actively created on the pages of works. The highest norm of the language of fiction is its aesthetic motivation, i.e. When using language in an aesthetic function, the form of the message acts not only as a sign of one meaning or another, but also turns out to be significant in itself, represents a system of linguistic means for expressing figurative content, and ultimately the ideological and artistic concept, namely, it becomes aesthetically motivated . The language of fiction contains not only literary standardized speech, but also the individual style of the author and the speech of the characters created by the author. Stylized literary texts and the speech of characters imply a departure from the norm, the creation of an individual style and expressive text.

Artistic speech is characterized by the use of all linguistic means. Linguistic means include not only words and expressions of the literary language, but also elements of vernacular, jargon, and territorial dialects. The language of fiction is closely related to the system of images of works of art; it widely uses epithets, metaphors, personification, animation of inanimate objects, etc. Many means of literary language acquire a special function: antonyms and synonyms are used to more colorfully describe characters, their characters, habits, habits, etc.

The usual concept of a linguistic norm is not applicable to the language of fiction. In the language of fiction, everything that serves to accurately express the author’s thoughts is correct. This is the main difference between the language of fiction and literary language.

Literary language is not only the language of writers, but also a sign of an intelligent and educated person. Unfortunately, not only do people not own it, but not everyone knows about its existence, including some modern writers. The works are written in very simple words; a lot of jargon and slang are used, which is unacceptable for a literary language. For those who want to master the language of poets and writers, the features of a literary language will be described.


Literary language is the highest form of language, which is opposed to vernaculars, jargon, and dialectisms. Some experts contrast it with the spoken form because they consider it a written language (for example, in the Middle Ages they only wrote in the literary language).

This form is considered a historical category because this category is formed in the process of linguistic development. A literary language is an indicator of the level of national culture, because works are created in it and cultural people communicate in it.

There are many definitions: some are constructed from a linguistic point of view, others use delimitation with the help of native speakers of the language. Each definition is correct, the main thing is that you know how to distinguish it from other categories. Below we will give the concept of features of a literary language.

The formation of a cultural linguistic form

The basis of the literary language is considered to be a dialect, which is dominant in the political, economic and cultural center of the state. The Moscow dialect served as the basis for the Russian language. The Church Slavonic language had a great influence on the formation of this species. The first written translations into our language were Christian books, which later affected the development of the language. For a long time, the teaching of writing took place through the church, which undoubtedly influenced the culture's written language.

But one should not combine literary and artistic language, because in the first case it is a broad concept that includes the variety with which works are written. The hallmarks of a literary language are its strict normalization and accessibility to everyone, while some authors of works of art do not have sufficient knowledge of the literary form of the language in the broad sense.

How to identify writers' language

The cultural form of speech does not tolerate the excessive use of slang words, bureaucracy, speech cliches, and vernacular. There are norms that help preserve the purity of the language by providing a linguistic standard. These rules can be found in grammar reference books and dictionaries.

There are main features of a literary language:

Literary language as part of the national

Each language has its own national boundaries, thus it reflects the entire cultural heritage of its people, its history. Due to ethnic characteristics, each language is unique and original, and has characteristic folk features. National and literary languages ​​are closely interconnected, which creates limitless possibilities of the language. But it is still possible to identify the characteristics of a national literary language.

The form under consideration, along with the national one, also includes the use of non-literary styles. Every nation has its own dialect. Russian is divided into Northern Russian, Central Russian and Southern Russian. But some words end up in the literary language for various reasons. They will be called dialectisms. Their use is permissible only from a stylistic point of view, that is, it is considered possible in a certain context.

One of the types of national language is jargon - these are words used by a certain group of people. Its use is also possible in literary language; jargon was especially widely used in Russian literature in post-Soviet times. Their use is strictly regulated by literary norms:

  • characteristics of the hero;
  • with proof of the appropriateness of use.

Dialect is another feature of the national language, which is characteristic of people living in the same territory or united along social lines. In literature, dialect words can be used in the following cases:

Signs of the modern Russian literary language

In the traditional sense, the language has been considered modern since the time of A.S. Pushkin. Since one of the main features of a literary language is a norm, you should know on what norms the modern one is based:

  • accent norms;
  • orthoepic;
  • lexical;
  • phraseological;
  • word formation;
  • spelling;
  • punctuation;
  • grammatical;
  • syntactic;
  • stylistic.

A literary language is characterized by strict adherence to all norms in order to preserve the entire cultural heritage. But the modern literary language has problems related specifically to maintaining the purity of the language, namely the large use of depreciated vocabulary (foul language), a large number of borrowings, and the frequent use of jargon.

Functional-style types

As was written above, the characteristics of a literary language include its stylistic diversity.

  1. Written and book speech, which is divided into official business, journalistic and scientific.
  2. Artistic speech.

The colloquial form of speech is not included here, because it does not have strict regulation, that is, one of the main features of a literary language.

Russian literary language at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries.

The processes occurring in language are a natural phenomenon, because it is not a static unit. It also changes and develops with society. In the same way, in our time, new signs of a literary language have appeared. Now the media is becoming an influential sphere, which is forming new functional linguistic features. With the development of the Internet, a mixed written and spoken form of speech begins to develop.

Literary language performs a very complex and important task: to preserve accumulated knowledge, unite all cultural and national heritage and pass everything on to new generations, preserving national identity.

The most amazing and wise thing that humanity has created is language.

Literary language is the main means of communication between people of the same nationality. It is characterized by two main properties: processing and normalization.

The refinement of a literary language arises as a result of a purposeful selection of all the best that is in the language. This selection is carried out in the process of using the language, as a result of special research by philologists and public figures.

Standardization is the use of linguistic means regulated by a single universally binding norm. A norm as a set of rules of word usage is necessary to preserve the integrity and general intelligibility of the national language, to transmit information from one generation to another. If there were no single language norm, then changes could occur in the language in which people living in different parts of Russia would cease to understand each other.

The main requirements that a literary language must meet are its unity and general intelligibility.

The modern Russian literary language is multifunctional and is used in various spheres of human activity.

The main ones are: politics, science, culture, verbal art, education, everyday communication, interethnic communication, print, radio, television.

If we compare the varieties of the national language (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons), the literary language plays a leading role. It includes the best ways to designate concepts and objects, express thoughts and emotions. There is constant interaction between the literary language and non-literary varieties of the Russian language. This is most clearly revealed in the sphere of spoken language.

In scientific linguistic literature, the main features of a literary language are identified:

1) processing;

2) sustainability;

3) mandatory (for all native speakers);

4) normalization;

5) the presence of functional styles.

The Russian literary language exists in two forms - oral and written. Each form of speech has its own specifics.

The Russian language in its broadest concept is the totality of all words, grammatical forms, pronunciation features of all Russian people, that is, all who speak Russian as their native language. The more correct and precise the speech, the more accessible it is to understanding, the more beautiful and expressive it is, the stronger its impact on the listener or reader. To speak correctly and beautifully, you need to observe the laws of logic (consistency, evidence) and the norms of literary language, maintain the unity of style, avoid repetition, and take care of the euphony of speech.

The main features of Russian literary pronunciation were formed precisely on the basis of the phonetics of Central Russian dialects. Nowadays, dialects are being destroyed under the pressure of the literary language.

  • Concept And signs literary language. The most amazing and wise thing that humanity has created is language. Literary language- This is the main means of communication between people of the same nationality.

  • Concept And signs literary language.
    Origin of Russian literary language language as general language

  • Concept And signs literary language.
    Origin of Russian literary language. Until the 14th century. there was an old Russian language as general language ancestors of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians.

  • Concept And signs literary language.
    Origin of Russian literary language. Until the 14th century. there was an old Russian language as general language ancestors of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians.

  • Concept And signs literary language.
    Origin of Russian literary language. Until the 14th century. there was an old Russian language as general language ancestors of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians.

  • Literary language is the highest form of national language, sign national identity, culture of speech.
    Secondly, this concept related to the choice of funds language– phonetic, lexical, grammatical – in a certain context.

  • The most important sign literary language its normativity is considered, which manifests itself in written and oral form.
    For example, in the 1930-1940s. the words “graduate” and “diplomat” were used to express the same thing concepts: “a student performing...

LITERARY LANGUAGE, supra-dialectal subsystem (form of existence) national language, which is characterized by such features as normativity, codification, multifunctionality, stylistic differentiation, high social prestige among speakers of a given national language.

Literary language is the main means of serving the communicative needs of society; it is opposed to the uncodified subsystems of the national language - territorial dialects, urban koine (urban vernacular), professional and social jargons.

The concept of a literary language can be defined both on the basis of the linguistic properties inherent in a given subsystem of the national language, and by delimiting the totality of speakers of this subsystem, isolating it from the general composition of people speaking a given language. The first method of definition is linguistic, the second is sociological.

V.V. Vinogradov. Literary language (philology.ru)
Literary language is the common written language of one or another people, and sometimes several peoples - language of official business documents, school education, written and everyday communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form, often written, but sometimes oral. That is why there are differences between written-book and oral-spoken forms of literary language, the emergence, correlation and interaction of which are subject to certain historical patterns.

It is difficult to point out another linguistic phenomenon that would be understood as differently as literary language. Some are convinced that the literary language is the same common language, only "polished" language masters, i.e. writers, word artists; Proponents of this view primarily have in mind the literary language of modern times and, moreover, among peoples with a rich literary literature.

Others believe that there is a literary language written language, book language, opposing live speech, spoken language. The basis for this understanding is literary languages ​​with ancient writing (cf. the recent term “newly written languages”).

Still others believe that a literary language is a language that is generally significant for a given people, in contrast to dialect and jargon, which do not have signs of such universal significance. Supporters of this view sometimes argue that a literary language can exist in the preliterate period as the language of folk verbal and poetic creativity or customary law.

Kolesov V.V. Old Russian literary language.- L.: Publishing house Leningr. University, 1989.
Long debates regarding whether the modern Russian literary language is based on Church Slavonic or Russian are, from a scientific point of view, pointless in essence, in content, and in references to authorities.

Obnorsky's hypothesis is the continuation and development of Shakhmatov's theory in new historical conditions, when, based on an in-depth study of Russian dialects (started by Shakhmatov) and the historical development of the Russian language, the real significance of church book texts in the formation of the Russian literary language became clear. The object of study also expanded: for Shakhmatov it was mainly phonetics and grammatical forms, while for Obnorsky it was grammatical categories, semantics, and style. In recent years, this point of view has been thoroughly argued (Filin, 1981; Gorshkov, 1984) and does not need to be defended. There is no alternative.

The term “literary language” in its origin turns out to be related to the concept of “literature”, and in its etymological understanding - “based on letters”, i.e. on a letter, in fact, a written language. Indeed, the medieval literary language is only a written language, a collection of texts for literary purposes. All other features of a literary language follow from this abstract definition through the term and therefore seem logical and understandable.

The diverse terms that have been layered on the subject of study represent, in fact, only an attempt to get out of the vicious circle of formal logic: the signs of a concept are considered signs of a non-existent object, and the object is defined through the same signs of the concept. Literary - non-literary, written - oral, folk - cultural (even cult, in the latter case there are many synonyms), processed - raw, as well as polysemantic and therefore uncertain in meaning - system, norm, function, style. The more such definitions (which apparently clarify our idea of ​​the object), the more the concept of “literary language” is emptied: the introduction of each subsequent one increases the content of the concept so much that it reduces its volume to the limits of insignificance.

Of the many definitions existing in science, the most acceptable seems to be the definition of the literary language as a function of the national language; therefore, literary “language” is a literary variety of the use of the Russian language, and not an independent language (Gorshkov, 1983). This understanding of the literary language lies in line with the Russian scientific tradition and is determined by the historical approach to the problem of the literary language. At the same time, it explains the development of various spheres of “cultural speaking”, justifying the existence of the very term “literary language” - since the latter is indeed a typical form of existence of the folk (national) language, and not speech in the narrow sense of the word. Historically, colloquial forms were replaced by increasingly improved “cultural” forms of language; the selection of linguistic forms as the structure of the native language develops constitutes the content of this historical process.

Literary language is the basis of speech culture (Rhetoric - distedu.ru)
Literary language constitutes the highest form of the national language. It is the language of culture, literature, education, and the media. It serves various spheres of human activity: politics, science, legislation, official business communication, everyday communication, international communication, print, radio, television.

Among the varieties of the national language (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons), the literary language plays a leading role.
Main features of a literary language:
- processing (literary language is a language processed by masters of words: writers, poets, scientists, public figures);
- stability (stability);
- mandatory for all native speakers;
- normalization;
- presence of functional styles.

D. A. Golovanova, E. V. Mikhailova, E. A. Shcherbaeva. Russian language and culture of speech. Crib

(LIBRUSEC - lib.rus.ec)

Literary language is a national written language, the language of official and business documents, school teaching, written communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form (written and sometimes oral), perceived by native speakers of this language as exemplary. Literary language is the language of literature in a broad sense. The Russian literary language functions both in oral form and in written form.

Signs of a literary language:

1) the presence of writing;

2) normalization is a fairly stable way of expression that expresses historically established patterns of development of the Russian literary language. Standardization is based on the language system and is enshrined in the best examples of literary works. This method of expression is preferred by the educated part of society;

3) codification, i.e. fixed in scientific literature; this is expressed in the availability of grammatical dictionaries and other books containing rules for using the language;

4) stylistic diversity, i.e. the variety of functional styles of the literary language;

5) relative stability;

6) prevalence;

7) common use;

8) universal obligatory;

9) compliance with the use, customs and capabilities of the language system.

The protection of the literary language and its norms is one of the main tasks of speech culture. Literary language unites people linguistically. The leading role in the creation of a literary language belongs to the most advanced part of society.

Each of the languages, if it is sufficiently developed, has two main functional varieties: literary language and living spoken language. Every person masters live spoken language from early childhood. The mastery of a literary language occurs throughout human development until old age.

Literary language must be generally understandable, that is, accessible to all members of society. Literary language must be developed to such an extent as to be able to serve the main areas of human activity. In speech, it is important to observe the grammatical, lexical, spelling and accentological norms of the language. Based on this, an important task for linguists is to consider everything new in a literary language from the point of view of compliance with the general patterns of language development and the optimal conditions for its functioning.
