Wasp sting - benefit or harm. Are bed bug bites dangerous for humans? Symptoms of multiple wasp stings

Wasps are literally everywhere where people live. At the adult stage, most wasps grow to 2.5 cm in length. The wasp is characterized by a yellow-black striped color and a poisonous sting. Wasps are most active from early spring to late autumn, during which time they are very dangerous to people. While defending the nest, she can sting aggressively. The sting of a wasp or even several wasps cannot kill a person; for this to happen, the stings must occur several hundred times. At the site of wasp bites on the body, there are a kind of pale spots that initially itch and a strong burning sensation is felt. Swelling may appear within a few hours, followed by an abscess within a few days.

People who are allergic to wasp venom may experience circulatory problems, shortness of breath, and in the worst case, even collapse. Wasps are most aggressive in late summer when the weather begins to deteriorate and rain begins to fall and the larvae have grown into adults. Early autumn is the worst time to watch for these insects, especially if you are going to walk in a forest or field.

On the territory of Russia from the order of poisonous Hymenoptera insects There are honey bees (Apis melifera, or melifica) and bumblebees (Bombus), they belong to the bee family (Apidae), and flower wasps (Masarinae) and hornets (Vespa) belong to the family Vespidae. All four species are representatives of the order Hymenoptera insects (Hymenoptera) and are poisonous. When bitten, a toxic liquid is released from the insect's ovipositor, located at the rear end of the abdomen.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous?

In Russia, there are more than 50 deaths per year, mainly from bee stings (domestic and wild) and wasps; less often from stings of hornets and, extremely rarely, bumblebees. The cause of death from a wasp sting is an allergic reaction to the poison with the development of anaphylactic shock. A similar outcome is possible even if a person is bitten by just one insect. A severe clinical course is observed with multiple insect bites, reaching several tens or even hundreds. This happens, for example, when a person is attacked by a swarm of bees or wasps. Such attacks occur when insects feel threatened and the existence of the colony is threatened. The signal for each individual to attack is the perception of an alarm pheromone, a special substance secreted by insects when they sense danger.

Honey bees can only sting once because their stinger is serrated and remains embedded in the victim's skin. Having lost the sting and the sac of poison, the bee dies. Wasps, unlike bees, have a smooth sting and when a wasp bites, it manages not only to remove it, but to sting the victim again.

A wasp sting is slightly different from other hymenopteran insect stings (such as bees). This is due to the peculiarity of the wasp's sting, as well as the stronger toxins of the venom. So, let's look at the photo:

  • Upon examination there is a bite mark, but no sting,
  • A white spot first appears around the wound,
  • After 1-2 minutes, redness and signs of irritation appear,
  • A blister may appear
  • After 10-15 minutes, swelling and swelling occurs, spreading upward and to the sides.
  • Burning and severe pain in the wound.

Chemical composition of the poison

By chemical composition the venom of the four hymenopteran insects presented is very similar and differs little.
The composition of bee venom includes enzymes - phospholipase-A2, hyaluronidase, phosphatases and polypeptide-melittin, protease inhibitors and a number of biologically active substances.

Phospholipase-A2, hyaluronidase, alkaline phosphatase and melittin exhibit antigenic properties, which are associated with the development of the main pathogenic reactions to bee venom, in particular anaphylactic shock.

Melittin (composed of 26 amino acid residues) is the main toxic component. Molecular weight - 2840. Damages cell membranes, causes hemolysis, cytolysis, has an antibiotic effect; slows down blood clotting.

In a general reaction to bee venom, an IgE-dependent anaphylactic reaction develops with local redness and blister formation, IgE is produced plasma cells and is present in trace concentrations in the blood. An immunological reaction occurs to bee venom (hapten) as to a foreign protein, and an antibody is formed as part of IgE. IgE is fixed, in particular, on mast cells and basophils. It leads to the release of histamine, heparin and other biologically active substances. Mast cells serve as the primary target cells of an allergic reaction.

Local manifestations and systemic reactions of the body when a person is bitten by a bee, wasp, hornet or bumblebee are caused by both exogenous toxicants and endogenous biologically active substances formed as a result of their action.

  • When a wasp stings, there is a sharp cutting pain and burning sensation.
  • The bite site is clearly visible due to the rapidly developing redness and swelling of the skin, with the gradual formation of a blister.
  • Signs of inflammation soon appear - hyperemia, local hyperthermia, etc.
  • Within 15-30 minutes everything discomfort subside, but local manifestations are stored for several hours.

In case of numerous wasp bites or existing hypersensitivity of the body, the following are added:

  • headache,
  • pain in the lower back and joints,
  • dizziness,
  • general weakness,
  • nausea,
  • Vomiting and chills are possible.

The severity of the lesion is determined by the areas of aggression: it is most severe when bitten on the neck, face, or scalp.

In addition to the local reaction, wasp stings can lead to severe general reactions, in particular allergic (hyperergic) reactions. They usually appear as:

  • skin or skin-articular lesions (urticaria, arthralgia),
  • anaphylactic shock,
  • Quincke's edema,
  • swelling of the larynx,
  • associated asphyxia or
  • in the form of bronchospasm or
  • asthmatic reaction.

Any of these reactions or syndromes can develop immediately, within the first minutes after a wasp sting, or later - 30-120 minutes. Therefore, the development of any of these allergic manifestations should be considered as a signal for intensive therapy, even if they are mild. Treatment must be carried out in a hospital.

Symptoms of multiple wasp stings

With multiple bites (100-300 bites), capillary permeability increases and intravascular hemolysis develops. Stings from a large number of bees and wasps, especially large ones, as well as hornets, can lead to organ dysfunction.

In severe cases, toxic effects in victims cause:

  • acute hemolysis,
  • RDS adults,
  • liver dysfunction,
  • acute necrosis of skeletal muscles (myoglobinemia),
  • arterial hypertension.

Under the influence of phospholipase-A2 and melittin contained in the venom, a significant amount of endogenous catecholamines enters the bloodstream. If their concentration is significant, there is a high risk of myocardial damage. The release of catecholamines leads to arterial hypertension, followed by persistent hypotension, bradycardia, possible myocardial ischemia, and bronchospasm. Intoxication is manifested by psychomotor agitation, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Sometimes necrosis of skin areas affected by wasp bites occurs. Tension swelling can lead to rhabdomyolysis, myoglobinuric nephrosis and acute renal failure.
In the early period of intoxication, death can occur from cardiovascular and respiratory failure, in a later period - from acute renal failure.

Bitten by a wasp - what to do at home

Unlike bees, there is no need to remove the sting after a wasp sting. We need to focus on neutralizing the effects of the poison. Make sure there are no allergic reactions. For people allergic to wasps, symptoms are visible immediately after the sting. It has important to avoid anaphylactic shock, which can lead to cardiac arrest and death.

  1. If you or your child are stung by a wasp, you should immediately take measures to prevent the spread of the poison and relieve pain. Ice or a cloth soaked in water should be placed on the bite site. cold water. If you are using ice, first wrap it in a cloth and then place it on the sore area. You need to keep it on the bite site for approximately 30 minutes.
  2. Soak a cotton swab or paper towel in the acid solution. You can use lemon juice or vinegar for this purpose. Wet the piece so that the liquid gets inside the hole after the insect bite. The acidic liquid neutralizes the poison and brings relief.
  3. Apply cold cream to the bite area to reduce the burning sensation after applying the acid solution.
  4. Over-the-counter antihistamines can reduce inflammation and itching after a wasp sting.
  5. Use extreme caution when eating or drinking. If you didn't notice wasps sitting on them and put them in your mouth, the irritated insect may sting you in the mouth. In this case, to minimize pain and swelling, start sucking on ice. A bite in the mouth may immediately cause an allergic reaction and immediate action should be taken.

Traditional recipes for wasp bites

Lavender. It reduces the risk of infection caused by bites. In addition, it reduces pain. One of the most effective forms is essential oil lavender. Just soak a cotton swab in the oil and apply it to the bite site.

Parsley.Has natural antibacterial properties,which help prevent infection,reduces itching and pain. Put Grind some parsley leaves into a mortar and pestle. Apply to the bite site. Keep until symptoms subside.

Calendula.Grind calendula flowers and apply to the bite site. This will help reduce pain and itching.

Basil.Grind 1-2 basil leaves in a mortar. Apply to skin. Leave it for a while.

Allergic reaction.
If you notice any of these symptoms in a person who has been stung by a wasp, call immediately. ambulance, even if this person has never been allergic to insect bites.

  • Labored breathing
  • Swelling in the throat
  • Facial redness
  • Fever
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Dizziness, fainting, or confusion
  • Stomach upset, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Swelling of the mouth, tongue, cheeks, eyes and neck
  • Infrequent or rapid breathing

How to treat a wasp sting

When carrying out treatment, it is necessary to check whether the sting remains in the wound. As a rule, the wasp does not leave a sting in the wound. The venom from the sac may continue to enter the bloodstream for several hours or days, and therefore must be removed.
The sting cannot be removed by squeezing, as this will lead to rupture of the sac and rapid release of toxins into the general bloodstream. The sting and pouch are removed with anatomical or manicure tweezers.

  • The wound is treated with an antiseptic solution (alcohol, iodine, soap solution, cologne).
  • Cold is applied.
  • If inflammation spreads to the entire limb, analgesics, antibiotics and ointments with glucocorticoids are prescribed.

How to relieve swelling and swelling after a wasp sting

Swelling and swelling at the site of the sting occurs due to the inflammatory neurotransmitter (histamine) that is released in response to the wasp toxin. This is a physiological reaction that goes away on its own after 48-72 hours. However, you can relieve or alleviate unpleasant symptoms with the help of cold. Immediately apply ice wrapped in a clean cotton cloth to the wound and hold for 20 minutes. You can then apply a cold compress with baking soda or vinegar. It is also good to take antihistamines - suprastin, diphenhydramine, which prevent allergies and the spread of edema.

How to relieve itching and burning

The cause of itching and burning in the wound is the same. Allergic reaction and histamine release. Taking antihistamines, as well as local treatment, will help relieve unpleasant symptoms. Ointments Fenestil and those containing prednisolone alleviate the condition. You can lubricate the wound with an acidic solution - lemon juice, vinegar, or apply a plantain leaf or a piece of apple.

How to treat a wasp sting the next day

There is usually no need to treat the bite the next day. After 24 hours, the burning sensation, pain subsides and swelling decreases. It is enough to lubricate it a few more times with fenestyl or another ointment with prednisolone. But it happens that a wasp sting causes an infection and inflammation begins. Wasps are predators and feed not only on other insects, but also on carrion, fish or meat waste on garbage heaps. Therefore, if the wound was not disinfected on time or the victim has a weak immune system, cellulite occurs - inflammation of the subcutaneous fat. It is manifested by an increase in body temperature, severe redness of the wound area with redness and swelling spreading to the sides and upwards.

In this case, it is necessary to take antibiotics orally or even intravenously. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed for 7-14 days. The doctor should prescribe treatment after examining the wound. Sometimes hospitalization may be required.

Prevention of bites

Light-colored clothing, floral designs on clothing, shiny jewelry, and the smell of perfumes and lotions attract insects.

Emergency care for victims of wasp stings

Emergency care for victims of wasp, bee or hornet stings involves immediately removing the sting with an injection needle or a sharp razor (but not with tweezers, as this may squeeze the poisonous contents into the skin). These places, as well as places where mosquitoes and mosquitoes have bitten, should be lubricated with ether, alcohol or cologne, then with prednisolone ointment, after which an ice pack should be applied to them. This reduces pain, eliminates itching and prevents swelling, especially in children. It is advisable to take one of the antihistamines orally, for example diprazine or suprastin (0.025 g 2-3 times a day).

Medical care and treatment

In severe cases of intoxication and the development of an allergic reaction, intensive treatment is carried out. When anaphylactic shock develops, it is necessary to maintain patency of the victim's upper respiratory tract and restore blood pressure. To maintain blood pressure, hemodynamic drugs are administered and fluid infusion is performed; Adrenaline is administered to expand the airways and vascular drugs (dopamine, dobutrex).

When wasp stings, a large amount of histamine is released, so antihistamines are administered: H1 and H2 blockers. The combination of two types of antihistamines is more effective than using only one. H1 blocker - diphenhydramine 1.5 mg/kg; H2 blocker - ranitidine. Glucocorticoids (methylprednisolone 50 mg or hydrocortisone 200 mg), calcium chloride or calcium gluconate are administered intravenously.

In severe cases, GS and plasmapheresis are indicated to remove circulating components of the poison from the body.
For rhabdomyolysis, alkaline solutions are administered intravenously to prevent the development of myoglobinuric nephrosis and acute renal failure.
In extremely severe cases, intractable shock develops and death occurs.

In the event of the appearance and increase of general manifestations of intoxication, it is recommended to provide assistance to the victims, as in the case of severe poisoning with snake toxins.

If allergic reactions to insect stings occur, 1 ml of a 0.1% solution of adrenaline hydrochloride, a 0.2% solution of norepinephrine hydrotartrate or a 1% solution of mesatone should be immediately administered subcutaneously. An ice pack should be applied to the bite site. It is advisable to administer 500-1000 ml of a 5% glucose solution in combination with prednisolone (40-60 mg) or hydrocortisone (120 mg), and orally - antihistamines in combination with analgin.

Victims are subject to hospitalization in the intensive care unit, therapeutic or pediatric department for any severity of an allergic reaction, even if such reactions have previously developed in the anamnesis in response to insect bites.

A wasp sting is dangerous because it can cause a severe allergic reaction, even fatal. Moreover, a person may not know that he is allergic to wasp venom.

Few people have not been stung by a wasp at least once. At once sharp pain, a swollen bite site and a burning sensation are familiar to many first-hand. But that's not so bad. Sometimes a wasp sting can lead to unforeseen consequences. Let's see what its danger is.

The fact is that some people are highly sensitive to insect venom. A wasp or bee sting can be fatal for them. The difficulty is that we sometimes do not even suspect that we have such sensitivity. Of course, death from a bite is rare, but possible.

Wasp venom contains components such as phospholipases, melitin, histamine, etc., they destroy cells, cause tumors, affect the human nervous system, and trigger allergic reactions.

Effect of wasp venom

As a result, after a bite, the inflamed area takes a very long time (in best case scenario from several days to 1.5 weeks) does not go back to normal due to cell destruction. After several hours of pain, severe itching is added. If after two weeks the consequences of the bite remain, it is best to go to the doctor.

And one more thing: the bite and its consequences largely depend on the type of insect. The bite of some wasps is almost unnoticeable, and on the contrary, other wasps bite quite painfully.

The general picture is this: a red bump forms at the site of the bite, in the center of which a point is visible, the very place of the sting.

But if the person bitten turns out to be allergic, then the reaction of his body can be completely unpredictable. Doctors today issue an allergy sufferer’s passport, which contains not only the person’s personal data, but also the address, phone number of the office where the patient is seen and everything necessary measures with bites.

Often when stung on the face, it changes beyond recognition (swells). The eyes become swollen to such an extent that the person cannot see anything. Cases of being bitten on the tongue are not uncommon. In fact, in the summer there are a lot of goodies at the dacha. A person picks a fruit (most often a berry), not seeing that an insect is hiding on it, and takes it into his mouth. After this, the tongue becomes so swollen that it is not possible to close the mouth.

  • Complications from bites occur in the event of a massive wasp attack. Subcutaneous hemorrhage may occur, which leads to loss of limb mobility. According to experts, a bite from 500 individuals is enough to cause death.
  • Headache, loss of consciousness, heat, vomiting is usually diagnosed in people sensitive to poison.
  • Quincke's edema. A very dangerous complication, often requiring conicotomy. This is the process of cutting the throat and inserting a breathing tube.
  • Asphyxia when bitten in the throat and neck.
  • Inflammation of the membranes of the eyes, their suppuration and, as a result, deterioration of vision.
  • If the bite affects the genitals, it may be difficult to urinate.
  • Anaphylactic shock. During shock, in addition to the above symptoms (nausea, vomiting, etc.), blue fingers and severe pain in the chest are added. In such a situation, an ambulance is required health care, otherwise death is possible.

So the most dangerous thing is the presence of that same sensitivity to insect venom. It must be remembered that if the experience of being bitten previously ended quite easily, this does not mean at all that it will continue to be so. It turns out that allergic sensitivity develops gradually, from bite to bite. And the very next meeting with a wasp can have very unpleasant consequences for you.

By the way, there is a popular belief that the ninth hornet bite for a person is the last, that is, fatal.

First aid

To minimize the negative consequences, you need to try to slow down the absorption of the poison into the body. Applying a piece of sugar to the wound will help draw out the poison.

Next, the area is treated with an antiseptic and something cold is applied. Hot water bottle with cold water, a piece of ice placed in a cloth, a solution of alcohol or vinegar with water. This is necessary to narrow the blood vessels and prevent the poison from quickly entering the blood.

Then the wound is lubricated with ointment, usually Fenistil or Advantan (contraindicated for children). In summer, it is advisable to have such a product with you.

Observing the reaction after a bite

If it is satisfactory, namely: the stung area is swollen, there is pain and itching, but there is no nausea, vomiting or extraneous symptoms, then there is no need to panic. Use ointment to reduce itching and promote faster healing.

The second development scenario is this: there is no allergic reaction, but there is severe pain, swelling, and the person is unable to move normally. Frequent application of a cold compress, as well as the use of ointment, will help here. And one more thing: if the pain is intolerable, with the permission of the doctor, you can supplement the treatment with painkillers. Drink as much as possible! Water removes tissue breakdown products from the body. It is best to drink sweet water or warm sweet tea. In the absence of ointment or as an addition to it: solution baking soda apply to the sore spot for 15 minutes.

The third case is the most dangerous. We described the signs of complications above, so we will not repeat them. We proceed like this:

  1. Free the patient from clothing that interferes with breathing and provide free access to fresh air.
  2. Inject two cubes of adrenaline into the shoulder. In the other - three cubes of dexamethasone. If the reaction intensifies, after 15 minutes you need to inject another 0.5 adrenaline.
  3. In the absence of these remedies, the victim can take an antihistamine (Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, etc.).
  4. Lubricate the wound with ointment.
  5. The victim immediately uses an auto-injector, if available.
  6. If necessary, we give the patient artificial respiration.
  7. Hospitalization.

Important! If the person who was bitten is allergic, do not waste a second, otherwise you may lose the person.

A little about folk methods and behavioral characteristics of insects

A wasp sting is very painful; to alleviate the general condition, relieve inflammation and itching, so-called “grandmother’s” recipes are used.

Compress with added lemon juice relieves pain. A compress of vodka with the addition of golden mustache reduces swelling. Applying garlic, onion and tomato slices to the wound helps disinfect and relieve swelling. For the same purposes, it is recommended to apply an apple, parsley, a moistened validol tablet, a plantain leaf, and a piece of Kalanchoe.

To prevent a wasp bite, you need to know the peculiarities of its behavior.

A wasp will not attack a person just like that. However, the wasp perceives your movements (swinging) as aggression and can sting. But the bee bites just like that. Especially if you smell sweat.

So, when you encounter an insect, try not to panic, but simply move away. This The best way remain unharmed.

Insect bites do not always go away without a trace. Even a harmless allergic reaction to a midge, according to experts, can lead to negative consequences. To avoid them, you need to be able to provide first aid to the victim in a timely manner and distinguish between the types of bites. Help to understand these difficult issues this article will help.

How dangerous are insect bites?

Mosquitoes, bees, midges and other individuals can cause not only a serious allergic reaction in the body, but also cause other pathological changes in a person’s well-being due to a bite. For example, mosquitoes are considered carriers of dangerous diseases. Such infections like malaria, zika fever, etc.

Photo of a bee sting

Experts recommend not to be tolerant of mosquitoes. Under no circumstances should you allow an insect bite if it can be prevented. When, after contact with an individual, a person’s temperature begins to rise, fever, and increased sweating appear, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Midges appear in early summer and make themselves known through itching and swelling. An allergic reaction to a bite is due to the fact that the midge's saliva is poisonous. Itching and swelling may accompany a person for several weeks. The midge is dangerous because it causes strong feeling burning at the site of the bite. The victim begins to scratch the affected area, which often leads to an infectious infection.

The most dangerous insects are considered. Not all species of individuals have been fully studied; their bites can lead to irreparable consequences for the body, including disability and death. Most often, people are susceptible to an illness that can cause negative distress nervous systemtick-borne encephalitis. The disease is very dangerous. Doctors and infectious disease specialists recommend timely vaccination to prevent infection.

Wasps, hornets, and bees are famous for their ability to cause severe allergic reactions to their stings. It is manifested by pain, itching and severe swelling. The hornet is dangerous to humans; it can inject poison during contact, which will subsequently lead to. The result of such exposure to the insect sometimes becomes pulmonary edema, shortness of breath, and suffocation.

Experts advise treating insects more responsibly, taking all preventative measures and providing first aid to the victim. Measures taken in time can save a person’s life.

To react correctly to a situation, you need to know features insect bites.

How can you tell which insect has bitten you?

Among dangerous insects There are more than twenty, but the most common are mosquitoes, midges, wasps, hornets, bees, ticks, bedbugs, etc. Sometimes it is not easy to determine which insect bite led to a skin allergy. If a person is able to identify the insect that has bitten the victim, he is able to provide first aid correctly.

Comparative characteristics of insect bites can be seen in the table below.

InsectBody reaction, distinctive signs of a bite
MosquitoSpecific swelling occurs at the site of the bite. It is located around the circumference of a tiny skin incision. Itching and swelling from a mosquito bite lasts on average 3-5 days. On the second day, the redness disappears, after which the itching gradually disappears.
The swelling is not severe and goes away quickly enough if you do not disturb the wound by scratching.
MidgeThe insect's saliva contains an anesthetic substance, so a midge bite can be easily distinguished from a mosquito bite by the gradual appearance of itching. Swelling may occur immediately, burning and itching a little later, when the mosquito bite almost immediately begins to itch very much.
Distinctive signs of contact with midges are: redness in the affected area, severe itching and burning, large swelling, the appearance of wounds and blisters at the affected site.
Associated symptoms (less common): increased (slightly) body temperature, surges in blood pressure, headache, drowsiness, purulent inflammation.
Bees, hornets, waspsA clear distinguishing sign is the appearance of sharp, immediate and severe pain. It occurs as a result of the penetration of the individual’s venom into the skin. Pain syndrome can cause serious ailments that a person has to take painkillers.
The disease is also distinguished by the following symptoms: the center of the affected area always has a pale outline, and severe swelling and redness forms around it.
Contact with these insects can sometimes cause severe allergies in the form of: headache, dizziness, convulsions, Quincke's edema, swelling throughout the body, cardiac arrest (with several bites).
BedbugsPeople are most often exposed to bed bugs. They begin to be active at night. Therefore, the first sign of a bite is the appearance of an allergic reaction the next morning.
On initial stage Specific small red spots appear on the skin. Only the next day do obvious symptoms appear in the form of swelling, itching and severe redness.
TicksThe distinctive sign of a bite in 90% of cases is the detection of the insect itself at the site of the lesion. He stays to get his fill of blood. An individual can be found in groin area, under the arms, behind the ears, on the stomach, on the neck, etc. Almost always, ticks choose hard-to-reach places.
The bite manifests itself in the form of severe weakness, increased body temperature, tachycardia, and headache. A nagging, unpleasant pain begins to appear at the site where the tick attaches.
SpidersSpiders rarely harm humans. They are, as a rule, harmless individuals. However, some types of insects can harm a healthy body with just one contact. Such poisonous creatures include the black widow spider. A bite can cause severe allergies, skin necrosis, and poisoning.
The bite of a “black widow” and other poisonous spiders is often accompanied by vomiting, nausea, intoxication, and aches throughout the body.
Linen liceOften the bites of these individuals are compared to bed bugs. Often only a competent specialist can determine the distinctive features. Distinctive feature severe itching and the ability to develop pediculosis are considered.
FleasIt is generally accepted that fleas bite and settle on the animal’s body. Infectious disease experts recommend being wary of infected domestic or wild animals, since individuals are capable of producing dangerous bite, leading to a number of negative consequences.
Obvious signs include: localization of bites (ankles, knees, abdomen, armpits, calves), redness, itching, swelling.
AntsThere are several types of ants. Some of them do not leave pain or discomfort after the bite. Others will cause the development of pustules and red spots.
Symptoms of ant bites include small red spots, itching, and the formation of pustules.
ScorpionBites differ depending on the species. The reaction is considered the same, it is accompanied severe pain, burning and itching, the strength of the symptoms differs. The disease provokes symptoms: swelling, itching, burning, swelling, tachycardia, nausea, cramps, numbness.

spider bite in photo

Note! Bites from all of these insects can be extremely dangerous. If they begin to be accompanied by a severe allergic reaction or fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There are standard general rules providing first aid for insect bites. You should also know them. They are divided depending on the symptoms. Doctors recommend following the following steps when providing first aid after an insect bite:

  1. To relieve swelling, you need to apply something cold (it can be any metal object) on problem area. Next, medical alcohol or an antiseptic is applied. After disinfection, a special ointment is applied to the location of the bite. Today, the following remedies for insect bites are popular: Fenistil, Trimistin gel, Rescuer.
  2. Treating the wound with an alcohol solution, applying an ointment compress (listed above), and taking antihistamines will help get rid of a dense formation in the form of a lump.
  3. Antihistamines can relieve itching. At any pharmacy you can buy Zodak drops, Suprastin, Loratadine, Tavegil tablets. Lotions based on a baking soda solution also help relieve itching.

Good to know! Every person in home medicine cabinet there should be an antihistamine (Zodak, Zyrtec, Suprastin, Loratadine, Tavegil, etc.). It saves the situation before the ambulance arrives, when the victim has severe swelling of the larynx or a serious allergic reaction.

Complications after insect bites

An insect bite is almost always accompanied. It manifests itself in the form of swelling, itching, elevated temperature body in the affected area, pain, sometimes rash. With this manifestation, experts do not recommend special therapy, since the symptoms usually disappear after a few days.

The following manifestations indicating complications may be an alarm signal:

  • low pressure;
  • severe itching;
  • great swelling;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hyperemia,
  • labored breathing,
  • swelling of the entire face, larynx;
  • dizziness,
  • sudden severe headaches;
  • unbearable pain.

If a person exhibits the listed signs, doctors recommend urgently seeking help from specialists.

First aid, provided in a timely manner for complications, plays an important role for recovery and a positive result in treatment. Not all symptoms may occur together. The victim is usually tormented by one, two or three ailments. They can appear all at once, or have an extended nature, when one ailment is replaced by another.

First aid for insect bites

As mentioned above, when providing first aid, it is recommended to diagnose the bite. This is necessary in order to take the correct measures to address the problem. Different insect bites require specific actions.

The table below will help you understand how to provide first aid to a victim with a certain type of bite.

Type of biteFirst aid
KomarinyA mosquito bite can fester. This is the most common complication of the disease. To help a person. It is necessary to treat a purulent wound ammonia. It can be replaced by a solution of soda and water in a ratio of ½ to 1 glass.
KleshchevoyNote! It is strictly not recommended to treat a tick bite yourself! A person can only provide first aid, if necessary, until the ambulance arrives or goes to the hospital independently. It consists of the following: mandatory elimination of the cause of the disease – the tick. The bite site is immediately lubricated with oil, and the insect is removed using tweezers. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the individual’s head does not remain in the wound.
BeeIf a person is bitten by a bee, hornet or wasp, the insect sting should be removed. This can be done by applying a tampon to the affected area in a solution of alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:5.
Traditional recipes recommend applying compresses from milky dandelion juice to relieve swelling. The patient was prescribed rest, plenty of fluids and antihistamines.
MidgesThis type of bite manifests itself in the form of severe swelling during complications and, in rare cases, Quincke's edema. In case of the latter, emergency medical assistance and the use of an antihistamine are necessary.
If you are bitten by midges, to eliminate serious consequences you should wipe the wounds with alcohol and apply ice.
KlopovIf you suspect bed bug bites, you should thoroughly wash the wounds with soapy water and an antibacterial agent. Cold is applied to the affected areas for a short time, several times within an hour. These actions help relieve itching and swelling.
ScorpioFirst aid consists of a number of actions. The first is to eliminate the causes of the disease - poison. You should try to suck it out from the wound using a small incision, or try to cauterize the affected area and apply cold. Next, the wound is treated with an antiseptic solution; ordinary alcohol or vodka may be suitable. The patient is given a tight bandage over the bite and adjacent areas to the wound.
If possible, it is necessary to inject the affected area with adrenaline or novocaine as quickly as possible, followed by an injection of atropine. These actions will help deliver the patient to the emergency room and slow down the effect of the poison.

First aid often saves a person’s life when it comes to a poisonous insect bite. Knowing the rules for providing medical emergency care, you can try to independently relieve the patient of severe pain, swelling, severe allergic reaction and deliver him to specialists.

Preventive measures

Prevention of insect bites helps prevent unwanted consequences that may occur as a result of contact with pathogenic individuals. It is worth observing them especially when it comes to small children. Often parents take their children on vacation, into nature, but forget about safety rules. As a result, children are admitted to the hospital with swelling and allergies to insect bites.

Every adult should remember the basic rules of behavior in nature in order to avoid contact with unpleasant insects. They are as follows:

  • It is better to choose a place to relax away from a body of water (rivers, lakes, etc.);
  • be sure to use repellents or other insect repellents;
  • It is advisable not to overdress open clothes(many insects love White color and bright shades);
  • During your rest, be sure to carefully check the surrounding area to see if there is an ant or wasp nest nearby;
  • Do not leave sweet foods on the table, or drink a drink from a can (if it has been left open for some time without supervision);
  • Women should not wear floral or fruity scents when going outdoors or on vacation; it is better to generally do without deodorants and perfume;
  • try to tuck your jacket or shirt into your pants, and your pants into your socks, and put on a hat;
  • It is best to take care of purchasing a mosquito net;
  • before going to sleep outdoors in a tent, you should check it for the presence of individuals;
  • Don't walk barefoot on the grass.

Every person should follow the listed rules while on vacation, teach the child to follow them, then you won’t have to be afraid of insect bites. Properly selected insect repellents can help avoid bites.

Insect repellents

When leaving home, you should take care of the safety of your skin; it must be protected from insect bites. The following tools will help to accomplish this; they are listed in the table below and distributed depending on age characteristics and operating principle.

For whomBy what means
Children's ointments, creams (approved for use up to 3 years)cream "Taiga"
spray, emulsion or cream “Our Mother”
"Mosquidosis" in the form of cream, spray
"Gardex Baby" repellent
Green factor milk
"Moskitol" baby milk, cream
cream “My sunshine”
Fumigators (children)Mosquitol
Natural remedies for children under one year oldessential oils of clove, eucalyptus (insects do not like these scents if you apply them to the stroller in moderate amount, you don’t have to worry about the invasion of moksha and mosquitoes)
vanillin (mix baby cream with a small amount confectionery product)
use mosquito net for strollers during nature walks
Sprays, aerosols for adultsspray "OZZ"
"Contra" spray lotion
aerosol "Atas"
spray "Off"
aerosol "Reftamid"
spray "Gardex"
Creams, milk for adults"Contra" gel, cream
milk "Gardex"
"Moskitol" cream

Insect bites should be taken seriously; they can cause serious harm to the body. Every person should be able to provide first aid to the victim in order to alleviate his condition and try to avoid a serious allergic reaction of the body. In nature, you should take all precautions, especially for small children. At the first sign of complications, you should urgently seek medical help.


It is known that it is hot and warm weather, rains and wet air contribute to the spread of mosquitoes, especially if there are low-flowing bodies of water nearby. But for the development of mosquitoes, simple puddles or wet basements. Mosquitoes are so annoying to people that in the city they can even ruin a warm summer evening on the balcony. Mosquito bites are not only unpleasant for adults and children, but also, as specialists from the Markushka children's clinic point out below, can lead to undesirable health consequences.

Mosquito bite

In Russia there are about 100 species of mosquitoes (out of almost 3 thousand species living in modern world). Among the class of insects, mosquitoes form a family with its own subfamilies, of which the most important are the subfamily of non-malarial mosquitoes and the subfamily of malarial mosquitoes (which are capable of transmitting malaria pathogens). Within the subfamilies, various genera of mosquitoes are distinguished, for example (the most important are indicated) Culex true mosquitoes, Anopheles malaria mosquitoes, Aedes biters. If we talk about mosquitoes that bite humans, then in the European part of the Russian Federation, in middle lane, in Moscow and the Moscow region, the most common are true Culex mosquitoes (they are sometimes called the squeak mosquito), although mosquitoes of other genera are also found.

Mosquitoes' food sources are nectar and various plant juices, but in many genera of mosquitoes, females receive additional nutritional material (proteins, lipids) from the blood of animals and humans to produce eggs and offspring. For this, the mosquito (female) uses a specific oral apparatus, whose jaws easily cut the skin, and the proboscis can dive to the level of small blood capillaries to draw blood.

The mosquito bite itself is practically painless, since it mechanically damages a small number of nerve cells. After piercing the skin, the mosquito inserts a flexible proboscis, with which it tries to find a blood vessel. If the search is successful, the proboscis is embedded in the wall of the vessel and the process of blood sucking begins. This mosquito manipulation can take up to several minutes, and if unsuccessful, the mosquito makes new attempts (in other words, “changes position”, flying to a new place on the skin). In parallel, but after a mechanical bite, the mosquito injects its secretion subcutaneously - saliva containing vasodilators and anticoagulants. These components of saliva provide the insect with an unhindered intake of blood, but for humans they are substances that irritate tissues and cause allergic reactions.

Why is a mosquito bite dangerous?

Mosquito bites, especially if they are numerous, can lead to a number of undesirable consequences.

Danger of infection after a bite. Since mosquito bites lead to itchy skin, intentional or involuntary strong scratching of the bite sites is possible. This happens especially often with children and, under certain conditions, it can lead to bacterial infection with all the negative consequences.

Danger of allergic reactions. The cause of an allergic reaction (hypersensitivity) may be components of mosquito saliva. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include skin itching, redness skin, in rare cases, the appearance of blisters filled with liquid. Usually the allergic reaction is mild, but in some children with numerous bites it may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In these cases, consultation with a pediatric allergist is required, since self-treatment and attempts to reduce an allergic reaction without turning to specialists can only worsen the situation.

How does a mosquito find its prey?

It has long been noted that not all people are attacked by mosquitoes to the same extent. Experts believe that this is due to the physiological characteristics of specific people.

Mosquitoes have extremely poor vision, or rather poor vision in the visible range of the spectrum, and prefer to dark places than light ones. But they have good “vision” in the infrared region. Therefore, the statement that “mosquitoes fly into light” is considered inaccurate - most likely, they are attracted by the thermal radiation of a visible light source. Source thermal radiation and a mosquito can detect its movement at a distance of several meters.

But the mosquito has 72 types of olfactory receptors (located on its antennae), of which about 30 are tuned to olfactory search for prey. The blood-sucking female mosquito primarily reacts to chemical substances(for example, lactic acid) sweat secretions of humans and animals, and can feel them at a distance of several kilometers from the source. The receptors that register carbon dioxide emitted by humans are somewhat less sensitive, but even here the sensitivity reaches hundreds of meters.

Experts believe that the algorithm for searching for a victim to bite includes both the perception and analysis of the physical and physico-chemical characteristics of the object, as well as its behavioral characteristics (for example, specific movements).

These physiological characteristics of mosquitoes are successfully used to protect against them (for example, in the development of new repellents, various emitters).

Multidisciplinary children's clinic "Markushka".
