Online designer of stairs with winder steps. Calculators for calculating wooden stairs of various designs. Stringer for stairs

So, how do professionals advise performing calculations in XXI century?

Staircase design can be done different ways. Each one is based on optimal sizes flight of stairs necessary for comfortable and safe movement.

Naturally, the most convenient there will be a gentle and not narrow staircase, but, as a rule, practical circumstances dictate restrictions on the choice key parameters which include: view stairs, lifting height, plan area, tilt angle, number of steps, width and height of each.

These indicators interconnected and cannot be determined individually. For example, for a simple one-flight staircase, the height of the rise and the angle of inclination rigidly determine the area in plan and, on the contrary, knowledge of the area in plan and height will leave no doubt about the angle of inclination of the staircase.

In this article we we will not consider exotic options, like stairs with elements of three-dimensional curvature, but let’s focus on the familiar and feasible home handyman designs on stringers and scarves.

Step size

These are perhaps one of the main characteristics of the staircase. It depends on them how much comfortable and safe household members will be able to go up to the second floor and go down.

Master Novitsky Oleg Vadimovich in the book “Modern stairs. Design, manufacturing, installation.” ( best wishes to the author and this amazing work) mentions recommended and repeatedly tested values for lifting ( h) and tread ( a) steps:

h×a = 150×300, 160×300, 170×290 mm.

These sizes are good, but unfortunately cannot be used if the house has already been built and overall height stairs ( H) is not a multiple of a single step ( h). In this case, we can turn to calculation formulas.

Widely known convenience formula:

a - h = 12 cm.

According to this ratio, the stairs will be the most convenient.

The stairs count safe if the sum of sizes ( With) the width of the tread and the height of the riser is equal to 45 cm:

30+15; 27+18; 25+20 .

Accordingly, this equation is called safety formulas :

c = a + h = 45 cm.

The difficulty is that the formulas are applicable in small range sizes and it is not always possible to realize the required proportion in practice. In this case, you should “get” into the indicated proportions with minimal deviation or use a universal Blondel's formula, which takes into account the average step of a person. More on this below.

Floor height, m Number of stages n Step height h, mm Step width b, mm Slope h:b
2.25 for basements 12 118 260 1:1,38
13 173 260 1:1,50
2,50 14 179 260 1:1,45
14 179 290 1:1,62
2,75 15 183 260 1:1,42
16 172 260 1:1,51
16 172 290 1:1,69
3,00 17 176 290 1:1,65
18 167 290 1:1,74

note: in single-flight staircases, as well as in one flight of two- and three-flight staircases within the first floor, no more than 18 rises (steps). Limit height steps - 220 mm ( SNiP 21-01-97).

To design a simple wooden staircase on stringers measure the height between floors(vertical distance from the floor of the lower floor to the floor of the upper).

By the way height between floors- this is the most “sick” size. In houses made of stone, deviations from the design are often encountered. 4-5 cm, and wooden ones are subject to shrinkage and shrinkage (up to 15 cm per floor). Ideally, you should wait until the log frame has completely dried out over several years.

Also dimensions for calculating stairs it is better to remove when the finished floors are laid or you will have to clearly set horizontal levels heights

So let height in our case:

Choose riser height:

Dividing the height between floors by the height of the risers, we get required amount steps:

270: 18 = 15 pieces.

For determining optimal width use steps convenience formula:

a - h = 12, h = 18 cm.

Convenient tread width:

a = 12 + h = 30 cm.

So it is necessary 15 steps wide 30 cm and a length depending on the width of the opening in the interfloor ceiling. Checking the stairs safety formula:

a + h = 46 + 3 cm

In this case:

18 + 30 = 48 cm.

Ladder safe and easy to use.

This example of calculations is given by Stolyarov A.N. in the book " We build stairs».

The French architect and engineer was still in the distant 1672 proposed the following ratio:

Where S is the average step of a person that is within 600-640 mm.

Can be converted into an inequality:

Nizhny an acceptable result for practice would be minimum lift steps:

h = 120 mm, a = 400 mm, slope 17 degrees.

With a smaller angle, it is no longer a staircase, but a ramp (ramp) - a gently sloping platform.

Upper step rise:

h = 220 mm, a = 200 mm, slope 48 degrees.

At the upper limit of the formula it turns out not the most comfortable a ladder suitable for use only when moving facing the steps.

Going down the stairs is more dangerous than going up, hence the ease of use evaluate on downward movement. An example of a master's thoughts according to Blondel's formula:

We measure the height between floors:

H = 3050 mm.

Determining the rise of steps h by division H for the possible number of ascents ( n). Value options:

    With 17 lifts: h = H / n = 3050 / 17 = 179.4 mm.

    At 18: h = H / n = 3050/18 = 169.4 mm.

    At 19: h = H / n = 3050/19 = 160.5 mm.

A = 5000 mm.

The length of the course line should not be less than the height between floors ( H), otherwise the stairs will be impractically steep. In our example:

A (5000) > H (3050).

At n = 18 tread a = 5000 / (n - 1) = 294 mm.

Actual number of steps per 1 less than the calculated value. This fact is easy to accept if the first step is considered to be at floor level.

Step parameter according to Blondel:

169 × 2 + 294 = 632 mm.

Hence, size is acceptable, is organic and lies within the average human step. We have determined the width of the tread and the height of the riser for easy movement, but this is not enough to build a comfortable and safe staircase.

Walking line and middle marching line

Stroke line (A) is a horizontal projection of a person’s imaginary movement along the steps. Passes in the distance 300-500 mm from the inner edge of the stairs. This average size determines comfort of using the handrail. The children will go closer to the railings, adults - further.

Sometimes for direct march this size is neglected, since the edges of the steps parallel.

If the width of the stairs is up to 1000 mm, then the stroke line will coincide with midline march. If more 1000 mm, then the stroke line shifts towards the handrail. The calculation algorithm is as follows:

    Using chalk or a plumb line draw the intended line on the floor(or lines) of the move. Record the size with a tape measure and correlate it with the height of the stairs. It's great if the line more, than the height in 1,7 times - that means the slope will be 30 °.

    All obtained tread size indicators calculate using Blondel's formula to determine the optimal one.

Relative amount of rise of the march (elevation angle)

In construction practice, the elevation angle is usually in the range from 20 before 50 degrees, but the most convenient are stairs with an angle from 30 before 45 degrees.

Dependency table size of steps depending on the angle of inclination:

Choice inclination angle determines the distance margin (critical height) of at least 2000 mm from any step to the ceiling or any protruding element of the building (beam, parapet):

Critical altitude convenient to check, drawing the calculated steps on any sheet material or directly on the wall. As design practice shows, very often a line drawn from the ceiling or a dangerous ledge will be less than the desired value.

It is for this reason that it is not possible to design a staircase that is shallow enough. As the angle of inclination increases, comfort decreases, therefore, with the low average height of all households, sometimes this size is underestimated.

In the already mentioned work of Novitsky O.V. “Modern stairs. Design, manufacturing, installation.” a real practical case is considered, in which as many as 6 options for the location of the stairs in the room.

In any case, the final result is usually golden mean between many conflicting arguments.

March width

March width is determined by the capacity of the staircase (the number of people per minute in the narrowest place) and assumes the comfortable movement of an adult.

For internal flights of stairs, building codes determine this value (the size from the wall to the railing or between two railings on the left and right side) at least in 900 mm, in luxury houses 1250-1600 mm.

Provided exceptions for width flight of stairs ( 0,8 m) some types of stairs (for example, in garden houses), but when designing a staircase you should focus on this size only in conditions of severe lack of free space in the room.

Width less than 0.8 m can afford auxiliary structures, for example, stairs to the basement or attic.

Standard elements

Every good owner knows how to count money. The construction of stairs is no exception. Can good savings, if the staircase details at the design stage work out adjust to standard preparations accepted on the territory RF.

Economic Considerations can become the key argument that will allow the owner to choose the only option for the location of the stairs from several possible ones.

1. Stage standards.

Available with fillet R 12.5. Invitations steps:

Size, mm
1 H 220×400×1200, R200
2 H220×400×1400, R200

Triangular winder A step of a non-standard size to order is calculated as rectangular (the necessary one is simply cut out of it). Because it is advisable to order rectangular. The cost is identical, and the trimmings will be useful in the work.

Large steps can be made from furniture board sizes:

Dimensions (H×W×D), mm
1 38×400×2000
2 38×500×1500
3 38×500×2000
4 38×700×1500
5 38×1000×1000
6 38×1100×1100
7 38×1200×1200

2. Risers.

Dimensions (H×W×D), mm
1 18×180×900
2 18×180×1000
3 18×180×1100
4 18×180×1200
5 18×180×1300
6 18×180×1400
7 18×120×900
8 18×120×1000
9 18×120×1100
10 18×120×1200
11 18×120×1300
12 18×120×1400

3. Cladding board.

Dimensions (H×W×D), mm
1 18×200×2000
2 18×300×2000
3 18×350×1000
4 18×350×1500
5 18×350×2000
6 18×350×2500
7 18×350×3000
8 18×350×3500

4. Beam.

Dimensions (H×W×D), mm
1 80×80×1200
2 80×80×2000
3 80×80×2500
4 80×80×3000
5 100×100×1200
6 100×100×2000
7 100×100×2500
8 100×100×3000

5. Bowstrings.

Dimensions (H×W×D), mm
1 40×350×2500
2 40×350×3000
3 40×350×3500
4 40×400×4000
5 50×300×3500
6 50×350×3500
7 50×400×4500

6. Handrails.

The length of the handrails can vary from 3500 before 6000 mm. And here are the sizes sections are constant:

Section (W×H), mm
1 40×70
2 45×70
3 45×80
4 45×90
5 60×60
6 70×70
7 70×90
8 80×100

7. Balusters.

Diameter round balusters - 30 or 47 mm. Length all varieties - up to 900 mm. Sections square products:

Section (W×H), mm
1 40×40
2 45×45
3 50×50
4 60×60
6 70×70
7 80×80
Diameter, mm
1 75
2 95
3 115
4 140
5 145

More at the calculation stage You should check the price list of the nearest supplier within walking distance.

So, it is not the gods who burn the pots. We hope that we were somewhat successful dispel the myth that the design and construction of stairs is available only to a select few. Read the articles, literature that we referred to in this text, take measurements, sketches and drawings.

Task bottom line looks simple: based on the layout of the house, the location of the stairs, the aesthetic preferences of the owners, you need perform parameter calculations given in the article. All that remains is to organically fit the indicators into the standards for comfortable and safe movement in a country house or multi-level apartment.

We wish you comfort and goodness in your home.

Regarding the question of how to calculate a wooden staircase, you can use the example below for calculating the parameters of a straight structure. If you have certain skills and abilities, a more complex project is used. For this purpose, the actual parameters used for standard calculations and verification are used in relation to the regulated dimensions.

Staircase configuration

When developing the question of how to calculate a stringer for a wooden staircase, the beginning of the calculations is made by determining the average step equal to 600 - 620 mm. This parameter is transferred to the staircase structure using preliminary calculations: the double size of the height of the steps is added to the tread parameters.

Formula for calculation:

(a x 2) + b.

a – vertical part of the step.

c – horizontal position of the product.

Number of steps

The staircase opening is measured. The gap between the overlaps is known. It is divided by the given step height ( optimal value the parameter is 15 -18 cm). The resulting indicator is equal to the number of risers.

3000: 19 = 157.8.

This indicator corresponds to the height of the step. The result is two sizes staircase design:

Using special programs, you can calculate a wooden staircase online.

Stringer measurement

can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, where the kosour acts as the hypotenuse. The legs are the gap between the overlaps H and the size of the march G. As a result, the stringer, designated by the symbol S, is calculated using the Pythagorean point: S2 = H2 + G2. If you have questions about these calculations, it is recommended to watch how to calculate a stringer for a wooden staircase in the video:

Tread length

The average human step is used to substitute the data:

600 – (157.8 x 2) = 284.4.

The resulting figure is rounded.

The number of risers is always one unit greater than the treads. The rounding of the tread width is accompanied by multiplication by a given number of steps (18 pcs.). This gives the length occupied by the stairs.

2800x18 =50400 mm.

According to preliminary calculations, the main dimensions of the structure correspond to the following:

  • 3000 mm – height.
  • 50400 mm – length.
  • 18 – number of treads.
  • 19 – number of risers.
  • 157.8 mm – height of steps.
  • 280 mm – tread depth.

Attention! If the number of steps is more than 12, then the use of an intermediate platform is provided.

Adjustable parameters

  • The width of the wooden staircase must be at least 914 mm.
  • Handrails do not project more than 4.5 inches (11.4 cm). The minimum width for the staircase minus handrails is 31.5 inches (78.7 cm) with handrails on one side, or 27 inches (69.8 cm) with handrails on both sides.
  • The clearance between steps and the top slab or landing is 6 feet 8 inches (203.6 cm).
  • The riser is 7 3/4 inches (19.69 cm) high. Tolerance is allowed within 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).

  • The width of the tread corresponds to the size of the step and has dimensions of at least 10 inches (25.4 cm). Width deviation reaches up to 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
  • Single-flight installation with lower winder steps and a rotation of 90 degrees. has a smallest tread width of 10 inches (25.4 cm). It is measured at 12 inches (305 mm) from the wall surface (travel line). Winder steps have a minimum tread width of 6 inches (15.2 cm) in the area where the tread is narrowest.
  • The deviation of the parameters of the tread width of winder steps on a segment of 12 inches (30.5 cm) from the wall surface is no more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).

Calculation of stairs with winder steps at 90 degrees

Attention! When choosing the shape of the steps, it is important to ensure a uniform increase in parameters.

The tread width of the widest winder step at a distance of 30.5 cm from the edge has a tread width of 10 cm. The largest tread size at a distance of 30.5 cm from the edge is characterized by an indicator of 25.5 cm.

The middle winder step, that is, the product with the narrowest tread, should be placed symmetrically to the axis passing from the upper part of the angle of rotation of the staircase device to the area that is the center of the rounding of the internal structure. Minimum size the tread for any step is 15.2 cm. The number of winder steps in a flight to form the correct bend and create parameters varies between 7 - 9 pcs. Below are suggested optimal ways calculation of stairs with winder steps.

Method of proportions

  • As an example, we took a staircase with winder steps and a 90 degree turn. with bowstrings.
  • The project is created by drawing two pairs of parallel lines at an angle of 90 degrees. The width between parallel contours is determined by the width of the planned march between the strings.
  • The thickness of the bowstrings is marked on the outside. The middle contour of the flight of stairs is measured and the C – C1 axis is plotted. The width of the steps is marked on the line of movement of the march. Determined given number winder steps in the march. In the example given, it is equal to the number 9.
  • A line is drawn along the outer contours of the winder steps until it intersects with the C – C1 axis. Knowing the number of winder steps, a general idea of ​​the march is formed. A specified number of straight steps are laid out on the drawing before and after the winder steps.

  • Lines are marked parallel to the C – C1 axis at a distance of 7.6 cm in both directions. The total size is 15.2 cm, which serves as the minimum tread width.
  • When these contours intersect with the border of the bowstring, obtaining points X and X1 is accompanied by a connection with the marks of the width of the central step and is extended until it intersects with the border of the string. The result is a central winder step.
  • The central adjustable step increases in length downwards until it adjoins the C – C1 axis.
  • From the resulting point P, a segment is measured at an acute angle and divided into parts in proportions 1: 2: 3: 4. The number of segments is equal to the number of winder steps after the central winder step. Marks C1 and L4 are connected by a contour, segments are drawn parallel to it through marks L3, L2, L1.
  • This is how points S1, S2, S3 are marked, they are connected by lines with marks of the width of the steps, and these segments are extended until they intersect with the border of the bowstring. The obtained result allows you to find out the placement of the winder steps on one side of the central winder step.
  • Since the central winder step is placed symmetrically to the C - C1 axis, it is possible to symmetrically draw the placement of the winder steps for the second side.
  • Calculation of parameters for a structure with a rotation of 180 degrees. carried out in a similar way. The smallest gap between marches is 10 cm.

In most cases, a ladder is a mandatory attribute country house. In addition, structures of this type can be used in two-level apartments or offices. Stairs today perform not only practical function, they are also additional items interior and add zest to the overall design of the room.

Staircase options

According to certain design features, staircases can be presented as marching, spiral or combined variations. The total area and layout features of the room will determine which of the above types of structures is most appropriate to use in a particular case.

It is necessary to ensure that installed structure answered everyone necessary requirements ergonomics.

Marching staircase

This design of the staircase is distinguished by its reliability and extreme ease of manufacture.

The structure in this case will consist of one or several flights (this is the name of a straight fragment with steps).

To maintain ergonomics, the number of steps in one flight should not exceed sixteen.

Spiral staircase

This structure consists of a support rod around which steps are arranged in a spiral.

The total area of ​​the classic variation of a spiral staircase does not exceed one square meter, as a result of which it can be installed even in small rooms. The peculiarity of such a staircase is the possibility of its location anywhere in the room.

Combined staircase

In this case, we are talking about an arched architectural structure.

The combined staircase combines elements of marching and spiral structures. This allows you to implement design tasks of any level of complexity.

Before starting the corresponding calculations, it is necessary to take into account the specific layout of the room. You should also take into account the total area of ​​the room. It may be necessary to create a project that will coordinate all further actions during the installation work. On initial stage The following points should be taken into account:

  • distance from the ground floor floor to the ceiling;
  • features of the location of the walls;
  • features of the placement of doorways;
  • total area of ​​the room;
  • planning features.

The height of individual steps of the stairs should be absolutely identical. It is recommended to avoid the formation of differences in these indicators. The width of the landing should be equivalent to the width of the flight. The length of one straight fragment with steps should be no more than 3 m. The minimum indicator in this case will be kept at 1.5 m.

The size of each individual step depends on the total number of these elements. The length of the span or section is also taken into account. The total width of the staircase is determined by the required level of its throughput. The minimum value for one person will be 0.7 m.

The level of comfort during ascent and descent will depend on the height of the steps. Most often, this indicator varies from 12 to 20 cm. The optimal depth of the steps is 28-30 cm. Provided that an uneven step is implemented, these indicators should be calculated based on the total length and height of the structure.

How to determine the angle of inclination?

The angle of inclination should be such that a person can move forward proportionally while walking up the stairs. The formation of the final indicator will depend on the height and width of the steps.

In most cases, it is recommended to settle on a number that is in the range from 23 to 37 degrees. It should be noted that a very steep angle of inclination can somewhat complicate the procedure for lifting and transporting heavy objects up the stairs.

Important! The greater the angle of inclination of the stairs, the less space may be required for its placement. However, too steep an angle significantly complicates the procedure of climbing to the second floor.

If the angle of inclination is less than twenty-three degrees, then you can resort to installing a ramp. This flat design will make it easier to descend and ascend. It should be noted here that a staircase with an inclination angle of more than forty degrees can become an insurmountable obstacle for users.

Parameters of railings and fences

When carrying out the appropriate calculations before installing the stairs on the second floor, you should take into account the parameters of the railings and some of the structure’s fences. In particular, it is necessary to determine the following points:

  • baluster height;
  • handrail length;
  • height support posts;
  • railing width

The optimal width of the railing will be equivalent to 100 mm. This indicator will contribute to the comfortable use of the stairs by an adult. Railings are most often located at a height of 900 mm. Based on this, it is easy to conclude that the height of the baluster will be approximately 800 mm. In this case, you should pay attention to the method of installing the baluster. If this element is mounted in grooves, then its length should be slightly longer. The final indicator is formed taking into account the depth of the groove.

As for determining the height of the support posts, you should also pay attention to the installation features. If the support used is installed on steps, then its length will be identical to the height of the baluster. Provided that if the rack is a vertical rack installed on the floor, then standard height the height of the placed support should be added.

The length of the railing should be equivalent to the length of the flight of stairs. Total length of this element may fully correspond to the dimensions of the staircase or be slightly larger. The increase in indicators tends to increase if the handrail extends beyond the steps.

The staircase structure can be prefabricated or monolithic. The first variation of the structure is not very popular, since installation work in this case will involve certain difficulties. In addition, all relevant work must be carried out at the construction site.

Prefabricated stairs made from large-sized elements are in great demand. The installation procedure of the entire structure does not involve any particular difficulties. This variation of stairs can be used not only in private country house, but also in buildings public importance. Additionally, marches of structures of this type can be reinforced with frames.

Flights with solid steps are presented in the form of a panel, which is significantly reinforced on the sides through the use of special stiffening ribs. The upper plane of such a panel has a stepped structure.

The staircase may be original

The staircase structure in the house is necessary part connecting the floors. Choosing a staircase design is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The house needs not just an element for lowering and lifting, but a convenient and aesthetic structure.

Selecting a staircase design is not an easy task. Before you decide on any model, return to the project and layout once again interior spaces. It's possible you've overlooked some important aspects: where the flight of stairs will go, how many there will be, whether the chosen model fits the design of both floors and many other questions.

Various types of staircase designs: photos

We invite you to familiarize yourself with different options design solutions for staircase structures. Before you start studying programs for calculating stairs, consider appearance designs. To do this, we present to help you photographs demonstrating successful decorative structures.

You shouldn't rely too much on fashion trends. The main attention should be paid to the style of your home itself.

Main technical parameters of stairs

Any building has its own standards. There are similar standards for stairs. If you deviate from them during construction, the structure will be used in best case scenario inconvenient, at worst - downright dangerous. The list of parameters includes the height of the riser and the width of the staircase steps, the slope, and the height of the railing.

The dimensions of the staircase steps take into account the permissible riser height limits, which are within 80 mm: the minimum value is 120 mm, the maximum value is 200 mm. The tread depth is made between 235 and 355 mm. The angle of inclination depends on several factors, but acceptable values ​​are 24−50°. If the inclination exceeds 45°, the steps become too steep and uncomfortable. The proper slope is determined by the height of the rise in a certain ratio to the width of the tread.

Selecting arbitrary values ​​can violate the technical quality of the design. In addition to the above parameters, they take into account the dimensions of the staircase opening, the length of the flight, the number of ascents (preferably no more than 18), and the total distance from the floor of the first floor to the second.

On average, the step length of an adult is 63 cm, and when climbing, this number becomes equal to 30-32 cm and increases or decreases depending on the inclination of the march. As for fencing and railings, the standard indicates 90-120 cm. The critical height of the stairs is also important parameter, therefore, in the house plan it is worth considering the height of the ceiling of the second floor to prevent head injuries. Finally, we would like to add that the safest staircase will be one that can withstand a weight of up to 250 kg, and a handrail that can withstand a weight of over 100 kg.

Main types of staircase structures

You can rejoice in the variety of staircase designs. Their main types are taken into account in programs for calculating stairs. The convenience of marching stairs lies in their practicality, spiral staircases - in their sophistication and grace, as well as economy usable area. Advantage combined designs consists of successful combination elements of all other structures and maximum level interior solution.

Marching staircase Spiral design Combination of elements of all structures

Staircase structures take into account load-bearing elements, namely stringers, of which there can be one or two, bowstrings, bolts, a combination of elements. Calculating the stairs to the second floor with your own hands can be a difficult design task complex structures. It is important to remember that any calculations must be based on building regulations for your convenience and safety.

The main materials from which stairs are made, and the nuances of their calculation

The use of any material must be selected taking into account building codes. The staircase structure has a weight that should be included in the design. Each structure is individual, this is emphasized not only by the features during construction, but also by the choice of material for its construction. So, what materials for making stairs are especially popular:

  1. Tree comes first. Wood is a traditional raw material for any construction. Aesthetic qualities of wood and its specifications at the highest level.

  2. Stone almost as popular as wood. Stone structures last for decades without changing their original appearance and without the need for painting.

  3. Glass stairs are in demand in modern designs home interior. Glass is easy to perceive, although its technical characteristics include strength and considerable weight.

  4. Iron structures They can be simple and massive, or they can become a real work of art thanks to forged elements.

  5. Reinforced concrete stairs add grandeur to the design.

Many designers do not follow the rules and boldly combine various materials, combining everything in incredible proportions. Of course, the cost of such a staircase increases not only due to the work of the designer, but also due to the difficulties associated with the construction process. And, of course, we should not forget about combined options, when part is made of metal, and part is made of glass or wood. Some designers even embark on bold experiments, combining wood, metal and stone. As a rule, such structures are installed in rich houses.

Calculation of wooden stairs

Tradition and classics - that's what we can say about wooden stairs Oh. These are trendy designs that fit into many design styles. Wood needs to be treated, as this material is susceptible to rotting, termite attacks and is not at all fire-resistant. A wooden staircase will organically fit into a house made from any combination of wood. This will be the optimal and environmentally friendly option. Combination welcome different breeds wood, special texture, aging and varnish treatment.

The most popular staircases in house construction are structures made of pine, beech, oak and ash. The program for calculating wooden stairs differs from others precisely in the qualities and properties of the material.

Calculation of metal stairs

This material, cold to the touch, was not previously on the list of popular ones and was used in office flights of stairs X. But it is almost impossible to resist the variety of figured designs with exquisite patterns and bronze elements.

Metal stairs to the second floor can also be calculated online using special calculators.

Determining the required geometric dimensions of the stairs

So, before opening the calculator for calculating the stairs to the second floor online, carefully calculate all future parameters. Without the dimensions of the height and width of the steps, the fence, the distance between floors and the angle of inclination, the program will not produce any results.

An example of calculating the length of a staircase, the height and width of steps

We remind you that all staircase parameters comply with SNIP and GOST standards!

We point out only the most basic points that play a role in the safety of people operating the staircase structure. This list includes the total number of steps, which can be from 3 to 18, not taking into account parity. The height of the steps should not be lower than 12 cm, and in no case exceed 20 cm with a total width of 23-25 ​​cm.

Approximate drawing of a straight staircase

Let's try to simulate staircase on stringers. Given: landing, length - 6000 mm, width - 3000 mm, height between floor levels - 3300 mm, distance between flights - 100 mm. We make a calculation in which we take into account that with a distance between floors of 3300 mm we make two flights.

So, (landing width 3000 mm – space between flights 100 mm) / 2 = 1450 mm. To determine the height of one flight, we divide the interfloor height in half and get 1650 mm. We define the size of the steps as 150 mm in height multiplied by 300 mm.

The number of risers in a flight is calculated by dividing the height of one flight by the height of the riser and obtains: 1 650 / 150 = 11 (pieces). The upper flight will have one step less, 11 - 1 = 10 (pieces), which means there will be 11 risers in the march, and one less tread. The length of the march is calculated by multiplying the width of the tread by the number of steps, multiplying 300 mm by 10 pieces and getting 3000 mm.

The standard width of a staircase opening is 90 - 110 cm, although in rare cases it is permissible to reduce this mark to 80 cm. All dimensions on the plan and drawing must be transferred to the walls and all components of the structure must be marked. To do this, use a plumb line and a pointed cord.

Determining the required angle of inclination of the stairs

Many recommend an angle of inclination from 29° to 37°, since a larger angle, although it saves space, but only at the expense of reduced comfort. In the calculations do not forget about the location of the door and window openings, columns, arches.

Calculation of stairs of various types

If, after all of the above, independently calculating all the nuances of a staircase structure seems difficult, then you can not risk either the safety or the quality of the future structure, but trust a special online staircase design program. When calculating stairs of any type, you will need to enter a lot of your measurements. The program offers calculations for all types of stairs, no matter whether you want a spiral structure on stringers or a staircase with winder steps.

All data is automatically processed and produces a drawing with all the exact parameters as a result. The output data includes information about the materials spent on the construction of the structure. Programs that offer 3D visualization are especially interesting, since you can not only get a drawing and the required amount of material, but also work on the design.

With winder steps rotated 90°

Unique modern layout or small sizes houses often add difficulties when choosing standard staircase structures; a straight staircase will not fit everywhere, as will the platforms of rotary structures. The solution was found in the process of architectural searches for a new good option. As a result of necessity, staircases with winder steps arose. Such designs solve the problem of moving between the first and second floors for any layout and spatial volume of premises.

Please note that due to this design, there is a significant saving of usable space with an elegant appearance.

Such structures are not hazardous, since all staircase parameters must be observed during construction. The usual material for the manufacture of such L-shaped ladders is wood or metal, mainly aluminum. Exactly this practical solution for the construction of a compact interfloor connection. Here are more options for such staircase structures.

With winder steps rotated 180°

The design of such a ladder is called U-shaped because of its external resemblance to this letter when viewed from above. Two straight flights of stairs are connected by a small, easy-to-pass platform. A turn is made on it, and the movement begins in the opposite direction.

This option is also in demand and popular among architects and designers. This is a very convenient transition between floors, which can accommodate very small space. The designers tried and worked carefully in this direction, making such designs very stylish in the interior. When calculating such a structure, you need to pay attention to the height between floors, since incorrectly calculated parameters will make moving up and down extremely inconvenient due to your head touching the ceiling.

Straight staircase

This is the most traditional type stairs, where all parameters are closely interconnected. The angle of inclination plays a big role. The width of the steps and their height depend on it, which decrease or increase depending on the change in the angle of inclination.

But in any numerical scenario, the length of the entire staircase will be quite large - 3-6.5 m. This value depends on the combination of all parameters, including the important thickness interfloor covering. The calculation also includes taking into account the length of the platforms in front of the entrance and exit to the direct march. Thus, the length of the staircase increases further, and useful space is lost. The minimum length of the landing in front of and after the stairs is 80 cm and must be identical to the width of the stairs.

Double-flight staircase on stringers with a 180° rotation. Online calculator

If there is a large distance between floors, a two-flight staircase structure is installed. Another platform will not only change the direction of the ascending or descending one, but can also be endowed with other functions, because it is a support for the entire structure. The variety of double-flight staircases is taken into account in the calculations.

The owner should decide whether the design will be open or closed type. At open type the gaps between the risers will be visible, and when closed it will be safer to climb, because such stairs have solid risers. The platforms can be single-level or two-level, where there is an additional step. The design itself can be directed clockwise or counterclockwise or simply straight. Our calculator will help you calculate this design.

Three-flight staircase on stringers with a 180° rotation

This design is similar to the letter "z". Three marches are obtained due to two intermediate platforms, and the middle march is noticeably shorter than the others. The size of the platforms should not exceed the width of the steps. Such landings convenient for many people, especially for those who find it difficult to immediately run up the stairs.

To do correct calculation, the height of one flight is taken into account. To do this, divide the interfloor distance by 3 and calculate all risers and treads in one flight with a step size of 300×150 mm. The height of the march and steps are taken into account, as well as the smaller number of treads per one, due to the location of the last tread on the second floor landing. Typically, this design is used in houses where the interfloor distance is more than 3 m.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

Beautiful and practical design saves space and is a wonderful decorative element. This staircase can be chosen to suit any style. The design is complex in its shape. Its numerous wedge-shaped winder steps must be located at a certain radius.

There are four types of such stairs with their own characteristics: with or without support on the walls of the house, with support pillar or without it. The calculation includes the rotation angle (270°−360°), ceiling height (2 meters or more), the width of the end of the step (from 40 cm) and the width of the narrow end (from 10 cm).

Straight ladder on bowstrings

The classic type of construction is especially popular in office buildings. The difference from staircases on stringers is the insertion of steps into grooves called bowstrings. Such structures can be open or closed, the difference lies in the use or absence of risers. These can be single-flight or double-flight staircases with any shape of landings.

Programs for calculating stairs online. Calculator with drawings

Even if you have design programs, you may still experience difficulties in calculations and drawings. Therefore, our editors offer a calculator where you need to enter the specified values ​​​​and get the result. Drawing drawings will help adjust the wishes of the owner of the house. If you have already chosen the design option and material, then the most important thing remains - to correctly measure all the parameters of the future staircase. All data after entering into the table windows will be processed and you will see the result.

Where to order turnkey production and installation of staircases - prices, catalogs

Numerous companies specializing in the construction of stairs offer their services not only for the construction stage itself, but also various design solutions. You can find many interesting offers from designers and manufacturers.

The price of an L-shaped staircase with a 90° turn made of different types of wood with a minimum opening of the second floor (920×2700 mm), an inclination angle of 42° and 15 steps costs from 35,000 to 150,000 rubles. Prices spiral staircases start at 55,000 rubles, although some manufacturers offer to purchase a ready-made metal spiral staircase for 40,000 rubles. The cost of a U-shaped staircase also depends on the material and starts from 90,000 rubles. The price of the selected staircase will depend on all parameters, material and installation.

If you have any questions, please write them in the comments.

IN modern world There are many possibilities that people never even thought about before. Anyone planning or completing a floor will definitely need a program for calculating the stairs to the second floor. This important element in organizing space, requires attention. Therefore, you should approach design with the utmost seriousness.

Existing forms of stairs

As with any other business, before you start you need to:

  1. Decide which staircase to the second floor you want to equip.
  2. You should also think about what the material will be like. After all, the stairs are presented on modern market in a wide variety of variations.
  3. How many Money are you willing to spend on this design. This question is also important, because it depends on what kind of project should be done.
  4. It's also worth considering design solution staircase structure. Indeed, today there are many options offered on the market.

  5. Decorative details should also be thought through in advance, this will make it easier to calculate the amount required to equip the space.

All these nuances are important when creating a diagram of future gangways remotely through special programs.

What parameters need to be measured before design?

To calculate the stairs online, you must first take manual measurements of some parameters. To easily create a project using a template, you need to measure:

The height of the staircase structure. To do this, you need to use a tape measure or a special ruler to measure the distance from the floor of the first floor to the beginning of the second tier of the room.
The width of the steps themselves should also be measured. The size of the steps for the stairs to the second floor should not be less than 25 cm in length. It is optimal to make 28-30 cm. This will allow people with large size feet can comfortably move to the second tier of the room.
If railings are planned in the structure, then their height should also be measured.
The distance from the outermost step, parallel to the ceiling, to the ceiling itself. This parameter should not be less than 200 cm. This is necessary so that a person of any height can move up the steps without bending.
It is also worth measuring the gap between the floor and the bottom of the step. Usually this is at least 50 cm. But this figure may vary depending on which design is chosen.
Be sure to immediately determine what the angle of inclination of the structure will be. Ideally, it should be 35-45 degrees. However, depending on style solution products, the figure may vary.

Staircase project created in a special program

  1. The steps should be comfortable to move.
  2. It is worth considering what kind of fastenings will be installed in the stairwell.
  3. Often people make an erroneous measurement of height, calculating the distance from the floor of the first floor to the ceiling of the same tier as the required number. With such a calculation, errors are inevitable. After all, it is necessary to calculate the distance to the beginning of the second floor of the room.

FloorPlan 3D

This program is clear and easy to understand even for inexperienced users. Therefore, you should pay attention to it.

Designing a staircase in FloorPlan 3D

In it you can see what the second floor will look like in the overall picture of the interior.

Benefits of the program

In addition to the structure of the stairs, it is also possible to design and. This will help you see the result before constructing the second floor or the building as a whole. There are many utilities and elements on this resource for staircase design.


Such a program must be downloaded to a personal computer with a sufficient amount of memory on its hard drive.

Online staircase designer

The program, which bears the appropriate name, can be used for its intended purpose. This software will help:
