Making a garden pond with your own hands. How to make a pond in the garden ⛲ and on a summer cottage with your own hands - photos of small ponds from a bathtub and a tire. DIY pond in the garden photo: choosing plants for compositions

And a pond. Even a small body of water attracts those around you like a magnet. The water is mesmerizing even in small quantities... Moreover, you can build a pond with your own hands in a few hours. But this is a small artificial reservoir. Building a large one will require both money and time.

Where to dig

Small artificial reservoirs are best viewed from above. Therefore, if there is a corresponding depression on the site, it is best to do it here. There is, however, a negative side to this: you will have to raise the edges of the bowl higher in order to rainwater didn't get inside. The second option is to come up with a water drainage system (make a drainage system above the reservoir).

If there is a key somewhere on the site, it is logical to make a natural pond by digging or deepening the existing bowl, lining its borders with cobblestones or stones, and planting plants. The stream, which is sure to exist in this case, can also be improved by lining its edges with cobblestones, drowning them in the soggy soil, you will give greater strength to the bank, and you can plant moisture-loving plants between them.

Even a small waterfall is a magical sight. How to dam a pond if there is a natural stream on your site - dig a pit, cover it with stones and direct the stream into it

Not everyone has such a luxury on their property as a stream or a spring. We have to make artificial reservoirs. When properly designed, they look no worse than natural ones.

How to make an artificial pond with a bowl (without film)

The simplest and quick way to make an artificial pond at the dacha - bury the finished bowl in the ground, shaping and decorating its edges. There are plastic bowls - ready-made in different shapes, sizes and colors (mostly blue, green and black).

Construction of a plastic garden or country pond- it’s not a difficult matter. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  • It is necessary to dig a pit in the shape of a bowl. If the shape is very non-standard, you can turn it upside down at the installation site and outline the outline with something (even dig it with a shovel). The bowl is taken to the side and a pit is dug. It should be a little larger in size - a little wider, but not deeper. The edges should either be flush with the ground or protrude slightly. If you can raise the edges a little, it will be even better: when it rains, dirty water will not flow in.
  • After the required depth is reached, the bottom is leveled to the horizon: it is first leveled with a shovel, then compacted and the excess is removed with an even bar. The surface must be smooth and hard: the plastic must have good support. If the ground is poorly leveled (clay), you can pour 5-10 cm of sand, wet it and compact it.
  • The next stage is installing the bowl in the pit. If the bottom has been made level, the edges of the bowl will be level with the horizon. Now the space that remains between the wall of the bowl and the pit must be filled with soil or sand and compacted well.
  • Now it’s time for the design: the installation is complete, you can fill in the water.

How to use this technology to build a pond in the courtyard with lighting, see in this photo report (you can scroll through the photo gallery yourself by clicking on the thumbnails below).

We are digging a pit. We decided that the sides would be 1-2 cm higher than the level of the path - there would be less debris inside, and we would decorate the edges with stones. On this side, just below the maximum level, we cut a pipe into the bowl so that excess water would drain. She was taken to the sewer

But it is not always and not everywhere possible to constantly add and remove water to the pond. Then you will have to either plant plants that will clean it, or change it periodically.

Pond from an old bathroom

You don't have to buy a bowl at all. Any container can be used. Even old bath. It turns out very well. All the steps are the same, the pit is dug first, a bathtub is placed in it, what goes next, see the series of following photos. There's a pond on them old bath transforms into a truly lovely place.

The platform was also entangled with wire - so that the clay did not float and the platform did not sag. This is already a month later, such beauty - a garden pond built with my own hands makes me happy

Pond from a car tire (with film)

A mini pond can be made from an old one car tire, or rather from a tire. The larger it is, the larger the reservoir. The most difficult thing in this matter is to cut one side part. If the resulting edges are sharp, they need to be processed sandpaper. The second most difficult task is to dig a hole of the appropriate size. The difficulties ended there. The rest is quite easy.

The cut tire is installed in the hole, covered with earth on the sides, and compacted well. Also, earth or sand is poured inside and the bottom is leveled. Take a piece of thick plastic film, maybe folded in half, and cover the resulting tank. Don’t try too hard: just pour water, it will straighten the film itself.

Instead of polyethylene, you can take banner film (available from advertising companies that produce outdoor advertising) or a piece special for swimming pools and ponds. They are much stronger (but more expensive).

The protruding ends of the film are tucked around the walls of your pond and decorated with stones. The construction of the pond is completed, next comes decoration and planting. See how to make a pond from a tire in the photo report.

The next stage of making a mini-pond for a summer residence is decorating the edges with stones

There is certainly nothing complicated about such a device. Anyone can build such a pond at their dacha with their own hands, and the investment is minimal.

In general, mini-ponds are made from tanks, barrels, pans, even flower pots. The main thing is that there is a body, and designing it is not very difficult: experience gradually comes. They are placed in the garden, at the dacha, near the house. It is possible to supply water, make a stream, it can be placed under trees, for example, or shrubs. Both beauty and benefit at the same time.

Making a pond with film

By creating this artificial pond made of film, you almost exactly repeat the work described above, only without installing the bowl:

  1. mark the shape of the future pond;
  2. dig a pit, forming ledges if necessary;
  3. clean the bottom of any sharp objects: roots, stones, etc.;
  4. level the banks of your pond;
  5. spread the waterproofing film;
  6. fill the pond with water;
  7. fix the edges of the film;
  8. decorate.

A country pond created using this technology can be of a more substantial size. An important point: simply making a pit on loose soil and laying down film will not work. We will have to come up with some measures to strengthen the banks. In this case, you will have to either install a bowl, or make a more serious structure - from brick or concrete. Next, let's look at examples of how to inexpensively make a pond from film.

First project: sides flush with the ground

Eight simple steps and your pond at the dacha is built. How to dig and arrange a pond at your dacha and make it look natural, see the photo report.

Second project: raised sides

The second version of a homemade pond in the first stages is built in almost the same way as the first. Only after the pit reached the design depth were the sides raised, lined with bricks along the edges and concreted. The result was a pond with raised sides. A water circulation system has also been made. It is shown in the figure below.

As you can see, this pond is more multi-layered and its displacement is more serious. If you want to have a pond of at least medium size and not build a serious bowl, you can do as shown in the figure: fill the created pit with sand, cover it, and only lay the film on top. Geotextiles evenly distribute the load and do not allow plants to grow. This is especially true if you are building a pond in the garden and there are shrubs or trees nearby.

Serious projects: brick and concrete

If you want to have a large pond in your country house, and you want to build it yourself, you will have to study the topic of building swimming pools. Firstly, the construction of the bowls repeats all the stages one by one. Even the forms are sometimes made stepped. True, the banks are not decorated with plants, and they are not planted in the pool itself... But the construction process itself, with reinforcement, plaster, and waterproofing is the same. Moreover, the water supply and water treatment system is also similar. Except that chemical cleaning methods are not used in ponds, but filters, screamers and ultraviolet light can be used.

In general, a large pond is not a cheap pleasure. Moreover, it requires expenses not only for construction, but also for maintaining a large reservoir in good condition: filters need to be regularly cleaned and cartridges or backfill replaced. But of course the pleasure is great...

Not the largest pond, but it required 10 bags of cement, 30 bags of sand (20 coarse and 10 fine), a hydrophobic additive - 5 bags to make the concrete water-repellent. Plastered on a mesh fixed in the ground

Pond Plants

When shaping or choosing a bowl, consider not only its shape and depth. If you want plants to grow in your pond, a marshy riparian area is necessary. If you form a pond using film, you can make a profile approximately like the one in the picture.

It is more convenient to do this if you fill the pit with a layer of sand at least 15 cm thick. With its help you can make the relief the way you like. To make the work easier and the film not torn, lay geotextiles on the sand. This thin membrane is very tear-resistant. You can do whatever you want without breaking it. Having formed the desired bottom topography with its help, you can line the film and lay stones on it, fill it with water and plant plants for the pond on different levels.

To ensure there is enough oxygen in the water, you can plant Canadian elodea, hornwort and swampweed. They are in the photo below. Planted in water, these are aquatic plants.

June 3, 2018 / / Here

A pond in a dacha is beautiful, fashionable and even very prestigious. And if not everyone can build a full-fledged swimming pool (after all, this is quite a troublesome and expensive task), then build a compact one decorative pond Any connoisseur of beauty and nature in the garden can.However, you should not expect that it is enough to simply dig a hole and fill it with water, which will soon be absorbed into the soil and form an ordinary puddle. To achieve the desired result, you need a competent approach that requires certain material investments.

All necessary materials can be purchased at any construction supermarket, and work technologies can be found via the Internet. Whether it’s a place for family leisure or decorating a nice lawn, the goals will depend technical specifications, dimensions, manufacturing technology and filling of the reservoir. More on this further...

Do-it-yourself decorative pond at the dacha: what is important to know?

A decorative pond can be made very shallow and small, because much more important is the aesthetic admiration of the mirror of water surrounded by plants and stones. First of all, care should be taken to create a reliable waterproofing layer that will retain water in the pit.

It is necessary to remove the soil and give the future reservoir the required depth and configuration, compacting the walls well, before filling them with a layer of sand and pouring water on top of it. If you want a deep fish pond, the walls should be designed in the form of terraces going down. This will result in a more reliable structure that is not prone to landslides. For artistic decoration of a reservoir, horizontal sections can be decorated with flowerpots with plants and other natural decorative elements.

It is important to ensure waterproofing. Any waterproof materials are suitable for this - roofing felt, polyethylene film, PVC fabric.Today, technology offers a reliable sealant - polyurea, which can be used to make any fabric and even paper waterproof. To properly insulate a pit, a thin layer of this composition will be sufficient.

Lay the waterproofing sheets overlapping, making sure that where they overlap, all layers fit snugly together. Thus, they will not move under water pressure and will hold it securely.

The protruding edges of the film are laid out and covered with soil. Depending on the design, you can put pots with beautiful plants on them, lay stones, or build an alpine slide on the edge of the reservoir.

Plastic container - simple and practical

The production of dimensional polyethylene products offers ready-made containers for arranging ponds and swimming pools. Such bathtubs have their advantages: they are easy to install, quite easy to transport, can withstand heavy loads, are easy to clean, and have different shapes and sizes.

Correct installation of such a reservoir involves the formation of the most even bottom of the recess, followed by compaction. Otherwise, there is a risk that the weight of the water will break the bathtub, which will then be almost impossible to restore.

The openings between the outer walls of the container and the edges of the pit are filled with sand and compacted with water and a tamper. High-quality backfill is a guarantee that the structure will not collapse when filled with liquid.

This solution for a decorative pond is the least labor-intensive in both production and maintenance. Having previously drained the water, the container is very easy to clean from dirt, and the strong sides will not allow the soil to crumble.

Design plastic construction You can use it as a natural pond, or you can create the central object of a picnic area. A practical pond can also serve as a safe pool for children, since plastic dark color, which perfectly accumulates heat from the sun.

Capital construction

For adherents of good and solid solutions, capital structures are more suitable. In this case, they build from concrete reliable design, which involves containing a significant volume of water and can be used for various purposes - creating a place of rest in a summer cottage or as big pond for fish farming.

One way or another, a decorative pond can be built without any help and in one season. The prepared recess is reinforced with reinforced concrete: thick wire or reinforcement is laid along its walls and bottom, tying it at intersections or fastening it by welding. The finished structure is fixed with studs and a concrete solution is poured. The screed must harden completely, after which the entire surface of the pool is treated with sealant. Final stage– design of sides.

Waterfall by the pond: a spectacular sight

Flowing water near a pond looks especially beautiful and enchanting. To achieve this effect, you will need special equipment that will ensure the movement of water. Waterfalls, fountains, water mills are an excellent option for your site.They use different pumps with filters, which at the same time purify the water.

It is possible to make a decorative pond with a waterfall when there are elevation differences on the territory of the summer cottage. Thus, it is enough to divide the pond into two parts and build a small dam at their junction.

If the terrain is without a slope, you can use additional decorative items - vases, bowls, various thematic compositions. Today the market already offers in abundance ready-made elements for decorating ponds, where everyone can choose an option to suit their taste.

Pond care

It is important to ensure that the pond always remains clean and fresh. Therefore, you need to regularly care for and clean it - drain all the water from time to time and thoroughly wash the container. To ensure that the water always remains clear, you must use special means, preventing the development of microflora. They are absolutely environmentally friendly and safe, and you can buy them in any specialized supermarkets.

With the transition to winter time year, it is better to drain the water from the decorative pond (if there is a high probability of its complete freezing). Broken walls are very difficult to restore. There is a high probability that a damaged seal will render the reservoir completely unusable.


At the dacha, city dwellers like to spend their free time on weekends, relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. To make your vacation more enjoyable, create a pond in your yard. In this article you will learn how to do DIY pond at the dacha photo step by step. This work can be done by anyone, regardless of their level of training and knowledge. Construction will take 5-10 days and requires purchase necessary materials. As a result, you will get an aesthetic element landscape design with minimal cash costs for equipment.

Before starting work, decide on the location and type of artificial reservoir. The best place- lower part with sufficient solar lighting during the day. It is advisable to start construction away from large trees, which pollute the water with fallen leaves and disrupt the waterproofing. The shape of the pond depends on the wishes and imagination of the home owner. Its depth: 0.5-1.4 m.

Species classification of artificial reservoirs

The shape and size are up to you. Decide on the type of pond:

  • mini. An excellent element of landscape design;
  • decorative pond. It is decorated with decorative elements and plants;
  • water. Designed for fish breeding;
  • pool. Used for swimming.

Pay attention to the choice of the shape of the reservoir, especially the mini version. To create it, old bathtubs, deep basins and other containers made of strong, durable materials are used. The choice of base will determine the shape, size and depth. For a bathtub pond and basin, select 3-7 plant species.

Interesting fact! A round pond is easier to make than all other types! It is suitable for decorating the garden and yard country cottage. To form them, use concrete rings, tubs of wood and molds made of durable plastic. Car tires may be used.

The rectangular shape of the reservoir is combined with flower beds of a similar shape. This The best decision for landscaping the interior of the yard. Use of irregular shapes, curved lines and exotic plants- an option for fans of creative solutions and modern design.

How to choose a design style

It will seem challenging task. To get the desired result, you should read the relevant literature and our advice. The number of modifications is huge, among them you will find the one you need. For fans of classics and brevity, the formal style is perfect. Such a pond has the exact shape simple design, a minimum number of decorative elements and plants. Arrange it on a site in the Art Nouveau, hi-tech, minimalist style.

Romantic individuals should pay attention to landscape solutions for arranging a reservoir on the site. This is naturalness, irregular shapes. You are not limited by certain rules and can realize your ideas. Take into account the terrain and budget so that unpleasant situations do not arise during the work. On flat terrain it is possible to create all types of ponds, and for sudden changes, slides and bridges are suitable. Here you should be careful at every stage of work, to the choice of materials, laying the film and digging a pit.

Choosing a place to get started

This is a crucial stage. Make sure there is enough depth groundwater on site to prevent unpleasant consequences further. The value is needed to determine the depth of the pond. Proceed to choosing a location by finding an area that gets 5-7 hours of sun a day. This way the planted plants will be able to develop and grow normally. Shady areas and places under tall trees are the worst solution for starting work on an artificial pond.

Make sure that the pond looks aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and has a proportional shape from all sides of the site. On its surface in sunny weather clouds, a house, and plants will be reflected. This is a beautiful element of landscape design for a country cottage, available to your family right now!

When choosing a place to dig a pit, pay attention to the following factors:

  • garden plot area;
  • terrain;
  • soil and depth of groundwater;
  • amount of time exposed to direct sunlight.

Pond area- a place where the sun shines 5-7 hours a day, with good visibility from all parts of the site, a sufficient degree of surrounding landscaping. You can decorate the finished structure with plants in barrels. Provide power to the reservoir to provide illumination at night and connect filters, a pump, and music.

Planning is an important stage of work that should be given attention and the sequence should be considered. Decide on what is feasible design solutions, buy decorative elements, plants, choose a design style. Plants are planted according to different patterns, after studying which you will create a unique composition.

The sizes of reservoirs vary. For a small area, set the container to 10 liters. It will not dry out, will take up little space and will make the yard aesthetically pleasing. But growing plants and breeding fish in it is impossible. An old bathtub, plastic container, basin is suitable for it. After choosing a location, you should dig a hole 30 cm deep than the height of the container used. Level and compact the bottom of the hole, lower the bathtub into it, filling the free space with earth.

To add naturalness to the created pond, paint the bathtub with paint. It is acceptable to use paint in natural shades, finishing materials, concrete mortar. Pots with flowers on the sides will be beautiful decorative element created composition.

Medium sized pond - original solution for owners of a spacious yard. By creating such beauty yourself, you will make the yard a real work of art, turning it into reality design ideas. The device is complex, but you can make it in the following ways:

  • The reservoir bowl is made of concrete mortar. This is a time-consuming and expensive method;
  • installation of a purchased plastic container. It will determine the size of the pond, its shape, depth. Choose between single-level and multi-level systems;
  • film with waterproof properties. Simple and fast. You will create a unique design yourself without significant time investment.

For a PVC pond, prepare a film, a shovel, ropes, bricks and gravel, sand, and stone slabs. You will need 5-7 days to work. First of all, mark the pond using rope and stakes. After marking the dimensions, start digging a hole according to the diagram you made. For a large pit, rent an excavator. Afterwards, inspect the bottom of the hole, remove sharp stones, branches, and roots. Cover the surface with sand, 10-15 cm thick, cover it with the prepared material, level it and secure the edges of the film with stones.

The next stage is filling the prepared pit with water. Only after this should the unnecessary edges of the film be trimmed 24 hours after completion of the work. Decorate the shores using pebbles, pots, plants, and landscape figurines. Install the pump by connecting the filter. Remove all pipes unnoticed and disguise them with plants, flowers, and stones. The final stage is planting plants from the pond.

Pond sizing

The size does not always depend on the financial capabilities of the owner of a country house. The dimensions of the pit are determined by its location on personal plot, width and length of the allocated land. Also consider the following zones:

  • for planting plants (10-40 cm);
  • place for deep-growing plants (40-100 cm);
  • for fish breeding (from 1 meter). Depends on the number and size of fish.

Interestingly, large ponds are easier to maintain than small ones. Every master will confirm these words to you.

The dimensions can be determined by the parameters of the purchased plastic container or old bathtub, the wishes of the home owner, and the purpose of the artificial pool. Tires, bathtubs, PVC film, concrete mortar, basins, plastic bottles- all this will become material for creating an aesthetic design on a personal plot in your hands talented person. The choice is up to you!

Rules for digging a pit from experts

Having chosen a place for a reservoir, mark the area in accordance with the size of the container. Use sand, rope, paint, stones, and a strong stream of water for this. Then start digging. Do small amounts yourself with a shovel, and for the pool, rent special equipment and hire workers. The depth of the pit will always be 5-30 cm greater than the height of the container used.

After removing the stones from the bottom, level and compact it. Use a layer of sand 5 cm thick. Install the container or lay out a layer of film, securing it with stones along the edges. After completing the creation stages, proceed to improving the area around the reservoir. Try to give the creation natural look using plants, stones, and figurines planted in containers. It is possible to install a fountain to create a harmonious composition.

To achieve an unusual effect, use lighting and music, entrusting the work to a specialized company.

Do not forget to change the water in artificial ponds 2 times a year. This is necessary to maintain its purity and prevent the appearance of unpleasant odor, what will happen after the development of microorganisms begins. The process is natural and cannot be prevented. To improve cleanliness, snails, water striders, and fish are used. You can catch this living creature in a river or buy it in a specialized store. An economical option is to order online.

Even a small artificial pond made of plastic makes the cottage very cozy. You can set up a recreation area next to the pond.


  • reasonable cost of plastic mold;
  • easy preparation for container installation;
  • shore strengthening and installation of terraces are not required;
  • quick installation and dismantling of the reservoir;
  • the ability to choose the shape and size of the plastic bowl;
  • high decorativeness of the element;
  • easy care;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • You can breed fish in an artificial reservoir based on a hard plastic bowl;
  • carrying out the work does not require special skills.

Rigid base shape:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • rectangular;
  • wrong.

The pond tank, made of high-pressure plastic, withstands operating loads well. With careful handling life time– up to 15 years.

There are no negative aspects of high-quality plastic. There are features that you need to know about before purchasing a bowl and installing the container.

Consider the nuances:

  • There is no need to dismantle the artificial reservoir for the winter. Helps prevent water from freezing right choice frame containers. Minimum depth – 80 cm;
  • Before buying a bowl, think about the shape and decor of the future reservoir. Select a rigid container strictly according to your plan;
  • If necessary, you need to completely change the water.

Plastic pond container

In any construction supermarket you will find bowls made of durable material. various shapes and volume. Some details:

  • The frame is made of durable plastic. There are forms on sale made of fiberglass, which are even more durable and reliable;
  • a plastic bowl for a pond has a minimum volume of 135 liters, a maximum volume of up to 2000 liters;
  • high-density polyethylene withstands water pressure on the walls of the bowl;
  • the material does not crack during optimal conditions operation;
  • The walls are easy to clean from plaque.

Installing a plastic pond at your dacha with your own hands

How to properly install an artificial garden pond made of plastic with your own hands? Any owner can handle installing a decorative plastic pond in his dacha.

Some useful tips:

  • consider the size of the area;
  • think over the design of the decorative element;
  • choose a time when the ground is soft enough and get to work.

Video about how to dig and how to properly install a plastic pond at your dacha with your own hands, step-by-step instructions.

Choosing a place

Many owners of large plots make the same mistake: they believe that choosing a suitable location is not worth racking their brains for. The result is that the pond is constantly covered with leaves from trees located in the immediate vicinity of the pond.

Incorrect placement of the bowl leads to the fact that the seating area is constantly in the shade. Another option: in the water you see the reflection of outbuildings instead of willows bending over the water.

Consider the advice of landscape designers:

  • A garden pond made of plastic should not be installed near areas where a large number of deciduous or coniferous trees are planted;
  • it is prohibited to install a rigid frame on slopes;
  • the optimal place for arranging a pond of any size is a place covered with turf, located near bushes;
  • do not place the container in the far corner of the garden;
  • provide free access to the static reservoir from all sides;
  • do not place the bowl next to old trees: their powerful root system will make digging a pit difficult. Roots can damage the plastic.

Choose the best combination of light and shadow. Then the plants near the pond and on its surface will receive sufficient lighting. Observe where the sun shines before 11 o'clock, and where shadow appears after 15 o'clock. Dig a pit there.

Photo of the design of a plastic pond at the dacha.

Choosing a plastic container

Useful tips:

  • When purchasing, check the integrity of the structure. Do not drill into a bowl even with shallow cracks;
  • want the pond container to remain in the ground all year round? Choose structures with a depth of 80 cm or more;
  • Please note: the wall thickness is 3 mm, the bowl must be transported and placed carefully;
  • check whether the bowl walls can be repaired. This characteristic is inherent in more durable fiberglass;
  • A wide selection of shapes allows you to realize the most daring design ideas and select rigid containers of various configurations.

Plastic afraid of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Be sure to protect the edges that protrude above the ground. You can decorate the adjacent area with artificial and natural stone.

How to dig in?

Prepare necessary tools, materials:

  • building level;
  • shovel;
  • enough pegs for marking;
  • plastic bowl;
  • sand;
  • decorative elements (tiles, different kinds stones, plants, pieces of brick and other materials).

Check again whether there is enough space around the future reservoir. Inattention to the markings of the site, haste can play a cruel joke. You don't want to dig a pit twice? Be responsible when choosing a location, taking measurements, and marking the site.

How to install a container for a decorative garden pond? Procedure when installing a pond:

  • outline the outline of the future reservoir;
  • turn the bowl over, trace the contours;
  • dig a pit according to the markings;
  • Level the ground, check the bottom line for level. The surface must be strictly horizontal;
  • Please note - the depth should be 40 cm greater than the height of the container;
  • prepare a “sand cushion”;
  • Cover the bottom of the pit with sand. Layer – at least 20 cm;
  • compact the layer well;
  • pour water over the “sand cushion”;
  • place the bowl, fill it with water;
  • Fill the gaps between the walls and the ground with sand.

The plastic pond is almost ready. Wait a day and check if new gaps have formed due to the settled “cushion”. Add sand if necessary. All that remains is to decorate the edges, give beautiful view nearby territory.

Video about installing a garden plastic pond at the dacha.


Every owner can decorate the edges of a decorative plastic pond, even without skills. landscape design. If the reservoir is small, choose a simpler decor; do not pile up stones or plants, behind which the water surface will not be visible. How larger area, the higher the flight of fancy. You can implement many interesting ideas.

In the photo, you can see examples of how to design a plastic pond in the country.


Listen to the advice of experts for designing an artificial plastic pond:

  • select decorative elements that are in harmony with overall design garden or summer cottage;
  • use both natural and artificial materials;
  • be sure to cover the protruding edges of the plastic bowl and protect them from exposure to UV rays;
  • plant plants that prefer high humidity next to the artificial pond;
  • place lanterns and floor lamps in the shape of a ball (moon) near the pond. The reflections on the water create a romantic atmosphere;
  • lay some garden paths, make the approach to the reservoir convenient;
  • at large area garden plot Place a recreation area near the pond. Install benches, a gazebo, and a fountain.

The area around the reservoir should not hide most of the water surface from view. Before planting plants, check what their maximum height, and whether they will close the pond in a year or two. The pond is the central feature on this piece of your site. Remember this.

Photo: finished design and arrangement of an artificial plastic pond, which you can repeat with your own hands..


What is good about a plastic bowl? Maintaining the good condition of a static type artificial reservoir is not at all difficult.

What care is needed for plastic pond? The rules are simple:

  • regularly remove fallen leaves and debris from the surface;
  • During leaf fall, stretch a net over the pond. Then you can easily collect fallen leaves;
  • Change the water completely as needed. This way you will prevent flowering, stagnation of water, and the spread of an unpleasant odor;
  • After draining the water, it is advisable to clean the walls from plaque with a brush with a long handle and spray them with water from a hose.

Now you know that setting up a pond based on a ready-made rigid container is quite simple. Pick up appropriate place, buy quality plastic container, install the bowl according to the rules.
