Do you need a foreigner? In what cases may the FMS authorities refuse to issue a foreign passport? What documents are needed for a passport?

Registration of a foreign passport is a process that follows certain rules. Will they issue a passport if you have debts? Let's do an analysis and answer this question.

According to the law, a foreign passport with debts cannot be issued. However, obtaining a foreign passport with debts is only possible if the creditor has officially gone to court demanding payment. The loan amount (debt repayment) must be paid in full, otherwise a person will not be able to leave the country, that is, it will not be of use to him.

When a creditor goes to court with such a claim, he is asked to write a petition in which he asks the court to prohibit the debtor from leaving the country. That is, a person will not be able to use his passport due to debts.

It turns out that a person who has a court ban on leaving the country has no right to assist him in obtaining a foreign passport.

In practice, such claims of creditors are almost always satisfied at the preliminary hearing stage. Thus, the chance of obtaining a foreign passport for a person with an outstanding loan is minimal.

However, there are a number of cases when you can still get a passport.

Who is eligible to receive a passport if there is debt?

FSSP bailiffs have listed categories of people who should not fear a ban on issuing them of this document.

Typically, if a person with an outstanding debt regularly pays a certain portion of the amount to pay it off, the bailiffs will not impose any restrictions on him. That is, the name of the debtor who systematically repays the loan will not be entered into the FSSP database.

The FSSP database is available on the website

In what cases do travel restrictions apply?

The debtor becomes restricted from traveling abroad if any of the following conditions are met:

  1. The person did not repay the loan, the amount of which was more than 30 thousand rubles. At the same time, the creditor sued him.
  2. The plaintiff has a writ of execution.
  3. The court ruled in favor of the creditor, thereby prohibiting the debtor from leaving the country until he fully repaid his debt.
  4. The bailiff, having limited the debtor's ability to leave the country, submitted the relevant information about him to the migration service. Sometimes a bailiff’s request not to leave the debtor’s country is submitted to the border service.
  5. The bailiff demanded enforcement proceedings from the debtor. Initiation of enforcement proceedings by the court is possible only after a written request from the plaintiff creditor.

How to check if there is a ban on traveling abroad? What can you do to avoid being left behind? The answers to these and other questions are in the next video.

Why is there such a ban?

The application of such sanctions by bailiffs is the main method of debt collection. In other cases, recovery of the debtor's property is provided.

The Migration Service receives all data on debtors from the FSSP. It is very difficult to circumvent such a ban from a legal point of view. Not a single passport office will agree to issue a foreign passport to a person passing through the debtor database in the FSSP - neither, nor.

These government agencies They will definitely refuse such a person, because otherwise they will have to sue the migration service.

In practice, many cases have been recorded when a debtor with an outstanding loan, whose name was listed in the FSSP database, tried to leave the country using a foreign passport. However, such persons could not have been missed by airport employees.

It turns out that you shouldn’t even try to take such a risk, because the debtor in any case ends up in a losing position for himself. Firstly, he loses money for the air ticket, and secondly, he may subsequently be refused an extension.

However, not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance! It must be remembered that if the creditor has not gone to court, then the debtor does not have any ban on leaving the country.

However, in some cases, such court hearings may take place without the participation of the debtor. IN in this case, when a court decision is made to prohibit the debtor from crossing the border, he will be stopped at the airport by employees when attempting to do so.

In what other cases is a travel ban provided?

A person’s evasion of a court decision is the main reason for the ban on leaving the country. However, there are a number of other cases when such a ban may come into force:

  • The person was granted access to state secrets. In this case, his departure from the country is a state risk. There are special ones for civil servants.
  • A man undergoes military service.
  • The man works for the FSB. In some cases, a person’s departure is permitted upon presentation of the appropriate papers at customs.
  • The person is charged with a criminal offense. Travel abroad is also prohibited for persons convicted of a criminal offense who are awaiting a prison sentence.
  • The person provided inaccurate or false information about himself when applying for a foreign passport.

What to do to leave the country with debts?

If a person finds his name on the list of debtors on the FSSP website, this is not a reason to abandon his plans. Yes, the name of the debtor in the FSSP database means a ban on his leaving the country, but this problem can be eliminated in two ways:

  1. Apply for a foreign passport with debts.
  2. Pay off the debt.

Implementing the second plan is much easier and faster. However, this option is suitable for those citizens whose debt amount is insignificant, for example, if they were subject to an administrative or fine by the traffic police, or they have not repaid the minimum debt on the loan.
How you can go abroad with debts, watch the video.

What to do if the amount of debt is too large, but the person must leave the country as quickly as possible? In this case, the debtor must go to his borrower to conclude a restructuring agreement with him. In this agreement, the creditor prescribes a calendar plan for the debtor to repay his debt. After this agreement is officially concluded, a person who has any debt can freely use his passport at the border. in this case it is removed.

Today, a fairly common situation is when a person lives for a long time without. If the need arises during this period, issue Required documents to travel abroad – it is possible to get a foreign passport without having a residence permit. However, in these circumstances, the waiting period for the document will be longer than the standard period or will require pay additionally for a specific service.

Is registration required to obtain a foreign passport?

Any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive a foreign document without. A person registered in another region has the right and opportunity to apply for the issuance of this document in any region in Russia. This right is enshrined at the legislative level.

It is possible to obtain a foreign passport without receiving it in the city, but it is not entirely easy. We must be prepared for the fact that urgent execution of this document will be almost impossible.

You need to know that it is possible to obtain a foreign passport without registration using standard temporary registration. It should be borne in mind that the legislation defines the required period for carrying out such a procedure, which is four months. They will be needed to check your documents. Important point– this opportunity is available only to persons with Russian citizenship and an internal passport.

The procedure for obtaining a foreign passport without registration

You need to go through the following steps:

  1. Prepare the necessary documents for the FMS.
  2. Fill out the application and questionnaire in the appropriate form.
  3. Submit the package of documents to a specific department of the Federal Migration Service.
  4. Pay the state fee. Important - you should carefully check the details, as they must belong to the regional division of the FMS.
  5. Get a passport.

It must be remembered that the main point in the procedure for filling out the questionnaire and application is the place of registration. Therefore, the registration certificate will be required to be valid throughout the entire period of passport registration. Required period - more than 4 months from the date of application.

What documents will be required?

The pressing question is what exactly is needed when collecting papers? To obtain a foreign passport without registration, you will need to prepare.

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Military ID or a document replacing it.
  3. A certificate confirming the absence of a criminal record or existing restrictions related to state secrets.
  4. Photos, the number of which will depend on the type of document. Old type passport – 4 pcs., new type – 2 pcs. The size of the photographs is the same - 3.5 x 4.5 cm, can be provided in color or black and white, paper - matte.
  5. A completed application form.

An important point - working citizens must certify the completed form at the place of business labor activity. Citizens who do not work are exempt from this requirement.

Do you need a work book?

There are cases when, when applying for a foreign passport without, representatives of the FMS may require a certified photocopy work book or a certificate of employment . It is important to know that such certificates are not listed in mandatory list documents. Consequently, if a citizen does not submit the specified certificates, the FMS division does not have the right to refuse to accept and consider the package of papers.

Do I need a military ID?

Another possible potential problem concerns individuals who do not have military ID, and did not serve in the armed forces. It will be necessary to resolve the issue of obtaining the necessary certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, which will serve as confirmation that the citizen is not evading conscription into the army.

What if there is no registration at the place of residence?

A pressing question is how to obtain a foreign passport if a citizen has permanent registration in another region, and at the place of actual residence I didn’t have time to register temporarily?

IN modern world high technology the registration mark in the passport, tying the citizen to a specific place, is a deep relic of a bygone time. Now they are functioning quite well government systems and electronic interaction mechanisms that are capable and designed to significantly make the life of ordinary people easier.

To obtain a foreign passport without registration, you must correctly fill out the appropriate form. The main point is the residential address, where you should indicate your actual location. In this case, you will need to indicate a specific postal address - city, street, house.

Important - a person submits a package of papers for registration of a foreign document without registration general principles taking into account address data. It is necessary to understand that depending on the location actual location You should contact the appropriate department of the Federal Migration Service.

How can I speed up the procedure?

It can be accelerated if certain conditions are met:

  • If there is documentary evidence of the need for emergency treatment of a citizen.
  • Serious illness or death of a close relative who is abroad.

In these situations, the period for issuing a foreign document is 3 days.

Another opportunity to speed up the procedure is specialized non-state structures that provide services of this kind on a commercial basis.

Details of obtaining a passport without registration on video

I went on a business trip, rented an apartment for a while - is it possible to get a foreign passport not at the place of permanent registration and in what time frame can this be done?

1. Is it possible to include a child in the parents’ valid international passport to travel abroad?
- You can, but only with an old-style international passport. If the parents have biometric passports, the child also needs to get a new passport.

2. Is it possible to restore a passport if lost?
- Lost passports cannot be restored. When applying for a new passport, you must fill out an application to declare the previously issued passport invalid due to its loss (in free form). In such a statement you must indicate your full name, detailed information about the date and place of birth, place of residence (residence), date, place and circumstances of loss of a previously issued passport, as well as data known to the applicant (series, number, date of issue, authority that issued the document).

3. Do I need to change my passport when changing my last name due to marriage?
- Yes, you need to apply for a new passport with a new last name. This can be done at any time - a specific period for re-issuing a passport is not defined by law.

4. Is it possible to obtain a foreign passport without a certificate from the regional military registration and enlistment office?
- Men aged 18 to 27 years who have not completed conscription military service or alternative civilian service (except in cases where the applicant is declared unfit or partially fit for military service due to health reasons), may not submit a certificate from the military commissariat stating that on the day of filing the application they were not called up for military service or were not sent to alternative civilian service.

5. In what cases is a military ID required?
- This is relevant for young people of military age, since it is necessary to determine whether a citizen is called up for military service or not. For these purposes, the applicant submits a military ID, which contains a mark on completion of military service under conscription or alternative civilian service, or a mark on unfitness or limited suitability for military service, or a military ID of a reserve officer (if available).

6. What to do if your passport has expired, but it still contains valid visas?
- First of all, you need to get a new passport (without it you will not be allowed to go abroad in any case). At the same time, visas affixed to the old passport will not cease to be valid. On your next trip, you need to take two passports with you (old and new), and all marks when crossing the border will be automatically transferred to the new passport.

7. Can they refuse to issue a passport? In which cases?
- Yes they can. This is possible if you have:

  • circumstances entailing temporary restriction of a citizen’s right to leave the Russian Federation (Article 15 of Law No. 114-FZ);
  • information about the legal representative’s disagreement with the departure of a minor citizen from the Russian Federation (Part 11, Article 10 of Law No. 114-FZ).

8. What is biometrics?
- Biometric data is biological characteristics of a specific person, which do not change throughout his life. For example, fingerprints, iris, facial temperature map and so on. A new generation foreign passport is equipped with a microchip in which the owner’s biometric data is recorded (an image of the papillary patterns of two fingers). Such passports are reliably protected from counterfeiting, and the procedure for identifying a person is greatly simplified and border control is speeded up.

Criminal proceedings opened against a citizen may interfere with obtaining a foreign passport. This does not mean that people who have previously had problems with the law cannot obtain this document at all. You can get a passport after serving your sentence. In other cases, it is impossible to obtain a foreign passport; this is contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation.

When can people be issued a passport?

Restriction of freedom of movement is ensured by Article 15 of Federal Law No. 114 of the Civil Code. According to Russian law, convicted criminals may be limited in certain public benefits, including traveling abroad. Having an outstanding criminal record, while under investigation or under a suspended sentence, the accused is prohibited from leaving the country.

You can go to another country after serving your sentence or having your charges dismissed. Even with a criminal record, after a certain period of time, a citizen can again travel to the territory of other states.

Important! For countries to which you can travel from Russia without having a foreign passport, such restrictions are not provided. Such countries include Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.

There are 2 types of termination of criminal records:

  • expungement of a criminal record;
  • expungement of criminal record.

Expungement of a criminal record

If a criminal record is expunged, this means that the person has the right to receive a foreign passport.

The timing of repayment depends on the article under which the person was convicted:

  • With a suspended sentence, the criminal record is expunged at the end of the period of serving the sentence. Traveling outside the country while on probation is not allowed; this is regarded as escape and may result in more serious punishment;
  • When the court ordered the culprit to perform certain types of work or pay a fine. After fulfilling your obligations, you can apply for a foreign passport;
  • If non-serious crimes have been committed (minor and medium degree) - repayment occurs 1-3 years after serving the sentence;
  • For people who have received a sentence for a serious or especially serious crime, their criminal record is expunged after 8-10 years after serving the sentence.

Clearance of a criminal record

The removal procedure occurs quite rarely, this is due to the complexity of the procedure itself.

Conditions for expunging a criminal record:

  • The defendant has been released on parole as an amnesty or due to serious illness;
  • The applicant renounced the charges;
  • The case is closed and the proceedings are terminated;
  • The article of the Criminal Code under which the defendant was charged was repealed by decision of the legislative bodies;
  • The statute of limitations on the sentence has expired, and the accused, for reasons beyond his control, was unable to fulfill his obligations under the court decision.
Important! Only a judge has the right to expunge a criminal record. During the trial, the accused has the right to file a motion to have the charges dropped.

What documents are needed

When a person needs a foreign passport and his criminal record has long been expunged, there should be no complications in obtaining one.

To issue a foreign passport, a standard list of documents must be presented to the Federal Migration Service:

  • Application form;

    In the following articles you can learn detailed information about filling out questionnaires:

  • Russian passport (original and copy);
  • A copy of the work record book (if any), pensioners need to present a pension certificate;
  • Men need to present a military ID or a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office in the F-32 form. See also, is it possible;
  • 4 color photos for documents. Read more about ;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty. Read,

In the application form for obtaining a biometric passport, you must indicate under which article and how many years you served your sentence. There is no point in hiding this data; the FMS still submits a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to clarify the details. In the application form for an old-style passport, there is no item to reflect information about a criminal record.

In addition to the basic documents, you will need:

  • Certificate from the Department of Internal Affairs (certificate of release);
  • A court certificate is a ruling on the judge’s decision or a copy of the verdict.

These papers can be presented to the Federal Migration Service at the place of registration or the citizen’s current place of residence (for temporary registration).

To obtain a certificate of expungement of a criminal record and termination judicial proceedings, you must send an application to the Department of Internal Affairs. It indicates the citizen’s passport details. The certificate must contain information about the current status of the case (consideration, settlement, dismissal of charges). Next, you need to contact the Central Internal Affairs Directorate with the certificate, and a corresponding statement is written there. This is necessary so that data on the termination of a criminal record is transferred to the Information Center of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

Some nuances

There are nuances that should be taken into account when applying for a passport:

  1. Having an outstanding criminal record, a citizen has the right to leave under certain circumstances, for example, to visit seriously ill loved ones, relatives or to go to a funeral. In this case, it is necessary to provide evidence (death certificate, hospital certificates, telegrams, etc.);
  2. It is more difficult for a convicted person to obtain a visa. Some countries are very careful to “weed out” this category of foreigners;
  3. Federal Law No. 114 (Article 15) states that it is impossible to obtain a passport until a person has served his sentence or has been released from it. There is not a word in the law that a document can be issued only if a criminal record is expunged. They can issue a passport after the service has been completed; there is no need to wait for the repayment period. But there are also exceptions. For example, if a person has been convicted of a serious crime, then administrative supervision is established over the criminal.