Name the child according to the calendar in March. Name days in March, Orthodox holidays in March

For a long time, choosing a name for a newborn boy was taken very seriously. After all, the boy is the future successor of the family, who must have all the necessary skills and qualities to become a real man worthy of his parents. When choosing a name for a boy, you should pay attention to two forms of pronunciation - the official (full form) and the diminutive. Many psychologists recommend using full name only if the child is not self-confident, weak and shy. But if a boy behaves harshly and sometimes aggressively, call him the “affectionate” form of the name in order to soften undesirable traits in his character. Even on this simple example you can be sure that choosing a child's name is a responsible step, since it can influence future life boy and develop in him some qualities and character traits.

What is the best name for a boy born in March?

People born in spring are quite vulnerable spiritually and physically. Sometimes they can be very indecisive, and this prevents them from becoming true leaders. Spring men are quite selfish and selfish, cautious and suspicious - they can always listen to their interlocutor, but they will do everything their own way, preferring to learn from their own mistakes. These men can make good speakers, diplomats and politicians, and therefore it is worth giving them “strong” sonorous names.

Boys born in March grow up a little weak, this is explained by the fact that March is the first month of spring, when nature gains strength before its awakening. However, parents should not worry about the fate of their child, since diligence and perseverance can turn a weak boy into a real athlete. All this is compensated by the great intelligence and ability of the future man to grasp everything on the fly.

A March baby really does develop quickly. All exact sciences are surprisingly easy for him; he will be fluent in mathematics and physics. The most important thing is not to let your child be lazy and relax too much. This is especially important at an early age, so that the boy gets used to work and responsibility.

Suitable names for boys born in March

Therefore, in order for a child to grow up strong, courageous, and self-confident, you need to give him a strong, firm name. Most suitable:

Yakov, Fedot, Arseny, Lev, Anton, Konstantin, Maxim, Valery, Mikhail, Alexander, Mark, Taras, Irakli, Afanasy, Gregory, Evgeny, Ivan, Makar, Yuri, Trofim, Philip, Nikar, Georgy, Timofey, Daniil, Arkady, Egor, Victor, Leonid, Pavel, Denis, Vyacheslav, Kuzma, Alexey, Nikifor, Savva, Semyon, Stepan, Kirill, Sevastyan, Vasily, Leonty, Dmitry, Makar.

And this is not surprising, since there are so many female names that sometimes you get lost in their diversity. Most moms and dads strive to give not only beautiful name for his daughter, but also happy.

Creative, active people are born in spring, so a child born in spring should have an appropriate name. What names can you choose for girls in March?

Selection rules

What to name a girl born in March? The first thing that comes to the mind of anyone who asks this question is Martha. The name contains quite strong energy. It represents strength of character, self-confidence, determination and pragmatism.

At the same time, it combines such qualities as ease of communication, erudition, charm and charisma. If “Martha” for a girl born in the first month of spring seems too commonplace a name for you, then you can use different ways choosing a good name.

By value

First of all, you need to consider the meaning of the name. Not only the character of the girl, but also the attitude of the people around her will largely depend on him. If you want to give your daughter beauty and good health, then you should take a closer look at these names:

  • Anfisa- fragrant, blooming
  • Anna- Darling
  • Valeria– strong
  • Valentina– healthy
  • Glafira– elegant
  • Eve– feminine
  • Elena– shining
  • Isabel– beautiful
  • Taisiya– well-born
  • Juno– young

From a number of names we can single out those that radiate the energy of happiness and love:

  • Beatrice– happy
  • Bogdana- given by the Lord
  • Victoria– winner
  • Darina- gifted with talents
  • Evdokia– lucky
  • Kira- master of her life
  • Love- everyone's favorite
  • Lyudmila– sweet to people
  • Svetlana– light
  • Regina- regal
  • Yaroslav- shining, illustrious

There are a number of female names that were formed from male ones: Alexandra, Evgenia, Vitalina, Victoria, Paulina, etc. When calling a girl with such names, remember that her character will become more and more like a man’s with age.

Most often, such daughters grow up to be rebels, self-sufficient, proud and independent individuals.. They often develop an interest in male professions. WITH youth they strive to emphasize their individuality and stand out from the crowd.

By sound

In addition to the meaning of the name, its euphony is also important. Before you run to the registry office and draw up a girl’s birth certificate, think about how her name will be combined with her middle name.

If the surname and patronymic have a lot of hard-sounding letters (r, zh, g, z), then it is recommended to choose a name that would soften their sound. If there are a lot of hard, voiced consonants in the first and last name, then such a combination will sound too arrogant and even harsh.

For example, Marina Andreevna Garina. The letter “r” is found in the first name, surname, and patronymic. As a result, a girl bearing such a name will not evoke the best feelings in those around her. positive emotions. Such a name is associated with something aggressive and defiant.

Based on their sound, names can be divided into three categories: hard, soft and neutral:

  • Solid names include voiced consonants: Ekaterina, Karina, Marina, Irina, Victoria, Regina, Margarita. Girls with similar names grow up persistent, stubborn, ambitious and independent. They have a complex character, but in life it is thanks to this that they are ahead of their rivals and repel ill-wishers.
  • Soft sounding names– Vasilisa, Svetlana, Alena, Elena, Alina – endow a person with a calm character, dreaminess, romance, and creative talents. Women with such names become good mothers, housewives, and faithful wives.
  • Neutral names– Lyubov, Anna, Olga – give the ability to quickly make decisions, rely on your experience and find a way out difficult situations. Girls with similar names rarely worry about their lives, since they have everything planned out for years in advance. They know their worth and what they want to get from life.

Unfortunate meaning

There are several names that you should not call your daughters, since their meaning is somewhat contradictory and not always positive.

  • Varvara translated from Greek as foreigner. This name carries the energy of aggression, perseverance and wild passions. In addition, it can endow the girl with a character that will become an obstacle to her communication with her peers.
  • Zemfira– the name is beautiful, but it gives complex character. The girl’s fate will depend entirely on her decisions, and they, most often, will be impulsive and thoughtless. The name is translated from Latin as “rebellious,” which means a rebellious character and the desire to do everything in one’s own way will be visible from an early age.
  • Ksenia translated as “stranger”. Won't a girl with that name become a stranger among her peers? There is another translation of the name Ksenia - “hospitable”. But despite this, it is quite controversial, and therefore not the most suitable for a girl born in March.
  • Lolita means "sadness". It is not recommended to call your daughter this name, no matter how beautiful it may seem to you.

What name is suitable for a girl born in March?

March is the first month of spring, which means that girls born during this period are naturally cheerful and cheerful. March children are somewhat frivolous and frivolous. They take a long time to make decisions and often experience self-doubt. Growing up into beautiful girls, they often doubt their attractiveness, which is why they suffer from many complexes.

The names that can be given to a daughter born in March should give her confidence, determination and responsibility. Such names include: Alina, Valeria, Victoria, Inna, Karina, Kira, Marta, Olga.

Zodiac sign

There are two zodiac signs in March - Pisces.. Both signs are strikingly different in characteristics, which means their names will also be different.

The Aries girl is impulsive, stubborn and persistent. WITH early years she shows interest in everything new and unknown. She is often impatient and capricious. It’s not easy for parents to raise such a lively and determined little girl. The names suitable for Aries girls are as follows: Agata, Larisa, Olesya, Alena, Raisa, Yaroslava, Regina, Arina, Svetlana, Valeria, Galina.

The Pisces girl is a gentle and sensitive nature. She is quite flexible and calm. He has well-developed intuition, a rich imagination and an original view of the world. Names such as Irina, Eva, Marianna, Elena, Natalya, Polina, Maria, Vera, Anna, Nina are ideal for her.

By patron planet

In March, the planet Jupiter comes into its own. She patronizes everyone born in the first month of spring. Jupiter endows March girls with thriftiness, independence, a desire for science and knowledge, the ability to think broadly and make long-term plans. Names of Jupiter: Alla, Nadezhda, Clara, Daria, Radislava, Eleanor, Anna, Maria.

According to the calendar

  • Anisa– affectionate, responsive and friendly. Such a name will endow the girl with all the qualities of a beneficent and kind-hearted person.
  • Jana– a reflection of the essence of spring itself. The name means freshness, blossoming, youth and the beginning of a new life.
  • Narmin– gentle, decent, honest.
  • Nura- a ray of light, the onset of morning, the arrival of warmth.
  • Safia– transparent, sincere, clear, pure.
  • Farida– unique, special.
  • Yasmin– beautiful as a jasmine flower.

When choosing a name for a daughter, parents of the Islamic faith should think about its euphony and the energy it carries.

Choosing a name for a child born in March

The third month of the year corresponds zodiac sign Fish. People whose birthday falls in March are sensitive and impressionable. They are characterized by sacrifice, even self-denial. They can unselfishly and selflessly do the hardest work simply at the behest of their hearts.

For all their dedication, people born in March are extremely vulnerable and touchy. At the same time, thanks to their developed intuition, they are prone to empathy and sense the state of another person with great accuracy.

They are smart, witty and charming, and at the same time they are able to listen and hear the interlocutor. These qualities make people born in March pleasant, interesting interlocutors. They can not only maintain a casual conversation, but also listen to a monologue about problems, search for and propose solutions.

The defensive reaction for those with this character is measured communication with others. People celebrating their birthdays in March cannot be called the life of the party. They rather live in their own small comfortable world, sometimes leaving there for short pleasant communication and urgent matters.

Those born in March do not have leadership qualities. Due to their sensitivity, they suffer greatly due to failures. Therefore, they prefer not to take risks and even the most simple solutions take a long time and thoughtfully, weighing all the pros and cons.

Their desire for leadership is also hindered by suspiciousness and self-doubt. Despite their strong intellectual and creative abilities, March people often do not achieve recognition. They are bad at defending their rights; it is easier for them to come to terms with injustice.

March people are often talented, but they are not good at working under a tight schedule, and they do not tolerate tough management well. In art and science, nothing hinders their self-realization, as in other areas where it is possible to work on a free schedule in accordance with one’s own rhythm.

For a child born in March, it is better to choose a strong, sonorous name. This will help to somewhat strengthen the soft character and more fully reveal the existing advantages. Boys born in March can be called by the following names: Pavel, Gregory, Peter, Ilya, Daniel, Philip, Taras. Suitable names for girls: Antonina, Sofya, Ekaterina, Marina, Galina, Anastasia.

Unlucky names for March children are: Alexey, Vasily, Victor, Sergey, Evgeny, Mikhail, Tatyana, Zinaida, Elena.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.

Name and career

Along with character, the name also determines the profession - in which field a person can most successfully build his career. A name can help or hinder the achievement of goals.

Born in March, so that the name becomes a talisman for him.

We have traditionally collected the most popular male names according to the Saints of March. And for the most common ones we also selected psychological characteristics, because the meaning of the name and character are tightly connected. We will be glad if this selection helps you choose a name for your child.


March 1 Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Porfiry, Roman, Fedor
2nd of March Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Kuzma, Lev, Pavel
March, 3rd Arkhip, Bogdan, Dmitry, Evgeniy, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Fedor, Fedot
March 4 Anton, Athanasius, Vasily, David, Denis, Ivan, Ignatius, Cornelius, Leo, Leonty, Nikolai, Samson, Sergei, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Yaroslav
5th of March Alexander, George, Gregory, Daniel, Zakhar, Ivan, Konstantin, Pavel, Timofey
March, 6 Andrey, Afanasy, Victor, Vladimir, Ivan, Joseph, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor, Philip
March 7 Alexander, Alexey, Ivan, Clement, Kuzma, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolay, Sergey, Fedor
March 8 Ivan, Hilarion, Nikolai
9th of March Alexander, Anton, Evgeny, Nikolay, Taras, Fedor
10th of March Ivan, Nikolay, Peter, Porfiry, Sevastyan, Sergey
11th of March Makar, Mikhail, Nison, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Julian, Yakov
March 12 Arseny, Artem, Vasily, Nikolay, Sergey
March 13 Ivan
March 14th Alexander, Anton, Vasily, Veniamin, Ivan, Mikhail, Peter
March 15th Arseny, Joseph, Nikolay, Fedot

March 16 Mikhail, Sevastyan
March 17 Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Gerasim, Grigory, Daniil, Pavel, Yakov
18th of March Adrian, Georgy, David, Ivan, Kirill, Konstantin, Mark, Nikolay, Fedor
March 19 Arkady, Konstantin, Maxim, Fedor
20th of March Vasily, Evgeniy, Emelyan, Efrem, Nikolai, Pavel
21 March Afanasy, Vladimir, Ivan
March 22 Alexander, Alexey, Afanasy, Valery, Dmitry, Ivan, Irakli, Kirill, Leonty, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Sergey, Taras
March 23 Victor, Georgy, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Pavel, Fedor
March 24 Vasily, Georgy, Efim, Ivan
March 25 Alexander, Vladimir, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Semyon, Sergey
26 March Alexander, Grigory, Mikhail, Nikolai, Terenty
March 27 Mikhail, Rostislav
March 28 Alexander, Alexey, Denis, Mikhail, Timofey
March 29 Alexander, Denis, Emelyan, Ivan, Pavel, Roman, Trofim, Julian
30th of March Alexander, Alexey, Victor, Gabriel, Makar, Pavel
March 31 Grigory, Daniil, Dmitry, Kirill, Trofim


Alexei. Alyosha has been attached to his mother since childhood, but as he grows up, he feels like the head and protector, and tries to protect his mother from troubles. He is more a man of action than words. Among his friends, he doesn’t seem to be the leader, but they listen to his opinion.

Arkady. Little Arkasha is adored both in the family and in the yard. But this mass affection does not spoil his character. He remains kind and merciful, always tries to help, and keeps his promises. In a team he plays the role of a peacemaker, without taking either side.

Grigory. Grisha tries very hard to be good, but he is restless and a little awkward, so his parents are often unhappy with him. He doesn't like teasing, which is why he sometimes gets into fights.

As a child, he somewhat avoids noisy peers, but not so much that he is perceived as arrogant or made an outcast. Knows how to listen and keep other people's secrets.

Denis is a sociable child who gets along equally well with friends and animals. His weakness is dogs, and if a pet lives in the family, the guy is happy. In addition, this will help instill discipline and responsibility in him.

As a child, he manages to get sick from everything he can, and this will affect his character. Whims and increased demands on others will become his problem. He will intuitively seek support from his mother, who babysat him so much in childhood.

- a calm and kind boy with his mother’s character traits. He is not sickly and loves to run. He is always surrounded by friends. If Danya gets angry, he quickly moves away.

David From an early age he shows a proud and independent character. He is persistent and pragmatic, but is always surrounded by friends. While solving their problems, he may find himself in unpleasant situations, but usually gets out of them thanks to his dexterity and intelligence. David's health is quite strong and his physical characteristics are excellent.

Emelyan principled to the point of stubbornness, even when the harm of such a position is obvious. It is difficult to let friends into his close circle, and he shares secrets and plans with almost no one. On the one hand, the mother can be calm: the child is not susceptible to outside influence, and he is not threatened by bad company. On the other hand, it can be difficult to build communication with your son, especially in adolescence.

Eugene. Little Zhenya masters writing and reading early, foreign languages, and his imagination does not let him down. He is good at tasks that require ingenuity and creative approach. His friends value and respect him, and the girls take advantage of the fact that Zhenya somewhat idealizes and extols them.

Zakhar incredibly assiduous and capable of concentration. His hobbies are mainly related to technology. But no matter what he does, he throws himself into any task if it is really interesting to him. He subtly senses the beauty of nature and treats people with care.

Ivan. Vanya can be quiet and inconspicuous, or he can be a hustler and a ringleader. It can combine a variety of qualities: strength and weakness, cruelty and good nature, tenderness and severity. They usually take life lightly, and they succeed in a lot.

Konstantin. Kostya can be a coward in childhood. A feeling of anxiety accompanies him constantly; he does not adapt well to new people and circumstances. Parents have to be nervous while he gets used to kindergarten or school. This will pass with age, but he will always be reluctant to get along with people.

Kirill. An inquisitive kid who learns easily. He begins to read easily and early, his memory is enviable and teachers often use him as an example. This can play a cruel joke on him: arrogance and the desire to show off will harm him in life.

Leonid cares about his health. He is picky about food and will require a bandage even with a small abrasion. He is proud, strives to stand out, and therefore there is room for success in his studies.

a lion- a calm and phlegmatic boy. Little things do not upset him, but because of a major offense he can worry for several days. Despite his calm character, he is able to stand up for himself and fight back. Leva is a lover of nature and relaxation in the forest, on the river, in the mountains.

Michael. Misha is a problem-free child who always does everything on time and correctly. He manages to train in the football section and sing in the choir, if only his friends are there. His mind is logical.

There is a book with all the names of the saints by day. It's called Saints. Everyone will find in it suitable names for your children. There are also names for boys born in March. What names are suitable will be written below.

What to name a boy born in March

Each day of March corresponds to several names of saints or revered elders.

Should be called Alexey by church calendar born in early spring. This name is ideal for a birth date of March 8th. Children born at the end of March can also be called Alexey: on the 25th the holiday of Warm Alexey is celebrated.

Common names for March are Alexey, Anton, Vladimir, Alexander, Vasily, Pavel, Roman, Peter. Detailed lists are on the website of the Orthodox Church.

What to name a boy born in March. What is his character?

For March children, you need to choose a powerful and sounding, solid name. They are friendly. They have a gentle character. With a very keen sense of justice. They come to the aid of those who are in trouble. But March children are also stubborn. They cannot tolerate bad management at work. Hardworking, able to work under force majeure conditions. Very talented and at the same time shy. Build their own unique world with surroundings. Smart and charming. They can listen to loved ones carefully. They have exceptional wit.

What else to call a boy born in March

In this regard, March children are given the following names:

  • Peter.
  • Arseny.
  • Philip.
  • Taras.
  • Daniel.
  • Grigory.
  • Paul.
  • Ilya.

They perceive the state of mind of others very strongly. It's always a pleasure to talk with them. Those born in March take on even the most difficult work. Always guided by the highest principles and standards. They don't spare themselves. And at the same time, they are easy to offend. They bring themselves to a state of self-denial. Born in March strong names the fate of great people is destined.

How to name a boy born in March in honor of great people

March gave the world greatest men in the history of mankind:

  • Albert Einstein;
  • the great poet Taras Shevchenko;
  • Renaissance titan Raphael;
  • Vincent Van Gogh;
  • Nikolay Gogol;
  • Vladimir Klichko;
  • Harry Houdini;
  • Rudolf Diesel;
  • Rene Descartes;
  • director Quentin Tarantino;
  • the great composer Antonio Vivaldi;
  • discoverer of distant lands Amerigo Vespucci;
  • funny comedian Mikhail Zhvanetsky;
  • actor and performer Bruce Willis;
  • Brazilian racer Airton Senna;
  • film actor and fighter Chuck Norris;
  • the creator of the first device called a telephone, Alexander Bell;
  • Prince of the Principality of Monaco Albert II (also an outstanding athlete);
  • Frederic Chopin;
  • the wisest creator of Japanese cinema, Akiro Kurosawa;
  • Maksim Gorky;
  • contemporary actor Daniel Craig;
  • Soviet actor Andrei Mironov;
  • Yuri Gagarin.
