Juniper planting and care. How to feed juniper in the fall, when it is preferable to fertilize. Planting and care The best way to fertilize juniper

And today let's look at the topic of caring for this shrub, which has a lot of useful properties.

This evergreen has many varieties, ranging from shrubs 20 cm high creeping along the ground to tall trees up to 15-20 m in height.

Regardless of their type, they have one thing in common: they are all quite unpretentious plants and do not require much time to maintain. Only the planting process is labor-intensive, as well as caring for the young plant. If you purchased a plant that is more than 3 years old, care is kept to a minimum. You just need to choose the right place and transplant it correctly.

Landing location

Junipers grow well in bright sun, but can also grow quite quickly in the shade. Some varieties are even better planted in the shade - these are those that can lose their bright green color in the sun and turn light green or, in some cases, yellowish. Therefore, before purchasing, first consult with the nursery staff where you are going to purchase your plant to see if this type of juniper is shade-loving.

Depending on the species or variety, it is necessary to allocate an appropriate area for it, and for creeping species, place the sprouts more than 2-3 m from each other. Since the shrub grows very slowly - 10-15 cm per year, you can plant annual flowers and plants between them for decades so that your flowerbed does not look empty. Large stones at the base look great next to the juniper.


This is a very hardy plant and, depending on the variety, can withstand both severe frosts and very hot weather. They survive well even in dry climates without frequent rain.

On cool days, adult plants do not need to be watered often - 2-3 times during the summer are enough. But junipers love spraying, and you can do it every day, but preferably in the evening. Water washes the needles and cleans the stomata - breathing holes, and after such spraying the plant begins to emit its smell stronger.

As we already mentioned, ephedra grows very slowly, however, the growth rate can be adjusted better conditions watering and fertilizing. If you want to grow a young plant faster, water it generously on hot days at least once a week. In general, after planting in the first year, do not allow the soil under the sprout to dry out in any weather. By the way, first-year ones also require shelter for the winter.

Juniper care

Weeding and mulching. Like any plant, this conifer requires weeding, otherwise the grass and weeds will spoil it appearance your bush. In order not to waste time pulling weeds, mulch around the bush: fill it with pine bark or sawdust from pine cones and needles 5-8 cm thick. If the soil is loose enough, you can fill it with gravel or pebbles.

Feeding. Every spring for better growth The plant is fertilized once with nitroammophos. This is quite enough for feeding.

Wintering. Almost all types are frost-resistant, so there is no need to cover them for the winter. Vertical spreading trees are tied to prevent branches from breaking due to snow. But if the winters are not snowy, this is not necessary.

Junipers are completely protected for the winter not from frost, but from the bright winter sun, which has a bad effect on the needles. The period from mid-January to February is especially dangerous. Under the bright sun in winter, the needles begin to turn brown and dry out, which can lead to the death of the entire plant. Therefore, if you do not want to lose the bright color of your pet, wrap the juniper entirely in a breathable material. Use polyethylene films it is forbidden.

The situation is different with young, newly planted plants. The first two years after transplantation to open ground Young animals must be covered. To be on the safe side in areas with harsh winters, the plant needs to be covered for the winter for up to four years after transplantation.

For strength, you need to tie the young sprout with ribbon, additionally build a frame from sticks over it and stretch the burlap in two layers.

It is necessary to remove the winter cover from adult plants and young plants carefully. Wait until the ground thaws to the depth of a shovel and remove the material not immediately, but within 3-4 days, so as not to “blind” the needles with a sharp change in light, giving you the opportunity to recover from dormant mode.

At correct landing and caring for juniper, in gratitude you will receive strong and fast growing shrubs and trees. In addition, almost all species have beneficial properties, which you can read about in our other .

Heather, or juniper, which is better known as juniper, is an evergreen coniferous bush, belonging to the cypress family. In ancient times, this plant was used to treat snake bites; it was also used to make dishes that prevented milk from souring even in hot weather. Essential oil, juniper cones and roots are still used today in the manufacture of products for the prevention of various diseases.

Many cooks use Cossack juniper as a seasoning for a variety of meat dishes. The preparation of pates, sauces, marinades and liqueurs is also not complete without the use of juniper fruits. Canes, pencils and various crafts made from wood of a certain type of juniper.

Description and some features of juniper

Juniper has been popular among gardeners for decades. It is grown in middle lane Russia, in the Moscow region and even in the Urals. In particular, this is due to its decorative properties, since the plant can be used to decorate hedges in the country and decorate personal plots.


Distinctive features of juniper:

  • the height of the shrub can vary from 1 to 3 m, but in some cases you can find plants that have a tree-like shape and reach a height of 8-12 m;
  • juniper is distinguished by an erect, branched stem;
  • young specimens have a dark red tint, and old shrubs are brown;
  • the foliage of the crop is needle-shaped or scale-shaped, one whorl consists of several leaves;
  • The fruits of the dioecious shrub are represented by oval green cones, the diameter of which is no more than 0.9 cm.

It is worth noting that this culture has both female and male cones. Male fruits vaguely resemble elongated spikelets, which have an oval shape. They are located on the leaf axils, and their color is bright yellow.

Note! Cone berries fully ripen several years after the plant is planted in open ground. They consist of many seeds, but on the surface you can only notice fleshy scales that are very tightly closed.

Cultivate different kinds Shrubs can be grown both at home and in open ground. Very popular, for example, decorative compositions made from juniper.

How to plant juniper correctly

You need to plant a crop from a pot into open ground with the onset of spring - the ideal period would be the beginning of April or the second half of May. When is it better to plant juniper, spring or autumn? The shrub feels great even with autumn landing(in October), so planting juniper in the fall is also possible.

How to plant juniper correctly

Culture belongs to light-loving plants, therefore, for common juniper, it is recommended to choose only those areas that are not heavily shaded. There are no particular preferences for the composition of the soil, but the soil for juniper must be moist, loose, sandy or calcareous. The acidity level should be within pH 5-7 (it all depends on how the variety and type of shrub is chosen).

Purchase and preparation of planting material

For planting in open ground, three-year-old seedlings are ideal and must be purchased from specialized garden stores or nurseries with a good reputation. Before you buy a seedling, you need to carefully examine it for signs of disease; if there are lesions, it is better to refrain from purchasing. During the process of planting a plant, you need to try to keep the earthen ball on the root system, otherwise the replanting will injure the tips of the roots.

If the seedlings are first planted in a pot, subsequent planting in the ground can be done at any time during the season. Is it possible to plant juniper in August? Yes, but you should choose a moderately warm day; on hot days, planting the plant is strictly prohibited.

Juniper seedlings

Important! Before planting seedlings in the ground, their roots must be soaked in a container of water. Young specimens with an open root system should be planted in the spring or at the end of summer, when air humidity is already slightly increased.

How to plant juniper on a trunk

Anyone who decides to start growing juniper should familiarize themselves with some recommendations for proper planting in order to prevent possible errors. The planting algorithm consists of several stages:

  1. If the shrub is large, the distance between the holes must be maintained at least 2 m, and if the plant is small - 0.5 m.
  2. Depth landing hole depends on the size of the lump of earth on the roots. But its depth must necessarily exceed the length of the roots by at least 2 times.
  3. 2 weeks before planting, the bottom of the hole should be covered with sand for drainage or broken brick, the layer height should be 20 cm. After which you need to take soil mixture, which includes peat, sand, turf clay soil, mix it with nitroammophoska and fill 2/3 of the planting hole.
  4. After the seedling has been placed in the hole, cover it with a mixture of soil, but without using fertilizers. The neck of the root system should be at a distance of 10 cm above the soil surface.

Note! If the plant is not very large sizes, after planting in the ground, the root collar should be flush with the ground surface.

The final stage is watering the seedlings, and after the water is completely absorbed, the tree trunk circle must be covered with mulch. For these purposes, experts advise using peat, wood chips or sawdust, and the layer thickness should be 5-8 cm.

How to plant juniper on a trunk

How often to water and how to fertilize juniper

Growing and planting juniper does not present any particular difficulties. If you follow all the recommendations for planting and care, even the most inexperienced gardener who does not know how to plant juniper will be able to grow this amazing shrub on his plot. Crop care consists of several key points, namely:

  • Watering.
  • Periodic moistening of foliage.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Application of fertilizing.

The question of how often to water juniper must be decided based on the climatic conditions in the growing region. Throughout the entire season, you need to water the juniper only if the weather is very hot, and take no more than 1 bucket of water per seedling. Once every 7 days it is recommended to moisten the leaves, especially if you grow ordinary or Chinese variety bush. Several times throughout the season it is necessary to loosen the soil so that trunk circle a film was not formed, and weeds were also removed.

How to feed juniper in summer

It is necessary to evenly distribute 40 g of nitroammophoska over the entire area of ​​​​the ground near the tree trunk. After the fertilizer has been applied to the soil, the standard juniper should be watered abundantly.

Note! If, when planting a plant, land was used that is very poor in useful microelements, the shrub must be fertilized until the growing season ends. The break between feedings should be 4 weeks.

How to propagate juniper

There are several ways:

  • propagation by layering (applicable only to creeping varieties),
  • seeds,
  • cuttings.

The most popular method of propagation is by cuttings. step-by-step instruction will be presented below.

Juniper cuttings

Cuttings should be prepared in the spring by cutting small shoots that are already woody. The length of the cuttings must be at least 5 cm, they must necessarily have an internode and a “heel”. For these purposes, cutting cuttings is highly not recommended; you need to tear them off with your hands so that the parent plant remains at the end, or rather, a piece of its bark. The next step is to treat the cuttings with a substance that will stimulate active growth of the root system.

It is necessary to plant cuttings following the 7*7 pattern in a mixture of soil, for the preparation of which you will need peat or humus, as well as sand. After the planting material has been planted, it must be covered for protective purposes. glass jar above.

Note! Before autumn arrives, the seedlings will be completely rooted in the ground, but transplanting to a permanent bed is possible only after 2 years.

Diseases and pests

Often, juniper can be affected by a fungal disease such as rust. You can determine that a plant is infected by its cones, shoots, skeletal branches and needles, on which spindle-shaped thickenings appear. The root collar becomes covered with swellings and swellings, the bark begins to dry out and crumble, which entails the formation of deep wounds. If no treatment is applied, this will lead to the death of the plant.

To eliminate the first signs of this disease, it is necessary to prune infected branches. Cuts and wounds must be disinfected using a 1% solution for these purposes. copper sulfate, then take Rannet paste and process them. Cut branches should be burned immediately.

Juniper diseases

Juniper can also suffer from diseases such as:

  • Nectriosis of shoot bark.
  • Alternaria blight.
  • Schutte.
  • Biatorella cancer and rust.

If you pay due attention to it when growing a crop and create comfortable conditions, strong immunity will protect the plant from damage by pests and diseases.

A modern way to green an area and give it a noble, well-groomed appearance is to plant juniper. It is a close relative of the cypress, but grows in harsher conditions. Different types and varieties (about 15 names: dwarf, giant, erect, spreading) will help the designer create a real masterpiece on the site. Juniper, the planting and care of which will be described in the article, has various shades of green and bluish. Depending on the period of the season, the crown of the needles changes color to a bronze color.

When to plant juniper

Planting time can be chosen in spring and autumn. Juniper will feel good in open ground in April, May, October, but the place for it should be chosen without completely darkening the plant, only partially. Hydrogen levels in the soil should be within 4.5-7 units. taking into account the variety.

On a note! Designers love juniper for its unpretentiousness to soil and climate. It can grow even on heavy loams and sandy soils, except in wetlands. IN winter period it does not need shelter, unless we are talking about young cuttings.

The question of how to properly plant juniper in the spring should also include soil testing to prevent the death of the plant.

Where to plant the plant

Juniper loves direct sunlight, so it is generally planted in open areas. Otherwise, the shadow will lead to the loss of the bright, rich color of the needles and the degenerative formation of the crown. Only one variety can tolerate only a slight lack of sun - the common juniper.

A feature of all species is the development of a long, voluminous root system, so the planting site can even be slopes or unstable soils that need strengthening.

Important! Juniper does not like long-term soaking, so planting in lowlands and swampy areas is not recommended.

If the question is: what to plant next to juniper, then you should avoid proximity to rowan, hawthorn and apple trees, which can be carriers of fungi that affect the crowns of plants.

How to plant a plant at home correctly? The basic rule is to maintain certain parameters:

  • from 1.5 to 2 m from each other;
  • The dimensions of the hole for a small seedling are 50×50×50 cm, for a large one from 70×70×70 cm.

The preparation of the pit begins 2 weeks in advance, forming a pillow from the following layers:

  • drainage (finely broken brick + sand) up to 20 cm thick;
  • nutrient soil with fertilizing - 1 part turf-clay soil + 1 part sand + 2 parts + 250 g of nitroammophos.

The peculiarities of each type of juniper should be taken into account. Growing a Virginia specimen will not be successful unless 5 kg of compost and 5 kg of clay are added to the base mixture (in poor, sandy soil). In the case of Cossack juniper, up to 300 g of dolomite flour is mixed into the soil.

After 2 weeks, when the soil shrinks, you should start planting the seedling. It is placed in a prepared hole and covered with the same soil composition as in the hole, excluding fertilizing.

Important! Before planting juniper in your dacha or other area, you should remember correct location root collar in the hole. For small seedlings, location at ground level is allowed, for large ones - up to 10 cm above ground level.

After planting, the plant is watered abundantly, and after the soil shrinks, mulch with a small (up to 8 cm) layer of a mixture of sawdust and peat.

Planting seedlings

The main conditions for the speedy establishment of seedlings are:

  • 3-4 years of age;
  • container where the plant grew (up to 5 l);
  • absence of signs of any disease;
  • maintaining the integrity of the earthen ball on the roots to prevent damage to the root system;
  • reputable garden center.

Planting of seedlings is carried out at any time during the growing season, except for very hot days. First immerse the root system in water for 2 hours, you can add a little potassium permanganate. If the young plant has open roots, then planting in spring or late summer is recommended, and the soil should be moist. To develop healthy roots, a root formation stimulator is used.

If you follow all the points when choosing, the seedling will quickly settle into the soil, and you will not need to use additional aids for transplantation.

Planting with seeds - difficult process, requiring certain experience. Feature coniferous plant is low germination. You may be lucky and the plant will germinate, but it will be difficult to preserve.

With patience and some botanical knowledge, it is possible. Planting is carried out in the fall, in a pot, which is taken out in the winter open area for 4 months (not paying attention to the weather).

The dead seeds are thrown away, and the surviving ones are planted again in a pot in May, still leaving them outside. Germination can only be expected next year.

Important! Regardless of the type, juniper grows very slowly, and to speed up the germination process, fertilizers are added and a favorable regime is provided - sun, soil moisture.

How to grow juniper from cuttings

The question arose, how to plant cuttings? The best option there will be a small pot with an earthen mixture (1 part peat + 1 part sand + 0.25 parts turf soil).

WITH coniferous tree, whose age has reached 10 years, cut an annual cutting about 12 cm long along with the wood. A mixture is diluted in a jar of water to stimulate growth and the branch is lowered into it to a depth of 3 cm. If the cutting was cut without wood, then you need to watch the top so as not to put this particular side in the water.

Important! Before propagating juniper from a branch, you should consider its type. A creeping plant is lowered into a jar with a growth solution at a 60° angle, while a columnar plant is placed vertically.

Common juniper can be propagated through cuttings much better (90%) than other species. If the root system is actively developing, then you can transplant the plant into a separate pot. The only condition is transplantation into open ground no less than after 2 years.

How to fertilize and feed seedlings and young plants

The soil for juniper should consist of a mixture of nutrients and fertilizers; only if this condition is met will growth be active and the plant will be resistant to pathogens of various diseases.

Important! When choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to its ability to grow. The needles should not be dry, have no damage or signs of disease (mold, fungus), and there should be an earthen lump on the roots.

How to feed correctly? In the spring they bring mineral fertilizers: superphosphate or nitroammophos. If juniper was propagated by cuttings or young planting material from a nursery was planted in the ground, then soil properties are improved every spring and summer (if there are obvious signs poor growth and lack of minerals).

By the state of the shoots, you can determine the excess or deficiency of a microelement:

  • yellowing of the needles indicates magnesium deficiency;
  • crown deformation, death - large amounts of nitrogen. It is available in organic fertilizers(manure).

Growing young planting material impossible without fertilizer. You should also consider what kind of soil the juniper likes. By following these recommendations, you can grow lush, healthy plant, with juicy pine needles.

Feeding an adult plant

Grow mature tree without fertilizers it is possible, but for rich color and splendor of the crown use foliar feeding. During dry summers and before predicted frosts in autumn, juniper is watered abundantly, which is necessary to accumulate moisture.

Replanting juniper from the forest

How to transplant juniper from the forest to the plot? The best period for moving is early spring, when the snow has not yet completely melted. The following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Before transplanting into the garden, while still in the forest, you need to bandage it with ribbon. sunny side plants and plant in the same orientation.
  2. Dig only with the “mother” earthen lump on the root system. If it is too heavy to lift, then you can scrape it vertically with a shovel, reducing the depth.
  3. Place the earthen ball with the tree on polyethylene and wrap it for transportation. This will retain moisture.
  4. Planting should be done individually or in trenches, avoiding placement near buildings (sliding snow in winter can damage the crowns).
  5. The size of the pit should be slightly larger than a clod of earth (provide for placing soil mixture from peat, compost, sand), shallow so that the root collar does not end up below ground level.
  6. The roots are straightened in the hole and covered with earth and pine litter (sawdust).
  7. Form a bowl for watering and pour out 2 buckets of water to compact the soil.

The propagation of a tree and its establishment in a new place depends on the degree of care for it. It is especially important to pay attention to the plant in the first six months, until the root system has completely taken root in the soil. To limit growth, it is recommended to prune junipers in early May.

Juniper belongs to the cypress genus of evergreen plants. They are quite unpretentious to the soil and do not require careful care. But in order for the juniper to grow healthy and please the eye, it is still necessary to perform a number of procedures.

Plant care

To provide favorable conditions For the growth and development of juniper, it is necessary to follow special rules for caring for it. Required:

  • Watering. Juniper does not require much water. Even in hot weather, one watering per month is enough. It is recommended to give the plant a “shower” once a week by spraying water on it. It is best to do this in the early morning or late evening to prevent damage to wet needles by active sunlight;
  • Trimming. Apart from the systematic removal of dried branches, the plant does not need pruning. If desired, you can add individual uniform bush, but this should be done carefully, without cutting off many branches at a time, as the plant may get sick;
  • Care in winter and spring periods. In order to prevent freezing (if the juniper grows in cold areas), the juniper is covered with a cloth, and the young seedlings are sprinkled with sawdust or straw. If the plant was not covered for the winter, then this must be done at the beginning of spring, when the intensity of solar activity intensifies. This will help prevent the risk of burns due to exposure. sun rays, after which it is difficult for him to recover. After the snow melts, the plant is freed from the covering material, then it is carefully inspected, protective mulch is removed around the trunk - this will help protect the basal trunk and roots from rotting.

Note! Another important component of juniper care is feeding. This is a necessary procedure, especially for transplanted, young plants, since they are still weak and susceptible to all kinds of diseases.

It is also necessary to fertilize if the soil at the planting site is poor. This process must be carried out throughout the season. Feeding should begin a month after planting, adding nutrients to small quantities.

Soil requirements

Before planting juniper, you need to carefully study the composition of the soil on the site. This is due to the fact that each type of plant has an individual need for soil. For example, Cossack, Central Asian and common juniper For favorable life activity, soil with an alkaline composition is required. For other species, an acidic environment is more suitable. To create it, add peat, sand or mulch using sawdust or wood shavings. To create an alkaline environment use dolomite flour or slaked lime.

It is also important to create natural air exchange(aeration) for the root system. To do this, be sure to add drainage: broken bricks, river pebbles, large expanded clay.

There is a recipe for preparing a universal soil composition suitable for all species. It is necessary to mix peat, river sand and soil from a coniferous forest in proportions of 1:1:1. Be sure to mulch with wood shavings or peat, adding them near the base of the trunk.

Important! After planting any type of juniper, it is watered with a large volume of water. Then, for protection purposes, mulching is done around the trunk of the plant. The material used is the shell pine nuts, peat, sawdust, pine bark, crushed cones. The thickness of the pillow varies from 5 to 10 cm.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

While the juniper bush is still young, it requires annual fertilization. It is allowed to start fertilizing the plant only in the second year after planting. If this is an adult representative of the cypress family, then it is necessary to feed it once every 2-3 years. The fertilizer material can be superphosphate, rotted manure, ammonium nitrate and other mineral fertilizers.

Most optimal time The period for adding nutrients is from the end of April to the beginning of June (the period of bud swelling). Fertilizers should be applied to the ground around the plant, retreating 15 cm from the trunk, to a depth of 10 cm. After fertilizing, water the plant with water.

IN summer period juniper needs feeding special compounds and substances useful for coniferous representatives. They must contain the following elements:

  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.

Such elements enrich juniper with essential substances that have a beneficial effect on the richness of the color of the needles, strengthen the plant’s immunity and increase resistance to weather conditions.

When choosing fertilizer for feeding shrubs in autumn period preference should be given to mixtures in which nitrogen is present in minimal quantities. This is due to the fact that this component reduces the ability of juniper to tolerate low temperatures. This occurs due to the active growth of shoots that do not have time to harden before the onset of cold weather, as a result of which they freeze out. The plant also needs magnesium at this time of year to prevent yellowing of the top.

Organic junipers are favorably perceived liquid fertilizers based on vermicompost dissolved in water. This fertilizing can stimulate root growth and also activate photosynthesis.


Proper care of juniper will help not only extend the life of the plant, but also preserve its natural beauty, which will delight the owner long years. An integral part of caring for this shrub is the application of fertilizers to the soil, which strengthen the plant’s immunity and its root system, ensuring its healthy appearance.

Let's grow Juniper on our plot

Juniper(Juniperus) trees and bushes, when creating, are used very often today. Thanks to modern breeders, new varieties of junipers have been developed that are not “afraid to live” in urban environments and even in megacities. But once upon a time they were not planted in industrial areas or densely populated areas precisely because junipers did not like gas pollution and air polluted by industrial waste.

But this plant has long been held in high esteem by amateur gardeners at home. Moreover, there are about 70 species of wild Junipers. All of them belong to to the Cypress family(Cupressaceae). But the growing area of ​​each of them is limited, except for the common juniper (Juniperus communis), which grows over a very large area: from the mountain tropics to the polar zone in the Northern Hemisphere. Now imagine how many decorative varieties can be developed from them.

At first, juniper was planted in areas that were susceptible to erosion, creating entire stands or making hedges. And over time, seeing the huge variety of their varieties, they began to use them to create rockeries, rock gardens, mixborders, and heather gardens. It looks equally good in both group plantings and single plantings.

In fact, Juniper was first used by landscapers 400 years ago, because it adapts very well to the conditions of a new environment. People of that time probably did not know about its phytoncidal, disinfecting properties and beneficial effects on the general atmosphere in the area. garden plot. But it was very often used as remedy, in cooking and even in magical rites. Moreover, Juniper in winter garden looks great: it is an evergreen plant, and it can be either a shrub or a tree. Its needle-like leaves grow for three years, gradually falling off and creating the appearance of an evergreen plant.

All varieties - shrubs and trees - combine very well with each other: shrubs or low-growing trees can be planted, creating alpine coaster or Scandinavian type of landscape, and tall crops can become a natural fence.

The main thing you need to know if you want to grow juniper on your property is right place for planting and necessary care behind him.

Choosing a growing location

Juniper is a culture that does not like harassment from other plant species. Placing them too close to each other can create discomfort lethargy and monotony. And Juniper, planted intermittently (discretely), will set a certain rhythm for the site, emphasize its beauty and tie the entire composition of the garden together.

That's why for him good growth and development requires a lot of space: from 0.5 m to 2 m - this is the maximum successful distance between crops. You should always take into account that in ten years from a small tree or an inconspicuous bush it will turn into mature plant. For example, bush Cossack juniper (Juniperus sabina) after 10 years can occupy an area of ​​up to 20 m², but it only grows to a height of 1.5 m.

Junipers love well-lit places, although they can easily adapt to any place if properly cared for. This condition is especially relevant for Junipers that have variegated needles, so they will quickly acquire decorative qualities.

All types of this plant tolerate frost well. There are, however, forms of this crop that need to be shaken off the snow or tied up, since its branches may not withstand it and break: columnar Junipers Skyrocket - Scaly Juniper (J. squamata), Virginia Juniper (J. virginiana) and their decorative varieties.

Planting Juniper

Often, amateur gardeners, in order not to buy juniper, dig it up in the forest, in clearings, meadows or forest edges. In such cases, in order for the crop to take root faster, take some soil around it. It will help the plant acclimatize faster to its new location.

Junipers can be planted in open ground from the beginning of April to the end of May, and in the fall - in October. But if you have a plant with (in a tub or pot), then you can take it outside at any time, the main thing for such crops is proper feeding and shading.

Of course, there are many types of Juniper, which means that the soil for planting them must have some differences. In order not to bother, you can create a universal soil for planting them. For such a mixture it is necessary to take peat, coarse river sand and soil from under a coniferous forest (1/1/1). But be sure to mulch with peat or wood shavings, sprinkling the tree trunk area of ​​the plant.

To plant Juniper, you need to dig a hole 1 m/1 m deep, two bayonets deep and fill it with soil mixture, leaving room for the crop. It is necessary to plant the crop so that it remains on the surface. After planting, Juniper is watered abundantly. Spray the plant as needed, that is, in the hot summer in the morning or evening. It is advisable to water the Juniper with fine droplets of near-trunk soil.

If you are replanting an adult plant, it is best to do this at the end of winter. This is due to the sensitive roots of the culture. Root system This crop is superficial, so it is almost impossible to dig up without touching the roots. And in winter, a frozen clod of earth will prevent them from being damaged. But it is still not recommended to replant large-sized, mature Junipers - in most cases they die. Rehabilitation period after adult transplantation large plants, is three years.

Feeding Juniper

They begin to feed Juniper only a month after transplantation, and then only in small quantities. Instead of fertilizing, it is better to use various biostimulants for the growth, development of the plant and its root system: “Epin”, “Kornevin”, etc. This is important for other reasons: Juniper is still very weak after transplantation and can be susceptible to various diseases and pests. And root-forming fertilizing will help it acclimatize faster in a new place, enhancing root growth.

In winter, young juniper plantings can be covered, since its delicate needles are exposed to the bright winter sun and cold wind. This can lead to browning of the needles or death of the plants. Lutrasil, black in color, can also be used for soil.

Care and propagation of Juniper

Caring for this crop is quite simple. The main thing is to water and feed on time. You can carry out pruning: in this case, in most cases, dry shoots or shoots with browned needles are removed.

Juniper is propagated if it is a wild species, but it is better to propagate a cultivated species
