Methodological development (senior group) on the topic: Scenario of the autumn holiday in the senior group “Ball in the autumn forest”. Scenario for the “Autumn Ball” holiday in the preparatory group

Lyudmila Rovskaya
Holiday script " Autumn Ball» in the preparatory group

"Ball autumn» script for preparatory group.

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Kindergarten, kindergarten...

Why do they say this?

We are not aspens,

We are not mountain ash.

Vova, Klava, Mishenka -

These are not cherries!

Kindergarten, kindergarten...

Why do they say this?

We are not leaves,

We are not flowers

Blue, scarlet -

We are little guys!

Kindergarten, kindergarten...

Why do they say this?

Because there is harmony in it

We are growing as one family!

That's why they say:

There is a kindergarten in this house!

They sing the song Good in our garden.

Read the poems one by one.

1st child. Autumn at a fox's pace

Sneaks through the ravines

Along the rivers and rivulets

And along the forest edges.

Sneaks and at the same time

Everything is painted fox color.

2nd child. Autumn I spread paint at the edges,

I quietly moved my brush along the leaves.

The hazel tree has turned yellow,

And the maples began to glow,

In the purple of the aspen,

Only green oak.

Comforts autumn.

Don't regret the summer.

Look - autumn is dressed in gold.

3rd child. Came at dawn

I didn’t sit down for a moment,

I looked around

And get down to business right away.

4th child. Viburnum with rowan

Colored thickly

On strong teeth

The cabbage creaked.

5th child. At the mills

Turned white with fresh flour,

Orange silk

I dressed the birch trees.

6th child. Curly winter

I laid out the carpet,

On a long flight

She saw off the birds.

Children sing a song "Skvorushka says goodbye". They are seated.

Leading. Autumn is gradually coming into its own. It can be cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. But we love autumn for generosity and beauty, for rare but glorious warm days. Do you want us to go to the ball today? To a beautiful country autumn holiday. Close your eyes and repeat me: “One, two, three - open a fairy tale at the door!”

Was everyone in a hurry to go to the ball? Did you grab everything?

Have you forgotten your smile? Humor and of course a joke?

In a motley-golden dress

Autumn has come to our hall,

Like a beautiful queen

Opens the ball.

Enters the hall Autumn with music.

Autumn. Hello dear friends! Did you come to the ball to sing and dance?

To dance with your glorify autumn?

Performed “There’s a viburnum on the mountain”. They take their seats.

Autumn. How well they danced, how they spun, how autumn leaves. Do you like riddles? Then guess my riddles.

1. She rewarded everyone,

She ruined everyone.

Season? (Autumn.)

2. Large, fractional frequent,

He watered the whole earth. (Rain.)

3. They fly, spin,

They lie on the ground,

They rise from the ground

And they will disappear there. (Leaves.)

4. The dress got lost

The buttons remain. (Rowan.)

5. There is a thorn on the pitchfork,

Dressed in scarlet.

Who will come,

Togo will sting. (Rose hip.)

6. The coldest one,

And it burns people. (Nettle.)

7. Yegor lies under the boundary,

Covered with a green veil. (Cucumber.)

Autumn. Well done, you know everything.

The sound of the wind. Children appear, perform movements depicting the wind, and read poems one by one.

1st child. Fall off, leaves, forgetting about summer, -

On a trotting horse he rushes autumn wind.

2nd child. Because of the blue sea,

Jumps from afar

About our native space

I was feeling sad, that is.

3rd child. I galloped to the village,

The peace there was disturbed:

Knocked out of the trees

Apples and pears.

4th child. It whistles and whoops,

The ringing harness will jingle,

Golden streams flow from flexible branches.

Autumn. in autumn this is how it happens - the wind will blow and multi-colored autumn leaves.

Dance" Autumn leaves".

The game is being played "Collect autumn bouquet» .

Slush and Kholodryga enter the hall to the music.

Slush and Cold.

Only autumn is coming, our turn comes,

And Slyak and Kholodryga are advancing.

But no one is waiting for us, but on the contrary, we are always scolded and scolded.

Slush I am Slush, I’m around in galoshes and with an umbrella, wandering through puddles, catching up on the dampness.

Kholodryga And Kholodryga the friend keeps running around, spreading the cold on all passers-by.

Listen, Slush, they probably invited us to visit.

Slush What are you, Kholodryga, what are you! Apchhi! No matter how many years I have lived in the world, no one has ever invited me to visit.

Kholodryga And I, Kholodryga, aren’t really liked either. Well, since they didn't call us, they'll regret it. We'll ruin the whole ball for them.

Slush Oh, who is this? Yes it is Autumn! The prom queen herself!

Kholodryga Zolotaya autumn.

Slush is happy. Songs are sung and danced for her.

Kholodryga Look how everyone loves her.

Slush (crying) But we are not.

Kholodryga Wow, what a slush she created! Don't cry, it's cold without you. Better think like this Autumn teach a lesson so as not to become arrogant.

Slush (thinks) I came up with an idea! Now we will enchant it, and we will create such slush ourselves, we will make it so cold that it will turn from golden to rainy.

Kholodryga Brrr!

Slush In boring, dull autumn. Then, like us, no one will love her.

Kholodryga What if she breaks her spell?

Slush What are you doing! She will break the spell only when she, so disgusting, is loved again and called to her. And this will never happen. People are the same everywhere, they would always be dry and warm.

Kholodryga How will we bewitch her?

Now I’ll dilute the slush in a glass and tell her that it’s a solution of beauty.

Slush approaches Autumn and brings her a glass of water.

Drink slush, autumn, solution of beauty, you will be even more beautiful.

Autumn drinks and falls asleep.

Kholodryga Hurray! Happened! Well, hold on, now I'll freeze you! (runs around the children with a large fan, and Slush splashes water)

Presenter Stop! What are you doing? Are you on the holiday has arrived!

Slush Oh yes, na holiday. I also have gifts for you. (takes out candy)

Kholodryga (is reading) Sneakers.

Slush (with irritation) You yourself are Snickers! And this is "Runny nose".

Kholodryga (is reading) Ba-un-ti.

Slush Not a bounty, but "Chiaunty".

They are trying to distribute candy to children.

Presenter: Wait, guys, remember, Slush and Kholodryga said that Autumn will wake up, if we get bored without her and call her, even rainy and cold. But what good can be found in such autumn?

Slush and Kholodryga Search, search, and maybe you will find.

Slush You can sneeze.

Chill You can get sick.

Slush Walk around with damp feet.

Cold and with a blue nose.

Slush You walk, and cold water pours on you.

Cold Brrr!

The children come out and take turns telling

Child Is rain really a bad thing?

Just put on your boots

And not only on the roads,

Or at least run through puddles.

Child It’s so nice in the rain

Whispering with an umbrella together

And you can even take an umbrella

And dance in the rain.

Child Let the storm rage

Why should we be sad?

And at this time of year you can dance.

Child Outside the window there is rain and wind,

We don't care about anything.

Come visit us Autumn, warm up,

Let's dance and sing.

Slush and Kholodryga Are you calling her? This raw, nasty Autumn?

Presenter Children will not forget autumn,

Get out of here!

1st child Go away, we ask you,

He'll wake up anyway Autumn.

2nd child We really need autumn,

We all like her.

Autumn Ah how long have I been sleeping...

Where I am? What am I?. Understood.

You, friends, saved me,

They helped me get back to you.

Is it really true

Are you tired of the rain?

And despondency and bad weather,

In a word - Autumn. That's happiness.

I am grateful to all of you,

Let's continue the ball, friends.

Louder, music, play,

Let's start the happy dance.

The girls come out with umbrellas.

The rain is crying outside the window,

The rain doesn't stop.

Since he cries, it means -

He says goodbye to summer.

Rain, rain, Aquarius,

Let's have fun from the clouds!

Lay louder and more often,

Lay across the field and more often!

There were clouds in the sky,

But we took an umbrella with us.

The drops hit the ground loudly,

We are not afraid one bit.

Girls perform "Dance with Umbrellas".

Leading. Well done girls, and we continue our holiday.

If you go to the right, you will have a fun time.

If you go left, you will find everything you are looking for.

And if you go straight, you’ll start a game.

The game is being played "Gather the Harvest".

Round dance "Kalinushka"

Autumn. You guys were such great guys, you danced so well with autumn leaves. Blown autumn the wind scattered the leaves, but what is this phenomenon called when in autumn Are the leaves starting to fall from the trees? (children's answers).

Leading. Our children even prepared a song called "Leaf Fall".

Children sing a song "Leaf Fall".

Autumn. We had a lot of fun today, but it’s time for me to leave. I have a lot of other things to do. autumn forest things that need to be done before winter comes. Thank you, dear children, for the songs, dances, and games. Here's a treat from me! But it’s high time for me, goodbye kids! Autumn is leaving.

Leading. Leaves autumn, generous, from you.

You were all warmed by her warmth.

And let it remain in your hearts.

Our ball took place in this hall.

Scenario autumn holiday V senior group"Ball in the Autumn Forest" is intended for holding an autumn holiday for children 5-6 years old in kindergarten. The script includes surprises for children, the appearance fairy tale characters and forest animals, children’s performance of songs and dances, performances, participation in musical games not only by children, but also by parents. Joint games and dances of children with their parents unite and unite. Cooperation, involvement, spiritual interpenetration require efforts from parents, but they give birth to love and gratitude, the need to communicate in the child’s heart.



"Ball in the Autumn Forest"

Scenario of the autumn holiday for the senior group

Adults: Presenter Children: Magpie

Fox Bear

Autumn Hare

Badger Hare


1 hedgehog

2 hedgehogs

Children run into the music room to the sound of cheerful music and stand near the central wall in a semicircle, holding autumn leaves in their hands.

Presenter : We have a music room

Decorated like this only once a year:

Leaves, mushrooms -

See for yourself!

My dear boys,

Guess the riddle:

The birds stopped singing.

The sun doesn't heat well.

And on the street now

It got colder.

It rains often,

And when does this happen?(Children answer.)

Ved. And we will start the holiday with poetry. Do you guys agree?

  1. th child : Autumn paints gold

Groves and forests.

Farewells are heard

  1. y: Scarlet and yellow

The wind tears the leaves.

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance.

3. Autumn leaves during the day

So beautiful

Let's sing, friends, we'll sing a song

About golden leaves!

Children perform song “Autumn” by G. Rebrova.

4. We'll take all the leaves

Let's go dance with them!

Ved : We will raise the leaves now

And we'll waltz with them.

Children perform Waltz with Leaves. F-ma "Autumn" R. Gutsalyuk

The phonogram sounds"Wind"

Ved: Well done! They danced very beautifully. Guys, can you hear the autumn wind rustling? Let's take a seat and listen: it seems that he flew into our hall!The presenter collects leaves from the children. The children take their seats.

Ved: Guys, look! (Takes it from the window balloon. There is a letter attached to it.)The wind brought us a letter! What is written in it?

“Today a ball in honor of the Queen of Autumn will take place in the fabulous autumn forest!

Everyone who knows how and loves to have fun is invited!”

Guys, do you want to go to a ball in the autumn forest?

Children: Yes!

Ved. Fine! But first, tell us what it is - a ball in the autumn forest?

1st child: Red autumn threw a ball,

Lush, elegant, colorful carnival:

In the yellow of birch, in the purple of aspen,

Scarlet beads on rowan branches,

2 reb : Spruce and pine trees in green attire,

The willows turn yellow, the maples are golden.

Autumn has laid out a carpet of moss,

It contains multi-colored mushroom caps.

3 reb : So that the gardens are bright and lush,

I hung pears, apples, cherries.

The rain will play songs for you on the strings,

Autumn invites all children to the ball.

Ved: Okay, guys, where is the hostess of the ball herself - Autumn? Why isn't she there? Let's call her!

Children: Autumn, Autumn! We invite you to visit!

Music sounds, Fox enters with an umbrella, dressed as Autumn.

Fox : Are you talking about me? I'm so glad!

I bow to you to the ground, friends.

Well, hello! Did you call me?

I came to you for a holiday,

Although things didn’t go away,

But I still found the time!

Oh! It's not easy being a queen! (sits on the throne)

Ved: Your Majesty, you sit down, relax, and we will cheer you up a little.

What would you like to see?

Fox: Oh! What I wish... I wish that the clouds frown and the leaves fall quickly and quickly! I also wish everyone to be in a sad, sad mood! And in general - so that everyone falls asleep!

Ved: How did you fall asleep? After all, we came to your ball to have fun! Guys, maybe it’s not Autumn at all? Let's check it out! Well, tell us, Your Majesty, do you like leaf fall?

Fox: What leaf fall? What it is???

Ved: Guys, let's tell you what leaf fall is.

1 reb : Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

The entire park and garden are covered!

Multi-colored carpets,

Spread out under your feet!

2nd child: Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Golden rain.

They're all flying, they're all flying

Leaves, leaves, leaves!

3 reb : Yellow leaves are dancing,

They fall from the branches and fly.

This golden fairy tale

They call it “leaf fall.”

Fox : No! I don't like your leaf fall! What's good here? Leaves

That's it, all the hares hid under the leaves and they can't be found!

Ved: What does this have to do with hares? I don’t understand... Well, okay, answer one more question: do you like autumn rains?

Fox: Oh! Of course not! Rain, it's so disgusting! All the hares are wet, the paths in the forest are slippery, you won’t be able to keep up with them, you won’t be able to catch them!

Ved: Bunnies again! Guys, in my opinion, this is not Autumn at all! So...Who hunts hares in our forest?

Children: Fox!

Ved: So it's you, red-haired cheat! Tell me where our Autumn has gone!

Fox : Autumn, Autumn... Where did I put it... But you sing to me, I’ll tell you!

I still want to be queen!

Ved: Guys, let's sing an autumn song!

Song “Autumn has knocked on us”

Ved: Well, Lisa. We have fulfilled your request, now tell us where our Autumn is! Just don't be cunning!

Fox : Don’t be cunning, don’t be cunning... How can I not be cunning if I am the most unfortunate fox in the world! ( the fox is crying)

Ved: Lisa, what happened? Why are you the most unhappy?

Fox: Yes, because no one wants to be friends with me! I have no friends!

And look, how friendly you are and you were invited to the ball, but I wasn’t!

Ved: Fox, stop being cunning and you will have many friends! Tell me, where is Autumn?

Fox: And then you will be friends with me?

Ved: Of course we will!

Fox: Okay, I'll tell you. Your autumn is very busy. She escorts birds to warmer lands, paints leaves on trees, and collects rain clouds. I'll give you an umbrella. It's not simple, it's mobile! You can call Autumn, and she will come right away! ( gives an umbrella ). And this is the number to call and instructions for the umbrella (gives a plate with a number and instructions). So, are we friends?

Ved : Of course, Lisa, we are friends!

But our guys know a song about friendship and now they will dance for you. Really, guys?

Dance “You and I, together we are friends”

Fox: Oh, guys, how fun you are dancing! Well, call Autumn soon, and I’ll run and tell everyone in the forest how many friends I’ve made!

Ved: (reads the instructions): To ring the umbrella, you need to twist the umbrella.

Twist as many times as we have leaves. Guys, we need to count the leaves!(counts the leaves on the umbrella and spins it)

Phone beeps are heard, Autumn says in the recording:

Autumn: Hello! Queen Autumn is listening!

Ved : Dear Autumn! We've been waiting for you! Come to our ball soon!

Autumn : I’m in a hurry to see you, friends! I'll be there soon!

Wait a little longer, you'll start a round dance!

Round dance


(sat down)

Music is playing. Autumn enters.

Autumn: You were waiting for me? Here I am! Hello autumn to you, friends!

We haven't seen each other whole year, right after summer it’s my turn!

Hello children! I came to your party and am very glad to meet you, how elegant and beautiful you all are.

Ved. Hello Autumn - beauty, we like to meet you here.

Autumn: Autumn signs are clear and simple: magical umbrellas are walking along the streets!

Ved. Tell me, dear Autumn, is your umbrella magical?

Autumn. Certainly. Whoever stands under the magic umbrella will speak in poetry like a poet.

Ved . Now you will see this. I invite you under the umbrella...

Children. 1. Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling rustling...

How beautiful you are, Autumn!

2. -The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps.

You give us everything, autumn!

3 . -The leaves are spinning in the sky,

Rain is falling.

We are running through puddles,

Along a forest path.

4. -The sun is smiling,

Sparkling gold.

We all really like it

Autumn is golden!

5. The leaves are falling from the maples,

There are more of them every day.

On the grass - still green -

We walk between the trees

6. Stellates softly in front of us

Your own autumn garden carpet.

The rustle of leaves underfoot.

This means leaf fall!

7. Autumn paints gold

Groves and forests,

Farewells are heard

8. Scarlet and yellow

The wind tears the leaves,

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance.

Autumn . What wonderful poems sounded under my umbrella, well done, guys!

Now guess my riddle: who was walking on the roof with a ringing sound?

No, not cats! And not mice! These watery legs have become a puddle by the road!

You guessed it, don’t be bored: answer more fun!

Children. Rain!

Reb. The cloud has darkened, frowns and is angry.

Our group is not afraid of the rain at all!

We stood under the umbrella, laughing merrily,

We huddle closer to the teacher and to each other.

Song “Umbrellas” by G. Krainova(under the umbrellas).

Autumn: And which of you, friends, saw how everything changed in the forest?

An autumn ball was given in the forest! The trees are all dressed up!

And shaking their leaves to the beat, they can’t stop.

Would you also like to spin like this in the autumn minuet?

Ved. Yes, Autumn, our children love to dance and also play. Now we will show you what kind of musical game we came up with.

The phonogram sounds"Minuet" by P. Mauriat

Ved. To the music, guys, let's stand in pairs. We move to the music in pairs like a stream. The couple that ends up in front at the end of the music is declared the happy couple.

Autumn. Beautiful music, are there any happy couples among you? Now we will find out. The lucky couple will receive a prize.

Game "Stream" 2-3 times: To the music, children stand in pairs in a column. Couples move forward to the music - like a trickle. The couple that ends up in front at the end of the music is declared the happy couple. Autumn presents happy couple and gives her a prize in the form of a medallion - an autumn leaf.

Autumn: The leaf will fly to the sky

And miracles will begin

I'll wander with you,

I'll show you the autumn forest!

Ved: Autumn, take us with you, we are ready - look! But what if what happens there? What if something happens to us? Suddenly a runny nose and cough will start... Our children will get sick...

Autumn : Well, it doesn’t matter! They will always help you here!

Scene “Forest Pharmacy”:A magpie flies in to the music.

Magpie. Attention! Attention! Dear residents!

Would you like to hear the latest news?

The badger opens a pharmacy and calls all the animals to him.

For the dearest buyers there will be a rich choice.

The prices are very tempting, the discounts are simply amazing!

Hurry up there, to Uncle Badger's pharmacy!

A badger appears. Opens a pharmacy.

Badger. Gentlemen! Gentlemen! I'll ask everyone to come here! Hurry up and take a closer look! There are forest grasses, spare tails,

The tinctures are useful and the teeth are made of iron. Have fun, fly in and buy, buy!

Autumn: The solemn moment has come: the first client has appeared at the door!

Mikhailo Potapych came.

A bear enters to the music.

Bear. I was visiting a beaver and caught a cold - just fear!

I urgently need to warm up, maybe rub myself with something?

Badger. For colds, a birch broom is the healthiest!

Heat the bathhouse hotter, take a broom with you -

Tomorrow you will be like a cucumber, you will forget about illnesses.

To the music, the bear receives a broom and leaves.

Autumn: The squirrel galloped up, did you recognize the red squirrel?

Squirrel runs out.

Squirrel. I was in the fox's salon, curling my mustache there.

I burned my nose with a hairdryer and came to you for ointment.

Badger. I have known this excellent remedy since childhood!

Buy sea buckthorn here and rub it gently on your nose.

Wait three minutes and blot with a napkin.

The squirrel gets the remedy and runs away.

Autumn: A dad comes in with a child, a hare with a little bunny.

Hare. My son blew up a firecracker.

His ear dropped.

I used to frolic like a foal,

And now the child can’t hear anything. Look!

The hare strokes the bunny’s head, saying affectionately:

Hare: My jumping bunny!

Little Bunny: I'm not your T-shirt!

Hare: You are my long ear!

Little Bunny: I'm not your gun!

Hare : Help quickly! Give me something quickly!

Badger . Take this herbal tincture and apply a compress to your ear at night.

The Hare and the Little Bunny thank and leave.

Autumn : A dragonfly flew here,

Music is playing. A dragonfly flies in.

Autumn: Yes, I immediately fainted!

The dragonfly screams and falls onto the bench.

Autumn: Hey, orderlies, run here, quickly bring the dragonfly to the hospital!

To the music, 2 hedgehogs run out - orderlies with a stretcher. The orderlies check your pulse and listen to your breathing.

1st hedgehog So! All clear! I sang red summer, didn’t eat any vitamins.

2nd hedgehog: Let's take her to the doctor immediately.

The orderlies take the dragonfly by the hands.

Dragonfly (waking up). In hospital? Injections? Well, no, no!

I'll eat it - I'd rather have more candy!

Badger: No! Buy lingonberry syrup

And take it every day!

Autumn: The sick woman buys syrup. He drinks it right away.

(Dragonfly buys and drinks.)

Dragonfly: Oh! I'm completely healthy!

I want to play, friends!

Autumn : And out of joy the dragonfly began a merry dance, and invited all the children to dance!

Dragonfly : Hey, mischievous guys, run out quickly and dance more fun!

Let us all show together how to have fun!

Pair dance "Friendly couples"

Autumn: What a wonderful dance! And how clearly the movements were worked out. And what music! Thank you very much, you made me happy.

Ved: Your Majesty, little mischievous droplets came running to you for the holiday. They are still very young, but they also want to greet Your Majesty.

1 reb : Raindrops

Transparent, cool,

And from the sun's rays -

Shiny, elegant!

2nd child: Autumn droplets

They dance in puddles

And the circles are different,

Happy people draw.

3 reb : At the autumn ball

The droplets are ringing.

A cheerful song

The guys are happy!

Song “Droplets” (with orchestra)

Autumn: Mischievous droplets wet the entire forest for us. Look how many puddles there are around, what to do after the rain?
Children: Jump through the puddles!

Ved. Then let's play a fun game!

Playing with puddles. Two children are called. Painted puddles and an umbrella are laid out in front of them. Who will run through the puddles faster and take an umbrella?.

Autumn: Well, the guys played with umbrellas, and my umbrella disappeared somewhere. And the rain continues to fall. Where's my umbrella? (searches everywhere around the hall)

Ved (gives the umbrella): Autumn, here it is, lying under the Christmas tree!

Autumn takes an umbrella, opens it, and candies hang under it.

Autumn: It thundered and sparkled.

And then vice versa.

The sky has closed with clouds,

It's raining on the paths.

Only the rain is unusual,

Very tasty, no doubt.

Sweet rain, unusual,

This candy rain!

This is my gift to you-

To my dear friends!

(gives the umbrella to Ved.)


Autumn: Thank you, dear guests, for coming to my ball today, for having fun and making me happy. I’m sorry to part with you, but winter’s turn is approaching.

I'll come to you again, guys. You are waiting for Autumn in a year. Goodbye! (leaves)

Ved: May children's joy always illuminate the years with a smile,

May the fairy tale of the autumn kingdom always remain with you!

Children leave the hall to the sound of autumn music.

Spare verses

  1. th child : Autumn at the edge

I mixed the paints.

Quietly through the leaves

I used a brush.

  1. th : The hazel tree has turned yellow.

And the maples began to glow,

In the purple of rowan.

The oak is still green.

  1. th : A cloud was grumbling in the morning.

The whole sky darkened

But the sun is a red ray

Suddenly he looked out timidly.

And autumn smiled.

A yellow maple leaf

I thought it was again

He turned completely green.

  1. th: What happened and what is the secret?

Where is green hiding?

Neither in the forest nor in the garden

I won't find any green leaves.

Suddenly everything around became yellow:

Garden and grove, river and meadow.

Old house and fence.

The sun also became yellower.

  1. th child : It suddenly became twice as bright.

The yard is like in the sun's rays.

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

  1. Y : Morning" we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain.

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“General developmental kindergarten No. 4, village. Alekseevka

Korochansky district, Belgorod region"

Matinee script

"Autumn Ball"

(middle-senior group)


Orekhova N.V.

Grishchenko N. A.

Music worker:

Gashchenko A.A.

With. Alekseevka, 2014

Children go to the hall, the Fairy meets them and leads them in a light run to the music
around the hall.

Fairy: Hello guys, preschoolers! Do you know who I am?
Children: Yes, Fairy!
Fairy : That's right, I am the Good Fairy and the fairy tale “Cinderella”.
I am very glad to meet you and I think
We're going to have a lot of fun here!
Autumn has come to visit us.
The last flock of birds flew south.
And in our kingdom - state, the harvest has ended.

Everyone was not at all lazy, they worked conscientiously,
And so it was not in vain that all the fields were empty.
In our fairy-tale country, everyone lives in one family.
They help each other in their work and relax together.
And everyone thinks
What if in the summer he works in the garden and in the garden,
In winter you can have fun from morning to night at the ball!
In the summer in the kingdom-state, everyone knows his business:
Who digs, waters, who loosens, who pours,
Someone carefully and quickly collects the harvest.
We will always have great food on the table!
Fairy: I told you everything, children, and you must believe me...
And now I want to hear how ready you are for winter.
Tamil: We’ll also tell you about ourselves, because we don’t sit idle;
And now we’ll show you how we can work.
Nastya M: We didn’t lag behind, we also helped adults
And they loosened, watered and all together reaped the harvest!
Fairy: I will tell you frankly that you are ready for a harsh winter.
Danil: Rain fell on the rowan bunches,
A maple leaf circles above the ground...
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again she put on the gold outfit...
Dima: You bring with you a sad violin,
So that the sad tune sounds over the fields...
But we, autumn, greet you with a smile
And we invite everyone to the festive ball!

Varya: The maple tree under the window has dropped its leaves -
It was autumn who sent us letters.
What does she write in these letters?
He writes that the wind is breathing cold.
Nastya I: Writes about the first evil frost,
Late autumn in frosty white.
The wind swirls the leaf outside the window -
It became a little sad in the world...
Semyon: Thin aspen trees look into the puddles.

Raindrops hang like beads on the branches.

Swans lazily splash in the pond.

Quiet and beautiful in the garden in autumn.

Kira. The maple leaf will slowly fall onto the path.

This golden autumn is coming towards us!

Maxim G. Let's collect an autumn bouquet

How bright and good he is!

And in the golden sun

He looks a little like him!

Vitya. Every leaf is golden

Little sun.

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

Bogdan. Let's make a fan out of leaves,

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves.

Light and playful.

Alyosha. Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through bushes and maples.

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

Song about autumn.
Fairy:Everything is fine, guys, but where is our Cinderella?
Signor TOMADO enters to the music
Tomato: Ha! This means that everyone has already gathered, and, I see, they are already dancing.
Tell me now, where is Cinderella?
Fairy: Who are you? Guys, do you know him? (children's answers)
Tomato: I don't need this holiday
I love fights and quarrels,
Merciless, evil, treacherous
Beautiful tomato!
I know you're waiting, you can't wait
your kind, sweet little Cinderella.
She won't come here!
I stole the magic wand. Ha ha ha!
Fairy: She can't do without a wand,
And she won’t have to come to the holiday...
Signor Tomato, what about the children?
Without a magic wand, will children be left without a treat?
Are you really that cruel?
Tomato: Don’t ask, don’t ask, I still won’t give it to you.
Fairy : Well, what should we do?
Tomato: I'll call Cinderella, but I won't give you the wand,
I will need it myself.
Fairy: How to teach this villain a lesson, but only Cinderella will help us with this,
Signor Tomato, call us Cinderella here!
Signor TOMATO waves his wand and CINDERELLA enters to the accompaniment of Chopin's "Waltz"
Cinderella: Hello! I'm late guys
This is not my fault.
I planted roses in the morning and cleaned the house afterwards.
She sewed, ironed, scrubbed. I have nothing to do.
What happened, what faces? We need to sing and have fun!
What a sad look you have, has a thief snuck into you?
Give me a wand, I'll cheer you up in no time!
Fairy: We are in trouble, a wonderful wand has been stolen,
And we cannot start the holiday.
Cinderella: And who is this tormentor-kidnapper? (children show)
Tomato: But I don’t care, I’m in a bad mood today.
Cinderella: And for - for yours bad mood Should children suffer?
Everyone quickly form a circle and sing a song.

Cinderella: We don't need to worry, we'll sing, play, laugh.
Let this greedy citizen sit alone in the corner!
I ask the children to play with leaves,
but let’s not pay attention to him!
Cinderella: To remove the leaves, we all need to play!
Who will collect the most leaves?
he will be strong all year long!

Fairy: And now let’s all stand in a friendly round dance.
Tomato: Oh, how fun you are, your legs started dancing on their own.
Don’t judge me harshly, but help me dance!
Play the music quickly, and clap harder!
TOMATO dances to any Russian folk melody.
FAIRY : And now WE will play with you.
You need to select fruits separately and vegetables separately from the basket.


FAIRY: Can you solve riddles?
Children: I’ll check it now.
Ruslan: In a brown caftan,

I'm sitting in the ground with friends.
Who will dig with a shovel -
He will find me! (potato)
Artyom P : I'm big, like a soccer ball,
If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.
I taste so good.
Who am I? What's my name? (watermelon)
Misha: I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots.
You will see me a mile away, -
My name is... (boletus)
Vika. The size of a fist, red side.
Smooth on top, sweet inside. (apple)
Artyom: No windows, no doors,
The room is full of people. (cucumber)
Dasha: The girl is sitting in prison,
And the braid is on the street. (carrot)
Cinderella: Here's another game.
Tomato: Oh, how fun you are, forgive me, I have a headache.
You cheered me up and conquered all my illnesses.
Fairy : Well, will the children forgive him? (children's answers)
Tomato: I accept your forgiveness and return the wand.
The tomato gives away the magic wand.
Fairy: Thank you for the wand, it contains magical power.
The tomato sits on a chair.
Fairy: And now I'll wave with a magic wand
Cinderella: Oh! I'm staying with you, the clock is striking 12 times.
Goodbye, kids.
Fairy: Cinderella, wait, you promised the kids a treat.
I'll tell you a secret -
A miracle happened there.
My Cinderella's carriage
It turned into a big pumpkin.
He opens the pumpkin, and there is a treat, gifts are handed out.
Cinderella: I thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming here to the ball.
I hope that we will meet again,

And we will sing and dance.

Svetlana Chernyshova
Scenario for the holiday in kindergarten “Autumn Ball”

Scenario of the holiday in the senior and preparatory groups "Autumn Ball"

Musical director: Chernyshova Svetlana Anatolyevna

Goal: Create conditions for emotional relaxation for children, creative interaction with peers and adults, and evoke positive emotions.

Objectives: To develop interest in the autumn season, the creative abilities of children, to cultivate a competitive spirit, and the ability to support each other.

“Gavotte” by J. S. Bach sounds. There is a “throne” near the central wall.

HOST: Rain fell on the rowan bunches,

A maple leaf circles above the ground...

Ah, Autumn, again you took us by surprise

And again she put on the gold outfit...

You bring with you a sad violin,

So that the sad tune sounds over the fields...

But we, Autumn, greet you with a smile

And we open our festive ball!

Children enter the hall in pairs, pass through the middle of the hall, and stand in 2 ranks near the central wall.

CHILDREN: 1. Once again the autumn season swirled with the wind,

She captivated everyone with her wonderful colors.

Look: what a carpet of leaves there is at the doorstep!

It’s just a pity that there are few sunny days in autumn.

2. It’s raining all over the earth, the road is wet...

There are a lot of drops on the glass, but little heat.

Birch trees sleep in September, the green of pine trees is brighter,

Because it’s golden autumn outside!

3. Autumn comes every year, the holiday brings you by the hand,

He sings his songs and invites you to dance with him.

4. We really like to admire,

Like leaves burning under the sun.

Of course, it’s a pity to say goodbye to summer,

But autumn likes colorful outfits.

5. We are all happy about these meetings, “Hello, Autumn!” - we say.

And today we want to meet Autumn.

Song “Autumn Song” music and lyrics by N. Maslukhina

HOST: In a motley-golden dress, Autumn will come to our hall,

Like a beautiful queen opening a ball.

(Fanfare and waltz sound, Queen Autumn enters, dances, sits on the throne. Children greet her with a bow)

HOST: We are looking forward to meeting Autumn!

And in the outfit everything is decorated with gold all around!

AUTUMN: We have so much gold in our possessions!

Well, when else is everything golden?

I give you permission to start the ball!

Polka (“Italian Polka” by S. Rachmaninov)

Children sit on chairs.

Suddenly Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox appear.

FOX: Did you hear? Looks like you can get some gold here!

CAT: Yes, I heard about gold reserves (children notice)

FOX: Oh, help...

CAT: poor, unfortunate!

FOX: Warm, feed...

CAT: hungry, cold! (through teeth) I don't see any gold yet.

AUTUMN: What's the matter? Who dared to disturb our fun? Answer!

FOX: Hello, Your Majesty and the naughty kids! (crouches in a bow, the Cat imperceptibly pushes the Fox, she falls, the Cat laughs. The Fox rises - the Cat hits him with a crutch). Forgive us, we are so miserable, we are always offended, driven away everywhere.

CAT: Nobody wants to hang out with us, such sick people.

LEADING: (asks permission from Autumn) But it seems to me that it’s not at all about your illnesses, which, by the way, don’t exist (takes off the Cat’s glasses and takes the Fox’s crutch), but because you yourself are evil, insidious. Guys, do you know who this is? (children's answer)

CAT: Once they found out, it’s worse for you!

FOX: Well, what are you talking about, Kitty, you need cunning here!

Kids, why do you need to hoard so much gold?

Or maybe it’s better to just give it to us, so to speak, for safekeeping!

HOST: Yes, you misunderstood us!

CAT: How is this wrong? And this. (includes a voice recording on the phone, Autumn’s voice: “We have so much gold in our possessions!”)

So, red maiden, wealth will be useful to us!

FOX: If you don’t be cunning with us, you’ll add some gold to us!

AUTUMN: (laughs) You made my head spin

We were talking about something completely different!

HOST: In a golden carriage with a playful horse,

Autumn galloped through the fields and fields,

The good sorceress changed everything:

She painted the ground bright yellow.

FOX: So what is this? About Autumn or something?

AUTUMN: An autumn day is so good: you can pick up so many leaves!

Gold large bouquet– Greetings from Autumn to you!

Song “Autumn” music by E. Filippova, lyrics by G. Vikhareva

CAT: What is the use of your bouquet?

FOX: And what do we need from your greetings?

CAT: Yes, as soon as it starts raining every day, don’t expect anything fun here!

FOX: Yes, if it rains in the morning, what can we do then?

CHILD: We are not at all afraid to run in the rain,

If it's raining heavily, we'll take umbrellas!

Dance with umbrellas and plumes

HOST: And now we’ll surprise you again, I suggest you play.

Relay game “Rain” (“Don’t get your feet wet”)

(You must run in galoshes with umbrellas in your hands to the designated place and back, passing the baton.)

AUTUMN: All the children call me names: they sing and dance, and read poetry,

And accept my gifts together.

FOX: Can't we start with gifts? (fans himself with a leaf fan)

CAT: I feel like we'll have to wait here for a long time! (sits down on a chair)

AUTUMN: Everyone knows that golden autumn is the time of harvest.

I saw how well they worked: they weren’t lazy in the garden in the summer!

HOST: We planted the seeds in order on a long bed,

After all, without our help they will not be born... (vegetables)

AUTUMN: And now let’s play “Guess-Ku”, we answer in unison.

I will only hint, and you, friends, will give the answer!

1. Always, like the sun, red, hard, but still delicious.

It’s awkward for me to talk about her: after all, everything is familiar to us.


(Cat: "cheat")

2. White, tender, a spoon is torn to her,

How deliciously cooked. (potato)

(Fox: “chicken in okroshka”)

3. She is the friend of all borschts, dressed in many cloaks,

They put it in the pie to make it delicious, and everyone calls her.


4. Our piglets grew up in the garden,

Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails.

These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us! (cucumbers)

HOST: Friends, music, play! Let's all stand in a circle together

Let's meet the new harvest with a friendly, sonorous song.

Round dance song “Merry Garden” (music by S. Sosnin, lyrics by N. Sadovsky).

HOST: And now, well, who can collect a basket of vegetables faster!

Game "Who can collect vegetables faster"

(Cat and Fox play with children)

AUTUMN: (to the Cat and the Fox) Do you now agree that people are not afraid of autumn at all? (Yes)

HOST: It cannot be otherwise: Autumn of all sisters is richer,

And calm, and beautiful, majestic to everyone’s wonder!

Amazingly slim, and how cute she is!

And imagine that all poets love Autumn for this!

Poems about autumn.

HOST: Oh, Queen Autumn, so many marvels, colors, light!

We always look forward to your greetings!

And the melodies are crystal: sometimes cheerful, sometimes sad.

Song “Oh, what autumn!” Z. Root

AUTUMN: Yes, I can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and cold wind. But I am very glad that you love me for my generosity, my beauty, for my rare, but glorious, warm days. Thank you for coming to my holiday! And for this I will generously reward you! (Claps his hands, Cat and Fox bring a large basket of pies, Autumn treats children and guests. Cat and Fox thank you for

Autumn treat, children - for a fun holiday)

FOX: It was fun here today, but the farewell hour has come!

CAT: It's time for us to say goodbye and return to our fairy tale! (leave)

HOST: Goodbye, Autumn, there will be heavy rains soon.

Please throw us a carved sheet at the door

And imprint it with frost so that I can remember you,

When we walk the old path again.

AUTUMN: Yes, the moment of farewell has come! Soon it will be winter's turn.

We will say to each other: “Goodbye!”

And we will look forward to meeting you in a year!

(Fanfare sounds, Autumn walks importantly through the middle of the hall and leaves)

HOST: How many songs have been played here today?

We told so many poems,

In the hall our autumn ball is over,

He is ready to join our group.

Children leaving the hall

Autumn brings us to your ball
Today I invited
So that no one is late,
Autumn asked.
And here we are.
But where is Autumn?
Let's call Autumn
Let's sing her an autumn song.

The song “Autumn put on a sundress” is performed (lyrics by I. Chernitskaya, music by T. Popatenko).

Autumn is coming, distributes autumn twigs to the girls.

II. We welcome guests.

I am Golden Autumn.
I bring beauty everywhere
Our forest is already covered with gold,
A golden ray of sun slid from the sky,
And on the ground the carpet is all golden,
You'll only see one like this in the fall.
Well, then, kids,
It's time to open our ball.
And let the young waltz sound,
Will spin you around in a dance.

The music of D. Joyce “Autumn Dream” is playing. Children dance a waltz with autumn branches.

1st child.
Thank you, Autumn, for now
You are with us.
We glorify you with songs and poems.
Let's continue our ball
We are friends,
I invite you to dance
Whom does the music call?
Have some fun people!

The recording features J. Strauss's polka. Children perform the “Friendly Guys” dance.

Autumn is golden! What a wonderful ball!
I invited the guys to dance again.

Children perform the dance “Sudarushka” to a Russian folk melody.

2nd child.
New guests, come,
Visit the autumn ball!
Kholodina and Mokrina enter. Mokrina has a huge umbrella in her hands and large rubber boots on her feet. It’s cold in a warm shaggy fur coat and felt boots.
Kholodina and Mokrina (trembling and singing).
As soon as autumn comes,
Our turn comes.
The dampness is creeping towards you quietly,
And the trembling suddenly strikes.
That's why everyone scolds us,
They scold me and drive me away everywhere.

I bring dampness to people,
I splash through the puddles and wander around.
I, Kholodina, am trembling all over
And I bring a cold on the guys.

Mokrina. Kholodina, listen! They probably invited us to the ball.

Kholodina. Apchhi! (Sneezes into a handkerchief.) No matter how many years I have lived in the world, no one has ever waited for me or invited me to visit.

Mokrina. Yes, me too!

Kholodina (shudders). Oh, who is this? (Looks carefully at Autumn.)

Mokrina. This is the prom queen - Autumn.

Kholodina. Gold autumn!

Mokrina. Well, yes! Here they sing songs and dance for her.

Kholodina (crying). Wow! How everyone loves her.

Mokrina (trembling). But we are not.

Kholodina. You, Mokrina, have created such a mess. Do not Cry! And it's so cold. Better let's think about how to teach a lesson this Autumn. Look, you're arrogant!

Mokrina. Let's put a spell on it, make it slushy, so much so that it turns from golden to rainy.

Kholodina. Let's make it so cold! Brrr!

Mokrina. Let's turn it into a wet, cold, rainy autumn. Then she will be kicked out of the ball.

Kholodina. Brrr!

I'll clear up the slush
I will call for despondency!

Kholodina. Brrr! What if she breaks her spell?

Mokrina. She can only break the spell when her guys call her to them in this form.

Kholodina. Yes Yes! After all, people like it to be dry and warm. What are we going to do to enchant her?

Mokrina. Let's call her here!

Kholodina and Mokrina (together).
Autumn dear, come
And take our drink!
They dilute slush in a glass. They give Autumn a drink, calling the drink “Elixir of Beauty.” Autumn is falling asleep.
Kholodina (she has a large blue fan in her hands).
Well, hang in there, kids.
I will drive you into houses, into cages.

3rd child. Stop! What are you doing? You came to the holiday!

Mokrina. Ah, for the holiday! I have some sweets for you. (Takes candy out of the bag.)

Kholodina (reads on a huge candy). Sneakers.

Mokrina (angrily). You yourself are Snickers! This is “Runny nose”.

Kholodina (reading again). "Ba-un-ti"!

Mokrina (with evil). Not “Bounty”, but “Chiaunty”. (Hands out candy.)

Presenter (runs onto the stage, stops the children so they don’t eat the candy).
Don't put candy in your mouth
Don't bring the disease into yourself.
Now we will call Autumn again,
Let's continue our ball and sing.
Children (singing).
Kholodina and Mokrina, go away,
And take your candies!
We don't want to
We are sick.
You need to do sports
We will henceforth.
Let's call the prom queen.
She's tired today, honey.
Children (in chorus).
Autumn, Autumn, wake up,
Appear before us!
Autumn (tiredly).
I hear, dear children,
The golden days flew by.
Winter is knocking on our window,
November is just around the corner.
Presenter (addresses Kholodina and Mokrina).
Leave now
And you wait until November.
There will be shelter for you,
Where the wind, cold, rain live,
The fields are turning black, winter is waiting.
Children (in chorus). Go away, go away!
Kholodina and Mokrina, hanging their heads, leave the ball.

III. Farewell to autumn.
4th child.
We let go of the golden autumn,
Let him retire
Before next winter.
And now the ball is over,
Who called us here.
We thank
Golden autumn,
Her we are in colors
Let's draw.

IV. Creative work.

Autumn is quietly leaving. Children are given album sheets to draw illustrations on the theme “ Golden autumn" Then an exhibition of works is held.

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