Measurements of premises, offices, apartments, buildings, dachas and cottages. How to file a claim against a construction company if the area of ​​the apartment does not match the BTI data? Refund of overpaid amount from the Developer

Determination of the area of ​​the apartment (measurement of the apartment) - from 10 thousand rubles

LLC "Bureau of Architectural and Construction Research" offers services in the field of apartment measurement. We guarantee the accuracy and efficiency of execution of each order. For this, our specialists use modern devices and tools: Leica laser rangefinder, Canon Power Shot digital camera and measuring tape. With our experience and knowledge of industry standards, we support high quality services even for large volume orders.

Measuring an apartment is the development of a special plan on which bearing structures and partitions, as well as door and window openings. The area obtained in the calculation results is compared with the BTI data. In some cases, this allows you to save money when purchasing real estate.

For more details, you can call us by phone
+7-495-642-35-44 or send a request from the website right now.

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As a rule, apartment measurements are carried out for the purposes of state statistical observation housing construction (completed and unfinished), as well as payment for housing and utilities. Measurement work is also ordered when planning to carry out repairs or cosmetic finishing on an individual project. In this case, you can also save by purchasing required quantity construction and repair or finishing materials, the number of which will be determined by designers and architects.

High-quality, accurate and reliable measurements of the apartment will help when obtaining a loan from a bank and in arranging furniture. It is known that BTI in some cases makes errors in measurements. Call professional specialist from an independent bureau for carrying out measurement work will allow you to be confident in the accuracy of determining the parameters of the premises. Since the cost of the property, as well as utilities, is affected by the square footage of housing, this will help avoid unnecessary overpayments. This also applies to repairs, when there is a risk of deception on the part of contractors and their overestimation of actual volumes. A separate case is measurements in new buildings, the values ​​of which are often overestimated by BTI employees, which leads to the need for additional payments to the developer. In such houses, it is recommended to carry out activities even before repair or finishing work.

How is an apartment measured?
  • The area in a residential building is calculated as the sum of the areas of all residential and utility rooms (kitchens, corridors, baths, storage rooms), excluding balconies, terraces, loggias, vestibules and cold storage rooms.
  • According to SNiPs, measuring work in residential premises is carried out between the surface of walls and partitions at floor level (plinths are not taken into account).
  • Open spaces such as balconies, terraces and loggias are measured along the internal perimeter, that is, between the fence and the wall of the building.
  • The area is calculated in explication using values ​​obtained directly from measurement work.
  • Calculations are performed with an accuracy of one tenth.
  • In the case of measuring an apartment with non-rectangular rooms, the plan is divided into simple geometric figures for convenience and accuracy of measurements.
  • As a result of measuring work, we accurately determine the total area and provide photographs taken during the inspection. Clients receive a full set of prepared drawings with a measurement plan, communication system, ceiling plan and wall layout. These documents will be provided in both paper and electronic form.

Advantages of ordering measurement work from BASI LLC

  • Professionalism. We have a team of highly qualified specialists who are familiar with industry standards and regulations. All reports and ready plans are drawn up in accordance with GOSTs and contain an exhaustive amount of the requested data.
  • Efficiency. Measurement work is carried out in a short time thanks to great experience and a well-constructed scheme of interaction with specialists.
  • Ease of ordering. In order to call independent measurers, just contact us by phone or through the website.
  • Profitable terms. A standard service in our company costs 10,000 rubles. The final price of measurement work is determined according to the type and area of ​​the premises, the presence of furniture or equipment, the location of the facility and other factors.
List of completed projects
  • customer: VTB24 (PJSC), object: building premises in Vladivostok on the street. Verkhne-Portovaya, 1;
  • customer: VTB24 (PJSC), object: building premises in Tver on the street. Novotorzhskaya, 12a;
  • customer: HOA Yunost-3, object: roofing of a residential building in Moscow on the street. Pervomaiskaya;
  • customer: Mathematical Institute named after. V.A.Steklova RAS, object: roof of the institute building in Moscow on the street. Gubkina, 8;
  • customer: physical person, object: measurements of an apartment in the Alye Parusa residential complex in Moscow;
  • customer: physical person, object: measurements of an apartment in the Ryazanovsky residential complex in Podolsk.

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Refund of overpaid amount from the Developer

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An indispensable condition quality repairs, design, redevelopment or other type of optimization of premises is a clear knowledge of their exact areas and dimensions. This applies not only to specific premises, but also to buildings in general. Therefore, before starting the above work, you should measure the building and draw up an accurate plan. This is necessary for correct calculation working area, as well as other parameters of the planned work.

The speed and accuracy of subsequent actions and savings when purchasing materials for finishing, repair or construction depend on how accurately the apartment is measured.

Calculate the cost of work Measuring an apartment - what is it?

Before talking about the size of the apartment, you should find out what such work is. Measurement work is a certain set of actions and activities aimed at precise definition geometric dimensions load-bearing and finishing structures of buildings, apartments, premises using special high-precision measuring instruments, such as tacheometers, laser rangefinders, mechanical tape measures, etc.

Based on the results of the measurement work, a measurement drawing is prepared. Measuring an apartment is one of the types of measuring work, which involves drawing up a measurement plan. Load-bearing structures, partitions, window and door openings are applied to it.

Why do you need to measure the area of ​​apartments?

Such measurements are carried out to determine the actual area of ​​the entire apartment and each room separately. Based on the measurement results, the area is calculated and compared with the area calculated by the BTI. This allows you to save significantly when buying an apartment.

In addition, the measurement drawing makes it possible to develop individual project rooms or apartments when finishing or repairing. The data obtained as a result of measurements allows architects and designers to use the area of ​​​​the apartment with the greatest possible benefit for you and calculate in advance required amount finishing and building materials.

Entrust the measurements of your apartment to professionals!

JSC "LSC Production Testing and Research "Micro" carries out all measurements in accordance with GOST. Thanks to experienced specialists, we can guarantee their accuracy and readiness without any corrections! We provide the results of apartment measurements to our customers in paper and electronic format. Minimum risk, maximum accuracy and high professionalism - at your service! Contact us and see for yourself!

The Micro company produces and composes:

  • independent measurement of an apartment, office, cottage, warehouse, industrial or commercial building;
  • measuring premises of any purpose and size;
  • BTI measurements;
  • floor plans of buildings;
  • drawing up measurement plans for specific infrastructure facilities: ceilings, floors, walls, utility networks.

We have the best tools of the 21st century and precise modern measuring instruments at our disposal! Their highest degree of accuracy and the professionalism of our employees will help you to detect even minimal wall deviations when performing independent measurements of your apartment.

We will help you accurately assess the real state of affairs and draw up a competent project, thanks to which you can easily bring the premises into compliance with the desired requirements!

Find out the cost of measuring the apartment


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Fixation of architectural parameters of premises and structures

Over time, any architectural structure undergoes a number of changes. Control measurements of a building, office, or premises allow you to have an accurate idea of ​​the situation at the site right now, at the current moment. Our company takes measurements of premises to create based on them project documentation: architectural and construction drawings and engineering drawings. For the purposes of reconstruction of buildings and structures, renovation or normal repairs first you need to find out the real state of the object and make measurement drawings.

The task is not simple and cannot be done in one hour. Some project customers do not even assume all the responsibility and labor intensity of such work, because modern drawings are not done by hand. Further engineering projects(heating, ventilation, electrical) are created on the basis of vector measurement drawings. High accuracy measuring work is also relevant for subsequent architectural design. By the way, the complexity of the work is directly reflected in the measurements. Therefore, it is very important that an engineer, designer or architect, when starting work on a site, should know its history and clearly understand the tasks facing it. It is especially important to conduct research that will precede any work on transforming the object. The study of an object consists of the following components:



    historical-archaeological, etc.

All these types of research are very closely related to each other. So, throughout the whole complex research work architectural measurements- most important tool fixing the realities and forms of an object.

Analysis of materials from measurement work allows you to have an accurate idea not only of the type of object, structure or any other object. Comprehensive measurements and drawings of plans, facades, sections, wall layouts and details created on their basis serve as the basis for the development of projects for reconstruction, restoration or other changes. Architectural measurements are one of the most labor-intensive types of fixing objects. Depending on the tasks facing the engineer, fixation can be carried out with varying degrees of accuracy, conditionally divided into: schematic measurements of premises, simplified and detailed.

The most typical and frequently used are schematic measurements, which serve to provide the most general realities of an object. In order to carry out repairs, reconstruction of an apartment, cottage or any other object, a simple geometric shape simplified architectural measurements are used. In this case, all flat surfaces are taken to be planes and all angles and lines that appear to be even and straight are accepted as such. With this measurement option, unfortunately, subtle decorative elements of facades or walls of premises, as well as possible errors, are not taken into account. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of accurate measurements of premises; it is extremely necessary, for example, for detailed reconstruction or restoration of architectural monuments.

Now let’s take a quick look at the types of object fixation. As a rule, complex fixation carried out by our engineers is divided into the following components: architectural measurements, comprehensive and giving a complete picture of the apartment, building, cottage, taking into account the layout of walls and facades; accurate and detailed drawing of significant components of walls and rooms, with all necessary elements and drawing of prints, etc.; detailed photographing of the object, panoramic if necessary.

Rules for carrying out and organizing work.

It is very important for the customer to understand that depending on the task facing us, the entire methodology and sequence of work at the site will be built. Before leaving for the site, all crumbling and loose structures must be strengthened. Hanging and Wall panels completely disassembled and dismantled. Passages and walls should not be cluttered, ensuring complete freedom of movement and entry into the premises to be measured. In terms of time, room measurements can take from 2 hours to 5 hours for an area of ​​up to 500 m2. IN difficult cases and when carrying out, working hours are not standardized. Office processing of the obtained material occurs after field work and in simple cases ( small apartment or cottage) usually takes no more than 3 working days.
