Masha interpretation of the name. How does a name affect health? Childhood and adolescence

Maria, Masha, Marya - comes from the ancient biblical name Mariam, which supposedly means sad, bitter, stubborn.

Mary is the most popular and widespread name throughout the world, and this is due to the breadth of Christianity in many countries. The karma of a name and its energy is a unique combination of severity, cordiality and contradiction. In the depths of Mary’s soul, significant strangeness may be brewing, which she carefully hides from those around her.

Maria - character traits

A rather large role in the development of Mary’s character is played by such images as the cheerful, sociable girl Mashenka from Russian fairy tales, and in older age, the Christian Virgin Mary.

Positive features character: - warmth;
- ability to self-sacrifice;
- high morality;
- self-confidence;
- courage;
- cheerfulness.

Masha is very sociable and devoted; you couldn’t find a better friend and life partner.

Negative traits character: - excessive touchiness;
- capriciousness;
— Mary very often follows her own
- weak willpower;
- stubbornness.

Maria, Masha, Marya are always elegance and sense of taste. The owner of this name is very amorous and passionate. Marys are very devoted mothers.

Maria - name compatibility.

There is a high probability of Maria’s successful marriage with Alexander, Valentin, Victor, Grigory, Evgeny, Sergey, Ivan.

Maria’s relationship with Boris, Vyacheslav, Felix, and Edward is quite complicated.

Maria - famous people who bore this name

— Mother of Jesus Christ — Virgin Mary
— Faithful follower of Christ — Mary Magdalene
— Queen of France — Marie de Medici, Marie Antoinette
- Wife of Paul I - Maria Fedorovna
- Princess and wife of the Decembrist - Maria Volkonskaya
- Great Russian actress - Maria Ermolaeva and others.

The name Masha never goes out of style. It confidently occupies a leading position in the list of popular and most beautiful female names. Parents all over the world continue to give their daughters the name Maria year after year.

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The choice of a child's name largely determines it future destiny. Therefore, parents should carefully familiarize themselves with the meaning, origin, main character traits and temperament of the bearer of the name.

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      Origin of the name

      The name Mary is inextricably linked with the history of Christianity. By biblical stories, that was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ. The Holy Mother of God is the intercessor of people before God; believers turn their fervent prayers to her. In Catholic countries where the cult of saints is widespread, Mary is revered as the patroness of many countries and cities. Her images - statues, icons - become objects of pilgrimage.

    1. 1. From the Hebrew word mrym - “beloved”, “desired”, “mistress”.
    2. 2. From the Hebrew word marar - “bitter”, “sad”.
    3. 3. From the Hebrew word mara - “to fight back, refuse, reject.”

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    Translation into other languages

    Due to the widespread use of the name Maria in different countries the world has acquired a heterogeneous sound. Each ethnic group adapted it to its own dialect. Sometimes the changes went so far that they no longer resembled the original name.

    Maria on different languages world:

    • On English language- Mary (Mary), Maria (Maria), Mariah (Mariah).
    • On Japanese The name is not translated literally, but its meaning - Nigai (bitter, stubborn).
    • In Chinese "Malia". Name hieroglyphs: 玛丽娅, transcription -mǎlìyà.

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    Pet names

    From the moment of birth, parents try to call their baby affectionately and come up with diminutive nicknames for him. Most often these are abbreviated modified forms of the name. Children readily respond to them and keep them as household nicknames into adulthood.

    Maria has many variants of different word forms: Masha, Mashunya, Munya, Mashura, Mura; Maryushka, Mariyka, Marisha, Marya, Marunya, Marulya; Marusya, Musya, Masya, Musha; Manya, Manyunya, Manyusya, Manyuta, Manyusha, Manyasha, Mulya.

    Name day

    IN Orthodox tradition It is customary to celebrate Mary’s name day three times a year, on the days of remembrance of saints of the same name:

    • 14th of April;
    • June 5;
    • September 21.

    The day of remembrance of the patron saint has a deep inner meaning. It has long been customary to visit the temple and offer prayer to your heavenly intercessor.

    Character and destiny

    Most often, Maria takes on the character traits of her father. Her relationship with her mother is not easy, and misunderstandings often arise.

    Preferably with early age call the girl full name, since Masha and Maria carry different energetic meanings.

    Little Masha is growing up as a calm, balanced child. Her favorite pastime is playing with dolls. Mashenka gets along well with other children and readily helps her parents around the house. He can be capricious with his grandmother, but quickly calms down. Tries not to upset elders.

    Feels good in the school community. She tries to be the first in everything. Therefore, she jealously monitors the successes of other students, and is even capable of minor mischief to her opponent. Then he repents and tries to make amends. Masha has a lot hidden abilities. To wake them up, the teacher needs to choose the right key and be as tactful as possible. Masha has a very vulnerable nature. She is easily offended and takes criticism painfully.

    Most of all, Masha loves spending time with children, especially babies. She happily performs the duties of a nanny.

    Basic character traits

    The best qualities of nature are hard work, justice, perseverance.

    If necessary, he knows how to resist and stand up for himself. Friends value Masha for her reliability and devotion. At any age, Maria is incredibly responsive to the misfortune of others and strives to help in any way possible. At the same time, under no circumstances will he shift his own problems onto the shoulders of others. He experiences them deep in his soul, alone.

The mystery of the name

Maria, Marya- sad (Hebrew).
The name comes from the Hebrew Mariam, which according to one version comes from a root meaning “rejected”, according to another - from the word “sad”.
Maria is one of the most popular names in Russia and all over the world, in fairy tales, in literature, in history.
Zodiac name: Virgo.
Planet: Proserpine.
Name color: gray.
Talisman stone: diamond.
Auspicious plant: birch, cornflower.
Patron name: dove.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Diminutive forms: Mariyka, Marisha, Marya, Mulya, Musya, Marusya, Maryuta, Masya, Musha, Manya, Manyunya, Manyasha, Masha, Mashunya, Maryasha.
Main features: activity, sincerity, hard work.


Maria of Asia, virgin, martyr, February 19 (6).
Maria Vifinskaya, sister of Lazarus the Four-Dayed: on the Sunday of St. myrrh-bearing women.
Maria Vifinskaya, venerable (venerable woman who labored in male form), February 25 (12).
Mary of Caesarea (Palestinian) martyr, June 20 (7).
Maria of Constantinople, Palestine, Rev., February 8 (January 26).
Maria of Constantinople, patrician, martyr, August 22 (9);
Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles, Myrrh-Bearer, August 4 (July 22), on the Sunday of St. myrrh-bearing women;
Mary of Persia, confessor, July 25 (12);
Mary of Persia, martyr, June 22 (9);
Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun, mother Venerable Sergius Radonezhsky, January 31 (18), October 11 (September 28).
Maria, sister of the Apostle Philip, March 2 (February 17).
Maria Khidanskaya, Rev., November 11 (October 29).
Maria Kleopova, Jacob, Joseph, myrrh-bearer, on the Sunday of St. myrrh-bearing women. She lived in the house of Father Joseph the Betrothed with the Blessed Virgin Mary. They loved each other like closest relatives, which is why the Gospel calls her “sister of the Mother of Jesus.”
Mary of Egypt, Rev., on the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent. At the age of twelve she left her parents’ home and led a sinful life for seven years, then she turned to the righteous path in Jerusalem and lived in solitude for 48 years in great feats of fasting and prayer in the Jordanian desert and reposed in the Lord in 522. Pointing first to the depth of her sinful fall, the Church glorifies the height of the spiritual uprising of the Venerable Mary; This indicates to us that true repentance, accompanied by fasting and prayerful works, blots out even the most serious sins and leads to a high degree of spiritual perfection.


April 14 - Marya - light up the snow, make the ravines play.
If there is a spill on Mary of Egypt, there will be a lot of grass.
September 21, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, is the feast of the harvest. On this day, the fire in the huts was renewed: the old one was extinguished, and the new one was lit.


Adult Maria is also a smart, hardworking woman with a huge supply of love and tenderness. She is a little envious, but someone else's misfortune makes her instinctively want to help. If something happens to her, she withdraws into herself and rarely shares her experiences.

Maria is stubborn. He expresses his disagreement with something actively and violently. Failures, of course, upset her, but she doesn’t make a tragedy out of it, she quickly pulls herself together and starts over.

Maria is not afraid of professions where you need to give your all, the range of her activities is extremely wide, she is in her place everywhere - cheerful, good-natured, hardworking. Over the years, she becomes quite strict and outwardly serious, but her warmth and sociability remain. That's why best professions for Maria - pedagogy and medicine, the most humane, requiring warmth and rigor.

Maria's main concerns are her own family. She is a wonderful housewife, devoting herself entirely to her children, even relegating her husband to the background. But she is faithful to him, sensual, and will never give her husband a reason to reproach her for anything. Rather, she may have a reason to be disappointed in him, but Maria knows how to endure. Her husband and children more often respond to her with devotion and obedience. The most successful marriages of Mary are with Anatoly, Alexander, Victor, Grigory, Valentin, Evgeniy, Ivan.


Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Mother of God, Madonna - earthly mother of Jesus Christ. The mention of it in the four Gospels is very brief, numerous additions arose in the apocrypha - new gospel tales, not officially recognized by the church. The tragic story of a woman who raised her son, knowing in advance that he would be taken away from her and tortured, could not help but disturb the imagination of people. The Apocrypha tells about Mary's childhood, her life and suffering. The first early Christian legend is known around the year 200 - “The Book of the Nativity of Mary,” which later became known as the “First Gospel of James the Younger.”

Mary comes from the royal family of David, her parents are the righteous Joachim and Anna. From the age of three, Mary was raised in the Jerusalem Temple, doing handicrafts, and receiving food from the hands of angels. At age 12, she vowed to be a virgin. Since an adult cannot remain in the temple, she was found a husband who was supposed to protect her and respect her vow. Of several applicants, Joseph was chosen by a miraculous sign: a dove flew out of his staff, and the dry twigs given to all applicants remained twigs; only Joseph the Betrothed, a carpenter, blossomed. The Annunciation takes place in his house - the angel Gabriel predicts the miracle of a virgin birth for her.

Mary is destined to give birth to a baby in the city of Bethlehem, where it was necessary to come for the census. There were no places in the hotel, and she and Joseph found a random shelter in a barn, and put the newborn in a manger.

40 days after giving birth, the baby had to be brought to the temple, where he was met by Simeon the God-Receiver, who predicted Mary’s upcoming suffering.

In Rus', the icon “Tenderness” is widespread, when the Baby and Mother pressed cheek to cheek, the baby grabbed the mother’s neck with his hand, and put the other on his shoulder. In his impetuous movement, in his gaze turned to his mother, one can read fear and a silent plea for help. The mother had her lips tightly closed, as if shackled in silence, slightly knitted eyebrows, mental anguish frozen in the depths of her dark eyes... Mother and son learned of the upcoming suffering.

Mary had to be present at Calvary. There are many apocrypha with amazing talent and psychological depth telling about the suffering of the Mother at the cross of her crucified son. In Rus', wonderful cries and lamentations of the Mother of God over her dead son were composed - examples of beautiful folk poetry

Christ appeared to Mary after the Resurrection, she is present at the ascension of Christ, as well as at the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.

Left alone on earth, the apocrypha says, Mary greatly missed her son. And then an angel appeared to tell her that her son was taking her to him. In the icons depicting the Dormition of the Mother of God, Christ, like herself once a baby, holds in his hands the small fragile soul of Mary.

Mary is an intercessor for people before God; the most hopeless sinner turns to her. In the Byzantine apocrypha “The Virgin Mary’s Walk through Torment,” which was also widespread in Rus', Mary eases the lot of sinners, even those languishing in hell. There are a number of icons and monumental paintings of the Mother of God with her arms raised high - Oranta, in Greek - I pray. She prays to her son for the people. Oranta in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral was called the “Unbreakable Wall” - the intercession of the Mother of God is stronger than the most tested walls. The image of Mary is remarkable in the main part of the iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin - Deesis, which in Greek means Prayer. In the center is Christ, the king and judge, on the sides are saints asking for the people standing in the temple. The icons were painted by the famous master Theophan the Greek at the beginning of the 15th century. Saints act as intercessors, but none of them inspired such trust as the Mother of God. She is depicted in the heavily flowing folds of a blue robe with gold borders on the sleeves, immediately attracting the viewer's attention with her hands raised in a prayerful gesture. Her pose and gentle, enlightened face are full of dignity and firmness. She will not go anywhere until she achieves her goal and begs for forgiveness. Everyone knew that Maria would not leave her in trouble, she would not betray her.

The holiday of the Intercession of the Mother of God was first introduced in Rus' in the 12th century. Mary, having removed the veil from her head, spread it over the people praying in the church, promising her protection and intercession in troubles and misfortunes. Church liturgies and chants are dedicated to Mary the Mother of God. One of them, extraordinarily beautiful, is reproduced in the icon “Rejoices in You,” named after the first words of the chant addressed to the Mother of God: “Every creature rejoices in you, full of grace: the angelic council and the human race...” In the Garden of Eden, near the walls of the snow-white multi-domed temple - the heavenly Jerusalem, in a blue halo sits the Mother of God and the Child on a golden throne. There are singing angels around. At the foot of the throne is John of Damascus, glorified by the church as “the hymnist of the Mother of God,” like many saints and martyrs of earthly people. Their clear rows give rise to a feeling of harmony in the singing, the shining colors of clothes - white, scarlet, golden, green - convey the bright joy of the flowing melody. Raising their gaze upward, they merge their voices with the choir of angels.

Meaning of the name Maria: This name for a girl means “beloved”, “desired”.

Origin of the name Maria: from the Hebrew word Miriam.

Diminutive form of name: Mariyka, Marisha, Marya, Mulya, Musya, Marusya, Maryuta, Masya, Musha, Manya, Manyunya, Manyasha, Masha, Mashunya, Maryasha.

What does the name Maria mean: Masha has a pliable and gentle character, as long as it does not concern her priorities, she knows how to defend her interests. She often chooses to work with children or professions related to sports. It is difficult for her to do housework all day, so the family leads an active lifestyle and travels often.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name Mary: the name marks the name day three times:

  • April 14 (1) – The Venerable Mary of Egypt left her parents’ home for twelve years and led a sinful life for seven years, then she turned to the righteous path in Jerusalem and lived in solitude for forty-eight years in great feats of fasting and prayer in the Jordanian desert (6th century).
  • June 5 (May 23) - St. M. Cleopas (that is, the wife of Cleopas) - daughter of Joseph the Betrothed; she lived in her father's house with the Blessed Virgin Mary; they loved each other as closest relatives, which is why the Gospel calls her “sister of the Mother of Jesus.”
  • September 21 (8) – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Signs: April 14 Marya - light up the snow, make the ravines play. If there is a spill on Mary of Egypt, there will be a lot of grass. September 21, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, is Opozhinki, a harvest festival. On this day, the fire in the huts was renewed: the old one was extinguished, and the new one was lit.


  • Zodiac – Virgo
  • Planet – Proserpina
  • Color - gray
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Treasured plant - cornflower
  • Patron - dove
  • Talisman stone - diamond

Characteristics of the name Maria

Positive features: The meaning of the name Maria from a psychological point of view. The name Maria gives decency, kindness, reliability, activity, humanity. A girl with this name has a huge reserve of love and tenderness. Since childhood, she has shown gentleness, obedience, sympathy for people and a willingness to help a person in trouble. At the same time, there is firmness and dignity in her character. If necessary, the girl is able to stand up for herself and her ideals.

Negative features: The name Maria brings gloominess, vulnerability, and touchiness. She has a hard time dealing with comments addressed to her. If she doesn’t agree with something, she expresses her disagreement quite violently.

Personality of the name Maria: What character traits does the meaning of the name Maria determine? Masha is a person of extraordinary warmth. This best friend, which you could wish for. She has a rare capacity for self-sacrifice; She, like no one else, is able to live life in her husband, children, friends, and favorite books. Her credo: “I feel sorry for everyone. I have to help everyone!” the one with the name is extremely intelligent and prone to philosophy; she is a psychic, a psychoanalyst, a fortune teller, a healer, a good sorceress - she always has sublime, almost superhuman abilities, which she rarely develops in herself: there is no time, she must arrange the affairs of others! A girl named Masha is elegant, beautiful, and a wonderful housewife.

Adult Masha is also a smart, hardworking woman with a huge supply of love and tenderness. She is a little envious, but someone else's misfortune makes her instinctively want to help. If something happens to her, Masha withdraws into herself and rarely shares her experiences.

She Maria is stubborn. He expresses his disagreement with something actively and violently. Failures have special meaning for her. They, of course, upset her, but she doesn’t make a tragedy out of it, she quickly pulls herself together and starts over.

Maria and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The meaning of the name Maria is favorable in alliance with Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Boyan, Bryachislav, Vasily, Vlas, Vyacheslav, Gavrila, Danila, Zakhar, Ivan, Makar, Mstislav, Roman. The name is also combined with Svyatoslav, Fedor. Difficult relationships are likely with Anisim, Bronislav, Valery, Vsevolod, Efim, Zinovy, Laurus, Lev, Rostislav.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Maria promise happiness in love? In marriage she is faithful, ready to follow her husband. She is a very devoted mother, gives all of herself to her children, and even takes care of the grown ones. They reciprocate the girl's feelings and are always on her side.

Mashenka’s husband should remember that she is not only painfully experiencing internal and family discord, but may get sick or even commit suicide as a result.

Her main concerns are her own family. The meaning of the name Maria is a wonderful housewife, she devotes herself entirely to her children, even relegating her husband to the background. But she is faithful to him, sensual, and will never give her husband a reason to reproach her for anything. Rather, she may have a reason to be disappointed in him, but Masha knows how to endure. Her husband and children more often respond to her with devotion and obedience.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A woman bearing the name Maria belongs to the type of person who “reigns in heaven and on earth.” Her activities are marked by high spiritual, intellectual and creative aspirations. She is responsible and hardworking, she manifests herself most fully in medicine, pedagogy, and the field of art. Since childhood, a girl named Masha has been accustomed to solving her problems on her own, without putting them on the shoulders of others. If she fails to receive an excellent education, then she can earn fame and honor in a modest work field.

She is not afraid of professions where you need to give your all, the range of her activities is extremely wide, she is in her place everywhere - cheerful, good-natured, hardworking. Over the years, she becomes quite strict and outwardly serious, but her warmth and sociability remain. Therefore, the best professions for Masha are pedagogy and medicine, the most humane, requiring warmth and rigor.

Business and career: This girl stands firmly on the ground and does not strive to shine. She lives within her means, knows how to save money, but does not depend on it. Defeats and failures upset her, but she does not attach great importance to them.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Maria: Mashenka is calm as an infant. Parents do not experience any particular difficulties with her. But when she turns one and a half years old, she often begins to get sick with the flu and other diseases. But mentally and physically, the meaning of the name Maria promises normal development.

“Winter” Masha has a congenital heart defect. As a child, Masha’s throat bothers her; she has a weakened nervous system. She is very irritable, so you should contact a neurologist. As a child he suffered from chickenpox. A sore throat can cause complications in the eyes and bronchi, which are already weak.

A girl with this name is a very lively, emotional girl. Reacts to everything that happens. But it depends on her middle name. For example, the name Maria with the patronymic Alexandrovna is very emotional, she will only go into the arms of those she knows. At school she suffers from sinusitis.

In “Martovskaya”, frequent colds cause complications in the ears, and sinusitis can form. This girl is capricious and wayward. You should take her for long walks fresh air, it calms the nervous system. It is useless to raise your voice at her; she reacts inadequately to punishment. Masha must be treated as an equal, otherwise she will become angry, withdrawn and turn away from her parents.

"May" Masha does poorly at school, is inattentive and lazy. Much depends on the middle name she bears. This applies to the reports of Aleksandrovna and Igorevna. But Vladimirovna is very emotional, takes everything to heart, and is prone to stress. At sixteen, her relationship with her parents is very difficult.

The name Masha needs to pay attention to gynecology. Her main ailment is a weak nervous system. With age, “July” Masha suffers from salt deposits, kidney stones, gynecological diseases, and eye diseases. Vegetative-vascular dystonia develops. A woman named Maria often suffers from high blood pressure and strokes.

The fate of Mary in history

What does the name Maria mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Maria is one of the most popular names both in Russia and throughout the world, in fairy tales, in literature, in history.
  2. The Blessed Virgin of Nazareth, mother of Jesus Christ. Theotokos, Mother of God, Madonna - earthly mother of Jesus Christ. The mention of it in the four Gospels is very brief, numerous additions arose in the apocrypha - new gospel tales, not officially recognized by the church. The tragic story of a woman who raised her son, knowing in advance that he would be taken away from her and tortured, could not help but disturb the imagination of people.
  3. Princess Maria N. Volkonskaya (1806–1863) - wife of the Decembrist Prince Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky, who voluntarily shared exile with him. Daughter famous hero 12th year, N.N. Raevsky, at the age of 18, at the behest of her father, she married General Volkonsky, who was much older than her. Like the wives of other Decembrists, she learned about the existence of a secret society only when most of the conspirators were already in the fortress. In 1863, Volkonskaya died from heart disease acquired in Siberia. She left behind notes, a remarkable human document in its modesty, sincerity and simplicity. Her father, N.N. Raevsky, who with all the severity of a man of military discipline tried to keep his daughter from going to Siberia, said before his death, pointing to her portrait: “This is the most amazing woman I knew.”
  4. Maria Romanova (1907 - 1951) - from birth bore the title of Most Serene Princess Kirillovskaya; the title of Princess of the Imperial Blood was recognized for her on July 28, 1907, since 1925. - Crown Princess of Leiningen, since 1939 - Princess of Leiningen. The eldest daughter of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich and Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna (nee Princess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Great Britain). She was born in January 1907 and, in accordance with the decree of Nicholas II, was assigned to the Russian Imperial House. In 1924, Princess of Imperial Blood Maria Kirillovna received the title of Grand Duchess from her father, who accepted the title of Emperor of All-Russia Kirill I. In the 1930s, the Russian-Serbian Charitable Society of the Grand Duchess operated in Novi Sad under the patronage of the queen, providing assistance to needy Russian refugees Maria
  5. Maria de' Medici (1575 - 1642) - Queen of France, daughter of Grand Duke Francesco I of Tuscany and Joanna of Austria. Queen Consort of France, wife of Henry IV, mother of Louis XIII.
  6. Marlene Dietrich (1901 - 1992) - née Maria Magdalena Dietrich; German and American actress and singer, who created one of the perfect cinematic female images. Her "sultry woman with a spine of steel" differed both from the "mysterious woman" of Greta Garbo and from the naturalness embodied in female images Ingrid Bergman did not resemble the intellectual sophistication with which Claudette Colbert shone. Dietrich's cinematic fate was largely determined by Joseph von Sternberg Maria
  7. Maria Ermolova (1853 - 1928) is one of the most talented actresses in the history of the Maly Theater, according to Stanislavsky, the greatest actor he has ever seen. She became famous for her roles as freedom-loving individuals, devoted to their ideals and opposed to the surrounding vulgarity. Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters (1902). First People's Artist of the Republic (1920). Hero of Labor (1924). Since 1935, the Moscow Drama Theater named after Maria N. Ermolova has been named after her.
  8. Maria Krivopolenova (1843 - 1924) - storyteller, performer of epics and folk songs.
  9. Maria Skłodowska-Curie (1867 - 1934) - née Maria Salome Skłodowska; Polish-French experimental scientist (physicist, chemist), teacher, public figure. Twice laureate Nobel Prize: in physics (1903) and in chemistry (1911), the first twice Nobel laureate in history. Founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw. Pierre Curie's wife worked with him on radioactivity research. Together with her husband, she discovered the elements radium (from the Latin radi?re “to emit”) and polonium (from Latin name Poland, Pol?nia - tribute to the homeland Maria Skłodowska).
  10. Mary Stuart, Mary I (1542 - 1587) - Queen of Scotland from infancy, actually ruled from 1561 until her deposition in 1567, as well as Queen of France in 1559-1560 (as the wife of King Francis II) and pretender to the English throne. Her tragic fate, full of quite “literary” dramatic turns and events, attracted writers of the romantic and subsequent eras.
  11. Maria Bochkareva - (1889 - 1920) nee Frolkova; one of the first Russian female officers (promoted during the 1917 revolution), lieutenant. The first is considered to be the “cavalry maiden” Nadezhda Durova, who participated in the wars with Napoleon in 1806-1814. Bochkareva created the first women's battalion in the history of the Russian army. Knight of the St. George's Cross.
  12. Maria Mironova (1911 - 1997) - Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1991))
  13. Maria Biesu ((1935 - 2012) outstanding Moldovan Soviet opera singer, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1970). Hero of Socialist Labor (1990). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1982) and the USSR State Prize (1974).
  14. Maria Skobtsova, Nun, known as Mother Maria (1891 - 1945) - in the world - Elizaveta Skobtsova, maiden name - Pilenko, by her first husband - Kuzmina-Karavaeva; nun of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (Western European Exarchate of the Russian tradition) of Russian origin. Poet, memoirist, member of the French Resistance. Canonized by the Patriarchate of Constantinople as a venerable martyr in 2004.

Maria in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In English it is translated as Mary, (Mary), in German- name Marie, on French- Marie, in Italian - Maria.

Due to the smooth transitions, the name Maria seems very gentle and calm. However, the presence of the “R” sound hints at some firmness in the person’s character. The girl, named Maria by her parents, is destined to be the most affectionate and responsive.

Mary means “sad”, “bitter”, in Christianity - “lady”.

Origin of the name Maria:

The name Maria has been known since ancient times. It owes its origin to the Hebrew Mariam. It is interesting that scientists still have not agreed on how to translate it correctly. Some believe that the name was formed from a root meaning “rejected,” while others say the source of origin is the word mirim (מירים), translated from Hebrew as “bitterness.”

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Maria

Masha always grows up independent, responsible and calm child. He loves to communicate with other children, especially those who are younger. In adulthood, this love for children continues - Maria is usually a wonderful mother who sees the meaning of life as the well-being of her children. Kindness and tenderness are qualities inherent in a woman with this name. Despite the fact that Masha can show firmness, and sometimes even harshness, in defending her interests and beliefs, she is very vulnerable in her soul. She does not like it when people criticize her or make comments to her, she is very worried about this. Sometimes he can act rashly. This impulsiveness of hers suggests that, even having matured, Masha remains a child. Interestingly, along with impulsiveness, Maria can show great responsibility and thoughtfulness in her studies and work. A girl with this name is hardworking and diligent in all matters entrusted to her. Most Marias are altruists. To a person caught in difficult situation, Maria will always try to help.

Maria's organizational skills are very well developed, so she will be able to achieve high results in administrative work. Most often, he chooses an area of ​​activity where there is no strict control; he likes to work on projects independently. Colleagues value her for her responsiveness, and her management for her high level of efficiency. A girl named Maria will most likely be successful in professions related to medicine, business analytics, and teaching.

In her marriage, Maria sincerely cares about her spouse and children. She is a very faithful and devoted wife; her husband’s infidelity and deception in a relationship can seriously hurt her. However, Masha does not make a tragedy out of this and does not dwell on failures. In addition, she is quite capable of standing up for herself and for her loved ones.

According to Orthodox teachings, the name Maria is translated as “lady.” Most likely, because the Mother of God had this name.

Maria is one of the most common names in several countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Poland and the Republic of Belarus.

IN Russian Empire this name was found both in a privileged society, including among imperial family, and among the simple peasantry.
