The best non-state pension funds: new ratings. Reliability of non-state pension funds

The conditions of the pension system, which is formed in the state, is an urgent issue for all citizens. After all, the conditions for receiving a pension and its amount determine how a citizen will live after the opportunity to work and earn money will no longer exist. Serious changes introduced in 2015 led to the fact that, in addition to the insurance part, a funded one was also introduced without fail, which implies the process of deductions of a certain percentage of wages to his personal account, the funds of which a citizen can independently manage. All large quantity people understand the importance of contacting trusted and reliable non-governmental institutions. The 2019 rating that determines the best non-state pension fund, which is compiled according to various criteria, will help you make a choice.

How the non-state pension fund evaluates the rating 2019

By default, these funds are accumulated in the accounts of the Pension Fund and transferred to the management of Vnesheconombank. However, in this case the citizen does not earn any additional money in the form of interest on the amount, which makes the savings subject to the process of inflation. Correct this situation and start receiving passive income from their savings, which in any case should be withdrawn from wages, will help to apply to non-state pension funds. For many, a guarantee of obtaining high profitability and reliability of functioning is the 2019 rating that evaluates each non-state pension fund. It is compiled by both the Central Bank and independent expert agencies. The main assessments are based on two criteria:

  • profitability;
  • reliability.

The best non-state pension funds according to various estimates

The Central Bank ranks market participants according to several parameters at once: the volume of its own resources, observance of the rights of insurers, the transparency of the fund's activities, and a number of others.

Profitability rating of non-state pension funds

The profitability rating of non-government pension funds being compiled is interesting due to rising inflation. If the long-term profitability of the accumulated pension exceeds it, then such an offer may be interesting. According to the information provided, some non-state pension funds double the savings of their clients.

Rating of non-state pension funds 2019 by reliability

Due to the instability of the economic situation and the long-term nature of pension savings, the reliability rating of non-state pension funds 2019 is also relevant. Specialized rating agencies, which directly cooperate with NPFs and have the opportunity to analyze their activities from the inside, help to navigate the variety of existing funds. The most famous is the rating, which is compiled by the Expert RA agency. In it, the highest indicator is A ++, which is assigned to those funds that have proven their ability to repay obligations even with a serious deterioration in the economic situation in the country.

The funded pension formation system has put citizens in front of a difficult choice. On the one hand, you can leave funds in an already verified PFR, but with a rather low indexation of pension savings, and on the other hand, invest in non-state funds that promise their depositors a significant increase in pensions in the near future.

Before concluding an agreement on transfer to a non-state fund, it is necessary to carefully study the situation on the market, as well as the performance of this fund for at least five years of operation. Various ratings published by major rating agencies, as well as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, will help assess the reliability and profitability of NPFs for 2019.

Functions of NPFs in the pension provision system

The peculiarity is that all decisions concerning the choice of the company that will manage the savings are made by the fund alone.

Funds placed in the NPF, do not fall under the state pensions, but change only due to the result of investing this money in selected assets, both up and down.

After the onset, a citizen who has placed his savings in an NPF can receive them in the following form:

  1. Monthly payments of the funded part of the pension (do not expire).
  2. Urgent payments.
  3. One time payment.

Thus, the main functions of the NPF include the following:

  • collection of the insured person, which go to the formation of a funded pension;
  • investing funds transferred to the management of the fund in the financial markets in order to increase them;
  • appointment and payment of pension savings to the insured person in the form chosen by him.

What to look for when choosing a fund

There are several options for placing pension savings:

  1. Non-state pension fund.

In both cases, an agreement must be established form with the selected organization and submit a written application to the FIU. It is necessary to choose such organizations very carefully, since it is only possible to change an NPF or a management company once every 5 years.


In order not to make a mistake with the choice of NPF, it is necessary to consider the following indicators:

  • the level of reliability according to the estimates of major rating agencies;
  • period of work on the market (preference is given to funds that began their activities before 1998);
  • stable profitability not lower than the inflation rate;
  • the composition of the founders (large industrial enterprises);
  • customer reviews.

This information should first of all be reflected on the website of the NPF itself, which may indicate the seriousness of the organization. Availability personal account on the site is also important, because through it the client will be able to track their savings.

The procedure for assessing the profitability of NPFs

Profitability is one of the most important indicators that you should pay attention to when choosing an NPF. These data are usually presented on the official websites of NPFs, or in the reports of the Bank of Russia.
It is possible to correctly assess the fund's profitability only by analyzing the data for at least five years of its operation.

Generally considered good earnings slightly above inflation for the current period. If the indicator is lower, then the savings are not indexed. Too high a percentage of profitability indicates risky investments of the fund, which can lead to a negative result in the long run.

Important! Not the entire percentage of profitability goes to increase the pension of the insured. Some NPFs may spend some of their income on their own needs. This information must be reflected on the company's website, or written down when concluding a pension insurance agreement with an NPF.

Rating for 2019 according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation regularly publishes a yield rating for both non-state and mandatory pension insurance. For 2019, the indicators of the largest pension funds in Russia are as follows:

Fund name Number of insured persons, thousand people Amount of assets, billion rubles Profitability, %
VTB Pension Fund 1500 132,8 10,54
Sberbank 6800 454,9 10,13
CSG 3100 182,1 8,47
Gazfond pension savings 6200 429,7 2,89
Lukoil-Garant 3500 258,9 3,3
Future 4400 300,3 3,88
social development 89 7,2 14,72
Federation 30 1,7 2,02

Official reliability statistics from "Expert RA"

Information from all NPFs is submitted to specialized rating agencies, the most significant of which is Expert RA. The company began its work in 2004 and today it works not only in Russia, but also in countries of Eastern Europe. Since Expert RA is accredited by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of Russia reflects the results of this agency's work in its reports.

The reliability of any Pension Fund is one of its key indicators, and the period of work in the pension insurance market plays a significant role here. The trend is that the older the fund and the more economic turmoil in the country it has suffered, the more stable it is in the market.

Expert RA specialists have introduced a special reliability scale, according to which all NPFs in the country are assessed:

Rating Reliability level
A++ reliable
B++ reliable, but there are doubts about their stability
C++ unreliable, with a bad reputation
D bankruptcy
E liquidation

Based on this classification better reliability A ++ for 2019 according to Expert RA has the following NPFs:

  • Neftegarant;
  • Gazfond pension savings;
  • Welfare (RZD pension fund);
  • VTB Pension Fund;
  • MNPF Large Pension Fund;
  • Vladimir (TNK);
  • Atomgarant;
  • Safmar;
  • Surgutneftegaz;
  • Rosgosstrakh Pension;
  • Diamond autumn;
  • Sberbank;
  • National.

The rating of the Expert RA agency allows us to conclude which NPFs are ready to openly provide reporting and investment data, and which funds are unwilling to disclose such information. Thus, these estimates are formed only on the basis of the data provided and cannot reflect the whole picture.

On the other hand, the openness of NPFs is an important factor in their reliability, as well as stability in the market, therefore, when choosing a fund, it is necessary to take into account all indicators in the aggregate.

Video consultation on the topic

RIA Rating - May 10. The dynamics of the market of non-state pension funds in Russia in 2017 was quite good, while it is still constrained by the freezing of funded pensions. Against this background, the range of discussed options for reforming the Russian pension system is still quite wide, although recently the gradual increase in the retirement age, as well as the introduction of a new mandatory contribution to the NPF, have been mainly discussed.

In general, at the end of 2017, the number of people who chose NPFs to place their funded pension exceeded 34 million people, for comparison, as of January 1, 2017, there were 30 million people, and at the end of 2015 - 26 million. Over the past year, the number of NPF clients grew by 15%, against a 13% growth in 2016. Thus, despite the "freeze" of funded pensions, the market continues to develop, which is most likely due to the activity of NPFs to attract customers.

At the same time, the number of players continues to decline. Due to the mergers of a number of NPFs, their number for the year decreased to 38 (operating NPFs with non-zero savings are included in the rating) at the beginning of 2018 against 41 a year earlier.

Last year, the amount of pension savings in NPFs grew by 14.3% or 300 billion rubles (24% in 2016). In general, as of January 1, 2018, the volume of pension savings in Russian NPFs exceeded 2.4 trillion rubles. For comparison, as of January 1, 2015, the amount of savings was equal to 1.1 trillion rubles, that is, over 3 years, the amount of savings in NPFs has more than doubled. According to RIA Rating experts, a noticeable slowdown in the growth rate of savings in 2017 is due to two factors. Firstly, due to lower interest rates in the economy, growth due to the capitalization of investment income has decreased. Secondly, big number citizens have already chosen NPFs, so the potential base of new clients is getting smaller, and as a rule, newly attracted clients are generally not so large.

Despite a number of negative aspects, Russian NPFs continue to strengthen their positions in the Russian financial system. After all, in addition to 2.4 trillion rubles of pension savings, NPFs have about 1.4 trillion rubles of other assets. Thus, the total assets of Russian NPFs amount to just under 4 trillion rubles, which is more than the assets of the fourth largest bank in Russia, and account for approximately 4% of the assets of the Russian financial sector.

Nine NPFs showed negative dynamics

To assess the situation in the context of individual funds, the RIA Rating agency conducted an analysis and prepared a rating of NPFs of Russia in terms of the amount of pension savings as of January 1, 2018. The ranking presents data as of January 1, 2018 for 38 non-state funds Russia, the reporting of which was published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

According to the study, the composition of the largest NPFs on the market for Last year changed noticeably. In terms of the size of pension savings in the rating of NPFs, the NPF of Sberbank is still the leader with the book value of savings as of January 1, 2018 in the amount of 470 billion rubles. NPF of Sberbank has been the leader for 11 quarters in a row. This NPF over the past year showed an increase in savings by 33% or 117 billion rubles. Thus, the NPF of Sberbank provided more than a third of the total growth in the pension savings market as a whole. At the same time, Sberbank did not become the leader in terms of the absolute increase in savings; NPF GAZFOND has a more significant increase in pension savings. According to the results of 2017, this pension fund was in second place with pension savings at the level of 457 billion rubles. GAZFOND pension savings showed an increase in the funds of future pensioners in the amount of almost 300 billion rubles, or 2.8 times. In relative terms, this is the fourth result among all funds and the best in the TOP-30. Such a result of NPF GAZFOND pension savings was the result of the absorption of a number of large funds of NPF Promagrofond, KITFinance NPF and NPF Naslediye, which respectively left the rating, although a year earlier they were in the TOP-15 largest funds.

The third place in the ranking is now occupied by NPF FUTURE with savings of 283 billion rubles, although a year ago it was second. The fourth and fifth largest pension savings funds were NPF LUKOIL-GARANT and NPF SAFMAR, whose savings amounted to 253 and 192 billion rubles, respectively. Funds ranked from 3rd to 5th showed rather weak dynamics. Their growth was within +9%, and two of these three funds showed a negative return on the results of the past year. The first five largest funds will already benefit from 68% of all pension savings, although a year earlier it was 57%, and the top ten funds accounted for 92% as of January 1, 2018 (77% at the beginning of 2017). Thus, in 2017, there is a noticeable consolidation in the NPF market.

Also, the increase in the average size of the fund testifies to the consolidation of funds. In particular, according to the results of the current rating, the average size of the fund increased to 64 billion rubles against 52 billion rubles as of January 1, 2017. At the same time, the number of both the largest funds, the savings of which exceed 100 billion rubles, and medium-sized funds with funds of more than 10 billion rubles, according to the results of the rating, decreased. So, in the rating there are 7 funds with funds of more than 100 billion rubles and 15 funds with more than 10 billion rubles, while a year earlier (at the beginning of last year) there were 8 and 18 funds, respectively.

At the end of 2017, the number of funds with a negative trend in pension savings increased quite sharply. If, at the end of 2016, only 10% of NPFs were characterized by a decrease in savings, then last year already 24% were with negative growth rates. It should be noted that the decrease in pension savings was mainly observed in small and medium-sized funds, which may indicate the transition of clients from them to larger NPFs.

The highest growth rates were demonstrated by NPF AVTOVAZ, NPF "Alliance" and NPF "FEDERATION". At NPF AVTOVAZ, the amount of savings increased by 4 times, and the number of customers by 3 times. NPF "Alliance" showed an increase in pension savings by 3.9 times, and the number of clients increased by 3.5 times. In turn, the savings of NPF "FEDERATION" over the past year have grown 3 times. Despite such impressive growth, all three of these funds are in the bottom ten of the rankings, which means they are still small. At the same time, NPF Telecom-Soyuz and NPF Social Development had the largest reduction in pension savings - -10.6% and -10.2%, respectively.

The largest funds suffered losses

The highest return on investment of pension savings in 2017 was demonstrated by small funds: NPF Almaznaya Osen - +11.2% and NPF Gefest - +10.0%. And among relatively large funds, NPF GAZFOND pension savings had the best profitability - +9.5% and NPF VTB Pension Fund - +9.0%.

At the same time, four large funds at once (out of the TOP-10) showed negative returns in 2017, while last year there were no loss-making funds at all. At the same time, NPF LUKOIL-GARANT suffered the most, with a return on investment for the year of -5.3%. The second largest loss was NPF "RGS" - -2.9% in 2017. The third and fourth funds in terms of negative returns were the NPF FUTURE and the NPF of the electric power industry (-2.0% and -1.7%, respectively). , the negative financial result of all four funds is due to investments in assets associated with the reorganized Otkritie Bank.

In general, the median return of Russian NPFs in 2017 was 8.3%, thus, most funds managed to show a return much higher than inflation (2.5%). In many ways, relatively good yields are determined by government bond rates, which remain well above the level of retail price growth. A decrease in the refinancing rate and, accordingly, the yield of the debt market will reduce the profitability of NPFs, however, according to RIA Rating analysts, in the medium term, NPFs will continue to show profitability much higher than inflation and higher than deposit rates in the largest banks.

Over the past five years (from January 1, 2013 to January 1, 2018), NPF Volga-Capital was characterized by the highest return on pension savings - the return on its investments over this period amounted to 62.7% (average annual rate - 10.2%). On the second and third place in terms of return on investment are NPF "Defence-Industrial Fund named after V.V. Livanov" and NPF "Socium", which were able to increase the savings of their clients by 57.9% (9.6% on average per year) and 57.5% respectively (9.5%). The fourth place in terms of profitability is occupied by NPF GAZFOND pension savings with a five-year result of +55.7%. In general, 10 funds were able to demonstrate a return above 50% over five years (more than 8.4% of the average annual return), while 30 funds showed more than 40% return over five years.

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency of the media group MIA "Russia Today" specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of the regions of the Russian Federation, the economic condition of companies, banks, sectors of the economy, countries. The main activities of the agency are: creation of ratings for the regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, securities, and other economic entities; comprehensive economic research in the financial, corporate and public sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of events in the world, informing the audience about various views on key events. RIA Rating as part of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA is included in the line of the agency's information resources, which also include: RIA News , R-Sport , RIA Real Estate , Prime , InoSMI. MIA Rossiya Segodnya is the leader in terms of citation among the Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also occupies a leading position in terms of citation in Russian in social networks and the blogosphere.

7 8 9 10 Stable profitability

Non-government pension funds can help to accumulate a pleasant amount for retirement. They allow you to transfer potential savings to trust management. Due to which you can get a certain profitability, as a nice addition to future payments. Unfortunately, the profitability of NPFs is unstable. In one year it can reach 20%, in another it can drop to zero. So it is worth tracking the dynamics of profitability for at least the last three or four years. Ideally - for the entire time of work.

It is important that NPFs operate on the market already for a long time. After all, only the best were able to "survive" to this day. So, out of 270 funds in 1998, only about 60 survived by 2018. So age is one of the main indicators of reliability. A good NPF simply has to be reliable. And the longer he works and the better professionals speak of him, the higher the chances that pension savings will not go down the drain. Our reliability rating of non-state pension funds is compiled not only on the basis of feedback from real customers, but also on the opinion of professional rating agencies and the Central Bank, as well as taking into account the real benefits of NPFs.

TOP 10 best NPFs

In addition to the reliability of a non-state pension fund, it is important to pay attention to some other indicators. We have included in the table some required parameters to make it easier for you to compare and choose the best option for you.

Accumulated return over 5 years

Year of creation





Lukoil Garant



Concern "Rossium", Investment Company "Region"


Rosneft, SK Neftepolis



VTB Pension Fund

VTB Group

diamond autumn

Alrosa, Profalmaz, Bank Derzhava

National NPF

Tatneft, Bank Zenit

CJSC United Capital, JSC Tander

But all the most interesting is described separately in the review of each NPF. So for the details - just below.

10 Magnet

Stable profitability
Profitability for 5 years: 36.5%
Rating (2019): 4.2

Opens the rating of the most reliable and stable pension funds of NPFs of the chain of stores of the same name, showing good, albeit imperfect, results in the pension fund market. Formerly known as the Virtue Christian Pension Fund, but was renamed Magnit to maintain the brand. For 2017, the yield, unfortunately, is not encouraging - only 3.18%. However, over the past years it has been stable, so NPFs still have a chance to improve and return to normal income.

In the reviews, customers note that the main clientele of NPFs are employees of the Magnit chain of stores. However, anyone can become a contributor - now more than 220 thousand people are clients of compulsory insurance. And many praise the good management and stability of the fund. In general, we can say that this NPF is trustworthy. But don't expect sky-high returns.

9 National NPF

The best set of pension plans
Profitability for 5 years: 33.1%
Rating (2019): 4.3

Regional pension fund, mainly known in Tatarstan. Beyond it is also able to provide excellent result so it shouldn't be written off. A number of experts define the reliability of NPFs at a very high level. You can definitely trust the organization. For 2017, the organization has a good profitability of 9.81%. True, over the past five years, the accumulated yield is not encouraging - only 33.1%, which is not the highest value in the rating. High profits can be unstable, but the NPF does not fail even for zero. But it compensates high convenience use of the fund.

Pleased with the abundance of pension programs - there are eight in total. And some of them are aimed not only at the depositor, but also at his family. For example, the Care program allows you to take care of another person's pension. And "Family" will provide an excellent pension for both spouses, even if only one worked. Separate programs are provided for different segments of the population with different needs and desires. So anyone can choose the best one for themselves.

8 Diamond Autumn

The best return in the last year
Profitability for 5 years: 37.1%
Rating (2019): 4.4

This pension fund is recognized as reliable by leading agencies with minor flaws. It is considered the largest Far Eastern NPF. It was originally intended for employees of diamond mining enterprises, but decided to go further and build up a clientele among other citizens. Today, 24,000 people are participating in the program, and among them, more than 20,000 pensioners are already receiving well-deserved money. Reliability is confirmed not only by ratings and reviews - "Diamond Autumn" serves the administration of Mirny.

According to the Central Bank, it has an excellent percentage of profitability for 2017 - 11.16%. But on average over the past years, it is noticeably less - over 5 years, only 37.1% has accumulated. We can talk about stable profitability, but not too high compared to other NPFs. Companies such as Kapital and VTB Capital Asset Management are engaged in management, and the investment policy is cautious. NPF invests most of all in state assets and banks, which allows you to manage money more accurately.

7 VTB Pension Fund

Own fund management
Profitability for 5 years: 36.4%
Rating (2019): 4.5

The youngest NPF born in 2007, which has already managed to earn the trust of not only citizens, but also rating agencies (the highest rating was assigned). It stands on a par with the best "veterans" of the market and pleases customers with good profitability. The founder is a bank with state participation from the TOP-10 most reliable, so there is no doubt about the safety of pension funds. The VTB Group includes more than 20 companies operating in different countries peace. According to VTB itself, which collects reviews and feedback, almost 90% of customers are satisfied with the work of the service and managers.

The pension fund had a good yield in 2017 - 9.02%. In general, over the years of work, it has always been positive - NPF has never failed in the red. Today, the fund serves more than 2 million people. The Foundation enjoys its own management company, which is part of the group - "VTB Capital Asset Management". So the money doesn't actually leave the network of single owner companies, which provides additional security.

6 Surgutneftegaz

Best peak yield ever
Profitability for 5 years: 48.6%
Rating (2019): 4.5

Surgutneftegaz is focused mainly on the northern regions of Russia. However, nothing prevents residents of other regions from signing contracts. Among the founders is OAO Surgutneftegaz, which, with its own reputation, is responsible for the work of NPFs. In addition, experts assign a very high reliability score to the organization, so you can not be afraid of fraud. Retirement savings are not going anywhere.

NPF has a good, albeit not very stable, annual return. Pension insurance was on Surgutneftegaz's list of duties in 2009, and at the same time it produced a phenomenal yield of 43.55%. Since then, its level has fluctuated from 0.28 to 12.94%. In 2017, the yield was 8.74%. Competent management of the leading management companies (Region, Kapital and Gazprombank Asset Management) will allow you to get a good increase in your pension in the future.

5 Neftegarant

Better and safer management
Profitability for 5 years: 51.8%
Rating (2019): 4.6

NPF, closely associated with the oil industry. One of the founders is Rosneft, which is 50% owned by the state company Rosneftegaz, and which, for the sake of image, will not allow its pension fund to perform unsatisfactorily. Shows an excellent level of cumulative returns in recent years. In 2017, he was able to add 8.13% to the accounts of pensioners, which is a very good indicator. The NPF seeks to invest the contributions received from depositors with minimal risks, which ensures stability.

According to the organization, now more than 150 thousand people are members of the NPF, and more than 80 thousand of them are already receiving a pension. Together with the highest reliability ratings from rating agencies, this gives reason to trust the organization. Savings are managed the best companies- for example, "Region", whose services are used by many NPFs. Therefore, a stable income is provided by professionals, so that a good increase in pension can be obtained. For all the years of work, it fell below 8% only three times.

4 Consent-OPS

Best Customer Service
Profitability for 5 years: 55.58%
Rating (2019): 4.7

Not the most famous NPF, which is able to provide good returns and excellent conditions. Soglasie-OPS occupies a high position in the ranking of the best according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - until 2017 it had the highest accumulated profitability on the market - more than 60%. Now it has slightly decreased, but this has not affected the payments much. In 2017, the yield was 8.31%, and more than 1.1 million people began to be served in the fund.

"Consent-OPS" tries to work actively with clients, and not just with their money. Agents are competent and have enough knowledge not only about the work of NPFs, but also about the industry as a whole. Pleased with a large number positive feedback from the clients they rely on high quality service and good returns. Also, the NPF has a certain practice of assistance in processing payments, so it is much easier for clients to receive what is due. Online support is also ready to answer all questions and solve problems. In general, it is worth noting the high level of customer service.

3 Lukoil Garant

Best Partner Network
Profitability for 5 years: 47.5%
Rating (2019): 4.8

Reliable and convenient NPF. The founders are the oil company Lukoil. Included in the TOP-5 largest NPFs in 2017, serving almost 8 million people. The organization has a functional website through which you can do literally everything - from registration and deductions to updating information. NPF has a truly impressive network of partners, including Alfa-Bank, Renaissance Credit, UBRD, Promsvyazbank and several other major institutions. This ensures a wide coverage of the territory - you can conclude an agreement anywhere, if it is more convenient to do it in person.

Unfortunately, Lukoil Garant did not have a good year last year - the yield in 2017 fell to -5.26%. But in 2016, the yield was 8.23%. The merits of previous years allow us to hope that the institution will improve. In the reviews, customers emphasize that the NPF is really reliable, and does not cause any complaints in its work. All problems and questions are resolved quickly. And the confidence of the leading rating agencies, which assign the highest level of reliability to the fund, confirms the safety of investments.

2 Sberbank

The largest NPF
Profitability for 5 years: 53.4%
Rating (2019): 4.9

The largest non-state pension fund in the country. The owner is only Sberbank, there are no other founders and shareholders. This confirms the reliability - as long as Sberbank is alive, its NPF will also live. Therefore, nothing will happen to pension savings. Also, leading rating agencies rated the NPF of Sberbank as the most stable and reliable. The subsidiary of Sberbank took over from the "parent" almost everything most convenient - accessibility to a wide range of the population both financially (the entry threshold is only 1,500 rubles) and territorially (there are branches in every city), reliability and convenience.

As a rule, the profitability of the NPF of Sberbank provides quite stable income and fighting inflation. For example, in 2017, the increase was 8.34%. The fund invests only in reliable securities of various industries. It is convenient that the NPF of Sberbank allows you to return the social tax deduction of 13% from deductions. In the reviews, you can often find positive comments from customers - mainly about the convenience and benefits of using the fund. Among the shortcomings that clients note is bureaucracy. On the other hand, the benefits are worth it, and pension savings do not need to be withdrawn every day.

1 Gazfond

Best cumulative return in 5 years
Profitability for 5 years: 57.14%
Rating (2019): 4.9

A partially state-owned NPF (the main founder is Gazprom, more than 50% of whose shares are owned by the state), which will competently take care of the money of future pensioners. The Fund has been assigned the highest level of reliability. In addition, it has a fairly high yield for 2017 - up to 9.91%. Since Gazfond is trying to invest only in highly liquid securities from the leading sectors of the economy, one should definitely not expect a negative fall.

Conveniently, there are several pension plans to choose from. Their conditions differ in terms of payment, a specific amount, and so on. I am glad that you can set not only the amount of deductions, but also the amount of the desired pension per month. A convenient calculator allows you to calculate monthly, quarterly, yearly and even one-time payments. Unfortunately, in some regions, unscrupulous employees may resort to not the most honest ways to attract customers - for example, by going round apartments and persistent persuasion. Judging by the reviews, this slightly tarnished the reputation of Gazfond. But after all, the profitability and benefits from this have not fallen, so the fund can be trusted with funds.

AT Russian Federation there are numerous non-state pension funds (NPFs). And choosing the right one is a responsible and difficult task, one must take into account reliability and profitability rating of NPFs of Russia 2016 according to the statistics of the Bank of Russia.

To facilitate this task, we have prepared a list of the 10 most highly profitable non-state pension funds in the Russian Federation. The yield rating is determined on the basis of information disclosure on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and the reliability rating is based on data from the Expert RA agency.

One of the veterans of the pension market (year of "birth" - 1993). Its contributors can be not only individuals but also legal entities. The percentage of the average annual return on deposits is 9.87, and it does not participate in the Expert RA rating.

NPF rating 2016 continues the "Big Pension Fund", which appeared in 1995. It now serves an asset of 500,000 people and has an exceptionally high reliability rating (A++). This means that the fund is highly likely to fulfill its obligations to clients, even if economic conditions are unfavorable. The profitability of the "Big" is 10.35%.

Magnit is not only a network of popular stores, but also the name of an NPF with a recognizable white and red logo. Since 2009 it has a time-limited license Federal Service in financial markets and in terms of average annual yield, it slightly outperforms the previous participant in the top 10 (10.36%). Does not participate in the reliability rating.

The main fields of activity of this fund are compulsory and voluntary pension insurance. He also implements the state. pension co-financing program by investing pension reserves and increasing the accumulative part of clients' labor pensions. Profitability, on average, is 10.5%. There are no data on reliability.

A non-state pension fund that has existed since 1995. He replenished the rating of 2016 with good results both in terms of profitability (10.5%) and reliability (the highest rating is A++). One of the richest funds in Russia in terms of one of the main indicators for any NPF - the amount of pension reserves (assets 15,349 thousand rubles).

Open to individuals and legal entities and has offices in 13 Russian regions. Offers one of three defined contribution schemes: solidarity, payouts between 2 and 30 years, or lifetime payouts. The yield per year, on average, is 10.99%. The reliability rating is in the “withdrawn” status, which means that the NPF did not want to update its indicators.

The fund implements the state. pension co-financing program, offers services for the creation and management of the funded part of the pension and voluntary pension insurance. Russia's statistics on the return on deposits is 11.08%, reliability rating is A (high).

At first it was known as NPF "Parma", then in 2007 it was renamed into "Ural Financial House". A cautious investment policy and high yield (11.38%) make this fund one of the best in Russia. Does not participate in the reliability rating.

Conducts a conservative investment policy. Most of the clients' funds are invested in bonds, securities and stocks. It has a high reliability rating (A) and a large annual return (11.94%).

1. SAFMAR (formerly the European Pension Fund (AO))

He heads the best funds in Russia. The undisputed favorite in terms of profitability is 12.43% and has 1 place in reliability (A ++). In the last quarter of 2015, the fund's pension savings amounted to 57.7 billion rubles. According to the results of work for 2009-2014, the pension savings of the fund's clients doubled.

Table of reliability and profitability of Russian NPFs 2016

NameReliability Rating
RA Expert
Profitability, %
1 A++12.43
2 BUT11.94
3 - 11.38
4 BUT11.08
5 OJSC NPF Educationwithdrawn10.99
6 JSC NPF SurgutneftegazA++10.5
7 - 10.5
8 - 10.36
9 CJSC MNPF BolshoiA++10.35
10 - 9.87
11 JSC NPF SberFund Sunny Beach (RESO)A+9.85
13 CJSC Orenburg NPF Doveriewithdrawn9.61
14 NPF OPK- 9.56
15 CJSC NPF DoverieA+9.35
16 NPF "Social Development"- 9.24
17 MNPF "AKVILON"- 9.23
18 OAO NPF LUKOIL-GARANTwithdrawn8.86
19 NPF "Social World"- 8.69
21 NPF "Volga-Capital"A+8.53
23 NPF "Gefest"- 8.45
24 JSC National APFA++8.22
25 NPF "First Russian Pension Fund"BUT8.16
26 JSC NPF NeftegarantA++8.13
27 JSC NPF StalfondA+8.08
28 JSC NPF VladimirA++8.01
29 OJSC NPF Electric Power Industrywithdrawn7.95
30 JSC NPF Transneftwithdrawn7.83
33 OJSC NPF Telecom-Soyuzwithdrawn7.6
34 CJSC KITFinance NPFA++7.57
35 NPF "Consent"withdrawn7.56
36 JSC NPF VTBA++7.53
37 CJSC NPF PromagrofondA++7.36
38 JSC NPF SberbankA++7.17
39 JSC NPF “Solntse. Life. Pension."withdrawn6.77
40 CJSC NPF Heritage- 6.76
41 NPF "Empire"- 6.62
42 NPF AtomgarantA++6.6
43 OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Oil and Gas Pension FundA+6.56
44 JSC NPF SAFMAR (Raiffeisen)A++6.45
45 NPF "Pravo"- 6
46 NPF "Pension-Invest"- 5.88
46 NPF "UMMC - Perspektiva"- 5.75
48 JSC NPF "Alliance"A+5.3
50 CJSC NPF First National Pension FundC++2.97

« A++» – The highest level of reliability;
« A+» – High level reliability;
« A» - Normal reliability;
« C++» – Low level of reliability;
«-» - The rating was not assigned by the agency;
« withdrawn» - the data is not updated.
