Traps for wasps in the country. We make traps for wasps with our own hands. More complex wasp traps

Wasps- insects that are very useful for gardeners and gardeners. They save the crop while destroying insect pests. But it’s good if the proximity to wasps is not close. What if they live right next to your house, putting you and your loved ones in danger? In this case, you need effective control methods that will save you from wasp attacks.

DIY wasp trap.

Why are wasps dangerous?

The bite of these insects contains active poison and, when entering the human body, it causes a strong reaction. In case of allergies, such a bite can even cause anaphylactic shock. The most dangerous wasp stings are for children who have not yet developed all the protective functions of the body. Therefore, if wasps have become your new neighbors, you need to take urgent measures.

How to deal with wasps?

Method number 1.

Destruction of wasp nests

They resort to this method mainly when other options have already been tried and do not help, because it is dangerous and difficult.

Find vespiary.

Wear a protective suit, covering all parts of your body.

Take a can of concentrated dichlorvos and spray the nest with it. This must be done several times so that the poison reaches all insects.

Sensing danger, all the inhabitants of the nest will begin to crawl out, which will give you the opportunity to destroy more insects.

Method number 2.


Quite often, wasps annoy vineyards by eating healthy ripe fruits. It is believed that if planted among valuable plants decoy or aromatic grapes fruit trees, such as pears, plums, etc., then the wasps will switch to them and leave the valuable crop alone. But, of course, this method has a lot of disadvantages and it does not always work 100%, but still, it has a right to exist, the choice is up to everyone.

Method No. 3.

Wasp repellent

To slightly reduce the activity of these dangerous insects, you can use their “unloved” aromas. These include: the smell of smoke, garlic, pine needles and even horseradish. Spray a fragrance or leave a few pieces of an unloved product near the house and wasps will not bother you so much.

Method number 4.

Destroying a nest

If the wasps on your site are not alone, but live in a whole swarm in a nest, then a radical method of control is suitable. To do this, at night, remove the wasp’s nest and lower it into a bucket with a solution of water and ammonia. This will kill the insects. However, when resorting to this method, remember that, despite the fact that wasps are inactive at night, it is imperative to take precautions. A protective suit, gloves and a face net are a must!

Method No. 5.

Wasp traps

This is the most effective method fight against dangerous insects, especially since the trap is easy to make yourself.

Wasp trap from a plastic bottle.

1) Prepare an empty 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle. Take sharp knife and cut off the top of the bottle about 1/3.

2) Pour wasp bait into the other part.

3) Unscrew the cap from the top of the bottle.

4) Turn this part over and place it in the base.

5) The structure must be dense and stable.

6) To prevent wasps from escaping from the trap, coat the neck of the bottle with Vaseline to prevent them from climbing up it.

7) To hang a bottle on a tree, simply attach “handles” made of ordinary wire to the trap.

8) As a result, you will catch a large number of pests. The more on your site harmful insects, those more bottle better take it. But they still need to be periodically cleaned of trapped wasps.

In this video you can watch detailed video instructions on how to make a wasp trap from a bottle:

Wasp trap from a jar.

A similar trap can be made from regular can with metal screw cap. Simply cut a cross-shaped hole with a knife and fold the corners of the lid inward. Pour bait into the jar.

Wasp trap made from 2 plastic bottles

1) Take 2 plastic bottles of 1.5 liters. Cut one of them in half.

2) Pour bait into the bottom of the cut bottle.

3) Above the level of the poured bait, cut small holes into which insert through caps from a regular ballpoint pen. The wasps will fly into the trap through these “tunnels.”

4) Glue a piece of electrical tape to one end of the cap. It will be like a valve, which will be easy for the wasp to open at the entrance, but simply impossible at the exit.

5) Take the top of the cut bottle. Cut a hole in the lid and insert a tube there.

6) Place both parts of the bottle together.

7) Place half of the other lid on top with the lid screwed on.

Method number 6.


Another way to get rid of wasps is poisoning with special chemicals, which can be purchased in the store. How to use these tools can be found in the instructions.

Method No. 7.

Use of specialized devices

The market offers many different special devices, which work according to different technologies. Such devices drive away wasps and protect the house from their presence. You can choose something to suit your taste and budget.

How to attract wasps to a trap?

Wasps most like fruity aromas and, oddly enough, the smell of spoiled fish.

The most common bait is usually used:

Beer with honey;

Raw fish with flavor;

Fruit syrup;

Fermented fruits, preferably raspberries or grapes.

When is the best time to poison wasps?

It is most effective to fight wasps in the spring, when they fly around the uterus from a young brood. When they are caught, the development of the entire aspen family is doomed.

August- the period when wasps are the most annoying, but, unfortunately, they are the most difficult to fight. This is due to the fact that during this period the entire swarm of wasps is already flying around, and it is almost impossible to catch them all.

When wasps make their nest too close to residential buildings, they pose a danger to people and pets. Wasp traps can be purchased, but they are sticky and difficult to set up. Instead, try making your own reusable trap out of plastic bottle and bait, such as a piece of meat or sugar with liquid soap. This homemade trap is easy to use and will help you get rid of those pesky wasps.


Part 1

Make a wasp trap

Remove the label from a 2-liter plastic water bottle. You should be able to easily see what's inside the bottle to determine if there are wasps. You can also use a bottle with a label, but this will make it more difficult for you to check whether there are wasps in it.

Draw a line around the neck of the plastic bottle with a marker. The line should be drawn at the point where the neck of the bottle stops expanding and becomes a straight cylinder. Don't try to draw a perfectly straight line - you will need it to cut the bottle along it.

  • If you are using a cardboard bag, draw a line around the top, under the triangular folds.
  • Cut the neck of the plastic bottle along the drawn line. This can be done using a sharp knife, scissors or other suitable tool. It should be sharp enough to cut a plastic bottle.

    • When you start cutting the plastic bottle it may slip out, so take your time and be careful not to cut yourself. To prevent the bottle from slipping out, you can place it on a slightly damp cloth or a towel - this will make it easier for you to hold it in place.
    • For the trap you will need both the base and the neck of the bottle, so cut along the marked line.
  • Using a paper towel, coat the inside of the bottle with vegetable oil. This will make the walls slippery and the wasps will not be able to climb them. You can do without this as the cooking oil can become sticky over time if you don't clean the bottle regularly. However, the oil will make the trap more effective for a while. Instead of vegetable oil You can use Vaseline.

    Turn the neck over and insert it into the bottle. The neck will serve as a funnel through which the wasps will enter the bottle, but will not be able to get out of it. Before inserting the neck into the bottle, remove the cap from it. Through this hole the wasps will be able to enter the trap.

    Glue both parts with tape along the cut. The tape will hold the neck in place. It is best to use clear tape so that the wasps inside the trap are clearly visible.

    • If you are using opaque tape, cut the strip in half to make it as thin as possible.
  • Make two holes on opposite sides of the bottle near the top edge. Punch two holes using a hole punch, scissors, or other suitable tool. Be careful not to get hurt when doing this.

    Take a rope 30 centimeters long, thread its ends through the holes and tie. You will hang the trap on this rope. Any rope or twine will do, as long as it is strong enough to withstand the weight of the trap and possible gusts of wind.

    • Twine and even an old shoe lace will do.

    Part 2

    Fill the bait and set the trap

    In spring and early summer, use fat and meat scraps as bait. Add a little water to create a solution in which the wasps will drown. During the spring and early summer, wasps create nests and lay eggs, and this is when they need protein.

    • At this time, even the queen wasp can be caught for meat, which will force the remaining wasps from this nest to move to a new place.
  • In the second half of summer and early autumn, use something sweet as bait. Mix sweet bait with water and liquid soap. In late summer and early autumn, wasps need extra energy, so they look for sweet food. Liquid soap will reduce the surface tension of the water, causing the wasps to drown. Suitable baits include sugar, lemon juice or vinegar. You can experiment with the type and amount of bait and choose what attracts wasps better.

    Pour the bait solution into the hole of the trap. At the same time, make sure that the solution does not get on the outer edge of the hole, otherwise the wasps will not crawl inside. The solution should cover the bottom of the bottle by about 3-5 centimeters. As a result, the wasps will be forced to crawl completely into the trap to get to the bait.

    • If you are using a smaller plastic bottle instead of a 2-liter bottle, add less solution. There should be at least 5 centimeters of free space between the bait solution and the hole in the overturned neck.
    • If you plan to release captured wasps, add 1 to 3 tablespoons (15 to 45 milliliters) of solution to the bottle. This amount is enough to attract wasps without drowning in the water.
  • Set or hang a trap. Place the trap on a small table or chair to raise it slightly above ground level. You can also hang the trap from a fence post or the bottom branch of a tree. More wasps will be caught in the trap if it hangs at a height of about 1.2 meters rather than standing on the ground.

    Being in close proximity to some very useful, but terribly dangerous insects does not bring any pleasure. For example, wasps. The benefit of them is obvious - being predators, they are engaged (and successfully) in exterminating pests in your dacha. However, sometimes you and I also fall under their sting. Therefore, feeling sorry for themselves, children and pets, most summer residents actively fight the presence of these insects.

    And if you still haven’t been able to find the location of the nest, no matter how hard you search, and the striped hunters continue to actively snoop around the area, then it’s time to use wasp traps.

    Available for sale ready-made devices. They look like round containers, expanding downwards. The bottom is designed in a special way: an insect can easily get inside through the hole to try the bait, but, alas, there is no way back. The delicacy is poured on top, and then the cap is screwed tightly onto the neck of the bottle. Manufacturers advise changing bait regularly. Industrial wasp traps are equipped with special loops with which they can be hung on trees. Just remember to periodically inspect the “traps” to replace containers already filled with insects. Or, on the contrary, to change the location of the trap if you see that not a single wasp has pecked at it. It is better to change disposition early in the morning, while the enemy is sleeping.

    Does it seem wasteful to buy such primitive devices? Well, let's look at the question of whether for wasps. In fact, the task is within the capabilities of the children from senior group kindergarten. Our club of Samodelkins will need to get hold of plastic containers with a capacity of one and a half or two liters. There will be no difficulties with this. It is enough to buy a bottle of sweet drink at the nearest store. We drink the drink itself, and cut the empty container into two parts. The cut should be at the level of the label, where the bottle hangers are. Then we turn the upper part (with the neck) upside down and insert it into the base. The resulting bucket is our homemade wasp trap. We fasten the structure along the top with tape and attach the handle. Ready. It's time to set our traps.

    And so that the flying striped aces do not ignore our devices, you need to pour liquid bait inside. Let's prepare sweet syrup for the enemy. We dilute regular sugar in warm water, but don’t skimp on the latter - add more. Carefully pour the solution through the inverted neck. Sometimes wasp traps are lubricated in the area of ​​the hole with oil, so the insects certainly cannot escape.

    In addition to sugar and water, mixtures of beer, vinegar and water have worked well. Or here’s another combination: sugar, vinegar, salt and water. Instead of salt, banana skin will also work. Since wasps are terrible predators, they are very greedy for meat. Therefore, we throw small pieces of meat or bacon at the bottom of our catch bucket.

    Filled wasp traps are disposed of in several ways. Some simply throw them away at the nearest trash can, others freeze them, others pour boiling water over them. You just shouldn’t burn them, because almost the entire periodic table will go into the air. And you probably won't like the smell.

    The wasp trap is perhaps the most effective and simple means to get rid of insects on the site, if their nest itself is located outside it. Moreover, such traps help not only in the country house, in the garden or garden, but especially in the apiary, where wasps often actively hunt bees. Just a few correctly made traps in a relatively short period of time can significantly reduce the number of wasps in the area.

    Next, we will look at how you can make a wasp trap with your own hands, and it will work in such a way that you yourself will be surprised at how simple and at the same time very effective a design it is. To make it, just have an empty plastic bottle on hand. mineral water, scissors, and wire or tape. The actual production of one product will only take a few minutes, and such a wasp trap from a bottle often works even more effectively than expensive store-bought counterparts.

    By the way, we note that many standard insect traps have virtually no effect on wasps. For example, lamp devices, which are very effective against mosquitoes, flies and moths, do not attract wasps at all, and even when located directly near the vineyard, they only catch insects that accidentally fly into them. A self-made trap, which will be discussed later, first effectively lures wasps (more effectively than, for example, grapes or blackberries on a bush), and then destroys them.

    Even before making a trap for wasps, it will be useful to make sure that insects have not settled on the site or in outbuildings, having organized their nest here. To do this, you need to observe where the insects fly after feeding on berry fields or grapes, and to be on the safe side, carefully check rarely visited attics, sheds and sheds. If there is a nest on the site, it is enough to simply destroy it so that the wasps no longer disturb it - this will solve the problem in just a couple of hours. However, if you are afraid to get too close to the nest, then traps will come in handy in this case...

    DIY wasp traps: principles of operation and materials used

    So, let's now take a closer look at how to make a wasp trap with your own hands using an empty two-liter plastic bottle.

    The manufacturing procedure is as follows:

    1. The top third of the bottle with the neck is cut off with scissors or a knife.
    2. Bait is poured into the bottom of the bottle.
    3. The lid is twisted off the cut part.
    4. Next, the cut off upper part of the bottle is turned upside down and inserted into the lower part (if the bottle has various diameters at different heights, it is worth cutting it off so that when turned over, the upper part fits into the lower one quite tightly).
    5. You can additionally make small holes in the trap just above the level of the bottom of the neck (however, this is not necessary). They are needed so that the smell of the bait comes out of the bottle better and spreads around, but the insects themselves should not be able to crawl through these holes.
    6. If you plan to hang the trap on tree branches, in the upper part of the resulting structure with different sides two holes are made into which a wire loop is inserted - a handle is obtained.

    A bottle volume of 2 or 5 liters will be optimal if a universal one is required. The fact is that with a large number of them, several tens or even hundreds of insects can get into the bottle in one day, so smaller traps simply cannot accommodate such a number of “guests”. If you only need a trap for paper wasps, you can take a smaller bottle, for example, 1.5 liters.

    The principle of operation of a homemade trap is simple: a wasp, attracted by a pleasant aroma for it, crawls through a funnel into inner part bottles, feasts on the bait, and then tries to fly out, either instinctively flying up or crawling to the top of the trap along the inner wall. In any case, the insect rests against the junction of two parts of the bottle and the “biological algorithms” simply do not allow the wasp to make a life-saving path along the neck of the funnel to the exit from the trap.

    Very often, such traps are placed by experienced summer residents under tables on verandas or in summer kitchens, since wasps are strongly attracted to tables by the smells of cooking foods, especially fish. Here the traps are simply taped to the table legs.

    “We had to hang about ten traps at our dacha in the summer, there were so many wasps. They are caught regularly, I had to shake out the bottles every day. True, there were fewer of them only after a week or two, because there were too many of them. But without any chemicals and bites, like others.”

    Valentina Petrovna, Kolomyia

    It must be borne in mind that one wasp trap in an apiary or large plot(more than 5 acres) will not help. Here you need to use at least 5-6 of them, distributed evenly throughout the territory.

    However, if you read carefully, making the structure described above with your own hands is only part of the task. The modified bottle turns into a trap only after the correctly selected effective bait is placed in it, capable of attracting wasps.

    Properly preparing bait for a trap

    As bait for wasps and hornets in traps, they usually use mash, kvass, beer (possibly with sugar), fermented jam, honey diluted with water, watermelon juice or compote. They are poured into the trap so much that there is some distance left to the bottom of the neck.

    The choice of bait must be taken very responsibly. It should not attract bees, which are very important for pollinating plants in the garden. Therefore, it is not advisable to pour sugar syrups or fresh jams, especially in the apiary, into the trap. Bees do not flock to mash or beer.

    Wasp traps in the country can also be filled with baits containing toxic substances. Firstly, even single wasps that escape from the trap will die after feeding with such bait. And secondly, even if they were caught, already in the trap, living wasps would not allow them to be calmly shaken out (imagine - shaking out two hundred still living wasps). When using an insecticidal additive in the bait, the insects die very quickly, they can be removed, and the trap can be hung again for work.

    You can also make your own poisoned bait for a trap. To do this, boric acid is added to standard kvass, beer or compote and mixed thoroughly, or you can buy effective insecticidal preparations that are odorless - they work even better. Such tools include, for example, Get, Lambda Zone, Delta Zone. These are not very expensive products and last a long time.

    Can also be used as bait special drug Otos. It is sold in 10-gram bags, and the contents of each bag are enough for one trap. The powder is simply poured into a bottle and poured into half a glass warm water, then mixed. After 2-3 hours, the mixture will begin to smell and attract wasps, and the bees will not flock to such bait.

    Purchased products: types, prices and reviews

    If you don’t want to bother making a wasp trap yourself, then you can easily buy one. For example, the following models are actively sold in agricultural stores or online today:

    All of these traps are quite effective, and the price does not reflect their quality. You can buy either the one that is cheaper and easier to deliver, or the one that is in stock (we recommend giving preference to the Swissinno trap).

    “We suffered from wasps this summer. They made a nest in the fence at the dacha, and my daughter and I arrived a day before my husband. Well, on the very first day we were bitten once. I called my husband, he arrived with a purchased trap. This is a bucket with holes on the sides. They hung it right next to the nest and poured sweet compote into it. The wasps were caught for several days until the entire trap was filled, but this was not much use. The rest were flying anyway. It ended with my husband dousing their nest with gasoline at night and burning it.”

    Yana, Kirov

    Sticky wasp traps

    Another way to catch wasps in the countryside is to do it with adhesive tapes designed for flies. Such tapes are hung in places where wasps are most concentrated, and sooner or later the insects sit down on them to rest, stick and die.

    Tapes have their advantages and disadvantages. Their main advantages are low cost, availability and ease of use. They don't even require bait! But the disadvantages of sticky traps include the fact that not only wasps can stick to them, but also bees, butterflies, riders, beetles and a bunch of other, sometimes beneficial insects. Another drawback is that sticky tapes are not particularly attractive to wasps.

    In addition, adhesive tapes should be hung in places that are visible and free from other objects. By themselves, they have an unsightly appearance, and being covered with wasps, flies and mosquitoes, still moving, they represent a frankly repulsive sight. Therefore, in most cases, bottle traps, which can be camouflaged or placed under a table or in thick foliage, are preferable to tape.

    Practice has shown that sticky tapes do not effectively catch hornets: these insects can come off the Velcro, which is essentially intended only to hold flies.

    In the apiary, to protect the hives, you can use special glues, which are used to catch cockroaches in houses or caterpillars in gardens. Glue is applied thin layer onto cardboard or a sheet of plywood, and the entire trap is placed on the hive or other visible place. To be safe, you can place a piece of watermelon or peach inside it. Even a hornet will get stuck in such a mass of glue.

    For wasps, you can use, for example, the following glues:

    1. RaTrap, a 135 ml tube of which costs about 80 rubles.
    2. Clean House at a price of 60 rubles per 60 grams;
    3. ALT, approximately 200 rubles for 135 grams.

    To make one sticky trap, 100-120 grams of glue is enough.

    In the apiary, you need to carefully monitor that bees do not fall into sticky traps.

    Below is a video from Southeast Asia, where giant hornets are caught in an apiary using a trap with this operating principle:

    Huge hornets in an apiary are caught in a glue trap

    What to do if wasp traps don't help?

    In exceptional cases, even with constant catching large number their number of wasps in the area may not seem to decrease. In such situations, you either just have to wait until the grapes or raspberries go away, or find their nest in the vicinity and destroy it.

    In gardening partnerships with high density development wasps are almost certainly taking up residence on someone's property. By going around your neighbors, you can eventually find the “lucky one” who has their nest, or often several at once, hanging in his attic or closet. In addition, in apiaries or in the vicinity of abandoned areas, you can catch a couple of wasps with leather gloves, tie scarlet ribbons around their abdomen, release them and watch where they fly. In just half an hour you can find their nest.

    Read about how to properly destroy nests of wasps and hornets in other articles on our website (section “Hornets and Wasps”). We also recommend that you watch the useful video below.

    Along with folk tricks and chemical insecticides, wasp traps are used to combat stinging insects. They are not capable of ensuring the destruction of the entire swarm, although up to 100 individuals can be caught in each product every day. This is an excellent “distraction”, because the smell of the traps is of interest to the wasps, and the way to fight the insects.

    How does a trap work and when is it needed?

    The classic trap attracts the attention of wasps flying nearby with an appetizing bait. Once in it, the individual is immobilized due to the sticky composition. To speed up its death, poisonous baits for wasps containing insecticides are sometimes poured into the product, but the insect can sense the presence of toxic substances and fly past.

    All traps can be conditionally grouped into 4 groups:

    1. Simple wasp traps with a flat surface.
    2. A container with holes cut in it.
    3. Containers with funnels through which the victim gets inside.
    4. Technical devices (for example, attracting insects with light).

    A wasp trap in nature will significantly reduce the number of insects flying in the area, distracting them from humans. This will allow you to spend time comfortably. Some products can also be used at home to protect yourself from wasp stings causing a painful skin reaction.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    No method of insect control is ideal. Each of them has its own objective advantages and disadvantages.

    1. Safety. Most structures have a simple structure, and their operation does not require the use of toxic substances.
    2. Environmental friendliness.
    3. Versatility. Traps can be used both indoors and in any corner of the local area.
    4. Reusable.
    5. Cheapness. Manufacturing homemade products requires minimal costs.

    But there are also disadvantages that are also worth mentioning:

    1. Insects cannot be driven away once and for all. They will be back again soon.
    2. The trap needs to be cleaned or replaced every day.
    3. It is necessary to prepare an attractive bait.

    A trap is a primitive way of fighting insects. Despite the shortcomings and short duration of the effect, it is easy to use and can significantly reduce the number of wasps in and around the house.

    Brands of ready-made traps sold in stores

    If you don’t want to make the structure yourself, then you should go to the store to purchase a ready-made trap. You can also buy it on the Internet.


    "Raptor" is a famous company that produces products to combat various insects. The use of its traps is completely safe for humans and animals, so they can be placed in residential areas. Components of natural origin are used as bait for wasps: sugar, apple flavoring and yeast. Insects really like the combination of these odors, so they actively fly into the Raptor trap for wasps and flies through the holes located at the top. But they are unable to get out of there, because they are looking for a way out not far from the walls.

    The “Raptor” wasp trap can be placed on a hard surface or suspended using the cord that comes with the product.

    Ecosniper GC1-60

    This is a high-tech device created specifically for the destruction of flying insects, including flies and wasps. The principle of its operation differs from most analogues: victims are attracted by light sources - three lamps with ultraviolet radiation, each of which has a power of 20 W. Their service life reaches up to 10,000 hours, after which the lamps can be replaced.

    The device has a wide range of action - 200 m. In front of the source there is a fine energized grid. Wasps, attracted by the light and the studied heat, receive a lethal discharge and die immediately.

    There is also a wide range of ready-made trap containers available for sale. transparent plastic. Made from polymers, they are affordable. To catch wasps, you can also use adhesive tapes, known as a means of controlling flies, by hanging them in the house, on the veranda and even on the street.


    Having allocated a little time and using available tools, you can make homemade trap for wasps There is no need to buy special materials and tools: what is available in almost every home will come in handy.

    The most primitive option is to pour a sweet solution with a pleasant smell into a saucer or spread it on plywood. Insects attracted by the bait will land on the surface and remain stuck to it forever. But such a tar will have to be replaced frequently. Therefore, it is recommended to find half an hour to make larger structures. After all, knowing how to make a trap for wasps, you can save money: there is no need to spend money on purchasing it.

    To protect the area from insects, one trap will not be enough. It is better to make 4 pieces and hang them in the corners of the perimeter of the site or evenly distributing them throughout its territory.

    The simplest version of a trap

    To make it, you only need a large plastic vessel (you can take a light canister or 5 liter bottle from drinking water) and a knife. Having opened it, pour in a sweet liquid: you can make a bait for wasps with your own hands by diluting jam or honey in water. Fermented compote is also great.

    All that remains is to close the container and make a small hole in the lid with a knife. Its diameter should be about the size of a coin so that wasps can climb into the trap. If a canister is used, a hole can be made in its upper part. The bait is placed in the garden or hung by the carrying handle that 5 liter bottles have.

    Funnel trap

    A simple, but - most importantly - effective option for making a wasp trap from a plastic bottle is available to everyone. You can use containers with a volume of 1.5 liters or 5 liters (if a large number of insects are annoying).

    As experience has shown, it is better to take a bottle made of transparent or light plastic: wasps fly into them more readily than into those made of dark material.

    To make the design you will need:

    • a plastic bottle is the basis for a homemade salting bottle;
    • sharp knife or scissors;
    • awl;
    • scotch;
    • wire or rope about 50 cm long.

    All these tools are available, perhaps, in every household. When they are ready, you can start making a wasp trap with your own hands:

    1. First you need to take a plastic bottle and cut off about one third from the top. To do this, use a sharp knife or pruning shears. You need to act carefully so as not to get hurt.
    2. Bait is poured or placed in the lower part. Therefore, you need to think in advance about what to put in the wasp trap.
    3. The upper cut off part will be the “entrance” to the trap for flying insects. The lid is unscrewed, turned over to form a kind of funnel, and inserted into the base with the bait.
    4. Now you need to make a fastening: make 2 holes located opposite each other in the walls of the plastic bottle and thread a wire or rope into them. You can tie knots on their edges and pass them through the bottle with a large loop.
    5. To enhance the spread of the aroma attractive to wasps for bait, several small holes are created in the walls on each side using an awl. The air circulating through them will be filled with a sweet smell and attract insects into a deadly trap.

    All that remains is to hang the structure in the chosen place and wait until it is filled with wasps. Over the course of a day, it can accumulate about 100 individuals.

    Design with 2–3 funnels

    By analogy with the previous version, a similar model is made, but from several bottles. Holes for fastening and 2-3 holes are made in the main ones, and the necks are cut off from the rest. They are inserted into the incisions. The result is a structure similar to a trunk with branches. As with the creation of other products, liquid is poured inside to trap wasps.

    A little about baits

    No matter how well a trap is made, without the use of products that interest insects, it will be useless. The best bait for wasps is natural sweet liquids that emit a strong odor. Having smelled it, the insects will go straight into the trap.

    Popular recipes for preparing wasp bait:

    1. Solution 1 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey in a glass of water.
    2. Beer.
    3. Fruit compote: it is desirable that the fermentation process begins in it.
    4. 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar per 0.5 liters of light beer;
    5. 3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar (can be replaced with the same amount of honey), 70 ml of wine vinegar and 0.5 liters of water.
    6. A glass of white wine with honey (or granulated sugar) with the addition of 30 ml of fruit syrup.
    7. A popular bait for wasps is jam diluted with a small amount of water.

    In order for the trap to work more efficiently, you need to make holes to enhance the spread of the smell throughout the area. It is recommended to lightly coat the funnel-shaped part of the bait with odorous bait.

    You can add pieces of ripe fruit to the liquid: this will trigger the fermentation process.

    Adding boric acid

    Another option is wasp bait with boric acid. This substance has been used for many decades to combat cockroaches and flying insects.

    The main advantages of boric acid:

    • strong toxic effect on the body of insects;
    • relative safety for humans and animals, because acid was previously used in medicine to treat wounds for the purpose of disinfection;
    • no odor;
    • accessibility – low cost and the ability to purchase the substance at any pharmacy without a prescription.

    Boric acid in small quantity added to baits (for example, beer or fermented compote), which are then poured into a trap container. Insects caught in it will die faster, which will make cleaning the salting tank easier. You can also treat pieces with the substance raw meat and place them in different points plot. Wasps that feast on it will die.

    "Adamant" - a purchased product

    They sell it in the store special means that attract insects. For example, “Adamant” bait against wasps and flies, produced in the form of granular powder. Its color varies from white to beige.

    The composition includes two main components. Thiamethoxam is an insecticidal substance that is almost safe for people and animals due to its low toxicity. Therefore, "Adamant" is officially approved for use in children's and medical institutions, as well as in the shops of food industry enterprises. Another important advantage of the powder is its effectiveness both indoors and outdoors. outdoors. In addition to the insecticide, the product contains sugar, which attracts wasps.

    To enhance the effect of Adamant, you need to sprinkle the powder with water.

    Using the powder is simple: just sprinkle it in places where wasps accumulate or place it on a substrate (cardboard, board, etc.). Dead insects must be promptly removed and destroyed, for example, by flushing them down the toilet or burning them in a fire. The more traps there are, the better the result will be.

    Before using wasp traps, you need to inspect the area and house. If nests of insects are found, the fight will be ineffective: new individuals will begin to appear again and again, so the effect will remain almost unnoticed. In this case, more needs to be done radical measures. If the number of wasps in the area is small, then the traps will become an excellent remedy destroying them and protecting them from their painful bites.

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