Landscape design of a dacha 6. Design of outbuildings

Every owner of a country property wants to give his brainchild an unsurpassed appearance. For this reason, we decided to look at how we can implement country house design with your own hands on 6 acres. In fact, this is a very affordable operation that will only require persistence and endurance from you.

Landscape Design Basics

Many people think that it is impossible to create an attractive and cozy exterior in small areas. However, in reality this is completely misleading. If you put in maximum effort, then everything will certainly work out.

Unfortunately, for many people, landscape design is just words. Therefore, we will analyze its main elements.

Plant placement

It is a key tool for landscape professionals.

  • Tall crops must be located on the north side.
  • Shrubs are placed on the center line.
  • It is advisable to place tomatoes and peppers (if any) on the south side, because there, as a rule, the best lighting is observed.
  • Playgrounds, greenhouses and beds should be placed in a geometric order.

Tip: first create a plan on which all the elements will be indicated.

  • If there are any unevenness, then you should not try to level them. It is best to play this up with flowers or trees.


In order to stay on fresh air delivered only positive emotions, we recommend dividing the area into zones responsible for their functions.

We propose to highlight the following objects:

  • House. Should be located in the most convenient and picturesque (if possible) area. This territory should be cleared of all unnecessary things, leaving only ornamental plants.
  • Outbuildings (etc.). Least demanding area. It is best to place it in the least visible place (do not forget about unpleasant odors, characteristic of these buildings).

When planning, also be sure to consult with your neighbors.
It won’t turn out very well if, for example, your compost pit will be located next to the neighbor's gazebo.

  • Garden (all ornamental plants). This is the most attractive part and should be placed in the most visible place. It is advisable that garden path was located along it.
  • Vegetable garden ( useful crops). It is best placed in the backyard. In this case, it is advisable to come up with some kind of fence.
  • Rest zone. The most reasonable place for it is between the house and the garden. At the same time, it should be located at a sufficient distance from outbuildings.

Building codes

Not everyone knows that there is SNiP 2.07.01–89, which regulates the planning of suburban areas. In addition to it, there is also SNiP 2.01.02-85, which ensures compliance with fire safety rules.

It is imperative to comply with these regulations, so we are publishing the main provisions:

  • Residential premises should not be located closer than 3 m from the boundaries of neighboring plots. Therefore, when you develop the design of a 6-acre dacha with your own hands, do not forget about this.

It is also prohibited to locate such buildings closer than 5 meters from the street line.

  • Outbuildings should be located no closer than 1 meter to the neighboring plot.
  • Residential premises must be continuously exposed to sunlight no less than 2.5 hours a day. Based on this condition, rooms such as the kitchen and bathroom should be located on the north side, and bedrooms and hallways on the south.

It is also worth noting that it is advisable to ensure that the windows of the bedrooms and living rooms overlook the most picturesque areas of the site. If your house has already been built, then it is worth placing such objects in appropriate places.


Most people pay attention only to functional lighting, forgetting about decorative lighting. Despite this, it can significantly transform the area. Therefore, no competent design project for a summer cottage plot of 6 acres should do without this aspect.

What can be done with the help of properly selected lighting devices:

  • Visually highlight the most expressive zones. The paths are also often illuminated, allowing you to move freely at any time.
  • Identify the most beautiful plants(for example, a rare tree or flowers).
  • It becomes possible to observe the site in the dark.
  • Buy lamps of lower power than for an apartment. They will be quite enough, and there is no need to spend extra money.
  • If possible, consider separate connection functional and .

Advice: get three-phase circuit breakers with fuses. With their help it is much easier to make wiring, and they will save you from a short circuit.

  • The power cables must be very well insulated from atmospheric precipitation. If we hide it in the ground, then we make appropriate markings so that they do not stumble upon it during the execution process. gardening work. However, the instructions prohibit placing it next to the pipeline.


On such a positive note we will sum up our story. However, if you were not able to comprehend all the nuances, then do not worry under any circumstances. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic, which will help you understand everything.

To successfully complete the task DIY design of 6 acres, you need to have a considerable amount of knowledge from different industries: agriculture, plant care, construction, as well as artistic taste and a good sense of style. But if you want to save money on the services of a professional designer, then perhaps some can help you original ideas, which you will find in our article today, along with many photographs of beautiful details of ideal sites. And maybe soon yours own dacha both you and your friends recognize it as ideally harmonious and comfortable.

DIY plot design of 6 acres

All approaches to do-it-yourself design of a 6-acre plot can be divided into groups of one size or another, but, of course, you need to start with what is already available in the territory that you want to transform. Long gone are the days when land for the construction of dachas was allocated in an open field or in the forest and the owners completely independently developed plans, diagrams and other stages. Today, such plots, even if they are sold, do so with their own set of buildings, be it a residential building or outbuildings. Therefore, you must decide which elements in the territory you will consider constants and which may be subject to change during the development of a new concept.

The geometry of the territory will also play a significant role. Although most often the shape is placed inside a rectangular or square shape, but there are exceptions that require special attention. The territory can be L-shaped or even U-shaped when it consists of several small territories, bounded on all sides by neighbors. Then you need to divide all the functional areas in such a way that you can place the necessary outbuildings next to the house, and more decorative elements, such as a swimming pool, alpine slide with a gazebo or sports ground can be taken to the far corner of the garden.

DIY plot design of 6 acres photo

The science of landscape planning tells us that on one territory it is possible to create several equal functional zones. Since initially the area we are considering is not sufficient in size, then for the elements design of a plot of 6 acres with your own hands, photo which you will find in today’s article, you can limit yourself to the following parts: house and local area with a place to relax, a garden with fruit and/or decorative varieties trees, small garden for growing fresh vegetables and greenery to the country table, a place where a utility unit with a toilet, shower and a pantry will be placed where gardening tools can be stored.

In addition, you can leave a small area to take into account your personal needs, which will be specific to your family. This could be a children's playground, a separate gazebo in which there is summer cuisine or even a large barbecue oven, a swimming pool with a canopy for sun loungers, a rock garden and other other ideas. Since the area, as we have already stated, is modest, then for each such whim it will be necessary to take away territory from other mandatory zones. Therefore, developing do-it-yourself cottage design for 6 acres, we urge you not to try to squeeze into your square meters literally everything you want, because in the end you will reduce the number of each element to a minimum and using them will no longer be so convenient.

Regarding the style you choose for summer cottage, do-it-yourself design of 6 acres can primarily focus on the style in which the house is made. That is, if initially you have wooden frame, then making a Chinese garden around it would not be very stylistically correct. And, conversely, a large-scale brick structure will not be very compatible with wooden gazebos or a bathhouse. However, if you wish, when we, then you can, as the first stage of transformation, change the entire façade of the house, lining it with modern materials so that it looks exactly as your design idea requires.

DIY garden plot design for 6 acres

In addition to the house, a very important element DIY garden plot design for 6 acres is a patio or terrace for relaxation. Even inside the most thermally insulated room, which will not be hot in the summer, it is not at all interesting to sit when birds are singing around, butterflies are flying around, and generally a warm summer evening is in full swing. Such verandas and areas become a real decoration for any concept, because often more time is spent on them in other areas.

Features of the yard as an element design of 6 acres with your own hands (photo his successful examples you can see above) is that by placing it between the area of ​​the house, the fence and the garden, you can get, on the one hand, a comfortable platform, protected from prying eyes and cool wind, and on the other, the opportunity to watch the garden while on the terrace, beautiful at all times of the year, while being in the shade of trees. The terrace can be made covered, at least partially, so that it can be used even when it rains.

As flooring you can choose not only extremes, such as either a short lawn or concrete platform. Everyone has their own shortcomings that will tire you over time. The lawn needs to be mowed regularly, and even after rain or morning dew it will not be very pleasant to walk on it. And concrete will absolutely dispel the feeling that you are in nature at all. Therefore, you can make a combined surface for the yard, making areas covered with crushed stone, areas planted with grass and between them paths of tiles or decking boards.

As for the gazebo, it is better to make it part of it, because all its beauty lies in being located away from the house, in the middle of the garden. Of course, this remoteness is very conditional when we talk about DIY garden design of 6 acres, about exactly this small size, but this is exactly the case when the maximum remoteness of the gazebo creates privacy for it, which is important for the atmosphere.

Landscaping 6 acres photo do it yourself

Let’s move smoothly from the buildings into the green areas of our property and talk about landscape design 6 acres. DIY photo made decorations for the garden and vegetable garden literally filled thematic sites, but no matter what decor you choose, you need to do basic zoning and think carefully about what and how you will plant on your territory. Then, even without unnecessary decoration, only due to the decorative nature of the plants themselves, you will be able to get the envy of everyone.

So, we have already figured out that limited space we will need to divide the entire territory into two parts: the garden and the vegetable garden, and you can determine the proportions and dimensions yourself, according to the needs that you have. Many people abandon garden beds altogether in favor of a garden and lawn, not wanting to grow vegetables. In fact, even beds can become a highlight, a decoration of the site, if their organization is approached from a modern perspective.

Since childhood, we have all become accustomed to the only existing appearance of a vegetable garden - patches of black dug up earth with even rows of plants - tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers and potatoes - all this, although tasty and healthy, is not entirely attractive in appearance. To implement the principles of modern gardening, you can use two approaches. The first is characterized by organizing beds inside special wooden containers or creating wooden or stone sides for each bed. Then all the plants seem to be each in their own flower pot, and between them there are convenient paths, sprinkled with screenings or larger crushed stone, on which you can walk while caring for the plants and not get dirty at all.

Second approach to formation beautiful vegetable garden– use mulching. This not only looks beautiful, but also helps plants retain natural soil moisture, all of it beneficial features, which are usually lost when dried under the scorching rays of the summer sun. Dry hay, sawdust, pine needles, even seed husks can be used as mulch. Such environmentally correct trends in plant care will certainly give results in the form good harvest, but the result they will give literally immediately is a new neat and attractive appearance of your beds.

Do-it-yourself landscape design of a plot of 6 acres

Beautiful paths or hedge separate the vegetable garden from the kingdom of trees, because the garden is the main and unchanging element landscape design 6 acres plot with your own hands. After all, we grow trees not so much for the harvest, but for the contemplation of their beauty, the life-giving shade that the crown provides, the singing of birds that can settle in the branches.

Selecting trees is a troublesome task and to solve it it is better to consult with landscape planning specialists. It is believed that all trees should be planted according to height, so that the farthest ones are in the background, and the short ones are closer to the viewing area. But in typical areas, it is undesirable to place tall and sprawling trees near the fence, as they will cast shadow on neighboring areas where it is not needed at all. Therefore, try to plant the garden more compactly, without bringing it closer to the borders, or better yet, place a flower garden or decorative pond, an alpine slide with a waterfall or other small-sized decorative elements that combine so beautifully with green trees. You can not only lay paths between the trees, but also plan a small area on which you can place a bench or garden furniture.

In, if you are interested in it from a decorative point of view, you can use the flower garden principle. Since trees often bloom in different weeks of spring, by planting one or two varieties of seedlings, you can get a whole spring continuous flowering. And many trees do not bear useful fruits at all, but the delicate beauty of their blossoms is simply mesmerizing.

Laying out and planning a summer cottage is a process that requires knowledge of land management, construction technology, landscape design, and also includes your creative imagination. By properly combining both sides of the issue, you can achieve the result that is currently only in your dreams. It makes sense to start planning the site with your own hands preparatory work.

To find the cottage of your dreams, it is important to plan your plot correctly

Let's discuss the preparatory work

We start with visual inspection site to determine the type of relief, general outline, presence of buildings and their location. Perhaps there is a slope or pond on your site. Any of these natural objects should be included in the plan; it can be played out in an interesting way, tied to the general concept of landscape design. Special attention Pay attention to the location conditions of your plot: forest - steppe, lowland or hill.

Based on the general assessment of the situation, landscaping of the territory should be planned. Additional preparation may include adding or removing soil, laying drains. Proper placement and design of country buildings will facilitate the zoning of the site and the placement of other landscape objects. A detailed space assessment includes:

  1. Relief. Layout diagram engineering communications depends on the features of the terrain. Hilly or perfectly flat, with ravines and slopes, it requires the owner to take into account all the features.
  2. Priming. The quality of the soil is important for planning a vegetable garden, laying out flower beds and planting ornamental plants. The soil can be clayey, sandy or high in humus. For vegetable crops increased soil fertility is required. Soil acidity is important for choosing flowering plants.
  3. Shape and size. Find out what shape your site has: square, triangular or rectangular, in order to correctly fit all the planned objects into it.
  4. Groundwater. Level knowledge groundwater will help solve the issue with drainage and water removal, if necessary.
  5. Climatic conditions. They influence the choice of plants and the thermal insulation of buildings.
  6. Illumination. Important parameter for placing buildings, plantings and decorative objects. Tall trees and buildings are recommended to be placed on the north side of the site to reduce the influence of shadow on vegetation.

This is what a bathhouse with a pond might look like at the dacha

Territory zoning is a smart decision

It is impossible to plan a summer cottage without first determining the necessary zones. The number of zones is determined by many factors and is always calculated strictly individually, applicable to a specific area and the desires of the owners. We list the standard set of zones, which includes:

  • living sector;
  • recreation area;
  • various outbuildings;
  • area for a garden;
  • garden.

When performing zoning, the area of ​​each zone should be calculated. Professionals express zoning areas as a percentage relative to the entire area of ​​the site. As a rule, the residential area accounts for 20%, outbuildings occupy 15%, and 75% is left for gardening. Such a plan will allow you to most fully reveal and ensure optimal “cutting” of the site and will allow you to implement competent landscape design.

When planning the site and zoning, it is necessary to take into account the needs of all family members

Subject features of zoning:

  1. The house on the plan is placed in the center of the site. Ancillary buildings are located in the depths of the territory. You can use greenery to camouflage a shed or toilet.
  2. A place to relax is chosen on the basis of convenience and a beautiful location relative to all buildings. The zone can be configured or scattered into separate corners. Read also:
  3. Vegetable beds are laid out in the most illuminated area of ​​the territory. Buildings should not obscure them. Read also:
  4. A place is allocated for the bathhouse and pool near the fence so that they do not take up too much free space in the center.

An example of zoning an area using trellises

The shapes of the plots are different

Majority summer cottages are a rectangle that is ideal for creating any design pattern. However, there are also territories with non-standard geometry. For example, complex L-shaped areas that require a carefully thought-out approach to their planning. The protruding part of such an area can be used to improve a children's playground or recreation area.

Correctly transfer your plans to paper

When planning to independently lay out a summer cottage, get ready for the fact that all your thoughts and ideas will need to be transferred to paper. If you are good with a computer, you can use a special program to develop a project. A simpler option is to transfer all objects onto paper. The perfect solution– make a drawing of the site on whatman paper at a scale of 1:100. For ease of work, first draw out the entire sheet with a grid with 1cm cells.

The next step is the direct transfer of the intended objects onto paper. For drawing, you can take felt-tip pens, pencils, magazine clippings, and so on. Let's move on to working with the circuit, taking into account the following sequence:

  • we place the house on the drawing taking into account the entrance doors;
  • we allocate space for buildings for utility purposes;
  • we mark the recreation area and mark the reservoir, if there is one;
  • we reserve a place for a children's playground;
  • we connect all objects with the necessary paths;
  • mark the location of the fences;
  • reflect flower beds, rock garden;
  • draw utility lines.

A sketch of the site will help plan the territory

When engaged in independent planning, you should take into account the legal requirements for the standards for the location of various objects on the site. Today they are:

  • from the main housing construction to the “red line” - 5 meters;
  • from the house to the neighboring fence - 3 meters;
  • space between brick buildings– 6m, wooden buildings – 15m, between mixed buildings – 10m;
  • from the fence to the wall of the house - 3m, buildings for animals - 4m, outbuildings - 1m, trees - 4m;
  • from the windows of your house to neighboring outbuildings – 6 m.

This is what outbuildings might look like

Assorted buildings and decor

It's time to look in detail at the future site plan. We have already schematically examined the main buildings and decorations, but have not gone into detail. Let's distribute all objects into categories:

  • the central object is a residential building;
  • auxiliary buildings - garage, summer kitchen, cellar, sheds, water well;
  • recreation area - patio, swimming pool, gazebo, terrace, outdoor shower, playground;
  • territory of plantings - beds, greenhouse, front garden, flower beds.

A toilet and a pond may be nearby

Each of these points implies a choice of material, shape, location. It is necessary to determine these nuances before construction begins. Of course, when you put something into practice with my own hands, it is difficult to take everything into account, but mistakes should be avoided. We have prepared several for you useful tips, which will help you properly arrange all areas.

Do-it-yourself children's sports town in the country

Let's start with the rules for arranging the proposed buildings. Let's find out where it is more rational to place them and how to combine them with each other:

  1. Garage or parking. The area for the car should be allocated with a small margin if you are going to host friends. The garage should be built in the foreground. If there is not enough space for a garage, you can build a canopy from metal frame and polycarbonate. To ensure stability of the structure, one of the walls of the canopy is attached to the wall of the house.
  2. Bathhouse. When laying a bathhouse, we take into account the degree of illumination of the area. The south side is not suitable for such construction. The building should not shade your garden and flower beds.
  3. Outbuildings. It is appropriate to place the shed and toilet next to the bathhouse. In addition, they can be installed along the fence or become part of it. Make sure that the toilet is not located near the house, recreation area, playground or neighbor's house. We make the shed compact in size, because you will only store garden supplies there, so there is no need to inflate it in size.
  4. Rest zone. When locating your seating area, make sure it is adjacent to the decorative elements of your landscape, creating a beautiful view. If you plan to build a barbecue or gazebo in a recreation area, try to keep them away from your neighbors’ houses. This way, you can relax peacefully without disturbing anyone. It is not advisable to plant trees near the pool. Anything that falls off will certainly end up in the water, and you will have to clean it often.
  5. Children's or play area. A special object that requires your constant attention, so place it in an area of ​​good visibility. Move it away from a large pool if you plan to build one, and place it closer to the recreation area to be able to control children. The use of improvised means is encouraged.

This is what the beds might look like

We haven't forgotten the decorative elements

Having decided on the location of the buildings, we move on to placing the vegetable garden, garden, flower beds and other decorative elements. They also have their own rules:

  1. Garden. For good yield, we lay out the beds in the south or southeast side of the site. Be sure to take into account the depth of groundwater and the terrain (it is better not to create beds in lowlands). We plant fruit trees away from the beds, excluding their shading. With plans for big garden It’s worth “scattering” trees throughout the territory; they will add romance to your site.
  2. Flowerbeds. It is advisable to display them, that is, arrange them where they will be clearly visible. It is correct to surround the recreation area with them, place them along the paths, near the porch. If there is not enough space for volumetric compositions, you should pay attention to vertical flower beds. A well-equipped rock garden that does not require large areas will perfectly complement the design of a small area.
  3. Water. We introduce an artificially constructed pond or lake into the landscape, in accordance with its decorative significance. Some can be seen in the photo.

For a solid plot - a solid body of water

What kind of plot, what kind of layout

No matter what grandiose ideas you have, their transition into reality depends on the size of the site. Agree, it’s difficult to squeeze a huge pool or double garage. You have to take into account the available meters in order to correctly plan the entire territory. We will present to you the most common layout options for various areas.

Plot 6-8 acres

A small area requires more careful planning

Traditional size for an ordinary cottage. What can be placed on an area of ​​6-8 acres:

  1. A country house with an area of ​​no more than 20 square meters.
  2. Outbuildings. Toilet, outdoor shower, utility room - we allocate 15 m² for them.
  3. Garage or carport – 12m² (ideally 4x3m).
  4. Recreation area and children's playground - 70 m².
  5. Open beds and greenhouse – 130 m².
  6. Garden paths and paths – 38 m².
  7. Flower beds, shrubs and trees – 310 m².

Four views of a small summer cottage

Small area country house explained by the fact that it is needed only in warm weather. Fruit trees in such a plot are usually represented by apple, cherry, plum, pear, and apricot. For berry bushes All types of currants, raspberries, and gooseberries are suitable. It is better to hide household buildings behind the house and away from the recreation area. Free areas are planted with green lawn and garden figurines are used as decorations.

Allotment of 10-12 acres

Even in a small area, with proper planning, you can place everything you need

Creating a landscape design for a summer cottage plot of 10 acres with your own hands is much easier than accommodating all your dreams on the usual 6. Approximate parameters for objects with 10-12 acres are as follows:

  • residential building – 160m²;
  • buildings for household needs – 40 m²;
  • recreation areas and children's playground - 180 m²;
  • garden area (with greenhouse and beds) – 220 m²;
  • garden area – 540m²;
  • paths and paths – 55m².

Summer kitchen on a plot of 10 acres

The order of arrangement of buildings in the landscape design of a dacha plot of 10 acres with your own hands remains the same as when working on 6 acres. However, with 10 acres you get additional areas for landscaping. The number of fruit plants increases, there is freedom in choosing shapes for flower beds, and it is possible to build a swimming pool, gazebo, and terrace. Decorative effect In the design of 10 acres, evening lighting of the site can also be used. Approximately the same plan is suitable for 9 acres.

Ownership of 15-20 acres

A plot of 20 acres opens up a wide field for imagination

Owners of 15-20 acres do not need to limit their flight of imagination; a lot can fit in such an area. A sample plan looks like this:

  1. House – 200m². The area is given taking into account the presence of a veranda and attic.
  2. Summer kitchen – 35m².
  3. Guest house – 45-55m².
  4. Bathhouse – 40 m² (means sauna or hammam).
  5. Outbuildings – 75m².
  6. Garage and parking – 30-40m².
  7. Recreation area (including barbecue, children's playground, barbecue area, gazebo, benches) - 280 m².
  8. Decorative objects (pond, fountain, garden figures) – 120m².
  9. Flower beds, flower beds – 75 m².
  10. Garden area – 400m².

There is no point in giving detailed advice when designing such a site. Remember what we said about linking communications to the relief, but for the rest, rely on your desires and capabilities. The main thing is that everything fits together harmoniously in the end. Take the time to carefully study the types of plants and their growing conditions, so that your plot will be surrounded by greenery and delight you with bright colors all season long.

There are so many ideas I want to implement on my summer cottage. We dream of building a bathhouse, putting up a swing for the kids, planting flower beds, allotting space for a barbecue, hanging a hammock between the trees, and, of course, planting a vegetable garden. The standard plot of a country house is six acres, and when there are so many things you want to bring to life, you need to carefully consider the design of our 6 acres.

It is clear that the residential building is the central (in terms of priorities) object of the site, and, most likely, it will set the style of the entire design of the 6-acre site. But a lot also depends on secondary buildings. Therefore, let's discuss how to plan the landscape design of your suburban area so that it is not bulky, but, on the contrary, cozy and comfortable.

Create a diagram of your site

Don’t worry, this area is 600 sq.m. - more than enough if you think everything through carefully and use advice on modern zoning methods. Decide on your priorities and start creating a plan. This can be done on paper, based on the parameters of the site specified in the land deed.

To begin with, outline where the residential building will be located, other garden buildings, as well as a recreation area and a vegetable garden with a garden. If the house is already standing, and you just want to transform your site, then implement all your ideas around it; if the house is just about to be built, this is also not bad - everything will be planned from scratch.

Each owner decides for himself what he especially wants to see on his site, but the main zones are still worth listing:

  • residential building and guest house;
  • parking equipped with a canopy or garage;
  • utility block: bathhouse or sauna, toilet, summer kitchen, barn, workshop, woodshed, waste area;
  • recreation areas: children's playground, barbecue area, barbecue, etc.;
  • vegetable garden, shrubs, garden, flower beds.

Sketch of site zoning

There is also a list of parameters that need to be taken into account when working on the site design, for example: terrain, shape of the site, soil type, surface water, underground waters, wind rose. It is important to comply with strict rules and regulations so that there are no conflicts with the six hundred square meters of territory. This includes the placement of buildings, Fire safety etc. Based on the standards of SNiP 2.07.01-89 and SNiP 2.01.02-85, a comfortable arrangement for you and your neighbors will be guaranteed.

Placement and design of objects on the site

Let's start from home

You should not place a residential building in the center of the site, because it will be difficult to link all other buildings and zones to it later. But, as already mentioned, if you are remodeling a summer cottage with finished building- It's OK. Ideas from professionals plus your imagination will help you cope with this task.

Small but roomy house - perfect solution for a small area

You should not locate a parking lot or garage in the depths of the site. This is inconvenient because you will have to build an access road. Make a built-in, attached and separate garage from the main building. Garages are gaining popularity these days. underground type, which significantly saves precious meters.

Bath, shower, toilet

A bathhouse or sauna can be a separate building or located in a residential building. In any case, you need to think about the water supply, sewerage, and electrification.

The bathhouse is an indispensable relaxation, especially in winter time

Place the toilet, if it is not provided in the house, on the site, but it is better to place it in the back so as not to spoil the view.

A modern solution is a dry toilet, especially since it does not require water or electricity.

Flower lovers even create flower beds on the roofs of buildings.

Although 6 acres is not much of an area, it should still be divided with the help of objects that will attract attention. Use a flower bed, an arch entwined with flowers, or an unusually shaped lamp for this. Its diffused light in the evening will create the illusion of a fairy tale and allow you to safely walk in your yard. For safety, it is very important that the pool or pond is lit. Shrubs and flower beds can also be illuminated. In general, lamps are a powerful technique that changes the appearance of any area.

If you don’t have enough space for flowers, then plant them in flowerpots and hang them from the fence, or place flowerpots along or on the railing. They can be brought into the house when needed, or dug into the ground.

As you can see, with great desire, hard work and patience, you can achieve the desired results by working on the landscape design of a summer cottage plot of 6 acres. It is clear that our goal is not the envy of our neighbors, but how nice it is when everyone around us likes the design of our six hundred square meters.

In most cases, for owners of small plots, garden design comes down to determining where to put the greenhouse and deciding what vegetables to plant in the beds.

But now more and more people have begun to use their dachas as a place for outdoor recreation, so landscape design has become in demand even in Russia.

Features of designing small areas

Proper planning allows you to turn a small piece of land into a cozy corner where every detail pleases the eye. At the right approach The miniature nature of the dacha becomes its advantage. Very small area easy to maintain perfect order, because the owner knows each plant practically “by sight”.

The main difficulty in planning is to link the owner’s desires with the size of the territory. Designers advise not to break away from reality.

You shouldn’t draw up a three-page plan, writing down everything you would like to have at your dacha. In such cases, the site is cluttered with buildings, even very necessary ones, such as a bathhouse, garage or cellar. Once ambition is matched to opportunity, design becomes simple and enjoyable.

Landscape designers disagree on what is and is not possible on a small plot of land. Some recommend abandoning regular planning and making a garden in natural style. Others are categorically against winding paths. In fact, the design of a small area can be anything. The main thing is to know when to stop.

The basic principle of arranging small gardens is that less is more. Buildings should be few in number and proportional to the area of ​​the site. Plantings should not consist of large trees that take up a lot of space and shade other plants.

The second principle of creating beauty is high-quality planning. If a large area can be left unfinished, a small dacha deserves to put every centimeter of it in order.

Six acres leave no room for extravagance. To avoid the appearance of useless areas, the site is divided into zones, allocating separate places for a vegetable garden, a lawn for relaxation, a lawn, a flower garden, and a pond. Several zones, well defined and isolated, create the illusion of a spacious garden that has everything you need.

Vertical gardening is a must. In any place you can place containers on elevated surfaces, hang flowerpots and pots, and allow plants to climb up railings and arches. Vertical gardening makes the site multifaceted and visually increases its area.

Zoning and design

Below, the design of the garden and vegetable garden on 6 acres is shown in the photo. Examples of the design of each zone will help you choose an option to your taste.


The closest attention should be paid to the design of the entrance. The entrance is the “face” of the site; it should be well-groomed and memorable.

Beautiful flowering plants, standing like a wall on both sides of the gate, make a lasting impression. This entrance resembles a path leading to a fairy tale.

Red, yellow and pink, lined with white and large-flowered gypsophila underneath - very romantic. Delicate lilac islands of lavender greet those entering with a refreshing aroma.

A girl's grapes are spread over the arch above the gate. An indispensable condition is not to create a tunnel from it, since all the plants that form the entrance are extremely light-loving and cannot tolerate shading.

Decorative foliage plants can look no less impressive than bright roses. A vertical wall of ivy, running from the very threshold, immediately attracts attention with lush, juicy greenery without a single gap.

Looking at this riot of leaves, the guest immediately understands that he has entered the real kingdom of Flora. To the left of the entrance, juniper and juniper fascinate with all shades of green and gray. Bushes sunny flowers They dilute the greenery - without them the landscape would be monotonous.


The garden is the place where they reign fruit trees. Sometimes it is adjoined by a berry garden of raspberry, currant, and gooseberry bushes.

In a small area, it is better to divide the garden from trees into dwarf rootstocks. Miniature apple trees bear fruit well and look charming. They will not clutter up the area.

To make the garden more luxuriant, trees are planted in groups, leaving between them passages paved with tiles or covered with turf. In the latter case, the paths will have to be trimmed regularly.

Important. In cold regions, the garden is laid out on the south side of the plot, closer to the house. This allows trees to better cope with winter cold. Vegetables and strawberries are given a place away from the house - on the western and eastern sides. The house itself is being built as close as possible to the northern border of the site. This arrangement allows all plants to receive enough light and heat.

In a small garden there is a place under the crown standard tree wisely use to create beautiful landscape composition from shade-tolerant plants. In the photo these are ferns, and. The gray gravel backing highlights the bluish color found in all three plants, which usually goes unnoticed.

Combining beds with flower beds

On a small plot, even a vegetable garden must be decorative and delight the owner’s eye. An elegant, bright garden bed can be created from vegetables alone, for example, by planting multi-colored lettuce in rows.

The unusually shaped beds with a wide variety of edible plants look beautiful. always appropriate among vegetables. They not only bloom beautifully, but also repel pests and cleanse the soil of infections.

If the task is to combine flowers and vegetables in one bed, you will have to work hard - first with your head, and then with your hands. Vegetable plants do not like shading, so not any flowers are suitable for the garden bed, but only those that will not block the sun. Besides, mixed plantings need more meticulous care. They are more difficult to weed and fertilize, and the plants have to be watered more.

But the result can be stunningly spectacular, as in the photo below. A small vegetable garden near the house combined several types of vegetables, decorative foliage, decorative flowering plants and medicinal herbs.

Rest zone

They usually place adjustable furniture (sun loungers, chairs, table), a kebab or barbecue, and sometimes a canopy. The main thing is that the gatherings take place with their backs to the prevailing winds. In a small area, it will not be possible to protect yourself from drafts and prying eyes with the help of a blank wall. On help will come pergola - a wooden lattice covered with plants.


It makes sense to combine utility rooms on a plot of 6 acres into a block consisting of a tool shed, summer shower and toilet. Collected under common roof the premises will be occupied less space than those scattered around the site.

Modern ones will help you make your utility block beautiful and original. Construction Materials and, of course, ornamental plants. In the photo, a utility block with a corner-shaped toilet and shower is located in the far part of the site, where it will not disturb anyone.

The simplest building made from inexpensive building materials is transformed if you place a well-chosen composition of decorative deciduous and coniferous plants, and camouflage the walls with fast-growing vines.

A plot of 6-4 acres can be charming if used in its design interesting ideas landscape design. Even in a very small space it is possible to organize a vegetable garden, plant a garden and create a recreational area, and then the dacha will become a favorite vacation spot.
