Summary of a speech therapy lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Sound and letter, Shch.” Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson “Sound and letter Shch”

Speech material for automating the sound “Ш” in children. Speech therapy

Target: automation of the sound “Ш” in a child’s speech.
1. Practice the correct pronunciation of the sound “Ш” in the child’s speech using pure sayings and poems.
2. Improve the rhythmic and intonation side of speech.
3. Increase the child’s speech activity.
4. Optimize emotional background, improve mood.

Description: Dear colleagues, I continue to publish a collection of proverbs and poems for automating sounds in a child’s speech, which I use in speech therapy work with kids. This time let me introduce you to speech material, aimed at automating the sound "Ш". This work will be useful to speech therapists, educators, and parents.

I also use pure sayings for the sound “Ш” at 2 stages of work on sound pronunciation.
The first time I use them is at the stage of automating the sound “Ш” in syllables. The work is carried out as follows: the adult reads the text itself, and the child pronounces only the syllables (game “Echo”).
For example: adult - “Delicious cabbage soup”, child - “Shchi-schi-schi”
In this way, you can pronounce syllables of various configurations in a fun way. for a long time and the child does not get tired of it. Also, in the process of repeatedly pronouncing a pure phrase, the child remembers it and can then recite it at a reading competition.
The second time I use these same phrasings is when a given sound in speech is being automated. At first I use pure phrases, because they are already familiar to the child. Only now the child speaks all the truth. The second option is a “Readers” competition - 2-3 children who pronounce a given sound well compete in reading pure phrases. Even at this stage we play the game “Who is faster?” - 2-3 children are also taken, I name a syllable, for example, “SHU”, and the child must remember and say a simple phrase for this syllable. Whoever speaks first gets a token. At the end of the game, the winner is determined by the number of tokens. In both the first and second games, it is important not only to tell a clear phrase, but most importantly to pronounce the sound correctly.

Here are some of them.
Right now - we bought bream.
I'm looking for pincers.
More, more, more - give me some more cabbage soup.
Shchi-schi-schi - we bought raincoats.
Pike-pike-pike - I'm dragging the pike.
Cabbage soup - cabbage soup - we pinch the sorrel for cabbage soup.
Shchi-schi-schi - don't look for us, mom.
Right now - we're bringing bream.
Shchi-schi-schi - mom cooks cabbage soup.
Shh-sh-sh-sh - I went for a walk in a raincoat.
I'm looking for mushrooms in the forest.
More-more-more - Katya has a new thing.
Oh-oh-oh-oh - mom is cooking borscht.
More-more-more - a bream was caught in the net.
As-as-as-asch - put on a raincoat.
Yush-yush-yush - I grow ivy.

And here are a few pure sayings and poems
Right now - I'm dragging, dragging bream.
Sho-scho-scho - I’m still dragging the pike.
Shchi-schi-schi - pike in cabbage soup is not suitable.
Squeezing, squeezing, squeezing - I’m dragging and not sad.

More-more-more - we will clean any thing.
Asch-asch-asch - my mother’s cloak will become clean.
Shh-sche-sche - not a speck on the cloak.
More-more-more - what else should we clean?
Shchi-schi-schi - look for a cleaning thing.

Yusch-yusch-yusch - long ivy grew in the house.
Scha-scha-scha - there are a lot of leaves on the ivy.
Shh-sche-sche - I take care of the ivy.
Squee-squee-squee - I’ll give you some water, I’ll squeeze it.
More-more-more - tomorrow I’ll water the ivy again.

At the stage of sound automation, after pure phrasing, I use poems in which the sound “Ш” is often found. On this material Then a "Readers" competition is held. Here are some of them.

The puppy's cartilage is crunchy,
He crunches cartilage for now.

I'll treat the puppy with cartilage,
We'll play with him later.
The poodle deftly looks for things,
My puppy will be a bloodhound.

The clouds are thicker over the river,
The rain is pouring even more heavily.
Even pike and bream
They are looking for hats and raincoats.

Boys looking for ticks
In a box, in a closet.
They search and search, but they won’t find it.
There are no ticks here or there.

The pike writes the letter "Scha"
Teaches literacy to bream:
"Pike, crushed stone, shield, sorrel,
Brush, cheeks, sliver, crevice."

The tick lives under a sliver of wood in a thicket.
Cleans a tick's coat with a brush.
It often rains in the thicket.
You'll be lost in the rain without a raincoat.

Bazueva A.D., teacher-speech therapist MBDOU “ Kindergarten 227”, city of Ufa.

  1. Fix the sound [ш], introduce it to its graphic designation.
  2. Development of phonemic processes.
  3. Practice sound-letter analysis.
  4. Improve reading skills of syllables with the letter Ш.
  5. Introduce spelling shcha, shchu.
  6. Education active participles present time
  7. Improving the skills of drawing up sentence diagrams.
  8. Cultivate kindness and collectivism.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizing time
  2. Replace the first sound in the word with the sound [у].

    Cap-... river-...

    Flour-... wreath-...

    Mel-... kid-...

  3. Main part
    1. Repetition of sound characteristics
    2. What sound did we replace the first sounds in words with? (sound [sch])

      Say the sound [u] while observing the articulation in the mirror.

      The lips are rounded and extended forward. There is a small distance between the teeth. The wide tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth and forms a gap. Air jet encounters an obstacle, the voice does not work.

      What sound is [u]? (consonant, always soft, unvoiced).

    3. Introduction to the topic
    4. Today we will go fishing, where we will get acquainted with a new letter. Guys, remember the fairy tales where the heroes also fished (“ gold fish”, “At the behest of the pike”).

      For fishing to be successful, you must help each other, be attentive and remember the rule of fishing - don’t make noise!

      Now let’s practice our ability to listen for the right sound in a word. If the word I pronounce contains the sound [у], raise your hands up and name where the sound is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word (box, key, ball, cloak, pike, cloud, bream). Well done! We caught our first fish.

    5. Introduction to letters
    6. Oh, look at something in her teeth.

      I hold the letter Ш in my teeth,

      Please write it!

      Consider the letter Sh.

      How many elements does the letter Ш have? What are these elements? What does the letter Ш look like?

      You have the letter Ш on your tables. Take it and trace the letter with your finger. Place the letter Ш in the middle of the notebook and circle and shade it.

    7. Visual memorization of letters
    8. Look what we caught (In the card bottle is the letter Ш with missing elements)

      These cards have been lying in the water for a long time and some elements of the letter Ш have been washed away, they need to be restored. Well done! We caught another fish.

    9. Fizminutka
    10. I drag the pike, I drag it.
      I won't miss the pike.
      That's what she is like
      Nice, big!
      Pike swims in circles.
      The pike clicks its teeth.
      Well, the teeth are like a saw!
      Where did you get these?

    11. Reading syllables, words
    12. An octopus lives at the bottom of the sea. Look what she looks like? (Starting with the letter Ш)

      Extend the octopus tentacles towards the vowels. What syllables are formed by the letter Ш with vowels?

      Look at the cards on your tables with words written on them. Azat will read words with the syllable Shcha, Rita will read words with the syllable Schu, Polina will read words with the syllable Shche, Akram will read words with the syllable Shchi.

      Well done! We caught another fish.

    13. Sound-syllable analysis of a word
    14. And along with the fish comes a new task.

      Look at the cards based on the first syllables of these words, you need to make a new word

      Puppy, cauldron – CHEEK

      Tentacles, pencil – PIKE

      Rose, sorrel – GROVE

      Stump, puppy, rainbow - CAVE

      Make a diagram of the word Pike. (One child on the board, the rest independently). What is the first syllable in this word? What vowel do you think should be placed in the syllable SHU? Why? Remember, the vowel U is always written in the syllable SHU.

      Divide the words grove into syllables and name the second syllable. What vowel should be placed in the syllable SHA? Why? Remember, SHCHA is always written with an A.

      Well done! Fish in our bucket.

    15. Formation of active present participles and selection of nouns for them.

The sea inhabitants argued and mixed up the words in their sentences. Let's help them.

Got caught in a meeting hiss goose.

stood on the stove boil kettle.

Mila is afraid growl puppy.

How many words are there in each sentence? Make a proposal outline. What is the number of words with the sound [у] in a sentence? Well done! Another fish was caught.

Guys, our fishing trip has come to an end. Let's see what kind of fish we caught and how many (3 bream and 3 pike).

What letter did we meet today? What sound does it represent?

Well done! The lesson is over.

Back forward

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Target: acquaintance with the sound and letter [у].

  • teach the child to listen carefully to the speech of an adult, to distinguish the sound [sch] by ear;
  • consolidate the pronunciation of the sound [ш];
  • learn to determine the place of the sound [ш] in a word;
  • improve analytical and synthetic skills;
  • introduce the visual image of the letter u;
  • develop diction and coherent speech;
  • develop grammatical structure of speech;
  • improve fine motor skills;
  • cultivate goodwill and collectivism.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, pencils, paper cut-out bones, circles yellow color, clothespins, mirrors.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizing moment.

Guys, today we are going on a long journey by train. Close your eyes and go. (slide 2)

The train has arrived, open your eyes. We found ourselves in the Kingdom of sounds and letters .(slide 3)

Once upon a time there lived a little puppy in the Kingdom. He was sad all the time because the Queen of Sounds had enchanted his name. No matter how hard the puppy tried to find out and solve this mystery, nothing worked. After all, he was still very small and the Queen’s tasks were beyond his strength. Here he is in front of us.

Let's listen to what he has to say.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys, the puppy is asking us for help. Do you agree?

3. Articulatory and acoustic characteristics of the sound of Shch.

The Queen's first task.

There are pictures in front of you. You need to determine which first sound is most common. (Sound [SH].) (slide 4)

The sound [Ш] is consonant, dull, always soft. When pronouncing the sound [Ш], the lips are rounded. Make this sound and look in the mirror to see how your lips are rounded.

This sound is the first sound in the puppy's name.

The puppy wants to introduce us to the letter that represents this sound. (slide 5)

It looks like a comb.
Three teeth in total? Well, what then?
E. Tarlapan

Let's take pencils and write the letter Ш in the air.

4. Development of phonemic processes.

We learned the first sound, let's play with it. Game "Clapperboard". Clap your hands when you hear the sound [Ш]:



5. Development of diction.

The queen's next task: repeat pure sayings.

Right now - we're bringing bream...
I'm looking for mushrooms.
More, more, more - I'm putting things away.
Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh - we bought a new raincoat.
Orshch-orshch-orshch - mom cooks borscht.
Shchi-schi-schi - they collected vegetables. (slide 6)

Guys, you did it, and the puppy tells us the next sound in the name: this is the sound [E]. (slide 7)

6. Physical exercise.

You are probably tired, let's take a rest.

Close your eyes, imagine that you go outside and see the sun high in the sky. Raise your hands and mentally say hello to the sun. You feel the warmth of its rays, it permeates your entire body. You feel so good! Warm! Joyful! You are filled with the power of knowledge, the light of the sun! Exchange energy with the sun... Stretch... Smile... Open your eyes. We're in the room. But the sun's warmth, light and knowledge remained with each of you. Smile! (slide 8)

7. Development of coherent speech.

And here is the Queen’s new task: “Say a word.” The Queen loves clear weather very much, our suns should shine today. In front of you are yellow circles and clothespins. Having named the correct word, you attach the clothespin to the circle.

  • The letter is put into the mailbox... (box).
  • Juicy ... (vegetables) grew in the garden.
  • The dog has a son - ... (puppy).
  • Emelina’s wishes were fulfilled by... (pike).
  • Teeth are cleaned with a dental... (brush).
  • In ancient times, people lived in ... (cave).

The right word - the picture will appear on the screen - slide 9.

The next sound for a puppy is also true... The sound [P]. (slide 10)

8. Sound analysis, determining the place of sound in a word.

“Sound Magpie” flew to us. Show the place of the sound [Ш] in words and find out the next sound.

Vegetable, square, shield, cloak, pincers, tongs. (slide 11)

Well done, next sound...[K]. (slide 12)

9. Formation of nouns using the suffix “isch”.

And now the last and most difficult task: The big monster has not eyes, but ... (eyes), not mustaches, but ... (mustaches), not a nose, but ... (nose), not arms, but ... (hands), not legs, and...(knives). (slide 13)

The monster monster said the last sound to the puppy. This is the sound [A]. (slide 14)

10. Development of language synthesis.

Let's remember what sounds we solved: [Ш], [Э], [П], [К], [А]. Write down the puppy's name. (Sliver). Right.

Now let’s prepare a gift for our friend so that he doesn’t forget his name. (Children color the letter Ш on the bone.)

The puppy thanks you for your help and gifts. (slide 15) Let's tell him goodbye. Let's close our eyes and take the train home. (slide 16)

Summary of the lesson.

We came back. What sound and letter were the first in the puppy's name. (Sound and letter Ш). Did you enjoy our trip? Why? (Children's answers).


  1. Pozhilenko E.A. A magical world of sounds and words. M., 2001
  2. Limanskaya O.N. Notes of speech therapy classes. M., 2010
  3. Agranovich Z.E. To help speech therapists and parents. St. Petersburg, 2004
  4. Martynenko L.A., Postoeva L.D. Correction of speech disorders in children 5-6 years old. St. Petersburg, 2010
  5. Svetlova I.E. Home speech therapist. M., 2008

Zhemchugova Svetlana Yurievna

Speech therapist teacher, MADO No. 64 "Iskorka", Moscow region

Zhemchugova S.Yu. Abstract speech therapy session on literacy in preparatory group“Sound and letter [Ш], Ш” // Sovushka. 2017. N1(7)..02.2019).


1. Reinforcing the correct pronunciation of the sound [Ш].

2.Introduction to the letter Shch.

3. Consolidating the ability to distinguish between sounds and letters.

4. Learning to read syllables with the letter Ш.

5. Developing the skill of sound-letter analysis.

6. Development of phonemic hearing, memory, attention, thinking.

7. Prevention of optical dysgraphia.

8. Developing the skill of forming nouns with the suffix -ish.

Equipment: poster for reading and analyzing syllables, subject pictures (brush, cloak, pike, shield, sorrel), image of a goldfinch, plot picture “a cat hunts a goldfinch,” chips for sound analysis of words, speech material, sound house to indicate the place of sound in words , CD player, CD “Bird Voices”.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Today a goldfinch came to visit us. Where does the goldfinch live?

Children: In the forest.

2. Recognition of studied letters by their elements.

Prevention of optical dysgraphia.

Speech therapist: The goldfinch hid the letters in the chest of drawers, and little bug climbed in there and chewed on the letters. Please guess what letters are written on the board.

Children complete the task.

3. Searchwords with the sound [Ш] in a poem by ear.

Speech therapist: Now listen to the poem.

The puppy was so puny!

I kept feeding him cabbage soup.

Protected me from the bitter cold,

The puppy squeaked with joy!

Still would! He grew up happy.

Now my puppy is not a puppy, but a real dog!

E. Blaginina

Please find words with the sound [Ш]?

Children's answers.

Speech therapist: Please describe the sound [Ш].

Children: The air stream meets an obstacle, which means the sound is consonant, the neck does not tremble - the sound is dull and always soft.

4. Guessing riddles.

Speech therapist. Children, can you solve riddles?

Children: Yes!

Speech therapist: Then try to guess these riddles:

Ears stick out

Crochet tail.

Barks merrily

He won't let me into the house.

The tail wags,

Too toothy, not barking

Capricious sandals

One day they told me:

- We are afraid of tickling

Strict shoemaker....

Now take the chips and use them to write down the answer words.

Children complete the task.

5. Determining the place of the sound [Ш] in words using a sound house.

Speech therapist: Look at the pictures, determine the place of the sound [Ш] in the word, and place them in the correct window of our sound house.

Children look at object pictures and determine the place of the sound [Ш] in words.

Pictures: brush, cloak, pike, shield, sorrel.

6.Introduction to the letter Shch.

Speech therapist: Children, look, the goldfinch brought us a letter. Let's look at it.

Children look at the letter Ш, discuss what elements it consists of and what it looks like.

7. Reading syllables.

Reading syllables and matching syllables with pictures whose names begin with the selected syllable.

Speech therapist: Guys, there is a poster in front of you. Choose a syllable, read it and find pictures whose names begin with this syllable.

Children's answers.

8. Physical education minute.

The goldfinch fell out of the nest,

Now he's in trouble:

The black cat is prowling,

Looking for chicks and birds.

The goldfinch is seen by a black cat,

He goes towards him, purring,

Walks very softly

On the grass with each paw...

The goldfinch is not waiting for help

And out of despair - into flight...

And here's luck - height

Rescued a goldfinch from a cat.

9. Formation of nouns using the suffix -ish

Speech therapist: Oh, children, look who is hunting our goldfinch? (Picture: a cat is hunting for a goldfinch).

Children: Cat

Speech therapist: No, this is not a cat, but a huge cat! And he doesn’t have teeth, but huge ones...

Children: Zubischi

Speech therapist: Not the eyes, but...

Children: Glazishchi

Speech therapist: Not paws, but...

Children: Paws.

Speech therapist: Not a mustache, but...

Children: Usishchi.

Speech therapist: Let's help the goldfinch and drive the cat away. Shout: “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

Children chase away the cat.

10. A minute of relaxation.

Speech therapist: The goldfinch is very happy that we saved him from a huge cat and will sing his song to us in gratitude.

Children relax to a recording of the goldfinch whistling and the sounds of the forest.

11. Results of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Children, what sound did we talk about in class today?

Children: We talked about the sound of Shch.

Speech therapist: What the letter Ш looks like, draw it with your finger in the air.

Children do the task

Speech therapist: Please remember the words with the sound [Ш].

Children's answers

Speech therapist: Which bird was with us in class and sang for you and me when we were resting?

Children: There was a goldfinch with us during class.

Speech therapist: Why do you think this bird flew to us today?

Children: The name of this bird begins with the sound [Ш].

Speech therapist: You all did a good job today. Well done!

Stage: Automation of the sound Ш in a syllable, word, simple phrase.

Educational purpose: consolidate the ability to correctly pronounce the sound Ш in a syllable, word, simple phrase; the ability to determine the position of the sound Ш in a word; activate the vocabulary on the topic “Shoes”; develop skills in sound synthesis of a simple syllable. Continue to learn how to compose a sentence with the specified word, carry out analysis simple sentence without a preposition, draw up a sentence outline, highlight words with the sound Ш in a sentence.

Corrective and developmental goal: develop auditory memory, phonemic awareness, eye coordination, fine motor skills.

Educational tasks: to develop skills of self-control and mutual control, to form a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to interact in a team.

Material: subject pictures for the sound Ш, subject pictures with images of shoes, a word diagram and green chips (according to the number of children), a screen, a projector, a disk with an electronic physical education lesson “Dancing” and an ophthalmic simulator L.G. Masco, sound suit Shch, sentence diagram (according to the number of children), phonogram of instrumental music.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. Each child has an object picture on the table (pike, shield, brush, bream). Children name the pictures.

What sound is there in all these words? (Sound Sh)

That's right, today the sound Shch came to visit us. (The sound Shch comes in).

2. Isolated pronunciation of the sound Shch. Clarification of the articulation of the sound Shch. Characteristics of the sound Shch. D.U. “We clean our shoes.”

The sound Shch asks for help cleaning your shoes.

Each child chooses an object picture with a picture of a shoe and names the item of shoe. Imitating the movements of a brush, “Cleans” the selected shoes.

Description of the articulation of the sound Ш: We raise the tip of the tongue to the front of the palate (to the alveoli). At the moment of exhalation, we press the entire mass of the spread out tongue and the tip onto the palate. We tense the muscles of the tongue.
We slightly push our lips forward and round them.
The exhaled air passes through the middle of the tongue into the resulting narrow gap; a warm, long-lasting stream of air is felt in the palm of your hand brought to your mouth.

Characteristics of sound: consonant, soft, dull.

3. Sound synthesis. Ball game.

The sound Shch suggests playing ball.

The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and names 2 sounds from which you need to assemble a syllable:

Y, Shch – YSCH; U, Ш – УШ; I, Shch – ISCH; ShchA, A – ShchA; Shch, O – ShchO.

4. Automation of the sound Ш in words. Development of auditory attention and memory.

Playing a series of 3-4 words with the sound Shch.

  • Sorrel, cheek, crevice
  • Sliver, puppy, shield,
  • pinch, shield, pike, feel
  • Food, coachman, raincoat, vegetable.

5. Determining the position of the sound Ш in a word. Working with the word scheme.

DI. “Pick mushrooms in a basket.”

The speech therapist invites children to collect mushrooms in a basket, reverse side Each mushroom contains a hidden task - an object picture, the name of which contains the sound Ш. It is necessary to analyze where the sound Ш is located in the proposed word and mark the position of the sound Ш on the diagram with a green chip.

6. Gymnastics for the eyes. Electronic ophthalmic simulator L.G. Masco.

The sound Shch will show us gymnastics for the eyes.

7. Automation of the sound Ш in sentences. Proposal analysis. Drawing up a proposal outline.


  • The goldfinch sang loudly.
  • Katya loves vegetables.
  • Ducks are nibbling greens.
  • Predatory pike.
  • Little puppy.

8. Electronic physical education “Dancing”.

9. Development of fine motor skills.

Laying out the letter Ш from cereals (millet, buckwheat, semolina) of the child’s choice, accompanied by music.

10. Summing up. Reflection.
