Card layout for the future 36 cards. Fortune telling with playing cards online. Fortune telling using one card

Humanity has always sought to look behind the veil of the future, open the door to the unknown and try to unravel its destiny. Therefore, it is not surprising that at all times - from pharaohs to presidents, from slave systems to modern democratic regimes - there were people who devoted their lives to one single thing - fortune telling. They invented crystal balls and runes, came up with fortune telling cards and various signs by which one can determine what awaits a person tomorrow. And with all this, they seemed to lead enlightened society by the hand into that mysterious darkness in which its future lurks.

However, it cannot be said that their existence was simple, because witches, sorcerers and sorcerers were always treated with caution, no matter whether the latter were black magicians and necromancers or simple fortune-tellers and healers. Of course, this position is quite understandable, because if an ordinary person cannot know his future, then the one who succeeds in this can hardly be considered ordinary, which means it raises suspicion and a reasonable question as to why he can do what others cannot. Nevertheless, despite the mistrust of ordinary people, despite persecution from the authorities and the church, fortune tellers, sorcerers and other specialists in predicting the future have lived well into the 21st century and continue their victorious march across the planet.

Among them are many charlatans who have mastered simple techniques for laying out cards, learned the basic techniques for reading a person’s psychological state, and learned to speak in a confused and abstruse manner “about everything and nothing.”

However, good specialists are sometimes found among advertisements in newspapers or on poles. They are, for the most part, hereditary sorcerers who received their and the accompanying skills by inheritance from their parents, which means they not only thoroughly know their craft, but also have a talent for it, as a result of which they make fewer mistakes and give a clearer picture and close to reality.

But the industry of knowledge about the future is not based on fortune tellers alone, because in fact, anyone who has a special deck of cards and who knows what to do with it can afford the luxury of spying on what happened, what will happen and how his heart will calm down. Fortunately, today there are many manuals and reference books on fortune-telling cards, which are devoted to their various forms: from ordinary decks on which our grandmothers played solitaire, to Tarot cards that are difficult to handle and interpret. Even more than that, in our enlightened era it is possible to tell fortunes for the near future on cards online via a computer and the Internet. This method is especially good because the fortuneteller does not need to stock up on special cards, manuals on their use and interpretation, or learn the basics of fortune telling. You just need to find the right site, make a couple of right mouse clicks, and the answer to the question tormenting your heart will appear on the monitor in the blink of an eye.

Today there are many ways to make excursions into the future, but maps, as before, remain one of the most widespread in our country. Perhaps the reason for this is their meaningfulness. Perhaps the fact that they warn a person activates his analytical abilities, forces him to comprehend his past actions, and carefully plan future ones. And perhaps everything is even simpler, because the cards give hope, and it, as we know, is the core on which each individual person and humanity as a whole rests.

How to tell fortunes to find out everything about your future?

So, as the personal experience of many modern Russians shows, it is not at all necessary to “go to grandma” for the latest news “from the fortune-telling fields”; you can completely carry out all the procedures necessary for this event yourself. Moreover, you don’t have to be a genius to do this. You need at least:

  • buy a fresh deck of cards (preferably non-playing cards, but how will it turn out);
  • stock up on a rough plan of layouts that will be used for fortune telling, and an interpretation of their possible results (you will find them in this article).

4 proven ways to tell fortunes for the future

1. Fortune telling for the next month

The simplest fortune telling for the near future is called “Fortune telling for the coming month.” It is best to do it at the end of the current month to find out what awaits in the new one. The essence of fortune telling is to take nine cards from a shuffled deck and study them. These cards predict the near future, but their interpretation is non-trivial, since not only the cards themselves and their sequence are important, but also the number of cards of the same suit or the same value. According to experts, only the entire complex of coincidences in the suit and meanings of cards significantly influences the events of the next 30 days.

2. Past, future and how the heart will calm down

This is a popular fortune telling, which is known to many from mothers and grandmothers. It is very simple to do, it is easy to remember both in the layout and in the interpretation. Moreover, it can be practiced often (it is focused on the very near future):

  • For fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 cards.
  • Having shuffled it, you will need to take five cards to yourself (without removing them from the deck, but from above) and put them separately, in a row, on the table, while saying: “For yourself, for the heart, for the home, what was, what will be "
  • This should be done with the left hand (it is closer to the heart, less rational).
  • Then you should repeat the procedure again, but at the last laying out of the cards, take out another sixth one, with the words: “Then the heart will calm down.”
  • Now you can interpret the meanings of the cards according to traditional schemes. Considering the enormous popularity of this particular layout in our country, you can always find this fortune-telling for the future on cards online and for free.

3. 13 cards speak of the future

This fortune telling is widely known as “13 cards”; it is recommended to use it not all the time, but only when it is necessary to make some important decision (or in a critical situation). For the layout you will need a classic deck of 36 cards.

  • The deck is shuffled, at this time it is advisable to think about the situation or the person being told fortunes, after which thirteen cards are removed (you can choose any cards from the deck)
  • The peculiarity of the interpretation is that only those cards that are taken out of the total mass as odd ones are important:
    • The first card in order symbolizes the most important phenomenon that worries the object of fortune telling
    • The third is the cause of anxiety
    • Fifth - events that will be experienced in the near future
    • Seventh – potential talents of the individual
    • Ninth – people and phenomena that will soon surprise you
    • The eleventh is something that will carry negativity.

Based on the analysis of the results of this alignment, you can derive an approximate picture of not only the immediate events, but also the moods and experiences that will soon befall a person, use for this.

4. Fortune telling for the distant and near future

As you know, the concept of “future” is quite flexible, because it includes everything: from tomorrow to the last second of the existence of our planet. It is for those who want to know about the near and distant future that this layout was invented. It is made using a deck of 36 cards, which, after shuffling, is removed 3 times to itself, after which sixteen cards are selected at random. The received cards must be placed in four rows above the one that symbolizes the person being told fortunes ( this card is selected depending on the gender (king or queen) and eye/hair color (suit) of the fortune-telling object).

The first sixteen cards will be those that are responsible for the near future. In addition to them, you need to select one more separately. It will lie on top of the resulting rows and will indicate an event that will become key in a person’s life in the near future. The next stage of fortune telling is the selection of 16 cards for the distant future of the individual. They will be located under the card symbolizing the person being told fortunes. They should be laid out from left to right, and then do not forget to take out two more separate cards from the deck. One is for a defining event in the distant future, the second is for a phenomenon or person who will leave the fate of the one they are guessing about.

As you can see, almost all popular types of fortune telling to determine the near or distant future are quite simple; the main thing is to have a good interpreter of the meanings of the cards on hand and understand a little about the principles of implementing the correct card layout.

Fortune telling online: can you trust it?

Of course, from the point of view of hereditary fortune tellers, soothsayers and others like them, fortune telling “via the Internet” is completely different from fortune telling on cards. And, of course, there is some truth in this. The principle of information processing in online fortune-telling is based on the generation of random numbers (in our case, cards), as well as on issuing an interpretation “from a textbook” (that is, a dry text that does not take into account a lot of purely personal factors). But this is understandable, technical limitations are technical limitations. A computer cannot look into a person’s eyes and ask him to think about his problems in order to produce the most reliable and believable result.

On the other hand, how does shuffling a deck and selecting cards from it differ from generating random numbers? After all, the main thing in this process is the direction of thought of the fortuneteller, who wants to know his fate. The problem of liquidity of such fortune-telling procedures is quite ambiguous. Nevertheless, fortune telling with cards for the future online for free is very popular at the present time and seems to be successfully replacing classic cardboard cards and fortune tellers. Although, perhaps, online fortune-telling is simply a qualitatively new level of development of the most insightful technologies, which in itself is not a negative point, but quite the opposite - it testifies to the rigorous movement of this art forward.

Types (both 36 and 52 cards) come in two types:

  1. Elementary
  2. Complicated.

The former assume a maximum of simple actions and unambiguous answers received, while the latter focus on complex compositions from cards and, as a consequence, on meaningful pictures obtained as a result. So, if, by using an elementary layout, you can find out, for example, how the business you started will end or what to expect from your new love, then by using more complex solitaire games you will get a detailed answer to the question about the past, present, future of a person, as well as about his home, family and personal experiences.

You will find one of the fortune telling options in this video:

As a rule, for most layouts intended to determine the future as a whole or its individual fragments, there is a single interpretation of the cards, once learned it will be easy to navigate in the interpretation of the results of fortune telling in the future. Within this interpretation, for example, the jack of diamonds means gossip, the nine of clubs means love and marriage, the ace of spades means bad news, etc. Of course, remembering the meanings of all the cards will not be easy at first, but if you stock up on special memory tables or diagrams, this process will not take much time, especially since the future is at stake. This article provides examples of several popular options for fortune telling on cards for the future.

Fortune telling has been popular among people of different ages since time immemorial. Out of curiosity, a person wants to open the door to secret knowledge of his destiny. With the help of fortune telling, you can gain confidence before a particular event.

Fortune telling on playing decks is easy to do. This is because there is no need to look for and buy a rare deck; even fortune telling with Tarot cards requires a more professional approach.

For fortune telling, you need to purchase a new deck of cards that no one has played before, otherwise the interpretations will be incorrect. If you still can’t get new ones, you need to thoroughly mix the deck several times.

There is a belief that if you place an innocent girl on a deck of playing cards for a few minutes, you can perform fortune telling, and this is how the deck is cleansed.

For most methods of fortune telling, an incomplete deck is used - 36 pieces. The cards should belong to only one person; it is advisable not to give the same deck for fortune telling to girlfriends or sisters, as this can lead to the loss of the subtle magical connection that occurs during the first fortune telling.

Before you start, you need to hold the deck in your hands for several minutes, turning to them and asking yourself a question of interest. Then shuffle the deck again with your left hand, in the direction of the heart. Then you need to take a few pieces from above and move them down.

In the old days, Christmastide was considered the right time for fortune telling; this was the time when young girls carried out fortune telling in various ways, dreaming of seeing their future groom. Of all the days of the week, Friday is the most favorable for fortune telling; you can also tell fortunes every month, on the 13th.

Monday is an unlucky day for any fortune-telling; the interpretation simply will not come true.

Interpretations of all playing cards in any layouts

  1. Ace - means an event that occurs in the fall, unkind rumors, a government institution or the house of respected people;
  2. The king is a congenial comrade associated with military service. When the card is completely missing, this portends a collapse;
  3. A lady is a friend, a powerful woman, in some cases an unrecognized child;
  4. Jack - an assistant, a close friend, of a low military position; if among all the volts it lands first, the fortune telling is performed correctly;
  5. Ten – a critical situation in life associated with a fire;
  6. Nine - imminent inheritance, confusion, emotional conversation;
  7. Eight - death of a close friend, a rich house;
  8. Seven - a difficult path, profit in business, receiving an inheritance. In an upright position it will mean disappointment;
  9. Six - possibly a quick trip to the sea, the wrong path, a government agency.

  1. Ace - the home of the spouses, good news, spring time, a pleasant surprise;
  2. King - when appearing with a lady of the same suit, symbolizes a married man, brown-haired, good news, a long-awaited meeting;
  3. Lady - a married woman;
  4. Jack is an unpleasant interlocutor, an unwanted guest in the house, if there is a king of this suit in the layout, it symbolizes his thoughts, in some the situation means good news;
  5. Ten - imminent marriage, happy news, sometimes means a city;
  6. Nine - symbolizes a love letter, quick news, good or not, directly depends on the cards drawn nearby;
  7. Eight – relaxation, conversation with a pleasant person, a grueling journey;
  8. Seven - global changes, a company of cheerful friends, as well as the secret thoughts of the queen of hearts;
  9. Six - events on the path of life, failure in new endeavors.


  1. Ace - means hot summer, unexpected news;
  2. The king is an unmarried man, if there is no queen card nearby, a romantic date, meeting a pleasant interlocutor, a fateful meeting;
  3. Lady - young lady, unfaithful wife;
  4. Jack - good news, symbolizes a boy who can be trusted;
  5. Ten - replenishment of the budget, a pleasant surprise, a meeting with a close friend;
  6. Nine - money, if a queen or king of this suit appears, a pleasant impression from the fortuneteller;
  7. Eight - prophetic dreams, news about money, plans for the future;
  8. Seven - an expensive present, an important event in your career, pleasant chores;
  9. Six is ​​a good card that can outshine all nearby negative cards and portends success in money and personal life.
  1. Ace - night, winter time, losses, unpleasant news, when the king of a given suit is nearby, means uncontrollable passion;
  2. The king is an enemy, a person who dreams of annoying, a rival;
  3. Lady - discord in the family, major quarrels, grumpy, old woman;
  4. Jack - an unpleasant young man with dark hair, fights, unpleasant news, hidden thoughts of the king of the same suit;
  5. Ten - shattered dreams, imminent losses, bad news;
  6. Nine - a disagreement with a close friend, a long journey;
  7. Eight - illness, failure in business, home of a high-ranking person;
  8. Seven – lies, unexpected news;
  9. Six - loss of the king or queen of this suit, a difficult road.

Knowing the interpretations of all playing cards, you can begin the most interesting and magical part - fortune telling.

Alignment “What was and what will be” and interpretations

This is the most common fortune telling with playing cards. Before fortune telling begins, the card of the person asking is separated from the deck, according to the principle:

  • king or queen of diamonds - for free young people;
  • king or queen of hearts - for married people;
  • king or queen of clubs - for older people.

The deck is thoroughly shuffled, usually 3 to 5 times. After which you need to lay out three pieces at a time until you come across a suit that symbolizes a fortuneteller. If there are suits next to it that are similar in meaning, then the fortune telling is being performed correctly. The fortuneteller's card is set aside separately. Then the one for whom fortune telling is being performed moves part of the deck away from himself with the little finger of his left hand.

Under no circumstances should you remove the deck on yourself, otherwise there is a risk of negative energy transferring to the person. Therefore, it is once again better to protect yourself from the evil effects of magic. Afterwards, the person conducting the fortune telling begins to lay out 3 cards in 5 rows, then another card from the deck is put aside separately.

Each row has its own designation:

  • Row 1 – for yourself;
  • Row 2 – for the heart;
  • 3rd row – for home;
  • Row 4 – past events;
  • Row 5 – upcoming events.

The card set aside separately is the answer to the question “How will the heart calm down?”

Fortune telling for the near future using playing cards

One of the oldest fortune telling for the near future is fortune telling with 13 cards. The new deck of cards is carefully shuffled, and then pushed towards you with the left hand. Then, 13 cards are randomly drawn from the deck, which are laid out one after another and signify upcoming events. In order of order, the cards mean:

Alignment for love and relationships with a man

Fortune telling with 6 cards

Before starting fortune telling with playing cards, we determine the person asking. Then, having carefully shuffled the new deck, remove part of it with the little finger of your left hand, then take a card from the top of the deck.

After which the deck needs to be shuffled again, do this 6 times until there are 6 cards turned upside down on the table. Now you can watch the interpretations.

The number of cards dealt is not random. Each of them, in order of priority, means one or another event:

  • 1 card – thoughts of a loved one;
  • Card 2 – what’s in the lover’s heart;
  • 3 card – the near future of the beloved;
  • 4 card – dreams of a loved one;
  • 5 card – fears of a loved one;
  • 6th card – the attitude of my loved one towards me at the present time.

Fortune telling with 3 cards

A deck of 36 pieces is taken, from which it is necessary to select the king and queen, according to the principle:

  1. Diamond suit - brown-haired;
  2. Spades and cross suit - brunettes;
  3. Hearts suit - blondes.

The deck is shuffled several times, then 3 pieces are laid out in a fan shape in a vertical line until the coveted king and queen appear. After these suits appear in the layout, you need to lay out 2 more fans of 3 pieces.

In this scenario, the most difficult thing is to correctly interpret the events. If the lady and the king are located next to each other in the same fan, then such a union is harmonious and the relationship is strong.

When one card is located lower than the other, the couple has a lot of omissions, intrigues, quarrels, the one who is located lower is no longer interesting to the other partner.

It is worth paying attention to the vertical rows, the left, outer row is what happened between people in the past, the middle is present events, the outer row, on the right is the future.

In a harmonious situation, except for those on which they are guessing, no other kings and queens appear; if there is another one, there is someone extra in the relationship, a love triangle may have formed.

A bad sign is the appearance of a ten of spades in a reading - this is a relationship doomed to collapse.

If there are many cards of the club suit in a row, it means that the partners are engaged in common activities related to finance.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

1 way

One of the easiest ways to guess by wish is to shuffle a deck of cards and draw any at random - this will be the answer to the question asked. If during the reading one of them appears by chance, then this will be the answer, it must be taken seriously.

This fortune telling is suitable for solving minor issues and plans for the very near future; in case of solving life-changing problems, this method is not suitable.

Method 2

The deck of cards is shuffled and 15 are laid out in a row. After the deal, you need to select the aces and put them aside. Do this two more times, if during fortune telling aces of all stripes come out, the wish will certainly come true.

3 way

This method will help you find the answer to a specific question; the more accurate it is, the more truthfully the cards will answer. Before starting fortune telling, you need to remove all sixes from the deck. You need to take 4 pieces from the deck and make a wish on one of them. Shuffle the cards and lay them out like a pyramid, starting with 1 card, to make 6 rows. Depending on which row the intended suit fell out, it will mean:

  • top of the pyramid - will not come true;
  • 2nd row – doubtful;
  • Row 3 – don’t count on success;
  • Row 4 - will probably come true;
  • Row 5 - it will come true;
  • Row 6 will undoubtedly come true.

4 way

This fortune telling with playing cards will help give a specific answer “yes” or “no”, therefore, the questions should be simple. For fortune telling, you need a deck consisting of 36 cards, the interpretation will consist of two parts, the first - the higher powers answer the question, the second - what contributed to this.

4 cards are laid out in 9 rows, face down, then only the top cards are opened, if among all the cards of the same suit fall out, they are put aside and the next ones are opened. If all the cards are revealed, the wish will come true.

If this alignment was successful, the second part of the fortune telling is not required.

The cards are then shuffled again and laid out face up, and the names are spoken, from Ace to Six, in order. If, having laid out a card, they named it, put it aside and so on until they have a few pieces - this is the reason for the unfulfilled desire.

What not to do when fortune telling with playing cards

There is nothing wrong with the fact that a person is interested in knowing his future, getting an answer to a question. The main thing to remember is that any fortune telling is a touch on secret knowledge, so accuracy and precision are important in this matter. Falling into dependence on fortune telling is a fairly common mistake that many inexperienced boys and girls make. If you use interpretations in the right direction, you can significantly improve the quality of your life and protect yourself from wrong decisions. You can perform fortune telling on playing cards in completely different ways, but their interpretation will still be the same.

In the next video there are more interpretations for fortune telling with playing cards.

Would you like to know what events await you in the near future? Then do fortune telling with playing cards. That's what it's called - fortune telling for an event that will happen soon.

So, take a playing deck consisting of 36 cards and hold it in your hands for a while. Now shuffle with your left hand and move it towards you. Place the removed “cap” underneath and arrange all the cards into 4 parts.

Pull one from each pile and guess its meaning. The description will help you understand what to expect in the future. In the process of divination, it is important to pay attention to both the name of the card and its suit.

The four of hearts cards speaks of the desire of a loved one to see you. This means that a meeting will take place between the lovers. If you are married, then the pictures of hearts portend peace and harmony.

If the withdrawn cards belong to the suit of clubs, expect profits and gifts. No financial difficulties are expected. The near future will be smooth in material terms.

Four diamond cards are interpreted as quick luck, fame, climbing the career ladder, recognition in society and gaining authority.

If the pictures accidentally taken out turn out to be peak pictures, it is possible that troubles will happen that will bring grief and tears to the person. However, you should not tune in to long negative events, because life is fleeting and prone to change. After the black stripe, a white stripe will definitely come.


Fortune telling should be carried out on a new deck, which has not previously been used for games and other fortune telling. The ideal option would be to acquire decks for each individual layout. In this case, the predictions will be 100% true. Do not allow your loved ones to touch your fortune telling decks and store them in a place where they do not come into contact with foreign objects. And so that the cards do not lose their power, do not resort to their advice too often.

To obtain reliable information from a fortune-telling session, it is advisable to conduct it on special days. These are your own birthday, New Year and the eve of Epiphany. On a suitable day, sit down at a table with a deck and mentally ask yourself a question to which the cards should provide an answer. If you are not telling fortunes for yourself, look at a photograph of the object of fortune telling or imagine his face.

Proceed with one of the following methods:

  1. Three layout. A simple way of knowing the future allows you to understand what to expect from the coming day and how a particular person treats you. After thoroughly mixing the deck, remove 3 cards from it and interpret them. If there is not enough information, extract three more.
  2. The layout called “Fan” allows you to find out the answers to a variety of questions. To do this, you need to associate a specific card with the right person or with yourself. Let's say you identified yourself as the queen of diamonds. Shuffle the deck, remove 3 cards from the top and lay them out in a fan. Place all subsequent rows a little lower until the intended card appears. Secure the process with another “fan” and figure out the meaning of the cards. Those that lie closer to you mark the near future. The bottom row will tell about the past, the top row will tell about the distant future.
  3. "Yes or no". This common technique gives answers to all questions - love and work relationships, the financial side of life, friends and close circle. Also, the method of fortune telling based on the “Yes or no” principle reveals the attitude of a loved one, his feelings and intentions. To get the layout, you need to make a question or wish when shuffling the deck, for which you will receive an answer. Think about your problem for at least a minute, then move the “cap” with the ring finger of your right hand and place it under the bottom. Then take the top and bottom cards from the deck, and pull the third one from the depths at random. Interpret the answer to the question posed by suit. Diamonds and clubs give negative, hearts and spades give positive. If one of the cards contradicts the others, it means that difficulties will arise on the way to the goal.
  4. Layout "15". The essence of this simple variation is that the fortuneteller must thoroughly mix the deck and remove any 15 cards from it, which at the next stage will be arranged into 5 identical piles. The first part of the layout will tell about the present, the second - about personal life, the third - about friendly relationships with people, the fourth will reveal dreams, the fifth - the near future.

After shuffling the playing deck for a few minutes, knock down the top 5 cards and lay them out horizontally. Remove five more again and place them above the ones already on the table. After a few more layups, you should end up with 5 piles with 3 cards each. Perform all manipulations with your left hand. Finally, remove one and place it aside.

Start solving the resulting stacks. The first one will reveal to you the secrets of your own future. From the second, you will understand the future of the relationship you are interested in. The third will talk about the future of the family. In the fourth you will learn your past, in the fifth you will learn the future.

The card, lying separately from the others, talks about the possible course of events in the event of any trouble. Many fortune tellers denote it with the phrase “how the heart will calm down.” The card talks about what will happen after failure.

Gypsy fortune telling

Gypsy fortune telling is carried out after shuffling the cards on the table. While concentrating on the question, slide part of the deck towards you and place it down. Now take out any 9 cards one by one and place them face up. You should end up with 3 rows, each containing 3 cards. The top one shows the past, the middle one shows the present, the bottom one shows the future. At the same time, the seventh card reveals the near future, and the ninth card reveals the distant future. Interpret the meaning of the entire fortune telling based on the meanings of the cards drawn.

The meaning of playing cards

The suit of worms in fortune telling for the future is interpreted as follows:

  • 6 – long way;
  • 7 – a date dear to the heart;
  • 8 – meeting a stranger;
  • 9 – gaining notoriety;
  • 10 – a miracle in life;
  • jack - obstacles and troubles;
  • lady - communication with a friend;
  • king - heartfelt love;
  • ace – own house.

Peaks during a prediction session will tell about the following possible events:

  • 6 – empty trip;
  • 7 – tears, grief, sadness;
  • 8 – unpleasant conversation;
  • 9 – heartache from unrequited love;
  • 10 – empty interest;
  • jack - pipe dreams;
  • lady - surrounded by an insincere person;
  • king - communication with a dangerous person;
  • ace - illness, bad news, mental crisis.

Diamonds are interpreted as follows:

  • 6 – pleasant time with friends;
  • 7 – unexpected but pleasant surprise;
  • 8 – important long-awaited conversation;
  • 9 – passion for the opposite sex, flirting;
  • 10 – successful completion of plans;
  • jack - unpleasant news;
  • lady - mother or close relative;
  • the king is an enemy;
  • ace – letter, signing papers.

The suit of clubs is identified with the following situations:

  • 6 – pipe dreams;
  • 7 – unexpected income;
  • 8 – pleasant meetings;
  • 9 – mutual love;
  • 10 – interest;
  • jack - pleasant chores;
  • lady - surprise;
  • the king is a married man;
  • ace - state house.

As you can see, all fortune telling is very simple. To prevent the cards from lying, do not abuse sessions.

At the end there is another video that will teach you how to guess your future.

Gives a person the opportunity to find out what awaits him. For many years, people have resorted to using cards on their own, or by turning to fortune tellers. You can tell fortunes about fate, love, success, or all together. The veracity of fortune telling depends on technique and adherence to the rules.


Basic rules for fortune telling with playing cards

There are several rules for divination on ordinary cards at home that should be followed:

  1. The deck must be new and charmed.
  2. It is prohibited to play with a fortune telling deck.
  3. One deck has one owner. It cannot be used by other people, with the exception of layouts where the touch of the person for whom it is intended is required.
  4. Guess if you are in a good mood and state of health. Then the cards will speak truthfully.
  5. Cards must be kept in one place.
  6. Periodically, you need to clean the deck so that the cards speak accurately. They accumulate energy from every fortune-telling and may begin to lie. You can clean the deck by placing it in salt for several hours.
  7. When asking the cards a question, remain honest and do not try to deceive them.

You shouldn’t ask the cards a lot of questions in one day. No matter how simple the layout may be, prediction is a difficult process.

Classic interpretation of suits in the main layouts for the future

Before you start guessing, study the interpretation of the suits. It is important to remember that you can draw conclusions by considering the meanings of all cards together. Then the fortune telling will be true.


The element of the suit is water. Worms are associated with romance, relationships, emotions.

Detailed interpretation of the cards:

  • two - strong friendship;
  • three - the appearance of the third in a pair;
  • four - relationships will become difficult;
  • five - a misunderstanding that will be resolved;
  • six - harmonious relationships with loved ones;
  • seven - listen to your intuition;
  • eight - relationships will change dramatically;
  • nine - luck or marriage;
  • ten - you will get what you want;
  • jack - young man;
  • lady - an adult woman, possibly blonde;
  • the king is an adult man;
  • ace - new relationships, love.


Element - earth. Business sphere, travel.

Card meaning:

  • two - successful negotiations;
  • three - profitable investments in something;
  • four - doubts are not in vain, listen to them;
  • five - temporary financial difficulties;
  • six - advice to cut costs;
  • seven - good luck in business;
  • eight - unexpected purchase of housing and relocation;
  • nine - a successful acquaintance;
  • ten - things will be completed successfully, wishes will come true;
  • jack - a young military man;
  • lady - a responsive woman;
  • the king is a family man;
  • ace - financial well-being, business.


The element of the suit is air. Spades mean lies, betrayal, deception.

Card meaning:

  • two - dismissal, problems at work;
  • three - minor problems;
  • four - problematic relationships, betrayal;
  • five - opportunity missed;
  • six - it is better to postpone the trip;
  • seven - quarrels;
  • eight - poor health, lack of mood;
  • nine - end of relationship, divorce;
  • ten - dreams will not come true;
  • jack - a young swindler, swindler;
  • the lady is an evil woman, troubles on her part are possible;
  • the king is a cruel man, a rival;
  • ace - bad news, loss.


Element - fire. Associated with finance or power.

Card meaning:

  • two - advice not to trust colleagues, think again;
  • troika - business trip with perspective;
  • four - overcoming obstacles;
  • five - opinion will be questioned or ridiculed, health problems may begin;
  • six - advice to postpone undertakings or trips and relax;
  • seven - success in business;
  • eight - promotion at work or profit;
  • nine - marriage of convenience;
  • ten - success in endeavors;
  • jack - well-mannered young man;
  • lady - woman - leader, boss;
  • the king is the man who will offer help;
  • ace - good changes in all areas.

Simple plans for the future

There are many types of layouts for the future. For beginners, it is better to start with simple fortune telling methods.

Fortune telling for tomorrow

Before fortune telling you need:

  • prepare a new deck;
  • tune in (candles or incense are used for this);
  • prepare a place to work with cards.

The layout is done like this:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. We move the part with our left hand.
  3. Let's ask the question in detail.
  4. We take out one card.
  5. We begin to interpret.

This will be the answer to the question posed. The card can indicate various events, a person, or the mood of the fortuneteller in relation to the question asked.

Fortune telling for the week

There are different methods of fortune telling for the week, here is the simplest card layout:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. We move the part with our left hand.
  3. Fan out face down.
  4. Let's ask a detailed question.
  5. We take out seven cards.
  6. Let's look at the interpretation.

Each card is for one day. After interpretation, we combine the meanings into one, which will show the general mood of the coming week.

Fortune telling about the outcome of a certain case

The layout is also simple:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. We move the part with our left hand.
  3. Place face down.
  4. Let's ask a detailed question.
  5. We take out one card.
  6. Let's look at the interpretation.

This card will answer the question about the outcome of the case.

"Nine" layout

A layout of nine cards, with which you can analyze the situation in three points:

  • past;
  • the present;
  • future.

You will need:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. Move the part with your left hand.
  3. Place nine cards of three in a row, face down.
  4. Turn them over.
  5. Interpret.

The first three cards will tell about the past of the situation, the second three about what is happening at the moment, the third - about the outcome.

What do suits mean?

Each suit within the layout has its own meaning.

Suit values:

  • worms - this suit usually reflects feelings, emotions;
  • peaks - will warn of a threat or ill-wishers;
  • tambourines - will tell you about the state of affairs;
  • cross - they will talk about finances.

The Ksenia Lorenzy channel talks in detail about fortune telling with playing cards.

What to expect from a combination of four identical cards

The combination of four cards also has its own meaning:

  • aces mean fulfillment of desires;
  • kings - in the near future you will be surrounded by people and will not be left alone;
  • ladies - empty gossip;
  • jacks - troubles will appear, either pleasant or not so pleasant;
  • tens - the birth of a new love, a wedding;
  • nines - changes are coming in life;
  • eights - troubles;
  • sevens - tears and problems;
  • sixes - a quick long journey.

Basic three card combinations

They have their own meaning:

  1. Aces are minor changes. If there are no inverted aces, you don’t have to pay attention.
  2. Kings - to get what you want you need to make an effort, each king is an obstacle that needs to be overcome. If the kings are reversed, nothing will work out.
  3. Ladies - communication with women will lead to quarrels.
  4. Jacks are a new acquaintance that will bring benefits. When the card is reversed, misunderstandings may arise.
  5. Tens - financial difficulties, possible problems with the law.
  6. Nines - a combination of three nines means happiness and luck, and reversed cards will darken the situation.
  7. Eights - marriage or new love. Reversed cards have the opposite meaning - light flirting, separation.
  8. Sevens - loss of strength, melancholy. Cards in a different position mean difficulties.

Alignment “What was and what will be”

A fairly common layout that makes it easy.


  1. Shuffle a deck of 36 cards.
  2. Push the part towards you with your left hand.
  3. Lay out 5 cards horizontally.
  4. Shuffle the deck.
  5. Move towards yourself.
  6. Place 5 more cards onto the existing ones.

There must be three cards in each of the five piles. Draw another card from the deck and remove it.


  • the first pile is for yourself;
  • the second stack is for the heart;
  • the third pile is for the house;
  • fourth pile - what happened;
  • fifth pile - what will happen.

The postponed card will tell you what will calm you down in case of trouble.

The first version of the layout “What was, what will be” The second version of the layout “What was, what will be” The third version of the layout “What was, what will be”

The meaning of combinations

Certain combinations may occur in the layout. They can also carry important information.

Here's how they should be interpreted:

  • four aces - everything will come true, and four tens nearby mean triumph;
  • four kings - success awaits the fortuneteller, the questioner learns that society perceives him well;
  • four ladies - a woman can expect gossip, and a man will enjoy success with the ladies;
  • four jacks - the troubles will be pointless;
  • four tens - the desired will be achieved;
  • four nines - someone will surprise you;
  • four eights and sevens - you will exist modestly;
  • four sixes - you will reach your goal.

The meaning of suits in the layout

Each card of the four suits has its own interpretation.

  • ace - don’t destroy the family;
  • king - a woman will have a lover, a man will meet a stranger;
  • lady - a man will have a mistress, a woman will meet a stranger;
  • jack - friendly help;
  • ten - adding money;
  • nine - you have met your person;
  • eight - appreciate what you have;
  • seven - take risks and you will be rewarded;
  • six - a meeting after which life will change for the better.
  • ace – profit;
  • king - a man who is respected;
  • lady - a woman who is respected;
  • jack - reward for troubles;
  • ten - don’t lose heart;
  • nine - everything will change for the better;
  • eight - surprise;
  • seven – luck in games;
  • six is ​​news.
  • ace - be more attentive to the news;
  • king - for a man a meeting with an acquaintance, for a woman - the appearance of a lover;
  • lady - for a woman - a meeting with an acquaintance, for a man - he learns about a girl in love with him;
  • jack - appearances can be deceiving;
  • ten - all undertakings should be undertaken in a good mood;
  • nine - your endeavors will be successful;
  • eight – sincerity of loved ones;
  • seven - don’t forget about friends;
  • six – implementation of plans.
  • ace - receiving bad news;
  • king - an adult will try to confuse you;
  • lady - you should not take gossip to heart;
  • jack - efforts are in vain;
  • ten - the act will be condemned;
  • nine – minor illness;
  • eight - disappointment in someone or something;
  • number – negative events;
  • six - a long journey.

Playing card layout for the future of relationships

Using this layout, you can see the prospects for love and future relationships.

It is done simply:

  1. Shuffle a deck of 36 cards.
  2. We think about our partner.
  3. Places three cards on the right.
  4. We put three cards on the left.
  5. One card between them.
  6. We put three cards down.

The cards on the left will tell you about your partner’s feelings, on the right - they will show your feelings. The card in the middle is the current situation in the relationship, and the three cards at the bottom are the future of the relationship.

In the layout for a loved one there are important combinations of cards.

Pay attention to them:

  • a combination of an ace of hearts with a nine or ten - a long-term relationship that will lead to marriage;
  • ace of spades with any nine - the end of the relationship;
  • any nine and seven or ten of spades is a lie, treason;
  • a ten of diamonds or an ace in combination with an ace of hearts is a cold calculation.

Circular fortune telling for the future in love

You need to shuffle the deck and choose a card that represents the person you are guessing for:

  • the queen of diamonds usually denotes a young lady;
  • chervovaya - for married people;
  • club - for older women;
  • king of diamonds - for young people;
  • hearts - for a married person;
  • club - for an older man.

We place this card in the center.

  1. We put the first three cards up - these are thoughts.
  2. Three on the left mean plans.
  3. The three on the right are dreams.
  4. Three from the bottom - what will happen soon.
  5. The two cards on the left diagonally are the past.
  6. Also on the right is the future.
  7. We place one card on top of ours - what is in the heart.
  8. We put the last card under ours - which is under the heart.

There are a large number of methods and types of fortune telling on cards. The simplest type of card deck is a deck of 36 cards and four suits. It is very easy to work with her and her predictions come true with extraordinary accuracy.

Basic techniques for fortune telling with 36 cards

Before you start studying the layouts, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of each of the cards.

Hearts card suit

  • Six - indicates a fast road;
  • Seven – important negotiations;
  • Eight - a love date;
  • Nine – pure love;
  • Ten – thoughts and thoughts;
  • Jack – strong feelings or problems that have arisen;
  • Lady - female blood ties;
  • The king is a man close in blood;
  • Ace is the home of a loved one.

Spades cards

  • Six – long journey;
  • Seven – discontent, despair;
  • Eight – probability of a trip or invitation to stay;
  • Nine – emergency long-term illness;
  • Ten - useless and empty dreams;
  • Jack is a waste of time, useless affairs and worries;
  • The lady is a very strong enemy;
  • The king is a strict superior man, quite likely holding a high position;
  • Ace - unpleasant news.

Diamond suit

  • Six is ​​the fastest way;
  • Seven – joy from meetings;
  • Eight – mutually pleasant communication;
  • Nine is the secret love of unmarried representatives of both sexes;
  • Ten – easy fulfillment of desires;
  • Jack - obstacles on the road of life;
  • The lady is a very close woman;
  • The king is a devoted friend;
  • Ace - good news.

Club cards

  • Six – road for work;
  • Seven – important business communication;
  • Eight – negotiation process;
  • Nine – mutual and passionate love;
  • Ten – financial receipt;
  • Jack - constant worries;
  • Lady - a relative from a close circle;
  • The king is a powerful man;
  • Ace is a difficult job or an important project.

When starting fortune telling, you need to think about a specific person for whom the card layout is being carried out. For the fortune telling process, you need to purchase a new deck of cards. It is very important that it is new and has not been previously used.

The deck must be thoroughly mixed, and then ask the person who is making the layout to move the cards with his left hand away from himself. After this, you need to pick up the card that is located on top of the deck and place it face down on the table. This procedure will need to be carried out six times. Now you can turn them over and interpret the event seen in the layout.

There are a huge variety of very simple and interesting layouts that make it possible to get answers to your questions. Understanding the layout and reading it in detail, in turn, does not cause any particular difficulties. But the most amazing thing is that card layouts, especially in relation to love affairs, always show the real picture of what is happening. And if you learn how to make high-quality layouts, then you can read the cards all your life, without resorting to the services of all kinds of magicians and sorcerers.

Fortune telling methods using 36 playing cards

Let's look at the simplest methods of fortune telling with 36 playing cards.

A method of fortune telling called “What was, what will be, how the heart will calm down.”

This is the simplest fortune telling for the near future and the most popular at the moment. A layout of thirty-six playing cards helps to get answers to a number of difficult questions: “What awaits in the near future?” or “What happened before, and why did it all happen?” In this fortune telling, the cards are laid out as follows:

The six cards in front of the image of the client’s card, as well as the paired cards at the top, show the very near future, and the pairs of cards at the feet of the main card speak of very small and insignificant events.

A method of fortune telling for the near future

An elementary technique of fortune telling on thirty-six cards called “Fortune telling for an event” or for the very near future reveals the most immediate incidents and events in a person’s life. This method of fortune telling on a playing deck of cards is performed for the future, which is already very close.

When carrying out the layout, one random card is taken out from the card deck. Then the interpretation of the drawn cards is determined. They represent the immediate future and upcoming events and changes.

Method of predictions for a month, 3 months and for the coming year

This technique is used at certain very important moments in the client’s life. This arrangement is not common or everyday. In this fortune-telling, the curtain may open on the future that may await next month, as well as the coming year. Thanks to this fortune-telling, you can see your destiny without the help of sorcerers and fortune-tellers and find out what will happen in life at a certain time.

Method of card reading "Tell fortunes for the king"

The simplest method of fortune telling on thirty-six playing cards, “Fortune telling for the betrothed,” is recognized by experienced fortune tellers as one of the most truthful and popular. This is due, first of all, to the fact that a large number of representatives of the fair sex are, unfortunately, without a partner. The king card, which appears at the beginning of the layout, directly indicates the feelings, intentions, as well as the events that happen to the object of this fortune-telling.

Method of reading "Fortune telling 4 jacks"

This method has been known for a long time and carries a large amount of information. The four jacks layout is a fortune-telling about the attitude towards four men at once, which helps you choose the one who loves you from several applicants.

Method “Simple fortune telling with 36 cards”

The layout of this fortune telling will open your intuition, help you get answers to burning questions, predict your future, and take the right actions.

With this method of fortune telling with thirty-six cards, three cards at a time are removed from the top of the deck and carefully looked at. In the event that cards of the same card suit or the same value are revealed among them, they are discarded, and only the card that differs from all the others in each trio is put aside for the client’s card. By placing them in one row, from left to right, the prediction is interpreted.

Fortune telling using thirty-six playing cards can tell you about your immediate fate and the distant future. In this method of fortune telling, it is necessary to pronounce the words “diamonds, clubs, spades, wine” and remove cards from above one at a time. Cards that match the suit spoken out loud are set aside. After the number of cards set aside is 10, the layout is completed and you can begin to determine the meaning of these cards, which will tell you about your future.

Fortune telling on a regular deck of cards for love is a fairly well-known and at the same time very truthful fortune telling about a person’s relationships. This method of card layout is a little more complicated than others, but it allows you to consider the situation in a love relationship from various points of view, and from different angles. Cards in this type of fortune telling are laid out repeatedly and in completely different ways, and reveal only part of the secrets of love and fate. You can always change your life for the better thanks to this alignment.

Fortune telling with playing cards for money and wealth is a simple and truthful fortune telling to determine financial and monetary receipts in the near future on nine cards of a regular playing deck of thirty-six cards. During the layout, any nine cards are randomly taken out of the deck and laid out in front of you. The answer to your questions will be the drawn suits and values ​​of the cards.
