Aquarius career growth for February. Women - Aquarius

In February, Aquarius will have to give up some of their principles. They perceive such changes very nervously, because the principles for this sign are almost unshakable.

Relations with friends during this period will not develop entirely smoothly; there is a high probability that many will no longer be considered friends in the eyes of the proud Aquarius. The beginning of February is especially dangerous in terms of conflicts. During the first two weeks, Aquarians will begin to sort things out with everyone who disagrees with them in some way. Disagreements can arise over the most insignificant issues, but in the end they will lead to great discord. You just need to accept such strangeness in the behavior of this sign and not enter into long and tedious disputes with it, because most often Aquarius has its own truth.

Strangers and business partners, on the contrary, will be fascinated by the gallant and accommodating behavior of this zodiac sign. Such duality quite often characterizes the image of Aquarius. He gets angry and shows his dissatisfaction only towards close people.

IN professional issues In February, stagnation is expected, when long-planned activities and projects will be postponed until an unknown time. This slowdown in business greatly irritates the hot-tempered Aquarius. And he is not satisfied that his colleagues, especially those with whom he works in conjunction, take this very calmly. Aquarius has long planned all the profits from transactions, and such stagnation does not suit him at all. He will try to sort things out with his superiors, but the stars recommend avoiding such initiatives, because it will not lead to anything good.

Many representatives of this sign will discover a new hobby, which, in the absence of their main type of work, they will take up with all the ardor. They will try to involve their loved ones in this matter. For many, it will seem that such a hobby could well become a source of additional income.

Finances will be a stumbling block in February. Aquarius is facing large and important expenses, which will not be possible to postpone, and the period of paying off debts is also coming. You will be tempted to take out a loan, which you shouldn’t do.

In relationships with the opposite sex, you should show gentleness and moderate your demands, especially in initial stage relationships. Such assertiveness can spoil the impression or even upset the union.

Favorable days: 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21.

Not favorable days: 1, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 25, 28.

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Inga Polonskaya.

Aquarius horoscope for February 2017.

In February 2017, Aquarius needs to be very careful. The fact is that you will be a little absent-minded all month, and therefore you may miss something. You know how the girl who read “War and Peace” went crazy when she accidentally closed the book without a bookmark. Likewise, Aquarians may forget about something important in February 2017. Well, for example, inviting someone to your birthday, or forgetting gifts after your birthday.

Yes, and in general next month Aquarians will be a little “February”. That is, “frosty”. Therefore, you will watch with big and round eyes those who are scurrying around trying to save this world, Private Ryan or Roger Rabbit. You will not only serenely watch, but also wait. But what to expect is not clear: either guests from the past, or the future Spring, or the Solar Eclipse on February 26, 2017.

By the way, as the horoscope shows, “guests from the past” next month will really influence your life, mood and events. The key point, which will help you understand this difficult issue for you will be Love and Jealousy. Firstly, if a person says that he loves you, this does not mean that he loves only you, and secondly, maybe you yourself do not love, but are simply jealous. After all, as the site’s astrologer says, Love is a rainbow, and jealousy is rain and the tears of the sky, so love, like a rainbow, is not possible without rain, but rain is jealousy without love (without a rainbow).

And, considering that Tomorrow Today will definitely become Yesterday, and departed Love is just memories, in February Aquarians need to be prepared for parting (if you have not already done this in January).

In general, as we have already said, Aquarius will be more observers than participants in events. And this is while Luck and February smile on the brave... And then, together with Aquarius, he laughs at them for a long time. Although you will still be able to attract her to your side next month after she laughs enough at the careless and... True, in the professional sphere, Aquarius will not be able to be only observers. Aquarius expects a particularly busy schedule in the second ten days of February. But, by the end of the month, Aquarians will once again be convinced that Life is a continuous holiday, just not always yours, and they will want to change this, and most importantly, that most likely you will succeed, but already in March, and more about We will tell you about this next month.

After all, as we have already warned in detail, this year you will face a painful, painful and unpleasant return... to the real world. And even if you have never suffered from escapism, and were not a nerd, a geek, a hippie, an emo or a gamer. The Year of the Rooster will make you take off pink glasses and return to the real world.

And most likely this will happen after solar eclipse February 26, 2017. Aquarius, do you know this strange feeling when, at the sight of real friends, you feel sad and want to call them ex? And when you go on the Internet and see virtual friends, you are happy with them, and you want to communicate with them and call them real. If you are not familiar, then congratulations, you have not yet completely become infected with the Internet. In any case, Aquarius, don’t despair - it’s great in real life! You'll like it!

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius favorable days are 1, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 22 and 24.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius unfavorable days - The world would not have been created if its Creator had thought about how to cause trouble to anyone, or that there would be unfavorable days in this World.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius work, career and business. In the first ten days of February, Aquarius suddenly really wants to work. It is advisable that this desire of yours lasts as long as possible until the end of the month. This will allow you not only to make serious progress in your career, but also in matters of your own image and authority in your own eyes. A own self-esteem, for Aquarius, is sometimes cooler than praise from superiors.

So, even despite the fact that many employers perceive the protracted crisis as a chance to feel like a slave owner, Aquarius is better off not delving into this issue, and not waiting for praise from management, but doing specific work. Although it is quite possible that in February you will also have to take it home. Or stay late at work. Try not to leave anything to the last minute, as changes or additions to your plans, scope, work and responsibilities are possible within a month. And although work could only make a “tired monkey” out of a monkey, in February it will make out of some Aquarius a monkey completely satisfied with itself and life, oh, excuse me, man.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius Finance. In February, Aquarius will want something big and clean... either to wash an elephant, or a lot of money. The horoscope does not promise an elephant, but financial income of the same size can go a long way.

Love horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius. Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius Love. True love is like chicken pox in childhood - almost everyone gets it in childhood, but only some have permanent scars. For many Aquarius next month, these scars will also “itch and itch.” So in February 2017 there will be a lot of talk about exes, or past ones. What to do with these scars? The method is the same - smear it with brilliant green and forget it, or even better, hammer it. In any case, Aquarius cannot avoid the bustle of relationships in February 2017. Either early spring hormones will attack you already in February, or a lack of vitamins and mutual understanding with your partner, but even deeply family Aquarius next month they will think more than once about their relationships. Do not make “hot decisions” and conclusions, as we said at the very beginning - in February 2017, Aquarius is better off observing. Yes, and it’s not for nothing that they say that birds can be seen by their droppings, and relationships by what remains after them. If you don’t see what you like in the rest, maybe you just need to carefully dig deeper into this “droppings” again, forgive the relationship. In the end, in family life, as in a fairy tale - Good always defeats evil, which means whoever wins is good. Perhaps the most important thing is to remain with goodness and then Aquarius will definitely be the winner.

For lonely Aquarius, the horoscope hints that it would be nice to meet someone. Even as an easy medicine and prevention against complexes inflated by drafts and to increase immunity and self-esteem. You can never determine in advance which side of the sandwich to butter, and what new acquaintances will bring into your Life. But February is the month when it’s time to think about Spring. So Aquarius, we’re not sitting at home, but looking for Spring!

At the end, the horoscope for February once again reminds Aquarius where we started. Be very careful next month. And not only in relation to yourself, but also to your loved ones. In order not to get into a situation where the Petrovs only realized from the signs in the elevator that their daughter had not entered...

February 2017? a month rich in events affecting the life of Aquarius. The onset of the lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 (about 3:40 Moscow time) can affect personal relationships and business contacts. There is a high probability of fateful changes occurring. To avoid negative consequences It is not recommended to make hasty decisions during this period. Moreover, this is far from best time for marriage and starting new business contacts. The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 advises that with the design official relations It's better to wait for a while.

The material well-being of Aquarius may be affected by the solar eclipse, which will begin on February 26, 2017 at approximately 18:00 Moscow time. During this period, you should also not make significant decisions, since the risk of losses is high.

Love horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius

The upcoming eclipses are not in the best possible way may also affect the personal relationships of Aquarius. Possible emotional outbursts will only provoke conflicts and sow discord between loved ones. This is not the best time to get married either. The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 recommends not to rush to formalize relationships during this period. To create a stronger family, you should wait a few months.

Favorable days for love in February 2017 for Aquarius: February 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 25, 26.

Aquarius financial horoscope for February 2017

Despite all the efforts and efforts made in business sphere, upcoming eclipses can negatively affect the financial environment. The decisions made run the risk of subsequently being incorrect and will require additional time to resolve problems.

During the rest of February 2017, Aquarius should continue to complete the previously assigned tasks. But the Aquarius horoscope does not recommend starting a new job in February 2017. On the contrary, there has never been a better time to quit an unsuitable position. However decision it will no longer be possible to change.

Favorable days for money in February 2017 for the Aquarius sign: February 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Health horoscope for the Aquarius sign for February 2017

If Aquarius in February 2017 chooses proper nutrition, moon eclipse, during which the body’s resistance weakens, will pass almost unnoticed for them. Eating light and almost lean food, partial, or better yet complete abstinence from alcohol, will help avoid additional stress. The horoscope for February 2017 also recommends being careful when taking medications.

On the eve of the solar eclipse, many Aquarians will feel a loss of strength. If, if possible, you avoid physical and mental stress, this period will pass almost painlessly.

Conflict and tension in personal relationships haunted Aquarius throughout the past year. And they are pretty tired of the constant shocks and emotional outbursts of a negative nature. Therefore, they will be doubly interested in what the love horoscope has prepared this time.

It cannot be said that the stars were loyal to Aquarius. They had to go through a lot to deserve even a piece of reciprocal love. But now we can forget about such a difficult period. February will be the starting point through which Aquarians will be able to taste the aroma of real and sincere feelings.

However, to do this, you need to try not to make mistakes, which have become a kind of pattern for Aquarius. And if representatives of this sign manage to do this, then the love horoscope will help them in all love matters.

This month, representatives of the sign can say goodbye to the disappointments that overtook them on the love front. They will become calmer about the antics of their partners and will stop worrying about every occasion. Moreover, it is precisely this slightly detached behavior that will allow them to fall in love with the most unapproachable person from their environment.

But towards the end of the month, fate will begin to shower Aquarius with numerous acquaintances and tempting offers; they should remember their inaccessibility and play the role of royalty a little. This will only raise their bar and attract the attention of a more worthy couple.

Aquarius Woman: Love Horoscope for February 2019

Aquarius women are accustomed to the fact that all success in the love field comes to them extremely easily. And being in such confidence, in February they will calmly wait for the gifts of fate. But current events have prepared their own plot development for them.

And if you don’t start being active yourself, right now, then you shouldn’t even think about any success in relationships with the opposite sex. Only the most assertive and proactive of them will be able to quickly find their personal happiness. But for others, the astrological forecast does not have such rosy events in store. Those who simply decide to sit at home will then have to long and persistently seek the attention of the man they like, whose heart will already be conquered by a more agile person.

In mid-February, married representatives of the sign will want some changes. They will push their feelings into the background and begin to evaluate their partner in all respects with a cold mind, while drawing their own personal conclusions. And this is where the love horoscope simply screams warning to you. If you start to be guided only by reason, then you can simply lose everything in an instant.

Aquarius Man: Love Horoscope for February 2019

Many Aquarius men will want to start their personal lives from scratch in February. But it must be said that the astrological forecast will not greatly condone this. Therefore, any steps towards change may negatively affect existing relationships.

But this applies more to those who are difficult to classify as bachelors. But those Aquarius men whose hearts are as free as the free wind may even be very lucky. Especially if they give up constant get-togethers with friends and start spending more time going to theater premieres and exhibitions visual arts. It was there that fate prepared a gift for them in the form of a modest and very decent girl, whom it is extremely difficult to meet in our time.

The end of the month will pamper men a little. They will enjoy success with women, each of whom will want to become the chosen one of such an interesting man. The only difficulty will be in choosing, since there will be too many applicants.

February 2017 promises to bring many extraordinary events into your life. In relation to the field of career and business, Aquarians will feel how the situation has changed dramatically. The sphere of personal relationships will also undergo many changes. Overall, the month promises to be very successful, especially if you are ready to confront the circumstances.

The main problem may not be cancellation of plans or any problems, the main problem may be constant delays. In work and business, you should not strive to establish close personal connections with colleagues. In the sphere of personal relationships, on the contrary, it would be a mistake to distance yourself from the people around you.

Career horoscope for February 2017 for Aquarius

The sphere of work and career is unlikely to provide Aquarius with any great opportunities. Life will go on as usual and will not present any changes. In February, it is important to concentrate your attention on receiving and collecting new information; perhaps something is being started without your knowledge. This month, issues related to analytics and cooperation with others come to the fore.

In February, the horoscope predicts that Aquarius will need to do some important choice, so try not to chase two birds with one stone at once, decide very quickly.

If you have long dreamed of opening own business- February 2017 is a favorable month for this business. However, due to the position of the Sun, you should not spread information about your plans too much. In general, throughout the month it is best to keep your mouth shut and not rush to spread information that is important to you.

The second month of winter promises to be characterized by stability and high level income. If you can avoid unnecessary expenses, you can save a decent amount of money in your account by the end of winter.

27, 28, 30, 31 - the most successful days in your career, so if you don't have a job, use this time to send out resumes and get interviews.

Love horoscope for February 2017 for Aquarius

The sphere of personal relationships will require quick thinking and decisions. If you already have a family, this month is a very favorable time to get rid of any lingering conflicts.

To return harmony to your personal relationships, you don’t need to invest a lot of time; you just need to talk about the topic that is the source of the conflict.

If you are alone. If you do not have a loved one, do not rely and do not create illusions in relation to people who at first glance seemed suspicious to you. Try to refrain from overexpressing your feelings. Don’t rush to jump into the deep end and control yourself, otherwise you may find yourself in a difficult life situation.

10 is the luckiest day for singles representatives of the sign and dating, on this day you can meet your soulmate.

Health horoscope for February 2017 for Aquarius

The second month of winter can lead to health complaints. First of all, they can be associated with apathy, sudden mood swings and other troubles associated with the nervous system.

The best days to play sports are 1, 6, 8, 12, 19, 21, 22, 27, 30, 31.
