How to make a greenhouse for peppers. How to do it yourself: step-by-step instructions. Rating: the best peppers for the greenhouse

Peppers are notorious sissies. They will not grow at low temperatures above zero. If it is colder than +15 degrees outside, they will stop forming fruits and slow down their growth. Gardeners have long noticed this property of pepper, so from the very beginning, even when growing seedlings, they create for it greenhouse conditions. After sowing the seeds, the pepper germinates on average 10-14 days and its stasis is placed in a warm and bright place. But now the seedlings have grown stronger, acquired the necessary forms, warm money has arrived outside, so you can plant the peppers in the garden. Here it is also important for him to create greenhouse conditions, so you need to know how to make a greenhouse for peppers.

Pepper is not particularly tall, so it only needs shelter that is a meter and a half high. You can buy a ready-made greenhouse, but it’s easy to make it yourself. Arcs made of reinforcement with a cross-section of 1x1 cm are perfect for this. They need to be bent, and then a cellophane film of 30-60 micro-Rengen is thrown on. On hot days, the film can be opened slightly from the south side; when watering, you can simply remove it. If you don’t want to tinker with the film almost every day, then you can make a stationary greenhouse, in which these sissies will be even more at ease. In such a greenhouse the harvest will be higher. If there are so many fruits that there is nowhere to put them, then you can make delicious preparations and even stuff them, and then put them in the freezer for storage. But before you cook frozen stuffed peppers, you must first build a stationary greenhouse and grow this vegetable.

The construction of a shelter begins with markings. Let it be a “house” 2.5x5 meters. On the sides of 5 meters, bars with a diameter of 50x50 mm and a height of 1 meter 50 centimeters are dug in (8 on each side). In order for the vegetable “house” to have a roof with a side of 2.5 meters in the middle, beams with a diameter of 100x100 mm and a height of 2.40 meters are placed opposite each other and also dug into the ground. Then 3 slugs 5 meters long are placed on the beams. The first one creeps on top of the left side of the greenhouse on 50x50 mm beams, the second on 2 2.40 meter beams, the third - also on 50x50 mm beams - on right side. In parallel, planks are nailed from the middle of the central sling to the side ones and the base of the roof is ready.

Now it’s clear how to grow properly Bell pepper- in just such a greenhouse. You just need to cover it with spunbond, lutrasil or thick film. The material is attached to wooden bases. It is important to leave space for the entrance without nailing film or non-woven material"tightly." Caring for greenhouse peppers is almost the same as caring for homemade peppers. But in such a greenhouse it will grow better, and the harvest will be incomparably larger. All you have to do is think about how to prepare it for future use by reading how to make lecho or how to prepare semi-finished stuffed peppers so that you can enjoy the fruits of summer labor all winter.

Kira Stoletova

A greenhouse for peppers made of polycarbonate is an excellent place for growing and obtaining a large harvest of heat-loving crops. Making a greenhouse for peppers with your own hands can be done quickly and without any special expenses.

DIY greenhouse

Peppers are a crop that loves light and warmth, so greenhouses are often used to grow peppers. If you make greenhouses for peppers yourself, you can save a lot. It is better to make small greenhouses; it is better to use materials that are not very expensive and available from the vegetable grower.

Manufacturing stages

Among the stages of making greenhouses for peppers with your own hands are:

  • determining the location for the structure;
  • purchasing materials;
  • construction project;
  • assembly.

Selection of location and materials

The choice of location for greenhouses for growing peppers must be approached responsibly; the following factors must be taken into account:

  • openness and sun exposure of the area, absence of unevenness, elevated and low-lying areas;
  • lack of buildings and tall vegetation;
  • the direction of the structure is west-east;
  • The dimensions of the site in width, length and height are 1m, 3m, 0.5m, respectively.

The choice of materials for making a greenhouse for peppers directly depends on the abilities, skills and capabilities of the gardener. You need to understand what service life is expected from the building, what quality is required from its use. Considering all these points, making a greenhouse for lettuce peppers will not be difficult.

Greenhouse on foundation

Bricks are laid along the entire length and width of the building and filled with cement.

The walls are erected using old boards. timber. So, based on the design, a box has the shape of a rectangle. Its upper part is closed with old frame or a frame consisting of slats and covered with film. For convenience, the roof is attached with hinges and is created as a single or gable roof. U pitched roof one edge of the box is made 20-25 cm higher. The height of the box is no higher than 40-50 cm, otherwise the crops will not have enough lighting.

Greenhouse made of arcs

PVC arcs are in demand among gardeners. They are highly durable and have good timing use and universal.

First of all, we choose good quality PVC arches. Provided that the crops in the greenhouse for peppers will not grow to full readiness, it is necessary to take arcs 0.7 m long. The width between the bases of the arcs is about 1.5 m, the choice depends on the individual requests and needs of gardeners.

The process of assembling an arc-shaped greenhouse

The number of elements included in the structure depends on the future size of the structure. It is assumed that 1 arc is designed for approximately 1 m of the finished structure.

Assembly consists of the following steps:

  • preparing the base from timber or slats;
  • attaching arcs to the base or instantly digging them into black soil;
  • length between sectors is 70-80 cm
  • the top of the frame is fastened with reinforcement;
  • The structure is covered with film, secured with a stapler.

Greenhouse made of polypropylene pipes

Using plastic pipes, it’s easy to create a greenhouse for peppers with your own hands. The foundation is necessary when creating a building on long years, if you need it for temporary use, we do without a reason. More reliable construction requires the use of wooden blocks for the frame.

A greenhouse is a specialized structure designed for growing various heat-loving plant crops, which is heated by natural and in a natural way. Thanks to the airtight design, a natural steam effect is created inside, which significantly improves plant growth, both in spring and autumn.

Disadvantages of standard greenhouses

Not a single modern person can live without a greenhouse. country cottage area. Thanks to modern technologies and materials, now you can build a greenhouse with your own efforts required type and size. Polycarbonate sheets are mainly used for these purposes. This polymer material has all the necessary properties to create a high-quality greenhouse. Standard greenhouses made from wooden frame and glass have a number of disadvantages. The structure turns out to be very heavy and fragile. Even a fruit falling from a tree can break glass. The properties of glass do not make it possible to create rounded structures.

A greenhouse made from polyethylene film, the cheapest to produce, but extremely unreliable from an ergonomic point of view. Once a year you have to change the polyethylene, which takes a lot of time. In addition, it does not retain heat inside well.

The best design for growing peppers

Let's say, if there is a need to grow peppers, it is best to make a greenhouse from polycarbonate. Polycarbonate sheets have a honeycomb base, which significantly increases heat transfer. In addition, they transmit light well and block ultraviolet radiation, which has a detrimental effect on plant growth. A polycarbonate greenhouse for peppers is ideal for growing this vegetable crop.

Factors to consider during greenhouse construction:

  1. It is necessary to reduce the number of holes as much as possible to create optimal conditions for crop growth. The main structure must be in tight contact with the hinged lid.
  2. When constructing an arched structure, it is necessary to bend the polycarbonate across the guides inside the honeycomb.
  3. The main frame on which the sheets are attached must be resistant to a humid environment.
  4. It is necessary to properly insulate the joints to avoid water getting inside the honeycombs. IN winter time the water will expand and the leaf will simply burst.
  5. It is not advisable to use raw wood during the construction of the frame. Over time, it may dry out, resulting in the integrity of the structure being compromised. You should also not use a lightweight profile; it will not withstand wind and snow well in winter.

In order to build a greenhouse for peppers made of polycarbonate with your own hands, just follow these simple rules. You should decide in advance on the size and style of the building, and only then begin full construction.

In order for the greenhouse to last as long as possible, it is advisable to build a small foundation on which to install the base of the structure. The frame can be built from any available materials, brick, wood or concrete, depending on the type of terrain and the weight of the structure.

It is also necessary to choose the right place for construction. You should not build in a lowland, as masses of ground flows can accumulate there. A building in a high place will be constantly blown by winds. It is desirable that the greenhouse receive natural sunlight most of the time.

A polycarbonate greenhouse for peppers will last for a long time due to specific properties of this material. If the planning and construction were done correctly, such a greenhouse will support optimal conditions for the growth of any heat-loving crops even during early frosts.

In order for your greenhouse to last for more than one year, it is important to know how to use it correctly , we will teach you how to properly seal cracks and holes in your greenhouse.

If you want to get a rich harvest of pepper, then you need to understand the principles of its cultivation, - this article will help you master the process of growing peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

In this article we will tell you how to make a greenhouse for peppers. And don’t be surprised by such selectivity, because in fact, from the point of view of agricultural technology, the ideal option is to place each crop in a separate shelter.

And if such a possibility exists, then greenhouses should be built taking into account the characteristics and growth cycles of specific seedlings. Moreover, in conditions middle zone Russia, where the warm season does not last so long, and we need to make the most of all the days allotted to us.

Basic requirements of pepper seedlings for a future greenhouse

Caring for peppers in a greenhouse should take into account the following features:

  • The seedlings of this crop love light and grow worse in the shade.
  • For getting good harvest Abundant watering is very important.
  • The soil should be moist, but not waterlogged - you should not create a swamp in a greenhouse.
  • Young plants are very thermophilic.
  • If the temperature difference inside and outside the shelter is small, regular ventilation is necessary.

Based on the above, let us consider the ideal scheme for constructing a temporary or permanent shelter for seedlings and adult plants.

We build a shelter ourselves

Construction stages

By greenhouse, many gardeners mean exclusively temporary film shelter. In fact, the difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse lies only in the type of heating - if the first “works” due to natural heating processes during the decay of organic matter, then a greenhouse implies the presence of a separate heating system.

Thus, if we do not install radiators and do not lay pipes, then most likely we are building a greenhouse.

Construction includes the following stages:

  • Site selection and layout.
  • Purchase of materials
  • Frame construction.
  • Glazing or construction of walls from film.

Choosing a location for installation

In order for the pepper to grow as quickly as possible, you should take care of selecting the optimal position for closed beds:

  • We choose a place for greenhouses for pepper that is maximally illuminated, so we avoid trees and agricultural structures that can provide shade.

  • It is better if we orient the building from east to west, which will ensure daylight and will not disturb the biorhythms of plants.
  • You should not place structures on slopes or in low relief.
  • The size of the site must be at least 1 meter wide and 3 meters long. We set the height to be at least 50-70 cm, which will allow the plants to fully develop.


Before starting construction work, you should soberly assess your chances. It may be easier to buy a ready-made model and just assemble it. The disadvantage of this approach will be the price, but the purchase ready set for a greenhouse can save time.

If you are confident in your abilities and want to make a greenhouse with your own hands, you should decide on the materials of manufacture:

  • If your impulse is temporary, for one season, then old windows and wooden structures, which could remain with the house-loving owner after the repairs were carried out.
  • If you decide to build a heifer for a longer period, you will still have to go to a hardware store. Usage quality materials will protect your future harvest from various diseases and death.

Greenhouses for peppers can be:

  • Made from polycarbonate;
  • Glazed (from old windows);

The frame in most cases is made of either wood or a metal profile.

Note! Temporary structures are erected from anything - wire, pipe scraps, etc.

Popular models

We use old frames

The advantage of window glass shelters is not only low cost. Do not forget that they perfectly retain and accumulate heat, and this will have a beneficial effect on heat-loving pepper seedlings.

The difference between building such a greenhouse is that we choose a place for the greenhouse based on the size of the material available:

  • Having assessed the supply of glazed frames, we plan the dimensions of the shelter.
  • The base can be made either transparent (in this case we dig the frames into the ground), or made of board or brick.

Note! To avoid shading, we make the bottom box no higher than 20-25 cm.

  • When we build a greenhouse for peppers with our own hands, one side of the opaque base needs to be made higher than the other. This will increase the area of ​​​​the transparent roof, which means that young peppers will receive more sun.
  • Usually frames are simply laid on the roof and fixed with small wooden blocks. To facilitate manipulation, you can fasten them on hinges.

Arc film systems

Another popular design is :

  • The simplest scheme involves installing arcs made of wire, pipes or even wooden rods (flexible willow works well), covered with plastic film on top.
  • For greater strength, we buy special metal arcs in hardware store. We fix them on wooden slats or just dig it into the ground. Optimal distance between the arches is 50-70 cm.
  • We cover the top of the structure with a film, which we also fix on slats or press down with bricks.

Obviously, such structures should be erected only for a season, removing the arches for the winter and returning them to their place in the spring. However, despite their simplicity, they cope with the task perfectly: the pepper in them very quickly gains phytomass and begins to bear fruit early.

Frame shelters

Despite the fact that growing peppers in a large greenhouse is very difficult, because naturally It will not be possible to heat a significant volume; many gardeners still opt for stationary structures.

  • Such shelters can be erected both on foundations and directly on the ground.. In the second case, the lower part of the structure is usually buried 10-15 cm to ensure the tightness of the lower junction.
  • The frame is made from either profile pipe welded, or from wooden beams and boards.

Advice! Because when growing peppers prerequisite is abundant watering, wooden parts exposed to moisture. To avoid premature rotting, it is worth treating them with an antiseptic.

  • For self-made it is better to choose a wooden greenhouse. We assemble the frame from timber with a cross-section of 30x30 mm, and at the base we lay beams 40x40 mm or boards with a thickness of at least 25 mm.

  • For connections, you should use self-tapping screws with an anti-corrosion coating.. If you want to do collapsible design, then it is better to use bolts and nuts.

We use film or polycarbonate to cover the frame. A polycarbonate greenhouse for peppers is much more expensive than a film one, but the thermal insulation properties of this material make it very convenient: it transmits light well and maintains the temperature.


Any conversation about how to grow peppers in a greenhouse should begin with a discussion of the shelter itself. As you can see in this article, there are many designs - and you can make almost any one yourself. If you decide to give it a try, the video in this article and the recommendations in it will be very helpful!

Having even a small plot of land, it is difficult to do without a greenhouse. Grow seedlings, get early harvest, protect them from possible frost, from heat, make the plants bloom earlier - all this can be done with the help of this device. Moreover, making a greenhouse with your own hands is not difficult. There are absolutely simple designs, there are more complex ones, but making any of them does not require special education.

The frame for a greenhouse can be made of wood (boards), metal (angle, profile pipe or fittings) or PVC pipes (round or square). Cover the greenhouse with the same materials as : film, spunbond (also called agrofibre or non-woven covering material), polycarbonate and glass. Since the size of greenhouses is smaller (plants in greenhouses are maintained from the outside), the requirements for them are not so stringent: even strong winds are not afraid of them.

Greenhouse sizes

Since in a greenhouse the plants are served from the outside, its width is chosen so that it is comfortable for you to process plants planted closer to the middle. You determine this experimentally: sit down and try to reach some area with your hand. Measure the distance. You get the width of the greenhouse with a one-sided approach. This is if the greenhouse is located in such a way that it is impossible to get to it from the other side (near a wall, for example). If you can approach from both sides, you double this result.

The distance for each person is different: height and physical state. You should not chase savings by making it wider than necessary. You will have to spend a lot of time weeding, loosening, fertilizing, and other work. A couple of hours in an uncomfortable position, and there is no strength left. Therefore, it is better to make the greenhouse a little narrower, but to make it convenient to work: while enjoying your work, you spend less effort.

And the length of the greenhouse is chosen based on the layout of the site. It's arbitrary.

A simple greenhouse made of arcs under film or spunbond

This greenhouse is made of several boards, knocked down to the required dimensions, arcs of PVC pipes, which are attached to wooden base. The tops of these arcs are connected at the top by a beam or the same pipe. If it is a timber, it needs to be well processed, rounding the edges so that the film does not tear.

How to secure the arches

How to attach arcs of PVC pipes to a greenhouse frame. They are most often secured using metal perforated tape. Take a small piece of it about 5-6 centimeters, screws and a screwdriver. And they are secured on both sides. To be on the safe side, you can do it twice.

In exactly the same way, you can fasten them from the inside to hold them tighter by adding bars.

Another option: drive in pieces of reinforcement near the frame, place pipes on them and only then secure them with clamps to the frame boards. This option is more reliable.

How to attach the film

You can attach the film to PVC pipes using double sided tape. But only if inexpensive polyethylene film was used: it is impossible to tear it off without damaging it, and polyethylene does not serve more than a year. So for a seasonal greenhouse this is a “cheap and cheerful” option. The second method is special clips for fixing films and anything that can replace them - a piece of an old hose cut lengthwise, a clamp for pipes that are used for installing pipelines, office binders, etc.

It also makes sense to secure a block on both sides along the edges of the film. To do this, the film is cut to a length greater than necessary, a block is wrapped in the excess and the film is secured to it. Now you have a piece of film with bars attached to its short sides. Leave one on one side, throw the second on the other. Now you don’t need to press the film to the ground with stones: the block holds it well. It is also convenient to open the greenhouse for ventilation; wrap the film and place it on top.

You can use small nails to attach the film, but place washers under the caps. It is faster to work with a construction stapler with staples. To prevent the film from tearing at the attachment points, it is padded with something. You can use thick braid or just a strip of fabric, and hammer fasteners into it.

More powerful option

If there is a need to make a greenhouse with PVC arches more reliable, nail it to the base of the boards in the center of the short side wooden racks. A board is attached to them on the edge, in which holes are pre-drilled with a diameter larger than outside diameter pipes

During installation, the pipe is threaded through the hole. You can fasten it on the sides as suggested above, or you can do it another way: first install pins in the bars and put the pipe on them.

The simplest greenhouse

Why are they good? PVC pipes, so this is because they are easy to bend. Also because they weigh little. Perfect option for a lightweight, portable greenhouse, especially if combined with spunbond. This material can be sewn. Take a piece with a density of 30 kg/m2 and make drawstrings in it in increments of 50-60 cm. For the drawstring, stitch across a strip of the same material about 10 cm wide (it is stitched on both sides). Insert pipes cut into the required lengths inside.

Now all this can be installed on the bed: stick pegs in two rows on one side and the other of the bed, and place a pipe on them. You immediately get a ready-made greenhouse. And what’s more convenient: you open and close the plants simply by collecting or straightening the spunbond on the arc. This is a very convenient temporary greenhouse: as soon as it is not needed, it can be removed and folded in a couple of minutes.

Greenhouse - it couldn't be simpler

This greenhouse is good for seedlings, but you can make it for peppers and eggplants. A stand is nailed in the middle of the base. There are two inclined boards attached to it. The cross section results in a triangle. If you need a long greenhouse, the same structure is installed approximately every meter. All tops are connected with a long bar or pipe. This greenhouse has a simple and convenient design.

Cucumbers are grown with it only until they begin to curl. Under the cucumbers, the covering material is removed, posts are nailed (screwed) to the sides, and twine is pulled between them.

Greenhouse “Breadbox” and “Butterfly” - photo

This design is called a “bread box” because it looks exactly like a plastic bread container. Its lid also rises upward, hiding behind the second half. If you look at the photo, you will understand everything.

There are two types of such products: opening on one or both sides. If it is shallow, you can work with a lid that opens on one side. If the width is more than a meter, it will be easier to work if there is access from both sides. This design with two opening sides has its own name: “Snail”.

A film or spunbond is stretched over the manufactured frame, but polycarbonate is more popular for this design.

The second design differs in the type of door opening. Its vault is also made on arches, but opens on hinges upward (see picture).

They can be installed directly on the ground or on a prepared foundation made of bricks or timber. In some cases, the lids do not open immediately from the ground, but there is a small side of 15-20 cm.

From scrap materials

Turning unnecessary things into useful products - our people have no equal in this. They make greenhouses from things you would never even think of.

For example, you can easily make a greenhouse with your own hands from old window frames. When replacing windows, do not rush to throw them away. They can be used to make an excellent greenhouse. Moreover, the designs may be different. The simplest is a body made of boards, to which a lid is attached on top. window frame(with glass, of course).

To ensure that the plants receive maximum light, one side of the frame is made higher (which faces south or east). There are different frames, any of them can be used for these purposes. As proof, here is a photo gallery of greenhouses made from frames that were made with their own hands by zealous owners.

They make greenhouses out of barrels. Cover with an old umbrella made of transparent film or cut-off plastic canisters for water.

A homemade greenhouse can be made from a plastic or foam box. Although “do” is a strong word. All you need to do is stretch the film.

Mini-greenhouses for seedlings

For those who grow seedlings for own garden or a flower garden, there is no need for large volumes. We need small greenhouses. Moreover, many grow seedlings on balconies. All of the above designs can be used for a balcony in reduced sizes. For very small plantings, you can even take plastic egg trays. On one side there will be a container for soil and a lid instead of a shelter. Look at the photos for other ideas.

Usage plastic bottles already familiar, only the form is non-standard. The bottle is only cut and a glass with seedlings is inserted inside, or you can plant it directly in the lower part... And this is a portable mini-greenhouse for plants

You can assemble a greenhouse with your own hands in a few hours. None complex structures no need to build. Everything is very simple, economical and practical.
