Which fence is suitable for a white house? A durable fence for the dacha with your own hands: we use proven and available materials. Corrugated sheeting: more reliable and faster than wood

It would seem that the project has only recently started, and the finale is just around the corner - all the rough work has been completed, the house is almost ready to accept residents. All the details of this large-scale and interesting project can be found in, and we will consider one of the most important stages of arranging the adjacent site - the construction of a fence. During this master class, professionals will tell you what to look for when choosing a fence, share installation technology and answer questions from our users.

The article was written with the participation of company specialists.

  • How to choose a fence.
  • Fence installation technologies.
  • Expert answers to questions from portal users.

What to look for when choosing a fence

A fence is a functional and decorative structure, the main task of which is to protect the site from unauthorized visits. The secondary goal is to become a decoration of this very site, to fit organically into the landscape design, and at a minimum, not to spoil the view. Considering that country estates are often located near towns and villages, and sometimes within their boundaries, the fence should protect not only from unwanted visitors. These include neighbor’s dogs and larger animals, therefore, the fence should be both decorative and strong enough. All existing varieties It is difficult to list fences, since people have a rich imagination, the possibilities are different, and the market offers “any whim for your money.” But you can classify fences according to the material used between the supports.

The most popular types of fences:

  • from corrugated board;
  • from Euro picket fence (metal picket fence);
  • from mesh;
  • made of wood.

There are also so-called combined fences. These are those fences in which two or more of the above types are present.

If we summarize them, there is one similarity - they are all installed on metal supports (pillars). Posts are used for fences made of corrugated board, wood and euro-picket fences square section 60x60 with a wall thickness of 2 mm, and for installing a chain-link mesh - pillars of rectangular section 60x40 mm, also with a wall of 2 mm. Since a chain-link fence is the lightest in weight, and is not at all affected by wind load and many other factors, larger supports are not used.

The depth of installation of pillars and its technology depends on several factors.

The main ones:

  • soil type;
  • freezing depth.

In most cases, the installation of 1.2 m pillars is used using the driving method with preliminary drilling of a guide hole. If you decide to resort to concreting pillars, then you should remember about the freezing depth. Concreting must be below the freezing level, otherwise such supports will be squeezed out.

So, you have decided on the type of fence, the technology for installing supports, and it seems to you that all you have to do is buy the required material, and you can get started. This is not entirely true. There are nuances that you also need to know about when choosing a specific material. For example, the metal walls of the main supports must be at least 2 mm thick, and the gate and wicket posts must be at least 3 mm thick. If the thickness of the metal supports is less, such structures are called times. This is very easy to check with an electronic micrometer. Sellers who value their name offer the service of measuring material before purchase or installation. If, however, you purchased material with a thickness of less than 2 and 3 mm, then do not be surprised if the pillars become deformed during installation. Such structures can be confidently called temporary.

It is worth mentioning fences on a monolithic strip foundation. This is a separate category, characterized by a concrete foundation at the base of the structure. Very often, the supports on such fences are decorated with bricks, stone tiles, etc. We can also say that this is the most durable design, but also the most expensive. Between the pillars, as a rule, the same corrugated sheeting, Euro picket fence, wood or forging is installed.

When the plot is not six or even twelve acres, but much larger, and the length of the fence is measured in hundreds of meters, as a rule, the front part is made decorative, and the remaining perimeter is covered with a slightly more budget-friendly option.

Less popular are:

  • forged fences;
  • 3D fencing.

They focus mainly on taste preferences, the general style of the site’s design and financial capabilities, but other factors are also important:

  • soil features - soil composition, groundwater level;
  • climatic conditions - freezing level, wind load, precipitation, temperature conditions;
  • terrain features of the site - the presence of significant level differences;
  • airflow – not a solid fence (visible).

If, nevertheless, you are lucky with the soil, and with a flat plot, and with a mild climate, your own needs come to the fore.

The choice of material is often based on the client’s needs:

  • It is necessary to close - corrugated sheets will do.
  • Make a ventilated and at the same time invisible fence - a picket fence in a “checkerboard” pattern.
  • You just need to designate the territory - a chain-link mesh is the best option.
  • Preference to the classics - a lot of options made of wood.

It is impossible to say which fence is the best, there are too many variables, different configurations have both advantages and certain disadvantages. Even the most popular ones.

Representative of MASTEROVIT company

It is very difficult to single out just one thing; all types of fencing solve their own problem, and its implementation requires certain costs. A fence made of corrugated sheets stands out against the general background, because most people want not only to mark their territory, but also to close themselves off from the bustle of the city and prying eyes. These fences reduce the level of noise and dust entering the area, but also have their negative sides.

Fence installation technology according to the project

For the house being built according to the project, a “classic of the genre” was chosen - “horizontal checkerboard” on square-section posts (60×60×2 mm), with wooden support logs made of timber (100×50 mm) and a wooden picket fence (100×18 mm ) to fill the spans. This option is also quite popular among homeowners; let’s look at the main aspects of installing such a fence.


Regardless of whether the fence will be installed by professionals, or by your own hands and associates, after the design has been determined, it’s time for preparation:

  • Measurements - with a tape measure and using a level to measure height differences.
  • Choosing a place for the entrance group - a separate or built-in gate, swing or sliding gates.
  • Marking (installation of reference points) corner posts.
  • Determination of soil type and proximity to groundwater


The durability and strength of the fence directly depends on the thickness of the steel.

Representative of MASTEROVIT company

Before purchasing, be sure to check its thickness with an electronic micrometer. Neglecting to measure the thickness of metal with an electronic micrometer is equivalent to buying food by weight without looking at the scale. Without comparing the parameters when receiving the metal, you risk purchasing a product at an inflated price and with underrated characteristics, which will subsequently affect the quality and durability of your fence.

The characteristics of wood are no less important.

Representative of MASTEROVIT company

The cross-section of the beam for such a task needs to be at least 100x50 mm, pay attention to humidity. If the wood is overdried, it will strongly absorb moisture and swell, and if it is too wet, it will quickly turn black and the process of rotting will begin. The best option is naturally dried wood.

In addition, before installation, all lumber must be planed on all sides and coated with a protective antiseptic impregnation.

Frame gates, with wooden cladding, double frame: external - from profile pipe 60x30x2 mm, internal - from profile pipe 40x20x1.5 mm.

Gate installation

Not a single fence is complete without an entrance group - a gate and a built-in or separate gate. There are two main types of gates:

  • swing;
  • recoil.

Hinged doors most often consist of two doors of equal size that open into the yard or onto the street; less often there is one door. Sliding ones, also called sliding or sliding ones, do not swing open, but are moved to the side, along the fence.

Installation of pillars

The approach to choosing the method of installing poles, as well as to choosing the type of fence, is complex.

Representative of MASTEROVIT company

The choice of technology for installing poles is influenced by several different factors: the density and type of soil, groundwater level, height difference, proximity to the fence line of a variety of objects, the possibility of the harmful effects of precipitation at different times of the year. To find out all this, specialists usually visit the sites to assess the conditions and select the optimal technology.

When a fence is erected with your own hands, the role of the appraiser is the owner himself, he is also the foreman, he is also the supplier and performer. The successful, or not so successful, experience of your neighbors will be of great help when choosing. There are several technologies for installing poles:

  • driving with preliminary drilling of the guide hole;
  • driving a hole with preliminary drilling and compacting the pillars with crushed stone;
  • backfilling/butting of pillars using crushed stone and sand;
  • concreting pillars to the full installation depth using reinforced piles.

The conditions in our case made it possible to do without wet processes - the pillars were driven into the holes.

Representative of MASTEROVIT company

To install the posts, we drill guide holes using a hand-held gas drill with an auger diameter of 80 mm. The depth of the holes depends on the density of the soil. Posts are installed in the prepared holes and, using a sledgehammer, they are driven down to 1.2 m. When installing a fence on peat soil, the posts are deepened to 1.4 m. This is done so that the soil layers inside and outside the post coincide. It is this installation method that will make the structure stronger and more stable, and during seasonal soil fluctuations the pillars will not move or be squeezed out.

The pillars are located every two meters - this is optimal distance; if it is increased to three meters, the load on the structure will increase. When wet during rainy seasons, the three-meter span may sag.

Fastenings were welded onto the posts (before painting) - a corner and a strip (35x35 mm, 40x4 mm), to which the timber was screwed with galvanized screws. The picket fence was horizontally secured to the beam using a checkerboard pattern, and equal spaces between the elements were maintained using a template.

Expert answers to user questions

As popular as a corrugated fence is, questions about its construction are just as relevant.

Country Fairy

I am asking for advice from experienced people on replacing part of the fence. The total footage of the replaced area is about 31 meters. In front there are approximately 25 meters (of which 4 meters are gates with a wicket), in the back - 5.5 meters. The replaceable part of the fence consists of posts and frames to which a chain-link is welded. The frames are 3 meters wide, the span between the pillars is 3.5 meters. The pillars are made of thick-walled hot-rolled pipe 89 mm, driven into the ground, filled with concrete on top, but they do not hold up well and sway.

To reduce the cost of a new fence, our users want to use old posts, since they are still in good condition. It is planned to cut off the frames, remove the pillars and drive them in again, at a distance of 2.5 meters from each other. Order a welded gate frame with a wicket at one of the nearby specialized enterprises, and purchase logs and corrugated sheets there.

Country Fairy

There are several issues on which there is no understanding after studying the topical information.

What is the minimum thickness of corrugated sheeting that can be used on a fence? Do 0.4 and 0.5 mm corrugated sheets behave very differently?

Representative of MASTEROVIT company

The recommended thickness of corrugated board for durable fences is 0.5 mm, excluding galvanized, polymer coatings and other protective layers - the thickness of the steel itself is 0.5 mm. Corrugated sheet with a steel thickness of 0.4 mm is thinner and less durable, requires more careful handling both during installation and delivery, and it also needs 3 logs (12 attachment points per 1 m/p.), versus 2 logs (8 attachment points ) for a sheet 0.5 mm. Take it as an axiom that 0.4 mm corrugated sheet is for temporary (2-3 years) fences, and 0.5 mm is for durable, permanent fences.

The specialist advises to be more careful when ordering corrugated sheets. The weight of the sheets is almost the same; to check you need to use a certified electronic micrometer. There is also corrugated sheeting with a thickness of 0.45 mm - this is an economical option. You can consider it, but be prepared that some sellers can cheat by passing off 0.4 mm as 0.45 mm, citing manufacturing errors.

Be sure to ask the seller to measure the thickness of the metal with an electronic certified micrometer!

The next question is whether it is permissible to concrete (possibly with backfilling) only three pillars entrance group, and drive the rest 1-1.2 meters, taking into account heavy soil (clay)?

Representative of MASTEROVIT company

When you plan to build a house or arrange a summer cottage, the question of what kind of fencing to do for the territory arises first. It is important that the fence protects the area from outside intrusions, looks neat, and is not too expensive.

Often the high cost of building materials is justified, for example, if you need to install a reliable and durable structure with high anti-vandal and noise-absorbing characteristics. Nowadays, it is not difficult to purchase beautiful universal fencing for a private home or cottage.

It is only important to decide what material to use for this and make the correct calculations.


The main feature of many modern fences is ease of installation and different levels of reliability in operation. For example, corrugated fences vary depending on the thickness of the metal sheets and their strength. There is a marking on the basis of which the buyer can choose the option that he can afford and will perform the necessary functions of protecting the territory. PVC materials are also available in sheets of various thicknesses and sizes.

Both metal and polyvinyl chlorides are notable for the fact that they do not require additional painting after installation: their color range is very rich and there are many shades, so future owners of fencing made from such materials can choose a ready-made color option that will ideally match the overall picture on their territory.

As for wood, concrete, brick and stone fences, their specificity is completely different.

Natural wood will always need additional care; brick and stone are the most reliable and durable options, but in terms of cost they often cost a pretty penny, although over time they fully justify themselves.

Primary requirements

When land owners choose a fence, first of all they want to mark the boundaries between themselves and their neighbors, secure property on the site, and, of course, decorate their place of residence. Each fence can perform one of the listed roles, which depends on the materials that are used for this.

For example, when it is necessary to mark the boundary between one site and another, you can install a light fence or even plant living plants, which will very soon serve as a hedge.

In cases where the issue of safety comes first (especially when it comes to the safety of children), you will need a more reliable option, for example, a high continuous fence made of good quality corrugated board.

Of course, in all cases, it is important for the owners that the entire fence as a whole looks beautiful and neat, is not very expensive and does not wear out for as long as possible.

In addition to the wishes of the owners, when installing fences, there are also generally accepted legal rules that must be followed. First of all, you should pay attention to building codes and the rules of February 30, 1997, which regulate all issues of planning and development of gardeners’ associations, which is relevant for summer residents.

Before construction of permanent fencing begins, the site owner must obtain all written permits from the state. The fence must be created so that the structure does not shade the adjacent areas from the sun.

Types of structures

All fencing designs for private areas (yards, cottages, country houses) are light, capital and conditional. Each group includes fences that differ from each other in height level, design features, price and installation methods.

Capital fences are created in order to provide the territory and its owners with maximum security. However, at the same time, the natural air flow becomes less, and due to strong shade, some plants on the site may grow poorly, which should be taken into account when planning monolithic heavy fences.

It has already been said that the cost of stone and brick options is quite high and they definitely need durable and reliable foundation. In addition, the installation time for permanent structures is much longer than for fences made from lighter materials. A definite plus is a long service life (from 50 years and above) without special costs for repair work.

Lightweight fences are not very expensive, their installation takes no more than one day, and they must rest on special posts that are connected to each other by a crossbar. As a rule, these are fences made of corrugated board, wood or plastic. Light fencing also includes a lattice made from the popular chain-link mesh. Unlike capital structures, lightweight options are always installed without a foundation, which significantly increases the speed of their installation, as well as mobility in the event that one or more damaged modules suddenly need to be urgently replaced.

To conditionally indicate the boundaries of the territory, there are decorative green fences, the shape of which can be different: shrubs with a large volume, tall garden plants having large leaves (for example, sunflower flowers) and just trees.

Such a structure requires special care and provides the area with shady coolness and freshness. Of course, the site does not provide protection for the plants, but they look very beautiful. Also, a decorative fence can be used to zone the territory of a house.


Materials that are modern stage used for the construction of fences, they are distinguished by a huge variety. In order to sheathe a finished fence, you can use any lightweight material - from polymers to thin metal profiles, and for the manufacture of the structure itself, more reliable varieties are used.

Metal fences are made mainly from corrugated sheets, and the structures are forged, made by welding. The popular chain-link and modular elements are also made from metal. As wooden fences, vines and slabs, as well as any boards, are often used.

Stones, bricks and concrete mortar can be used to build not only a fence, but also its foundation. As for plastic materials(or polycarbonates), they are not as common as in other countries, but with modern style trends becoming stronger, there is a chance that they will gain popularity.

Now a little more about each type of material.

Wooden fencing

Of course, they are “classics of the genre”; people have been building them since ancient times, and wood has not yet lost its value and popularity despite the fact that certain types of such fences can be very expensive.

By the way, wooden fence You can make it yourself from vines in the form of a fence. Although it will not serve as a “defender,” the owner can use it to mark the boundaries of his property at any time.

Any wooden fence will be perfectly combined with other types of building materials. Wooden structures are not subject to heat, unlike metal ones, they are safe and even beneficial from an environmental point of view, and if you care for them properly, they will always look their best.

They need regular painting and treatment with special compounds against fungi and wood-boring beetles.. Thanks to a wide range of modern protective equipment, a wooden fence can be preserved for a long time in the same form that it had immediately after installation.

The only disadvantage of wood is its susceptibility to ignition, so this design requires careful handling of fire on the site. The installation of the structure itself is carried out on pillars that are securely concreted in the ground, and cross-sectional supports.

Fences made of brick and stone

The most durable, with a high degree of safety. Their service life is much longer than their wooden and metal counterparts: they are not afraid of corrosion, they are resistant to fire and temperature changes. Such permanent types of fencing can withstand very heavy loads, have a noise-absorbing effect and are ideal for those places where there is a busy highway nearby.

They can be painted, but they will look no worse if you leave their original color. Their only feature is that they are heavy, so they always require the most powerful type of foundation, the installation of which may take time.

Fences made of plastic and polycarbonate

They went on sale not so long ago, but they are already popular due to their unusual design and good strength indicators. PVC panels serve for a long time, are environmentally friendly, and are not afraid of dampness, cold and sunlight. The color of such fences can be any, they can have different textures, they are easy to install and disassemble if they are used as temporary ones.

Of course, polyvinyl chloride developments cannot seriously compete with metal or concrete structures, but they are quite suitable for building a beautiful and unusual fence from them.

Installation of polycarbonate sheets is carried out on iron frames. PVC can be perfectly combined with other types of materials. A panel fence made of plastic is most often transparent, but there are also translucent structures on sale that can be painted with any paint.

They look beautiful and attractive, and caring for them is extremely simple: it is enough to simply water them with water from a pump or hose. The most “budget” type of PVC for the construction of fences is its cellular variety. This type of fence resembles a glass fence in appearance and is installed, as a rule, for decorative purposes.


Not so long ago it was used as an inexpensive “blank” for installing fences. Previously, this practice was very common, especially when such a variety of special materials were not yet on sale.

Once upon a time, people were not very concerned about the aesthetics of fencing, and slate could be used precisely as a functional device to fence off an area quickly and without much expense. Slate is still very inexpensive, it is resistant to harsh weather conditions, but doesn’t look particularly presentable.


Today there is a huge selection of fences that can protect and decorate at the same time. country cottage area or home territory. Thanks to wide choice installed structure It can be beautiful, reliable, and stylish.

The quality of the fence is one of the most important factors, but besides this, the product must be in harmony with the main style and appearance Houses. For example, if the building is built of brick, you should not install a blockhouse fence, because it will look strange against the background of a brick house.

When choosing materials, you should get acquainted with what styles the possible types of designs are conventionally divided into and choose for yourself not only the current, but also the most suitable option, which would the best way corresponded to the overall picture of the house and its surrounding area.

If the house is built of timber or any other type of wood, then the fence should be wooden. For a stone house, the right solution would be combined view fence, which is best made from materials such as brick, concrete and forged elements.

A universal fence made of profiled metal sheets using galvanization will suit any home. However, since this is a completely “blind” fence, it will not be able to become good choice for owners who want to show people the beauty of the area near their home. A solid fence is suitable for those who want to hide the area from prying eyes.

When combining styles with each other, it is important to understand that original options may look too pretentious and ridiculous, so it is important not to be too zealous and, if possible, entrust this work to professional designers and craftsmen who will help you figure out how to use extraordinary style combinations.

By the way, in this case a good choice– precisely through, rather than continuous, fencing structures.

The most common fence styles can be described as follows: chalets, ranches and country. All three types, judging by their names, clearly hint at the rustic theme of a cozy country house, and this is no coincidence: since many owners of suburban areas tend to leave noisy cities from time to time and indulge in good rest, elements of a village or village are most relevant for them. All of the above styles are united by the use wood materials for fencing: from unedged boards to log laying.

The ranch style, in theory, looks like a long hedge of living plants. Usually it has two horizontal logs located parallel to each other. The posts of a traditional ranch style fence are very thin and run a little askew. But the modern look of this style is represented by denser structures, the height of which varies. The fence often has a foundation made of durable reinforced concrete.

Previously, the unpainted look of such a fence was in fashion, but now its coloring is becoming more and more popular, mainly in bright red colors and their shades.

The main feature of a ranch-style fence is the longitudinal beams, which can be either wood or another material. When building such a fence on the very territory of the site, the beams are selected in smaller sizes, and the installation of a foundation is not necessary.

Country style also involves the use of wooden elements, which should preferably be painted in a certain way. The fence itself is made in the form of a regular picket fence. Wooden parts must either be subjected to “aging” technology or painted. For example, the bright color of picket fences installed individually looks very stylish and always attracts attention.

Country-style fencing also allows for the most unusual elements: for example, pickets can be made in the shape fairy tale characters either plants or trees.

Such a fence is an ideal choice for creative people who want to emphasize their originality and show others the beauty of their inner world.

The chalet style is the most labor-intensive to complete due to the fact that it contains so many different details. The main goals of installing such a fence are to both demonstrate the house and further decorate it, so the chalet is often classified as a through-type structure. Cast iron carved forging, decorative patterns, and small lanterns add completeness and beauty to the fence.

The most complex modifications are always made with installation on a solid foundation of stone and concrete, which only professional craftsmen can do.


No matter what type of fencing you have on your property, decorating with climbing trees and plants is still one of the best ways to decorate. Experienced owners are well aware that the appearance of an unpainted galvanized fence or an old front garden can always be decorated with greenery, which will not require serious financial investments. Of course, certain types of them require regular care, but given the beauty and benefits that they will give to people, this should not bring much trouble.

All types of climbing plants are characterized by rapid growth, are quite unpretentious and look especially beautiful when they begin to bloom. They are best suited if the height of the fence is two meters or more.

Plants used for planting are annual and perennial. Perennials should be planted if there are no plans to alter the fence in the foreseeable future.

One of the most common shrubs for such purposes is virgin grapes. It does not require scrupulous care, is characterized by rapid growth, is resistant to changeable weather conditions and insects, and also grows well in places where there is a large amount of shade, so it does not wither due to lack of sun. In the summer, girlish grapes are good because they can consistently maintain a fresh green color, and in the fall its leaves turn red and delight the owner with their unpretentious natural beauty until winter.

Ivy is a fast-growing and always green type of shrub that is good at any time of the year.. It grows in the shade, and making a hedge from it is very simple: you need to plant it in the ground and control it so that it remains moist. If the fence is made of stone or brick, or there is a rubble embankment at its base, a great way to refine the “harsh stone walls” is to take flower boxes and place ivy in them so that its branches begin to beautifully fall down as they grow, smoothing out the cold and solidity of stones.

A wonderful choice is honeysuckle. It is resistant to environmental factors and does not require careful care. It also grows quickly and all that is required of the owner is to direct its sprouts in the required direction so that the fence soon looks like a real flower wall with an amazing smell. Honeysuckle comes in different varieties: regular, blue, honeysuckle, Japanese, so you can choose the one that the owners like the most.

Hops look very impressive and are a herbaceous climbing vine, which belongs to the hemp family. A distinctive feature of hops is its rapid growth in the first days of summer - it grows much faster than honeysuckle and maiden grapes. Its growth during the day can be several centimeters, and a lively and dense fence from it will delight you with greenery until the end of summer. Closer to autumn, the leaves below begin to turn yellow and fall, and this should be kept in mind: when the lower branches of the hop become bare, they should be covered in advance with other plants: for example, ferns or peonies should be planted underneath.

However, hops have the property not only of vigorous growth, but also of rapid “spreading” far beyond the boundaries of the area in which it is located. In order to prevent hops from reaching your neighbors, where they can decorate their fence without asking, you need to constantly monitor them. If the owners do everything right, in addition to a beautiful fence, they will also receive a plant with medicinal properties.

Climbing roses are recommended for experienced gardeners. Perhaps these are the most luxurious liana flowers, and with them the owner acquires a truly royal design from nature, partly due to the fact that climbing roses near the fence they often take on the shape of a fan.

This plant comes in different heights: there is a variety that grows up to two to three meters, there is a species that will be higher than 5 meters, and finally, a climbing rose, the shoots of which can reach fifteen meters in height.

For those owners who are planning to repair the fence or its complete replacement, can be recommended annual plants. Also, “one-year-olds” are ideal for those owners who like to change green spaces on their plots or want to experiment. A new living green fence that can be replaced annually is a good solution.

The most popular annual plant is morning glory. It grows fast, and its flowers are different: blue, crimson, purple, similar in shape to small gramophones. Many people know what morning glory looks like because of its popularity, unpretentiousness and beauty, but not everyone knows the name of this vine. Caring for morning glory is simple: you need to water it regularly and make sure that the soil is always slightly moist.

Decorative beans are also an excellent “annual” option. It grows quickly and its climbing stems look amazingly beautiful, but keep in mind that this plant does not tolerate cold weather and frost.

It should be planted in early summer, when there is no longer any threat of frost. Beans grow well in the shade; their stems are fiery red, which will add brightness and originality to the hedge.

How to do it yourself?

Using the example of a fence made of corrugated board, it will be most convenient to consider how to install a fence with your own hands. It is profiled metal sheets that are the most common material and the easiest to work with. The installation method for such a structure is quite simple and can be divided into several stages. The tools and materials you will need are, in fact, corrugated sheets, a welding machine, support pillars (most often metal), cement mortar, logs, self-tapping screws and a shovel.

First of all, you should “mark” the territory of the future fence, taking into account that any fence is installed with a gate or wicket. The distance between the pillars should not be more than two and a half meters, and several wooden pegs and a rope will serve as faithful assistants when marking the master. In the right places, holes are dug with a shovel into which the support pillars will be installed. If you have a construction drill, the holes can be made faster. It is important to keep in mind that each hole must be at least 130 centimeters deep.

The pillars are installed first at all corners of the site, and then throughout the rest of the perimeter. After installing the supports, be sure to secure them with good cement mortar . When the cement has dried (and for this you should wait from three to five days, depending on the concentration of the solution), you can begin installing the logs, to which the profiled sheets will be attached.

Corrugated sheeting is attached to the joists using ordinary self-tapping screws. All metal parts of the fence will need to be painted with enamel paint, and later coated with a protective agent against corrosion. In general, the corrugated sheeting looks very neat and if metal sheets of proper quality were used during installation, they will serve well for many years. Despite the ease of installation, such a fence is already considered a full-fledged fence.

In areas where the installation of a serious continuous fence is not required, you can install a lattice option in the form of a chain-link mesh or a convenient and functional plastic fence. Due to the lightness of the design, it is much faster and more convenient to install than metal corrugated sheet . The area also needs to be marked out, marking the location of the wicket or gate, and pillars for support can simply be driven into the ground. Strong metal piles are installed in the corners and along the perimeter of the site, and then inter-support sections made of plastic are attached to them.

All work is carried out faster than in the case of corrugated sheets: large recesses for pillars are not required here, since plastic sheets weigh much less than metal. And in terms of cost, such a fence will cost the owner a minimal amount: it can be installed either as a temporary or permanent fence and replaced with another at any time.

If you are planning to install any kind of fencing for the first time, it is first important to find out the condition and type of soil on the site. In swampy and damp places, not a single light fence without a foundation will last long: it will very quickly begin to deform under the influence of groundwater. It's not worth saving on this: It’s better to invest once and install, for example, a reliable fence on screw piles than constantly fighting rust and excess moisture.

A simple plastic fence, chain-link mesh, as well as a structure made of corrugated sheets without a foundation can be installed very quickly, but if we are talking about “problem” areas, you will have to take care of reliably strengthening the fence, even if we are not talking about a capital cottage, but about a summer cottage country house.

Building a foundation is a task that is best entrusted to professionals, especially if there is not enough experience and skill for this.

As for simple and light fences without a foundation, they can last a long time under favorable soil and weather conditions. In any case, the owner of the future fence needs to take into account all factors before making a final decision on the type of structure and its functional features.

When purchasing building materials (if we are talking, for example, about individual modules or sheets of plastic or metal), you should take them with a small margin, making calculations in such a way that if one or more sections are damaged, it is always possible to replace them with new ones.

Beautiful examples

Sometimes you can see stone fences in areas that attract attention with the brightness and at the same time naturalness of the colors.

Not everyone knows about such a variety as Besser fences. Besser is a stone obtained artificially, and in appearance it is no different from natural stone, except that it has a more attractive color scheme, which is uncharacteristic for it. Besser is produced by pressing, during which durable cement is mixed with sand.

Fences built from Besser have high resistance to cold, almost do not absorb moisture, do not break or crumble, and their noise-proof properties are no worse than those of more expensive natural analogues.

Over time, the concrete from which Besser blocks are made only becomes stronger, and the choice of colors for such a product is much richer. That is why such fences are much easier to match to existing ready house and site design. Due to its functionality, this material harmonizes perfectly with any others. Besser is used to make not only fences, but also support posts and span walls.

The high technologies used in its production ensure complete environmental safety for humans and animals. Because Besser blocks are always made in the correct shape, they are much more economical to build than natural stones or regular bricks. They weigh much less than brick, which provides greater savings when planning the foundation.

Popular among people and in the construction environment, fencing made from corrugated sheets is also famous for its variety color range. In addition, at the customer’s request, the corrugated sheet can be painted in any color you like, even white. This is usually done in order to later apply a drawing or even photographs printed in a special way onto the surface. A metal profile painted with durable paints that create a perfectly smooth surface can be refined and decorated so that any design on it will look like a real work of art.

Today, a person who decides to build a house on his own must be prepared for significant costs. Most of the money is often spent on the foundation and laying the walls, but in most cases you have to spend a lot on things that at first glance do not seem obvious. We're talking about a fence.

A smart owner of a future home sets the goal of saving on such details. Moreover, this is a completely justified and feasible solution.

A key way to reduce the cost of a fence is to do it yourself. Do not underestimate the importance of this process, since the fence is not only a decorative structure that hides the territory from prying eyes, but also a protective fence designed to prevent suspicious persons from entering the site.

In other words, the design must be reliable, durable and aesthetically pleasing. Only under such conditions will it satisfy all the requirements placed on it. In our case, ease of installation should also be added to the list of conditions.

Materials for building a fence

There are several base materials, allowing you to build an inexpensive and functional structure:

  • tree;
  • Rabitz;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • plastic.

The main limiter in construction technology and combination of materials is financial costs. First, you should select the material that will become the basis for the fence, then find a suitable economical construction technology, and then make basic calculations.

Wooden fence: pros and cons

Modern construction stores offer a large number of wood options suitable for constructing a reliable structure. This material has some advantages over others, which makes it almost the most popular product.

Advantages of wooden structures:


Materials for installing a wooden fence

To build a standard wooden fence, you will need materials such as: picket fence, cross boards, support posts, pegs, ropes, cement, sand, shovel, saw, fasteners, special remedy against wood rotting.

It is best if the entire set of tools is collected in one place within reach to facilitate access to components.

Construction of a wooden fence

Stage 1. We mark the site for the structure and determine the location of the gate. We use pegs and rope. The distance between the pillars is 2 meters. This is how the structure’s resistance to external influences is ensured.

Stage 2. Take a shovel and dig holes for the support pillars.

Stage 3. We immerse the pillars in the ground by about one-fourth of their length.

Stage 4. We install spacers to secure the pillars and fill the hole with cement mixed with sand.

Stage 5. We drive in the cross boards.

Stage 6. We fix the picket fence vertically on the transverse boards.

Stage 7. Paint the finished fence in the chosen color.

At this point, the construction of the wooden fence is considered completed. This is a relatively simple fence option that is usually installed as a temporary option.

A fence made of mesh is considered the most economical option, available today. Among the advantages of such fences it should be noted:

Clarifying the last point, it should be noted that installation will require tools that are easy to find in every home. In addition, modern stores offer a wide range of meshes of the most different colors and sizes, which allows you to move away from the banal appearance of the fence.

Materials for building a fence:

For those who adhere to more original solutions, there are vinyl coverings, but they tend to lose color over time.

Construction of a chain-link fence

Step 1. Carry out the markings.

Step 2. We dig holes for the support pillars.

Step 3. Place the pipes in the holes.

Mesh fence

Step 4. Fill the holes with pre-prepared concrete mortar. In some cases, builders simply drive pipes into the ground using a sledgehammer. This is possible provided the soil is sufficiently soft.

Step 5. We begin to secure the mesh. We fasten the beginning of the roll at the first pipe, which acts as the beginning of the future fence.

Step 6. We stretch the mesh around the remaining supports, gradually securing it. It is important to ensure that the mesh does not sag, otherwise all work will be useless.

Stages of work during sectional construction of a fence

Step 1. Lay the foundation.

Step 2. We build a tension frame from metal corners.

Step 3. Fasten the corners between the supports.

Step 4. Attach the mesh inside the corners using welding.

Chain-link fences are very easy to erect without the help of specialists, which allows you to save a lot and try your hand at it.

Corrugated fencing

This type of fence can rightfully be called the most common. It is most often used for fencing summer cottages and private houses. To erect such a fence you will need a welding machine and a little patience. In general, the installation technology is very simple, which can be attributed to the advantages of the design.

Modern construction markets offer corrugated sheets various colors and sizes, so buyers should not limit themselves in their fantasies.

As additional components, you should purchase anti-corrosion paint, support structures, logs, shovels, screws, and also make cement mortar.

Installation of a corrugated fence

Step 1. We mark for the future fence. It is important that the distance between adjacent supports does not exceed two and a half meters. Pegs and twine are used as auxiliary elements.

Step 2. Making indentations in designated places. In the future, supporting elements will be inserted into these holes. This task can be accomplished using a special drill or simply digging a hole with a shovel. The standard depth of the pit is one hundred and thirty centimeters.

Step 3. We install support pillars at the corners of the territory, and then along the entire perimeter.

Step 4. Strengthen the bases of the pillars with cement.

Step 5. Install the logs that are necessary for further attaching the corrugated sheeting.

Step 6. Attach the sheets to the joists using self-tapping screws.

Step 7. Painting metal elements enamel. In some cases, a primer is used.

Ultimately, the fence turns out to be quite pleasant in terms of aesthetic characteristics, as well as durable and reliable. It looks much more solid than a fence made of wood or chain-link mesh, and therefore can be regarded as a full-fledged fence.

Plastic fence

Plastic deservedly bears the title of one of the most affordable materials for building a fence. This is a real salvation for summer residents who do not want to build expensive structures on their plots.

The positive aspects of such fences are as follows:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • nice appearance.

Installation of a plastic fence

Stage 1. We mark the area where we plan to install the fence.

Stage 2. Mark the places where the wicket and gate will be.

Stage 3. In established places, we drive support pillars into the ground.

Stage 4. We fix piles made of durable metal in the corners.

Stage 5. We stretch the piles along the perimeter of the site.

Stage 6. Secure the pillars with spacers.

Stage 7. Attach the sections between the supports.

Thus, as a result of simple machinations, a beautiful and functional fence is obtained, which in its external qualities, although it cannot compete with structures made of decorative stone or forged elements, completely satisfies the owners of the territory.

This article discussed the simplest ways to build fences, the choice of which is determined only by your preferences. Now you can build a cheap fence with your own hands.

Video – Construction of a wooden fence

Video - Construction of a mesh fence

Video - Installation of a fence made of corrugated sheets

Video - Installing a plastic fence

Every homeowner knows: private property needs fencing. The goals may be different: protection from prying eyes, from robbers, from external extraneous influences - it doesn’t matter, but fencing the site, no matter what it is, is mandatory.

The modern market for construction services offers many options for fences for private and country houses. Choosing the option that is right for you is not so easy. After all, not only the aesthetic side of the issue is important here, but also the financial and practical ones. Not everyone can afford an expensive structure, however, it is still worth taking care of durability.

How to choose suitable material and the fence model? This largely depends on the initial data: whether the house is located in an urban area or outside the city, in what area and what are the main tasks of the future fencing of the site. Then, having already decided on these parameters, you need to take others into account.

Types of fences

Of course, there are a lot of craftsmen in our country, therefore, different non-standard options millions of solutions can be found. Sometimes, having shown a certain degree of imagination and engineering ingenuity, owners create real masterpieces on their plots. However, speaking technically, the main acceptable and more or less popular ones are the following:

  • Concrete,
  • Stone,
  • Wooden,
  • brick,
  • Metal,
  • Slate.

Each of them has its own advantages, and sometimes disadvantages. To choose the right model, you also need to consider the following factors:

What is the purpose of the fence?

Will it be a simple limitation of the boundaries of the yard or a more serious goal. Perhaps you live in a dangerous area and need protection from unwanted guests or stray animals. It also happens that a fence is necessary to protect residents from prying eyes if the housing is located in a crowded, public place. These aspects determine whether the fence should be solid or “breathable” and how high the impact strength of the material should be.

Dimensions of plot and house

Also important. After all, the issue of geometric proportion is very important in architectural buildings; disproportionate things look ridiculous, no matter where they are located. Usually, the height of the fence is in good harmony with the general appearance of the territory, if it does not exceed the first floor of the building. A small area should not be fenced with a fence higher than one and a half to two meters.

General view and type of residential building

Naturally, a fence is part of the overall style of home ownership and it should fit harmoniously into its appearance and complement it, and not contradict it. Fences that match the color scheme and texture to the exterior decoration of the building and the design style of the local area.

Landscape features

It is important to consider in what area the fence will be installed. The presence of groundwater, hilly terrain, or vice versa, ravines can significantly complicate the installation of some types of fencing, even if they are visually very suitable.

Financial opportunities

An important factor, since the choice of materials for constructing the structure directly depends on it.

Taking into account all these nuances, you will certainly be able to choose exactly the option that will best suit your home. A fence is a structure that is installed for a long time and you should not risk a frivolous approach to its selection.

Types of fences

There are quite a few options for fencing, let's look at the main options to understand which would be the ideal choice in your particular case.

It is ideal if the facade of the house is finished with stone elements or imitating this natural material.

Stone fences look expensive and impressive in appearance - for the most part they are pompous ornate structures in a classic or vintage style. Often it can be decorated with metal forged elements.

This type of fencing is highly durable; if installed correctly and using quality materials, it will last for many years and its appearance will remain virtually unchanged.

However, the main nuances include the fact that a stone fence is one of the most expensive options in terms of price, as well as the complexity of manufacturing. Only a specialist can build a beautiful and durable fence high level, but such a person needs to be found and his work simply cannot be cheap.

Brick fence

A more common option, as it is much cheaper than stone counterparts. Brick as a material is not too expensive, but looks good.

In addition, when building a brick fence, you can safely use your imagination and combine it with other materials. For example, you can lay out brick racks, placing them symmetrically around the perimeter of the site, and in the openings between them use forged gratings, corrugated sheets or even natural stone

Also, brick buildings can be decorated with various finishing materials. But there is small nuance, which is desirable to take into account. A plastered brick fence, for example, does not look particularly attractive, especially after heavy rains or even in simply damp weather.

Therefore, when choosing a finish, it is better to provide more interesting option– imitation stone, textured color finishes and the like.

By the way, it is more beautiful and more profitable to make a brick fence from high-quality new bricks than to finish it later.

Red, white or colored brick itself looks attractive and can decorate the facade.

Brick fences will fit quite harmoniously both in combination with modern and earlier buildings; they are almost universal.

As for wear resistance, brick, naturally, is inferior in this regard to natural stone, however, with even and correct masonry, will stand quietly for a couple of decades. In its technical design, a brick fence is easier to complete in flat terrain; it can be done even independently, with minimal skills.

Perhaps this model can be considered the most affordable in the price category. There is a wide range of concrete fencing options on the market, and they are in significant demand due to their low cost.

In particular, many sellers offer ready-made castings (sections) made from concrete mixture– all that remains is to choose the size and texture of the drawing.

Such fences can be reinforced for greater strength metal structure. Installation takes a minimum amount of time and can be done independently. A concrete fence is optimal for those who need quick and affordable fencing of a site, without any special requests or tasks.

The biggest disadvantages of this type of fence material are its low durability compared to other materials, its formulaic appearance, and the high degree of damage to the fence due to temperature changes, frost and other weather phenomena. Outwardly, it looks standard and does not stand out in any way. You can read more about the concrete fence.

Metal fence

There are many possible solutions here.

  • Firstly, it can be a thin sheet of metal, stamped with a certain profile. The thickness of the professional sheet ranges from 2.5 to 5 mm, and the corrugated stamping gives the sheet some rigidity. Such products are offered in galvanized form - silver-metallic color or painted in various colors. The choice of shades is not very large, however, you can choose basic colors.

It is important to buy colored corrugated sheets from the same batch, otherwise the shade may differ and this will be noticeable in the finished form. It is also important that corrugated sheeting is sold in various sizes, both in width and height - this allows you to choose exactly the one that is suitable for your fence; it will not need to be adjusted or cut. Fencing made from corrugated sheets is also very popular due to its ease of installation and low cost.

To build such a fence, you will need a specially welded metal frame, onto which even an amateur can independently attach sheets.

  • A caveat: when attaching corrugated sheets, always overlap between the sheets; this will allow you to get an even fence without gaps or bulges.

In a fence made of wood, the main role is given to the construction of the frame - it must be as level as possible and firmly fastened, then the entire finished structure will look great.

It is convenient to combine corrugated sheeting with other materials - brick, metal or stone; using your imagination you can get an unusual and beautiful design.

The durability of the corrugated sheet is quite long, since its surface is treated with a special compound (galvanized) or painted at the factory, it is not afraid of corrosion caused by atmospheric phenomena, and is frost-resistant. It may change color slightly after prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, but this is not particularly noticeable.

Its only drawback is its weak impact resistance. Such a fence is quite easy to damage; if you accidentally drive into it or purposefully hit it, a dent will form in the thin sheet, which is not so easy to fix. If your area is calm and there is no roadway next to the fence, a profiled sheet may well be suitable for you.

  • The second option for metal fences is forged or stamped lattice.

Naturally, their appearance, as well as their cost, differ significantly. Stamped products look simpler and cost an order of magnitude cheaper, but forged ones allow you to give your fence a uniqueness and charm that immediately catches the eye of any guest or just a passerby. Forged or made to look like them, sections allow you to make the fence “breathable”, that is, visually expand the scale of the site.

They go well with brick or stone columns and can be decorated with lanterns, forged curls and other elements that suit the design style. This model looks chic and is suitable for large country buildings, large plots of land, and well-groomed areas.

Metal sections, no matter how they are made, are very durable if they are properly cared for and can last for centuries. They may not be suitable only for those owners who do not like prying eyes and want to hide their home behind a high wall. There may be a compromise solution here - living plantings, which can partially help cope with the problem.

One might say, a classic – wooden picket fences, probably known to everyone since childhood. Of course, modern technologies already exist, thanks to which the service life and appearance of such fences differ significantly from similar structures from the beginning of the last century.

Wooden fencing looks beautiful and unusual; it is ideal for a country house or in other cases if it is combined with buildings located on the site.

There are ready-made sections of wooden fences available for sale, of various heights and configurations, from which you can independently assemble the required structure. Or you can make a similar product to order, according to your personal sketch, following your imagination or needs.

Wooden fences are not particularly durable and are more suitable as decorative fences that do not carry heavy loads. Installing it is not difficult, however, it is worth providing a certain foundation and a solid frame. Wear resistance depends on the quality of the raw materials, as well as on the top coating and proper care of the product. With careful handling, it may well please you for a couple of decades.

This type of fence gives the facade a zest and uniqueness; it is ideal if there is a gazebo, benches or other buildings in the yard that continue the appearance of the fence in style.

Slate fence

We can say that this is a cheaper version of a fence made of metal sheets. The idea of ​​its implementation is simple: a welded metal frame to which slate sheets are attached. It is not particularly difficult to carry out such a design, however, special skills are required.

Most likely, such a fence will need a concrete foundation, and its base should be clearly leveled in relation to the surface on which it is installed.

Such a fence looks quite simple; slate should not be painted - since the paint will peel off over time, and in itself, it is not very attractive grey colour. But this is not its main drawback.

The main disadvantage is the fragility of such a fence. Slate is easy to damage, chip or even break with a small impact or shock.

Such a fence is a budget-friendly, but not very durable option for very quiet areas; it is not suitable for those who have small children or large pets.

Choosing a fence for your site is a responsible and interesting task; it is best to do this with construction professionals who can give advice and take into account important nuances. When planning to build a fence, remember that this structure is installed for more than one year and must be strong, beautiful and durable. And also be sure to complement the overall style of the home, protect it and delight its owners with its appearance.

What functions do fences for private houses perform? What are the main types of fences for private homes? What types of wooden fences are there for private homes? What types of fences for private houses are made of metal?

Fences are designed to protect a personal plot. They can have completely different designs, sizes, and costs. Currently, owners of private houses pay special attention to the aesthetic qualities of fences. They strive to protect their home and decorate their land with a beautiful and original fence. In our article we will look in detail at what types of fences there are for private houses.

What are the main types of fences for private houses?

Today, fencing is used both for protection and as decorative element for decorating the garden, as well as to accent the facade of the building. Nowadays there are a huge number of offers, so making an informed choice can be difficult. It is important to choose a fence that matches the design of the house, emphasizing the taste of the owner of the site. Remember that the fence must be in harmony with the overall style of landscape design.

Based on their purpose, the following types of fences for private houses can be distinguished:

  • Gates and fences that primarily perform protective functions. They are also used as a screen from prying eyes. Usually this is a fairly high fence made of durable materials.
  • Decorative fencing. Performs exclusively aesthetic functions.
  • The basis for the formation of a hedge.
  • A fence that protects from dust and noise. This fence can be made of transparent or translucent material without preventing the penetration of light into the local area. But at the same time, it is durable enough to protect against unwanted factors such as wind, dust and noise.
  • A fence intended to mark boundaries land plot. Typically, this fence does not perform protective functions, but only separates one territory from another.

What types of wooden fences for private houses are most popular?

As a rule, throughout almost the entire territory of our country, wood is a relatively inexpensive building material. That is why such fencing is affordable. So, what types of wooden fences are there for private houses? Fences can be either translucent or completely solid. The supports are made from materials such as timber, logs, or metal pipes. They may or may not have a foundation. In our article we will try to cover in detail the necessary information that will help you choose a fence. You can also see photos various types fence for private houses.

Wooden fencing is one of the most common. The material is quite easy to install and process, has a low cost, and is also completely amenable to decoration and coloring. A wooden fence is a universal option and is suitable for both rural areas and urban landscapes.

One of the advantages of such a fence is the variety of materials used for its production: from logs and timber to picket fences. This provides original look fences. Wood is easy to process, which makes it possible to create patterns of various types and shapes. You can also paint it or simply coat it with a clear liquid for protection.

The advantages of this type of fence for a private home are the speed of construction and excellent compatibility with other materials. Also, a solid fence perfectly protects from negative external factors: wind, dirt, prying eyes of passers-by. With proper care, the service life of the product can be up to 20 years.

To make a wooden fence, coniferous, deciduous or exotic wood is used:

  • Coniferous is the most popular material. Due to the resin content, it is resistant to rotting and moisture.
  • Deciduous the rock is characterized by high strength, especially some time after installation.
  • Fence from oak has a solid and presentable appearance, but the cost of this material is significantly higher than, for example, pine and cedar.
  • From exotic breeds For this purpose, wood such as teak, cumaru, and ipe is used. The price of this type of fence for a private home will be quite high.

To build a beautiful wooden fence, you can replace natural wood with a composite board, which has excellent appearance and performance.

The following types of wooden fences for private houses are distinguished, which differ in their shape, size and method of fastening:

  • Boardwalk. The boards are stuffed in such a way that they overlap the bottom ones (cone principle). There are various options for plank fences: from simple to exclusive models.
  • Palisade is a log fence located vertically. The top part of the wood is sharpened at an angle of 30° or 45°. This structure is very reliable.

  • From logs. When constructing this type of fence for private houses, the logs are placed in a horizontal position. As connecting element timber with quarters removed is used. In this case, the logs are ground along the edges so that they fit into the quarter. This fencing option is very expensive and demanding to maintain: in order to maintain a neat appearance, it must be constantly tinted.

  • Fence. The relatively low fence consists of slats that are in a vertical position. They are stuffed with crossbars and secured to poles. This type of fence for private houses serves more of a decorative function than a protective one. He will save you from animals, but not from people. Most often, this model is used for fencing a playground, vegetable garden or garden.
    The same picket fence, if laid twice with an offset in a checkerboard pattern, is a blind structure. This type of fence is called “checkerboard”; it has a cozy appearance and looks complete both from the street and from the yard.

  • Wattle fence. It is the most budget material of all. To make it, you just need to cut young trees and assemble a fence from them. If you add to the design for strength metal pipes, then the fence will be quite reliable. With proper weaving, this option is not inferior to a picket fence or a plank fence.

  • From panels. Such sections can be assembled in a variety of ways, then secured to poles dug into the ground.

  • Fencing made from wooden frames, remind us of the sea and relaxation. They can have any pattern. As a rule, this type of fence for a private house is small in height and serves to decorate the local area. White color will give this design lightness and airiness.
  • For small country houses, you can use a wooden fence made of slats, laid across the racks. The fence on the side of the building should be decorated with climbing varieties of plants, which will add romance to the overall atmosphere. Ranch style fences look very original.

Each wooden fence consists of spans supported by pillars, which can be made of materials such as timber and small-diameter logs. It is also necessary to install metal pipes or screw supports, as well as reinforced concrete pillars.

The type of support is determined by the type of soil. For example, for a heaving foundation consisting of clay and loam, you should make a stronger base by welding the reinforcement bars that stick out to the side. This will make it more likely that the poles will remain in place after winter. An alternative option is a shallow shallow base. It can move vertically, but in its entirety (with sufficient reinforcement).

What types of fences for private houses are made of metal?

Metal fences can be welded, forged, cast or made of corrugated sheets. They are made using special technologies. The cost of such fencing may vary, but each similar model is characterized by a very long service life. The metal is resistant to various weather conditions, be it frost, wind or scorching sun. It is for this reason that owners of private houses spend considerable sums of money on fences that always have a presentable appearance and have a long service life.

  • Forged

They are considered one of the most expensive types of fence for private homes. And their external design can be considered works of art. Wrought iron fences are open, so the landscape design and surrounding area should be in perfect order. To reduce the cost of manufacturing such a fence, it is recommended to decorate only the front side of the structure with forged elements. You can also complement the design of the windows of your home with a similar pattern. In order to maintain a unified style, the fence and gates of the building should be forged.

Hand forging is a very labor-intensive process that requires a certain amount of experience in this field and artistic taste. It is due to this factor that the high cost of this type of fence for a private home is formed. You will reduce costs if you combine forged elements with other types of fencing, or make only one gate in this style. Forged structures are easy to maintain, do not require major repairs and last quite a long time.

  • Fences made of metal profile pipes

Such fences are simple to construct, although they have a very elegant appearance. This material is characterized by a hollow structure, which ensures its ease and speed of installation. The fence profile configuration can be either flat or curved. This way you can create any abstract pattern.

  • Welded

Profile pipes, differing in cross-section and diameter, are welded to each other. This creates a unique pattern. Next, the resulting pattern is welded to the base and a lattice section is obtained, which is mounted on pre-prepared supports (they can be either metal or brick).

The foundation allows you to increase the stability and strength of the structure. Profile pipes can act as a reliable fencing frame, which is covered with materials such as corrugated sheets, polycarbonate or slate. This type of fence for a private home can be additionally decorated with forged inserts. This option, of course, costs much less, but in this case the appearance also loses.

Forging, casting and welded metal fences made from rods have one significant drawback - they are practically transparent, therefore, they do not protect against such negative factors as wind, dirt, dust and the curious glances of passers-by. But modern materials solve a similar problem: a polycarbonate sheet with an opaque or translucent structure is attached to the fence. These materials combine very harmoniously with each other. It is recommended to give preference to durable polycarbonate, then you will not be afraid of any damage.

  • Mesh

This type of fence for a private home is appropriate where it is not possible to erect a solid fence. It is used as a façade, and shrubs are usually planted in front of the mesh. Thus, the adjacent area is well ventilated with air, and the size of the plot is visually increased. The mesh is fixed between pillars dug into the ground. You can install them on a strip foundation to make the fence more durable. Mesh fences are distinguished by their long service life, ease of maintenance and resistance to negative external factors. This kind metal fence for a private home is the most budget-friendly.

  • From corrugated sheets

Now we will look at what types of fences for private houses are made of corrugated board. As a rule, the pillars are installed on the foundation or simply dug into the ground. Such fences have no gaps and protect the local area from prying eyes. These fences are distinguished by such qualities as lightness, reliability and fire resistance. There are corrugated sheets of any shade. Also, the growing popularity of these fences among homeowners is due to their affordable cost.

The pillars are installed at a distance of one to one and a half meters. Next, crossbars are attached to them, followed by sheets of corrugated metal. You can choose a wide variety of colors (plain, camouflage, stone, brick and much more). If the roof is made in neutral colors, then the most popular fence color is green. IN summer period this shade blends in with the plants and also looks great in winter.

  • From a metal picket fence

These types of fences for private homes are distinguished by their clear lines, extraordinary strength and ease of installation. You can easily assemble the fence yourself. The picket fence is covered with a double protective layer, which significantly increases the service life of the product up to 50 years.

What other types of fences for private houses exist?

  • Brick fences

This type of fence for a private home is the most expensive. The material must be of high quality and have high density. The best option would be clinker or facing bricks. The only significant drawback is the price - several tens of rubles per piece, and for the fence you will need several thousand similar elements (the exact quantity will depend on the fencing parameters). You will also need to pay for the work of a qualified craftsman, since you cannot cope with such a task on your own.

Brick fencing is the most reliable, heavy-duty and durable structure. In terms of its operational properties, this type of fence for a private house is second only to a stone fence. Such fences do not require major repairs and are also easy to maintain.

There are 2 disadvantages brick fence. Firstly, exposure to moisture. Therefore, if you do not live in a dry climate, then it is better to abandon this option, or you will have to periodically treat the fence walls with protective agents that prevent the effects of negative factors such as dew, rain, and melted snow. Secondly, the cost of a brick fence is quite high.

To avoid excessive monumentality, you can use an additional shade or texture. Some homeowners decorate the top and bottom of the fence with “openwork.”

Recommendation: You can dilute the masonry with columns made of bricks of a different texture and shade so that the structure does not look boring and monotonous. It is also possible to use additional material to decorate the top of the fence.

  • Stone fences

The construction of fences for a private house is carried out using natural and artificial stone. The choice is yours. Natural materials for construction are most often represented by shell rock, sandstone, basalt, quartzite, etc. This type of fence for a private home is durable, reliable and environmentally friendly, and does not require special care or frequent restoration. If this option too expensive for you, then you can use artificial material, which looks very similar to natural, has almost the same performance properties, but its price is significantly lower. Of course, any stone fence is quite expensive, but the high cost is fully justified by its spectacular appearance and quality.

There is also a so-called stone-metal type of fence for a private home. Such a fence is as follows: a mesh is welded from a rod, which is then covered with boulders. Thus, we get a very durable fence.

Any stone or brick fence implies the presence of a foundation, since the structure is quite heavy, and accordingly, a solid foundation is required.

You can lighten the construction of a fence made of brick or stone by adding metal and polycarbonate. Transparent plastic will preserve the elegance of forged elements and help hide the local area from prying eyes.

  • Reinforced concrete fencing

In the modern world there is rapid growth construction technologies. New materials and additives appear almost every week. Therefore, ordinary reinforced concrete products can have a surface that imitates stone, brick and much more.

Such concrete fences are a reliable type of fence for private homes and are distinguished by their opaque structure. This model is quickly erected and, moreover, is a completely budget option. This fence does not need a foundation. You should place the pillars evenly and carefully concrete them, and then lower the slabs into the slots.

If you used quality material and adhere to the technology, then the fence will serve you for many years (at least tens of years). One of the advantages of concrete is that it loves moisture and only becomes stronger because of it.

Now, instead of boring and dull fences made of slabs, you can install a fencing structure made of fiber-reinforced concrete. This modern material used to create creative and stylish fences. You can choose panels of any shape, color and design. This type of fence for private homes perfectly protects against unwanted factors such as noise and dirt. By choosing one texture or another, you can style the fence as brick, wood or marble.

Structures made of fiber-reinforced concrete not only have an impeccable appearance, but also provide excellent protection from the views of passers-by.

  • Slate fence

Another economical type of fence for a private home is a slate fence. As a rule, during its manufacture, metal poles with clips and crossbars welded to them are dug into the ground. Then sheets of slate are attached to them. They can be flat, wave, non-asbestos and polymer.

You can paint the fence, then it will look better. At the same time, its service life will last almost 2 times. Of course, a varnished fence will need to be repainted periodically. You can also simply choose the slate of the shade you need. Only its cost will be 40-50% higher. Another option is to use polymer slate made from fiberglass or fiberglass.

This material is somewhat softer than asbestos, so regular sheathing is necessary.

  • Plastic fence

This type of fence for a private home is made of PVC or vinyl. The first option is not very popular among consumers due to its low strength. But high-quality plastic boards are equipped with reinforced internal frame and noise-proof filling. This ensures the strength and sound insulation of the structure.

The advantages of this design are represented by a wide range of colors, shapes, as well as ease and simplicity of installation. In the Russian Federation, such a fence is used as decorative hedge. It is most popular in Europe and the USA.

  • Polycarbonate fence

This type of fence for a private home is usually installed framed by a metal frame or supplemented with forged elements. The second option allows you to protect the local area from prying eyes. At the same time, the building retains its elegance and originality. The advantages of such fences are their light transmission, variety of shades, protection from wind and good sound insulation. If you have given your preference to this type of fence for a private home, then you need to purchase sheets with a thickness of 10 to 12 mm with smooth surface, since thin corrugated panels will not be able to withstand strong winds and hail impacts.

  • Glass fencing

This type of fence for a private home is used more often as decoration. It is installed to divide the internal areas of the garden area, or to fence off the pool and terrace. A structure made of frosted glass, is quite stylish solution, especially if you are decorating the facade of a house in a high-tech style.

  • Combined fences

As a rule, the most beautiful fences are obtained when they are made using various materials. For example, quite often pillars are made of stone or brick, and forged, wooden or concrete elements are installed between them. These models look very stylish and modern.

  • Hedge for your own home

“Living” hedges have been used for a very long time. To make it, you will need to show your creativity, as well as acquire some knowledge about the plants that you plan to plant for this purpose. There is an opinion that such a fence is unreliable. In fact, this is not true. For this type of fence for a private house, shrubs are used, the branches of which are intertwined, and it is quite problematic to penetrate into the local area through such a fence. There is the following classification of hedges: curbs, low-growing, medium-height, tall and “living” walls.

A living fence can be formed in two ways:

  • In a natural way - the plants are not trimmed, leaving them in their original form.
  • Haircut – used to form even fences or a shaped composition.

To create a hedge, as a rule, hazel, barberry, currant, hawthorn and other plants are used.


Blind types of fences for private houses reliably protect from prying eyes, but at the same time they do not provide the opportunity to observe what is happening around. For example, if someone rang your gate, you won't see who it is. For this purpose, surveillance cameras are installed. They function excellently during the day, but are useless in the dark (unless the equipment is equipped with an infrared mode).

As a rule, additional lamps are installed on poles. This important detail must be taken into account when planning and erecting a fence. During the construction of the poles, be sure to lay wires inside that will supply power to the lighting fixtures. You should also install a separate machine on the panel.
