How do Unified State Exam results affect your school certificate? Why is the OGE important and how does it affect the student’s fate?

In 2018, will the final essay be assessed on a five-point scale or according to current criteria?
The procedure and procedure for assessing the final essay (presentation) will not change in the 2017/18 academic year. The essay (presentation) will be assessed according to two requirements (Volume and Independence) and 5 evaluation criteria, as in last year. The result of the essay (presentation) is “pass” or “fail”.

Is it true that the Unified State Exam in English will become mandatory for everyone this year?
It is planned to expand the list of compulsory subjects for passing the Unified State Exam by the time high schools completely switch to the new Federal State Educational Standards, which will happen by 2022. Thus, a foreign language will become mandatory for passing the Unified State Exam, in addition to Russian and mathematics, in 2022.

I'm from Crimea. I have two children. One is in the ninth grade, the second is in the sixth. Are there any changes planned in the examination procedure in the next 2-3 years?
For Crimea and Sevastopol From 2019, the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam will become mandatory. Now graduates can take the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination at will, or undergo final certification in the form of the State Examination.

For all of Russia: Currently, testing procedures are being carried out to introduce a final interview in the Russian language in 9th grade. In this regard, a draft regulatory legal act is being prepared that will introduce

from next academic year in 9th grade, a final interview in the Russian language as a condition for admission to GIA-9. It is planned that the final interview will take place in three terms (similar to the final essay):
→ second Wednesday of February;
→ second working Wednesday in March;
→ first working Monday in May.
A foreign language should be included among the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination from 2022.

I am also from Crimea. If a graduate has scored insufficient points on the Unified State Exam in a subject of his choice for admission to a university, can he take this subject directly at the university?
In 2017 and 2018, a special procedure for admission to the university continues to apply for graduates from Crimea and Sevastopol. In the year of receiving the certificate, they have the right to enroll in undergraduate and specialist programs of their choice based on the results of the Unified State Examination and (or) the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university both in Crimea and abroad. Applicants can take all entrance tests conducted by the university, or take one or more exams at the university, along with using the Unified State Examination results as the results of other entrance tests.

There is information on the Internet that ninth-graders will take 5 subjects in 2018 at the State Academic Examination. Is it so? Or do you mean an interview in Russian?
The number of academic subjects for passing the GIA is four (two compulsory academic subjects - Russian language and mathematics, and two subjects of the graduate’s choice). Starting from the 2018/19 academic year, 9th grade students will have to undergo a final interview in the Russian language to obtain admission to GIA-9.

My child has chosen subjects to take the Unified State Exam, but it turns out that the schedule for these exams coincides. What should I do? Will he be allowed to take the Unified State Exam early?
The schedule is designed in such a way as to exclude examinations in subjects of the same profile. If the dates for the Unified State Exam in individual academic subjects coincide, Unified State Exam participants are allowed to take the exams on reserve dates. Thus, there is no need to participate in the early period of the Unified State Exam if the exam dates coincide.

I took the Unified State Exam in 2011. Now I want to get a second higher education, in order to enter a university, I need to take the Unified State Exam again. This is quite difficult for those who have not been in school for a long time. Are there plans to create any other conditions for admission for those who graduated from school a long time ago and are receiving a second and subsequent higher education?
To get the second higher education There is no need to take the Unified State Exam. According to the Law on Education, admission to bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs of persons with higher education is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which are determined by the university.

Will history be a compulsory subject on the Unified State Exam? From what year will this happen?
The discussion of the issue of introducing history into the list of compulsory subjects for passing the State Examination is relevant. The increase in the number of compulsory subjects of the State Civil Aviation Examination is preceded by a broad professional and public discussion of this issue, as well as an analysis of the results of testing the examination technology. So far, no decision has been made to include history among the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination.

With the introduction of CMM printing technology in the classroom, the problem of the lack of forms for State Examination participants is being solved. In this regard, will the deadlines for submitting applications for the Unified State Exam be revised? But it often happens that it is quite difficult for a graduate to decide on subjects before February 1st.
There are no plans to make changes to the GIA-11 Procedure in the 2017/18 academic year. An application indicating the choice of subjects for which you plan to take the Unified State Exam must be submitted strictly before February 1 (inclusive). If the applicant has valid reasons (illness or other documented circumstances), after February 1, the choice of academic subject (list of academic subjects) can be changed (added) only by decision of the State Examination Committee.

Question about the oral exam in Russian. I would like to know more about the OGE in 9th grade. What should the guys expect? What are the features of this exam? What will be assessed? Will it be taken into account that not everyone speaks this language as their native language? And further. Probably, in the near future there will be an oral exam in the Russian language in grade 11? What should we expect?
The final interview in the Russian language is considered as a condition for admission to the State Examination Examination in 9th grade. Organizational principles for conducting a final interview in the Russian language: → conducting it at your school;
→ a unified structure of tasks with uniform requirements for their implementation;
→ software and hardware (use of hardware and software, sound reproducing and recording equipment, software;
→ provision of assignments from the federal level on the day of the final interview;
→ a unified assessment system by an expert, using the pass/fail system;
→ unified schedule.

Final interview tasks in the Russian language
→ Reading text aloud
→ Retelling the text with a statement on the problem of the text
→ Monologue statement on one of the selected topics
→ Dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor

In 2016, we conducted research in Chechnya. Tatarstan and the Moscow region, a week ago the second testing was completed in 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Chechen Republic. There were no problems. We are not asking anything supernatural. Reading a text of 160-170 words, describing a photograph or speaking out on a proposed topic, entering into a dialogue with a teacher is not so difficult. These are the basic skills that every person graduating from basic school should have. There are no special “relaxations” for students for whom Russian is not their native language. Firstly, Russian is the official language of our country and all citizens must demonstrate at least the minimum level of proficiency established by the requirements of the educational standard. Secondly, education in high schools, lyceums and colleges, as well as universities Russian Federation conducted in Russian. Poor command of the Russian language will not allow the child to continue his education along the chosen educational path. There are currently no plans to introduce an oral exam in the Russian language in grade 11.

We heard that an independent study of the quality of physical education education will be conducted in 2019. Very interesting, in what form. Will the guys show their physical abilities or will it be their knowledge? In general, what will NIKO in physical education be like?
Within the framework of the NICO in physical education, all aspects will be explored educational process in physical education - conditions, traditions, specifics, range of different forms of classes, visiting sports sections, practice of physical education at home, etc. A sample study of the level of training in physical education will also be conducted in strict accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Form of research: questionnaires and observation of simple exercises performed as part of physical education lessons.

Nowadays there are a lot of textbooks on sale for preparing for the Unified State Exam, courses and tutors are advertised. Can you recommend any benefits? In your opinion, what is the best way to prepare for the Unified State Exam? Eat educational materials, which you personally can approve?
The school textbook is the main teaching aid in preparation for the Unified State Exam. Moreover, for the purpose successful preparation students to passing the Unified State Exam, forming an idea about the structure of future KIM, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity, demo versions of the Unified State Exam KIM are posted on the official website of FIPI, as well as Open bank Unified State Exam assignments, which can be used in the preparation process and individual tasks of which are used in the formation of Unified State Exam KIM options for all academic subjects. Training resources and manuals from other authors do not guarantee that they will contain tasks similar to those that will be encountered on the exam. However, the use of only textbooks teaching aids and information resources does not guarantee that students will receive the maximum score on the Unified State Exam. Successful passing of exams is preceded by systematic work on studying the material school curriculum throughout the entire course of study at the levels of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.

In recent years, new assessment procedures have been added: VPR, NIKO to the already traditional OGE and Unified State Exam. Has a nationwide system for assessing the quality of education been developed in Russia today, and if so, where can you get acquainted with it?
ESOKO as a whole has been formed. This year we published a popular brochure, where all the procedures that make up it are described in a popular form. Can be found on the Rosobrnadzor website.

In our secondary school, a large percentage of children with disabilities health. Are there plans to introduce assessment procedures like VPR specifically for such children (like GVE)?
In 2018, the development of special educational materials for children with disabilities is not provided.

Hello, I am very interested in the number of GIA-9 exams for children with disabilities and disabled children: will elective exams be mandatory for this category?
For persons with disabilities and disabled children who have completed educational programs of basic general education, the number of exams taken, at their request, can be reduced to two mandatory exams in the Russian language and mathematics.

In what subjects will All-Russian testing be carried out in grade 11?
VPR in the 11th grade will be conducted in the same subjects as last year (history, biology, chemistry, physics, geography), and a foreign language will be added to them.

My child is in 5th grade. This year he has mandatory GCSEs in several subjects. This is a relatively new procedure for assessing the quality of education for us. The school says her results will be taken into account when issuing final grades. We are very worried: will the results of the VPR really affect the child’s grades? Why are VPRs carried out at all? How is the procedure different from final exams?
In the spring of 2018, educational training among 5th grade students will be conducted in the academic subjects “Russian language”, “mathematics”, “history”, “biology”. The decision to use the VPR results is made at the school level.

In 2018, when conducting the Unified State Exam, it is planned to switch to the technology of printing a full set of examination materials in classrooms. Please tell me why this measure is being introduced? How will it affect the exam itself, how will it affect the results?
The main objective of the transition to the technology of printing a complete set of examination materials (hereinafter referred to as EM) in PPE is to reduce significant annual transportation costs and the cost of producing EM when using paper media for CMMs or answer forms. This additional measures ensuring the objectivity of the examination and speeding up organizational procedures. When using printing technology, EMs enter the PPE on electronic media in encrypted form. Decryption and printing occurs directly in the PPE using electronic encryption keys. Members of the State Examination Committee receive the key to access the CMM 30 minutes before the start of the exam. EMs are printed in the presence of Unified State Exam participants, completed in the classroom with individual sets and given to participants.

Can my son take the Unified State Exam if he is serving in the army during the exams?
Maybe. Graduates of previous years take the Unified State Exam in any subject of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence. To do this, you must submit an application to take the Unified State Exam in the appropriate region before February 1 and appear on time for the exam. Regulatory documents also stipulate that graduates of previous years are military personnel undergoing military service by conscription and under contract, those entering to study at military educational organizations of higher education, apply for participation in the Unified State Exam no later than two weeks before the start of the relevant exam (relevant exams) to the places of registration for passing the Unified State Exam in the region where the military educational organization is located higher education, applications indicating the academic subject (list of academic subjects) for which they plan to take the Unified State Exam this year.

Before taking the Unified State Exam, each examinee must undergo an examination. Is it true that in 2018, in addition to a metal detector and the presence of police, a search will also be added. How legal is this?
The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for searches and examination of Unified State Examination participants during the examination. The organizers, together with law enforcement officers and employees of internal affairs bodies, check the identity documents of the Unified State Exam participants and their presence in the distribution lists for this PPE. Using stationary and (or) portable metal detectors, USE participants are checked for the presence of prohibited substances. When a metal detector signal appears, the USE participant is asked to show the object causing the signal. If this item is a prohibited device, including a communication device, the Unified State Exam participant is asked to hand over this device to the place where personal belongings of the Unified State Exam participants are stored or to an accompanying person. Persons carrying out the inspection do not touch the exam participants or their belongings, but ask to voluntarily show an object that causes a metal detector signal.

Currently, children almost from the 2nd grade take part in various assessment procedures (NIKO, VPR, etc.) Is it planned to create a unified information system of results (portfolio, portfolio of educational achievements) of students based on the results of assessment procedures?
In 2017, Rosobrnadzor will create a federal information system for assessing the quality of education in order to develop an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education. This information system will allow you to integrate data on various assessment procedures, contextual data on educational organizations, and generate statistical reports to analyze various aspects and characteristics of the quality of education.

I'm very excited about oral part of the Unified State Exam in a foreign language (section “Speaking”). As I understand it, experts are evaluating the recording. What if it is of poor quality? We, parents, do not know what equipment is used, how accurately it transmits speech. Will my child suffer due to someone else's fault?
After completing the oral examination, the participant is given the right to listen to a recording of his answer to each CMM task to ensure that it is reproduced without technical glitches. If there is a defect in the entry in the PPE, a member of the State Examination Committee draws up an act on early completion of the exam for good reasons, the Unified State Examination participant is given the right to retake oral Unified State Exam By foreign languages in reserve time.

My daughter chose the exam to take the Unified State Exam, but at the last moment she changed her mind and did not go to take it. Is she in any danger? After all, they will probably give you a bad mark and it will be published somewhere. And how will this affect the certificate?
Unified State Exam results are entered into information systems. The absence of a participant in the exam means no result. In accordance with the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates, the results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the mark in the certificate of secondary general education. However, we remind you that successful completion of the State Examination in mathematics and the Russian language is the basis for obtaining a certificate. Your daughter may not appear for exams in subjects of her choice, but she must appear for compulsory exams, since in case of failure to appear, repeated participation in the exams this year is possible only if she provides documents confirming the valid reason for not appearing for the exam.

My child studies at a school that is a pilot site for the implementation of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education. In our class, instead of the usual academic subjects of physics, chemistry, and biology, the schedule includes one subject, “Natural Science.” The school plans to take part in the All-Russian testing work. We do not require an Unified State Exam in physics, chemistry, or biology for admission. Does my child need to write a VPR in these subjects?
The decision to participate in the educational program in the 11th grade is made by the educational organization, taking into account the content of educational programs.

What if the timing of the All-Russian testing for grades 4 - 5 coincides with the school holidays?
VPR among students in grades 4 and 5 will be held in April 2018. The schedule for their holding has not yet been approved and is being adjusted taking into account proposals from the regions. The VPR in the Russian language in grades 5 will also be held on October 26, 2017. Since the school independently decides to participate in the VPR, it has the right to refuse to participate in this event if the timing of the VPR coincides with school holidays.

My daughter will graduate from 11th grade in next year. Have you heard that graduates will be prohibited from enrolling directly in the core and basic mathematics exams? Is it so? She wants to try to pass a specialized exam, but is not confident in her preparation.
No changes were made to the procedure for selecting academic subjects for the Unified State Exam 2018; you can enroll in both levels. However, it is worth keeping in mind that if your daughter takes both levels of the Unified State Exam in mathematics and, for example, she does not pass the profile level, but overcomes the minimum threshold at the basic level, then she will not be able to retake the profile level this year, since She will have a positive result in the subject “Mathematics”. Repeated participation in the Unified State Examination in mathematics during the reserve period in in this case The order is not provided. If you have a satisfactory Unified State Examination result in mathematics basic level, you can retake the profile exam only after a year.

Please tell us whether the minimum thresholds for the Unified State Exam will be changed this year - for obtaining a certificate and for entering a university?
At present, there are no plans to change the minimum number of Unified State Examination points confirming the completion of educational programs of secondary general education and required for admission to universities.

Will changes be made to the control measurement materials of the All-Russian testing works for 5th grade, taking into account the content of textbook materials? For example, according to UMC V.G. Dorofeev decimal fractions are studied in the 6th grade, but an assignment on this topic was included in the work for the 5th grade. This did not allow the children to complete this task correctly, and a lot of time was spent on its completion.
One of the important goals of the educational program is to promote the formation of a unified educational space in the Russian Federation, to create equal conditions for learning and mastering the educational program for all students, including when they move from school to school. Therefore, the content of the VPR for each subject and class will remain the same for everyone. On the other hand, when assessing the results of the educational program within the school, the nuances of the material can be taken into account. Finally, it should be noted that there is currently a discussion going on about the content of federal government educational standards, including the inclusion in the text of the Federal State Educational Standard of a description of specific content by year of study. If such additions to the Federal State Educational Standard are adopted, then the VPR in 2018 will certainly comply with them.

The use of mobile phones is prohibited on the Unified State Exam, everyone knows this. But imagine, a child, out of excitement, forgot about his mobile phone, he has it in his pocket, and during an exam, for example, his alarm clock went off. Will your son be removed from the exam? He didn't use the phone, did he?
The order prohibits not only the use of communication devices, but also their presence at the examination site. Unified State Exam participants are required to hand over phones, as well as other personal belongings, to places for storing personal belongings, which are organized before entering the PES, or give them to accompanying persons. This violation is grounds for removal of this exam participant from the PES. These requirements are the same for all exam participants. The student and his parents (legal representatives) are familiarized with these requirements of the Procedure in advance by signature.

As part of the independent assessment of the quality of education of students, various studies are carried out: National studies of the quality of education, All-Russian testing works. In this regard, we would like to know on what basis educational organizations are selected to conduct National Research on the Quality of Education?
Each of the NIKO projects is a sample study and is organized in such a way that the results obtained make it possible to judge not only the quality of training of the direct participants in the study, but also the general level knowledge of the subject among students of the corresponding classes in regions with similar conditions and in Russia as a whole. On average, about 15 schools from each participating subject of the Russian Federation are selected to conduct the NICO. The sample is compiled by federal coordinators and takes into account the characteristics of the region’s education system (ratios of the shares of students from urban and rural schools; secondary schools and “advanced level” schools - gymnasiums, lyceums, schools with in-depth study of subjects).

Hello, please tell me, my daughter graduated from the Sverdlovsk Music College in 2017, she did not take the Unified State Exam after graduation, because she did not plan to enter a university this year, but got a job. This year he plans to enter a university in another city. We live in Yekaterinburg. At what point of taking the Unified State Exam will we need to register? Or is it at an institute or school?
Persons with a diploma of secondary vocational education are allowed to take the Unified State Exam, like graduates of previous years. You can take the Unified State Exam in any subject of the Russian Federation, regardless of your place of residence, location of the university, etc. To participate in the Unified State Exam, your daughter must, before February 1, 2018, submit an application indicating the selected academic subjects to the places of registration determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation carrying out public administration in the field of education, at the place where you take the Unified State Exam (i.e. if you want to take the Unified State Exam in Yekaterinburg, you need to contact the Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region). We also draw your attention to the fact that admission to undergraduate and specialty programs for persons with secondary vocational education is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which are determined by the university.

Is it possible to appeal the results of the final essay?
There is no provision for appeal. There are two additional deadlines for retaking the essay if the result is unsatisfactory. Also, in order to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure an objective assessment of the final essay (presentation), students who receive a repeated unsatisfactory result (“failure”) for the final essay (presentation) are given the right to submit a written application for verification of their final essay (presentation) by a commission of another educational organization or commission formed by the educational institution at the regional or municipal level. The procedure for submitting such an application and organizing a re-check of the final essay (presentation) of the specified category of students is determined by the OIV.

I know that the Unified State Exam results are valid for a limited time. But my son should be drafted into the army immediately after the exams. He wants to go to university after serving. Will he have to take the Unified State Exam again?
In accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” Unified State Examination results for admission to universities are valid for four years following the year in which such results were obtained.

My nephew is finishing school in Ukraine. But I would like to pass the Unified State Exam. Is this possible?
Graduates who have received secondary general education in foreign educational organizations also have the right to take the Unified State Exam. Your nephew can take the Unified State Exam on the territory of any subject of the Russian Federation. To participate in the Unified State Exam, he must submit an application before February 1, indicating the selected academic subjects, to the places of registration for taking the Unified State Exam, determined by the educational authority of the region in whose territory he plans to take the Unified State Exam. Applications are submitted in person on the basis of an identification document, or by parents (legal representatives) of the Unified State Exam participant on the basis of an identification document, or by authorized persons on the basis of an identification document and executed in in the prescribed manner powers of attorney.

The Unified State Exam has been held for many years. Probably, information has accumulated about what most often fails graduates, what mistakes they make most often. Is this information published somewhere?
Every year FIPI analyzes the results of the Unified State Exam. Thus, the official website of FIPI contains methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis typical mistakes participants of the Unified State Exam since 2013 (including based on the results of the Unified State Exam 2017). These analytical materials contain useful information not only for subject teachers, but also for future USE participants.

Please tell me, can 10th grade students take the Unified State Exam, for example, in Russian or geography, so that next year they can study other subjects in 11th grade?
Students of 10 grades who have annual grades not lower than satisfactory in all academic subjects of the curriculum for the previous year are admitted to the State Examination, including in the form of the Unified State Examination, in academic subjects, the mastery of which was completed earlier. Last year education (grade 10). For example, to pass the Unified State Exam in the subject “Russian Language” at the end of 10th grade, you must:

  • submit an application for participation in the Unified State Exam in the specified academic subject to the school before February 1;
  • complete studies in the 10th grade, having received annual grades not lower than satisfactory in all academic subjects of the curriculum;
  • complete the program in one course high school(grades 10-11) in the academic subject “Russian language” according to an individual curriculum until the end of the school year.
Subject to the above conditions pedagogical council The school makes a decision on admission to the State Examination in the form of the Unified State Exam in the academic subject “Russian Language” at the end of 10th grade.

How long must an essay be for it to be accepted by the assessors?
In the final essay, which students write in the 11th grade as an admission to the State Examination Examination, the recommended number of words is 350. If the essay contains less than 250 words (all words, including function words, are included in the count), then a “fail” is given. The requirements have not changed this year. The Unified State Examination in the Russian language also includes an essay as one of the tasks. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

As we have heard, in exam paper in physics and chemistry one task is added each, where can I find out the content of the tasks being added?
Changes in the Unified State Exam KIM in physics and chemistry are reflected in the draft Specifications and demonstration versions, which are published on the FIPI website. You can learn more about the features of the new lines of tasks in the last section of the “Methodological recommendations for teachers, developed on the basis of an analysis of typical errors in the Unified State Exam 2017.”

Is a graduate required to take elective exams? Is the Unified State Exam required for admission to a technical school?
The compulsory subjects for passing the GIA are Russian language and mathematics. Successful completion of the State Examination in these compulsory subjects is the basis for obtaining a certificate for grade 11. Students take exams in other academic subjects on a voluntary basis of their choice in order to present their results for admission to universities. If you do not plan to enter a university, then you can only pass the mandatory exams, receive a certificate and continue your studies in educational institutions of secondary vocational education, where Unified State Examination results are not required.

Who decides on admission to the Unified State Exam and when? In what case may a graduate not be allowed to take the Unified State Exam?
Students who do not have academic debt, including for the final essay (presentation), and who have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum (having annual grades in all academic subjects of the curriculum for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education) are admitted to the State Examination. education is not less than satisfactory). The decision on admission to the GIA is made by the pedagogical council of the organization in which the student is mastering the educational program of secondary general education. Specific deadlines for making a decision are not established by law and are determined at the level of the educational organization in which the student is mastering the educational program of secondary general education.

What should I do if mistakes are made in the Unified State Examination procedure (something got in the way, the necessary conditions were not created, etc.)?
In this case, the participant has the right to file an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam. An appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam is submitted by a Unified State Exam participant to a member of the State Examination Committee on the day of the exam, without leaving the PET. An inspection of the reported violation is organized at the PPE. If the appeal is satisfied by the conflict commission, the participant’s result is canceled and he is given the opportunity to take the Unified State Examination in this subject in a reserve period.

Will the results of the Unified State Exam affect the grades on the certificate?
The results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the final grades that are included in the certificate. Final grades for grade 11 are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s semi-annual and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are entered into the certificate as integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Who and how determines the distribution scheme of participants for taking the Unified State Exam?
The determination of the locations of PETs and the distribution of Unified State Exam participants between them is carried out by the regional education authority based on the total number of Unified State Exam participants, territorial accessibility and classroom capacity. The distribution of USE participants in the PES is carried out automatically.

During their studies from grades 1 to 11 in schools, students receive two documents: a certificate of basic general education after finishing 9th grade and a certificate of complete secondary general education after completing 11th grade. Schoolchildren are interested in the question of what grades will be included in the certificate.

The standards for marking the certificate are regulated by the official document Regulations on the final certification for grades 9 and 11. The certificate of completion of grade 9 includes grades in all subjects on a 5-point scale; for the subjects Russian language and mathematics, a grade is given that is the arithmetic average of the grade for grade 9 and grades on the OGE, which is written as an integer and is obtained as a result of mathematical rounding. For example, if a student received a grade of 5 for the year, and a 4 for the OGE, the arithmetic average is 4.5, a grade of 5 is included in the certificate. In case of an unsatisfactory grade, the OGE must be retaken during the period intended for retaking. Elective subjects are not retaken. The certificate for grade 11 includes grades in subjects completed in years 10 and 11, the grade for each subject is determined by the arithmetic average of 6 grades - two annual grades for grades 10 and 11 and four six-month grades for the same period of study. Rounding occurs in favor of the student.

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How grades are assigned to the certificate: information for parents

The certificate is a reflection of the success of schooling. It shows the student’s level of knowledge in all disciplines studied in the control year (9 and 11 years of study, respectively). Now, from the basics, to the main question - how grades are assigned to the certificate. In Russia, grades are given on a 5-point scale, but with grades of 1 and 2 in at least one subject, a certificate is not issued due to poor academic performance - a certificate of courses taken in a set of subjects is issued.

The final grade in the certificate is set as the average for quarters, trimesters or semesters of the academic year. If the grade in any subject turns out to be controversial, then the score is assigned at the choice of the teacher, but according to an unspoken rule, they try to give the grade in favor of the student. Also, the results of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam influence the grades - if you fail a compulsory subject (mathematics or Russian), a certificate will not be issued. Exam results can be a bonus in the case of controversial grades.

If one of the grades is not satisfactory, and the student is objectively sure that the information about his knowledge is underestimated by the teacher, then there is a way to challenge the grade. To do this, you should contact the city or district education department with a request to assemble a commission to conduct an exam on the controversial subject. If the student passes the exam, the mark in the certificate is successfully changed to the one that the student deserved based on the results of the answers before the commission.

In fact, there is no difference in how annual grades are given and grades in the certificate. Just in graduating classes students and teachers are trying to approach this issue more responsibly. In assigning quarterly and annual grades, for many teachers, according to experience, a big role is influenced not only by knowledge, but also by the appearance of the student. It is much easier for a student who is less gifted, but active and has a good reputation, to earn a good grade than a smart slob. Although, of course, no one will ever give a rating only for “beautiful eyes” - a decent level of knowledge is necessary.

Not all children understand that school knowledge, for the most part, will be useful in the future. And even though grades do not always correspond to the level of knowledge, it is better for parents to control the process. How can I find out my child's grades? The easiest way is to go to school and look at the cool magazine. But some schools have already begun sending information about the progress of their students to school websites and SMS messages to parents’ phones. The certificate is a reflection of the student’s educational path during his time at school. Even if now it will no longer help when entering a university, a good certificate is always honorable and respected.

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School 2017: certificate grades will be given in a new way!

On May 25, the “last bell” will ring in all schools in the Kaluga region, followed by final final exams, after successful completion of which the 2017 graduate will receive the coveted school certificate– a document that opens a bright path to independent adult life.

A certificate is one of the main documents attached to the application for admission to any educational institution. It is issued after finishing 9th or 11th grade, depending on when exactly the student decided to stop studying at school. And it is not surprising that the news, announced just a few days before the end of the school year, excited both students and parents of 11th graders. It turned out that Certificate grades in 2017 will be awarded according to a new principle.

How are grades assigned for the 11th grade certificate in 2017?

If last year only two grades were taken into account - annual grades for grades 10 and 11, now a kind of “rule of six” has come into force. This year, the final grade in the certificate in a particular subject will also depend on semi-annual grades.

It is calculated like this:

The grades for two half-years in the 10th grade are added up and the annual grade for the 10th grade is obtained. The grades for two half-years of 11th grade are also added up - the annual grade for 11th grade is obtained. Thus, a total of 6 marks are obtained, which are also added up, and their sum is divided by 6 (according to the number of marks), that is, the arithmetic average based on the results of grades 10 and 11 is displayed. If the number is not a whole number, it is rounded in favor of the student.

It must be said that the teachers themselves admit that the new grading system is more objective than the previous one. However, it dealt a sudden blow to those students who spent the last year of school struggling to “pull up their tails” so that the grades in the certificate were “beautiful.” Of course, such prospectors will retain solid knowledge, but formally it turns out that they tried in vain: the certificate is still hopelessly “spoiled.”

The “culprit” of various changes in the rules for grading certificates was Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 9, 2017 No. 3 “On amendments to the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115.”

The procedure for assigning grades to the Certificate of Basic General Education (for 9th grade) in 2017

When filling out a certificate of basic general education, the final marks in the Russian language, mathematics and two elective subjects are determined as the arithmetic average of the graduate’s annual and examination marks, the result is rounded to the nearest whole number.

That is, if the grades for the year are “5” and for the exam “5”, the certificate, of course, will be “A”. If the exam is passed with a “3” and the annual mark is “4”, GPA it turns out 3.5, and after rounding the certificate will end up with a “four”.

Some nuances arise if the final exam is passed with a bad mark. The test will have to be taken again, and calculations will be made based on the results of the retake.

Example: the annual grade is “4”, but the exam was passed with a “two”. But when retaking the test, the student managed to get as many as five points (with good preparation, such miracles are quite possible). We count: 4 + 5 (a two received on the first attempt is not taken into account) divided by 2 = 4.5. After rounding, you get a full “A”, and that’s what should be included in the certificate.

Quarter or semester grades (assigned based on the results of the first and second academic half of the year) are not taken into account in the calculations. Final grades for 9th grade in other academic subjects are based on the graduate’s annual grade.

Does the result of passing the Unified State Exam affect the grade on the certificate?

Another pressing question that graduates and parents are asking this year is: Will the USE result affect the grade on the certificate??

Previously, it was not reflected in the certificate in any way. But this year, the so-called unified grading scale is being introduced: the points received when passing the Unified State Exam in a subject will influence the grade on the certificate. For example, if a high school student passed the Unified State Exam 2017 in social studies with a “C”, and at the end of the school year he got a “Five” for this discipline, then the final grade, which will be included in the certificate, will be a “Four”.

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3 Comments on “School 2017: grades for the certificate will be given in a new way!”

It turns out cool: if a 9th grader, a slob, had grades for the quarters of 3,2,2,3, for the year they gave him 3, and in the exam he copied from the Internet and got 5, then the arithmetic average of 4 goes into the certificate? Why then learn and do anything during the school year? That's right, the teacher is to blame!

What idiot came up with such a system? The parent of this idiot? At least they did it like in 11th grade: take into account all grades for quarters or trimesters. And now how to teach future ninth-graders, for whom you are sucking C grades out of thin air? They’ll write it off and get 4 on their certificate!

Like in my class, one of them skipped lessons, if she came, those days were like a holiday, but in the end she cheated on the OGE and she has a 4 on her certificate! Is this fair!?

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Graduate 2017: what marks are included in the certificate of secondary general education

Graduates who have completed their studies in educational programs of secondary general education and have successfully passed the state final certification are issued certificate of secondary general education(hereinafter referred to as the Certificate) and its annex.

Graduates who have completed their studies in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and have final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education, are issued Certificate of secondary general education with honors and an appendix to it, and also a medal is awarded “ For special achievements in learning«.

Graduates who did not pass the final certification or received unsatisfactory results at the final certification, as well as persons who have mastered part of the educational program and (or) were expelled from the organization providing educational activities, issued certificate of study or about the period of training according to the model independently established by the organization carrying out educational activities.

What marks are included in the Certificate?

In accordance with the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 N 115 (as amended on January 9, 2017), final grades of the graduate:

Final grades for 11th grade are defined as the arithmetic mean semi-annual and annual grades of the student for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are included in the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding. Entries “passed” and “not studied” are not allowed.

Graduates who have mastered the basic educational programs of secondary general education in the forms of family education, self-education, or who have studied in an educational program that does not have state accreditation, who have passed external state final certification in an organization engaged in educational activities, implementing state-accredited educational programs and secondary general education and have received satisfactory results, the marks they received at the intermediate certification conducted by the organization carrying out educational activities are entered into the Certificate, in all academic subjects of the invariant part of the basic curriculum.

There is no official conversion of Unified State Exam points into grades.

Certificates and supplements to them are issued no later than ten days after the date of publication of the administrative act on the expulsion of graduates.

In case of loss (damage) of only the Certificate or if errors are found in it After receiving it, the graduate is issued a duplicate of the certificate and a duplicate of the application to it.

In the event of loss (damage) of only the attachment to the Certificate or in the event detecting errors in it after receiving it, the graduate is given a duplicate of the application to the Certificate in return.

The issuance of a duplicate of the Certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to the Certificate is carried out on the basis written statement a graduate or his parents (legal representatives) applying to the organization carrying out educational activities that issued the certificate.

Minimum number of Unified State Examination points confirming completion of the educational program of secondary general education :

in Russian - 24 points;

in physics - 36 points;

in chemistry - 36 points;

in biology - 36 points;

in history - 32 points;

in geography - 37 points;

in social studies - 42 points;

in literature - 32 points;

in foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) - 22 points;

The minimum number of Unified State Examination points confirming the completion of the educational program of secondary general education in basic level mathematics is: 3 points (satisfactory).

Minimum number of Unified State Examination points required for admission to educational institutions of higher education for undergraduate and specialist programs :

in Russian language - 36 points;

mathematics profile level— 27 points;

in physics - 36 points;

in chemistry - 36 points;

in computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points;

in biology - 36 points;

in history - 32 points;

in geography - 37 points;

in social studies - 42 points;

in literature - 32 points;

in foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) - 22 points.

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ

Graduate 2017: what marks are included in the certificate of secondary general education: 35 comments

Hello! A graduate of 11th grade passed basic mathematics with a 4 (good), but did not pass the threshold in specialized mathematics (i.e., scored less than 27 points), while his final grades in all subjects of the curriculum were “excellent.” Will we be awarded a certificate with honors?

Good afternoon, Irina! Final grades for grade 11 are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s semi-annual and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are entered into the certificate as integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding. As you can see, the results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the grades that are given in the certificate. However, if a graduate receives unsatisfactory results in the Russian language or mathematics, the certificate is not issued.

A certificate of secondary general education with honors and its supplement are issued to graduates of the 11th grade who have completed their studies in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and have final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education. As you can see, it is enough for a student to pass a basic or specialized level of mathematics not lower than “3”. The Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level is taken for admission to a university in areas of training where the Unified State Examination result in mathematics is required.

Hello! A 9th grade graduate passed mathematics with a 4 (good), and in the geometry module 3, while his final grades in all subjects of the curriculum were “excellent”. Will we be awarded a certificate with honors?

Good afternoon, Galina! For an official response, we advise you to contact Rosobrnadzor.

A 9th grade graduate studied according to an individual curriculum, so some subjects were not studied in 9th grade. Subjects “History of Russia” and “ General history” were combined into one “History”. How will marks be given in the certificate in academic disciplines that he did not study and in History? Thank you

Good afternoon, Tatyana! For an official response, we advise you to contact Rosobrnadzor.

Good afternoon Which law (article) specifically states that “Final grades for the 11th grade are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s six-month and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are included in the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.”

Good afternoon, Irina! Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 N 115 “On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates” (as amended on January 9, 2017).

Hello, grades for which subjects will be taken into account when assigning grades in the 11th grade certificate?

Good afternoon, Marisha! According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115, the following marks are given in the certificate of general secondary education:

for each academic subject of the invariant part of the basic curriculum;

for each academic subject of the variable part of the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities, studied by the graduate, if at least 64 hours were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities for two academic years;

in academic subjects, the study of which was completed before grade 9 ( art, music and others).

Final grades for grade 11 are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s semi-annual and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are entered into the certificate as integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

If the 9th grade certificate contains a grade in geography, should it be included in the 11th grade certificate?

Good afternoon, Olga! ! According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115, the final grades of the graduate are included in the certificate:

for each academic subject of the invariant part of the basic curriculum;

for each academic subject of the variable part of the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities, studied by the graduate, if at least 64 hours were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities for two academic years;

in academic subjects, the study of which was completed before grade 9 (fine arts, music and others).

Good afternoon, please tell me how the final grade for 9th grade (in the certificate) is assigned if a student has 3 for the year, passed the exam with 2, retook with 4. Thank you

Good afternoon, Galina! In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 N 115

final grades for 9th grade in the Russian language, mathematics and two academic subjects taken at the student’s choice are determined as the arithmetic average of the graduate’s annual and examination marks and are included in the certificate as integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Final grades for 9th grade in other academic subjects are based on the graduate's annual grade for 9th grade.

Hello, can you tell me whether a certificate should be issued after 11th grade if basic mathematics and Russian are successfully passed, but the threshold for selective chemistry is not passed?

Good afternoon, Rania! For an official answer, we advise you to contact Rosobrnauki. By way of information, we inform you that a certificate of secondary general education with honors and its supplement are issued to graduates of the 11th grade who have completed training in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and having final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education.

The graduate applied for a certificate with honors and a medal for special achievements in learning. I passed all exams well, except for one elective subject - I did not pass the threshold. Can he qualify for a certificate with honors and a medal?

Good afternoon, Alena! For an official response, we advise you to contact the regional education authority or Rosobrnadzor. By way of information, we inform you that a certificate of secondary general education with honors and its supplement are issued to graduates of the 11th grade who have completed training in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and having final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education.

Successful completion of the State Examination is passing the Unified State Examination in Russian and mathematics with at least a satisfactory result.

Tell me what to do in a situation if you have final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects curriculum, and did the school issue a regular certificate?

Good day, Natalia! We advise you to contact the education authority. By way of information: according to clause 10 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law on Education, persons who have completed the development of educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification and have final grades of “excellent” performance in all academic subjects studied in accordance with the curriculum, are awarded by the educational organization simultaneously with the issuance of the corresponding document on education medal "For special achievements in learning." Successful completion of the State Examination is passing the Unified State Examination in Russian and mathematics with at least a satisfactory result.

Hello! Tell me, please, should I rush to the Department now and urgently redo my certificate? My daughter received an annual 4 in the 10th grade, in the 11th grade in the first quarter there were 2 “B”s in other subjects, in the final certificate - all “A” (in accordance with the definition of arithmetic average marks for 2 years), but it is not written “with honors”. Now we have received the Moscow medal in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government of February 25, 2014 N 74-PP “On the medal “For special achievements and training” (but, again, I repeat that the certificate does NOT say “WITH DISTINCT”...). It is important for us to receive additional points for individual achievements, but I cannot understand what kind of certificate we should have been given and whether my daughter will receive additional points this year simply for the Moscow medal without the inscription “with honors” on the certificate and with a blue “crust”? I hope for a prompt response. Thank you.

Good afternoon, Olga! In accordance with paragraph 10 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law on Education, persons who have completed the development of educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification and have final grades of “excellent” performance in all academic subjects studied in accordance with the curriculum, are awarded by the educational organization simultaneously with the issuance of the corresponding document on education medal "For special achievements in learning."

Successful completion of the State Examination is passing the Unified State Examination in Russian and mathematics with at least a satisfactory result.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated February 14, 2014 N 115, the final grades for grade 11 are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s six-month and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are included in the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Thank you, today we have already received a “red” certificate with honors and a Federal gold medal with a certificate in return for the incorrectly issued certificate))) Good luck to everyone.

Hello! Can you help me understand the wording: “in the subject of the variable part of the curriculum of an organization carrying out educational activities, studied by a graduate, if at least 64 hours were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities over two academic years”?

My son (before moving to a new place of residence) studied at a gymnasium, where from the 7th grade two languages ​​were studied - German or French (at the student’s choice) and English. The volume of studying a second language is 2 times a week for 45 minutes, a total of 68 hours per year. The final grade is entered into your personal file. My son studied in grades 8 and 9 in another school, where there was no second language. When receiving a certificate for grade 9, no grade for the second language is given. Is it legal? We did not receive a certificate due to lack of assessment. I hope for a prompt response! Thank you!

“in academic subjects, the study of which was completed before the 9th grade (fine arts, music and others).

Final grades for 9th grade in Russian language, mathematics and two academic subjects taken at the student’s discretion are determined as the arithmetic average of the graduate’s annual and examination grades and are included in the certificate as integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Final grades for 9th grade in other academic subjects are based on the graduate’s annual grade for 9th grade.”

And another paragraph 21: The certificate of basic general education and its supplement are issued to persons who have completed training in educational programs of basic general education and have successfully passed the state final certification.”

And here is a second foreign language, if it was not studied at this school, i.e. this subject was not in the school curriculum?

According to Art. 59 of the Federal Law on Education, a student who does not have academic debt and has fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum is allowed to take part in the state final certification, unless otherwise established by the procedure for conducting the state final certification for the relevant educational programs.

Then how was the student admitted to the GIA if he did not complete the curriculum in full? Where is the logic in all this?

To resolve the issue, you can contact the education authority to which the school is subordinate, or the prosecutor's office.

You did not answer the question. Can you help me understand the wording: “in the subject of the variable part of the curriculum of an organization carrying out educational activities, studied by a graduate, if at least 64 hours were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities over two academic years”? Does 64 hours refer to the curriculum or the minimum amount of material covered?

Good afternoon, Anna! Let us remind you that the school curriculum consists of a basic (compulsory) and variable part. If you read the above quote carefully, it becomes clear that we're talking about about the subject of “the variable part of the organization’s curriculum.” It follows that this is the number of hours in the school curriculum. The volume of material studied is determined not by hours, but by the educational program.

Did you even read the letter? Or did they write just to get away?

I don't ask about exam subjects! And in 9th grade it’s not the GIA, but the OGE!

You are generally a qualified specialist.

Forgive me, I got excited. For the second week I have not left the school, the Ministry of Education and NONE of them can answer the question about 64 hours.

Good afternoon, Anna! As you can see, the blog is not alone!

Good afternoon, Anna! ?

Good afternoon, Anna! For your information:

as stated in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2013 N 1394 "(with amendments and additions), GIA -9 is carried out in the form of the main state OGE exam) and in the form of written and oral examinations using texts, topics, tasks, tickets (GVE). Thus, OGE is one of the forms of GIA -9. All comments from blog visitors are read carefully. for the rest, see the privacy blog explanation.

Sorry for wasting your time!

The Ministry of Education cannot explain the law under which ALL schools in the country operate... They also suggested retaking the German language at school, although Law 115 clearly states in what cases and who confirms the assessment. Sorry again.

Good afternoon, Anna! Again, pay attention to the phrase from the text of the document: “studied by a graduate” and to the paragraph:

“Final grades for 9th grade in other academic subjects are set on the basis of the graduate’s annual grade for 9th grade.” What can we talk about if the subject was not studied at this school?

For an official, intelligible answer for you, we advise you to contact Rosobonadzor! We will be glad if you share with us your response.

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What grades are included in the certificate after 11th grade?

In accordance with paragraph four of paragraph 21 of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 No. 115 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), a certificate of secondary general education with honors and annex to it is issued to graduates of the 11th grade who have completed their studies in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and have final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education.

By virtue of the paragraph of the seventh subparagraph "b" of paragraph 5.3 of the Procedure, the final grades for grade 11 are determined as the arithmetic average of the student's six-month and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are entered into the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Thus, the only condition for issuing a certificate with honors and, accordingly, being awarded a gold medal is the presence of all “excellent” grades, and these grades are formed as the arithmetic average of six-month and annual grades for grades 10-11. The very fact of having semi-annual/annual grades “good” and “satisfactory” cannot be an obstacle to the issuance of a certificate with honors.

As far as I remember, our certificates were given grades based on the results of the last four semesters, that is, grades 10 and 11, and the arithmetic average was calculated - if there are three A's and a B, then the certificate is worth 5, if vice versa, then 4 is in the certificate, and so on, controversial situations (50/50) are resolved by the teacher in this subject. If you have a three, only three fives can balance it.

In general, it’s strange that you’re asking about this here - they’ll tell you better about it at your school. Well, if you were going for a medal, the school would tell you about it and, most likely, they would help you in every possible way; schools are interested in medalists.

No. Semi-annual grades for grades 10 and 11 are taken into account: all A's must be obtained. At least that's what happened a year ago at my school. -------------------

The decision that school graduates must write a final essay was made in pursuance of subparagraph 9 of paragraph 1 of the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2013 No. Pr-3086 on the implementation of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly Russian Federation dated December 12, 2013
It is due to the fact that the school must educate the individual. The introduction of a final essay as a form of admission to the state final certification motivates schoolchildren to study the Russian language and literature, as well as to develop the ability to correctly formulate and express their own thoughts.
At the same time, extremely “soft” conditions for conducting and evaluating the final essay are provided:

  • participants write it in their own school;
  • the participant in his reasoning only needs to rely on one independently chosen work.
  • the essay is assessed according to the “pass” - “fail” system (for the final test you need to write an essay yourself (at least 250 words), obtain positive results according to criterion No. 1 “Conformity to the topic” and criterion No. 2 “Argumentation. Involvement of literary material”, and also according to at least one of three other criteria: “Composition and logic of reasoning”, “Quality of writing”, “Literacy”);
  • participants have the right to retake the essay twice within the time limits specified in the essay schedule (February 7 and May 16, 2018).
When composing essay topics, narrowly defined formulations are not used and rely on the following principles: feasibility, clarity and accuracy of problem statement. Topics will allow the graduate to choose literary material on which he will rely in his reasoning.
  1. Can a student with disabilities write an essay rather than an exposition?

To obtain admission to the State Examination Academy, persons with disabilities have the right to write both an essay and a presentation.
The time allotted for writing the final essay for such persons increases by 1.5 hours.

  1. Good afternoon. My son is in his 4th year of college after 9th grade. Interested in:
    1) where to apply for the final essay?
    2) where should a college student write a final essay (like admission to the Unified State Exam)?

Students of secondary vocational education participate in the final essay at will (to use its results when applying to universities).
To participate in the final essay (presentation), you must submit an application and a certificate from the educational organization in which the vocational education student is undergoing training, confirming the mastery of educational programs of secondary general education, no later than two weeks before the start of the final essay (presentation) to the place of registration , determined by OIV. These persons independently choose the deadline for writing the final essay from among those established by the schedule for the final essay (presentation).
The selected date of participation in the final essay must be indicated in the application, which is submitted to the places of registration identified and published on the official website of the OIV.
The essay for this category of persons is carried out in places designated by the OIV.

  1. Will the university take into account my results in the final essay (presentation)?

In accordance with paragraph 44 of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147, when applying for study in bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, the university can award points for individual achievement for the grade assigned by the university based on the results of checking the final essay, which is a condition for admission to the State Examination.
When admitted to bachelor's and specialty programs, an applicant may be awarded no more than 10 points in total for individual achievements. The list of individual achievements taken into account for admission to bachelor's degree programs, specialist programs in the event of equality of the sum of competitive points, as well as individual achievements taken into account when admission to master's programs is established by the organization independently. The list of individual achievements taken into account and the procedure for taking them into account are established by the organization in accordance with paragraphs 43 - 46 of the Procedure and are indicated in the admission rules approved by the organization independently.

  1. Do graduates from previous years without an 11th grade certificate need to take the final essay for admission to the Unified State Exam 2017?

A final essay (presentation) as a condition for admission to the state final certification in educational programs of secondary general education is mandatory for graduates of 11 grades.
Persons admitted to the State Examination in previous years, but who did not pass the State Examination or received unsatisfactory results in more than one compulsory academic subject at the State Examination, or who repeatedly received an unsatisfactory result in one of these subjects at the State Examination in additional terms (hereinafter referred to as persons with a certificate of education ) participate in the final essay at will, in order to use its results when applying to a university.
Registration of persons with a certificate of education to participate at their request in the final essay is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities, in which these persons are reinstated for the period necessary to pass the State Examination. When submitting an application, such persons present a certificate of training according to a sample independently established by the organization carrying out educational activities.

  1. What else does the result of the final essay influence besides the admission of graduates to the Unified State Exam?

The results of the final essay (presentation) are taken into account when admitting applicants at the discretion of the university. The procedure for taking into account the results obtained by the applicant for the final essay is indicated in the admission rules. If the essay results are taken into account, the applicant may receive up to 10 additional points added to his existing Unified State Examination scores.

  1. Is it true that if 11th graders don’t write their essay in December, there will be no more retakes? What about national schools in the regions? Even when I entered the university in the 90s, graduates from national republics wrote not an essay, but an exposition or even a dictation. Why is there a general requirement for graduates of national schools? Please review and give them a chance to retake the essay in February and May!

Students who receive an unsatisfactory result (“failure”) in the final essay (presentation) may be re-admitted to participate in the final essay (presentation), but no more than two times and only within the time limits established by the schedule for the final essay (presentation).

  1. I do not agree with the essay result I received at school. I think that the school did not objectively evaluate my essay, can I file an appeal about disagreement with the result of the essay?

According to clause 14 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field education (hereinafter referred to as the EIV), determine the procedure, as well as the procedure and timing for checking the final essay (presentation) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Filing an appeal about disagreement with the results of the final essay (presentation) is not provided for by the procedure.
In accordance with the Recommendations for organizing and conducting the final essay (presentation) for executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, in order to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure an objective assessment of the final essay (presentation) by students who receive a repeated unsatisfactory result (“ failure") for the final essay (presentation), they are given the right to submit a written application for verification of the final essay (presentation) submitted by them by a commission of another educational organization or a commission formed by the OIV at the regional or municipal levels.
The procedure for submitting such an application and the organization of re-checking the final essay (presentation) of the specified category of students is determined by the OIV.

  1. I would like to know if there is a list of works voiced on approved essay topics. If yes, where can I watch it?

Scroll literary works, recommended for use in preparation for writing the final essay, is missing. The participant in the final essay must build an argument, using at least one work of domestic or world literature for argumentation, choosing his own way of using literary material; at the same time he can show different level comprehension literary text: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, themes, issues, plot, characters, etc.) to comprehensive analysis works in the unity of form and content and its interpretation in terms of the chosen topic.

  1. Is there any way to prepare for writing an essay at home?

You can prepare for the final essay, including with the help of Methodological recommendations for preparing for the final essay (presentation), published on the official

  1. Good afternoon. My daughter is in 10th grade and would like to write an essay for admission to the Unified State Exam this school year. Tell me how this can be done?

In accordance with clause 9.1 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, the final essay (presentation) as a condition for admission to the State Examination Academy is carried out for students in grades XI (XII). Thus, participation in the final essay when passing the State Examination in individual academic subjects at the end of 10th grade is not provided.

    1. This year I was unable to pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics at the specialized level. Will there be a retake?

    In accordance with clause 7 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014, registration No. 31205), with subsequent amendments (hereinafter – Procedure) since 2015, the Unified State Examination in mathematics, which is a compulsory subject, is conducted at two levels: basic and specialized.
    The condition for issuing a certificate of secondary general education is the successful passing of the Unified State Exam in compulsory academic subjects - Russian language and mathematics at a basic or specialized level.
    Due to the fact that students have the right to choose one of the levels of the Unified State Exam in mathematics or both levels at the same time, Rosobrnadzor reports the following.

    Graduates of previous years who received an unsatisfactory result in mathematics at the profile level will be able to participate again in this exam only next year.

    1. This year, the eldest daughter plans to take both basic and specialized level mathematics at the Unified State Examination. If she passes the basic level, but does not write specialized mathematics, when will she be able to retake it? Admission to a university depends on this.

    If a student chooses to take both levels of the Unified State Exam in mathematics and receives an unsatisfactory result in one of the selected levels, then he is not allowed to retake the Unified State Exam in the subject “Mathematics” in the current year, because has a satisfactory result in this subject.

    1. My son did not pass the Unified State Exam in social studies this year. Will there be a retake?

    Retaking elective subjects in case of unsatisfactory results is possible only next year.

    1. This school year our children are taking the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam. I would like to know what innovations await them next summer? Will there be CCTV cameras and how many? Because children are afraid even of the word “video camera”.

    For 2018, no fundamental changes are planned in the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, GIA-9 and the final essay.
    The current situation in the world is such that the video surveillance system has become an integral part of society. For example, video surveillance in stores.
    The introduction of a video surveillance system during the State Examination, including equipping the PES with stationary or portable metal detectors, is necessary to achieve maximum openness, objectivity and transparency of the State Examination, prevention and prompt detection of violations at all stages of the examinations.

    1. Will students be able to take both levels of mathematics in the Unified State Exam 2018?

    Students have the right to choose one of the Unified State Exam levels in mathematics or both levels at the same time.
    Please note the following:
    If a student has chosen to take both levels of the Unified State Exam in mathematics and received an unsatisfactory result in one of the selected levels, then he is not allowed to retake the Unified State Exam in the subject “Mathematics” this year, since he has a satisfactory result in this subject.
    If a student has chosen to take both levels of the Unified State Examination in mathematics and received unsatisfactory results at both levels, he has the right to retake the Unified State Examination in mathematics once, independently choosing basic-level mathematics or specialized-level mathematics.
    If a student has chosen to take only one level of the Unified State Exam in mathematics and received an unsatisfactory result, he also has the right to retake this item, independently choosing basic-level mathematics or specialized-level mathematics.

    1. Are they going to add another main (compulsory) subject for passing the Unified State Exam 2018, in addition to Russian language and mathematics?

    No. In 2018, as in previous years, there will be only two compulsory subjects: mathematics and Russian.

    1. Is it planned to separate the basic-level mathematics exam as a compulsory one, and the profile-level mathematics exam as an elective subject?

    No, not planned.

    1. Can students (graduates) in secondary vocational education organizations take part in the Unified State Examination 2018?

    They can. To participate in the Unified State Exam, you must submit an application indicating the academic subject (list of educational subjects) in which you plan to take the Unified State Exam this year, to the places of registration for taking the Unified State Exam established by the regional education authorities. When submitting an application, students in educational programs of secondary vocational education must provide a certificate from the educational organization about completion of training.

    1. Is it expected that the Unified State Exam will be held before the main exam deadlines in 2018? If yes, who has the right to participate in early Unified State Examinations?

    The draft Unified State Exam Schedule, in addition to the main stage, also provides for an early period for passing the Unified State Exam. The early stage of the Unified State Exam in 2018 is focused mainly on the participation of graduates from previous years.
    Graduates of the current year must have permission from the pedagogical council to take the Unified State Exam early. Such admission is granted if the student does not have academic debt, including for the final essay (presentation), and in in full completed the curriculum.

    1. Will there be changes to the minimum threshold scores for Unified State Examination subjects in 2018?

    There will be no changes to the minimum scores for 2018 compared to the previous year. The minimum threshold for admission to universities, established by Rosobrnadzor, is the following scores in compulsory subjects: 36 points in Russian language and 27 points in specialized-level mathematics. The remaining minimum scores can be found at the disposal of Rosobrnadzor.

    1. From what sources can you find out the latest and most relevant information on the Unified State Exam?

    All current information about the Unified State Exam is posted on the official website of Rosobrnadzor and the portal of the Unified State Exam website.

    1. Will the Unified State Exam in Russian be divided into basic and specialized levels?

    There are no plans to divide the Unified State Exam into basic and specialized levels. Because, firstly, Russian is the state language of the Russian Federation. Secondly, at this stage, two thresholds of minimum scores in this subject have been approved: for graduation from school and admission to universities, which are 24 points and 36 points, respectively.

    1. How can I appeal the decision of the appeal commission when taking the Unified State Exam?

    If you have questions about the activities of the conflict commission, you must contact the educational authority of your region. Actions or inactions of the regional education authority may be appealed in court.

    1. Why were they removed from history and social studies exams? test part?

    These measures are dictated by time and the demands of society in order to eliminate the element of chance when assessing the knowledge of graduates. The issue of avoiding so-called “guessing games” has been repeatedly raised by experts and the public.

    1. Will there be a computer-based Unified State Exam?

    Rosobrnadzor is considering this possibility. In past years, the exam procedure in computer science and information and communication technologies was tested in computer form. The technology for passing the Unified State Exam on a computer has been worked out, but to introduce this procedure it is necessary to take into account all the technical and methodological aspects of different regions, check the readiness of equipment, technology, personnel, and also assess the ability of the education system to apply new computer technologies as usual. Therefore, the transition to a computer form of passing the Unified State Exam in computer science is possible in 3-4 years.

    1. What documents must be submitted to take the Unified State Exam if you received your education at a school in another country?

    According to paragraph 11 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014, registration No. 31205), (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), persons who have received secondary general education in foreign educational organizations also have the right to take the Unified State Exam, including if they have valid Unified State Exam results from previous years.
    Such USE participants choose to participate in the exams only those academic subjects that they need to enter universities. When submitting an application to participate in the Unified State Examination, they must present the original foreign document on education with a duly certified translation from a foreign language.

    1. Who should have the notification that the Unified State Examination participant receives? Do I need to take it somewhere?

    Since 2016, USE participants in the PPE are prohibited from carrying a notice of registration for exams; it must be left in a place for storing personal belongings of exam participants or given to an accompanying person from the school.

    1. What to do if the Unified State Exam in the required subjects is taken on the same day according to the general schedule?

    If the timing of examinations in different academic subjects coincides, the schedules of the State Examination, including in the form of the Unified State Exam, provide additional deadlines, which allows exam participants to take one of the selected exams on a different day. To do this, when submitting an application to participate in the Unified State Exam, we recommend that you indicate in this application the date of participation in the Unified State Exam in the selected academic subjects in accordance with the schedule.

    1. If I complete the Unified State Exam assignment before the scheduled time, can I turn in the work and leave?

    Unified State Examination participants who completed the examination work ahead of schedule can hand it over to the organizers and leave the PES without waiting for the end of the examination work.

    1. What special conditions for passing the state final certification do persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities have?

    Regulatory legal documents and methodological recommendations of Rosobrnadzor, regulating the procedure for conducting GIA-9 and GIA-11, provide for the creation of special conditions for persons with disabilities, children with disabilities and people with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as Unified State Examination participants with disabilities):

    • Increase in the duration of the exam (by 1.5 hours and when conducting the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​by 30 minutes.
    • Selection (combination) of the form of conducting the State Examination (Unified State Exam and (or) GVE-11, OGE and (or) GVE-9).
    • Providing a separate audience in the PPE (“special seating”).
    • Unimpeded access for participants to the auditorium (toilet and other premises; the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators, wide passages inside the room between pieces of furniture and free access for a wheelchair to the workplace, the presence of special chairs and other devices, in the absence of elevators, the auditorium for GIA participants should be located on the first floor).
    • If necessary, the opportunity to participate in the State Examination at home.
    • Organizing meals and breaks for necessary medical procedures.
    Using the necessary technical means during the exam:
    For the deaf and hard of hearing:
    auditoriums are equipped with sound amplification equipment for both collective and individual use;
    if necessary, an assistant sign language interpreter is involved;
    are provided in required quantity rules for filling out State Examination Forms.
    For persons with musculoskeletal disorders: the written examination work is performed on a computer with specialized software.
    Visually impaired Unified State Exam participants with disabilities:
    examination materials are copied in an enlarged size (up to A3 format), exam rooms are equipped with magnifying devices (magnifying glasses) and individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux,
    Blind GIA participants:
    examination materials are presented in raised dotted Braille or in the form electronic document accessible via computer;
    written examination work is performed in embossed dotted Braille or on a computer;
    a sufficient number of special accessories are provided for preparing answers in embossed dot Braille (a Braille device and stylus, a Braille typewriter, special drawing tools) and a computer.
    In addition, classrooms are equipped with video surveillance equipment without the possibility of broadcasting to the Internet (offline).
    1. What document is issued to persons (students) who have not passed the state final certification or who received unsatisfactory results at the state final certification?

    Persons (students) who have not passed the state final certification or received unsatisfactory results at the state final certification, as well as persons (students) who have mastered part of the educational program and (or) were expelled from the educational organization, are issued a certificate of study or the period of study. A sample certificate of study or period of study is established educational organization on one's own.

    1. Who can be an assistant for people with disabilities during the exam?

    In accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014, registration No. 31205) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), assistants are present during the examination, providing students, graduates of previous years with disabilities, students, graduates of previous years, children with disabilities and disabled people, as well as those who studied at home for health reasons, in educational organizations, including sanatoriums and resorts, which provide the necessary medical, rehabilitation and health measures for those in need of long-term treatment, the necessary technical assistance taking into account their individual capabilities, helping them to occupy workplace, move around, read the task.
    When conducting the Unified State Exam (USE) in an academic subject, the assistants do not include specialists in this academic subject. It is not allowed to attract teaching staff who are teachers of students taking an exam in this PPE as assistants (with the exception of PET organized in hard-to-reach and remote areas, in organizations carrying out educational activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign institutions, as well as in criminal institutions). executive system). The Procedure does not provide for any other restrictions when appointing assistants for these GIA-11 participants.

    1. What to do if a participant missed the Unified State Exam due to illness?

    A graduate who missed the Unified State Exam due to illness submits a medical certificate to the school (other Unified State Exam participants - to the organization where they registered to participate in the Unified State Exam). The school promptly transmits information to the state examination commission so that it can assign the graduate another day to take the Unified State Exam, provided for by a unified schedule.

    1. What should I do if my child’s USE notification contains errors in filling out his last name, first name, patronymic, and passport information?

    If this is discovered before the exam, then to correct the data you must contact the institution that issued the notification. If this is discovered during the exam, then the Unified State Exam participant must correctly indicate the data on the registration form. In addition, the responsible organizer in the audience records the identified inconsistencies in the Statement of Correction of Personal Data of State Examination Participants in the audience. This statement is sent for processing to the regional information processing center to make adjustments to the regional and federal databases.

    1. How is the oral exam in English conducted? How many points can you score for the written part and how many for the oral part?

    According to the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, “when conducting the Unified State Examination in foreign languages, at the request of the Unified State Examination participant, the “Speaking” section is included in the exam, oral answers to the tasks of which are recorded on audio media.
    To complete tasks in the “Speaking” section, classrooms equipped with digital audio recording equipment are used. Technicians or organizers set up digital audio recording tools to accurately record oral responses.
    Unified State Examination participants are invited to the classroom to receive the assignment for the oral part of the KIM and subsequently record oral answers to the KIM tasks. In the classroom, the Unified State Exam participant approaches the digital audio recording device and, at the command of the organizer, loudly and clearly gives an oral answer to the CMM tasks. The organizer allows the student, a graduate of previous years, to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was produced without technical failures.”
    The maximum score that can be obtained on the Unified State Exam in a foreign language (for both parts - written and oral) is 100 points. If a USE participant chooses only the written part, then he will receive 80 points for it. The oral part, accordingly, can be assessed at 20 points.

    1. Is it possible in the check. service?

    The provision of this information is determined by the decision of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education. If such a decision is made, then you will see links to images of forms on the “Exam Results” page of the service

    1. Is it possible to view the 2015 Unified State Exam results in the service?

    In the service you can view the preliminary results of the Unified State Exam only for the current year. For the results of the Unified State Exam from previous years, you must contact the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education in which you took the Unified State Exam.

    1. Good afternoon. My daughter is in 10th grade and would like to take the Unified State Exam in Russian this academic year and write an essay for admission to the Unified State Exam. Tell me how this can be done? What documents need to be submitted and where? Thank you.

    According to clause 9 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) for the State Examination, including in the form of the Unified State Exam, in academic subjects, the mastery of which was completed earlier , students of grades X-XI (XII) are admitted who have annual grades not lower than satisfactory in all academic subjects of the curriculum for the penultimate year of study (grade 10).
    Thus, to pass the Unified State Examination in the academic subject “Russian Language” at the end of 10th grade, your daughter must:

    • before February 1, 2017, submit an application for participation in the Unified State Exam in the specified academic subject to the educational organization in which your daughter is mastering educational programs of secondary general education;

    • complete studies in the 10th grade, having received annual grades not lower than satisfactory in all academic subjects of the curriculum;

    • complete the program for a secondary school course (grades 10-11) in the academic subject “Russian Language” according to an individual curriculum before the end of the school year.
    If the above conditions are met, the pedagogical council of the educational organization in which the student is mastering educational programs of secondary general education makes a decision on admitting him to the State Examination in the form of the Unified State Exam in the academic subject “Russian Language” upon completion of the 10th grade.
    Additionally, we inform you that in accordance with clause 9.1 of the Procedure, the final essay (presentation) as a condition for admission to the State Examination Academy is carried out for students in grades XI (XII). Thus, participation in the final essay when passing the State Examination in individual academic subjects at the end of 10th grade is not provided.
    1. Hello. After 9th grade, my daughter entered college this year. In one year, the college provides a two-year general education program, but the college does not have the right to issue a certificate of general education. How can we pass the Unified State Exam and receive a certificate of general education?

    Your daughter needs to pass the State Examination as an external student in any organization that carries out educational activities under a state-accredited educational program of secondary general education (clause 10 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, ( hereinafter referred to as “Order”).
    She will be admitted to the State Examination Examination subject to receiving grades no lower than satisfactory at the intermediate assessment and receiving a “credit” for the final essay (presentation). As the results of the intermediate certification, the results of mastering academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), internships, additional educational programs in other organizations can be credited to it (clause 7 of part 1 of article 34 of the Federal Law “On Education”).
    An application indicating the list of academic subjects in which the Unified State Exam participant plans to take the Unified State Exam must be submitted before February 1, 2017 (inclusive) to the organization carrying out educational activities under a state-accredited educational program of secondary general education. To obtain a certificate of secondary general education, you must pass two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics (basic or specialized level). Your daughter will take the remaining academic subjects on a voluntary basis at her own request.
    To participate in the final essay, she must submit an application no later than two weeks before the start of the final essay to the organization engaged in educational activities in which she will be enrolled to pass the State Examination. The final essay is due on the first Wednesday in December, the first Wednesday in February and the first working Wednesday in May.

    1. Information has appeared on the Internet that it is planned to introduce a third compulsory exam in the Unified State Exam in 2018. This is true?

    The mastery of state-accredited basic educational programs of secondary general education ends with mandatory state final certification of graduates in Russian language and mathematics. Satisfactory results of the state final certification (hereinafter - GIA) in the Russian language and mathematics are the basis for issuing a certificate of secondary general education to graduates.
    Exams in other academic subjects: literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, social studies, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and spanish languages), computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation in their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (for students in educational programs of basic general education who have studied their native language and native literature and have chosen to take an exam in their native language and (or) native literature to pass GIA) - students take it on a voluntary basis of their choice for admission to universities.
    Expansion of the list of compulsory subjects for passing the Unified State Exam in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 7, 2012, registration No. 24480) it is planned to complete the transition of high schools to the new federal state educational standards of general education. This transition will be fully completed by 2022.
    Thus, a foreign language will become mandatory for passing the Unified State Exam, in addition to Russian and mathematics, in 2022.

    1. Is it possible to enter a higher education institution without USE results?

    In accordance with the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 30, 2015, registration No. 39572), admission to study programs Bachelor's and specialty programs are carried out on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination, recognized as the results of entrance examinations. At the same time, paragraphs 21 and 22 of the Admission Procedure establish that certain categories of applicants on the basis of secondary general education can enter based on the results of general educational entrance tests conducted by a higher education organization independently, or pass one or more of these entrance tests along with the use of Unified State Examination results for other general education subjects:

    • disabled children;
    • Foreign citizens;
    • persons who received a document on secondary general education within one year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, if all certification tests of the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education that they passed during the specified period were not passed in the form of the Unified State Exam (or they passed final certification procedures in foreign educational organizations and did not take the Unified State Exam during the specified period).
    1. Do I need to take it? Unified State Exam topics who wants to get a second higher education?

    According to Part 6 of Art. 70 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, admission to undergraduate programs and specialty programs of persons with secondary vocational or higher education is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which are determined by the educational institution organization of higher education.

    1. I am a graduate from last year. I planned to take the Unified State Exam this year, but didn’t have time to submit my application. Is it possible to take the Unified State Exam this year?

    Applications for participation in the Unified State Exam from graduates of previous years can be accepted after February 1 by decision of the state examination commission of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation if the applicant has valid reasons (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) no later than two weeks before the start of the corresponding examination period .

    1. I chose the profile level to take the Unified State Exam in mathematics, but I am going to enter the humanities, which requires results from the basic level. Will my results at the profile level count?

    If the list of entrance tests for an educational program includes the Unified State Examination in mathematics, the applicant must submit the results Unified State Examination level. If there is no mathematics in the list of entrance tests, then for admission it is enough for the applicant to pass the Unified State Examination at the basic level, but having the Unified State Examination results at the profile level is not prohibited in this case.

    1. Is it possible to rewrite an application for an additional exam?

    Students change (add) the choice of an academic subject (list of academic subjects) if they have valid reasons (illness or other documented circumstances).
    In this case, the student submits an application to the state examination commission indicating the amended list of academic subjects for which he plans to pass the State Examination, and the reasons for changing the previously declared list. This application must be submitted no later than two weeks before the start of the relevant exams. The decision made by the State Examination Committee is final.

    1. I didn’t have time to copy the answers from the draft onto the form. They told me that time was up without allowing me to finish writing anything. Will my draft be considered?

    In accordance with the Procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, entries on drafts and control measuring materials are not processed or checked. Only the examination papers themselves, completed on special forms, are processed. The conflict commission does not consider them in the event of an appeal. In order for USE participants to keep track of time and transfer answers from the draft to the exam paper on time, 30 and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the organizers in the audience give a corresponding reminder.

    1. Where can I see my USE results?

    Familiarization of Unified State Examination participants with the results of the state final certification is ensured by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education (OIV). We recommend that you contact the OIV of your constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    1. Do my Unified State Exam results affect my grades on the certificate?

    The results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the final grades that are included in the certificate. In accordance with the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 No. 115, final grades for grade 11 are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s six-month and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are entered into the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

    1. What is the schedule for taking the “main wave” exams?

    The unified Unified State Exam schedule is approved annually by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    In addition, along with the reserve dates for conducting the Unified State Exam, the Unified State Exam and the State Examination in individual academic subjects, an additional reserve day is provided for holding exams in all academic subjects. The schedule is posted at.

    1. How to overcome exam fear?

    There is always psychological stress during exam time. Stress is an absolutely normal reaction of the body. It is important to form an adequate attitude to the situation. It will help graduates wisely distribute their energy to prepare for and pass the exam. The Unified State Exam is just one of life’s tests, many of which still have to be passed. Don't make the event too important so as not to increase the excitement. Rest assured: everyone who studied at school can pass the Unified State Exam. All assignments are based on the school curriculum. If you prepare properly, you will definitely pass the exam.

    1. How long are Unified State Exam results valid?

    The results of the Unified State Exam for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs are valid for four years following the year in which such results were obtained. (according to Part 2 of Article 70 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ)

    1. Where and when will you be able to view your work that has already been checked?

    According to the Procedure for Conducting the State Examination, a Unified State Examination participant can look at his work only when considering an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points. The conflict commission requests from the RCIO printed images of the examination work of the graduate who filed the appeal, which are then presented to the Unified State Examination participant.

    In addition, a number of regions use the opportunity to familiarize Unified State Exam participants with their results through information and communication technologies, including posting scanned images of work on specialized websites.

    Images of the work can also be found on the website. The decision to publish results on the official Unified State Exam portal is made by the regional information processing center of each region.

    1. Will the test part of exams in humanities subjects be cancelled?

    It is planned to gradually eliminate the multiple-choice part from the Unified State Examination tasks in all subjects. At the moment, multiple-choice tasks in 7 academic subjects (Russian language, mathematics, literature, history, social studies, geography and computer science and ICT) have been excluded from the Unified State Exam KIM.

    In addition, in the KIM Unified State Examination in Physics, tasks with a choice of one correct answer have been excluded and tasks with a short answer have been added.

    The structure of Part 1 of the KIM Unified State Examination in Chemistry has been fundamentally changed. The tasks are grouped into separate thematic blocks: basic and advanced levels of difficulty.

    In the KIM Unified State Examination in Biology, tasks with a short answer are excluded.

    1. How many elective subjects is advisable to take?

    The Unified State Exam participant independently chooses the number of subjects to participate in the Unified State Exam. As a rule, this depends on the list of entrance tests to the university that the student is going to enroll in.

    1. What does an exam participant need to have with him upon arrival at the exam location?

    In the PPE, the Unified State Exam participant takes with him:

    • gel, capillary pen with black ink;
    • identification document;
    • medications and nutrition (if necessary);
    • teaching and educational means (in mathematics, a ruler; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator; in geography - a ruler, protractor, non-programmable calculator);
    • USE participants with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people - special technical means.
    1. Will they have time to issue certificates to graduates if the last Unified State Examination is scheduled for the end of June?

    The issuance of a certificate is influenced only by the results of the Unified State Examination in compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), which proms will already be known.

    1. Is it possible to refuse a selected item? Is it possible not to come to the exam? Will this affect the results?

    The participant may not come to the Unified State Examination, which is not included in the list of compulsory academic subjects.

    An exam in a subject is considered failed only if the USE participant scores below the minimum threshold established by Rosobrnadzor.

    In case of failure to appear for the exam, information about the results of the exam in the federal information system will be missing.

    1. Can I take a chocolate bar and a bottle of water with me to the exam? Will the organizers take this away from me?

    Regulatory legal acts regulating the state final certification of 11th grade graduates, restrictions on the availability drinking water and chocolate is not included in the exam.

    However, it is worth considering the fact that the packaging of drinking water and chocolate should not contain prohibited reference materials.

    1. I passed the GTO tests for a gold badge. I know that universities give extra points for this, but in the Omsk region we mostly get one point. I don’t have time to participate in the Physical Education Olympiad due to traveling to training camps and competitions. Please tell me whether the issue of having our sporting achievements counted as results in sports-oriented universities has been considered All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren.

    According to clause 44 of the Procedure for Admission to Universities 2016/17. When applying for bachelor's and specialty programs, a higher education organization may award points for, among other things:

    • availability of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal;
    • presence of a gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) and a certificate of the established form for it (upon admission to training in specialties and areas of training not related to specialties and areas of training in the field physical culture and sports).
    In this case, the applicant can be awarded no more than 10 points in total for individual achievements. The list of individual achievements taken into account for admission to a university and the procedure for taking them into account are established by the university independently.
    1. What could be the reasons why changes are made to the list of exams after February 1?

    Regulatory legal acts do not establish a list of specific reasons. The GIA-11 procedure establishes that illness or other documented circumstances are recognized as valid reasons. At the same time, life is multifaceted and there can be an infinite number of reasons. The validity of the reasons is determined independently by the State Examination Committee of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    1. I signed up for the Unified State Exam, but I may be admitted to the hospital on exam days. What should I do to take the exams later and when can I take them?

    A graduate who missed the Unified State Exam due to illness submits a medical certificate to the school (other Unified State Exam participants - to the organization where they registered to participate in the Unified State Exam). The school promptly transmits information to the state examination commission so that it can assign the graduate another (reserve) day to take the Unified State Exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

    1. Are video cameras installed in classrooms to check teachers or students?

    The installation of a video surveillance system is intended primarily to ensure security and suppress violations by both Unified State Exam participants and other persons involved in the examination.

    1. Who creates control measuring materials for the Unified State Examination and how does this happen? Could we take part in this?

    Unified State Exam KIMs are developed on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general and secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" (FIPI), namely by the federal commissions for the development of the Unified State Exam KIM (FKR). The FKR includes methodologists, scientists, specialists from educational authorities, teachers of general education institutions and teachers of secondary and higher vocational education institutions.
    When developing CMM, information security measures are taken, including identifying restricted access zones in which video surveillance is carried out. Participation of outsiders in the development of CMMs is not permitted.

    1. The Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​includes a section “Speaking”. Will there be an oral component in other humanities subjects?

    Currently, the issue of introducing the oral part of the Unified State Exam in other humanitarian subjects is under study.

    1. How will KIMs for blind children on history be printed? Will they include maps, paintings or architectural buildings?

    For blind participants of the Unified State Exam, history test materials will be printed in Braille. There are no tasks for working with historical maps and illustrative material in these control measurement materials. They are replaced by tasks in which, instead of a map, a description is given, for example, of military operations, and instead of an illustration, a description of a cultural monument is given.

    Control measuring materials underwent a special examination, which established the possibility of their use in the exam for participants with disabilities.

    1. Do students of secondary schools with disabilities who finish 11th grade and choose the GVE form to take the State Exam due to its ease, have the opportunity to enter a university? And what do you need to do for this?

    Admission to bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs on the basis of secondary general education is carried out on the basis of the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam), assessed on a 100-point scale, which are recognized as the results of entrance tests.

    If a participant with a disability chooses the GVE form to take the GIA, then in order to enter the university he will need to pass the entrance tests conducted by the university independently.

    1. I took the Unified State Exam in 2014 and entered the university. But now I want to enter another university and a different specialty. To do this, I need to pass one more subject, which I have not taken before; I took the other three two years ago, but signed up for them too. Please tell me, will my old results remain if I take these subjects again this year, but get a lower score?

    The Unified State Exam results you received in 2014 are valid until 2018 inclusive.

    Thus, you can choose the list of required exams, including those to improve the results of previous years, and when entering a university you can choose the best of these results in any combination.

    1. I signed up for the Unified State Exam in history, but now I want to take social studies. Can I change the subject and take the Unified State Exam in Social Studies this year?

    According to the GIA-11 procedure, students can change (add) the choice of an academic subject (list of academic subjects) after February 1 if they have valid reasons (illness or other documented circumstances).

    In this case, the student submits an application to the state examination commission indicating the amended list of academic subjects for which he plans to take the Unified State Exam and the reasons for changing the previously declared list. This application must be submitted no later than two weeks before the start of the relevant exams. If the State Examination Committee considers your reasons valid, you will be able to participate in the social studies exam this year.

    If you changed your mind about which subjects you chose to take, or forgot to indicate the subject you needed in your application for participation in the Unified State Exam, this is not a valid reason for changing your subject choice. You will be able to pass social studies in a year by submitting an application for this within the established deadlines to the places of registration, which are determined by the regional educational authorities.

    1. Will anyone who gets a bad mark in any subject in 11th grade be allowed to take the Unified State Examination?

    In order for a graduate to receive admission to the Unified State Exam, his annual grades in all academic subjects of the curriculum for grades 10 and 11 must be at least satisfactory. Also, mandatory conditions for admission of 11th grade graduates to the Unified State Examination are a pass for an essay (presentation) and the absence of academic debt.

    1. If I mess up an exam form, can it be replaced?

    If, in your opinion, the form is damaged, you need to invite the organizer to assess whether the form is really damaged or whether it is enough to make corrections to it. Misprints or typos (in the registration form or in answer form No. 1 or No. 2) are not grounds for substitution.

    You must keep in mind that you cannot change the form separately from the individual kit. Only the entire set is changed; the exam tasks will also be completely replaced.

    Replacement of forms can be carried out only before the start of assignments. If the form was damaged during the exam period, then the entire set must be handed over to the organizer in the classroom and leave the exam point. In this case, by decision of the State Examination Committee, you will be allowed to take the exam in this subject on a reserve day.

    1. Can my points be reduced on appeal?

    When considering an appeal, the conflict commission completely rechecks the examination work. After re-checking, scores may change either upward or downward if incorrect answers and inaccuracies are identified that were not noticed during the first check.

    1. How many days after consideration of the appeal will the results be known?

    The decision of the conflict commission on appeals regarding disagreement with the assigned points is announced on the day of the meeting of such a commission. Next, the results are sent for recalculation (if they have changed) and brought to the attention of the participants within the standard time frame within at least seven working days.

    1. Am I required to provide printed essay forms when applying to a university?

    Universities have the opportunity to view scanned images of essay forms in a specialized system. When applying for admission, the applicant indicates only the desire to submit the final essay as an individual achievement.

      1. What goals do you think should be served by monitoring studies assessing the quality of education? How and for what should the results of regional monitoring be used in educational organizations?

      First of all, the results can and should be used to identify problem areas, develop programs to improve the quality of education, and training programs for specialists in the field of education. They can also be used for an objective assessment of the results obtained at the school level with subsequent work on a program for the development of education in the region. After all, if according to all monitoring a school shows poor results, then it needs help!

      1. My child participated in NIKO (5th grade testing in mathematics). We got the results, but I would like to see a proven work. Is it possible to do this? If so, how?

      It is possible to see work and scores. The verification took place remotely in electronic form, so the verification itself is impossible to see. To get acquainted with the work and results of the inspection, you can contact Rosobrnadzor or use the contacts on the website

        1. If schools conduct All-Russian testing on their own, won’t this lead to falsification of results and distortion of students’ real knowledge? After all, low grades of student work will have a bad impact on the image of the school?

        All-Russian testing works (VPR) are diagnostic works that are carried out to assess the individual achievements of schoolchildren, and their integral results can be used to formulate development programs for the education systems of municipalities and regions. The direct organizer of the VPR will be the school itself, with the coordination of the municipality and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. At the federal level, the development of unified versions of test work is ensured in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, with the further formation of a unified bank of tasks. Here, rather, it’s the other way around - a negative result will be a sign that the school, diagnosing itself honestly, needs help in developing measures to overcome the identified difficulties and forming a development program.

        1. How often will inspection work be carried out?

        2 times a year (autumn and spring).

        1. Will it be possible to see the results of the testing work?

        All-Russian testing is carried out by the school. Therefore, the work can be viewed at school.

        1. This academic year it is planned to conduct All-Russian testing in grades 4-5 (hereinafter referred to as VPR). Based on the results of the VPR, is it possible to obtain the results of verification work for the subject or municipality? Will it be possible to evaluate school results at the city, region, and country level?

        Yes, there is such a possibility.

        1. Is the possibility of introducing a final assessment in grades 4, similar to final exams in grades 9 and 11, being considered?

        No. The school itself determines the form of intermediate certification for 4th grade students.

        1. Are there plans to introduce final certification (mini Unified State Exam) in 4 grades?

        There are no plans for a mini Unified State Examination. It is planned to test and carry out diagnostic work (similarly test work), which are carried out to assess the individual achievements of students - All-Russian testing works. They will be carried out by the schools themselves, but using uniform versions of tasks for the entire country, developed at the federal level. The data obtained will be used to monitor learning outcomes according to the Federal State Educational Standard for primary schools.

The main, or mandatory, state exam is a form of state certification for ninth-graders. Schoolchildren take four subjects: two compulsory - Russian language and mathematics, and two electives.

Why is the OGE so important?

If you fail one or more subjects after all your attempts, you will be given a certificate. With it, you can try to enroll in a college or technical school, and after a year try to take the OGE again.

Is it really that bad to study in college? No, on the contrary, you will be able to get a sought-after profession earlier than your peers and quickly get on your feet. But there are some nuances that few people pay attention to.

  • Technical schools and colleges, like universities, value their reputation, so they don’t hire inveterate poor students everywhere, and if they do, it’s on a contract basis and then extremely reluctantly. The higher the average score of the certificate, the better the college you can choose.
  • The choice of specialties after 9th grade is limited, and in the future you will not be able to apply for high salary. If you are going to enroll in a college, then it is worth doing it after the 11th grade: there are many interesting specialties, studying is 2 times less, it is easier to continue your education at a university.

Therefore, even if you decide to go to college after 9th grade, we advise you to take the main state exam as seriously as possible. High scores are your ticket to a happy life.

What textbooks should I choose to prepare for the OGE?

In autumn, bookstores selling educational literature, are literally inundated with various collections of training tasks for preparing for the OGE. How to choose a guide that will be truly useful?

  • Firstly, real tasks for the OGE in all subjects are developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). That is, you will receive official sample assignments taking into account all the changes for the current academic year first-hand.
  • Secondly, thorough preparation according to the official collection significantly increases your chances of successfully passing the exam, because you solve everything standard options, which are as close as possible to the real ones.
  • Thirdly, unofficial manuals contain tasks from previous years’ versions or even similar collections. You can study for them to practice your skills, but the likelihood that you will encounter similar tests and texts in the exam is less than 30%.

How can I find out the manuals from the “FIPI for School” series? The cover design is made in the form of the Russian “tricolor”. The name of the series is written in the upper left corner, and just below there is a hologram. Be careful in the bookstore, don’t pick up the first collection you come across, pay attention to the authors and publisher.

Do not forget that you need to start preparing for the OGE in advance and it is best to do this under the guidance of a competent teacher. We wish you success!

Without a high school diploma, you cannot enter a university. Do grades on the certificate affect admission?

Only fives influence

When applying for admission, the average Unified State Examination score is taken into account, not the grades on the certificate. It’s another matter if the applicant received a medal “For special achievements in learning” (it is also called gold).

An honors certificate allows you to add several competitive points, the number of which universities set independently. For example, HSE is ready to add only 3 points to the gold medal winner.

By the way: the weekly “Arguments and Facts” reported back in the summer that the criteria for receiving a gold medal could change. If this happens, the results of the Unified State Exam will become even more significant, and the final grades will completely depreciate.

What increases your chances of getting in?

Achievements in university competitions are especially valued, as they prove the applicant’s stable interest in a particular university. It’s definitely worth participating, because you still have nothing to lose.

Details about the accrual of additional competition points should be found on the official website and in admissions committee the university of your choice. To find such information on the website, you need to go to the “Applicants” section and study the subsection “Accounting for individual achievements.”

There is always a rush during the admissions campaign at universities.

So you don't need a certificate?

Is a certificate important when entering a university? Almost none, unless you are going for gold. But even the medal “For special achievements in learning” has little effect on the final result.

However, the certificate will play decisive role, if on last place people with the same Unified State Exam scores apply. Then the one with the better grades will enter the university.

Conclusion: C students should not worry about their certificate. Let them make every effort to prepare for the unified state exam.

How to prepare for entering a university?

If the admission certificate is not important, what should you do?

  • Participate in Olympiads. If you have the ability, you should try yourself in the Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Victory will provide an opportunity to receive additional points and enter a university on preferential terms.
  • Prepare for the Unified State Examcourses. The main emphasis should be on preparing for the Unified State Examination. According to statistics, the passing score increases every year.
  • Follow updates. Already now we need to start monitoring up-to-date information on directions, minimum scores and costs of studying at universities.